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The Emancipation of Biblical Philology

in the Dutch Republic, 1590-1670 Dirk

Van Miert
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T H E D U T C H R E P U B L IC , 1 5 9 0 – 1 6 7 0
The Emancipation
of Biblical Philology
in the Dutch Republic,


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For Sarah and Myriam

This book was written in the context of a research project on ‘Biblical Criticism
in the Seventeenth Century’ (project no. 360-25-090), financed by the
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), led by Piet
Steenbakkers (Utrecht University) and Henk Nellen (Huygens Institute for the
History of the Netherlands—Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences).
Apart from the continuous support and critical input of these two people, I am
heavily indebted to Jetze Touber, who as a fourth researcher on this project has
written a monograph on biblical philology in the Dutch Republic after Spinoza.
All three have read this entire monograph in various stages of (non-)comple-
tion, and I have benefitted immensely from their comments, in particular from
Jetze’s, and from the many discussions the four of us have conducted over the
I am also grateful to Huygens ING and its executive board for having me
hosted for the more than three years it took to conduct my research in what
proved to be the most stimulating environment I could ever have wished for. I
owe special thanks to all members of the research group History of Science, and
notably to Charles van den Heuvel and Eric Jorink.
I am indebted to numerous colleagues who have read drafts and provided
comments and critique so solid that it often left me doubting the wisdom of
having signed up for this research. I single out Jan Bloemendal, Theodor
Dunkelgrün, Paul Gillaerts, Henk Jan de Jonge, Anthony Ossa-Richardson,
and a number of anonymous referees who commented on parts (originally) of
chapters 3 and 6, which were submitted to journals in revised form as inde-
pendent articles. The responses of audiences at various conferences, symposia,
and workshops in Amsterdam, Oxford, Leuven, Innsbruck, and Utrecht have,
in subtle ways, fed into this book.
I owe a very special thanks to James Gibbons, a very acute and knowledgeable
editor who polished up my English almost beyond recognition and put his
finger on a number of important inconsistencies. I also thank Mark Rogers for
scrutinizing the text.
Most of all, I am grateful for the unabated support of Geer, who kept me
going every time I lost confidence. This book is dedicated to our daughters,
Sarah and Myriam. In the years that they were born, during the protracted final
stages of editing this book, I realized how foolish it is to compare the writing
and publishing of libri with the carrying and delivery of liberi.

List of Illustrations xi
Preface xiii

Introduction: Biblical Philology in the Sixteenth Century 1

Classical Philology and Biblical Philology 1
Biblical Philology before and during the Reformation 3
Biblical Philology in the ‘Golden Age’ 11
Tolerance and the Institutions of Control: The Hand that Feeds  14
The Erosion of the Authority of Tradition 14
England, Switzerland, France, and Germany 16
Central Question and Sub-Questions 21
1. Joseph Scaliger: The Power of Philology (1590–1609) 22
1.1. Scaliger, Philologist 22
1.2. Scaliger’s Biblical Philological Annotations as Printed
Posthumously in his Letters 26
1.3. Scaliger’s Biblical Philology in his Unpublished Letters
to De Thou and to Seguin29
1.4. Scaliger’s Biblical Philology in the Scaligerana36
1.5. Scaliger’s Biblical Philology in the Margins of his Books 47
1.6. The Limits of Freedom 49
2. Biblical Philology: Nothing Radical (1609–1619) 53
2.1. The Limits of Philology 53
2.2. The Controversy Starts 54
2.3. Jacobus Arminius 55
2.4. Franciscus Gomarus: The Biblical Philologist 63
2.5. Johannes Drusius 69
2.6. Hugo Grotius’s De imperio and Ordinum pietas73
2.7. Conclusions 76
3. Mobilizing Biblical Philology: The States’ Translation (1619–1637) 78
3.1. Philology: Handmaiden to Philology 78
3.2. Making the States’ Translation 78
3.3. Revising the Old Testament States’ Translation 86
3.4. Revising the New Testament 93
3.5. The Use of the States’ Translation 100
4. The Biblical Philology of Daniel Heinsius (1619–1640) 103
4.1. Heinsius: Leiden’s Star 103
x Contents

4.2. Heinsius’s Biblical Philology 105

4.3. Heinsius and Selden 125
4.4. Conclusions 129
5. Grotius’s Annotationes on the Bible (1619–1645) 133
5.1. Grotius and the Utility of Philology 133
5.2. Making the Annotationes133
5.3. Contents of the Annotationes141
5.4. Reception of the Annotationes163
5.5. Conclusions 165
6. Claude Saumaise and the ‘Hairy War’ (1640–1650) 170
6.1. The Outbreak of the Hairy War 170
6.2. Historical Contexts 172
6.3. Against Long Hair on Men: Udemans and Borstius 175
6.4. Florentius Schuyl 179
6.5. Non-biblical Assessments 183
6.6. Saumaise Enters the Fray 185
6.7. A Latin Utopian Satire 189
6.8. Conclusions 191
7. Radical Philology: Isaac de La Peyrère (1643–1660) 193
7.1. Isaac de La Peyrère and the Salmasian Network 193
7.2. La Peyrère’s Use of Saumaise and Scaliger 198
7.3. La Peyrère’s Biblical Philology 201
7.4. First Responses to Du Rappel des Iuifs204
7.5. First Responses to the Praeadamitae207
7.6. Conclusions 211
8. On the Eve of Spinoza: The Rise of Biblical Philology (1650–1670) 213
8.1. The Status of the Masoretic Text 213
8.2. Textual Criticism and Antiquarianism 214
8.3. Isaac Vossius and Chronology 220
8.4. On the Eve of Spinoza 225
8.5. Conclusions 229
Conclusion: The Emancipation of Biblical Philology (1590–1670) 231
Philology: A Neutral Instrument or an Intrinsic
Force of Change? 231
Socioeconomic Positions 239
Fashioning Biblical Philology 245
General Index281
Index Locorum Biblicorum294
List of Illustrations

  Figure 1. The first page of the States’ Translation (1637). Image by courtesy
of Leiden University Library (shelf mark 1194 A 5). 91
  Figure 2. Godefridus Udemans, engraving by Johannes Saragon, 1635.
Eight years before the outbreak of the Hairy War, he still had
some hair. Image by courtesy of Leiden University Library
(shelf mark PK-P-111.612). 176
  Figure 3. Polyander à Kerckhoven at seventy-seven, engraving by Cornelis
van Dalen (I), after a painting by David Baudringien, 1645. Image
by courtesy of the Rijksmuseum (shelf mark RP-P-BI-6714). 184
  Figure 4. The long-haired Florentius Schuyl in 1666; portrait (oil on copper)
by Frans van Mieris the Elder. Image by courtesy of Mauritshuis,
The Hague (Inventory Number 107). 185
  Figure 5. A coin with the head of Moses (Saumaise, Epistola ad Colvium, 79).
Image by courtesy of Leiden University Library (shelf mark 603 G 1). 188
  Figure 6. A coin, with the head of Moses (Schickardus,Tarich, 34). Image
by courtesy of Leiden University Library (shelf mark 388 C 14). 188
  Figure 7. El Streto d’Anián (detail of a map in the paratext of the 2nd edition
of the States’ Translation (1657)). Image by courtesy of Leiden
University Library (shelf mark 1169 A 2). 219
Preface: What This Book is (Not) About

Around 1604, the famous French scholar Joseph Scaliger confided something
to his boarding students:
There are more than fifty additions or changes to the New Testament and to the
Gospels. It’s a strange case, I dare not say it. If it were a pagan author, I would speak
of it differently.1
This often-quoted passage reveals a great deal about the deconstructive power
of philology in general and of biblical philology in particular. This book deals
with the emancipation of biblical philology and this development’s conse-
quences for the authority of the Bible.
I understand ‘(biblical) philology’ to be the study of a (biblical) text by means
of textual criticism, linguistic analysis, and historical contextualization. These
terms are anachronistic in that the writers and scholars in the period under
consideration would not have understood what they were doing in this way,
but they are apt terms for what I aim to describe. The broad sense in which I use
textual criticism includes the identification of variant readings (and sometimes
opting for the best one) through the collation of manuscripts or on the basis of
comparisons of the Hebrew and Greek texts with the Septuagint and the
Vulgate; it also includes conjectural emendations. By linguistic analysis I mean
the discussion of semantics and syntax, which seventeenth-century scholars
often conducted by comparing different translations. Linguistic analysis in this
book encompasses the meanings and ambiguities of words, the study of idiomatic
expressions, and the sociolinguistic situation of the biblical authors. Historical
contextualization is my label for analyses of the political, military, religious
(ritual, calendrical, theological), and cultural situations in which the biblical
texts took shape, including aspects of material culture. Much of this historical
contextualization involved biblical antiquarianism. Perhaps one might as well
speak of ‘historical criticism’.2
I will consistently refer to this triad to avoid confusion with the term ‘biblical
exegesis’, which people use in the sense both of the study of textual or linguistic
criticism and the theological or dogmatic ‘interpretation’ of the text (more true
to the Greek meaning of the word). I will steer clear of dogmatic discussions if
these are not explicitly predicated in one way or another on textual criticism,

1 Secunda Scaligerana, 399, s.v. Josephe: ‘Il y a plus de 50 additions ou mutations au Nouveau
Testament et aux Evangiles; c’est chose estrange, je n’ose la dire; si c’estoit un Auteur profane, j’en
parlerois autrement.’
2 For the observation that philology had mutated into historical criticism by the end of the
sixteenth century, see Levitin, ‘From Sacred History to the History of Religion’, 1123.
xiv Preface: What This Book is (Not) About

linguistic analysis, or historical contextualization. I have used the term ‘biblical

criticism’ sparingly, because I reserve ‘criticism’ to denote textual criticism.
Besides, ‘critique’ may have unduly negative connotations for some readers less
familiar with the history of scholarship, whereas most biblical critics in fact
attempted to make the biblical text secure, not to destabilize it (the term indi-
cates the ability to make clear distinctions). In some cases, I will use the term
‘biblical scholarship’ to describe biblical philology as an endeavour and not so
much as a method.3
One last thing I will not do is to consider biblical hermeneutics, i.e., the
theorizing of the conditions that govern the interpretation of the text. Again,
philology (or criticism) in many cases is about these conditions (in particular
when explicitly treated as ars critica), but I have focused as much as possible on
practices and not on theory. More often than not, the quotidian practices car-
ried out in the thick bushes of annotations at the bottom or in the margins of
densely printed pages are not in line with the neat professions of faith pro-
claimed in prefaces.
For centuries, humanists had fought battles over the interpretations of clas-
sical texts. These discussions focused on textual variants, references in the texts
to historical and mythological circumstances, meanings of words, comparisons
of Latin texts with their Greek models, rhetorical structures, literary analyses,
and implicit historical contexts. Having cut their teeth on these pagan texts,
classical philologists found themselves on dangerous ground if they turned
away from Greek and Roman antiquity and ventured to apply their sharp
philological tools to antiquity’s supreme book: the Bible. Scaliger’s apprehen-
sion, as evident from the quotation that appears at the beginning of this pref-
ace, was justified: philology eventually contributed significantly to the erosion
of scriptural authority. But it did so in ways that were by no means straightfor-
ward or intentional.
Philology as a method lay at the foundation of the Protestant principle of
sola scriptura. For at least a century-and-a-half, between Erasmus and Spinoza,
Protestant scholars mobilized philology to secure the authority of Scripture
against the Church of Rome, which defended the Vulgate, the late-fourth-­century
Latin translation attributed in its entirety to Jerome. Hermeneutical theories
about the role that ought to be assigned to philology differed from one exegete
to the next. I point out that such theories were usually governed by larger

3 Lloyd-Jones, ‘Introduction’, vii, explaining why Wilamowitz-Moellendorff ’s Geschichte der

Philologie was translated into English as History of Classical Scholarship, notes (in 1982) that ‘for
most people “philology” has come to mean “comparative philology”, and “comparative philology”
means “comparative study of language”’. As Sheldon Pollock noted in an oft-cited article, philology
to some literary critics means the art of slow reading. I use a more restricted definition than
Pollock’s rather inclusive rough working definition of philology as ‘the discipline of making sense
of texts. It is not the theory of language—that’s linguistics—or the theory of meaning or truth—
that’s philosophy—but the theory of textuality as well as the history of textualized meaning.’ See
Pollock, ‘Future Philology?’, 934.
Preface: What This Book is (Not) About xv

c­ oncerns over religious, political, or philosophical interests and ideas. Had

they not been, philology would have been left only the emphasizing of particu-
larities and the deconstruction of larger narratives. And if a larger framework
were absent, how could one evaluate the evidence brought by philologists,
who tended to disagree among themselves perhaps as often as theologians or
philosophers did?4
Although it was by no means self-evident that philology undermined the
authority of Scripture, this study assumes that in the long run, biblical philology
did contribute significantly to this erosion. It attempts to describe and analyse
part of this process. The present monograph shows how Jacob Arminius,
Franciscus Gomarus, the translators and revisers of the States’ Translation (the
Dutch Authorized Version of 1637), Daniel Heinsius, Hugo Grotius, Claude
Saumaise, Isaac de La Peyrère, and Isaac Vossius all drew on techniques devel-
oped by classical scholars of Renaissance humanism, notably Scaliger, who
devoted themselves to the study of manuscripts, Near Eastern languages, and
ancient history. I will assess and compare the accomplishments of these scholars
in textual criticism, the analysis of languages, and the reconstruction of political
and cultural historical contexts, and I hope to demonstrate that their methods
were closely linked. The selections of texts of these scholars, studied below, are
based on two criteria. First, most were in one way or another connected to
Scaliger, although this does not apply to the majority of the people responsible
for the States’ Translation. A second criterion is that the texts discussed below
have thus far received only scant attention. The biblical philology of Scaliger has
been well studied, and Drusius’s annotations on the New Testament, Gomarus’s
Davidis Lyra, Grotius’s Annotationes, La Peyrère’s Praeadamitae, and Isaac
Vossius’s On the True Age of the World have also received some attention, but
much more can be said about these and other works. Arminius’s biblical
­philology has never been studied, and this book presents the most elaborate
account to date of the making of the States’ Translation, of Heinsius’s Aristarchus
sacer and Sacrae exercitationes, and of the contributions to the discussion of
men with long hair by Saumaise and others. It also, and for the first time, examines
the earliest responses to La Peyrère, which can be found in disputations
defended at Leiden University. In addition, it draws on unpublished corres-
pondence to and from Heinsius and on a number of pamphlets that have never
before been discussed. Admittedly, this study might also have taken into
account the accomplishments, obvious from a number of existing studies, of
Thomas Erpenius, Jacobus Golius, Sixtinus Amama, Ludovicus de Dieu, and
Constantin L’Empereur. They would have contributed much to enforcing the
concept of a ‘Scaliger school’ centred in Leiden, but as I am neither a Hebraist
nor an Arabist, I found it wiser not to treat these scholars’ works.

4 Hardy, ‘Impartiality’, 299.

xvi Preface: What This Book is (Not) About

I have limited myself geographically to the Dutch Republic and chronologically

to the years beginning with the zenith of Joseph Scaliger’s stardom in the 1590s
and ending with the publication of Spinoza’s outrageous Theological-Political
Treatise in 1670. First, a note on chonology. Historians have designated this
period as a ‘pre-critical’ period.5 This book argues that this label makes little
sense. A number of recent dissertations have underscored that there was a great
deal of very critical biblical scholarship and antiquarianism in this ‘pre-critical’
In the decades covered in the chapters to follow, sophisticated biblical
philology went from being a speciality of classical scholars like Joseph Scaliger
and developed into the liberal arts’ most fashionable research subject. In the
1640s, biblical philology spread beyond academia and found its way in the
vernacular to a large audience. It then evolved into an academic teaching sub-
ject in the 1650s. On the whole, philology achieved a degree of independence
from theology, hence the word ‘emancipation’ in the title of this book.
It was in this period that whoever wanted to count as a scholar to be reck-
oned with in the highly contentious Republic of Letters turned towards the
Bible. ‘Doing’ biblical philology required not just profound knowledge of Latin,
Greek, and, of course, Hebrew, but also familiarity with Aramaic, Syriac, and
Arabic. In the period 1620–1650 in particular, classical philology gave way to
biblical philology. Grotius, Saumaise, and John Selden, the triumvirate of the
Republic of Letters who succeeded Justus Lipsius, Scaliger, and Isaac Casaubon,
figured as emblems of learning and as models setting the agenda for biblical
philology. Scaliger contributed profoundly to this shift in orientation through
his students Heinsius and Grotius. Saumaise, too, can in many ways be considered
Scaliger’s student. They were three of the most eminent representatives of a
much broader fashion of biblical philology, which featured scholars like
father and son Buxtorf, Jean Morin, Louis Cappel, La Peyrère, Isaac Vossius,
and Brian Walton. They built on the Herculean labours of the makers of the
Antwerp Polyglot (1568–1573) and on the work of Christian Hebraists such as
Johannes Drusius Sr and Sixtinus Amama, and they were heavily indebted to
the history of patristic authors advanced by Melchior Cano, Cesare Baronio,
and Casaubon.
A major development in the spread of biblical philology and the growing
currency of the historical evaluation of the Bible was the appearance of biblical
studies conducted in the vernacular. Since the early 1640s, biblical philology in
the United Provinces increasingly found its way to press in Dutch instead of in

5 See Steiger, ‘The Development of the Reformation Legacy’, 700, who singles out Gotlobb
Wilhelm Meyer, Hans-Joachim Krause, and Henning Graf Reventlow as originating the idea of a
‘precritical’ period. For Simon as the watershed between a pre-critical and a critical era, see
Gibert, ‘The Catholic Counterpart’, 763 and 767.
6 Shalev, Sacred Words and Worlds; Dunkelgrün, ‘The Multiplicity of Scripture’; McDonald,
Biblical Criticism.
Preface: What This Book is (Not) About xvii

Latin. The appearance of the States’ Translation in 1637 might have something
to do with this development. The translators of the States’ Translation pored
over manuscripts, ancient and recent translations, and a library of critical
apparatuses to provide their readers with a faithful vernacular version of God’s
Word. The printed marginalia of the edition bear traces of many of their philo-
logical discussions. It would require a separate monograph to address the
impact of the translators’ choices and their marginal annotations, but suffice it
to say here that the States’ Translation was a point of reference in polemics over
historical aspects of the Bible, such as the Sabbath, practices of usury, fashion
in hair, the antiquity of the world, and the origin of nations, which were partly
translated into Dutch or appeared in Dutch straightaway. These controversies
opened up biblical philology for larger segments of the population, including
women. They broadcast what had become a mainstream debate among philolo-
gists about the reconciliation of the growing historicity of the biblical text with
its authority as a guide for moral conduct.7 Crossing the linguistic boundary
was recognized as threatening when it concerned unorthodox ideas. When
discussed within the exclusive circle of Latinate ‘professionals’, such ideas might
be tolerated, but when they hit the presses in the vernacular, censorship was not
far away. Even women could then read what the highly educated men were
Finally, biblical philology started to appear on the curricula of Dutch univer-
sities in the 1650s, when students defended disputations that did not merely
uphold the self-evidence and perspicuity of Scripture, as they had done in
previous decades, but that also dealt with questions of a philological nature.
As to geography, Leiden University takes centre stage. Scaliger lived and
worked in Leiden during his most influential years. Spinoza’s house in Rijnsburg
was about an hour-and-a-half ’s walk from Leiden University. Scaliger’s stu-
dents Grotius and Heinsius were raised in Leiden. Drusius and Gomarus
participated, from highly different perspectives, in the great debate over
Remonstrantism in the 1610s, which brought the Dutch Republic to the brink
of civil war, and both were accomplished biblical critics. Saumaise practised
biblical philology in Leiden as well, where he was frequently joined by the
young Vossius. La Peyrère was inspired by Saumaise when he met him in
Leiden and before he provoked Vossius to enter the fray of biblical philology.
This is to say that some of the major protagonists in the history of biblical
philology of the first half of the seventeenth century had a strong connection
with Leiden. So deeply influenced were they by Scaliger that one might speak
of a ‘Scaliger school’: Scaliger exerted a huge ‘programmatic influence’.8 In
England, for example, seventeenth-century scholars of natural philosophy and

7 Levitin, ‘From Sacred History to the History of Religion’, 1127; Malcolm, Aspects of
Hobbes, 420.
8 Levitin, ‘From Sacred History to the History of Religion’, 1124.
xviii Preface: What This Book is (Not) About

theology, orthodox and heterodox alike, all invested heavily in the type of critical
and humanist scholarship that had been developed on the continent by the likes
of Scaliger and Isaac Casaubon (1559–1614): a textual-critical and sociolinguistic
approach, sensitive to the unique cultural contexts of texts from antiquity.9
One such influence was Scaliger’s interest in Near Eastern languages. In his
wake, scholars such as Thomas Erpenius, Jacobus Golius, and Constantin
L’Empereur made Leiden an intellectual powerhouse of Arabic and Hebrew
studies, at a time when Franeker University had also become a stronghold of
Hebrew studies. The study of Maimonides in particular proved a stimulus for
the development of biblical philology.10
Admittedly, these chronological and geographical limitations are practical,
if not arbitrary. Surely, Valla and Erasmus, Bombergh and Benito Arias Montano
(1527–1598), Beza and Henricus Stephanus (Henri Estienne), to name but a
few, are part of a grand narrative which could be extended further back into the
sixteenth century than I have done here.11 Surely, too, scholars in France,
the Vatican, the Habsburg Empire, England, the German countries, just as the
biblical critics in Scandinavian regions and Central and Eastern European
­territories, take an active part in this history, as chapter 1 demonstrates.
My goal, then, is limited: this book presents but one part of a much larger
story. But it is a part that deals with a crucial period and place, when biblical
philology was on the eve of turning radical. The widely entrenched tradition of
biblical philology, with all its rival confessional agendas and political interests,
was not only firmly in place, but even proved popular when Spinoza seized on
it in his Theological-Political Treatise. How Spinoza precisely did this is not the
subject of this study. Anthony Grafton, following previous aborted attempts by
now largely forgotten scholars, has recently demonstrated that Spinoza, in the
philological chapters of the Treatise, was indeed intimately, if not perfectly,
familiar with this tradition. What I want to show is that, before Spinoza, more
people than ever before were well aware that the biblical text posed textual,
linguistic, and historical problems and that these, ironically, became more
­serious with every new attempt to solve them.
To better understand the pertinent chronology and geography, however, it
seems wise to provide, by way of an introduction in chapter 1, an admittedly
very general chronological and geographical survey of the tradition of biblical
philology, of which this book treats only one part.
Of course, the history of biblical philology in the Renaissance should be, and
has been, considered in the context of other crucial developments, notably in
natural history (or physics), astronomy (or mathematics), and philosophy.

9 Levitin, Ancient Wisdom, 19, 71, 119–23, 455, 538.

10 Katchen, Christian Hebraists, passim.
11 See Levitin, ‘From Sacred History to the History of Religion’, 1125, for the observation that
historians are shifting the rise of biblical criticism to pre-Spinozan periods.
Preface: What This Book is (Not) About xix

Profound epistemological changes in these fields influenced the reading of the

Bible and did not cease doing so. It has become clear, for example, that defend-
ers of Copernicanism recognized that the Bible consists of historical texts and
that the Bible was written in a language attuned to people at a certain time and
place in history. This idea of ‘accommodation’ highlighted the historicity of the
Bible. Kepler understood the historicity of the Bible, and so did Newton, who
acknowledged that the text of Scripture had been corrupted and took refuge in
philology next to natural philosophy and history, in an attempt to penetrate as
deeply as possible into God’s creation.12 The accommodation theory played an
important role in the discussion about miracles, in which knowledge of nature
seemed to clash with revelation. But the relation between scientiae such as
natural science and biblical philology on the one hand, and biblical authority
on the other, was by no means straightforward. As Brad Gregory has recently
stated, the natural sciences, no less than textual biblical philology per se, ‘did
not and could not have demonstrated that miracles had not or could not have
Nor can the polemics over the Bible be understood without taking into
account the advanced spread of information due to the printing press, the
widening of the European horizon due to contact with the Americas, or the
new observations of flora, fauna, and astronomical phenomena and their
implications for the relation between the readings of the ‘two Books’: the Bible
and the Book of Nature. The New Philosophy and the erosion of the Aristotelian
worldview showed that theology and philosophy were, as they always had been,
intimately connected, despite the attempts of Descartes and his adversaries to
keep them apart.
Whether classical and biblical philology was stimulated by Baconian ideas
concerning the value of fact-finding, accumulation, and organization is also
a question not dealt with in this monograph. I do suggest, however, that
biblical philology was rooted in a humanist tradition that preceded the rise of
Baconianism, Cartesianism, and Spinozism. In my view, the rise of the New
Sciences (I consciously avoid the contested and perhaps out-dated term
‘Scientific Revolution’), and in particular of observational and experimental
practices, was connected, in ways we still need to establish, to the intrinsically
empirical epistemology which informed the exercise of philology.14 Philologists
were trained to collect and compare data, to look for regularities, and to come
up with hypotheses (conjectures) to explain anomalies, and to submit them to
scrutiny by discussing them in letters or presenting them in publications.
Humanist philology was a highly social enterprise, conducted by citizens of the

12 Methuen, ‘On the Threshold of a New Age’, 272 (Copernicans), 277 (Kepler) and 687
(Newton); Wiles, ‘Newton and the Bible’.
13 Gregory, The Unintended Reformation, 63 and 413, note 116. My emphasis.
14 Van Miert, ‘Philology and Empiricism’.
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to aspire.” According to the emperor’s opinion, as soon as Louis
Napoleon desired to make himself emperor he would become a
usurper, because he did not possess the divine right—he would be
emperor in fact but never by right; in a word, “a second Louis
Philippe, less the odious character of that scoundrel.”
When the French diplomatic representatives
[1853 a.d.] in St. Petersburg and Warsaw evidenced an
intention to celebrate the 15th of August, the
emperor Nicholas drew up the following resolution: “A public church
service for Napoleon cannot be allowed, because he ceased to be
emperor, being banished and confined to the island of St. Helena.
There is no propriety in celebrating the birthday of the late Napoleon
in our country, whence he was despatched with befitting honour.”
The Napoleonic empire had already transcended the limits which the
emperor Nicholas would at one time have allowed; it was in direct
contradiction to the stipulations of the congress of Vienna, which
formed the basis of the national law of Europe. The emperor’s allies,
however, looked on the matter somewhat differently. Austria and
Prussia recognised Napoleon III; it therefore only remained to the
emperor Nicholas, against his will, to follow their example; but still he
departed from the usually accepted diplomatic forms, and in his letter
to Napoleon III he did not call him brother, but “le bon ami” (good
friend). Soon on the political horizon appeared the Eastern question,
artfully put forward with a secret motive by Napoleon III; his cunning
calculations were justified without delay; the Russian troops crossed
the Pruth in 1853, and occupied the principality, as a guarantee, until
the demands presented to the Ottoman Porte by the emperor
Nicholas were complied with. Austrian ingratitude opened a safe
path for the snares of Anglo-French diplomacy. The Eastern War
began, at first upon Turkish territory and afterwards concentrated
itself in the Crimean peninsula around Sebastopol; France, England,
and afterwards, in 1855, little Sardinia, in alliance with Turkey, took
up arms against Russia; on the side of the allies lay the sympathy of
all neutral Europe, which already dreamed of wresting Russia’s
conquests from her.b

The revolution of July, 1830, by threatening Europe with the ideas

then triumphing in France, had tightened the bonds, previously a
little relaxed, between the czar and the two great German powers,
Austria and Prussia. Independently of diplomatic conferences, the
three monarchs had frequent interviews for the purpose of adopting
measures to oppose the invasion of the revolutionary principle. Even
whilst affecting to abandon the west to the dissolution towards which
he felt it was marching, and to regard it as afflicted with approaching
senility, Nicholas by no means lost sight of its development. But the
East, then in combustion, remained the true mark of Russian policy.
A movement was on foot for the overthrow of the declining Ottoman
power, and its substitution by an Arab power, inaugurated by
Muhammed Ali, the pasha of Egypt. France regarded this movement
with no unfriendly eye, but Russia entered a protest. By giving the
most colossal proportions to this Eastern Question, which extended
as far as the countries of central Asia, the situation created grave
embarrassments for the British government. For, to begin with,
when, in 1833, Ibrahim Pasha, at the head of the Egyptian army, was
ready to cross the Taurus and march on Constantinople, within two
months the northern power (summoned to aid by that very sultan
whom Russia had hitherto so greatly humiliated) landed on the
Asiatic coast of the Bosporus a body of fifteen thousand men in
readiness to protect that capital; then the secret treaty of Unkiar-
Skelessi (July 8th, 1833) granted her, as the price of an offensive
and defensive alliance with the Porte, the withdrawal in her exclusive
favour of the prohibition forbidding armed vessels of foreign nations
to enter the waters of Constantinople; finally, by the conclusion of the
Treaty of London July 15th, 1840, which left France, still obstinately
attached to the cause of Muhammed Ali, outside the European
concert, she had the joy of causing the rupture of the entente
cordiale between that country and Great Britain—but only
momentarily, for a new treaty, concluded the 13th of July, 1841,
likewise in London, readmitted the French government to the
The events of the year 1848, by bringing back the Russians into
Moldavia and Wallachia, afforded Europe new apprehensions
relative to the preservation, growing daily more difficult, of the
Ottoman Empire and the political balance, the latter of which was
seriously threatened if not destroyed by the colossus of the north,
with its population now increased to as much as sixty-five million
souls. But Germany was absorbed by the serious situation of her
own affairs, to which the czar was far from remaining a stranger; and
the latter linked himself by new ties to Austria, in whose favour he
had already renounced his share in the protectorate over the
republic of Cracow, when at the request of the Vienna cabinet he
marched against insurgent Hungary (June, 1849) an army which
beat the insurrectionary forces, compelled them to submission, and
thus closed the abyss in which one of the oldest monarchies of
Christendom was about to be engulfed. Then, in 1850, chosen as
arbiter between Austria and Prussia, who were on the point of a
rupture, the czar turned the scale in favour of Austria, and kept
Prussia in check by threats.
“Austria will soon astonish the world by her immense ingratitude”:
this famous prophetic saying of Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg,
prime minister of the young emperor Francis Joseph, was not slow of
accomplishment. The ingratitude was a necessity which the history
of Austria explains; for in her case, as for the rest of Europe, the
continued and immoderate aggrandisement of Russia was the
greatest of dangers. This leads us, in finishing this general glance
over the history of the period, to say a word on the complications
which, at the moment of the empire’s attaining its apogee,
commenced for it a new phase.
We have elsewhere explained the final cause of the decay of
Turkey. That decay was consummated in favour of the northern
neighbour who followed with attentive gaze the progress of what she
called the death struggle. Certain words pronounced by the autocrat
on this subject, and consigned to diplomatic despatches, had, not
long ago, a great circulation. But the influence of Russia was
counterbalanced by that of France and that of Great Britain. The
cabinets of Paris and Vienna obtained important concessions, we
might say diplomatic triumphs, from Constantinople—the one in
relation to the Holy Places, the other on the subject of Montenegro.
Russian jealousy immediately awoke. According to the czar, Turkey
had a choice between two things only: she must regard Prussia as
either her greatest friend or her greatest enemy. To remind her of
this, and to neutralise the embassy of the prince of Linanges on
behalf of Austria, Nicholas sent Prince Menshikov, one of his
ministers and confidants, to Constantinople. Arriving February 28th,
1853, Menshikov exhibited a haughty and irritable demeanour; and,
after astonishing the Divan by his noisy opposition, put forward
pretensions relative to the Holy Places which were only designed to
lull the vigilance of England, but were soon followed by others more
serious and exorbitant; for they amounted to nothing less than the
restoration to the czar of the protectorate over all the sultan’s
subjects professing the Græco-Russian worship—that is to say the
great majority of the inhabitants of Turkey in Europe.


In vain the Divan protested; in vain the friendly powers interceded.

Unable to obtain the satisfaction he was demanding with the extreme
of violence, the Russian ambassador extraordinary quitted the
Bosporous with menace on his lips. And, in effect, on the 2nd of July,
the czar’s troops crossed the Pruth to occupy, contrary to all treaty
stipulations, the two Danubian principalities. Nicholas was not
prepared for war and did not expect to be obliged to have recourse
to that last appeal; he hoped to triumph over the Divan by audacity.
Moreover, he did not think the western powers were in a position to
come to an understanding and to act in common. He was mistaken:
Turkey’s death struggle did not prevent her from making a supreme
effort to sell her life dearly, if it were impossible for her to save it; and
on the 26th of September the sultan declared war on the aggressor.
Hostilities began in the course of the month of October, first on the
Danube and afterwards in Asia, where a surprise made the Turks
masters of the little maritime fort of St. Nicholas or Chefketil. The
Porte was not long abandoned to its own resources, for the time of
political torpor in regard to the territorial aggrandisement of the
Muscovite colossus had gone by; the eyes of all were at last opened
and a European crisis was inevitable. At that moment, the fleets of
France and England were already at the entrance of the
Dardanelles; and even before the end of October these fine naval
armies passed the straits under the authority of a firman, and
approached Constantinople. In consequence of the position taken up
by these two states, the autocrat broke off relations with them in the
beginning of February, 1854. On the 21st of the same month he
informed his subjects of the fact in a manifesto, recalling to some
extent, by its tone, by its biblical references, and its exalted
language, the Treaty of the Holy Alliance. It may be worth while to
reproduce here the following passage:
“Against Russia fighting for orthodoxy England and France enter
the lists as champions of the enemies of Christianity. But Russia will
not fail in her sacred vocation; if the frontier is invaded by the enemy
we are ready to resist him with the energy of which our ancestors
have bequeathed us the example. Are we not to-day still the same
people whose valour was attested by the memorable displays of the
year 1812? May the Most High aid us to prove it by our deeds. In this
hope, and fighting for our oppressed brothers who confess the faith
of Christ, Russia will have but one heart and voice to cry: ‘God, our
Saviour! whom have we to fear? Let Christ arise and let his enemies
be scattered!’”


Thus, by an almost miraculous concourse of

[1854 a.d.] circumstances, an alliance was formed between
France and England, those two ancient and
ardent rivals. Preceded by a formal alliance with the Porte (March
12th), it was signed in London, April 10th, 1854. This was not all: this
memorable document was immediately submitted to the
governments of Austria and Prussia and sanctioned by a protocol
signed at Vienna by the four powers, by which the justice of the
cause sustained by those of the west was solemnly proclaimed.
Austria and Prussia laid down the conditions of their eventual
participation in the war in another treaty, that of Berlin, of the 20th of
April, 1854, to which the Germanic Confederation on its side gave its
adhesion. Finally at Baïadji-Keui, on the 14th of June, 1854, the
great Danubian power also concluded a treaty with the Ottoman
Porte, in virtue of which she was authorised to enter into military
occupation of the principalities, whether she should have previously
expelled the Russian army or whether the latter should of its own will
have decided to evacuate them. Russia was in the most complete
isolation; the Scandinavian states, who had hitherto been her allies,
declared themselves neutral; an insurrection in her favour, which
was preparing in Servia, was prevented; that of the Greeks, openly
favoured by King Otto, was stifled. The Turks, thus effectively
protected, were able to turn all their forces on the frontiers, and to
prove by heroic acts that they had not lost all the bravery of their
ancestors. In return for Europe’s efforts in favour of the integrity of
his empire, and in order to ward off the reproach they might incur by
supporting the cause of the crescent against a Christian state, the
sultan as early as the 6th of June, 1854, published an edict or irade,
by which he improved in a notable manner the condition of the rayas,
and prepared for their civil freedom, as well as for a complete
remodelling of the laws which, governing up to that day the internal
government of the Ottoman Empire, seemed to render its
preservation almost impossible.
Thus that movement of expansion to which Russia had been
impelled during four centuries, and which by conquest after
conquest, due either to diplomacy or the sword, had made Russian
power the bugbear of Europe, finds itself suddenly arrested.
“Republican or Cossack,” was the famous prognostic of Napoleon.c
The immense superiority of the marines belonging to the allies
made it possible to attack Russia on every sea. They bombarded the
military port of Odessa on the Black Sea (April 22nd, 1854), but
respected the city and the commercial port; the Russian
establishments in the Caucasus had been burned by the Russians
themselves. They blockaded Kronstadt on the Baltic, landed on the
islands of Åland, and took the fortress of Bomarsund (August 16th,

This fight had lasted from four in the morning until four in the
evening, when the allies saw a white flag over the tower battlements.
The commander asked an armistice of two hours, which was
granted. He recommenced firing before the interval was over. The
French batteries overthrew the armaments, whilst the Vincennes
chasseurs acting as free-shooters attacked the cannoneers.
Resistance ceased towards evening and the tower yielded at three
o’clock in the morning. One officer and thirty men were made
prisoners. On Monday no notice was taken of provocation from the
fortress, but preparations were made for the morrow.
On the morning of August 15th the English attacked the north
tower. In six hours three of their large cannon had been able to
pierce the granite and make a breach of twenty feet. The north tower
was not long in surrendering; four English and two French vessels
directed their fire on the large fortress. A white flag was hoisted on
the rampart nearest the sea. Two officers of the fleet were sent to the
governor, who said, “I yield to the marine.” This officer had only a few
dead and seventy wounded, but smoke poured in through the badly
constructed windows, bombs burst in the middle of the fortress,
without mentioning the carbine fire of the free-shooters. A longer
resistance was useless.g
In 1855 the Russians bombarded Sveaborg. The allies attacked
the fortified monastery of Solovetski, in the White Sea, and in the
sea of Okhotsk they blockaded the Siberian ports, destroyed the
arsenals of Petropavlovsk, and disturbed the tranquillity of the
Russians on the river Amur.
Menaced by the Austrian concentration in Transylvania, and by the
landing of English and French troops at Gallipoli and Varna, the
Russians made a last and vain attempt to gain possession of
Silistria, which they had held in a state of siege from April to July at
the cost of a great number of men. In the Dobrudja an expedition
directed by the French was without result from a military point of
view, the soldiers being thinned out by cholera and paludal fevers.
The Russians decided to evacuate the principalities, which were at
once occupied by the Austrians in accord with Europe and the
sultan. The war on the Danube was at an end.



The war in the Crimea was just about to commence.f Siege-trains

were ordered from England and France, transports were prepared,
and other preparations were gradually made. But the cholera
attacked both the armies and the fleets, which for two months lay
prostrate under this dreadful scourge.
In the Black Sea, meantime, the preparations for the Crimean
expedition were pressed forward with greater energy in proportion as
the cholera abated. But many successive delays occurred. Originally
the invading force was to have sailed on the 15th of August; then the
20th was the day; then the 22nd; then the 26th; then the 1st of
September (by which time the French siege-train would have arrived
at Varna); then the 2nd of September. At length all was ready; and
58,000, out of 75,000 men, cavalry, infantry, and artillery, were
embarked at Baltjik on the 7th. The French numbered 25,000, the
English the same; and there was a picked corps of about 8,000
Turks. In a flotilla of between two and three hundred vessels, this
first and much larger part of the united army were transported up the
coast to Fidonisi, or the Island of Serpents; from which point to Cape
Tarkhan, in the Crimea, they would make both the shortest and the
most sheltered passage. Being reviewed and found all ready at
Fidonisi, the armada took its second departure on the 11th, and
reached without accident the destined shore on the 14th. On that
day the troops were landed prosperously at “Old Fort,” some twenty
miles beyond Eupatoria, or Koslov, within four or five easy days’
march from Sebastopol. Upon this great fortress the columns were at
once directed; while the transports returned in haste to fetch the
reserves, amounting to about 15,000 men.
Contrary to the expectation of the allies, Prince Menshikov, who
commanded in the Crimea, had resolved not to oppose their landing,
but to await them on the left, or southern, bank of the river Alma. The
nature of his position may be gathered from Lord Raglan’s despatch.
He says:
“In order that the gallantry exhibited by her majesty’s troops, and
the difficulties they had to meet, may be fairly estimated, I deem it
right, even at the risk of being considered tedious, to endeavour to
make you acquainted with the position the Russians had taken up.
“It crossed the great road about two miles and a half from the sea,
and is very strong by nature. The bold and almost precipitous range
of heights, of from 350 to 400 feet, that from the sea closely border
the left bank of the river, here ceases and formed their left, and
turning thence round a great amphitheatre or wide valley, terminates
at a salient pinnacle where their right rested, and whence the
descent to the plain was more gradual. The front was about two
miles in extent. Across the mouth of this great opening is a lower
ridge at different heights, varying from 60 to 150 feet, parallel to the
river, and at distances from it of from 600 to 800 yards. The river
itself is generally fordable for troops, but its banks are extremely
rugged, and in most parts steep; the willows along it had been cut
down, in order to prevent them from affording cover to the attacking
party, and in fact everything had been done to deprive an assailant
of any species of shelter. In front of the position on the right bank, at
about 200 yards from the Alma, is the village of Burliuk, and near it a
timber bridge, which had been partly destroyed by the enemy. The
high pinnacle and ridge before alluded to was the key of the position,
and consequently, there the greatest preparations had been made
for defence. Half-way down the height and across its front was a
trench of the extent of some hundred yards, to afford cover against
an advance up the even steep slope of the hill. On the right, and a
little retired, was a powerful covered battery, armed with heavy guns,
which flanked the whole of the right of the position. Artillery, at the
same time, was posted at the points that best commanded the
passage of the river and its approaches generally. On the slopes of
these hills (forming a sort of table land) were placed dense masses
of the enemy’s infantry, whilst on the height above was his great
reserve, the whole amounting, it is supposed, to between 45,000 and
50,000 men.”
It was against this fortress—for it was little less—the British,
French, and Turkish forces were led, having broken up their camp at
Kimishi on the 19th of September. The way led along continual
steppes, affording no shelter from the burning heat of the sun, nor
water to assuage the intolerable thirst suffered by all. The only relief
was afforded by the muddy stream of Bulganak, which the men
drank with avidity. That day an insignificant skirmish took place
between a body of Cossacks and the light division. On passing over
the brow of a hill, the former were discovered drawn up in order. A
slight fire was opened, which wounded three or four of the allies, but
a gun drove up and threw a shell with such wonderful precision in
the midst of the enemy that above a dozen were knocked over by
this one projectile, and the Cossacks speedily disappeared.d


The allies’ plan of aggression was quite as simple as the Russian

plan of defence. It consisted in turning the enemy’s two wings and
then overwhelming them by a front attack. On the extreme right
General Bosquet, in advance of the rest of the army, was to
approach rapidly the Alma, cross it at a point not far from its mouth,
ascend the slopes at all costs, then fall suddenly on the Russians’
left, surround them, and throw them back on the centre. This
movement carried out, Canrobert’s and Prince Napoleon’s divisions,
supported by a portion of the English army, would cross the river,
climb the heights between Almatamak and Burliuk, and make the
grand attack. At the same moment the English army at the left of the
French lines would endeavour to turn the enemy’s right, and thus
secure the day. Forey’s division would remain in reserve ready to
help either the weaker columns or those in immediate danger, as the
case might be. On the evening of the 19th of September Field-
Marshal Saint-Arnaud had sent to each division a tracing of the
proposed order of battle. The plan was so simple that the soldiers
had already anticipated and guessed it. At nightfall they gathered
round the camp fires and discussed the chances of the plan with
gleeful excitement. They pointed out to each other the Russian camp
fires, scintillating dots of light shining out on the hill sides, and tried
to reckon up the enemy’s number by the number of lights. A good
deal of imagination mingled with their calculations, but the results did
not frighten them, they were convinced that the following day they
would rest victorious on the plateau.
At the first sounds of the reveille the troops of Bosquet’s division
were a-foot and ready to start, very proud of the place assigned
them by the confidence of the commander-in-chief. The fog having
somewhat lifted, at seven o’clock they left the banks of the Bulganak
and marched off in quick time towards the Alma. They were not more
than two kilometres distant from it when one of the field-marshal’s
aides-de-camp arrived hot-foot with orders to halt, as the English
were not ready. Obedience was yielded with some degree of
unwillingness, which grew to impatience as the halt was prolonged. It
was already half-past eleven when the march was resumed. The
division was formed into two columns; Autemarre’s brigade marched
towards Almatamak, where the French scouts had just discovered a
ford; the other brigade, under Bouat, turned towards the sea, so as
to cross the river near its mouth by a sand bank shown them by a
steam pinnace. From their dominating positions the Russians could
see this manœuvre, but they paid no attention to it, judging that
nature had provided sufficient defence for them on that side. They
looked upon the whole of this movement as merely a diversion, and
concentrated all their watchfulness on the main body of the army,
which had hitherto remained motionless three kilometres to the rear
of the Alma.
In the mean time Autemarre’s brigade, close on Almatamak and
hitherto hidden from the enemy by the escarpments of the
neighbouring cliff, began to cross the Alma. The 3rd zouaves were
the first over the ford, and began with amazing “go” to climb the
plateau. This ascent, which the Russians, heavily equipped and
accustomed to the level, believed impossible, was relatively easy for
men accustomed time out of mind to the foot-tracks of African
mountains. It was wonderful to see these strong, agile soldiers
springing up the slopes, giving a helping hand to one another,
clinging to tufts of grass and scrub, and profiting by the smallest
foothold. The Algerian sharp-shooters followed, then the 50th foot.
The most difficult matter was to get the artillery over, and the boldest
faltered before such a task. By a sheer miracle of stout-heartedness
and energy they managed to hoist several pieces the whole length of
the escarpments. Suddenly the zouaves appeared at the top of the
hill, before the very eyes of the astonished Russians, and by a brisk
fire drove off the enemy’s vedettes. In another moment Algerian
sharp-shooters and men of the 50th foot climbed the last slopes in
their turn; then the field guns, dragged up to the heights, were placed
in line. At this identical moment Bouat’s brigade, which had been
delayed in crossing the bar, appeared on the extreme right and
began to scale the cliffs nearest the sea. Only the second battalion
of the Minsk infantry occupied this position, which had hitherto been
held impregnable. Debouching from the little village of Aklese they
ran forward; but confused by the fantastic aspect of this unexpected
enemy, flurried by the gaps made in their ranks by the French long-
range guns, they wasted no time over doubling back. Soon, running
away altogether, they threw themselves on the Russian reserves,
followed by the shots of French artillery and by the missiles thrown
on to the plateau by the fleet at anchor near the shore.
Saint-Arnaud, from his position in the rear of the Alma, had
watched the zouaves climb the hill. When they had disappeared over
the crest, he had listened anxiously for the sharp-shooters to open
fire. Soon the roar of cannon was heard, but it was difficult to believe
that the artillery was already engaged. “Are they French guns or
Russian guns?” asked the staff-officers grouped round the
commander-in-chief. But the field-marshal joyfully cried: “I assure
you it is Bosquet’s cannon; he has reached the heights.” Then
searching the distance with his glasses: “I can see red trousers. Ah!
there I recognise my African veteran Bosquet!” Summoning his
generals, Saint-Arnaud gave then the final instructions. The sound of
the guns had revived his failing strength; his voice was as strong as
in his palmiest days, and his face was lighted up with confidence, a
last and touching reflection of his warrior spirit. By a gesture he
indicated to his officers the course of the river and the hills which
shut in the horizon: “Gentlemen,” he said, “this battle will be known
as the battle of the Alma.”
It being now one o’clock in the afternoon, the front attack was
immediately begun. The first division, under command of General
Canrobert, held the right; to the left was drawn up the 3rd division
commanded by Prince Napoleon. Following the common plan, the
latter was to attach itself to the English right, but it did so only
imperfectly, on account of the slowness of the allies. Set in motion
simultaneously, the two French divisions marched towards the Alma.
This time the Russians had anticipated the attack and were ready to
repulse it. Sheltered by clumps of trees, enclosing walls, and the
gardens bordering the river, innumerable sharp-shooters directed a
well-sustained fire against the enemy, and, in addition, a battery
established on the edge of the plateau covered the plain with
missiles. Overwhelmed by this murderous fire the French troops
halted. But the artillery of the 1st and 3rd divisions shelled the
ravines, compelling the Russian sharp-shooters to retreat against a
high bank on the left, and by thus diverting their attention enabled
the rest of the French army to advance as far as the Alma. Laying
down their knapsacks the soldiers themselves sounded the river with
branches of trees and boldly crossed wherever it appeared
practicable. Towards two in the afternoon the 3rd division effected a
crossing not far from Burluk. As to Canrobert’s division, it had,
almost entirely, already found a footing on the left bank a little above
Almatamak. His first battalions had already reached the heights and
slanted off to the right so as to join hands with Bosquet’s division.
It was quite time. When Prince Menshikov was informed of the
appearance of Bosquet on the heights near the mouth of the Alma,
he at first refused to believe the news and only the roar of the
cannon had convinced him. Realising the greatness of the danger,
the Russian commander-in-chief immediately hurried to reinforce his
left flank, which in his excess of confidence he had left almost
uncovered. As the brigades of Autemarre and Bouat took up a
position, fresh Russian troops debouched on the western side of the
plateau. First a battery of light artillery, which arrived before the
infantry it was summoned to support, lost half its number in a few
moments; then four battalions of the Moscow infantry regiment
supported by another battery. Shortly after this occurred, Prince
Menshikov, having himself visited the scene of action, decided to
make a fresh attempt. By his orders three battalions of the Minsk
regiment, four squadrons of hussars and two batteries of Cossacks
were drawn from the reserve to afford active support to the troops
already engaged. Happily for the French these troops arrived only in
driblets, so that their impact was weakened by being broken up.
Even so their little main body, launched on the plateau with no
retreat possible, found itself in a position almost as critical as it was
glorious. If it continued to penetrate into the Russian flank victory
was assured, but if it faltered it had no other prospect than to be
brought to bay on one escarpment after another and routed in the
valley, beyond hope of salvation. The Russian troops were not more
numerous than the French, but the twelve guns of the latter could
scarcely hope to hold out against the forty pieces which the
Russians had brought into this part of the field. On receiving
overnight the commander-in-chief’s instructions, General Bosquet
had replied: “You can count on me, but remember I cannot hold out
for more than two hours.”
The general weariness was great and moreover the ammunition
was giving out. With growing anguish Bosquet turned his gaze
towards the plain, waiting for the general attack which was to lighten
his task. His joy may be imagined when he heard on the left, above
Almatamak, the sharp crack of the zouaves’ rifles, and saw
appearing over the edge of the plateau General Canrobert’s first
Help was at hand, and with help the almost certainty of victory. At
that very moment a happy inspiration of Saint-Arnaud’s rendered
assurance sure. Judging that the moment had arrived for calling on
his reserves, he sent orders to General Forey to bring up one of his
brigades to succour Bosquet, and with the other to support General
Canrobert. From that moment the tide of battle set steadily against
the Russians. Surrounded on their left wing, outflanked in their
centre, threatened by the French reserves, they yielded step by step,
no doubt with fearful reprisals, but finally they retired. It was in vain
that the Minsk and Moscow
regiments, retreating obliquely,
tried to resist both Bosquet’s
and Canrobert’s divisions; these
brave endeavours only
prolonged the resistance without
affecting the result. After losing
the greater number of their
leaders they were compelled to
retreat behind the heights and to
retire to a tower for telegraphic
communication which marked
the enemy’s centre. There a
final bloody engagement took
place. At last the flags of the 3rd
zouaves and the 39th foot were
Alexander Sergevitch Menshikov
hoisted on the top of the tower,
(1787-1869) signal of the victory which the
Russians thenceforward never
The part taken by the British troops in the final assault is thus
described by the special correspondent of the Times:
“The British line was struggling through the river and up the
heights in masses, firm, indeed, but mowed down by the murderous
fire of the batteries and by grape, round shot, shell, canister, case
shot, and musketry, from some of the guns of the central battery, and
from an immense and compact mass of Russian infantry. Then
commenced one of the most bloody and determined struggles in the
annals of war. The 2nd division, led by Sir De L. Evans in the most
dashing manner, crossed the stream on the right. The 7th Fusiliers,
led by Colonel Yea, were swept down by fifties. The 55th, 30th, and
95th, led by Brigadier Pennefather, who was in the thickest of the
fight, cheering on his men, again and again were checked indeed,
but never drew back in their onward progress, which was marked by
a fierce roll of Minié musketry; and Brigadier Adams, with the 41st,
47th, and 49th, bravely charged up the hill, and aided them in the
battle. Sir George Brown, conspicuous on a grey horse, rode in front
of his light division, urging them with voice and gesture. Gallant
fellows! they were worthy of such a gallant chief. The 7th, diminished
by one-half, fell back to re-form their columns lost for the time; the
23rd, with eight officers dead and four wounded, were still rushing to
the front, aided by the 19th, 33rd, 77th, and 88th. Down went Sir
George in a cloud of dust in front of the battery. He was soon up and
shouted, ‘23rd, I’m all right. Be sure I’ll remember this day,’ and led
them on again, but in the shock produced by the fall of their chief the
gallant regiment suffered terribly while paralysed for a moment.
Meantime the Guards, on the right of the light division, and the
brigade of Highlanders were storming the heights on the left. Their
line was almost as regular as though they were in Hyde Park.
Suddenly a tornado of round and grape rushed through from the
terrible battery, and a roar of musketry from behind thinned their front
ranks by dozens. It was evident that we were just able to contend
against the Russians, favoured as they were by a great position. At
this very time an immense mass of Russian infantry were seen
moving down towards the battery. They halted. It was the crisis of
the day. Sharp, angular, and solid, they looked as if they were cut out
of the solid rock. It was beyond all doubt that if our infantry, harassed
and thinned as they were, got into the battery they would have to
encounter again a formidable fire, which they were but ill calculated
to bear. Lord Raglan saw the difficulties of the situation. He asked if
it would be possible to get a couple of guns to bear on these
masses. The reply was, ‘Yes,’ and an artillery officer (Colonel Dixon)
brought up two guns to fire on the Russian squares. The first shot
missed, but the next, and the next, and the next cut through the
ranks so cleanly, and so keenly, that a clear lane could be seen for a
moment through the square. After a few rounds the square became
broken, wavered to and fro, broke, and fled over the brow of the hill,
leaving behind it six or seven distinct lines of dead, lying as close as
possible to each other, marking the passage of the fatal messengers.
This act relieved our infantry of a deadly incubus, and they continued
their magnificent and fearful progress up the hill. The duke
encouraged his men by voice and example, and proved himself
worthy of his proud command and of the royal race from which he
comes. ‘Highlanders,’ said Sir C. Campbell, ere they came to the
charge, ‘don’t pull a trigger till you’re within a yard of the Russians!’
They charged, and well they obeyed their chieftain’s wish; Sir Colin
had his horse shot under him, but his men took the battery at a
bound. The Russians rushed out, and left multitudes of dead behind
them. The Guards had stormed the right of the battery ere the
Highlanders got into the left, and it is said the Scots Fusilier Guards
were the first to enter. The second and light division crowned the
heights. The French turned the guns on the hill against the flying
masses, which the cavalry in vain tried to cover. A few faint struggles
from the scattered infantry, a few rounds of cannon and musketry
and the enemy fled to the southeast, leaving three generals, three
guns, 700 prisoners, and 4,000 wounded behind them. The battle of
the Alma was won. It is won with a loss of nearly 3,000 killed and
wounded on our side. The Russians’ retreat was covered by their
cavalry, but if we had had an adequate force we could have captured
many guns and multitudes of prisoners.”
It appears from papers found in Prince Menshikov’s carriage, that
he had counted on holding his position on the Alma for at least three
weeks. He had erected scaffolds from which his ladies might view
the military exploits during the period of obstruction he had provided
for the invading force, but he was hurried away in the midst of a
flying army, in a little more than three hours.


Without sufficient cavalry, and having exhausted the ammunition of

the artillery, the allies did not pursue the defeated foe; but rested for
a couple of days, to recruit the able-bodied, succour the wounded,
and bury the dead. Then they went forward towards Sebastopol. A
change now took place, as remarkable an incident as any in the
campaign. Learning that the enemy had established a work of some
force on the Belbek, and that this river could not readily be rendered
a means of communication with the fleet, and calculating that
preparations would be made for the defence of Sebastopol chiefly on
the north side, the commanders resolved to change the line of
operations, to turn the whole position of Sebastopol, and establish
themselves at Balaklava. After resting for a couple of days, they
started on the march, turned to the left after the first night’s bivouac,
and struck across a woody country, in which the troops had to steer
their way by compass; regained an open road from Bagtcheserai to
Balaklava; encountered there at Khutor Mackenzia (Mackenzie’s
Farm) a part of the Russian army, which fled in consternation at the
unexpected meeting; and were in possession of Balaklava on the
26th—within four days after leaving the heights above the Alma.
Thus an important post was occupied without a blow.
Balaklava is a close port, naturally cut by the waters in the living
rock; so deep that the bowsprit of a ship at anchor can almost be
touched on shore, so strong that the force possessing it could retain
communication with the sea in spite of any enemy. It is a proof of
Menshikov’s want of foresight, or of his extreme weakness after the
battle of the 20th, that Balaklava was left without effectual defence.
The change of operations reminds one of Nelson’s manœuvre at the
Nile, in attacking the enemy on the shore side, where the ships were
logged with lumber and unprepared for action.
By this date, however, the allies were destined to sustain a grave
loss, in the departure of Marshal Saint-Arnaud. The French
commander-in-chief had succeeded in three achievements, each
one of which would be sufficient to mark the great soldier. He had
thrown his forces into the battle on the Alma with all the ardour of
which his countrymen are capable, but with that perfect command
which the great general alone retains. He had succeeded in exciting
the soldierly fire of the French, and yet in preserving the friendliest
feelings towards their rivals and allies, the English. He had
succeeded in retaining his place on horseback, notwithstanding
mortal agonies that would have subdued the courage, or at least the
physical endurance, of any other man. Many can meet death,
numbers can sustain torture; but the power of holding out in action
against the depressing and despairing misgivings of internal
maladies, is a kind of resolution which nature confers upon very few
indeed, and amongst those very few Marshal Saint-Arnaud will be
ranked as one of the most distinguished. He was succeeded in the
command of the French army by General Canrobert, and died at sea
on the 29th. By this event Lord Raglan became commander-in-chief
of the allied forces in the Crimea.


Had Marshal Saint-Arnaud lived, it is hardly to be doubted that he

would have attempted to take Sebastopol by the summary process
of breaching and storming instead of the slower one of a regular
siege. The former plan might have been successful, for it is now
known, upon the authority of the Russians themselves, that when the
allies first broke ground before the fortress its preparations for
resistance were very incomplete. On the other hand, events have too
painfully demonstrated that the force with which the siege was
undertaken was totally inadequate, both in numbers and weight of
metal. It was not sufficient to invest the place on every side, or to
hinder the garrison of one of the strongest fortresses in the world
from receiving unlimited reinforcements and supplies of all kinds.
Hence, to use General Peyronnet Thompson’s homely but very apt
illustration, the operations before Sebastopol have hitherto been like
the work of drawing a badger out of one end of a box, with an
interminable series of badgers entering at the other.
The position occupied by the English before Sebastopol was to the
right of the French, at a distance of six miles from their ships. They
held the summit of a ridge, whence at long range, they could fire with
some effect on the Russian outworks; but as they descended the
slope, their force was broken in two or three parts, while they were
exposed to a fire like that which destroyed so many brave men at the
Alma. The French, on the left, rested on Cape Chersonesus, and
were within three miles of their ships, in a position where, though
they might suffer from the fire of the garrison, they were protected
from the attacks of the Russian army in the field. The attack on the
place by the land batteries and by the ships began on the 17th of
October. The Russians had closed the entrance to the harbour by
sinking two ships of the fine and two frigates (they subsequently
sank all the rest of their fleet), and the fire of the allied ships at long
range produced so very little effect, whilst the casualties sustained
by them were so disproportionate to the damage they inflicted, that
the experiment was not repeated.
Eight days afterwards the Russians in turn became the assailants.
A large reinforcement having been received under Liprandi, that
general was detached to the Tchernaia with some 30,000 troops to
attack our rear. The peculiarity of the position of the allied army
facilitated its efforts. It has already been explained that Balaklava is
at some distance from the lines of the besiegers. The road
connecting the two runs through a gorge in the heights which
constitute the rear of the British position, and which overlook the
small grassy plain that lies to the north of the inlet of Balaklava. The
possession of the port and the connecting road are essential to the
success of the siege. To defend them, Lord Raglan had placed a
body of marines and sailors with some heavy guns on the heights
above the village and landing place of Balaklava; beneath the
heights he had stationed the 93rd Highlanders, under Sir Colin
Campbell, who barred the road down to the village. The plain
running northward towards the Tchernaia is intersected by a low,
irregular ridge, about two miles and a half from the village, and
running nearly at right angles to the rear of the heights on the
northwestern slopes of which lay the British army. This ridge in the
plain was defended by four redoubts, intervening between the
Tchernaia and the British cavalry encamped on the southern part of
the plain; and the rising ground in their rear was held by the
zouaves, who had entrenched themselves at right angles with the
redoubts. The extreme right of our position was on the road to
Kamara; the centre about Kadakoi, with the Turkish redoubts in front;
the left on the eastern slopes of the high lands running up to the
Inkerman ravine.


The object of the Russians was to turn the right and seize
Balaklava, burn the shipping in the port, and, cutting off our
communication with the sea, establish themselves in our rear. To

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