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Karen Claire L.

ERM 211

1. What Should be the guiding principles in land use planning?

One important mechanism that affects how communities' physical, social, and economic
landscapes are shaped is land use planning. To make sure that land use planning promotes
long-term well-being while protecting the environment and promoting economic progress,
it is essential to follow the guiding principle of sustainability. Based on the idea of
sustainability, the following justifies the significance of thorough land use planning:

Balancing Present and Future Needs

When it comes to land use planning, sustainability is addressing current needs without
sacrificing the capacity of future generations to address their own. Comprehensive planning
makes sure that land use is sustainable throughout time by taking the long-term effects of
decisions on land use into account.
Environmental Stewardship
The concept of sustainable land use planning acknowledges the inherent worth of the
environment and the imperative to safeguard it. Land use planning serves as a tool for
environmental stewardship by reducing environmental deterioration, identifying and
protecting important natural areas, and encouraging conservation.
Social Equity and Inclusivity
Prioritizing social equity in land use planning helps to ensure that various populations bear a
fair share of the benefits and costs of development. Ensuring that all stakeholders'
perspectives are heard and fostering a sense of community ownership are two benefits of
inclusive decision-making processes.
Economic Resilience
Economic resilience is supported by a sustainable approach to land use planning. Planning
supports the development of strong and flexible local economies by fostering a variety of
economic activities, advancing effective transportation systems, and maximizing resource
Climate Resilience
Everywhere in the world, communities are facing serious issues due to climate change.
Reducing growth in climate-vulnerable areas, encouraging green infrastructure, and
integrating climate adaptation measures into development plans are some of the tactics
used in sustainable land use planning to increase climate resilience.
Integrated Development
Housing, transportation, and infrastructure are just a few of the industries that sustainable
land use planning promotes an integrated approach to. A more unified and effective
development plan results from this integration, which makes sure that actions made in one
area take into account and support the objectives of others.
Quality of life and well-being
Improving inhabitants' quality of life is the ultimate objective of land use planning.
Sustainability in land use planning directly improves the quality of life for inhabitants by
granting access to open spaces, protecting cultural heritage, and developing accessible,
lively neighborhoods.
Efficient use of resources
Waste is reduced and resource efficiency is increased through sustainable land use design. A
more resource-efficient and resilient community will result from maximizing land use,
supporting energy-efficient infrastructure, and encouraging sustainable building practices.
Long Term Cost Saving
Long-term cost reductions can be achieved by thorough land use planning that is informed
by sustainability principles. Communities are better able to deploy resources and avoid the
financial burdens associated with bad planning when they steer clear of costly blunders like
ecologically destructive development or unnecessary infrastructure.
For communities to be resilient, inclusive, and prosperous, using sustainability as the
driving concept in land use planning is not only morally required, but also practically
necessary. By balancing economic development with environmental protection and social
equality, comprehensive land use planning that incorporates sustainability principles is an
investment in the future. This strategic framework preserves a community's distinctive
character and promotes a high standard of living for all citizens while enabling communities
to manage the challenges of growth and change.
2. What is the most important step in land use planning?

Every steps are important in land use planning, but I will choose four important steps in land
use planning these are step 2, step 6, step 9 and step 11.I consider these four step as the
most important since its plays a vital rule in land use planning.

In step 2,which is identifying stakeholders where planners are better able to recognize and
address community objectives and unique problems when stakeholders are involved.
Incorporating residents in the planning process guarantees that the plan addresses their
most pressing concerns, be it infrastructure needs, development management, or the
preservation of green spaces.

Planners can make well-informed judgments by having a thorough understanding of

the interests and concerns of different stakeholders. By doing this, the community's varied
needs and goals are guaranteed to be reflected in the final land use plan.Including the
community's stakeholders in the identification process encourages a sense of communal
ownership. People are more likely to develop a connection to the plan and actively support
its implementation when they sense that their concerns are recognized and taken seriously.
There may be competing interests or worries amongst many parties. It is feasible to address
and overcome problems through compromise and negotiation by identifying these early in
the planning phase. This reduces disagreements and facilitates a more seamless execution
of the plan.

In step 6 which is establish development thrust and spatial strategies, optimized land use
efficiency can be achieved by land use planners using spatial techniques. Through the
strategic allocation of land for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational purposes,
planners can optimize land use, thereby fostering economic viability and sustainable
development.Planning for infrastructure development involves the use of spatial strategies
and development impetus. They assist in determining the most important infrastructure
investment areas, which include public services, utilities, and transportation networks. By
being proactive, we make sure that the infrastructure is positioned strategically to support
the planned development.
Considerations for vulnerabilities and natural hazards can be incorporated into
development drive and spatial designs. In order to reduce the danger of disasters like floods
or landslides, planners can identify high-risk regions, zone them, and put precautionary
measures in place. The community's resilience is increased by this proactive planning
strategy.Development impetus and spatial strategies can promote mixed-use development,
which combines commercial, residential, and recreational uses close to one another. By
encouraging thriving, walkable communities, this strategy lessens the need for long
commutes and strengthens relationships to the local area.

In step 9 which is to conduct public hearing,it helps make the land use planning process
more transparent. Decision-makers and planners show accountability by letting interested
parties see and take part in talks. A good relationship between the community and planning
authority is fostered by this transparency, which increases public trust and
confidence.Public hearings give members of the community a chance to actively engage in
the decision-making process. In the planning process, inclusive involvement makes ensuring
that a variety of views are heard, representing the interests of businesses, people, and other
stakeholders.As a requirement of the land use planning process, public hearings are
required in numerous jurisdictions. Ensuring that the planning process is carried out legally
and in line with democratic norms requires observing certain procedural standards.
Furthermore, it offers impacted parties a formal forum to express their views.

The validity of the land use plan is enhanced via public hearings. The outcome plan is
more likely to be viewed as just and fair when the public is given the chance to engage and
offer feedback. The possibility that the community will support the plan's implementation is
increased by this sense of legitimacy.Through public hearings, planners can foresee and
address problems before to the implementation stage. Through proactive community
engagement, planners can include useful information and mitigate future concerns by
making revisions to the land use plan.

Lastly in step 11 which is the implementation of the CLUP and Zone Ordinance, enforcing
zoning and land use planning guarantees that laws and regulations are followed.
Comprehensive plans and zoning rules are frequently mandated by law for communities.
Following these guidelines makes guarantee that development is done legally and helps
prevent legal issues.Can deal with concerns of social justice and affordable housing. To
ensure that housing options are accessible for a range of economic levels, zoning rules
might contain provisions for affordable housing, diversified housing types, and mixed-use

Developers and investors are given confidence by clear zoning and land use planning
restrictions. A community where development is directed by a comprehensive plan and laws
are transparent attracts more investors. Consequently, this can encourage investment and
economic growth.Zoning ordinance give planners the ability to reconcile conflicting
demands for land use. Planners can create a balance that satisfies the many requirements of
the community by setting aside certain regions for things like safeguarding residential
neighborhoods from industrial activity or maintaining green spaces.An effective land use
plan's execution is essential to its success. Thorough stakeholder engagement helps to win
community support, which raises the chances of effective implementation. Engaged
stakeholders are more likely to actively participate in the plan's implementation, ensuring
that it meets the needs of the community and is well-received by locals.

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