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Question 1: Guiding principles in land use planning

The comprehensive land use plan is an important document as it gives a proper direction on how

resources are managed, allocated and utilized within a specific jurisdiction. It is also a

communication tool for the local governments to various vectors of its population and enables

the governments to achieve their vision for their land resources with long-range goals and

objectives. Sustainable land use plan is therefore a very critical step in driving new developments

in a sustainable society as it presents many advantages in terms of economic, social and

environmental criteria. Given the critical role land use planning plays, it is guided by the

principles below:

Watershed as platform for land use planning

Ridge-to-reef plays an important role in guiding land use planning and strengthening land, forest

and reef management. The term refers to the entire river system from its tributaries to the where

it drains its waters. By considering the entire watershed, planners can gain a more comprehensive

understanding of the interconnectedness of various landscape components and the potential

impact of human activities on them.

Inclusive and expansive governance

There is need for partnership in enhancing Land Use Planning. This includes active involvement

of three primary actors: the government, civil society, and the private sector. It highlights the

importance of partnerships between local governments, businesses, and community organizations

in order to attain effective local governance. This kind of governance is sustainable, inclusive

transparent and accountable hence ensuring that decisions made are acceptable to all. It ensures

that decisions are not only lawful, but also approved by the general population.
Co-management principle

This principle calls for joint management between the national government and the local

government as stipulated in Section 3 (i) of the local government code. Both governments are

expected to collaborate to ensure sustainable stewardship. This is an important aspect as both

parties can realize their respective strengths, expertise and resources in addressing environmental

challenges, preservation of natural resources and maintaining ecological balance.

Gender responsiveness and sensitivity

Gender should be considered in land use planning by looking at how different genders might be

affected by development plans, culture and economy. CLUP guideline advocates for use of

POPDEV planning approach which focuses on population and development hence promoting

sustainability in development by factoring in the needs of every member of the community.

Integration of Barangay Development Plans (Bottom-Up Approach)

Bottom-Up Approach is a decision-making model that appreciates the importance of local

knowledge needs and preferences hence promoting a participatory process that starts from the

grassroot level. Development plans are prepared by the Barangay Development Councils and

submitted for review and approval to the Sangguniang Barangay. This approach aligns the

development goals of the Barangays within their jurisdiction and promotes easier identification

and resolution of any inconsistencies in land use proposals in adjacent Barangays hence

promoting cohesiveness and coordination in local developments.

Top-to-Bottom Approach

In the case of in absence of barangay and municipal development plans, local planners have to

rely on higher level frameworks like the Provincial Land Use Plans as the starting point for the

formulation of local land use plans. In addition, the drafting of the Comprehensive Land Use

Plan considers area-specific plans such as coastal management or waste management plans, if

they are available. The integration of these plans is contingent upon their alignment with the

vision and objectives of the city or municipality.

In conclusion, CLUP is bound to incorporate the above principles to ensure its success in serving

the needs of all as well as boost its acceptability. The watershed as a platform for planning

ensures that everything is considered in planning hence promoting a comprehensive process.

Inclusive and expansive governance, co management principle and gender responsiveness and

sensitivity all promote involvement of all the relevant parties in decision making hence enabling

the parties to bring about their strengths in ensuring a successful CLUP. This can also be seen in

the Bottom-Up Approach and Top-Bottom Approach.

Question 2: The most important step in land use planning

Land use planning is a multifaceted process which is important in ensuring sustainable

development and promoting proper use and management of land. It involves a series of 12 steps

aimed at allocation, utilization and management of natural resources in a manner that aligns with

social, economic and environmental objectives. Each step in the CLUP holds a significant

importance hence pinpointing the most important process could be a challenging task due to their

interconnected nature. However, the key goal in the process is coming up with a technically
sound and successful CLUP. A good CLUP therefore must serve its purpose and be in line with

the guiding principles governing the document. Its worth noting that CLUP is barely a

presentation of the vision, objective and the direction of the Local government unit which is then

displayed in physical and spatial dimension. Based on my analysis, step 3, which involves setting

of the vision in the most critical step in the process. All the other processes, from organizing,

identification of stakeholders to the final step which is monitoring and evaluation, build on the

vision of the LGU. From the CLUP guidebook, “The vision shall serve as the driving force that

will move the entire city/municipality towards the achievement of a common development

direction and also guide the succeeding stages of the planning process” We can therefore argue

that, without a defined vision, all the other processes may lack coherence hence leading to

divergent outcomes.

The process of setting the vision can be done interchangeably with step 4 which involves

analyzing of the situation. Analysis of the situation involves revisiting the objectives of the

previous CLUP and determining whether the intended outcomes were achieved during the

implementation period and determine whether there has been a certain level of change that

warrant revisiting the vision, goals and objectives. This analysis can be done through stakeholder

workshops that are facilitated by the planning team. The challenges faced in the implementation

of the previous CLUP will then lead to initiation of a discussion on how the LGU can solve

them. By presenting the situation on the previous CLUP, stakeholders therefore understand the

real issue on the ground and are better equipped to highlight the areas requiring attention and

coming up with best fit solutions.

The next step is therefore formulation of a refined vision statement based on the identified

challenges and the agreed solutions. This includes assessing baseline conditions, demographic
projections and spatial development patterns, climate change risks, biodiversity conditions, and

local resource capacities. In efforts to ensure that the public participate in the process, the

visioning process can start at the barangay level before proceeding to the city level. Through this

process, the LGU is able to identify what appeals most to the people hence helping to inform

future planning and development decisions.

After conducting the workshop on the vision, the revised Vision Statement is given to the Local

Development Council for approval, and then it is forwarded to the Sangguniang

Panlungsod/Bayan for official adoption. Subsequently, the chosen Vision Statement is distributed

to both the Sangguniang, Panglunsod and the broader public, enabling the collection of essential

input from stakeholders. After receiving approval, the vision progresses to the next stage in the

planning process. Finally, the adopted vision is extensively circulated among the general public

to promote openness and generate widespread understanding and support within the community.

Setting a vision is undeniably the most pivotal stage in the Comprehensive Land Use

Planning process as the vision acts as a guiding principle, offering a clear path and objective for

all subsequent planning activities. The statement defines the envisioned future condition of the

city or municipality, incorporating the ambitions, principles, and preferences of its inhabitants

and interested parties. The process also promotes community involvement and ownership, which

are crucial components for achieving sustainable development. By engaging a variety of

stakeholders in visioning workshops and discussions, the CLUP becomes a collaborative effort

that reflects the shared ambitions and needs of the local population. This participatory method

not only improves the credibility and approval of the produced plan but also enables

communities to assume responsibility for their development path.

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