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European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

O.R. Applications

Pricing combinatorial auctions

a,* b,1 c,2
Mu Xia , Gary J. Koehler , Andrew B. Whinston
Department of Business Administration, College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Champaign, IL 61820, USA
Department of Decision and Information Sciences, Warrington College of Business Administration, 351 STZ,
P.O. Box 117169, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Center for Research in Electronic Commerce, Department of Management Science and Information Systems,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA
Received 9 October 2001; accepted 5 September 2002


Single-item auctions have many desirable properties. Mechanisms exist to ensure optimality, incentive compatibility
and market-clearing prices. When multiple items are offered through individual auctions, a bidder wanting a bundle of
items faces an exposure problem if the bidder places a high value on a combination of goods but a low value on strict
subsets of the desired collection. To remedy this, combinatorial auctions permit bids on bundles of goods. However,
combinatorial auctions are hard to optimize and may not have incentive compatible mechanisms or market-clearing
individual item prices. Several papers give approaches to provide incentive compatibility and imputed, individual prices.
We find the relationships between these approaches and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Combinatorial auction; Bidding; Pricing; Incentive compatibility

1. Introduction to combinatorial auctions single buyer, in the form of a reverse auction. 3

Either way, there is only one good involved in the
Most auctions, both online or offline, are used auction and on one side of the market there is only
to trade individual items, one at a time. Either one trader. The buyer with the highest bid or the
there are multiple buyers competing for one unit of seller with the lowest bid gets to buy or sell the
a good from a seller, or there are multiple sellers good. However, there are circumstances where it is
competing for the right to sell a unit of good to a not efficient to hold only single-item auctions. One
such scenario is when there exist complementari-
ties between different goods. When positive
Corresponding author. Tel.: +217-333-2878; fax: +217-
E-mail addresses: (M. Xia), koeh- Reverse auctions are often used in government procure- (G.J. Koehler), (A.B. ment, in which a government agency specifies exactly what it
Whinston). wants, and invites companies to bid for the right to do business.
Tel.: +352-846-2090; fax: +352-392-5438. Usually, whoever can meet the specification with the lowest
Tel.: +512-471-8879; fax: +512-471-0587. price gets the contract.

0377-2217/$ - see front matter  2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
252 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

complementarities exist, two goods are worth bidderÕs true valuation, the resulting revenue may
more to a bidder if she acquires both than the sum not be the best the seller could expect. A bidder
of the individual value of each to her alone. Such a can potentially better her utility by misrepresent-
bidder desires the complete bundle of goods. If she ing her true valuation on a bundle. When this
bids on and acquires components individually, happens, the optimization result of the WDP is no
rather than as a bundle or combination of goods, longer overall efficient. Therefore, one has to con-
she faces a possible exposure (Rothkopf et al., sider how to ensure the truthfulness of all bidders,
1998). The exposure problem can result when a in addition to solving the WDP to optimality.
bidder places a high value on a combination of Mechanisms that ensure this are termed incentive
goods but a low value on strict subsets of the de- compatible.
sired collection. She may pay more for a subset of Thus, a second objective of auction mechanisms
goods in individual auctions than they are worth is to ensure incentive compatibility. An effective
to her in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain her way to achieve incentive compatibility is to adjust
desired bundle. winning bidderÕs final payoffs so they would not
One way researchers have proposed to solve the gain any utility by misrepresenting their true val-
exposure problem is to allow combinatorial bid- uation. In other words, bidding truthfully becomes
ding (Rothkopf et al., 1998). In a market where their dominant strategy.
heterogeneous goods are to be traded, each bidder Finally, after the completion of an auction,
can specify a combination of goods she wants to determining prices for individual goods is also
acquire and a price she would pay for the combi- valuable because: (1) they help explain the auction
nation. The market tries to allocate the set of result––why a certain bid lost and another won;
goods so as to maximize the total revenue of the and (2) they can serve as a price guide for future
auction, which is in line with the overall social auctions. 5 Ideally, these individual prices should
welfare. satisfy a market-clearing condition. First, the sum
However, there are many challenges associated of all prices for the goods in a bundle of a winning
with combinatorial auctions. The first challenge is bid should be greater than or equal to the winning
solving the winner determination problem (WDP). bundle price (i.e., the initial bid price before any
It is well known that the problem can be formu- incentive compatible adjustments). Likewise, the
lated as a multi-dimensional knapsack problem sum of all prices for goods in a bundle of a losing
(MDKP). Although this can be a difficult problem, bid should be less than or equal to the bid price.
it can be solved up to moderate sizes using a va- Hence, the ideal auction mechanism for com-
riety of different approaches such as optimization, binatorial auctions provides the following three
intelligent search and heuristics. Although it is features:
computationally challenging when the size be-
comes large, it is not hard to conceptually under- • An efficient winner determination mechanism.
stand. • Incentive compatible bid pricing mechanism.
When the objective of the WDP, the profit for • A way to determine imputed prices for goods.
the seller, is maximized, the allocation is also effi-
cient, as the goods are allocated to bidders that When all the goods are divisible, the WDP is a
value them most. 4 However, this is true only when linear programming problem. It is known that
the biddersÕ bids reveal their true valuation. Thus, bundle prices computed from the dual model of
the overall efficiency is dependent on the biddersÕ the LP are asymptotically incentive compatible
reported valuation. If any bid does not reflect a

However, as an anonymous reviewer points out, since
However, in general it is not always true that a revenue allocations are based on bundle bids, prices for individual items
maximizing allocation is efficient. They are often competing cannot accurately reflect the conditions that make one bid win
objectives. and another lose.
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 253

(Fan et al., 2000). The value of LP dual variables WDP1

also gives individual prices. So all three criteria are m 1
n 2X
easily (asymptotically) satisfied by the WDP. Z ¼ max pij xij
However, the indivisible case is not so accom- i¼1 j¼1
modating. When goods are indivisible, the well-
s:t: wj xij 6 1 ð1Þ
known duality gap of integer programming (IP) i;j
assures us that a solution and corresponding dual X
xij 6 1 j ¼ 1; . . . ; 2m  1 ð2Þ
prices satisfying all three desired characteristics i
exist only in special cases, one of which is when
xij ¼ 0; 1 i ¼ 1; . . . ; n and
the integer solution is also a solution to the linear
programming relaxation achieved by removing the j ¼ 1; . . . ; 2  1
integrality constraint. Moore et al. (1972) proposes
xij is a binary variable, indicating whether bundle j
a pricing algorithm for resource allocation in a
is awarded to bidder i. pij is the bid price for
non-convex economy, which can also be applied to
bundle j from bidder i. wj is a vector of size m
combinatorial auctions. This algorithm, however,
where ðwj Þk is one if good k is part of bundle wj
either finds a set of prices with the desired char-
and zero otherwise. These bundles range over all
acteristics or results in an infinite loop. In general,
2m  1 possibilities (with the zero-valued bundle
it is still desirable to specify procedures that at-
being ignored). Constraint (1) is the resource
tempt to achieve some of the three desired features
availability constraint for each good––only one
while perhaps compromising on others.
unit of each item is available for sale. Constraint
This paper will examine the existing approaches
(2) reflects the condition that each bidder gets at
of pricing combinatorial auctions, the relation-
most one bundle.
ships among these approaches, as well as their ties
The second model places no restrictions on how
with traditional auction pricing theory such as
many bundles each bidder can obtain as long as
Generalized Vickrey auctions (GVAs). Our goal is
the availability constraint is satisfied. Thus, we can
to provide a comparison of methods to help re-
regard each bundle as coming from a unique bid-
searchers understand the role of various pricing
der. Therefore, the number of bidders is the same
mechanisms in combinatorial auctions. We start
as the number of bids, n. The model is as follows:
by reviewing each of the three aforementioned
criteria in more detail. WDP2
1.1. The winner determination problem
Z ¼ max p j xj
Arguably, the most important challenge with n
combinatorial auction is solving the WDP. Hence, s:t: wj xj 6 1
this aspect has received most attention from re- j¼1
searchers. xj ¼ 0; 1 j ¼ 1; . . . ; n
For simplicity, we assume only one unit of each
good is available in the auction. From the litera- xj is a binary variable that indicates whether
ture, there are two general models for the WDP. bundle j gets traded. pj is the bid price for bundle
The first type (e.g., see Wurman and Wellman, j. wj is a bundle vector of size m formed as de-
1999) limits the number of bundles a winner may scribed above. All bid/bundle submissions are in
win to, at most, one bundle. The second approach the formulation so a particular bidder may have
(e.g., see DeMartini et al., 1999) allows multiple several xj Õs associated with her. Or equivalently,
winning bundles per winner. each bundle can be regarded as coming from a
Let m be the number of unique goods being unique bidder. While the two models have different
traded and n the total number of bidders. The first assumptions, their goals are the same, i.e. to de-
model is as follows: termine which bundles should be selected for trade
254 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

in order to maximize the social surplus. Further- (2000) show using a commercial IP solver (CPLEX)
more, WDP1 is just a special case of WDP2 be- one can also solve the WDP reasonably fast, while
cause constraints (1) and (2) can be combined and Gonen and Lehmann (2000) apply the well-known
the resulting columns re-interpreted as bundles branch-and-bound procedure to solve the WDP as
with m additional dummy goods corresponding an IP problem. A natural question is: how do the
to the original (2) constraints. AI approaches compare to the optimization ap-
WDP1 has an advantage over WDP2 in de- proaches? A recent paper (Xia et al., 2001) dis-
scribing XOR bids. XOR bids are bids sharing an cusses, both theoretically and experimentally, the
‘‘XOR’’ relationship, i.e. a bidder is interested in differences of the two approaches.
getting only one bundle out of a given set. When In any case, examining algorithmic approaches
such bids are allowed WDP2 has to add a new to WDP is not our goal. We are primarily inter-
constraint (which can be considered as a dummy ested in determining incentive compatible pricing
good) to represent the XOR relationship among and market-clearing prices. We focus on WDP
such bids in the same form of the other item only insofar as it impacts these issues.
availability constraints. WDP1 can accommodate
such relationship because each bidder gets only 1.2. Incentive compatibility
one bundle in the first place. Moreover, when
complete valuations are present, i.e. every bidder After the WDP is solved, an important issue
has a valuation for every possible bundle, WDP1 is how to price the winning bundles to achieve in-
has an added advantage of ruling out the possi- centive compatibility. Although it is straight
bility of any bidder getting her preferred allocation forward to sell the winning bidder her desired
in more than one bundle (for a lower total price) bundle at the bid price, it may leave room for bid-
and then re-assembles them. WDP2, however, ders to mask their true valuations and possibly get
cannot prevent any bidder from doing this from the bundle at a lower price. As a result, the opti-
the model design perspective. mization allocation may not be efficient overall.
WDP2 represents the most widely studied sin- Thus an important issue is how to devise a rule for
gle-unit (each item is unique and there is only one pricing the bundles in order to induce each bidder
unit for sale each), single-sided (one seller and to state their true valuation. Termed incentive
multiple buyers) case. It is a set packing problem compatibility, it is the most desirable feature in
(SPP), a well-known NP-complete problem (Garey mechanism design (Mas-Collel et al., 1995). In
and Johnson, 1979), which is difficult to solve general, as is the case in most auction literature, if
when the problem size is large. While researchers we assume each bidderÕs utility function to be quasi-
such as Hoffman and Padberg (1993) have devel- linear, we can denote the utility for any agent as:
oped various algorithms and techniques to solve U ðB; qÞ ¼ lðBÞ  q
some moderately-sized or special cases of SPPs, in
general there is no guarantee the problem can be where B denotes the bundle, lðBÞ the value of the
solved to optimality in an acceptable time. If we bundle and q the price paid by the agent to get
relax the single-unit constraint, the WDP problem the bundle. To ensure incentive compatibility, the
becomes the MDKP. Lin (1998) offered an excel- monetary transfer to each bidder has to be set so
lent survey article on solving the MDKP. that the expected utility of bidding truthfully is
Much of recent research on solving the WDP has always greater than or equal to the utility when the
been carried out by applying artificial intelligence valuation is misrepresented. By adjusting selling
(AI) techniques such as intelligent search (Sand- prices for each bundle traded (and even those
holm, 1999; Sandholm et al., 2001; Fujishima et al., not winning), effectively we are creating monetary
1999; Leyton-Brown et al., 2000). These papers test transfers between bidders, which can also be con-
their algorithms on generated data sets and claim to sidered as redistribution of the trade surplus. Hence,
have good results when solving single-unit, single- we will approach the incentive compatibility issue
sided combinatorial auctions. Andersson et al. by focusing on the final pricing of winning bundles.
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 255

One of the earliest works on auction pricing for any winning bundle j, the price is set at:
(and auctions in general), is the seminal paper by qj ¼ pj  ðZ  Zj Þ, where Z is the optimal auction
Vickrey (1961). Vickrey proved that in a sealed- revenue and Zj is the optimal revenue for the
bid, single-item auction, where each bidder has her auction without bundle j included. The main chal-
own private valuation, if the highest bidder wins lenge of solving the pricing problem using this ap-
the good and pays the highest losing price, it is proach is the computational burden––one has to
incentive compatible in that bidding oneÕs true solve (n þ 1) WDPs optimally to get the price vec-
valuation is a weakly dominant strategy for each tor, one for the original WDP, and one for each
bidder. We denote the highest bid as p1 and the bidder. Taking into account the complexity of
second highest bid as p2 . Taking the highest losing solving a WDP, it is thus usually impractical to
bid as the price in effect redistributes part of the implement.
trade surplus, p1  p2 , from the seller to the win-
ner, thus making underbidding (in hope of paying 1.3. Imputing individual item prices
less for the good if one is a winner) unnecessary.
From the buyerÕs point of view, the winner is Another issue of interest is imputing prices for
awarded the surplus she brings to the auction, individual items from winning bundle prices. First
exactly the difference between her bid and the we define prices that clear the market.
highest losing bid.
The Vickrey auction offers great insight into Definition 1. For combinatorial auctions, a set of
single-item auctions. It is powerful in that it makes item prices is called market clearing or equilibrium
few assumptions other than private valuation and a if all the winning bids are greater than or equal to
sealed bid––there is no assumption on the distri- the total price of the bundle items and all the
bution of the biddersÕ valuations. Using this mech- losing bids are less than or equal to the total price
anism, each bidderÕs truthful bidding of their of the bundle items.
valuation is a weakly dominant strategy. A mecha-
nism with these characteristics is very desirable from Individual prices of combinatorial auction items
an economic perspective. Naturally economists can provide insights into a combinatorial auction,
have extended the concept to encompass more which may be useful for understanding the value
general models. of bundles.
The Groves–Clarke mechanism, proposed sep- The prices for bundles or individual goods,
arately by Clarke (1971) and Groves (1973), is a however, are not readily computed when the WDP
generalization of the Vickrey auction to social is solved. This is due to the duality gap of IP caused
choice problems. By considering the auction out- by the indivisibility of the goods. Equilibrium pri-
come, i.e. the allocation of the indivisible re- ces may not exist (Nemhauser and Wolsey, 1988). In
sources, as a social choice, a combinatorial auction addition, the two different WDP models may yield
is a special case of the social choice problem. When different prices. For WDP1, if there are m unique
applied in an auction setting, the Groves–Clarke goods, there is a price for each of the 2m  1 bundles.
mechanism is also called the GVA. The basic idea For WDP2, it is unlikely that all 2m  1 bundles
of the Vickrey auction carries over––the price receive bids, thus in order to compute prices for each
should be set such that oneÕs bid can only impact bundle, one has to have prices for individual goods.
oneÕs payoff by affecting the social choice out- Therefore, how to best approximate such individual
come, but have no effect on the price it pays. The prices becomes the focus of researchers.
winning bidder is rewarded with the surplus she In this paper, we will review some notable ex-
contributes to the trade. plorations of imputing item prices in combinatorial
In particular, in the combinatorial setting, if we auctions and compare advantages and disadvan-
adopt WDP2, an incentive compatible price for tages of using various approaches. To gain more
winning bundles, using the Groves–Clarke mecha- insight into the matter, we examine the relation-
nism is straightforward. First WDP2 is solved, then ships between these models.
256 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we Y and Z, if bidder 1 is interested in getting only
focus on the incentive compatibility issue by ex- bundle ðX ; Y Þ for $10 and it is free to dispose of
amining bundle pricing approaches found in the unnecessary goods, then the valuation for bun-
literature. In Section 3 we focus on the imputed dle ðX ; Y ; ZÞ might also be set at $10 and the val-
prices for individual goods. In both cases we start by uations of ðX Þ, ðY Þ and ðZÞ might be set at zero.
reviewing their approach, and then compare, con- • Each bidder gets, at most, one bundle in the re-
trast and look for commonalities in these ap- sulting allocation: This is an auction rule im-
proaches. Finally, we end with a conclusion. posed on all bidders. It is aimed to prevent
bidders from underbidding when they value a
set of complementary goods. Without this con-
2. Bundle pricing approaches straint, bidders may submit only single-item
bids even when they value a combination much
Bundle pricing, as its name suggests, is used to more than the sum of all individual component
compute a final price for each bundle. Wurman items, attempting to acquire all the individual
and Wellman (1999), Bikhchandani and Ostroy items separately at a lower price and pocket
(2001) and Parkes (2001) take this approach. Ba the value of the complementarity without hav-
et al. (2001) compute bundle prices in a public ing to pay for it. While the constraint automat-
good combinatorial double auction. ically accommodates exclusive-or (XOR) bids, 7
By having a price for each bundle but not each the same feature can be achieved in combinato-
individual component, one does not have to assume rial auctions by adding a dummy good corre-
anything about the complementarity or substitut- sponding to the XOR constraint.
ability among the components in a bundle. How-
ever, as bundles overlap, one does have to have The goals for determining bundle prices for com-
some additional assumptions beyond the individual binatorial auctions are:
pricing approach. These assumptions range from
auction rules to distribution of valuations. They • Market clearing: Under these prices, the total
include: surplus is maximized (so the allocation is effi-
cient), and it is a competitive equilibrium in that
• Every bidder must bid on every bundle: Without not every bidder can be better off selecting an-
this constraint, all bundles may not receive bids. other bundle to trade other than what she is as-
It would be hard to price a bundle that receives signed. Note the definition of market clearing
one bid or no bids at all. However, having to bid when imputing individual prices, shown in Def-
on every one of the 2m  1 bundles could be very inition 1, is different.
burdensome for a bidder who is interested in • Incentive compatibility: Given the prices, there is
only one or a few bundles, unless some rule is no incentive for any individual bidder to mis-
used to automatically generate consistent bids represent her valuation in order to better her
on other bundles. Typically, to avoid having to outcome.
specify all the valuations one by one, a bidder
can report only valuations for interesting bun- One incentive compatibility research effort on a
dles and have a computerized agent (or the auc- model similar to WDP1 was done by Leonard
tioneer) fill in valuations for the remaining (1983). The paper investigated incentive compati-
bundles according to some rule. 6 For example, ble prices of the well-studied assignment problem
in a combinatorial auction to sell three goods X , in operations research. His model is:

A similar scheme of automatically adjusting bid prices for
other bundles is also proposed by Wurman and Wellman (2000) When bids from the same bidder are XOR bids, the bidder
in the AkBA mechanism. is only interested in getting at most one bundle out of the set.
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 257

m X
X Section 2.5, we provide comparisons based on the
VIP ¼ max pij xij review and our results.
i¼1 j¼1
In the following, denote the price for bundle j
as qj ; the winning bundle set Bþ ; the losing bundle
s:t: xij 6 1 i ¼ 1; . . . ; m
j¼1 set B ; and the bidder set A with winning bidder
X set Aþ and losing bidder set A . Let ZðA n iÞ be the
xij 6 1 j ¼ 1; . . . ; m optimal revenue without bidder i.

xij ¼ 0; 1 i; j ¼ 1; . . . ; m 2.1. Wurman and Wellman (1999)

The assignment problem is an IP problem that is Wurman and Wellman (1999) (henceforth WW)
totally unimodular, and, hence, can be solved as a discuss the bundle pricing problem based on the
linear programming problem. Its dual is: winner determination model WDP1 as listed ear-
Xm m
! lier. We first review the proposed algorithm.
min ui þ vj
i¼1 j¼1 2.1.1. Model and algorithm review
s:t: ui þ vj P pij i; j ¼ 1; . . . ; m The WW bundle pricing algorithm has four
ui ; vj P 0 i; j ¼ 1; . . . ; m
Due to degeneracy of the primal problem, 1. Solve the WDP. Since there is at most one bun-
however, the shadow prices associated with posi- dle won by each bidder, there are two sets of
tions, i.e. the dual variables vj , are not unique. bidders in the optimal allocation: those who
LeonardÕs paper identifies
Pm a set of shadow prices, win a bundle and those who do not. There are
which maximizes j¼1 vj , that not only clears the also two sets of bundles, those assigned to some
market but also provides incentive compatibility. bidder and those unassigned.
Regard i as the index for individuals and j as the 2. Create a dummy good /i for each losing bidder
index for positions. The shadow price for position j i 2 A . Set each bidderÕs valuation for every
is the difference between the optimal value to all dummy bundle to zero. Let U ¼ f/i ji 2 A g.
individuals of all positions plus another position of Consider the assignment problem, illustrated
type j, VIPþj , and the value of the current positions, in Fig. 1, which matches the bundle set G ¼
VIP : qj ¼ VIPþj  VIP . An individual to which posi- U [ Bþ with A ¼ Aþ [ A . Each bundle in Bþ is
tion j is assigned in the optimal solution, as denoted assigned to the corresponding winning bidder
by i, will not be better off if she misrepresents her in Aþ ; each dummy bundle in U is matched with
values. If the represented value does not change the its corresponding bidder in A . LeonardÕs (1983)
assignments, then the result will remain the same. price determination method discussed earlier
Otherwise, if the assignment result is different, the can be applied to this assignment problem.
individual can only be worse off. LeonardÕs result is
regarded as either a special case (in Bikhchandani
et al., 2001) or a basis (in Wurman and Wellman,
1999) in the bundle pricing approach.
Although the above goals and assumptions are
the most common in the bundle pricing approach,
each of the following models differs slightly from
the others. Next we study each in more detail. In
Sections 2.1–2.4, we first review these approaches
in a unified framework, followed by discussions
and, in some cases, new results that help to elu-
cidate the relationship between approaches. In Fig. 1. The pseudo-assignment problem in WW.
258 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

3. The following two problems are solved: they are not incentive compatible. In step 2,
Q is LeonardÕs incentive compatible price for
X the pseudo-assignment problem. But because this
Q ¼ argmin qg pseudo-assignment problem comprises dummy
fqg jg2Bþ g g2G bundles for the losing bidders, even if we take Q as
s:t: si þ qg P pi;g 8i 2 A and g 2 G the price for winning bundles, once the losing
si ; qg P 0 8i 2 A and g 2 G bundles are added back to the problem, the prices,
X X although still market clearing because of step 3, are
si þ qg ¼ Z no longer incentive compatible. In other words, the
i2A g2G
Leonard approachÕs incentive compatibility result
and does not carry over to this case, due to the trans-
formation of step 2.
LPmax After the WW procedure, every bundle, winning
Q ¼ argmin qg or losing, is assigned a price. But are these prices
fqg jg2Bþ g g2G equally informative? Probably not, as the prices for
s:t: si þ qg P pi;g 8i 2 A and g 2 G winning bundles are the result of the dual of an
assignment problem, but those for the losing bun-
si ; qg P 0 8i 2 A and g 2 G
X X dles only need to satisfy one constraint (in step 4).
si þ qg ¼ Z In fact, the prices for losing bundles can be infi-
i2A g2G nitely large so long as they prevent all bidders from
buying them. As a result, prices for the losing
Z is the optimal objective value of WDP1; pi;g is bundles are less indicative of the true value of the
iÕs bid on bundle g 2 G; qg is the price for bundle bundles than those for the winning ones. Thus,
g and si is bidder iÕs maximum surplus. Both Q without the information as to which bundles are
and Q are vectors of jBþ j. They are market- won and which ones are not, these prices have little
clearing prices of winning bundles for the guidance value for helping the potential bidders
pseudo-assignment problem. (LPmin ) is a direct valuate different bundles.
application of LeonardÕs (1983) model, while Wurman and Wellman claim the prices for dif-
(LPmax ) gives an upper bound of the market- ferent bundles are anonymous, as opposed to
clearing prices. WW proves that any linear GVA, which is discriminative pricing because it is
combination of the two prices, kQ þ ð1  kÞQ based on the agent that wins the bid. They define
ð0 6 k 6 1Þ, is also market-clearing. anonymity as ‘‘every agent has the opportunity to
4. For each remaining unassigned bundle g, the purchase the same object at the same price’’. They
price pg is calculated by qg ¼ maxi2A ðpi;g  si Þ. give an example in which GVA would lead to dif-
With such a price, no bidder would be better ferent prices for the same bundle for different
off if she chose to buy this bundle, because buyers. This may be an important issue if bidders
8i 2 A; si P pi;g  qg . In other words, given such perceive fairness, defined as ‘‘every agent has the
prices, no bidder, winner or loser, will have any opportunity to purchase the same object at the
incentive to deviate from her allocation deter- same price’’, as a requirement for auctions, such as
mined by the optimal solution of the combinato- in government procurement auctions. 8 However,
rial auction. the notion of anonymous price for a bundle may
have limited meaning in the bundle auction setting.
2.1.2. Discussion Suppose bidder i is the winner of Bundle g, and the
WW prices are market clearing, because the price is pg , then if another bidder j bids the same
prices support the optimal allocation, and nobody price pg , would he/she be able to get the bundle? It
will choose a different bundle to buy given these
prices. From step 2, there are multiple market
clearing prices for the auction problem. However, 8
We thank an anonymous referee for pointing this out.
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 259

is not clear, because the whole auction is changed In this model, l denotes both a partition of the set
and needs to be solved again. Very likely the auc- of goods and an assignment of the components of
tion result will also change, which leads to a new the partition to bidders. Let C denote all such
price for the bundle. partition-assignment pairs, dl ¼ 1 if the partition-
assignment pair l is selected. (4) dictates that for
2.2. Bikhchandani and Ostroy (2001) bundle j to be assigned to bidder i in the auction,
the pair (i; j) has to belong to a partition-assign-
Bikhchandani and Ostroy (2001) (henceforth ment pair l that is selected. (5) reflects the fact that
BO) discuss the package assignment problem. They no more than one partition-assignment pair can be
call the bundles ‘‘packages’’, which can be reserved selected. The formulation is stronger than WDP1
for a specific bidder instead of everyone. When the in that (4) and (5) implies (2). This can be shown
assignment is a ‘‘first-order assignment’’, which is a by adding (4) for all bundle–bidder pairs:
special case of the package assignment problem, it X X X X
is indeed exactly the WDP1 formulation. xij 6 dl 6 dl 6 1
i;j ði;jÞ l:ði;jÞ2l l2C

2.2.1. Model and algorithm review But because each allocation will have partition-
To get prices using LP duality, they add auxil- assignment pairs, every solution for WDP1 will
iary variables to the original IP problem. In ad- also be a solution for BOWDP. Hence, the two
dition to all the assumptions of WW, they provide models are equivalent.
a sufficient and necessary condition for the pack- BO prove that under the condition that buyers
ages to have market-clearing and incentive com- are substitutes, the LP relaxation of BOWDP gives
patible prices. This requires valuations to satisfy integer solutions. Moreover, the optimal value of
a ‘‘buyers are substitutes’’ condition. The term, dual variables associated with condition (3), de-
‘‘buyers are substitutes’’, first used by Shapley noted by vi , is the Vickrey discount for each bid-
(1962), means that the marginal product of any der, i.e., vi ¼ ZðAÞ  ZðA n iÞ.
buyer subset is greater than the sum of its indi-
vidual buyerÕs. 2.2.2. Discussion
X For each winning bidder i, assuming she is as-
8S A : ZðAÞ  ZðA n SÞ P ðZðAÞ  ZðA n iÞÞ signed bundle j in the auction, the price she pays
the auctioneer to get j is exactly
(ZðAÞ denotes the total auction revenue with all qj ¼ pij  vi
buyers, while ZðA n iÞ is the auction revenue
without bidder i.) where pij is iÕs bid for bundle j. For each losing
Based on this assumption, BO construct the bidder i, the payment is zero, as ZðAÞ ¼ ZðA n iÞ.
following model: We can use qj as the price for the winning
bundle j. It is not only market clearing, but also
BOWDP incentive compatible, since it is the Vickrey price.
While the paper does not compute prices for losing
bundles, it can be easily done using the last step of
ZðAÞ ¼ max pij xij
i2A j2B WWÕs procedure.
X Although BO imposes an additional constraint,
s:t: wj xij 6 1 8i 2 A ð3Þ
the paper does get a very powerful result. It is a
X direct application of the GVA (MacKie-Mason
xij 6 dl 8j 2 B; 8i 2 A ð4Þ and Varian, 1994).
X Another paper by Bikhchandani et al. (2001)
dl 6 1 ð5Þ observes that BO is not the only way to add aux-
l2C iliary variables to WDP1 to get the Vickrey dis-
xij ; dl ¼ 0; 1 8j 2 B and l 2 C count. They propose another model as follows:
260 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

BOWDP2 pij  qj P pij0  qj0 8j0 6¼ j, j0 2 B. In WWÕs pseudo-

ZðAÞ ¼ max
pij xij assignment problem, the new bundle set G ¼
r2P j2r i2A
Bþ [ U. As shown by WW, the prices for the
X dummy bundles are zero, i.e., qð/i0 Þ ¼ 0, 8i0 2 A .
s:t: xrij 6 zr 8i 2 A; 8r 2 P ð6Þ Since pi/ 0 ¼ 0 8i 2 A, i0 2 A , pig  qg ¼ 0, 8g 2 U,
j2r i
X i 2 A. Therefore, 8j 2 Bþ and xij ¼ 1, g0 2 U pij 
xrij 6 zr 8j 2 r; 8r 2 P ð7Þ qj ¼ vi P 0 ¼ pig0  qg0 . 
zr 6 1 ð8Þ Although the Vickrey price for the winning
XX bundles from BO supports WWÕs pseudo-assign-
wj xrij 6 zr 8i 2 A ð9Þ ment problem allocation, it may not be either of
r2P j2r the two prices given in WW, or a linear combi-
xrij P 0 8j 2 r; 8i 2 A nation of the two prices. We can show this through
zr P 0 8r 2 P an example.
Consider the following combinatorial auction
Here, P is the set of partitions of the goods. For where {X ; Y ; W } is the set of individual goods for
any partition r 2 P, j 2 r means bundle j is part sale and {1,2,3} is the set of bidders. Each bidderÕs
of the partition r. Let zr ¼ 1 if partition r is se- valuation for every bundle is listed in the table. A
lected, zero otherwise. Set xrij ¼ 1 to mean that r is best allocation, apparently, is assigning items X
selected and bundle j is assigned to bidder i in and Y to bidder 1 and item W to bidder 2 with
partition r. Let vi be the dual variable associated bidder 3 getting nothing, as highlighted in Table 1.
with (9). Bikhchandani et al. (2001) prove The auctionÕs optimal revenue is 16.
BOWDP2 has an integral optimal solution. Under The Vickrey prices for the two winning bundles
the condition that ‘‘buyers are substitutes’’, the are
dual variable for (9), vi ¼ ZðAÞ  ZðA n iÞ, is ex- qðXY Þ ¼ p1 ðXY Þ  ðZðAÞ  ZðA n 1ÞÞ
actly the Vickrey discount of the bidder i. One can
¼ 10  ð16  16Þ ¼ 10
easily compute prices for winning bundles as be-
fore, by subtracting the Vickrey discount from qðW Þ ¼ p2 ðW Þ  ðZðAÞ  ZðA n 2ÞÞ
the winnerÕs bid. ¼ 6  ð16  15Þ ¼ 5
Since both BO and WW base their pricing pro- The pseudo-assignment problem of WW, is as-
cedure on WDP1, it is worthwhile to compare the signing G ¼ fðXY Þ; ðW Þ; /3 g to the three bidders.
two approaches. First, WW prices are market Solving ðLPmin Þ and ðLPmax Þ, one can get Q ¼
clearing but not incentive compatible, while BO fqfXY g ; qfW g g ¼ f6; 4g and Q ¼ fqfXY g ; qfW g g ¼ f10;
prices are both market clearing and incentive
compatible, given that buyers are substitutes. Sec- 6g. WW proves that any price that is a linear
ond, BO prices support the optimal allocation of combination of Q and Q is also an equilibrium price
the pseudo-assignment problem in step (2) of WW. that supports the allocation and is competitive.
This is shown as follows. If we denote the Vickrey price for the original
auction problem as QV , it is apparent that QV 6¼
Theorem 1. Under the assumption of buyer substi- kQ þ ð1  kÞQ 80 6 k 6 1. That is, the Vickrey
tutes, the Vickrey price for the winning bundles also
Table 1
supports the pseudo-assignment problem’s allocation. A combinatorial auction example
Bidders Items
Proof. Let Q denote the sets of prices for winning
bundles, i.e., Q ¼ fqj ; j 2 Bj9i 2 A, s.t. xij ¼ 1g in X Y W XY XW YW XYW
the original combinatorial auction problem. Since 1 6 6 5 10 7 8 12
Q is the Vickrey price for the original auction 2 7 3 6 8 9 6 11
3 4 2 4 5 7 9 12
problem, it is also competitive. Thus, 8i s:t: xij ¼ 1,
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 261

price, although supporting the allocation, is not a ted out in the paper, the value of an approximate
linear combination of the two WW prices. incentive compatible outcome is also uncertain.

2.3. Parkes (2001) 2.4. Ba et al. (2001)

Parkes (2001) (PARK) proposes another bun- The three approaches we outlined above all deal
dle pricing scheme as part of an iterative ascending with private-good combinatorial auctions. It is
bundle auction model. interesting to consider a public good auction. In
another related paper, Ba et al. (2001) proposes a
2.3.1. Model and algorithm review market mechanism for knowledge production and
In his approach, he imposes the same set of allocation within an organization. The knowledge
assumptions as WW does. However, he argues goods are traded in bundles; thus, possible com-
that while the GVA gives incentive compatible plementarities among components can be taken
prices, it needs complete information of bidder into account. Since the knowledge components
evaluation on every bundle desired. Yet, it may be within a firm must be considered as public goods,
too costly for bidders to evaluate all the bundles. once a product is purchased, it can be freely shared
Moreover, bidders may not be willing to reveal by all departments within the firm. The combina-
their full valuation. In such cases, GVA would not torial auction model is different from WDP1.
work because of incomplete information. The combinatorial auction model is:
Parkes proposes a two-stage procedure with it-
erative ascending combinatorial auctions to ap-
proximate the GVA. In the first stage, an iterative X
max pj xj
combinatorial auction is held for all bundles. At
the end of this stage, the auction terminates with
an outcome close to the optimal allocation. A part s:t: max fwi;j xj g þ min fwi;j xj g 6 0
j¼1;...;n j¼1;...;n
of the Vickrey discount is calculated. In the second
8i ¼ 1; . . . ; m
stage, the rest of the Vickrey discount is computed,
for those winning bidders whose absence from the xj ¼ f0; 1g 8j ¼ 1; . . . ; n
auction would cause some other winning bidders
to lose also. This is a combinatorial double auction, in that
there can be multiple buyers and sellers, and pos-
2.3.2. Discussion sibly, hybrid traders that both buy and sell in one
Using this approach, bidders do not need to bundle. The model is similar to WDP2, with the
reveal complete information of their valuation at only difference being the goodÕs public nature. The
the beginning of the auction. This is an attractive vector, wj ; represents the content of a bundle: if
feature as bidders may be either unwilling to do so, wk;j ¼ 1, the kth good is to be bought in bundle j; if
or they may not absolutely certain about their wk;j ¼ 1, the kth good is to be sold in bundle j;
valuation at the beginning. In the latter case, as the otherwise the value is 0 meaning item k is not part
auction continues, bidders have more information of the bundle. The constraint ensures that for a
to help determine the valuation. component to be bought, it has to be supplied by
While the process does give incentive compatible a bundle.
prices in some special cases, it is still an approxi- Here, the issue is how to price the knowledge
mation to the original GVA mechanism. The ap- bundles so that all bids are incentive compatible.
proximation is perfect only when the bid increment The difficulty lies in both the combinatorial nature
goes to zero, yet, that in itself can make the iterative and the free-riding problem brought about by the
bidding process too long to hold and participate in. public-good nature, since bidders may try to
Just as a bidderÕs submitting approximate valua- under-represent their true value on a knowledge
tion makes the GVA outcome inefficient, as poin- component in the hope of getting it for free.
262 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

The original formulation MP is a non-linear plication of the Groves–Clarke mechanism

programming problem. To get prices, an additional (Groves, 1973 and Clarke, 1971).
assumption has to be made. The paper assumes that
each knowledge component is provided by only one 2.5. Comparison of the four bundle pricing ap-
seller (a unique provider). Under this assumption, proaches
the pricing problem becomes the dual of a network
flow problem. The dual variables correspond to To compare the above four approaches of bun-
prices for knowledge bundles. Moreover, they are dle pricing, we create Table 2 listing their charac-
incentive compatible. It is shown that it is an ap- teristics.

Table 2
Comparison of different bundle pricing approaches
Wurman and Wellman (1999) (WW) Bikhchandani Parkes (2001) Ba et al. (2001) (BA)
et al. (2001) (PARK)
Bundle auction Private goods; direct revelation Private goods; Private goods; Public goods; combinatorial
model combinatorial auctions direct revela- iterative as- double auctions
tion combina- cending combi-
torial auctions natorial auc-
XX tions X
Optimization ðWDP1ÞZ ¼ max pij xij Same as Buyers bid on max pj xj
formulation X
i2A j2B WDP1 all bundles it- j2B

s:t: wj xij 6 1 8i 2 A eratively; auc- s:t: max wj xj þ min wj xj 6 08i

j2B j2B
j2B tioneer needs
to solve WDP1 xj ¼ 0; 1 8j 2 B
xij 6 1 8j 2 B
i2A for provisional
xij ¼ 0; 1 8i 2 A; 8j 2 B winners

Assumptions Bidder bids on every bundle; at most one Buyer substi- Same as WW Unique provider (UP)
bid is awarded to each bidder tute in addition
to all assump-
tions in WW
Need to solve Yes Yes Yes Yes
the WDP first?
Transformation Constructing pseudo-assignment problem Adding auxil- No transfor- With the UP assumption, the
to get prices by keeping only the winning bundles and iary variables mation. Leave problem is the dual of a net-
adding dummy bundles for the losing to make the burden of opti- work flow problem. However,
bidders; then getting prices for the WDP unimod- mization with prices do not correspond to
assignment problem ular so the LP bidders individual knowledge compo-
relaxation can nents due to the transforma-
be solved to get tion
Prices incentive No Yes In general, no; Yes
compatible? in special cases,
Prices for Yes No, but such No No
losing prices can be
bundles? easily derived
Relationship None An implemen- Approxima- Application of GC
with Groves– tation of the tion of GC;
Clarke Mech- GC under spe- implements
anism (GC) cial assump- GC only in
tions (buyer special cases
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 263

2.6. Advantages and disadvantages of the bundle this information is very limited. Take WW for
pricing approach example. The losing bundleÕs price can be anything
greater than the pg proposed and all the results still
The advantages of bundle pricing are: hold, while for the winning bids, prices are within
a finite closed range.
1. There is no assumption on the bidderÕs bundle (3) Since the prices are for bundles, there is little
evaluations; information on the value of individual goods that
2. With a price for every bundle, by comparing make up a bundle. This is especially true if there is
prices, one can gain some insight into the value no single-item bundle in the optimal allocation.
of complementarity in different scenarios. For (4) For bundle pricing to be effective, it has to
example, if for bundles X and Y , qðX Þ ¼ 5, be strictly enforced that: first, the bidders will pay
but qðX [ Y Þ ¼ 25, then there is a very strong the bundle prices dictated by the seller; second,
complementarity between A and B. However, there is no opportunity for collusion, in which a
if qðX [ Y Þ ¼ 5 instead, then very little comple- group of buyers submit one bid for a set of goods
mentarity exists. then divide them up later to improve their pay-
The disadvantages of bundle pricing are:
(1) The number of combinations any bidder has 3. Individual pricing
to evaluate is exponential to the number of goods.
For example, when m ¼ 4, one has to bid on 15 The bundle pricing approach gives prices only
bundles. It is extremely burdensome and imprac- for bundles. So, if no winning bundle contains
tical to ask anybody to evaluate so many bundles, only a single component of interest, bundle pricing
especially those she is not interested in at all. A does not provide a way to determine an individual
way to get around the tedious bid evaluation and component price. Because individual component
expression process is to preset all bids to zero, so prices can serve as benchmarks for combinatorial
an agent needs to bid only on bundles she is in- bids, they are desirable. Next, we review one
terested in. One way of relieving bidders from the proposed approach and another general IP ap-
burden of having to bid on every bundle is to have proach and compare them to find their relation-
a computer program that automatically updates ship. In Section 3.1 and the first part of Section
the bid for all the bundles according to a rule 3.2, we review the models and algorithms of the
given by the bidder every time a bid is submitted. DeMartini and OÕNeill approaches. In the latter
For instance, the rule may be that the bidderÕs part of Section 3.2, we compare their relationship.
valuation is monotonous on bundles, i.e. bidder iÕs Section 3.3 discusses the advantages and disad-
valuation on a bundle j is not less than that of any vantages of using the individual pricing ap-
of its subsets j0 j. Therefore, if the current bid proaches.
for a superset is less than the bid, then it is set to In the following, let M ¼ f1; . . . ; mg represent
the latter. More specifically, when a bidder i bids pi the set of items being auctioned. Here we restrict
on bundle j, then 8j0 , s.t. wj0 < wj iÕs utility on j0 bidders to bidding on one bundle and notationally
must be updated to be at least pij , i.e. pij0 represent the bidder set as equivalent to the bundle
maxðpij0 ; pij Þ. set. 9 As earlier, we denote this set by A. The vector
(2) Not every bundleÕs price is equally infor- corresponding to individual imputed item prices is
mative: prices for unassigned bundles carry less denoted as p.
information than those for assigned bundles, as
they need only to ensure that bidders do not get 9
distracted from getting the bundle they are as- Actually, a bidder can place two different bids, and can
possibly win both if the bids do not overlap––we can treat the
signed. If one is given only price information bidder as two different bidders, one for each bundle. In that
without knowing which price is for winning bun- regard, there is no restriction on how many bids a bidder can
dles and which is for losing bundles, the value of place.
264 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

3.1. DeMartini et al. (1999) solve (K ¼ U)

max y
DeMartini et al. (1999) proposes a pricing y;p
scheme for all individual goods in a combina- s:t: p0 wj ¼ pj j 2 Aþ
torial auction, by approximating the prices in a
p0 wj þ gj P pj j 2 A
divisible case. Their scheme first solves the
WDP2. p 0 1i P y i 2 M
The paper proposes the following three-step p0 1i ¼ pi i 2 K
process to determine prices. 10 y; p P 0
Step 1: Given pj and the values Aþ , A , and xj
resulting from the solution to WDP2,
find the lowest z that bounds the discrep- Let K fi : pi ¼ y  g and M M n K. If M is
ancy: empty, stop. Otherwise go to step 3 again.

min z We present a simple example to illustrate the

process. The bids are:
s:t: p0 wj ¼ pj j 2 Aþ
p wj þ gj P pj j 2 A
02 3 1
gj 6 z
ðw1 ; p1 Þ ¼ @4 1 5; 30A;
B6 7 C
z; p; gj P 0
If z ¼ 0, go to step 3.
02 3 1
Let K be the empty set and J ¼ fjjj 2 A ðw2 ; p2 Þ ¼ @4 1 5; 30A;
B6 7 C
and gj ¼ z g. If J ¼ A , go to step 3. Otherwise go
to step 2. 1
Step 2 : Given pj and the values Aþ , A , and xj re- 1
02 3 1
sulting from the solution to WDP2, and J ,
ðw3 ; p3 Þ ¼ @4 0 5; 30A;
B6 7 C
min z 1
02 3 1

s:t: p0 wj ¼ pj j 2 Aþ ðw4 ; p4 Þ ¼ @4 1 5; 39A

B6 7 C

p0 wj þ gj P pj j2J 1
p wj þ gj ¼ pj j2A nJ
gj 6 z Winner determination gives
z; p; gj P 0
2 3
If z ¼ 0, go to step 3. Let J J [ fj 2 A n 607
J : z ¼ gj g. If J ¼ A , go to step 3. Otherwise go x ¼6
to step 2 again.
Step 3 : Given bj and the values Aþ , A , and xj re-
sulting from the solution to WDP2, and J
from step 1, DeMartini Prices are then determined as fol-

We rewrite some of the original notation using a vector
format. Aþ ¼ f4g; A ¼ f1; 2; 3g and M ¼ f1; 2; 3g
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 265

Step 1: 3.2. O’Neill et al. (2001)

OÕNeill et al. (2001) discusses pricing for the
min z
z;p;g P 0 more general resource allocation problem with
s:t: p1 þ p2 þ g1 P 30 non-convex objective functions. The main idea is
to associate a cost with each positively valued
p2 þ p3 þ g2 P 30
integer variable. In particular, after the resource
p1 þ p3 þ g3 P 30 allocation problem is solved, add a new equality
p1 þ p2 þ p3 ¼ 39 constraint for each positively valued, optimal
g1 6 z; g2 6 z; g3 6 z integer variable, setting the variable to its opti-
mal value. The new LP problem has the same
optimal solution as the original IP. Next solve
The solution is: the dual for the new LP. The price is the sum
2 3 2 3 of all the composing items plus the additional
13 4 dual variable corresponding to the integer vari-
z ¼ 4; p ¼ 4 13 5 and g ¼ 445 able.
13 4 We apply the approach to combinatorial auc-
so J ¼ A , K ¼ U. tions. It produces prices by the following process.
Step 3: First solve WDP2
Solve: n
max p j xj
max y j¼1
y;p P 0
s:t: p1 þ p2 P 26
s:t: wj xj 6 1
p2 þ p3 P 26 j¼1

p1 þ p3 P 26 xj 2 f0; 1g j ¼ 1; . . . ; n
p1 þ p2 þ p3 ¼ 39
(pj is the bid price for bundle j; wj is a vector
p1 P y; p2 P y; p3 P y
representing the items in bundle j.)
The solution is: Then solve

p 0 1 þ g 0 x
2 3
13 min
y ¼ 13 and p ¼ 4 13 5
13 s:t: p0 wj þ gj P pj j ¼ 1; . . . ; n
The DeMartini approach attempts to compute p is the price vector for individual goods.
a set of prices such that (1) for any winning The same example presented in Section 3.1 gives
bundle, the sum of the prices of its comprising
individual items is equal to the bid; (2) for losing
bundles, the discrepancy between the sum of in- min p 0 1 þ g4
dividual item prices and the bid, if the bid is
s:t: p1 þ p2 þ g1 P 30
greater than the sum, is minimized. The model
in step 1 results in a set of prices with the p2 þ p3 þ g2 P 30
above features. But because the model may have p1 þ p3 þ g3 P 30
multiple solutions, steps 2 and 3 iteratively elim-
p1 þ p2 þ p3 þ g4 P 39
inate multiple solutions and ensure the unique-
ness. pP0
266 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

and has a solution Proposition 3. When some goods are unallocated in

2 3 the optimal solution, if the DeMartini prices for the
2 3 12
9 6 0 7 unallocated items are zero, then the DeMartini price
p ¼4 9 5 and g ¼6
4 0 5
7 is also an O’Neill price.
Proof. Let us rearrange the indices of items so that
the first set of indices is for items sold in the op-
Some observations on the above two individual
timal solution (denote as A), and the second set for
pricing approaches are presented in a sequence of
unsold items (denote as U). From the DeMartini
theorems as follows.
model, the optimal auction revenue
Proposition 1. O’Neill price is not unique.
Z ¼ pj ¼ p0L wj ¼ p0L wj
j2Aþ j2Aþ j2Aþ
In the above example, any price that satisfies
p1 þ p2 þ p3 ¼ 39 and g4 ¼ 0 is an OÕNeill price. In the OÕNeill model, we can still set
j 2 Aþ

Proposition 2. When all the goods are sold in the  0
gj ¼
optimal allocation, it is always true that the De- p j  p L w j j 2 K n Aþ

Martini price is an O’Neill price.

Then, when j 2 Aþ , p0L wj þ gj ¼ p0L wj ¼ pj and
Proof. When all the goods are sold in the optimal when j 2 K n Aþ , p0L wj þ gj ¼ p0L wj þ pj  p0L wj ¼
allocation, let the DeMartini price be pL and the pj .
optimal revenue be Z  . We have, in the DeMartini Thus ðpL ; g Þ is a solution to the OÕNeill model.
procedure And the corresponding objective value is
pj ¼ p0L wj 8j 2 Aþ p0L 1 þ g x ¼ p0L 1 ¼ pLi þ pLi ¼ pLi ¼ Z 
i2A i2U i2A
X X X Since Z  is the optimal objective value of the
Z ¼ pj ¼ p0L wj ¼ p0L wj ¼ p0L 1 ð10Þ OÕNeill model, ðpL ; g Þ is an optimal solution to
j2Aþ j2Aþ j2Aþ the OÕNeill model. Therefore, pL is also an OÕNeill
(The last ‘‘ ¼ ’’ is due to the fact that all goods price. 
are sold.)
Conversely, in the OÕNeill procedure, if we set Proposition 4. When some of the goods are not al-
located in the optimal solution, if the DeMartini
j 2 Aþ price for the unallocated items is positive, rearrange

gj ¼ the indices of items as before and write the De-
pj  p0L wj j 2 K n Aþ
Martini price as
where K is the set of all goods.
Then, when j 2 Aþ , p0L wj þ gj ¼ p0L wj ¼ pj and pL ¼
when j 2 K n Aþ , p0L wj þ gj ¼ p0L wj þ pj  p0L wj ¼
pj . Therefore, ðpL ; g Þ satisfies where pU is the price vector corresponding to the
unallocated items. We claim
p0L wj þ gj P pj 8j 2 K  
pR ¼
and 0

p0L 1 þ g0 x ¼ p0L 1 þ 0 ¼ Z  is an O’Neill price.

so the DeMartini price, pL , is also an OÕNeill Proof. From the DeMartini model, the optimal
price.  revenue
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 267

for this unallocated item is 1. Denote this itemÕs

Z ¼ pj ¼ p0L wj ¼ p0L wj
j2Aþ j2Aþ j2Aþ price as p1 ðp1 > 0Þ. Denote the OÕNeill price for
the rearranged indices as
For the OÕNeill model, if we let  
pR ¼
j 2 Aþ

 0 p2
gj ¼
p j  pR w j j 2 K n A þ
(Note p2 is a vector of (m  1).) Because it is
þ an OÕNeill price, there exists g ; such that ðpR ;
then when j 2 A ,
 0  0 g Þ is an optimal solution for the OÕNeill prob-
pA pA lem.
p0R wj þ gj ¼ wj ¼ wj Next we show that there is another feasible so-
0 pU
lution that yields a smaller objective. Denote
(The last equality is due to the fact that unallo- N ¼ fj : w1j ¼ 1g as the set of bids that include the
cated items do not appear in any winning bundle.) unallocated item. jN j ¼ k. Rearrange the indices of
But bids so the bids of N are the first k bids. Partition g
pA as
wj ¼ p0L wj ¼ pj
Therefore p0R wj þ gj ¼ pj , 8j 2 Aþ . When j 2 Kn 
Aþ ,
p0R wj þ gj ¼ p0R wj þ pj  p0R wj ¼ pj where gN is the vector consisting of gj Õs corre-

sponding to N and gN the rest of gj Õs. N  A ,
So because the unallocated item cannot be part of a
winning bid. Let
pR ¼
0 0 1
is a feasible solution to the OÕNeill model. More- gN ¼ gN þ @ . . . A
over, the corresponding objective value is p1
0 0 0 pA X X 

pR 1 þ g x ¼ pR 1 ¼ 1¼ pLi ¼ p0L wj g ¼
0 i2A j2Aþ

¼ Z
pA pR0 ¼
pR ¼ p2
is an OÕNeill price.  then ðpR0 ; g Þ is also a feasible solution to the
OÕNeill problem, because when:
Proposition 5. In the O’Neill procedure, the prices  0
corresponding to the unallocated items are always þ 0 
j 2 A ; pR0 wj þ gj ¼ wj þ gj
zero. p2
Proof. Suppose there exists an optimal solution to ¼ wj þ gj P pj
the OÕNeill problem in which not all prices for
unallocated items are zero. Then there must exist (The last ‘‘ ¼ ’’ is due to the fact item 1 is unallo-
at least one unallocated item, with a positive price. cated thus not in any winning bundle; the last
Rearrange the indices of the items, so the index ‘‘ P ’’ is due to the feasibility of ðpR ; g Þ.) When
268 M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270

0 Since a price is associated with each unique


j2 N ; p0R0 wj þ gj ¼ wj þ gj þ p1 good, one can use the price to compute a value
 0 for any bundle even if it had not received any
p1 bids in the last round.
¼ wj þ gj P pj
The disadvantages of individual prices are:
and when

0 1. Since a bundleÕs value is the sum of all compo-
j 2 K n ðN [ Aþ Þ; p0R0 wj þ gj ¼ wj þ gj nents, complementarities between components
0 are not accounted for in the individual price

¼ wj þ gj P pj
p2 2. In general, incentive compatibility cannot be
achieved due to the existing duality gap for IP;
(The last ‘‘ ¼ ’’ is because item 1 does not appear in 3. If there are additional constraints in the bids,
any bundle in j 2 K n ðN [ Aþ Þ.) such as an XOR constraint, they can be mod-
At the same time, the objective value corre- eled as dummy components so that the model
sponding to ðpR0 ; g Þ is is still in the form of WDP2. In addition, indi-
 0  0 vidual pricing approaches will assign a price
0 0
1 þ g0 x ¼ 1 þ g0 x ¼ Z  for each constraint. Thus the prices correspond-
p2 p2
ing to the additional fictional components will
(The first ‘‘ ¼ ’’ is because g differs from g g only become part of the bundle price for those bun-
in losing bids; the last ‘‘ ¼ ’’ is due to the feasibility dles involved in the constraint, e.g. an XOR
of ðpR0 ; g Þ.) Thus, ðpR0 ; g Þ yields a smaller ob- constraint. Therefore, a bundleÕs price may
jective value than ðpR ; g Þ. This conflicts our as- not be the sum of all prices for the real compo-
sumption that ðpR ; g Þ is an optimal solution to the nents.
OÕNeill problem. 

From the above propositions, we can see that 4. Summary and future research
for single-unit single-sided auctions such as
WDP2, the DeMartini price is, in some sense, a In this paper, we reviewed several pricing ap-
special case of the OÕNeill price. proaches for combinatorial auctions with indivis-
ibilities. Prices using a bundle approach all clear
3.3. Advantages and disadvantages of individual the market, while aiming to achieve incentive
prices for goods compatibility. Such prices, when historical, help
potential bidders evaluate the bundles before bid-
The advantages of having individual prices for ding when complementarities between products
goods are as follows: are unclear. Yet, because prices for losing bundles
do not give as much information as those for
1. The model does not place any restriction on the winning bundles, the value of the prices for bun-
number of bundles a bidder can bid on or ac- dles without winning bids is greatly reduced.
quire. Thus a bidder is free to place bids on All of the bundle pricing schemes are either an
two disjoint bundles, and possibly win both, if application or an extension of the Groves–Clarke
there is no complementary existing between Mechanism. However, in order to achieve incen-
the goods in the two bundles. tive compatibility, either more assumptions have
2. Individual prices give guidance to bid formation to be made, or only approximations can be at-
and evaluation for new entrants and losing bid- tained. The rest of the approaches cannot claim
ders. If the assumption of WDP2 is adopted, incentive compatibility at all. Moreover, the as-
some possible bundles do not receive a bid. sumptions that one has to bid on all possible
M. Xia et al. / European Journal of Operational Research 154 (2004) 251–270 269

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