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ShadowdarkNecromancer Class

Written by:
Josh Conkel

Artwork by:
Jose Eduardo “Jegs” Gonzalez
Yuri Perkowski Domingos
Necromancer Class
Tragic sorcerors, vengeful mages. Spellcasting. You can cast
Tinkerers in the powers of life and Necromancer spells you know
death. using INT modifier.

Weapons: Dagger, staff LV 1: You know three tier 1 spells of

your choice from the Necromancer
Armor: Leather spell list (included) in addition to
Animate Dead.
Hit Points: 1d4 per level
Each time you gain a level, you
Languages. You speak Common and choose new Necromancer
Diabolic. spells to learn according to the
Necromancer Spells Known table.
Learning Spells. You can
permanently learn a Necromancer For casting Necromancer spells,
spell from a spell scroll by studying see Spellcasting on pg. 44.
it for a day and succeeding on a
DC 15 Intelligence check.

Whether you succeed or fail, you

expend the spell scroll.

Spells you learn in this way don’t

count toward your known spells.

2d6 Effect
2 Double the undead created with Animate/Create Undead
3-6 +2 to Intelligence stat or +1 to necromancer spellcasting checks
7-9 Gain advantage on casting one spell you know
10-11 Learn one additional necromancer spell of any tier
12 Choose a talent or +2 points to distribute to stats

Spells Known By Spell Tier

Level 1 2 3 4 5
1 3 - - - -
2 4 - - - -
3 4 1 - - -
4 4 2 - - -
5 4 2 1 - -
6 4 3 2 - -
7 4 3 2 1 -
8 4 4 2 2 -
9 4 4 3 2 1
10 4 4 4 2 2

Level Lawful Chaotic Neutral
1-2 - Conjurer Acolyte
3-4 - Hexer Occultist
5-6 - Death Worker Thaumaturgist
7-8 - Death Lord Cunning One
9-10 - The Merciless Arch Necromancer


Tier 1 Tier 4
• Animate Dead • Arcane Eye
• Borrow Life • Become Spider
• Detect Magic • Blood Bubble
• Dreaful Doll • Boneskin
• Ghostlight • Cloudkill
• Hex • Passwall
• Mesmerize • Regenerate
• Protection from Virtue • Scrying
• Shivers • Swarm
• Sleep • Telekenisis

Tier 2 Tier 5
• Alter Self • Antimagic Shell
• Augury • Banish to Beyond
• Bile • Borrow Essence
• Blind/Deafen • Heal
• Dead Eyes • Plane Shift
• Detect Thoughts • Power Word Kill
• Invisibility • Primsatic Orb
• Silence • Pulverize
• Speak With Dead • Resurrect
• Web • Shape Change
• Undead Army
Tier 3
• Bat Wings
• Become Fog
• Control Beast
• Conjure Wight
• Dispel Magic
• Divination
• Fireball
• Frighten the Living
• Protection from Energy
• Pyrokinesis


Tier 1

Animate Dead Dreadful Doll

Duration: 1 day Duration: Focus

Range: Close Range: Close

You touch one humanoid’s remains, and You magically lift one humanoid creature
it rises as a zombie or skeleton under your of LV 2 or less into the air and are able
control. to hold them there, manipulating thier
appendages, as long as you can hold
The remains must have at least three limbs concentration. They cannot move or act of
and its head intact. The undead creature their own free will.
acts on your turn. After 1 day, the creature
collapses into grave dust. They can attempt to end the spell on each
turn with a WIS check vs. last spellcasting
Borrow Life Ghostlight
Duration: Instant Duration: 1 hour real time

Range: Close Range: Close

Touch one living with 4 or more HP. Take 1d4
You conjure an incorporeal will o’ wisp
HP from them, hold the lifeforce in your hands
that provides you with pale white light.
with concentration, then touch another living
creature to transfer the HP. When casting with a INT check of 18 or
higher, the light may guide you in the right
direction if asked.

Detect Magic Hex

Duration: Focus Duration: Instant

Range: Near Range: Near

You can sense the presence of magic One humanoid or creature has
within near range for the spell’s duration. disadvantage on all attack rolls for 1d4
If you focus for two rounds, you discern its rounds.
general properties. Full barriers block this

Mesmerize Alter Self
Duration: 1 day Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Near Range: Self

Staring deep into the eyes of a humanoid You magically change your physical form,
LV 2 or less, you say soothing words to gaining one feature that modifies your
them, which awe them to such depths existing anatomy.
they become enthralled to you. They either
stand in place as if in a trance or follow For example, you can grow functional gills
simple orders. on your neck or bear claws on your fingers.
This spell can’t grow wings or limbs.
The spell ends if you or your
allies do anything to hurt it that
it notices. Augury
Duration: Instant
The target knows you magically
enchanted it after the spell ends. Range: Self

Protection from Virtue You interpret the meaning

Duration: Focus of supernatural portents and
Range: Near
Ask the GM one question about
For the spell’s duration, lawful humanoids a specific course of action. The
have disadvantage on attack rolls and GM says whether the action will
hostile spellcasting checks against the lead to “weal” or “woe.”
target. These beings also can’t possess,
compel, or beguile it.
Duration: Instant

Range: Near
You call down a river of black bile on a
Duration: Instant
creature you can see within range. It takes
1d8 necrotic damage, is stuck in bile, and
Range: Near
cannot move until passing a DEX check DC
You weave a lulling spell that fills a near-
sized cube extending from you. Living
creatures in the area of effect fall into a
deep sleep if they are LV 2 or less. Vigorous
shaking or being injured wakes them.

Duration: 10 rounds

Range: Close
A creature you touch becomes invisible for
Duration: Focus
the spell’s duration. The spell ends if the
target attacks or casts a spell.
Range: Near
You utter a hateful censure, blinding or Duration: Focus
deafening one creature you can see in
range. The creature has disadvantage Range: Far
on tasks requiring the lost sense.
You magically mute sound in a near cube
Dead Eyes within the spell’s range. Creatures inside
Duration: Focus the area are deafened, and any sounds
they create cannot be heard.
Range: Far
Speak With Dead
Your eyes go white as you touch a corpse
and project your mind into it. You see and Duration: Focus
hear what is happeningaround the corpse
for 1 hour per level. Also works on the Range: Close
Undead, provided they aren’t intelligent.
A dead body you touch answers your
Caster can leave the corpse and move up questions in a distant, wheezing voice.
to 5 miles away from the corpse while still
retaining the ability to see/hear through it. You can ask the dead body up to three yes
or no questions (one at a time). The GM
truthfully answers “yes” or “no” to each.

If you cast this spell more than once in 24

Detect Thoughts hours, treat a failed spellcasting check for
Duration: Focus it as a critical failure instead.

Range: Near

You peer into the mind of one creature

you can see within range. Each round, you
learn the target’s immediate thoughts.

On its turn, the target makes a Wisdom

check vs. your last spellcasting check. If the
target succeeds, it notices your presence in
its mind and the spell ends.

Web Bat Wings
Duration: 5 rounds Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Far Range: Self

You create a near-sized cube of sticky, You sprout large, leathery wings and take
dense spider web within the spell’s range. to the air like a bat. You can fly near for the
spell’s duration, and cling to/climb on walls
A creature stuck in the web can’t move and ceilings.
and must succeed on a Strength check vs.
your spellcasting check Become Fog
to free itself. Duration: 10 rounds

Range: Self

You and your gear turn into a thick, low

hanging fog for the spell’s duration.

You can pass through pass through any

gap that smoke could. You can sense the
terrain and any movement around you out
to a near distance. Any being within the
fog cannot see and rolls disadvantage on
checks requiring sight.

You can’t cast spells while in this


Conjure Wight
Duration: 1 day

Range: Close

You conjure a Wight to do your bidding.

It appears next to you and is under your

The Wight acts on your turn. After 1 day, it

melts away into smoke.

Duration: Instant

Range: Far
Control Beast
Duration: Focus You hurl a small flame that erupts into a
fiery blast. All creatures in a near-sized
Range: Far cube around where the flame lands
take 4d6 damage. On next turn, can add
Your eyes go white as you latch onto the Pyrokinesis (see below) on successful
soul of a creature of LV 6 or lower. You spellcasting check.
decide its actions during its
turn. Frighten the Living
Dispel Magic Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Range: Near
Range: Near All living things within near range of you
must immediately make a morale check.
End one spell that affects one target you This spell does not affect creatures that are
can see in range. immune to morale checks.

Divination Protection from Energy

Duration: Instant Duration: Focus

Range: Self Range: Close

You throw the divining bones or peer into One creature you touch becomes
the blackness between the stars, seeking a impervious to the wild fury of the
portent. elements. Choose fire, cold, or electricity.
For the spell’s duration, the target is
You can ask the GM one yes or no question. immune to harm from energy of the
The GM truthfully answers “yes” or “no.” chosen type.

If you cast this spell more than once in 24

hours, treat a failed spellcasting check for
it as a critical failure instead. Duration: Focus

Range: Far

You can move and shape fire. You may

cause a section of fire up to 20 feet in
width and height to change shape or flow
in a different direction. It can move roughly
the same speed as you (near.)

Any creature caught in fire takes 4d6

Arcane Eye Boneskin
Duration: Focus Duration: 10 rounds

Range: Near Range: Self

You conjure an invisible, grapesized eye Your conjure armor that appears to be
within range. You can see through the eye. made of bone. For the spell’s duration, your
It can see in the dark out to near range, fly armor class becomes 17 (20 on a critical
near on your turn, and squeeze through spellcasting check).
openings as narrow as a keyhole.
Duration: 5 rounds

Become Spider Range: Far

Duration: 10 rounds
A putrid cloud of yellow poison fills a near-
Range: Self sized cube within range. It spreads around
You sprout eight spindly spider legs and
can climb walls and ceilings. You may Creatures inside the cloud are blinded and
continue to cast spells in this form and take 2d6 damage at the beginning of their
have ADV on casting Web for the duration. turns.

Bite. You can bite a living creature (their A creature of LV 9 or less that ends its turn
DEX vs your spellcasting check) to paralyze fully inside the cloud dies.

Blood Bubble Passwall

Duration: 5 rounds Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Self Range: Close

You lift your hands, conjuring a crimson A tunnel of your height opens in a barrier
bubble of blood around yourself. Its thin you touch and lasts for the duration. The
wall must be contiguous and creates a passage can be up to near distance in
close-sized bubble around you. length and must be in a straight line.

The bubble moves with you and nothing

on the same plane can physically pass
through its walls.

Regenerate Swarm
Duration: Focus Duration: 5 rounds

Range: Close Range: Self

A creature you touch regains 1d4 hit points You transform into a swarm of bats, rats,
on your turn for the duration. This spell also centipedes, snakes, or spiders. (See stat
regrows lost body parts. blocks.)

Scrying You attack as the swarm and use the

Duration: Focus swarms hit points. Any failed swarm
attacks still give half damage to victims.
Range: Self
When the swarm’s HP fall to 0, you
You look into a reflective surface, calling up transform back into your humanoid self,
images of a distant place. incurring none of the damage given to the
For the spell’s duration, you can see and
hear a creature or location you choose that
is on the same plane.

This spell is DC 18 to cast if you try to scry

on a creature or location that is unfamiliar
to you. Duration: Focus

Each round, creatures you view may make Range: Far

a Wisdom check vs. your last spellcasting
check. On a success, they become aware of You lift a creature or object with your mind.
your magical observation. Choose a target that weighs 1,000 pounds
or less. You can move it a near distance in
any direction and hold it in place.

Borrow Essence
Duration: Instant

Range: Close
Antimagic Shell
Duration: Focus A creature you touch has a random stat
reduced to 3 (-4) for one week.
Range: Self
Roll a d6 to determine which stat:
An invisible, near-sized cube of null-magic
appears centered on you. 1. Strength, 2. Dexterity, 3. Constitution,
4. Intelligence, 5. Wisdom, 6. Charisma.
Within the cube, no spells can be cast.
Magic items and spells have no effect in Inveresely, the same stat increases to 18
the zone, and (+4) for you. It lasts the same week.
no magic can enter.

The cube moves with you. Spells such as Heal

dispel magic have no effect on it.
Duration: Instant
Another antimagic shell does not affect
Range: Close
this one.
One creature you touch is healed to full hit
points. You cannot cast this spell again
Banish to Beyond until you complete a rest.
Duration: Instant

Range: Close Plane Shift

Duration: Instant

You instantly banish a creature you touch, Range: Close

sending it and all possessions it carries to a
hellish dimension. You fold space and time, transporting
yourself and a willing creatures within
You can banish an intelligent creature of close range to a location on another
LV 10 or less. plane of your choice.

When the creature returns in 5 rounds, Unless you have been to your intended
it has been reduced to 1 hit point and location before, you appear in a random
automatically fails a morale check. place on the destination plane.

Duration: Instant

Range: Far
Power Word Kill
Duration: Instant A crimson ray shoots from your finger and
explodes a creature or object. A creature
Range: Near becomes blood and gore and slippery to
walk through.
You utter the Word of Doom. One creature
you target of LV 9 or less dies if it hears you. A target creature of LV 5 or less instantly
dies. If it is LV 6+, it takes 3d8 damage
Treat a failed spellcasting check for this instead but does not explode. A non-
spell as a critical failure, and roll the magical object up to the size of a large tree
mishap with disadvantage. is destroyed.

Prismatic Orb
Duration: Instant Resurrect
Duration: Instant
Range: Far
Range: Far
You send a strobing orb of energy
streaking toward a target within range. The caster may bring back one soul from
beyond the grave, but must provide a
Choose an energy type from fire, cold, or sacrifice one soul of equal level to do so.
electricity. The orb deals 3d8 damage and The ritual takes three rounds to cast and
delivers a concussive blast of the chosen may only be cast once in a lifetime.
energy type.

If the energy type is anathema to the Shape Change

target’s existence (for example, cold energy Duration: Focus
against a fire elemental), the orb deals
double damage to it instead. Range: Self

You transform yourself and any gear you

carry into another natural creature you’ve
seen of level 10 or less.

You assume the creature’s physical stats

and features, but you retain your non-
physical stats and features (including INT,
WIS, and CHA).

If you go to 0 HP while under the effects of

this spell, you revert to your true form at 1

Undead Army
Duration: 10 rounds

Range: Near

You conjure an army of skeletons to your

aid. Create 1d4 per caster level. They
carry whatever weapon they died with. If
uknown, assume a weapon that causes 1d6
damage, such as a shortsword or mace.

They act on your turn and return to the

afterlife after 10 rounds.

Writing: Shadowdark License:
independent product published
Art by: under the Shadowdark RPG Third-
Jose Eduardo “Jegs” Gonzalez Party License and is not affiliated
Yuri Perkowski Domingos with The Arcane Library, LLC.
Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane
Fonts: Library, LLC.
JSL Blackletter font © 2023 Jeffrey S.
Lee. Attribution Statement:
This work includes material taken
Montserrat font family © 2023 Julieta from the System Reference
Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards
Peral, Jacques Le Bailly. of the Coast LLC and available at
Old Newspaper Types font © 2023 systems-reference-document.
Manfred Klein. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution
Created with Template by: 4.0 International License available
Brokenshield Press at


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