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Hometowns & Backgrounds

Hometowns & Backgrounds is designed for use To use these alongside the standard
with Shadowdark RPG, and can be used in place of or in backgrounds, roll 1d8 for your hometown. Then roll on
addition to the standard backgrounds. both that hometown table and the standard backgrounds
To determine your character’s background, roll and pick one.
2d8. The first d8 determines your hometown, and the Not all “hometowns” are specific locations.
second d8 determines your background. Rather they reflect the local geography and culture your
character comes from.

1 Forest Village 2 Mining Town

You see the forest for the trees and know the Whether making tools or weapons of war, iron
1 Lumberjack dangers within. 1 Blacksmith is shaped in your skilled hands.
While your craft values function, your peers Working the stone is a living. You know where
2 Carpenter see you as a true artisan. 2 Miner ores are found, and what value they have.
Whether making tools or weapons of war, iron Your careful hands know how to work the
3 Blacksmith is shaped in your skilled hands. 3 Silversmith most precious and delicate metals.
You know how to work animal hides of all You've heard countless stories from patrons.
4 Tanner kinds. 4 Innkeeper It's time to make some of your own.
You respect the wilds, but have no Ale has been a fast friend. It's helped you
5 Trapper compunction being a predator 5 Drunkard bury memories you wish you could forget.
There's a fortune to be made in furs. You've You excel at doing whatever needs done, and
6 Fur Trader tried your best to prove that. 6 Hired Hand most of that is honest work.
You know the value of turning wood, feather, You've delved deep, and returned with
7 Fletcher and steel into a finely honed projectile. 7 Spelunker treasures.
You've heard countless stories from your
8 Innkeeper patrons. It's time to make some of your own. 8 Gravedigger You have faced death more than most.

3 Farming Village 4 Mountain Village

Till, sow, reap, rest. You labor every day to You know how to break down an animal and
1 Farmer feed your community. 1 Butcher what parts are the most valuable.
Stable You feel at ease with animals. And they feel Milk is good, but nothing beats a fantastic
2 Keeper at ease with you. 2 Dairy Farmer cheese.
You lost everything. Only the generosity of You lost everything. Only the generosity of
3 Mendicant neighbors has kept you going. 3 Mendicant neighbors has kept you going.
The locals pay you to mill their harvest. And You know how to work animal hides of all
4 Miller you pay yourself with a bit of their grain. 4 Tanner kinds.
While your craft values function, your peers The world no longer makes sense. Best to
5 Carpenter see you as a true artisan. 5 Hermit shut it out.
You make your wander through villages, You roam the mountains, guarding your flock
6 Trader trading whatever odds and ends you find. 6 Shephard with a staff and a sling.
You were the appointed leader of your small You've heard countless stories from patrons.
7 Mayor town, but that time is over. 7 Innkeeper It's time to make some of your own.
You know the words of the gods, and how to Life at the monastery is arduous, but you
8 Friar interpret them. 8 Disciple serve a higher calling.
5 Port City 6 Capital City
Everything has a price, and you intend to
1 Merchant make a profit by selling it. 1 Diplomat You are an emissary from another kingdom.
You know the local waters and the local You are well versed in bureaucracy, and have
2 Fisher gossip. 2 Seneschal curried a few powerful favors
If those with money can't keep it, they didn't When the city needed troops to keep the
3 Pickpocket deserve it to begin with. 3 Guard peace, you stepped up.
Potions, poisons, unguents, elixirs. You know
You've sailed to distant lands and returned what strange ingredients make the most
4 Shipmate with strange cargo. 4 Apothecary potent potables.
When the city needed troops to keep the You prove that who you know can be more
5 Guard peace, you stepped up. 5 Courtesan important than any title.
Blowing glass takes strong lungs and adept
6 Glassblower hands. 6 Heir The line of succession is rife with betrayal.
You know enough to be dangerous, but
7 Grifter Everyone is a potential mark. Even you. 7 Student knowledge grows with diligence.
All the world is your stage, except the places You've spent years in dungeons. The world
8 Troubadour you've been chased out of. 8 Prisoner outside seems strange.

7 Nomadic Clan 8 Far Away Land

The air in the lowlands is too thick. You prefer
1 Mountainfolk cold breaths on rocky slopes. 1 Drifter You have walked many long and lonely roads.
Desert To outsiders, the desert is a wasteland. You Something destroyed your home. It still
2 Wanderer know its bounties. 2 Survivor haunts you.
Your people roam an endless sea of grass You've come from afar, seeking to map all
3 Steppe Tribe with horses as your ships. 3 Cartographer that can be explored.
Killing dangerous prey is a rite of passage Whether divine or profane, you have a
4 Beast Hunter you have yet to achieve. 4 Prophet message for the world.
You know what plants and salves can heal You travel the world, chronicling its history in
5 Healer your kin. 5 Balladeer song.
You were meant to die so your people could
6 Survivalist You've spent countless days in the wild. 6 Sacrifice live. You chose to flee instead.
You know many tongues and many songs in Bounty Your quarry is elusive. You've traversed great
7 Orator each one. 7 Hunter distances to find them.
You have traveled far in search of a holy
8 Heir The line of succession is rife with betrayal. 8 Pilgrim place.

Hometowns & Backgrounds is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane
Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane Library, LLC.

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