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Nombre: Janet Gómez Cisneros

DNI: 40090919
Hora: 10:25 pm a 11:25 pm
I get up at five o'clock in the morning, then I brush my teeth at five fifteen. After
brushing my teeth, I go to the bathroom to take a shower and it's already six
o'clock. Then of bathing I put on the company's institutional uniform to go to work,
and I usually take breakfast at six fifteen. Then I brush my teeth and go to my
room to put on makeup.
My brother takes me to work in his car at seven and twenty in the morning. I arrive
at work at 7:45 in the morning and at eight o'clock my work begins.
At 13:00 Usually I eat vegetarian food for lunch. I leave work at five fifteen in the
afternoon, I return home, prepare, and eat my dinner. After I brush my teeth and
finally go to my bed to sleep (at nine o'clock).

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