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Unit 7

Foreign languages Department Suankularb Wittayalai Nonthaburi School

Name………………………………………………………( Eng 33102) Class M. 6/ No ..……Date……/………../2021

causative verbs; causative form

1. You _____ your car _____ last week, didn’t you?

A: have … overhauled B: had … overhauled

C: get … overhauled D: got … overhaul

2. What would you _____ me do for you?

A: want B: get
C: wish D: have

3. I may go and ___________________ if I finish my work early enough today.

A: to have my hair done B: have my hair do

C: have my hair done D: will have my hair done

4. Instead of buying a new bicycle, why don’t you have your old one ___?

A: to fix B: fixing
C: fixed D: fixes

5. He had the cook _____ some tea.

A: make B: making
C: made D: did

6. Can you help me _____ my living room next weekend?

A: paint B: painting
C: painted D: to paint

7. My mother always _____ makes me _____ my room on Saturday mornings.

A: make … clean up B: makes … cleaned up

C: make … to clean up D: makes … clean up
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8. Tina lets me _____ her car sometimes.

A: lets … drive B: let … drive

C: lets … driven D: lets … to drive

9. What would you have me _____________?

A: mend B: mending C: mended D: to mend

10. We got our neighbors to clean our house last week.

A: get … to clean B: get … clean C: got … to clean D: got … clean

have someone do something / get someone to do something

1. The president got his assistant _____ the meeting when he was busy.

A: to conduct B: conduct C: conducted D: conducting

2. The president had his assistant _____ the meeting when he was busy.

A: to conduct B: conduct C: conducted D: conducting

3. Susie _____ the hairdresser _____ her hair tomorrow morning.

A: have … cut B: will get … to cut C: will have … cutting D: get … to cut

4. Emily_____ the hairdresser _____ her hair every Friday afternoon.

A: has … to cut B: will get … to cut C: gets … cut D: has … cut

5. Lalisa_____ the technician _____ her laptop yesterday.

A: had … repair B: have … repair C: got … repair D: had … to repair

6. I had the man _____ the house green.

A: paint B: to paint C: painted D: had painted

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7. I must get the work _____ by this month.

A: finished B: finish C: to finishing D: to finish

8. I _____ the mechanic _____ the brakes tomorrow.

A: have … fix B: will have … fix C: will get … fix D: get … to fix

9. I got the children _____ their homework.

A: done B: did C: to do D: do

10. I had the children _____ their homework.

A: done B: did C: to do D: do

11. She ________ that he wouldn't tell anyone.

A:made him promise B:made him promised C:promised to make

12. Does your tooth still hurt? Yes, I have to get a dentist ________ soon.
A:look at it B: to look at it C:to get it looked at

13. I ________ a couple of days ago.

A:had my bike to be fixed B: had my bike fix C: had my bike fixed

14. I will not ________ with this!

A:allow you get away B:let you get away C: to let you get away

15. Don't ________ these things about you!

A:let him say B: let him to say C: let him said

16. The movie ________ sad.

A:made to feel B:made him feel C: made him to feel

17. I ________ from my other address.

A:get my mail forward B:get my mail to forward C: get my mail forwarded

18. Have your assistant ________ these letters immediately!

A:to send B:send C:to be sent

19. He ________ yesterday.

A:had his hair cut B: had his hair to be cut C: had hair to be cut

20. The professor ________ early.

A:to let the students leave B: let the student leave C: let the student to leave
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Causative clauses and active form with Have

Complete the sentences.

1. My brother opened the window.

2. Tomorrow, Sandra will travel by plane to San Francisco.

3. John had fixed the broken printer before 5:00 pm.

4. Sandra would appreciate her calculator if she could have one.

5. The secretary writes letters to other departments.

6. John is photographing Paris from the Eiffel Tower.

7. Last week, we ate fish and chips in London.

8. By the end of next month, we will have savoured French fries..

9. My mother will cook the birthday’s cake.

10. John tells a fairy tale to the children.

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Rewrite the sentences, using the appropriate causative form.

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.

1. He gets people to make all his shoes in Italy.

He ……………………………………………………….in Italy.

2. Gary asked someone to translate the article for him.

Gary ………………………………………………………….

3. Did the dressmaker shorten the skirt for her?

Did she ………………………………………………………….?

4. The doctor is testing my son's eyes at the moment.

My son ……………………………………………………………

5. He will ask someone at the garage to repaint his car.

He …………………………………………………………………

6. You can ask someone to collect your mail.

You …………………………………………………………………

7. We got some people to build our garage last year.

We ………………………………………………………………..

8. Philip isn't here – someone is cutting his hair for him.

Philip isn't here – he …………………………………………………………..

9. I am going to ask them to send me a copy of the contract.

I ………………………………………………………….a copy of the contract sent.

10. How long has this butcher been delivering meat for you?

How long …………………………… ……………………………….meat delivered?

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