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Name: _________________________ Date: __________

Grade Level & Section: _______________ Score: __________
Test I. Lesson 1: Judging the Relevance & Worth of Ideas Presented

Directions: Complete the definition. Write your answer on the blanks. The first letter is provided for you.

1. FACTUAL INFORMATION- statements that can be verified or P ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ to be
T ___ ____ ____ or false.
2. OPINIONATED CONTENT-any material that involves judgment, F ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ ,
O ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ _____, intuition, or E ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ _____.

Test II. Lesson 2: Judging the Relevance & Soundness of Author’s Reasoning

Directions: Identify the important term being defined in each item. Choose your answer from the box below:


1. Persuasive technique which appeals to logic or reason. ________________

2. Persuasive technique which appeals to emotion or feelings. ___________________
3. Persuasive technique which uses author’s credibility and character. __________________
4. ____________________________ refers to the type of essay which aims to persuade or convince the
readers to believe in what the author believes in.
5. ____________________________ refers to author’s stand on an issue or the idea that the author is trying to
prove in his essay or speech.

Directions: Identify the technique used by the author. Write LOGOS, PATHOS or ETHOS.

6. Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health. A cigarette stick contains the potent substance called
nicotine which can damage your brain cells and destroy your lungs. ___________________
7. “I want you to avail the services that I offer.” Said the attorney to his clients.
8. The son wants to ask for additional amount of provision or ‘baon’ from his parents and tell them that if they
will not give them the additional ‘baon’ he will be sad and hungry. _______________
9. “Don’t worry, the amount that will be collected from this service will go directly to the poor. So, what are you
waiting for? Join me in this cause and all together let’s give hope to our poor neighborhood!”
10. “Why would I fool you? I am a teacher and I don’t tell a lie. Invest and you will get a double pay!” ________

Test III. Lesson 3-5: Reacting to Critical Issues

Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.
11. This refers to an assessment of something as good or bad in terms of one's standards
or priorities. A. critical issue B. prompt action C. value judgement D. sound analysis

12. Which of the following is the appropriate reaction about bullying?

A. Keep silent about the issue to avoid conflict. B. Comfort those victims of any forms of bullying
C. Join a group that supports anti-bullying campaigns. D. Reprimand the perpetrators by giving necessary

13. Which of the following is NOT a critical issue?

A. Overpopulation B. Poverty C. Gender Equality D. Depress

14. Which of the following explains critical issue?

A. It is something that calls for study and solution.
B. It is an event or activity that needs immediate attention.
C. A situation that defines as according to one's standards.
D. An problem that needs to be solved which demands for prompt actions
15. Which of the following is considered a critical issue?
A. employment B. education C. unemployment D. health care

16. What type of issue which describes as situations that are unsatisfactory and causes
difficulties for people? A. Economic B. Environmental C. Social D. Health

17. What type of issue that relates to society’s perception of people’s personal lives?
A. Economic B. Environmental C. Social D. Health

18. This is defined as problems with the planet's systems that have developed because of
human interference or mistreatment of the planet. What type of issue is this?
A. Economic B. Environmental C. Social D. Health

19. Which of the following is an example of social issue?

A. Pollution B. Soil Erosion C. Child Labor D. Deforestation

20. Your Facebook friend tagged you his post which contains malicious and pornographic
content. You messaged your friend and ask why he posted such content. However, he
denied and he was even shocked about it. What is the best thing to do?
A. Share the post to others.
B. Change your tag setting to public.
C. Block the account and report the post.
D. Watch it and invite other

21. While on your way home, you saw a group of teenagers beating your friend and
taking videos of it. What is the most reasonable thing to do?
A. Run away from the incident to avoid trouble.
B. Help your friend by to get out from his perpetrators.
C. Take a video of the incident and post it to FB for others to watch.
D. Immediately seek help from the nearest authorities like Barangay Tanod.

22. A social media post says: “Hiring Helper, Male/Female, with or without Experience, 20-35
years old only”. Which of the lines from this post is discriminating?
A. Male/Female B. 20-35 years old only C. Hiring Cook D. With or without Experience

23. What do you call this form of harassment which uses electronics such as SMS, text, apps, social media, or
online forums where people can view, participate in, or share content?
A. Corruption B. Discrimination C. Cyber-bullying D. Social Media Addiction

24. A friend told you that she got pregnant and has a plan to abort the baby because his boyfriend was not
ready to be a father. What would be your moral advice?
A. Tell her that as her friend you are going to support her no matter what her decision.
B. Tell her to inform her parents about her plan because it is dangerous.
C. Tell her not to do it because it will be risky for her health and killing an unborn child is against the law & bible
D. Tell her to talk to her boyfriend to think about it seriously.

25. How are you going to avoid teenage pregnancy especially among girls?
A. Use contraceptives while doing sexual activity.
B. Ignore them and do what makes you happy and free. Love is such a wonderful feeling to feel while young.
C. Focus on your study and don’t enter into relationships to avoid pre-marital sex which eventually leads to
teenage pregnancy.
D. Engage in relationships and inform your parents about it so that when you get pregnant, they will provide
support even if the family suffer from poverty.


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