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Analytical Skills Template

1. Challenges and Learning Experience related to methods of choice and techniques /5

Challenges 200
1. The honey was very viscous and was difficult to aspirate in the pipette tubes. words
2. The 1st set of plates that were incubated were left in the incubator until next lab session (5 days) and
this resulted in the media drying out, hence the zone of inhibition couldn’t be determined.
3. Some plates had a smaller amount of agar (less than the 20ml), and upon inoculating the media with
the sample, it would spill over from the well onto the surface of the agar

Resolution of the Challenges:

2. Controls: /5

3. Results and Validity /5

Experiment was done in duplicates words

Total: /15

Appendix: If required ONLY:

1. Challenges:

2. Controls:
3. Result validity

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