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7. “Come and join us in this business,
Topic: Judging the Relevance & I will guarantee that it will double the
Soundness of Author’s Reasoning amount that you’ll invest.” said the
Directions: Larry to his prospect. He is using his
job as a teacher to entice his
1. This is a persuasive technique which
customer. ______________
appeals to author’s character and
credibility. ________ 8. “I was once poor just like you. I
experienced what you are
2. This is a persuasive technique which
experiencing right now. I lived in
appeals to the emotional aspect.
poverty years ago, but it changed
because I decided to invest in this
3. This is a persuasive technique which business. How about you? Do you
appeals to logic or reason. want to change your current life
__________ status? What are you waiting for?
4. A type of speech which aims to Said Lyka in her financial speech.
convince the listeners to believe in ___________________
what the speaker is trying prove. 9. “Stop cigarette smoking now!
_________ According to recent study, nicotine
5. It refers to the statement the can damage your brain cells and your
speaker is trying to prove in his respiratory organs. It can kill you!
speech. ________ __________________
6. It refers to the opposing view or the 10. Enumerate the 3 Persuasive
statement against the claim. Techniques.

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