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JHNXXX10.1177/0898010115614205Journal of Holistic NursingMayberry, Daniel

Critical Review

A Literary Review of Orgasm as an Alternative Journal of Holistic Nursing
American Holistic Nurses Association
Mode of Pain Relief in Childbirth Volume XX Number X
XXXX 201X 1­–12
© The Author(s) 2015
Lorel Mayberry, BEd, PostGrad Dip Ed, MEd, PhD

Jacqueline Daniel, BPsych (Honors)

Curtin University

Childbirth is a fundamental component of a woman’s sexual cycle. The sexuality of childbirth is not
well recognized in Western society despite research showing that some women experience orgasm(s)
during labor and childbirth. Current thinking supports the view that labor and childbirth are perceived
to be physically painful events, and more women are relying on medical interventions for pain relief in
labor. This review explores the potential of orgasm as a mode of pain relief in childbirth and outlines
the physiological explanations for its occurrence. Potential barriers to sexual expression during child-
birth and labor, including the influence of deeply held cultural beliefs about sexuality, the importance
of privacy and intimacy in facilitating orgasmic birth experiences, and the value of including prospective
fathers in the birthing experience, are discussed. The role of midwives and their perceptions of the use
of complementary and alternative therapies for pain relief in labor are examined. While there are indi-
cations of widespread use of complementary and alternative therapies such as hydrotherapy, herbal
remedies, and breathing techniques for pain relief in childbirth, orgasm was not among those men-
tioned. Lack of recognition of the sexuality of childbirth, despite findings that orgasm can attenuate the
effects of labor pain, suggests the need for greater awareness among expectant parents, educators, and
health professionals of the potential of orgasm as a means of pain relief in childbirth.

Keywords: childbirth; orgasm; pain relief; pleasure; midwife; training; complementary and alternative

Childbirth and sexuality are two aspects of the events (Buckley, 2010; Harel, 2007; Postel, 2013)—
same phenomenon. The sequence of events that with more women relying on medicalized interven-
encompass a woman’s broader reproductive and sex- tions for pain relief in labor such as narcotics and
ual cycle, from menstruation through to ovulation epidurals (Buckley, 2003; Gaskin, 2003). Less well
and conception, followed by pregnancy, labor, birth, known are reports of women who have not only
and breastfeeding are sexual events (Buckley, 2010). experienced relatively painless labor but whose
The sexuality of childbirth has lost recognition over experiences of childbirth have been described as
the past century with the move away from home pleasurable (Gaskin, 2003; Harel, 2007; Postel,
births, as more Western women opt for giving birth 2013). Such reports are often accompanied by
in a clinical hospital setting (Tew, 1998). This has reluctance by these women to give voice to their
resulted in reduced opportunity for intimacy and pri-
vacy during labor and birth, thus widening the gap Authors’ Note: Please send all correspondence to Lorel
between sexuality and childbirth (Buckley, 2010). Mayberry, BEd, PostGrad Dip Ed, MEd, PhD, Department of
Sexology, School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Current thinking supports the view that labor Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, Western Australia
and childbirth are perceived to be physically painful 6948, Australia; e-mail:

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2 Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

experiences, for fear of possible social recrimina- define what constitutes an orgasm. Early research
tions (Harel, 2007). Harel believes that mentioning by Masters and Johnson (1966) examined the
sexuality in the context of childbirth is considered occurrence of orgasms in the laboratory and pro-
taboo in Western society and that it goes against the posed a physiological explanation, saying it involved
cultural belief that childbirth and labor are meant an involuntary, sequential, and rhythmic contrac-
to be painful and traumatic events. Wiederman tion of muscles in the pelvic area along with anal
(2005) proposes a Social Script theory to explain and uterine contractions. However, not all orgasms
how individuals can be influenced by deeply held involve contractions of the pelvic floor muscles.
cultural beliefs about their sexuality. This theory is Singer (1973) differentiated ‘vulval’ orgasms, which
based on the assumption that individuals learn how occur on stimulation of the clitoris, and Perry and
to think, feel, and behave from members of the cul- Whipple (1981) demonstrated the occurrence of
ture in which they are raised, through scripts or orgasms when direct pressure was applied to the
deeply ingrained communications, which are ‘Grafenberg spot’, a sexually sensitive area located
learned within cultures (Wiederman, 2005). These through the anterior wall of the vagina. Later
scripts provide meaningful guidelines as to the research considered the psychosocial, emotional,
appropriate timing and expression of certain behav- and cognitive factors involved in women’s orgasm
iors, including sexual activity (Wiederman, 2005). (Bianchi-Demicheli & Ortigue, 2007; Mah & Binik,
While it is understandable, in light of the afore- 2005; Meston, Hull, Levin, & Sipski, 2004).
mentioned theory, how sexuality and childbirth may Meston et al. (2004) argue that orgasm involves “a
be viewed as separate entities, Harel (2007) argues temporary peak sensation of intense pleasure that
that sexual pleasure and arousal during childbirth creates an altered state of consciousness” (p. 66).
should be better recognized as a possibility, given that Harel (2007) suggests that giving birth is a funda-
a woman’s sexual organs are stimulated, and sex hor- mental component of a woman’s sexual cycle and
mones are triggered during the birthing process. proposes a more expansive definition of sexual
Research suggests that hormones that are present in pleasure and orgasm to incorporate women’s per-
childbirth are also present in other aspects of wom- sonal experiences as they give birth.
en’s sexual lives including orgasm (Colson, 2010; To what extent do orgasms occur in women dur-
Meston & Frohlich, 2000). Why then can birth be ing childbirth and labor? Gaskin (2003) and other
traumatic and painful for some women, and pleasur- researchers have observed that some women in the
able and pain free for others? More specifically, can midst of labor and when birth is imminent, look and
orgasm(s) experienced during labor modulate the behave in a manner that is similar to women experi-
pain of childbirth? And to what extent is this phenom- encing an orgasm. While numerous women have
enon promoted by midwives to expectant parents? described the birth of their child in pleasurable
This article aims to address such questions by terms, others have confirmed actually experiencing
first defining the term orgasm and then examining orgasm/s during labor and just before delivery (Baker,
the literature to ascertain to what extent women 2001; Gaskin, 2002, 2003; Harel, 2007; Shanley,
experience orgasms while giving birth. This will then 2008. Qualitative research by Harel (2007) revealed
be followed by an investigation into how orgasms some women experienced “unexpected” orgasms
can modulate the pain experienced in childbirth, by while giving birth, that is, with no conscious stimu-
describing the role of birth hormones and nerves lation. Harel refers to this phenomenon as a ‘birth-
located in the pelvic area. Awareness among mid- gasm’. There were also reports of other women who
wives about promoting sexual pleasure as a comple- experienced ‘passionate’ orgasms, that is, a woman,
mentary and alternative therapy (CAT) to modulate with or without her partner, stimulates herself to
pain in childbirth will then be explored, with a view orgasm during the birthing process with the hope of
to understanding current perception and attitudes. relieving labor pain (Harel, 2007).

Orgasm in Childbirth The Role of Fathers

In order to ascertain the occurrence of orgasm According to Harel (2007), women described
in women while giving birth, it is important to first their partner’s presence and participation as essential.

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“Birthgasm”: Orgasm as Pain Relief in Childbirth / Mayberry, Daniel   3

The men not only provided emotional support but a minority that took place in a hospital setting
also stimulated them to orgasm with a view to (Gaskin, 2003). Buckley (2010) supports this find-
reducing pain (Harel, 2007). Thus, a participatory ing, agreeing that although most accounts of orgas-
role of fathers in childbirth can counter findings in mic birth come from women who have given birth at
research that suggest that men often experience home and at birth centers, a relatively small number
feelings of inadequacy and helplessness during the of women have reportedly experienced orgasms dur-
birthing process (Finnbogadóttir, Crang Svalenius, ing labor in a hospital setting and in the presence of
& Persson, 2003; Plantin, Olukoya, & Ny, 2011) oblivious or surprised medical staff. Drawing on
and can provide men a sense of empowerment in Wiederman’s (2005) Social Script theory, the dis-
the birthing process (Harel, 2007). There is also crepancy in greater numbers of women experiencing
evidence to suggest that some men may be con- orgasmic births in the privacy of their own homes or
fronted by the conflicting perception of their spouse birthing centers, as opposed to hospital settings, may
as the ‘mother of their child’ versus their sexual reflect the influence of cultural beliefs. According to
partner (Conrad, 2006; Mesch, 2009). This con- Buckley (2010), deeply held cultural beliefs about
flict may result in a lack of support for sexual activ- sexuality and childbirth may infringe on the ability
ity in labor by expectant fathers. These authors of hospital staff to encourage sexual intimacy during
refer to this phenomenon as the ‘Madonna/Whore labor. She maintains that while labor and childbirth
Complex’. In the context of childbirth, this complex are essentially sexual in nature, female sexuality
may be a potential barrier to communicating about, tends to be viewed largely within the confines of
and engaging in, sexual stimulation during child- male-directed sexual relationships rather than as an
birth. all-encompassing part of a women’s sexual cycle that
Pregnancy is a time of profound change and pro- incorporates labor and birth. Sexuality in childbirth
vides the opportunity for open discussions around may not be recognized or encouraged within a clini-
controversial sexual topics, such as stimulating cal setting (Buckley, 2010).
orgasm during birth. Prospective parents are becom- The greater number of women experiencing
ing more aware of the importance of sexual expres- orgasmic births in the comfort of their own homes
sion during labor and are choosing home births or or birthing centers may also point to how comfort-
birthing centers in preference to hospitals, to allow able women are in the environment they choose to
them this freedom of expression (Buckley, 2010).
give birth in (Buckley, 2003; Gaskin, 2003;
Involving fathers in prenatal education and enhanc-
Hotelling, 2009). Gaskin (2003) refers to ‘sphincter
ing communication skills about sexuality are vital, if
law’ and explains that sphincters such as the cervix
more men are to be engaged in a positive birthing
and vagina are involuntary muscles that can be
experience with their partner.
“shy” and function best when a sense of privacy is
ensured. It is not surprising that when an expectant
The Importance of an Intimate mother feels safe and cared for in an environment
Setting with limited disturbance, her body is more likely to
respond by relaxing the cervical sphincter during
Gaskin (2003) recognizes the sexual quality of labor to facilitate an easier delivery (Hotelling,
birth and maintains that deep kissing and nipple 2009). According to Buckley (2003), the complexity
stimulation may help progress a labor that has of birth makes this process one that is extremely
stalled. Consistent with this, research shows that sensitive to outside influences. Buckley draws paral-
breast stimulation triggers release of oxytocin, which lels between making love and giving birth, saying
causes the womb to contract (Kavanagh, Kelly, & that both processes involve passion and love, and
Thomas, 2005; Tenore, 2003). Gaskin, a midwife function best when privacy is ensured and when the
and a proponent of sexual interaction during labor, individuals involved feel safe and unobserved.
encourages prospective parents to enjoy intimate Furthermore, hormones that are released during
time alone during labor. She conducted a survey birth are also released during sexual pleasure, high-
where 32 out of 151 women interviewed attested to lighting the importance of examining the pleasure–
experiencing orgasms during childbirth. While the pain continuum and the role of hormones in this
majority of these births occurred at home, there was regard (Buckley, 2010).

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4 Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

Orgasm and Pain Relief (2009) confirms this finding. These authors meas-
ured hind-paw withdrawal responses in rats using a
Physiological Perspective hot-plate test, before and after being injected with
oxytocin. The time taken for the rat to withdraw its
The Role of Hormones. In preparation for birth,
paw from the hot-plate was found to increase sig-
women’s bodies naturally release a combination of
nificantly after being injected with oxytocin, provid-
hormones that allow the smooth progression of labor
ing evidence for the pain modulating effect of
and birth (Harel, 2007). The release of sex hormones
oxytocin (Han & Yu, 2009).
progesterone and estrogen play an important role in
initiating labor (Weiss, 2000) and preparing the Beta-endorphins. They are naturally occurring
uterus to contract (Harel, 2007). They are also opiates or pain killers that are released from the
thought to jointly activate analgesic mechanisms in pituitary gland in response to pain and stress; high
the brain and spinal cord to enable laboring women levels of pain killers are found during pregnancy,
to cope with labor pain (Russell, Douglas, & Ingram, childbirth, and lactation (Buckley, 2003). Elevated
2001). Additionally, four other hormones are released levels of beta-endorphins also increase tolerance to
in preparation for labor, birth, and breastfeeding. pain and can induce feelings of intense pleasure,
Otherwise known as ‘ecstatic hormones’, oxytocin, euphoria, and excitement, which can sometimes
beta-endorphins, adrenaline/noradrenaline (A/NA), lead laboring women to enter an ‘altered state of
and prolactin promote powerful euphoric and consciousness’ (Bodnar, 2007; Buckley, 2010).
ecstatic feelings during birth (Buckley, 2005; Gas- Buckley speculates that this altered state of con-
kin, 2003; Harel, 2007; Hotelling, 2009). sciousness may be important in helping women in
labor to behave intuitively and to use bodily move-
Oxytocin. It is produced and secreted by neurons ments that will facilitate an easier birth.
in the para-ventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypo-
thalamus into the blood stream, brain, and spinal Adrenaline/noradrenalin. They are under the
cord (Komisaruk, Beyer-Flores, & Whipple, 2006). influence of the sympathetic nervous system and are
Referred to as a ‘neurohormone’, oxytocin is released triggered in response to both pleasant and unpleas-
from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland in ant experiences (Buckley, 2010). Known as ‘fight or
response to stimulation of sex organs such as the flight’ or stress hormones, they are reported to be
breast and nipples, clitoris, vagina, cervix, and the involved in sexual activity (Kruger et al., 2003), as
uterus (Komisaruk et al., 2006). According to well as childbirth (Alehagen, Wijma, Lundberg, &
Buckley (2003), release of oxytocin increases the Wijma, 2005; Buckley, 2010). From an evolutionary
number of receptors in a woman’s uterus and con- perspective, because both sexual intercourse and
tributes to rhythmic uterine contractions during childbirth tend to occur when individuals are rela-
labor and childbirth. Researchers also suggest that tively immobile and vulnerable, thereby requiring
oxytocin plays an important role in sexual behavior greater vigilance and a sense of safety, it is reasona-
and orgasm (Colson, 2010; Kruger et al., 2003; ble to assume that levels of A/NA will be elevated
Thackare, Nicholson, & Whittington, 2006), as well during labor and birth (Buckley, 2003, 2010; Kruger
as birth, lactation, and stress-related responses et al., 2003).
(Vega et al., 2010). During orgasm, the PVN of the Consistent with this, research indicates that
hypothalamus has been observed to be activated, while the release of noradrenalin is triggered by
thus raising the possibility that oxytocins are physical stress, levels of adrenaline increase during
involved in the pleasurable sensations of orgasm mental stress (Alehagen, Wijma, Lundeberg, Melin,
and consistent with reports by some women of & Wijma, 2001). Childbirth can be both physically
orgasmic feelings experienced during childbirth and mentally challenging, levels of A/NA are expect-
(Komisaruk et al., 2004). Studies have also verified edly high during labor (Alehagen et al., 2001).
that the release of oxytocin can have an analgesic Buckley (2010) speculates that the role played by
effect (Condés-Lara et al., 2006; Gu & Yu, 2007; these hormones during birth can be complex. While
Lundeberg, Uvnäs-Moberg, Ågren, & Bruzelius, excessive release of A/NA earlier on can inhibit uter-
1994; Yang et al., 2007; Yu, Lundeberg, & Yu, ine contractions and extend the duration of labor
2003). Research conducted on rats by Han and Yu (Buckley, 2010; Lederman, Lederman, Work, &

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“Birthgasm”: Orgasm as Pain Relief in Childbirth / Mayberry, Daniel   5

surge in hormones, which not only makes the

mother more alert but also stimulates the fetal ejec-
tion reflex (FER) resulting in a quick delivery (Blanks
& Thornton, 2003; Buckley, 2010; Hotelling, 2009).
Also referred to as the ‘Ferguson reflex’, the FER is
consistent with evolutionary thinking, where a quick
delivery favors safety of mother and newborn
(Buckley, 2010; Newton, 1987). Additionally,
stretching of the lower birth canal generates analge-
sia during birth (Komisaruk & Whipple, 1986).

Figure 1. The Oxytocin-Pain-Adrenaline-Endorphin Cycle

The Role of Nerves. Pressure from the baby’s head as
(Hotelling, 2009). it descends through the birth canal can stimulate
two main nerve systems, the hypogastric and the pel-
vic, which have a pain-relieving effect (Whipple,
McCann, 1985), a surge toward the end of labor, Josimovich, & Komisaruk, 1990). Some birthing
triggered by pressure from the baby’s head in the women can experience orgasms when these nerves
lower birth canal, can hasten delivery (Blanks & are stimulated, which is understandable, considering
Thornton, 2003; Hotelling, 2009). Their overall role stimulation of the receptors of these two nerves can
in the birth process would appear to occur in syn- elicit cervical and vaginal orgasms (Paget, 2006).
chrony with the other birth hormones to progress Research has revealed that self-stimulation of
labor and birth, as Hotelling (2009) illustrates in the clitoris and the anterior wall of the vagina gener-
Figure 1. ated an analgesic effect (Whipple & Komisaruk,
When a woman goes into labor, pulses of oxy- 1985). These authors hypothesized that passage of
tocin are released, which increases the strength of the baby through the lower birth canal would gener-
uterine contractions resulting in greater pain ate an even greater pain-relieving effect. Studies
(Hotelling, 2009). With heightened pain levels, have shown that pain thresholds rose by more than
adrenaline is released, which then curtails the 50% when the anterior wall of the vagina was stimu-
amount of oxytocin being produced. At this time, lated; of greater interest was the finding that when
beta-endorphins are triggered, resulting in moderat- vaginal stimulation was applied in a more pleasura-
ing pain levels, which in turn reduces adrenaline. ble manner, pain thresholds increased by over 75%,
When adrenaline levels go down, oxytocin levels and by over 100% in women who experienced
again rise, thus increasing contractions to generate orgasms during the process (Komisaruk & Sansone,
the next cycle. The process continues with increas- 2003; Whipple & Komisaruk, 1985, 1988).
ingly larger amounts of oxytocin and beta-endorphins Sensation from genital stimulation was believed
working synchronously to progress labor and to keep to be conveyed to the brain via the spinal cord, as
pain thresholds under control (Hotelling, 2009). were pain impulses (Komisaruk & Whipple, 2005).
In keeping with this, oxytocin released in the Research conducted on women with complete spinal
posterior pituitary gland has a pain-relieving effect cord injuries (SCI), however, demonstrated that not
(Gimpl & Fahrenholz, 2001). When women are only were such women able to feel the effect of
exposed to high levels of stress and pain for extended vaginal cervical stimulation (VCS), they also reported
periods of time, as in labor, stress hormones such as pain-relieving effects measured at the fingertips;
A/NA and endorphins not only assist with increasing furthermore, one of these women experienced mul-
pain thresholds and reducing stress, they also pro- tiple orgasms in response to VCS (Komisaruk,
mote feelings of euphoria, ecstasy, and even sexual Gerdes, & Whipple, 1997; Komisaruk & Sansone,
pleasure (Alehagen et al., 2005; Buckley, 2005, 2003; Komisaruk & Whipple, 2005). These authors
2010). These euphoric feelings may contribute to thus hypothesized that the vagus nerves may provide
some women experiencing orgasm during childbirth an alternative sensory pathway directly to brain,
(Harel, 2007). Toward the end of labor, pressure something which was demonstrated in earlier exper-
from the baby’s head that stimulates stretch recep- iments using laboratory rats. Research by Cueva-
tors in the lower vagina of the mother triggers a Rolón et al. (1996) found a pain-relieving response

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6 Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

to VCS in rats despite transection of the pudendal,

pelvic, and hypogastric nerves. Furthermore, when
the vagus nerves were subsequently severed in these
same rats, the analgesic effect was abolished.
Similarly, pupil dilation that occurred in rats in
response to VCS continued despite surgical severing
of the spinal cord (Komisaruk et al., 1996). This
response was eliminated when the vagus nerves were
subsequently transected in the same rats, providing
evidence that sensory stimulation can also be con-
veyed to the brain via the vagus nerves (Komisaruk
et al., 1996; Komisaruk & Sansone, 2003; Komisaruk
& Whipple, 2005).
To confirm whether the vagus nerves operate
similarly in women, functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) was used to examine activity of the
brain region to which the vagus nerves project in
humans, bypassing the spinal cord, that is, the
nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) located in the
medulla oblongata (Komisaruk & Whipple, 2005).
Five women with complete SCI participated in this Figure 2. Depiction of Genitospinal Nerves Showing an
study, in which in all women activity was observed in Alternate Pathway via the Vagus Nerves Directly to the Brain,
When Transference of Information via Hpogastric and Pelvic
the lowermost region of the NTS in response to VCS
Nerves Are Blocked by Spinal Cord Injury (Komisaruk &
(Komisaruk et al., 2004). The aforementioned find- Sansone, 2003).
ings provide evidence that the vagus nerves can
directly relay sensory information to the brain from
physiological make-up of sensations associated with
the reproductive tract in both rats and in women,
pleasure and pain (Leknes & Tracey, 2008). These
bypassing the spinal cord. In addition, the activation
authors argue that the noticeable overlap in brain
of this pathway by VCS can ease pain, and in some
regions associated with pleasure and pain may help
cases lead to orgasm in women (Komisaruk et al.,
explain the attenuating effects of one over the other.
1997; Komisaruk & Sansone, 2003; Komisaruk &
If this is the case, then to what extent are expectant
Whipple, 2005).
parents being made aware of the potential benefits
The recognition of this transference of sensory
of orgasm in childbirth, and is this being promoted
information to the brain via an alternative pathway
as a complementary therapy in the field of mid-
from the reproductive tract can be seen in Figure 2
(as depicted by Komisaruk & Sansone, 2003).
The above-mentioned findings have generated
speculation that the combination of pleasurable sen- Use of Complementary and
sations from VCS together with its apparent pain- Alternative Therapy in Childbirth
relieving properties may assist childbirth by
attenuating labor pain, thus promoting increased Complementary and alternative therapy, also
bonding between women, their partners, and new- referred to as complementary and alternative medi-
born infants (Komisaruk & Sansone, 2003; cine, is defined by the U.S. National Center for
Komisaruk & Whipple, 2005). It would also appear Complementary and Alternative Medicine as “a broad
that orgasm can attenuate the effects of pain in collection of therapeutic practices and products that
childbirth. This makes sense in light of research that are not considered part of conventional medicine”
suggests that pain and pleasure rely on the same (Hall, McKenna, & Griffiths, 2011, p. 2). Almost half
underlying functions of the nervous system and that a century ago, Meares (1968) was advocating for
the brain can only respond to each sensation indi- positive, relaxed birth experiences for women. His
vidually (Harel, 2007). Emerging evidence from the practical book affirmed women’s capacity to give birth
field of pain research indicates large parallels in the without drugs using simple relaxation techniques.

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“Birthgasm”: Orgasm as Pain Relief in Childbirth / Mayberry, Daniel   7

Meares urged young women not to listen to “exagger- The Role of Midwives
ated stories” of painful births (p. 178). He believed
such stories added to their anxieties, and gave rise to More than 85% of midwives surveyed by Postel
the self-perpetuating notion of negative childbirth (2013) stated that a sexually pleasurable birth expe-
experiences (Meares, 1968). rience was possible, and 69% had observed such a
Research suggests that the use of CATs among case. Adams (2006) found that while hospital mid-
midwives is becoming increasingly popular in wives seem to be in favor of promoting the use of
Australia and in other developed countries (Adams, CATs, they are constrained by the limitations of
2006; Hall, McKenna, & Griffiths, 2010). The home- working within a hospital setting with its largely
birthing movement has long been a proponent of hierarchical system, where a privileged status of
alternative birth experiences in Australia, and this is obstetricians over midwives is evident. It is becom-
starting to flow through to hospital-based practice ing increasingly evident that despite having care of
(Adams, 2006). On closer examination, it appears low-risk expectant women, midwives tend to adjust
that the term ‘CAT’ is more commonly used to their practices to suite the preference of clinicians
describe numerous practices ranging from massage in medical settings (Walsh, 2010). Evidence sug-
therapy, herbal medicines, relaxation techniques, gests that there are contrasting views regarding
nutritional supplements, aromatherapy, homeopathy, childbirth between some midwives and obstetri-
acupuncture, and reflexology (Bayles, 2007; Hall cians (Adams & Steel, 2012; Reime et al., 2004;
et al., 2010; Hall, McKenna, & Griffiths, 2012). Turner et al., 2008; Walsh, 2010), which would
Bayles (2007) conducted a survey in Texas, asking make orchestration of certain CATs difficult in a
certified nurse midwives (CNMs; who work in hospi- clinical setting (Adams, 2006). Walsh (2010) notes
tals), and licensed or ‘direct-entry’ midwives (who that ‘professional territorialism’ is prevalent among
mostly attend home births), the extent to which they obstetricians. Evidently, while a large proportion of
used, recommended, or referred their clients for midwives consider pregnancy and childbirth as nat-
CATs. Chiropractic care and massage therapy were ural processes and prefer to work alongside women
most commonly recommended for back pain during in a supportive role, obstetricians tend to view birth
labor, followed by herbal remedies and acupressure as a risky process, which requires medical interven-
for nausea and vomiting. Nipple stimulation and tion to ensure safety of mother and baby (Adams,
sexual intercourse were sometimes recommended for 2006; Simonds, 2002).
post-date cervical ripening and labor induction, with In Western societies, the role of the midwife is at
hydrotherapy, massage, and breathing techniques risk of being limited to the care of women who are
recommended for pain relief (Bayles, 2007). This becoming more reliant on medical interventions
study did not differentiate which therapies were rec- (Tiran, 2011). This trend is becoming increasingly
ommended by CNMs, and which were recommended evident especially in Australia, where, due to the
by licensed midwives, thus limiting interpretation of burgeoning mining industry in Western Australia
the extent to which sexual activity is promoted within (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013), growing
a clinical setting by midwives. While there is some numbers of fly-in/fly-out workers are driving the
evidence to suggest that sexual intercourse and demand for caesarean sections (CS). Increasingly,
breast stimulation are promoted as alternative thera- prospective parents are opting to have the birth of
pies to expectant mothers, it appears to be recom- their babies brought on by inductions or delivered by
mended for induction of labor and cervical ripening CS to tie in with their partner’s work schedules
rather than as a means to reduce pain in labor (Hall (Rasdien, 2012). Consistent with this, figures from
et al., 2010; Kavanagh et al., 2005; Kavanagh, Kelly, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare indi-
& Thomas, 2001; Tenore, 2003). Hydrotherapy, cate that a third of newborns in Western Australia
breathing techniques and relaxation, therapeutic were delivered by CS in 2009, of which 17.2% were
massage, acupuncture, acupressure, and herbal rem- elective caesareans (Australian Institute of Health
edies are among the more commonly promoted CATs and Welfare [AIHW] National Perinatal Epidemiology
for reduction of labor pain (Tournaire & Theau- and Statistics Unit and AIHW, 2013). A 2006
Yonneau, 2007). Further research is warranted that nationwide survey of new mothers in the United
demonstrates the use of CATs such as sexual activity States of America found that ‘technology-intensive’
during childbirth, specifically to reduce pain in labor. care in childbirth was becoming the norm, even for

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8 Journal of Holistic Nursing / Vol. XX, No. X, Month XXXX

healthy women (Freeze, 2008); a trend that has also pave the way to a more pleasurable birth experience
been observed in Australia (Adams, 2006; Turner and to closing of the gap that currently exists
et al., 2008). The escalating rates of CS in these between sexuality and childbirth.
countries, as well as in the United Kingdom, Italy,
Canada, China, and South Africa, attests to the
increasing medicalization of childbirth (Hunter & Recommendations
Segrott, 2010; Lauer, Bertran, Merialdi, & Wojdyla,
2010; Monari, Di Mario, Facchinetti, & Basevi, This review uncovered reports of orgasm as a
2008; Tiran, 2011; Walsh, 2010). Research also means of pain relief in childbirth through qualitative
points to the escalating use of conventional medical interviews (Harel, 2007); however, empirical
interventions such as fetal monitoring, epidural research using quantitative methodology would fur-
analgesia, and pethidine for pain relief in labor (Hall ther consolidate findings and encourage better rec-
et al., 2011), and administration of synthetic oxy- ognition of orgasm as a CAT among health
tocin and prostaglandins for induction of labor professionals. Despite evidence that supports the
(Tenore, 2003) in medical settings. This implies the value of orgasm as a means of pain relief in labor,
need for better education of midwives in developed there is a gap in the extent to which such informa-
countries about the potential benefits of CATs in tion is promulgated to childbirth professionals via
childbirth (Tiran, 2011), and more specifically, formal education channels. Numerous authors
orgasm as a means of pain relief in labor (Buckley, (Grace et al., 2008; Hall et al., 2011; Hastings-
2010; Gaskin, 2003; Harel, 2007). Tolsma & Terada, 2009) have stated that education
Consistent with this, research suggests that about the use of CATs in midwifery training pro-
despite enthusiasm by midwives to support CATs, grams is limited. Midwives play a key role in impart-
information about the use of CATs, especially the ing information to expectant parents, primarily
value of orgasm during birth, is lacking in midwifery through antenatal classes. With improved education
educational programs (Grace, Vemulpad, Reid, & in their training, midwives can promote the role
Beirman, 2008; Hall et al., 2011; Hastings-Tolsma potential of orgasm as a mode of pain relief in child-
& Terada, 2009). These authors speculate that this birth. While current findings indicate that maternity
may be a potential barrier to incorporating CATs hospitals are becoming more attuned to consumer
within conventional medical practices. A study needs by providing the option of birthing suites
undertaken by Hastings-Tolsma and Terada (2009) (Rasdien, 2012), greater privacy is warranted to
to determine how knowledgeable CNMs were about allow birthing couples intimacy and freedom of
CATs found that education about CATs in nurse expression during labor and birth.
midwife training programs is limited, with 64% of Although considerable information about the
CNMs reporting no specific content had been cov- use of CATs in childbirth is available in academic
ered in their midwifery training program. This, cou- print journals, the likelihood of birthing couples
pled with a growing trend among pregnant women to accessing such information is limited. Therefore,
use CATs in childbirth and labor (Hall et al., 2010; the popular media can play a significant role by nor-
Skouteris et al., 2008; Steel & Adams, 2011; Tiran, malizing discussions about sexuality and childbirth
2011), signifies the need to understand what infor- and promoting the possibility of a pleasurable birth
mation about CATs are included in the medical experience. Prospective parents are more likely to
training of midwives. First, does midwifery training have access to media, for example, parenting and
explore the role potential of orgasm as pain relief? pregnancy magazines, and current affairs programs
Second, to what extent do midwives promote CATs? on television.
Interestingly, research supports the view that the Sexuality and relationship education in schools
most common source of information among preg- also has an important role to play. Giami, Ohlrichs,
nant women about CATs comes from family and Quilliam, and Wellings (2006) emphasize the need
friends rather than childbirth professionals (Hall for ‘sex-positive’ sexuality education, an approach that
et al., 2010). This highlights the need to normalize “avoids blaming or shaming” about sexual feelings
discussions about sexuality and the role potential of and experiences and avoids “delivering messages that
orgasm as a mode of pain relief in labor. These dis- sex is not enjoyable” (p. 486). Allen (2012) agrees that
cussions, especially by the popular media, would it is essential to include desire and pleasure in sexuality

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“Birthgasm”: Orgasm as Pain Relief in Childbirth / Mayberry, Daniel   9

education programs to ensure that students under- While research suggests some men may experi-
stand that there is more to sexuality than infections ence feelings of inadequacy and helplessness in the
and condoms. Young people, especially young women, face of their partner’s pain during labor, educating
need to understand that they have a right to be men as to the vital role they can play toward attenu-
empowered about their sexuality and sexual pleasure ating such pain may give them a sense of empower-
(Allen, 2012; deFur, 2012; Nodulman, 2012). Dailey ment in this regard. While reports of women who
(1997) urges sexuality educators to emphasize sexual have experienced orgasmic birth are largely anecdo-
pleasure and not fall into the trap of becoming tal, empirical findings that support how such a phe-
“agents of social control” (p. 93). A sex-positive nomenon can occur in a physiological sense suggest
approach to birthing could change attitudes of young further recognition of the link between childbirth
people. Rather than that the horror stories that are and sexuality by women and childbirth professionals
frequently discussed, imagine young people hearing is warranted.
stories of women’s birthing experiences that are posi-
tive and empowering.

Conclusion Adams, J. (2006). An exploratory study of complementary and

alternative medicine in hospital midwifery: Models of care
The likelihood of orgasm as an alternative mode and professional struggle. Complementary Therapies in
of pain relief in childbirth is a possibility. Clinical Practice, 12, 40-47. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2005.09.003
Adams, J., & Steel, A. (2012). Investigating complementary
Physiologically, the roles of hormones and genito-
and alternative medicine in maternity care: The need for
sensory nerves have been shown to play a signifi-
further public health/health services research.
cant role toward this end (Buckley, 2010; Harel, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 18, 73-74.
2007; Komisaruk & Sansone, 2003; Komisaruk & doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2012.03.001
Whipple, 2005; Whipple & Komisaruk, 1985). Alehagen, S., Wijma, B., Lundberg, U., & Wijma, K. (2005).
Evidence from the field of pain research lends fur- Fear, pain and stress hormones during childbirth. Journal
ther support to the potential benefits of orgasm as a of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 26, 153-165.
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(Harel, 2007; Leknes & Tracey, 2008). Despite such Alehagen, S., Wijma, K., Lundeberg, T., Melin, B., & Wijma,
findings, there appears to be a paucity of informa- B. (2001). Catecholamine and cortisol reaction to child-
tion with regard to promoting orgasm as an alterna- birth. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 8,
tive means of pain relief in childbirth. While there 50-65. doi:10.1207/S15327558IJBM0801_04
Allen, L. (2012). Pleasure’s perils? Critically reflecting on
is considerable information on the use of other
pleasure’s inclusion in sexuality education. Sexualities,
forms of CATs in the literature such as massage,
15, 455-471.
herbal remedies, acupuncture, and aromatherapy, Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2013). Towns of the mining
sexual stimulation and the promotion of orgasm as boom. Retrieved from
a CAT among hospital midwives is scarce (Adams, abs@.nsf/Lookup/4102.0Main+Features10April+201
2006; Bayles, 2007; Hall et al., 2010). There is 3#p2
speculation that perhaps hierarchical and time con- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) National
straints within the hospital system along with deeply Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit and AIHW.
held cultural beliefs about sexuality may infringe on (2013). National core maternity indicators. Retrieved from
ability of hospital staff to encourage intimacy
between birthing couples (Buckley, 2010; Gaskin, Baker, J. P. (2001). Prenatal yoga and natural childbirth.
2003; Walsh, 2010; Wiederman, 2005). Lack of Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
Bayles, B. P. (2007). Herbal and other complementary
inclusion of material about CATs in midwifery
medicine use by Texas midwives. Journal of Midwifery &
training programs may also be a potential barrier to
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tings (Hastings-Tolsma & Terada, 2009). Taking a Bianchi-Demicheli, F., & Ortigue, S. (2007). Toward an
holistic approach to the birth process is vital, and understanding of the cerebral substrates of woman’s
with improved education, midwives can be influen- orgasm. Neuropsychologia, 45, 2645-2659. doi:10.1016/j.
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ajpregu.00575.2010 Child Protection in Perth, Western Australia.

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