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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Palawan
District of Narra del Norte
Narra, Palawan
First Semester, SY 2017 – 2018

NAME: __________________________________________ GRADE: ______________ TRACK: ____________ DATE: ______________

Directions: Read and analyze the question/problem, choose the letter that corresponds to your answer.
Shade the letter of your answer on the corresponding circles before the number.
O OOO 1. It is a rule of correspondence between two nonempty sets, such that, to each element of the
first set called domain, there corresponds one and only one element of the second set called
a. relation b. domain c. function d. range
O OOO2. Which of the following situations does NOT REPRESENT a function
a. The total cost of rambutan bought is related to the price per kilogram.
b. The distance traversed by a freely falling body is related to the square of its time of fall.
c. The apparent size of an object is related to its distance from the observer.
d. Love of parents to his child is related to his monthly income.

O OOO3. If f(x) = 2x2 -7x – 4, what is f(2)?

a. -10 b. 14 c. 8 d. -25
O OOO4. Given f(x) = 5x + 1 and g(x) = 4 – 3x. What is (f - g)(x)?
a. 2x – 3 b. 8x – 3 c. -3x + 4 d. 9x – 4
O OOO5. Let f ( x )=x +3 and p ( x )=2 x −7. Find (f • p)(x )
a. 2 x 2−x−21 b. 2 x 2+ x +21 c. 2 x 2−2 x−7 d. 2 x 2+2 x+ 7

O OOO6. The underground temperature, a basis for geothermal energy source, can be approximated
using the function T ( d )=35 d +2 , where d is the distance from the land surface in km. Find the
underground temperature 2,500 m below the surface.
a. 89.5°C b. 875.5°C c. 89,500°C d. 87,520°C
O OOO7. Suppose the production cost of locally produced smart phone can be approximated by the
modelC ( p ) =4 (3 p +25) where p is the number of smart phones. Which of the following describe
the inputs, the function rule and the outputs of the given situation?

input rule output

A Cost of smart phone C ( p ) =4 (3 p +25) Number of produce smart phones

B Number of produce smart phones C ( p ) =4 (3 p +25) Cost of smart phone

C C ( p ) =4 (3 p +25) Number of produce smart phones Cost of smart phone

d C ( p ) =4 (3 p +25) Cost of smart phone Number of produce smart phones

p(x )
O OOO8. It is a function of the form f ( x )= where p(x ) and q (x) are polynomial functions and q(x) is
q (x)
not the zero function (i.e.q ( x ) ≠ 0). The domain of f (x)is the set of all values of x where( x ) ≠ 0 .
a. rational function c. exponential function
b. logarithmic function d. piece wise
O OOO9. Mark is to travel a distance of 500 meters. Which function represents his velocity v as a function
of travel time t in seconds?
10 500 d 1
a. V ( t )= b. V ( t )= c. V ( t )= d. V ( t )=
t t t t

O OOO10. Which of the following is rational function?

X −2 4 x+ 1
a. f (x)= b. −5= c. √ x−2=4 d.
X +2 x x−1
x+ 3

O OOO11. Which of the following is a rational equation?

x + √ x+ 1
( )
a. g x = 2 b. 6 x− ≥0 c. y=x 2 + 4 x−5 d.
x −16 x+ 2
2 1
2 x−5 x +3

O OOO12. Which of the following is a rational inequality?

1 x x−5
a. g( x )=x 2−49 b. −7= c. √ x−2= y d. >5
x x−6 x+7

4 2
O OOO13. Solve for x: =
x 5
a. b. 10 c. 2 d. 5
x +8
O OOO14. Solve for x: =5
a. 7 b. 10 c. -1 d. 12
O OOO15. Solve the inequality ≤0
x+ 5
a. { x∨−5< x ≤ 5 } c. { x∨x ←5∨x ≥5 }
b. { x∨5< x ≤−5 } d. { x∨x ≤−5∨x ≥ 5 }
O OOO16. What is the domain of the rational function f ( x )= ?
a. { x ∈ R∨x ≠−9 } c. { x ∈ R∨x ≠−7 }
b. { x ∈ R∨x ≠ 9 } d. { x ∈ R∨x ≠ 7 }
O OOO17. Determine the set of all values that the variable x can take of the function f ( x )= 2 ?
x −64
a. { x∨x ←8∨−8< x <8∨x> 8 } c. { x∨x ←8∨x > 8 }
b. { x∨x ≤−8∨−8 ≤ x ≤ 8∨x ≥8 } d. { x∨−8< x< 8 }
O OOO18. What is the x-intercept/s of the rational function h ( x )= 2 ?
x −4 x +3
a. (-1, 0) and (-3, 0) b. (1, 0) and (3, 0) c. (3, 0) d. (1, 0)

x+ 12
O OOO19. What is the y-intercept/s of the rational function h ( x )=2 ?
x −4
a. (0, -3) b. (0, 4) c. (0, 12) d. (0, 6)
x −5 x +6
O OOO20. What is the vertical asymptote of the rational function g ( x )= ?
x +5
a. x=3 b. x=−5 c. x=2 d. x=−7
7 x −5
O OOO21. What is the horizontal asymptote of the rational function h ( x )= 2 ?
3 x −2 x−8
a. y=0 c. y=
b. there is no horizontal d. y=−1
O OOO22. Which of the following graph represents one – to – one function?
a. b. c. d.

O OOO23. Which of the following are one-to-one functions?

a. The relation pairing a student to his or her learner registration number (LRN).
b. The relation pairing True or False questions to answers.
c. The relation pairing a distance d (in kilometers) traveled along a given jeepney route to
the jeepney fare for traveling that distance.
d. The relation pairing movie to director.
O OOO24. Which of the following functions has an inverse?
a. b. c. d.

O OOO25. Which of the following illustrates a one-to-one function?

a. { (−2 , 4 ) , (−1 , 1 ) , ( 0 ,0 ) , ( 1 , 1 ) , ( 2 , 4 ) } c. f ( x )=2 x +5
b. d. X 1 2 3 4 5
Y=f(x -4 -2 0 -2 -4

O OOO26. What is the inverse of h ( x )=3 x−11?

−1 x+ 4 −1 x−11
a. h ( x )= c. h ( x )=
7 4
−1 x+ 11 −1 x−5
b. h ( x )= d. h ( x )=
3 7
7 x −2
O OOO27. Find the inverse of g ( x )= .
2 x +5
−1 5 x +2 −1 −5 x −2
a. g ( x )= c. g ( x )=
2 x +7 2 x−7
−1 5 x−5 −1 5 x−2
b. g ( x )= d. g ( x )=
2 x−7 2 x +7

O OOO28. What is the inverse of the one-to-one function f ( x )=x 3−27?

a. f −1 ( x )= √3 x +27 c. f −1 ( x )= √3 x−3
b. f −1 ( x )= √3 x−2 7 d. f −1 ( x )= √3 x

O OOO29. Determine the inverse of g ( x )=5 x−8.

−1 x +8 −1 x−8
a. f ( x )= c. f ( x )=
5 5
−1 x +5 −1 x−5
b. f ( x )= d. f ( x )=
8 8
O OOO30. What is the domain of the inverse of f ( x )= ?
3 x+ 5
−1 5 x +2 −1 5 x−2
a. f ( x )= c. f ( x )=
−3 x +1 −3 x +1
−1 −5 x−2 −1 −5 x +2
b. f ( x )= d. f ( x )=
3 x−1 3 x +1
O OOO31. It is a function with base b is a function of the form f ( x)=b x or y=b xwhere b>0 ,b ≠ 1.
a. rational function c. exponential function
b. logarithmic function d. inverse function
O OOO32. Which of the following represent an exponential function?
(i) 4 x =82 (v) 3<27 x
(ii) y=1 x (vi) 3 ≥ 9 x−1
(iii) 3(15 x )=45 (vii) y=0x
(iv) g( x )=1.25 x (viii) f (x)=e x
a. ii, iv, vii, and viii c. i, v, vi
b. iv and viii d. i, ii, iii, and viii
O OOO33. Find the value of x that makes the equation 22 x +9=322 x−3 true.
a. 3 b. 12 c. 27 d. 81
O OOO34. Solve the inequality 3 ≥ 81. x

a. x ≤−5 b. x=3 c. x ≥ 4 d. x >12

O OOO 35. Which of the following is a graph of exponential function?
A. C. C.

B. D. D.

O OOO36. Compare the graphs of y = 2x and y = 2x + 1

a. The graph of y = 2x is steeper than the graph of y = 2x + 1.
b. The graph of y = 2x + 1 is steeper than the graph of y = 2x.
c. The graph of y = 2x + 1 is the graph of y = 2x translated 1 unit down.
d. The graph of y = 2x + 1 is the graph of y = 2x.

O OOO37. The graph of f(x) = 3x is asymptotic to

a. Negative x-axis c. Positive x-axis
b. Positive y-axis d. Negative y-axis
O OOO38. What value of x will make the equation 3x-1 = 9?
a. 2 c.4
b. 3 d.9
O OOO39. 10, 000 is invested at 2% compounded annually, give an exponential model for the situation.
a. A=10,000(1.02) c. A=10,000(1.02)t
b. A=10,000(.02) d. A=10,000(.02)t
O OOO40. 10, 000 is invested at 2% compounded annually, what is the amount after 12 years?
a. 12, 682.42 c. 12, 580.50
b. 10, 000 d. 11, 658.42
O OOO41. A population starts with 1, 000 individuals and triples every 80 years, give an exponential
model for the situation.
a . y=1,000 (3)x/80 c. y=1,000 (3)
b. y=1,000 (3) x
d. y=1,000 (3)80/x
O OOO42. A population starts with 1, 000 individuals and triples every 80 years, what is the size of the
population after 100 years?
a. 3, 000 individuals c. 3, 984 individuals
b. 3, 580 individuals d. 3, 948 individuals
O OOO43. Suppose that the half – life of a substance is 250 years and there are 100g initially, give an
exponential model for the
1 1
a. y=100 ( )x c. y=100 ( )x/250
2 2
1 1
b. y=100 ( ) d. y=100 ( )250
2 2
O OOO44. Suppose that the half – life of a substance is 250 years and there are 100g initially, how much
will remain after 500 years?
a. 100g c. 50g
b. 75g d. 25g
O OOO45. Which of the following exponential expression represent an exponential function?
a. f ( x )=5 x 2 c. 3 ≥ 9x – 1
b. y=81 x
d. 3(15 x )=45
O OOO46. Which of the following exponential expression represent an exponential equation?
a. f ( x )=5 x 2 c. 3 ≥ 9x – 1
b. y=81 x
d. 3(15)x = 45
O OOO47. Solve the value of x in theexponential equation 4 x – 1 = 16.
a. x=6 c. x=3
b. x=4 d. x=2
O OOO48. Solve the value of x in the exponential equation 57– x = 125.
a. x=4 c. x=8
b. x=6 d. x=10
O OOO49. Solve the value of x in the exponential inequality 3x¿ 9x – 2 .
a. x >4 c. 2> x
b. x <4 d. x <2
2 25 25 2
O OOO50. Solve the value of x in the exponential inequality ( )5x-2 ≥ Hint: Write as ( )-2
5 4 4 5
1 1
a. (-∞ , - ] c. ( .+∞)
5 5
1 1
b. b. (-∞ , - ) d. ( .+∞)
3 3

“There are no secret to success. It is the result of preparation,

hard work learning from failure”.
By: General Colin Powell

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