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Node JS


 JavaScript Objects, Functions, and Events

o How to use objects to work with data

o How to use functions
o How to handle events

 Closures, Callbacks, and Recursion

o Introduction to closures
o How to use closures
o How to use callbacks

 NodeJS : Introduction

 Foundation

o The Node.js framework

o Installing Node.js
o Using Node.js to execute scripts

 Node Projects

o The Node Package Manager

o Creating a project
o The package.json configuration file
o Global vs. local package installation

Interactive Node with REPL :

 REPL: First Looks and Undefined Expressions

 Benefits of REPL
 Multiline and More Complex JavaScript
 REPL Commands

Node Module System & NPM :

 Loading a Module with require and Default Paths

 External Modules and the Node Package Manager
 Finding Modules
 Creating Your Own Custom Module
 Packaging an Entire Directory
 Preparing Your Module for Publication
 Publishing the Module

Generating package.json

Uploading project

Working with node

 Node Core Fundamentals

 Using Core Modules
 FS (FileSystem)

o OS Module
o HTTP Module

 Events Module

Working with Events

 Events Object
 Event Emitter Class
 Creating own Event Emitter • Emitting events
 Associating event handlers • Events subscription
 Events unsubscription
 Process Events

Buffer & Streams

 Using buffers for binary data

 Reading from Stream
 Writing to Stream
 Piping Streams
 Chaining Streams
 Creating upload file server using streams
 Serving contents from directory
 Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
 Streaming I/O from files and other sources
 Processing streams asynchronously
 Configuring event handlers


File System Access

 Require Function
 Export Modules
 Modules Best Practices
 Reading and writing to files
 Async & Syncfunctions

Folder Module

External Modules

Control Flow, Asynchronous Patterns, and Exception Handling

 Promises, No Promises, Callback Instead

 Sequential Functionality, Nested Callbacks, and Exception Handling
 Asynchronous Patterns and Control Flow Modules
 Step
 Async
 Node Style

Routing Traffic, Serving Files, and Middleware

 Building a Simple Static File Server from Scratch

 Middleware
 Connect Basics
 Connect Middleware
 connect.static
 connect.logger
 connect.parseCookie and connect.cookieSession
 Custom Connect Middleware
 Routers
 Proxies


 Installing Express Framework

 Understanding RESTFul Framework
 Express JS Middleware
 Serving Static Pages
 Accepting JSON Request
 Accepting HTML Form Inputs
 Handling Cookies & maintaining Session
 Express Response Object
 Express Request Object
 Express Application Routes
 Creating Router Object
 Parameter based Routing
 Consuming Form Data
 GETMethod
 POSTMethod
Data Sources (Communication with Databases)

 Understanding Database support

 MongoDB : An introduction
 Connecting to SQL databases
 Performing CRUD operations
 Building client requests to web services

Creating collections

 Inserting documents in collection

 Fetching documents from collection

Using Socket.IO

 Creating Socket Server

 Creating Socket Client
 Continuous/Duplex communication

Real–Time Chat Application with

 Starting with a package.json file

 Adding configuration files
 Adding task manager files
 Creating the app.js file
 Creating the route file
 Creating the application views
 Installing frontend components with Bower
 Adding some CSS
 Adding live reload plugin
 Checking the application folder structure
 Creating the events
 Adding behavior on the client side
 Starting the chat application

Creating a stock ticker :

 Bidirectional communication with

 Using the WebSocket API
 Drawing collaboratively
 Listening for Server Sent Events
 Using the EventSource API
 The Event Source stream protocol
 Building a collaborative document

 Console Object
 Debugger Statement
 Node’s Built-in debugger

Unit Testing

 Using Jasmine and Karma

Tweet Application Using the MVC Design Pattern:

 Installing Node.js
 Installing Yeoman
 Installing Express generator
 Building the baseline
 Adding changes to the package.json file
 Running the application
 Changing the application's structure
 Changing the default behavior to start the application
 Restructuring the views folder using partials
 Adding templates for login, sign-up, and profile
 Installing additional middleware
 Refactoring the app.js file with the new middleware
 Adding config and passport files
 Creating a models folder and adding a user schema
 Protecting routes
 Creating the controllers folder
 Running the application and adding comments
 Checking the error messages

Customer Feedback App with a Restful API and

 Creating the baseline structure

 Creating models with command line
 Editing models after creation with command line
 Creating a data source through the command line
 Connecting models to data sources
 Using the API Explorer
 Inserting records using endpoint

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