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i. Course Instructors
Leonard Bukuku/Bernard Adam
ii. Purpose of the Course
1. The module is designed to introduce learners to basic understanding of research in
iii. Course objectives
At the end of this course students should be able to: -
1. Explain the meaning of research and educational research.
2. Examine Theory and processes of educational research.
3. Analyze educational research methods and techniques.
4. Examine Stages of proposal writing.
5. Analyze the components of a research report.
iv. Curriculum: Competence Based curriculum

v. Course contents
Topic Lecture themes Instructor
1. Research Methods in
● Definition and meaning of
Education. Mr. Bernard Adam
● Educational research

● Overview and development of

educational research.
● Types of educational research
- Quantitative and qualitative
- Basic and Applied research
- Exploratory and
Comparative research.
 Aims, principles and uses of
educational research.
 Stages in conducting Research

2. Theory and processes Leonard Bukuku
● Meaning of a theory
of educational research.
● Theory construction and testing
- Inductive, deductive)
● Falsification

● Theory and Empirical research.

● Education research as a process

and Literature review.
3. Educational research
● Types of educational research
methods and techniques.
methods. Mr. Leonald Bukuku
● Types of sampling and
sampling techniques
educational research.
● Types of data collection
4. Stages of proposal Bernard Adam
● Meaning of research proposal
and report writing.
● Elements of research proposal

● Characteristics of a good
research report.
● Statistical evidence in research.

● Major components of a
research report/Project.



vi. Teaching - learning methods

Lectures, Seminars, Discussions, Assignments

vii. Teaching - learning aids

Handouts, books, pictures, training manuals.

viii. Course Evaluation

(1) Class test ……………………………………………………… 30%
(2) Assignment/presentations (From Research Portfolio) ………… 10%
(3) End of semester examination …………………………………. 60%
Total …………………………………………………………… 100


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