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Alternative Course of Action

1. Promotion of Distributed Renewable Energy Systems (DRES)

Nadeem, T. B., Siddiqui, M., Khalil, M., & Asif, M. (2023). Distributed energy systems: A
review of classification, technologies, applications and policies. Energy Reports, 9,
Article 101089.
- Promotion of Distributed Renewable Energy Systems refers to initiatives, policies, and
actions aimed at encouraging the development, deployment, and use of renewable energy
technologies that are decentralized and distributed across various locations rather than being
concentrated in large, centralized facilities. Distributed renewable energy systems include
solar panels on residential or commercial buildings, small-scale wind turbines, micro-hydro
systems, and biomass energy production. Government in Germany has been a pioneer in
promoting renewable energy through its policy known as “Energiewende”. A key component
of this policy is the use of Feed-in Tarifs (FiTs), which encourage the adoption of renewable
energy, particularly solar and wind. FiTs guarantee long-term contracts to renewable energy
producers at fixed prices, ensuring stable returns on investments. Another critical element of
Germany’s renewable energy strategy is the Renewable Energy Act (EEG). This act has been
instrumental in promoting decentralized energy production by providing incentives for small-
scale renewable energy installations, further driving the transition towards sustainable energy
sources. Energiewende offers valuable lessons for the Philippines to sustain and expand its
renewable energy efforts by adopting similar policies such as Feed-in Tariffs and the
Renewable Energy Act, the Philippines can attract investments and provide stable returns for
renewable energy projects. Technological innovations and decentralized energy production
methods from Germany can enhance local capabilities and energy security, especially for the
Philippines’ numerous islands. Strong private-public sector collaboration, inspired by
Germany's model can mobilize resources and public support, while long-term strategic
planning can ensure sustainable growth.
2. Grid Modernization and Smart Grid
Crispi, J., Braz, J., Castro, R., & Esteves, J. (December 2014). Smart Grids in the EU with
Smart Regulation: Experiences from the UK, Italy and Portugal. Energy Reports.
- Developing smart grid technologies will help manage the variability of renewable energy
sources and optimize energy distribution. This modernization includes upgrading
infrastructure to handle the decentralized nature of renewable energy, integrating advanced
sensors and communication systems, and implementing real-time data analytic. In European
Union they have the SGDP which stands for European Smart Grid Development Plan, it
outlines the EU’s concerted effort to expedite the adoption of smart grid technologies
throughout its member states. Central to this strategy is the integration of renewable energy
sources, bolstering grid reliability, and advancing energy efficiency initiatives across Europe.
The EU has implemented a robust regulatory framework to underpin these goals, setting
standards and regulations that ensure the seamless interoperability of smart grid technologies
and safeguarding data security. The European Union's Smart Grid Development Plan could
potentially assist the Philippines in sustaining their renewable energy efforts through several
avenues. Firstly, by sharing technological expertise and best practices, the EU can help the
Philippines improve their grid infrastructure to better integrate renewable energy sources like
solar and wind power. Smart grid technologies, such as advanced metering infrastructure and
grid automation, can enhance the efficiency and reliability of renewable energy distribution.
3. Carbon Pricing Mechanism
L. , J. (September 18, 2023). Carbon Pricing: Understanding The Economics and
Trends of Fighting Climate Change. Carbon Credits.
- It is a policy tool aimed at internalizing the external costs associated with greenhouse gas
emissions. This incentives businesses, industries and consumers to reduce their carbon
dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions. Two primary approaches include a
carbon tax, which directly taxes the carbon content of fossil fuels or emitted CO2, and a cap-
and-trade system. The cap-and-trade system sets a limit on total emissions within a
jurisdiction or sector, distributing or auctioning emission allowance accordingly. Companies
can trade these allowances, creating a market that encourages emission reductions where
they are most cost-effective. Implementing a Carbon Pricing Mechanism in the Philippines will
attract investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency projects by pricing emissions,
businesses would have a clearer economic incentive to invest in technologies that reduce
emissions, such as solar and wind energy, and improve energy efficiency in industries and
4. Agroforestry and Biomass Utilization
Mahidin, Erdiwansyah, Muhammad Zaki, Hamdani, Muhibbuddin, Hisbullah, Rizalman Mamat,
& Susanto, H. (October 10, 2020). Potential And Utilization Of Biomass For Heat Energy
In Indonesia: A Review. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research.
- It is a land use management system that combines agriculture with forestry practices. It
involves integrating trees and shrubs into crop and livestock farming systems to create
environmental, economic and social benefits. Agroforestry systems can vary widely from
simple arrangements like planting trees alongside crops to more complex systems where
trees and crops are deliberately combined to enhance productivity and sustainability.
Agroforestry in the Philippines offer dual benefits for sustainable development. They produce
biomass from trees and shrubs like wood chips, crop residues, and organic waste, which
serves as valuable feeedstock for bio-energy such as biogas, bio-fuels and biomass power
generation. This dual role improves the resilience of agricultural systems, ensuring consistent
food production while indirectly supporting renewable energy efforts by stabilizing agricultural
yields. In Indonesia, agroforestry practices have played a significant role pursuit of
sustainable energy primarily through carbon segregation. Trees integrated into agroforestry
effectively capture and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping mitigate
greenhouse gas emissions. This aligns closely with Indonesia’s environmental commitments
to reduce carbon footprints and combat climate change, thereby supporting global efforts
towards sustainable energy transitions.
5. Technology Innovation and Research Grants
Shoemaker, S., (19, May 2022). ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit to Showcase NREL’s
Disruptive Energy Technology Research. NREL Transforming Energy.
- The ARPA-E is an agency within the United States Department of Energy (DOE) tasked with
promoting and funding high-impact energy technologies. Modeled after the successful
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), ARPA-E focuses on supporting
innovative research and development projects that aim to transform the energy landscape.
ARPA-E funds early-stage, potentially trans formative energy projects that are too high-risk
for private sector investment but have the potential for significant technical and commercial
impact. Its mission includes advancing energy technologies that enhance energy security,
reduce energy-related emissions, and improve energy efficiency across various sectors such
as transportation, electricity generation, and industrial processes.

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