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1. Objectives
- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize visually if an
angle is: an acute, obtuse, right angle. Use the structures to discuss about angles:
 What angle is this? It is a/ an ... angle.
 How many ... angles are there? There are ... angles.
- Skills: Speaking, listening, writing, reading
- Attitude: Students enjoy and attend the lesson actively and creatively.
2. Time: 35 minutes
3. Teaching aids
- Teacher’s: Student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, word cards
- Students’: Student’s book, workbook
4. Language focus

- Vocabulary: an acute, obtuse, right angle.


Time Stages and associated activities Interaction

5 mins Warm-up Whole class
- T gets Ss’ attention, and divides the class into 4 teams.
- T asks Ss about the date and writes it on the board.
- T shows the slide and has Ss review the words “point” and “line
- T introduces the game on the slide. There are several symbols
shown and Ss have to look carefully and say all the symbols aloud in
the correct order.
Game: Look and remember
- T lets Ss play the first turn with the whole class. After that, T has
each team play a turn.
- After the game, T gets Ss’ full attention.
16 mins Presentation
Whole class
4 mins Lead-in
- T draws a line segment on the board then asks Ss to say the word
- T continues to draw another line segment (to make an acute angle)
and asks Ss how many line segments there are.
- T introduces the concept of “angle” and asks Ss to repeat the word.
- T writes the name of the lesson on the board.
7 mins Types of angles Whole class
- T points at the angle on the board and teaches Ss “acute angle”. T
shows the FC and WC, then Ss repeat after T.
- T has Ss do action and say in class, team, and individually.
- T does the same with “right angle”, “obtuse angle” and “straight
- After T has Ss practice doing the actions for the angle and saying
aloud, T checks Ss’ understanding.
5 mins Game: Go to sleep Whole class
- T sticks the FC on the board and have Ss say it chorally.
- T gives Ss instructions:
+ While Ss go to sleep, T will give the WC for random Ss.
+ When T says “Wake up”, the Ss who have the WC have to run to the
board and stick it to the correct picture within 10 seconds.
- The fastest team has 4 stars, the second team has 3 stars, the next one
has 2 stars and the last one has 1 star.
11 mins Practice
8 mins Exercise 1-2 Individual
- T explains what Ss are going to do with exercise 1. T plays the audio
twice for Ss.
- T has 30 seconds for Ss to check their work with the slide and
goes around to check Ss’ work.
- T gives stars to encourage Ss who finish fast.
- T moves on to exercise 2.
- T explains what Ss are going to do with exercise 2. T goes through
the first question with Ss so that they can understand how to do the
next one.
- T asks Ss the answer and corrects it on the slide. Ss check the
answer key and write on their book.
3 mins Pair work – Draw and say Pair work
- T gets Ss’ full attention.
- T divides class into pairs (1 table – 1 pair).
- T gives instruction and models with Ss:
+ Ss work in groups of 2.
+ S1 draws a random angle (straight, obtuse, right). S 2 look and say
the name of that angle and they take turn to do it. The winer is the one
who say the name faster.
+ T invites 1 S to come to the board and model.
- T checks Ss’ understanding.
- T sets a time limit: 2 minutes.
- While Ss work in pair, T goes around and helps Ss if necessary.
- T corrects Ss’ mistakes in front of the class at the end of the activity,
gives them 2 stars/praise for their good performance.
3 mins Wrap-up Whole class
- Ss say the vocabulary/sentences T is showing (flashcards/slides).
- T counts the stars with Ss and announces the winner(s).
- Ss stand up and say goodbye to T.

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