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1. Objectives
- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize visually if an
angle is: an acute, obtuse, right and straight angle. Use the structures to discuss about
• What angle is this? It is a/ an ... angle.
• How many ... angles are there? There are ... angles.
- Skills: Speaking, listening, writing, reading
- Attitude: Students enjoy and attend the lesson actively and creatively.
2. Time: 35 minutes
3. Teaching aids
- Teacher’s: Student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, word cards
- Students’: Student’s book, workbook
4. Language focus

- Vocabulary: an acute, obtuse, right and straight angle.


Time Stages and associated activities Interaction

5 mins Warm-up Whole class
- T gets Ss’ attention, and divides the class into 4 teams.
- T asks Ss about the date and writes it on the board.
- T shows the slide and has Ss review the words “point” and “line
- T introduces the game on the slide. There are several symbols shown
and Ss have to look carefully and say all the symbols aloud in the
correct order.
Game: Look and remember
- T lets Ss play the first turn with the whole class. After that, T has each
team play a turn.
- After the game, T gets Ss’ full attention.
16 mins Presentation
Whole class
4 mins Lead-in
- T draws a line segment on the board then asks Ss to say the word
- T continues to draw another line segment (to make an acute angle)
and asks Ss how many line segments there are.
- T introduces the concept of “angle” and asks Ss to repeat the word.
- T writes the name of the lesson on the board.
7 mins Types of angles Whole class
- T points at the angle on the board and teaches Ss “acute angle”. T
shows the FC and WC, then Ss repeat after T.
- T has Ss do action and say in class, team, and individually.
- T does the same with “right angle”, “obtuse angle” and “straight
- After T has Ss practice doing the actions for the angle and saying
aloud, T checks Ss’ understanding.
5 mins Game: Go to sleep Whole class
- T sticks the FC on the board and have Ss say it chorally.
- T gives Ss instructions:
+ While Ss go to sleep, T will give the WC for random Ss.
+ When T says “Wake up”, the Ss who have the WC have to run to the
board and stick it to the correct picture within 10 seconds.
- The fastest team has 4 stars, the second team has 3 stars, the next one
has 2 stars and the last one has 1 star.
11 mins Practice
8 mins Exercise 1-2 Individual
- T explains what Ss are going to do with exercise 1. T plays the audio
twice for Ss.
- T has 30 seconds for Ss to check their work with the slide and goes
around to check Ss’ work.
- T gives stars to encourage Ss who finish fast.
- T moves on to exercise 2.
- T explains what Ss are going to do with exercise 2. T goes through
the first question with Ss so that they can understand how to do the next
- T asks Ss the answer and corrects it on the slide. Ss check the answer
key and write on their book.
3 mins Pair work – Draw and say Pair work
- T gets Ss’ full attention.
- T divides class into pairs (1 table – 1 pair).
- T gives instruction and models with Ss:
+ Ss work in groups of 2.
+ S1 draws a random angle (straight, obtuse, right). S2 look and say the
name of that angle and they take turn to do it. The winer is the one who
say the name faster.
+ T invites 1 S to come to the board and model.
- T checks Ss’ understanding.
- T sets a time limit: 2 minutes.
- While Ss work in pair, T goes around and helps Ss if necessary.
- T corrects Ss’ mistakes in front of the class at the end of the activity,
gives them 2 stars/praise for their good performance.
3 mins Wrap-up Whole class
- Ss say the vocabulary/sentences T is showing (flashcards/slides).
- T counts the stars with Ss and announces the winner(s).
- Ss stand up and say goodbye to T.

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