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Activity 1: Study the questions bellow and answer by reading quickly!

1. What is the title of the text about?
2. Who is the main character in the story?
3. How is the characteristic of the main character?
4. Where does the story take place?
5. What is the story about?
The Legend of Bali Strait
Once upon a time in Daha kingdom there lived a Brahmin named Sidi Mantra
with his supernatural power. His teacher presented him the property and a beautiful
wife. From his marriage he had a son named Manik Angkeran. Manik Angkeran was
a strong and smart young man but he had a bad habit. He loved to gamble and always
spent his father’s money. One day, Manik Angkeran met with his father. “Dead, I had
many debt. Please pay for them!” Manik Angkeran said. “O my son, you’re so pity!”
Sidi Mantra said. Begawan Sidi Mantra always prayed to gods. Suddenly, he heard a
voice that told him to meet a dragon in Agung Mountain. The dragon named Naga
Besuki. "Hey Sidi Mantra, take a trip to Mount Agung. There are treasure guarded by
a dragon named Naga Basukih, ask him to give you a little treasure," a mysterious
voice says.
Then Sidi Mantra went into Agung Mountain. Begawan Sidi Mantra said the
prayer and rang the bell. Not long after that, Naga Basukih came out and gave the
jewelries. “Sidi Mantra advice your son! Don’t let your son to gamble again!” Naga
Besuki said. “Well Naga Basukih! Thank you for your help.” Sidi Mantra said.
Begawan Sidi Mantra turned back to his home and meet Manik Angkeran. “Manik
Angkeran, this time is the last! You should not spent my money again.” Begawan
said “Yes, Father! I promise!” said Manik Angkeran.
Soon, Manik Angkeran broken his promise and spent all his father’s money.
He heard that his father got the jewelries from the dragon in Agung Mountain. Then,


he stole his father’s bell and went into Agung Mountain. “Heiii Manik Angkeran,
Why you rang your father’s bell?” Naga Besuki asked. “Oooo, Naga Besukih, I want
your jewelries to pay my debt.” Manik Angkeran said. “Well! Take jewelries in my
body! But you should not use it to gamble.” Naga Besuki said. The dragon issued
gold and diamonds from the scales and Manik Angkeran take the jewelries. But he
had a bad idea. He cut the dragon’s tail when the dragon turning back to his nest.
There was many jewelries came out from the dragon. He took it and ran away. Naga
Basukih became angry and with his great power, he killed Manik Angkeran. Manik
Angkeran was immediately burned to ashes after Naga Basukih lick his track.
Begawan Sidi Mantra was very sad hear that. He asked the dragon (Naga
Basukih) to bring his son back to life. “Naga Basukih, please bring my son back to
life.” Begawan Sidi Mantra begged. Naga Besuki was agreed but they had to live in
different places. After few moments, Manik Angkeran lived again. Then Begawan
Sidi Mantra used a stick to make a big line on the ground separate between them.
From the line, water flowed and getting bigger. Finally from the water it become a
strait that separated Java and Bali. Now, the strait called Bali Strait.

Activity 2: Read the text above carefully, write difficult words and find the synonym
by using fix up strategy!
No. Words Synonym


Activity 3: Find the main idea in each paragraph based on the text above!

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 4

Activity 4: Make questions (5W+1H) and the answers based on the text above!

Questions Answers
1. Who

2. What

3. Where

4. When

5. Why

6. How


Activity 5: Make a summary about important information based on the text above!

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