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I. Vocabulary:
1. Stress (n): 16. Pet (n):
2. Stressful (a): 17. Sleep – slept – slept (v):
3. Stressed out (a): 18. Breakfast (n):
4. Relax (v): 19. Plan (n):
5. Appropriate (a): 20. Exam (n)
6. Technique (n): 21. Time (n):
7. Cause (n): 22. Food (n):
8. Deal (v): 23. React (v):
9. Common (a): 24. Concentrate (v):
10. Teenage (a): 25. Ordinary (a):
11. Happy (a): 26. In general:
12. Sad (a): 27. Formal (a):
13. Angry (a): 28. Informal (a):
14. Relaxed (a):
15. Worried (a):
II. GRAMMAR ( page 136 SB)
1. Present Simple Questions:
a. Yes-No Questions: Do/Does + S + V0?
b. Wh- Questions: Wh-words + do/does + S + V0?
_ What/ Which  things, events,…
_ Who  people, person.
_ When  time.
_ Where  Places.
_ How  adjectives.
_ Why  reasons.
2. Adverbs of Frequency:
Always  Usually  often  sometimes  hardly ever  never
_ Before “verbs”
_ After “to be”
EX: He always play football after school.
He is always nice to other people.

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