Arabinofuranosidases-microbial 2024 Rev

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Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

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Arabinofuranosidases: Characteristics, microbial production, and potential T

in waste valorization and industrial applications
Vikram Poriaa, Jitendra Kumar Sainia, Surender Singha,b, , Lata Nainb, Ramesh Chander Kuhadc,d

Department of Microbiology, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana PIN-123031, India
Division of Microbiology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi PIN-110012, India
Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh, Haryana PIN-123031, India
Lignocellulose Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi PIN-110021, India


Keywords: Alpha-L-arabinofuranoside arabinofuranohydrolase (ARA), more commonly known as alpha-L-arabinofur-

Arabinofuranohydrolase anosidase (E.C. number, is a hydrolytic enzyme, catalyzing the cleavage of alpha-L-arabinose by acting
Arabinoxylans on the non-reducing ends of alpha-L-arabinofuranosides, alpha-L-arabinans containing (1,3)- and/or (1,5)-linked
Arabinogalactans arabinoxylans and arabinogalactans. ARA functions as debranching enzyme removing arabinose substituents
Accessory enzymes
from arabinoxylan and arabinoxylooligomers, thereby, boosting the hydrolysis of arabinoxylan fraction of
hemicellulose and improving bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass. Previously, comprehensive information
on this enzyme has not been reviewed thoroughly. Therefore, the main aim of this review is to highlight the
important properties of this interesting enzyme, microorganisms used for its production, and enhanced pro-
duction using genetic engineering approach. An account on synergism with other biomass hydrolyzing enzymes
and various industrial applications of this enzyme has also been provided along with an outlook on further
research and development.

1. Introduction reasons for renewed interests in the various accessory/auxiliary enzyme

that help in the complete hydrolysis of biomass (Zhou et al., 2019).
Globally there is a growing trend to use sustainable resources for the Hemicellulose is the second most abundant plant polymer after
production of energy, fuels, and other chemicals. Lignocellulose re- cellulose (Tsujibo et al., 2014). Hemicellulose is a heteropolymer con-
presents a wealth of resources for such processes, and each of its sisting mainly of pentose sugars (xylose and arabinose) linked through
components can be utilized in a biorefinery approach. Enzymatic hy- β-1,4 linkages with side chains of hexose sugars (glucose, galactose, and
drolysis of the polysaccharides derived from cell walls of lignocellulosic mannose) and, 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid, and galacturonic acid re-
feedstock is a significant step during biomass bioconversion (Gielkens sidues. Xylan is the major plant hemicellulose made up of D-xylopyr-
et al., 1997). Due to the presence of multiple components, complete anoside residues joined through β-1,4 bonds forming the main chain.
valorization of the lignocellulosic biomass often becomes difficult. Xylan is categorized into arabinoxylan, xyloglucans, and glucuronox-
Therefore, much of the recent research is focused on enhancing the ylan, etc., based on substitutions present in the xylan backbone
efficiency of the biomass conversion process. Significant efforts are now (Sjostrom, 1993). Xylan backbone is commonly found to be substituted
being put in efficiently digesting the hemicellulosic components of the by acetic acid, arabinose, glucuronic acid, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid,
cell wall polysaccharides, to improve the overall biomass to sugar yield. or 4-O-methyl glucuronic acid (Ordaz-Ortiz and Saulnier, 2005). Sugar
This is mainly achieved by increasing the cellulolytic enzyme accessi- residues present in xylan are modified depending on the plant species
bility towards the cellulosic substrates. Moreover, the pentose sugars they are originating from, for example, xylan from birch wood contains
(e.g., xylose) released by the saccharification of the hemicelluloses acetylated sugar (D-xylose) residues. Moreover, branching of the xylose
could also be potentially converted to biofuels or biochemicals in a chain can be induced by linking of L-arabinofuranose to O at position 2
biorefinery approach. Hemicellulose degradation has beneficial effects or 3 or through linking of D-glucuronic acid and 4-O-methyl-D-glu-
on the bioconversion of cellulose by decreasing cellulase inhibition curonic acid residues to O at position 2 (Gielkens et al., 1997). Arabi-
resulting in enhanced sugar yields from biomass. These are some of the noxylan is formed by polymerization of β-1,4-xylopyranosyl residues

Corresponding author at: Department of Microbiology, Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh 123031, Haryana, India.
E-mail address: (S. Singh).
Received 30 November 2019; Received in revised form 9 February 2020; Accepted 11 February 2020
Available online 12 February 2020
0960-8524/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

having side chains of α-L-arabinofuranosyl residues linked through α- linkages. In this mechanism, two amino acids participate in single/
(1,3 or 1,2) bonds. double displacement reactions, which cause inverted or retained con-
Degradation of xylan requires the action of multiple enzymes, in- figurations, respectively, at the anomeric C of glycoside undergoing
cluding xylanases and β-xylosidases. Xylanases are extracellular en- hydrolysis (Henrissat, 1991). Depending upon their substrate specificity
zymes responsible for the breakdown of the β-1,4-xylosidic bonds (arabinose anomeric configuration) and how ARA acts on its polymeric
during hydrolysis of the xylan to release xylo-oligomeric sugars. These substrate (exo- or endo- acting), these enzymes are classified under
xylooligomers can be further broken down into simpler sugars by the glycoside hydrolases into three different groups (Fritz et al., 2008): α-L-
action of β-xylosidases at their non-reducing ends (Tsujibo et al., 2014). arabinofuranoside hydrolases (E.C., β-L-arabinosidases (E.C.
Side branching of L-arabinofuranosyl units is linked to the backbone of and endo-1,5-α-L-arabinanases (E.C.
D-xylose residues at the C-2 position. The complete breakdown of The ARAs are categorized into three types. Type-A hydrolyzes α-1,5-
arabinoxylans requires the combined action of different microbial en- L-arabinofuranoside and arabino-oligomers but doesn’t hydrolyze
zymes, mainly arabinosidases and endo-β-xylanases (Crous et al., 1996). polymers. These are also able to hydrolyze synthetic p-nitrophenyl
For removal of substituents from xylan backbone, a variety of deb- (PNP) α-L-arabinofuranosides. Branched (arabino-oligosaccharides),
ranching enzymes secreted by several microorganisms, such as glu- linear (L-arabinan) polymers, as well as synthetic PNP-α-L-arabinofur-
curonidases, α-L-arabinofuranosidases (ARA), acetyl xylan esterase, are anoside, are hydrolyzed by the type-B enzyme which causes the release
required (Gielkens et al., 1997). Terminal non-reducing α-L-1,2-, α-L- of xylose and L-arabinose. Third type enzymes are highly specific for
1,3-, and α-L-1,5-arabinofuranosyl residues are hydrolyzed by ARA; natural substrates having arabinosidic bonds and are known as (1 → 4)-
while the endo-1,5-α-L-arabinofuranosidic bonds from arabinans con- β-D-arabinoxylan arabinofuranohydrolases (AXH) (Contesini et al.,
taining L-arabinose in the backbone chain are hydrolyzed by endo-1,5- 2017; Sakamoto et al., 2011).
α-L-arabinases. Endo-1,5-α-L-arabinases do not have terminal non-re- AXH type is further characterized and classified into three sub-
ducing L-arabinofuranosyl residue hydrolyzing activity (Margolles- groups having different mechanisms. The first type is active on S2/ara
Clark et al., 1996). (arabinose residues joined to C-2 of the xylose residues having single
The conversion of arabinoxylan into its constituents requires the substitution) and S3/ara (arabinose residues joined to C-3 of the xylose
combined action of different enzymes, which includes; endo-1,4-β-xy- residues having single substitution) in arabinoxylan and is termed as
lanase, which act on xylan and convert it to xylo-oligosaccharides; β- AXH-m. It has been reported in Aspergillus awamori, Bifidobacterium
xylosidases, which releases D-xylose by hydrolyzing xylo-oligo- adolescentis, and Bacillus subtilis. The second sub-type hydrolyzes D3/
saccharides; and α-L-arabinofuranosidase, which acts on arabinose side ara (terminal arabinose moieties joined to C-3 of the xylose residues
chains. Access to the xylosidic linkage of xylan backbone to endo-1,4-β- having double substitutions) branches of the arabinoxylan and is
xylanase and β-xylosidases is restricted by the arabinose side residues termed as AXH-d3. It has been reported in B. adolescentis and Humicola
and, therefore, arabinofuranosidase play an important role during xylan insolens. The third subtype acts on both types of xylose residues, which
hydrolysis (Sun et al., 2012). Both arabinose and arabino-oligo- have one and two substitutions in arabinoxylan and is known as AXH-
saccharides find many useful applications in food technology, bioe- md (Sakamoto et al., 2011).
nergy production, and nutrition research (Hong et al., 2009). Plant According to Beldman et al., (1997), enzymes that degrade arabi-
hetero-polysaccharides such as arabinogalactans, arabinoxylans, and nans are categorized as exo- or endo-acting enzymes. Enzymes de-
arabinans contain L-arabinose residues in furanose form (Margolles- grading polysaccharides containing (1 → 5)-α-L-arabinan chain at in-
Clark et al., 1996). ternal sites are classified according to the enzyme nomenclature as
The accessory enzymes, ARAs have remained neglected due to lack (1 → 5)-α-L-arabinan (1 → 5)-α-L-arabinanohydrolases. Enzymes that
of understanding about their definite role in enhancing biomass con- act in exo-manner to release L-arabinose from polymeric substrates
version. Some studies have supported (Alvira et al., 2011), while others (e.g., arabinoxylans, arabinans, and arabinogalactans or from arabino-
denied (Gao et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011) their importance in im- oligosaccharides and artificial substrates having p-nitrophenyl group)
proving the lignocellulose conversion process. Hence, there is a need to are systematically named as α-L-arabinofuranoside arabinofuranohy-
revisit this important group of enzymes. Therefore, the main objective drolases (ARAs).
of this review is to provide comprehensive and up to date information
about characteristics, production and their role in biomass valorization, 2.2. Classification based on amino acid sequence
and other industrial biotechnological applications of ARAs.
Amino acid sequencing of ARAs has revealed that these belong to
2. Classification the glycoside hydrolase class of proteins. According to the CAZY data-
base (, ARAs are grouped under class glycoside hydro-
Glycosidic bonds linking alcohol to the anomeric carbon of arabi- lase (EC 3.2.1.-). The enzymes in the glycoside hydrolase class hydro-
nose residue are hydrolyzed by arabinosyl hydrolases. ARAs come lyze the glycosidic linkage between carbohydrate-carbohydrate or
under arabinosyl hydrolases, which are a class of glycoside hydrolase carbohydrate-noncarbohydrate moieties. Depending upon the degree of
group of enzymes (Fritz et al., 2008). ARAs can be classified into dif- sequence similarity of amino acids, different glycoside hydrolases have
ferent categories depending upon its mechanism, substrate-specificity, been classified into different families. These families include GH2, GH3,
amino acid sequence, and specific activity. GH43, GH51, GH54, and GH62 (Shi et al., 2013; Thakur et al., 2019).
Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of ARA enzymes belonging to
2.1. Classification based on substrate specificity and mode of action different GH families.
GH2 family ARAs belong to the GH-A clan of glycoside hydrolase
Substrate specificity based classification is the most straightforward family. These enzymes cleave glycosidic bonds with retaining me-
classification of glycoside hydrolases, which uses the Enzyme chanism, and their catalytic domain has (β/α)8 3D structure. Glutamate
Commission (EC) number for a given enzyme as per the International acts as a nucleophile and proton donor (Shi et al., 2014). In GH2 family,
Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) convention ARAs are grouped along with β-galactosidase (EC, β-D-ga-
(Henrissat, 1991). In this classification system, O-glycoside hydrolases lactofuranosidase (EC, β-mannosidase (EC; β-xy-
are given the EC number 3.2.1 (representing the enzymes which hy- losidase (EC, β-glucuronidase (EC, mannosylglyco-
drolyze O-glycosyl bonds, the fourth number denoting the substrate protein endo-β-mannosidase (EC, α-L-arabinopyranosidase
specificity and sometimes molecular mechanism). Glycoside hydrolases (EC 3.2.1.-), exo-β-glucosaminidase (EC, and β-galactur-
follow a general acid catalysis mechanism to hydrolyze the O-glycosyl onidase (EC 3.2.1.-).

V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

Table 1
Characteristics of ARA enzymes classified on the basis of amino acid sequences.
Glycoside Hydrolase (GH) Family

GH2 GH3 GH43 GH51 GH54 GH62

Clan A – F A – F
Stereochemistry Retention of anomeric Retention of anomeric Inversion of anomeric Retention of anomeric Retention of anomeric Not characterized
configuration configuration configuration configuration configuration
Catalytic Domain (β/α)8 3D structure – 5-fold β-propeller 3D (β/α)8 3D structure β-sandwich fold 3D –
structure structure
Nucleophile (Base) Glutamate Aspartate Aspartate Glutamate Glutamate –
Proton Donor Glutamate Glutamate (for hydrolases)/ Glutamate Glutamate Aspartate –
Histidine (for phosphorylases)

GH3 family ARAs have catalytic action similar to those belonging to substituted xylopyranosyl residues (Dos Santos et al., 2018).
the GH2 family; however, Aspartate is the catalytic nucleophile (base)
in their case. Glutamate acts as a catalytic proton donor for hydrolases, 3. Microorganisms producing α-L-arabinofuranosidase
and histidine acts as a catalytic proton donor for phosphorylases. Some
ARAs belonging to family GH43 show both α-xylosidase and α-L-ara- Microorganisms play a significant role in bioconversion of plant-
binofuranosidase activities (Shi et al., 2013). In the GH3 and GH43 based polymers, including cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, etc., by
families, ARAs are grouped along with other β-acting enzymes involved secreting different hydrolytic and/or debranching enzymes. Many mi-
in lignocellulose hydrolysis. Some of the ARAs of GH43 have associated croorganisms, including fungi, bacteria, and actinomycetes have been
α-xylosidase activities also (Shi et al., 2013) and release arabinose from reported to secrete ARAs, along with other major lignocellulolytic en-
O-3 of the di-substituted xylose moieties (De La Mare et al., 2013). zymes (Maheswari and Chandra, 2000; Yang et al., 2016). However,
GH43 ARAs break glycosidic linkages with inverting type of mechanism large scale production of ARAs requires improved microbial strains
(Shallom et al., 2002) and cause the release of (1 → 3) α-L-linked with high production capabilities. Few plants have also been reported
arabinofuranosyl side chains from di-substituted xylose residues and for ARA production (Chávez Montes et al., 2008).
function only on arabinoxylan (Sørensen et al., 2006). These enzymes
possess catalytic domain (CD) with 5-fold β-propeller three-dimen- 3.1. Bacteria producing α-L-arabinofuranosidase
sional (3D) structure, aspartate and glutamate being the catalytic nu-
cleophile (base) and catalytic proton donor, respectively. Bacteria are an important group of microorganisms that secrete
The GH51 type ARAs release (1 → 2) and (1 → 3)-α-L-arabinofur- enzymes involved in the degradation of different plant polysaccharides.
anosyl residues from mono-substituted xylopyranosyl residues in ara- These bacteria include genus Alicyclobacillus, Bacillus, Bifidobacterium,
binoxylan (Bouraoui et al., 2016) and hydrolyze glycosidic-linkages Geobacillus, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas, Thermotoga, etc. (Table 2).
while retaining the anomeric configuration (Shallom et al., 2002) via Laere et al. (1997) isolated ARA of B. adolescentis which showed the
double displacement mechanism. Their action involves two glutamate ability to hydrolyze the di-substituted xylose residues in arabinoxylan
residues, one acting as a proton donor and the other as a base. Their CD to release arabinosyl residues. Tuncer (2003) studied the production
has (β/α)8 barrel structure and proton donating and nucleophilic glu- and characteristics of ARA by Thermomonospora fusca. This enzyme was
tamates are on β-4 and β-7 strands, respectively (Fritz et al., 2008). categorized into AXH-d3 class of arabinofuranohydrolase. Yang et al.
GH51 enzymes mostly originate from bacteria (Bouraoui et al., 2016). (2015) isolated a bi-functional enzyme from Alicyclobacillus sp. A4
Few enzymes in this family also possess endoglucanase activity. In a showing both ARA and endo-xylanase activities and characterized this
study, an ARA gene from Xanthomonas axonopodis was amplified and enzyme under family GH51. Hoffmam et al., (2013) reported an ARA
expressed in Escherichia coli. This GH51 family ARA was able to effi- from mesophilic bacteria B. subtilis belonging to family GH51. Bifido-
ciently hydrolyze both mono- and di-substitutions at the terminal or bacterium longum produces ARA with bifunctional activity on both α-L-
internal xylopyranosyl units of arabinoxylan. This enzyme has its active arabinopyranosides and β-D-galactopyranosides (2011). This ARA was
site in a (β/α)8-barrel, which is associated with the β-sandwich domain. cloned, overexpressed, and the recombinant enzyme was fully char-
The N- and the C-terminal regions of the barrel are put together by β- acterized for biochemical and kinetic parameters, revealing differences
sheets of β-sandwich. Therefore, the β-sandwich domain provides sta- in these properties when compared to properties of the already char-
bility to the catalytic domain. Two cysteine residues, Cys80 and acterized non-recombinant enzymes of B. breve and C. cellulovorans.
Cys186, are present, which contribute to the high thermostability of Bacterial ARAs are generally produced by the submerged fermentation
this enzyme by forming a disulfide bridge (Dos Santos et al., 2018). process, but Khandeparkaer and Jalal (2015) have also reported the use
In the GH54 family, ARAs are placed together with β-xylosidases of solid-state fermentation process for the production of a 97 kDa en-
and act upon their target linkages with retaining mechanism (Shallom zyme from Arthrobacter sp., which was fully characterized after its
et al., 2002), possessing type-B substrate specificity (De La Mare et al., purification.
2013). Their CD is similar to GHs of clan-B possessing β-sandwich fold
with glutamate and aspartate as nucleophilic and proton donating re- 3.2. Actinomycetes producing α-L-arabinofuranosidases
sidues, respectively. The ARAs belonging to the GH-F clan are the single
group of enzymes classified into the GH62 family. These enzymes hy- Actinobacteria are known to produce a significant amount of many
drolyze single-substituted xylose residues present in the arabinoxylans industrially important enzymes (Singh et al., 2014). Many researchers
acting at O-2 and O-3 while releasing arabinose (De La Mare et al., have cloned the arabinofuranosidase from pure cultures of bacteria/
2013; Shallom et al., 2002). Some ARAs in family GH43 hydrolyze fungi (Gielkens et al., 1997; Yang et al., 2016), but only a few reports
mono-substitutions and others are specific for O-3 linked α-L-arabi- are available on arabinofuranosidase production from actinobacteria.
noxylan residues present in di-substituted xylan. α-L-arabinoxylan re- Compared to fungi, actinobacteria have a faster growth rate and being
sidues from mono-substituted xylopyranosyl units are hydrolyzed by prokaryotic; they are more amenable to genetic manipulation. Unlike
ARAs from GH62 family whereas ARAs found in GH51 and GH54 fa- most bacteria, the enzymes produced by most of the actinobacteria are
milies release α-L-arabinoxylan residues from both mono- and di- extracellular, thus require minimal downstream processing.

V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

Table 2
Important characteristics of microbial α-L-arabinofuranosidase.
S. No. Microorganism GH Family of enzyme Molecular weight Optimum pH Optimum temperature Reference

1. Alicyclobacillus sp. A4 51 56.7 kDa 6.0 60 °C (Yang et al., 2015)
2. Anoxybacillus kestanbolensis 51 58 kDa 5.5 65 °C (Canakci et al., 2008)
3. Bacillus pumilus 51 60 kDa 7.0 55 °C (Degrassi et al., 2003)
4. Bacillus stearothermophilus – 114 kDa 7.0 70 °C (Bezalel et al., 1993)
5. Bacillus subtilis 51 59.5 kDa 6.5 35–50 °C (Hoffmam et al., 2013)
6. Bacillus subtilis 51 58.1 kDa (AbfA) 8.0 50 °C (Inácio et al., 2008)
57.5 kDa (AbfB) 8.0 60 °C
7. Bifidobacterium longum H-1 51 57.43 kDa 4.7 57 °C (Lee et al., 2011)
8. Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus – 58 kDa 5.5 80 °C (Shin et al., 2013)
9. Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus 51 58 kDa 5.5 80 °C (Lim et al., 2010)
10. Geobacillus caldoxylolyticus TK4 51 58 kDa 6.0 75–80 °C (Canakci et al., 2007)
11. Geobacillus vulcani GS90 51 60 kDa 5.0 70 °C (İlgü et al., 2018)
12. Paenibacillus sp. DG-22 51 56.52 kDa 6.0 60 °C (Lee and Lee, 2014)
13. Thermobacillus xylanilyticus 51 56 kDa 5.6–6.2 75 °C (Debeche et al., 2000)
14. Thermotoga petrophila RKU-1 51 57 kDa 6.0 70 °C (dos Santos et al., 2011)
15. Thermotoga thermarum 2 90 kDa 5.5 80 °C (Shi et al., 2014)
16. Thermotoga maritima MSB8 51 55 kDa – 90 °C (Miyazaki, 2005)

1. Streptomyces avermitilis NBRC14893 43 53 kDa 6.0 45 °C (Ichinose et al., 2008)
2. Streptomyces chartreusis 51 80 kDa 5.5 55 °C (Matsuo et al., 2000)
43 37 kDa 7.0 50 °C
3. Streptomyces thermoviolaceus OPC-520 62 37 kDa 5.0 60 °C (Tsujibo et al., 2014)
4. Streptomyces sp. PC22 – 79 kDa 6.0 65 °C (Raweesri et al., 2008)
5. Streptomyces lividans 66 – 69 kDa 6.0 60 °C (Manin et al., 1994)

1. Aspergillus awamori IFO 4033 51 81 kDa 4.0 60 °C (Kaneko et al., 1998)
62 kDa 4.0 60 °C
2. Aspergillus awamori 62 32 kDa 5.0 50 °C (Kormelink et al., 1991)
3. Aspergillus nidulans 51 88.6 kDa 5.0 70 °C (Damásio et al., 2012)
4. Coprinopsis cinerea 62 41.4 kDa 7.0 45 °C (Hashimoto et al., 2011)
5. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Dianthi 54 58 kDa 4.0 50 °C (Chacón-Martínez et al., 2004)
6. Penicillium canescens – 60 kDa 4.7 75 °C (Sinitsyna et al., 2003)
7. Penicillium chrysogenum 62 35 kDa 5.0 40 °C (Sakamoto et al., 2011)
8. Penicillium funiculosum 62 37.1 kDa (Abf62a) 2.2–3.5 and 3.2–7.0 40 °C (De La Mare et al., 2013)
35.4 kDa (Abf62b) 3.2–4.8 40 °C
41.3 kDa (Abf62c) 3.2–4.8 50–52 °C
9. Penicillium purpurogenum 51 70 kDa 5.0 60 °C (Fritz et al., 2008)
10. Penicillium janthinellum 54 64 kDa 5.5 50 °C (Chadha et al., 2017)
11. Phanerochaete chrysosporium 43 83 kDa 5.5 50 °C (Huy et al., 2013)

Streptomyces sp. is reported for the secretion of ARAs. Raweesri et al., (0.049 U/ml) from Streptomyces cuspidosporus using wheat bran and
(2008) produced this enzyme using Streptomyces sp. PC22 and reported xylan as substrate. However, the arabinofuranosidase activity (0.049 U/
its specific activity of 16.34 U/mg using the synthetic substrate. Other ml) was very low in contrast to higher activities of other enzymes like
examples of actinomycetes are S. purpurascens IFO 3389 (Komae et al., CMCase and FPase.
1982), S. coelicolor producing GH62 family enzyme (Maehara et al.,
2014) and S. diastaticus producing 38 and 60 kDa enzymes (Tajana
3.3. Fungi producing α-L-arabinofuranosidase
et al., 1992). The ARAs from different actinomeycetes have been pur-
ified and reported to hydrolyze synthetic substrates in addition to lib-
Many fungi, including ascomycetes as well as basidiomycetes, such
erating arabinose from arabinoxylan and debranched β-1,5-arabinan.
as Penicillium sp., Aspergillus sp., Pleurotus sp., etc. have also been re-
Tsujibo et al., (2014) characterized a gene responsible for ARA
ported to produce ARAs. Penicillium purpurogenum had been reported to
production from S. thermoviolaceus and found it to have a ~ 1.1 kbp
produce a GH51 type of enzyme which is active on synthetic substrate
ORF that coded for 363 amino-acid protein and later overexpressed this
pNP-α-L-arabinofuranoside and showed a specific activity of 1.2 U/mg
gene in E. coli, followed by its purification and characterization. It
(Fritz et al., 2008). Chadha et al., (2017) reported arabinofuranosidase
showed good activity against natural substrates arabinoxylan and oat
production of 212 U/g dry substrate (wheat bran + paddy straw) from
spelt xylan but reduced activity was observed with synthetic substrates.
an efficient hemicellulolytic fungus Penicillium janthinellum. Aspergillus
A modular exo-type ARA having an arabinan binding module had been
nidulans was found to produce this enzyme more efficiently using in-
characterized in S. avermitilis strain NBRC14893 (Ichinose et al., 2008)
organic nitrogen sources and carbon sources containing L-arabinose
having the hydrolytic activities against PNP-α-L-arabinofuranosides but
and crude beet arabinans. Different arabinose containing inducers have
not against other synthetic PNP linked substrates (pNP-α-L-arabino-
been reported in different fungi for producing ARAs. L-arabitol has been
pyranoside/β-d-xylopyranoside/β-d-galactopyranoside). It had been
found to be a good inducer in many fungi. For example, in Penicillium
found to possess an enzymatic activity of 2.92 U/mg. Corn hull arabi-
purpurogenum and Aspergillus terreus, L-arabitol induces the enzyme
noxylan has also been used as a substrate for the production of ARA by
maximally (De Ioannes et al., 2000; Le Clinche et al., 1997). L-arabi-
Streptomyces sp. I10-1, for application in L-arabinose production
nofuranosidase (0.052 U/ml) from Penicillium sp. has been produced on
(Kurakake et al., 2014). The corresponding gene had an ORF of 1.2 kb
optimized media using orange peel as a substrate (Sathishkumar et al.,
coding for 408 amino acids with an estimated 45.2 kDa molecular mass.
2013); whereas wheat bran based SSF process had been used to produce
Maheswari and Chandra (2000) reported arabinofuranosidase activity
the enzyme from A. niger (Patel et al., 2015).

V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

3.4. Arabinofuranosidase from extremophiles type ARAs (AFase-D3, AFase-E3, and AFase-H4) from high-temperature
compost metagenome, after their expression in E. coli followed by
Different thermostable ARA have been reported from many ther- purification. The optimum temperature for AFase-D3 was 25 °C, while
mophilic microorganisms such as Geobacillus caldoxylolyticus TK4 the latter two were optimally active at 60 °C, while the optimum pH for
(Canakci et al., 2007), Anoxybacillus kestanbolensis AC26Sari (Canakci these three purified enzymes were 4.5, 4.0, and 5.0, respectively.
et al., 2008), Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus (Lim et al., 2010), Specific activities and the molecular weight of these enzymes were in
Thermotoga thermarum (Shi et al., 2014), Thermotoga petrophila (dos the range of 143–228 U/mg and 55–58 kDa, respectively, and AFase-E3
Santos et al., 2011), and Caldicellulosiruptor saccharolyticus (Shin et al., was the most thermostable of the three. A GH43 type bi-functional
2013), etc. The range of optimum pH and temperature of these ARAs is enzyme from a starter mixture of the compost showing ARA and xylo-
5.5–6.0 and 65–80 °C, respectively. A hyperthermophilic ARA from sidase activities, with a molecular weight of 59.1 kDa, has also been
Thermotoga maritima MSB8 has been reported with an optimum tem- reported (Wagschal et al., 2009). Ruminating organisms feed on lig-
perature of 90 °C (Miyazaki, 2005). nocellulosic biomass and are very efficient degraders of such biomass.
A salt-tolerant ARA was isolated from a recently identified species of RuXyn1 belongs to family GH43 and is a bifunctional enzyme showing
fungi Aspergillus hortai CRM1919. The highest (190 U/L) ARA produc- β-xylosidases and ARA activities, and the second, RuXyn2 belongs to
tion by this fungus was observed at 35 °C with pH 3.0. On different agro family GH30 with bifunctional activities similar to RyXyn1. The mo-
wastes, the activity of this ARA ranges from 1.14 U/L on sugarcane lecular weight of these enzymes is 42 and 50 kDa, respectively (Zhou
bagasse to 34 U/L on orange peel. The optimum activity was observed et al., 2012).
at a pH of 4.0 and a temperature of 60 °C. This halotolerant ARA was
also found to be tolerant to ethanol at 10% concentration (Terrone 6. Recombinant α-L-arabinofuranosidase
et al., 2020). A thermostable ARA of GH 51 family was isolated from
Geobacillus vulcani GS90 and was expressed in E. coli BL21. The op- Being the accessory enzymes during hemicellulose hydrolysis, ARAs
timum pH and temperature of this ARA were 5 and 70 °C, respectively. are secreted by the indigenous microorganisms along with the other
This enzyme was active over a range of pH (4–9) and temperature hemicellulolytic enzymes and helps in complete bioconversion of lig-
(30–90 °C). The highest activity of this enzyme was found to be 200 U/ nocellulosic biomass (Chimphango et al., 2012; Margolles-Clark et al.,
mg and 526 U/mg with p-nitrophenyl-α-L-arabinofuranoside and sugar 1996). Therefore, often ARAs are associated with contaminating ac-
beet arabinan, respectively (İlgü et al., 2018). tivities of other hemicellulolytic enzymes such as endo-β-xylanase. In
A salt-, xylose- and alkali tolerant, bifunctional β-xylosidase/α-L- many applications, it is desirable to overproduce ARAs with no side-
arabinofuranosidase belonging to family GH43 was isolated from activities, and this is possible with the implementation of recombinant
Massilia sp. RBM26. This enzyme was also found resistant to various technology. Recombinant microbes can be generated to produce im-
chemicals. The optimum pH and temperature of this enzyme were 6.5 proved enzyme systems using specific medium composition. In one of
and 50 °C, respectively (Xu et al., 2019). The resistance of this enzyme the studies, a recombinant mutant Aspergillus niger was created for ex-
to various chemicals and their salts, xylose, and alkali stability makes it tracellular production of xylanase free ARA (Chimphango et al., 2012).
a potential biocatalyst for the saccharification of lignocellulose, for the β-xylosidases/α-arabinofuranosidase gene of Paenibacillus woo-
food industry, and industrial processes conducted in seawater. Another songensis has been heterologously overexpressed in E. coli (Kim and
halotolerant bifunctional β-xylosidase/α-L-arabinofuranosidase form Yoon, 2010). This recombinant enzyme showed specific activities (U/
Colletotrichum graminicola was also reported. In presence of 2.5 mol/L mg) of 0.659 and 0.347 on pNP substituted β-xylopyranoside and α-
NaCl, this enzyme retained 63% of its activity. The optimum pH and arabinofuranoside substrates, respectively. Similarly, a bifunctional
temperature of this enzyme were 4.5 and 65 °C (Carvalho et al., 2018), gene of Phanerochaete chrysosporium has been overexpressed in Pichia
respectively. pastoris (Huy et al., 2013) with up to 1.51-, 1.26- and 1.23-fold in-
creased activities in presence of glucose, xylose, and arabinose, re-
4. Characteristics of some α-L-arabinofuranosidase spectively. Cloning and expression of the genes encoding thermostable
ARAs from thermotolerant or thermophilic microbes, such as Geoba-
Some important characteristics of microbially synthesized ARAs, cillus vulcani (İlgü et al., 2018), Thermotoga maritima (Miyazaki, 2005),
such as their molecular weight, glycoside hydrolase family, optimum have also been attempted in model microorganism E. coli. Apart from
pH, and temperature, etc. are shown in Table 2. In general, microbial the bacterial ARAs, fungal ARAs have also been cloned in heterologous
ARAs have a molecular weight (MW) between 35–114 kDa. Optimal pH hosts. As an example, researchers overexpressed ARA gene isolated
is generally near neutrality in the case of bacterial ARAs, except Ther- from Fusarium oxysporum into E. coli (Chacón-Martínez et al., 2004).
momonospora fusca (Tuncer and Ball, 2003), which have a pH optimum The genes encoding for GH62 ARA, pectin esterase, and GH10 endo-1,4-
of 9.0. In the case of fungi, generally, the optimum pH is in the acidic beta-xylanase from Aspergillus aculeatus were cloned and overexpressed
range. The optimal temperature for microbial ARAs was found to be in in Pichia pastoris to study their synergistic action with commercial
the range 40–90 °C, and most of the thermophilic bacteria have been Trichoderma reesei cellulase (Laothanachareon et al., 2015). Gene se-
found to produce ARAs with higher temperature optima, e.g., T. mar- quences of three ARAs (Abf-A, Abf-B, and AXH-d3) from Bifidobacterium
itima has been reported to have maximum activity at 90 °C (Miyazaki, adolescentis have been expressed in E. coli, and fully characterized after
2005). The stability of the enzyme is also a valuable property that can their purification (Lagaert et al., 2010). The two enzymes Abf-A and
be increased by immobilizing. In one such study, ARA was immobilized Abf-B were classified as GH43 and the third enzyme AXH-d3 was
on various supports (agarose activated by polyethyleneimine polymers, classified as GH51 type with a molecular weight of 63, 87, and 60 kDa,
cyanogen bromide activated Sepharose, DEAE-Sepharose, and Se- respectively. These enzymes had lesser individual activities towards
pharose-Q) via ionic adsorption. ARA adsorbed on Sepharose-Q showed wheat, rye, and barley arabinoxylans; however, the enzyme cocktail of
much higher stability than free ARA (Damásio et al., 2012). these three enzymes had a much better yield of total arabinose from
these natural substrates. This suggests that the recombinant ARAs can
5. Metagenomic studies on α-L-arabinofuranosidases from be used to prepare superior enzymatic cocktails for the complete con-
environmental samples version of lignocellulosic biomass. Another hemicellulolytic cocktail
had been prepared by mixing GH43 and GH51 type ARA from Humicola
Many environmental samples have been reported to contain ARA insolens and Meripilus giganteus, respectively, with endo-1,4-β-xylanase
activities that may be contributed by the microbial communities pre- and β-xylosidases from H. insolens and T. reesei, respectively (Sørensen
sent in those samples. Fortune et al., (2019) characterized three GH51 et al., 2007). In addition to improving the expression or yield,

V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

researchers have also attempted to improve other properties of ARAs from different xylan substrates (Shi et al., 2013). The arabinofur-
for enhancing their application potential using recombinant DNA anosidase enzyme from Streptomyces sp. has been found to possess sy-
technology. In one such study, chimeric enzyme was prepared by fusing nergy with acetyl-xylan esterase while acting on deoiled rice bran to
the ARA gene of T. maritima to family 6 xylan binding domain from C. produce ferulic acid (Uraji et al., 2013). Recombinant and improved
thermocellum. This recombinant enzyme not only had increased cata- fungal ARA expressed in the yeast efficiently hydrolyzes different lig-
lytic activity, but also bound effectively with its substrate which also nocellulosic biomasses in synergy with the commercial cellulases re-
helped it to be active on insoluble arabinoxylan. The recombinant en- covering more than 56% xylose (Marcolongo et al., 2014). Xylan in
zyme successfully improved the rheology as well as the texture of the sugarcane bagass, which is one of the model lignocellulosic feedstock
wheat flour (Zhou et al., 2019). Fermenter level production of a ge- for bioethanol production, has arabinosylation on C-2 and/or C-3 and
netically engineered strain of P. pastoris resulted in reasonably high esterification with ferulic acid at C-5 position. ARA along with feruloyl
extracellular ARA (479.50 ± 12.83U/mg) and high level of synergism esterase, when present in the enzyme mixture as accessory enzymes,
was observed in ARA and xylanase during the catalytic conversion of remove such linkages and hydrolyze xylan, which further enhances the
corn stover to fermentable sugar (Zheng et al., 2018). accessibility of cellulase towards lignocellulose. Thus, the substrate
type and its composition have a direct influence on the synergistic ef-
7. Synergistic action of α-L-arabinofuranosidase with other fects of accessory enzymes such as ARA (de Souza Moreira et al., 2017).
enzymes The composition of lignocellulosic biomass is directly affected by the
pretreatment method employed. It has been shown that the efficiency of
Enzyme synergy is very important during the degradation of com- xylan degrading enzymes gets increased after heat-treatment of xylan
plex substrates such as lignocellulosic residues. The synergistic action of from bagasse and the removal of arabinofuranosyl side chains of xylan
the enzyme occurs when the combined activity of the mixture of dif- by ARA before enzymatic hydrolysis results in decreased hydrolysis of
ferent enzymes is significantly higher than the sum of their individual xylan by endo-β-1,4-xylanases (Li et al., 2017).
enzyme activities. The synergistic improvements in the enzyme activ-
ities in the blends can be calculated as % synergism = [(Actual activity
in blend - Theoretically calculated activity)/(Theoretically calculated 8. Industrial applications of α-L-arabinofuranosidase
activity)] × 100 (Saini et al., 2016). Synergistic action has been well
reported among various cellulases and hemicellulases produced by ARAs are important enzymes due to their crucial role in the com-
many microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi and can be explained plete bioconversion of hemicelluloses for the synthesis of biofuels and
by different mechanisms (Laothanachareon et al., 2015): biochemicals. Their potential applications range from beverage pro-
duction to animal feed processing, including food-processing, biofuel
a) Downstream enzymes support the hydrolytic activity of upstream production, and agro-product manufacturing (Binod et al., 2019;
enzymes by hydrolyzing comparatively shorter fragments of the Canakci et al., 2008; Dos Santos et al., 2018). Many arabinofur-
substrates generated. anosidases that are thermostable have been isolated, which are im-
b) By increasing accessibility to specific substrates through supportive portant in many industrial processes that need to be carried out at
action. elevated temperatures. Their main applications include clarification of
c) Through synergistic action of exo-type enzymes attacking terminal the fruit juices, imparting aromatic flavor in wines by hydrolyzing
non-reducing as well as the reducing moieties. monoterpenes (Gunata et al., 1989; Michlmayr et al., 2012), increasing
d) By altering the substrates physically. digestibility of feed (Canakci et al., 2008; Fritz et al., 2008), enhancing
e) The endo/exo effect, in which the endo-type (endocellulases) en- digestibility of poultry feed (Ravn et al., 2018), improving quality of
zymes generate new shorter oligomeric ends for subsequently acting bread texture, increasing biomass sugar hydrolysis in biofuel industries
enzymes (e.g. cellobiohydrolases). (Denli and Ercan, 2001; Gunata et al., 1989). Their potential applica-
tions in cancer chemotherapy have also been explored (Chinnathambi
The complete hydrolysis of pectins and hemicelluloses is promoted and Lachke, 1995). The summary of the industrial applications of mi-
by the synergistic actions of α-L-arabinofuranosidases with hemi- crobial ARAs is shown in Fig. 1, and the detailed account has been
cellulases and pectic enzymes (Damásio et al., 2012). The investigation presented in the following section. For the high production of ARA from
of synergistic and sequential action of xylanolytic enzymes produced by Rhodothermus marinus, the culture medium was optimized on a shake-
Penicillium sp. on hydrolysis of oat-spelt xylan has revealed the se- flask scale. The maximum activity of ARA (6.599 U/ml), xylanase
quential order of enzymes as ARA → xylanase → β-xylosidases (7.499 U/ml), and β-xylosidase (3.899 U/ml) was obtained when
(Rahman et al., 2003). The ARAs can act synergistically with cellulases Rhodothermus marinus was cultured in medium containing 3.6 g/l
and are reported to improve the saccharification yield from different birchwood xylan and 8.2 g/l yeast extract. Birchwood xylan was the
substrates substantially. The ARA and endo-1,4-β-xylanase from A. niger most effective carbon source for the production of ARA and xylanase,
and A. nidulans, respectively, have been used in combination with followed by oat spelt and beechwood xylans, and xylan-rich lig-
cellulase enzymes, and the resulting enzyme mixture had increased the nocellulose (Gomes et al., 2000).
enzymatic hydrolysis yield, due to better synergism (Alvira et al., Megazyme and Creative Enzyme commercially produce ARAs from
2011). Similarly, the mixture of enzymes containing cellulase of T. both fungi and bacteria. A GH51 ARA from A. niger (McCleary et al.,
harzianum, pectinase of P. echinulatum and ARA of T. reesei, was found 2015), GH62 ARA from A. nidulans (Wilkens et al., 2016) and GH43
to enhance the hydrolytic efficiency by 1.16 fold due to better syner- ARA from Bifidobacterium adolescentis (Sørensen et al., 2006) are com-
gism (Delabona et al., 2013). The synergy between genetically en- mercial products of Megazyme. Mainly GH43 family ARAs are pro-
gineered hemicellulolytic and pectinolytic enzymes including ARA with duced commercially, but GH62 and GH51 ARAs are also commercially
cellulolytic enzymes from T. reesei has also been established by the available.
enhanced saccharification of rice straw, resulting in more sugar pro- For expression and production of recombinant ARAs, E. coli is pre-
duction when compared to saccharification without application of ac- ferentially used (Kim and Yoon, 2010; Sørensen et al., 2006). However,
cessory enzymes (Laothanachareon et al., 2015). In this study, the au- P. pastoris has also been used for heterologous expression of ARA from
thors have shown that the removal of arabinoside side chains by ARA A. niger through ara codon optimization and N-terminal propeptide
enhanced cellulase activity. Evaluation of the recombinant gene cluster engineering that improved ARA secretion considerably (Zheng et al.,
of Paenibacillus sp. encoding ARA and xylanase during sequential or 2018).
simultaneous enzyme additions significantly increased xylose release

V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

Fig. 1. Important industrial applications of microbial α-arabinofuranosidases.

8.1. Lignocellulosic biomass valorization for production of biofuel and residue present in arabinoxylan, which absorbs around 30% of the
biochemical water in the dough. This helps in reducing the dough volume and
changes its texture. Arabinoxylan solubilization in sourdough fermen-
Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin are main content in agricultural tative processing favorably improves the qualitative features of the
wastes. A series of different enzymes can degrade the plant poly- bread (Yang et al., 2017). Bread texture is improved by pentosans,
saccharides. These enzymes include cellulases and hemicellulases. which are one of the important additives for bread (Yegin et al., 2018).
Cellulose is converted to glucose by cellulases (endoglucanase, cello- Pentosans, which are added to wheat flour, are slightly hydrolyzed by
biohydrolase, and glucosidase) (Tathod and Dhepe, 2015). The use of wheat flour enzymes. The action of exo-xylanases, including ARA
lignocellulosic biomass for ethanol production has become an im- (Fessas and Schiraldi, 1998) releases free pentosans from the dough.
portant alternative for biofuel synthesis. For saccharification of dif- The sourdough lactic acid bacterium uses these free pentosans. ARAs
ferent agricultural and forest residues to simple sugars, xylan-degrading release arabinose during the sourdough fermentation. The activity of
enzymes are essential. Synergistic action of ARAs occurs with the xylan- other enzymes is also enhanced by ARAs. Acidity and acetic acid pro-
degrading enzymes for complete hydrolysis of arabinoxylans by duction are increased by enhanced availability of soluble carbohy-
cleaving α-L-arabinofuranosidic linkages (Greve et al., 1984; Poutanen, drates, thereby, improving the quality of bread (Gobbetti et al., 2000).
1988). Supplementation of ARAs to other xylanolytic enzymes has Trapped water in arabinoxylan of the bread is released by the action of
yielded increased sugar content during hydrolysis of various hemi- ARAs, which enhances its keeping quality by delaying the staling pro-
cellulose containing biomass, such as oatspelt xylan, maize-cob and cess, improving its handling as well as crumb structure, and increasing
-husk (Raweesri et al., 2008), steam-exploded wheat straw (Alvira volume of the dough (Bosetto et al., 2016; Jiménez and Martinez-
et al., 2011), birchwood xylan (Shi et al., 2013), rye arabinoxylan, Anaya, 1999). A set of enzymes, xylanases, xylosidase, and arabino-
wheat arabinoxylan and debranched arabinan (Chadha et al., 2017) furanosidase is produced by Thermoascus aurantiacus. After prolonged
and sugarcane bagasse (Delabona et al., 2013). In a recent study, the incubation, these enzymes released arabinose and xylose during solid-
effect of ARA supplementation on the cellulase hydrolytic action was state fermentation, significantly improving (1.22 fold) the bread-vo-
affirmed (Xin et al., 2019). The study concludes the inhibitive effect of lume and reducing amylopectin and crumb firmness retrogradation by
xylooligosaccharides on cellulose digestibility and that ARAs: other 17% and 25%, respectively (Oliveira et al., 2014). In a recent study,
hemicellulolytic enzyme ratios need optimum adjustment to bypass chimeric recombinant ARA gene of T. maritima fused to family 6 xylan
inhibitory effects of arabinoxylooligomers having a lesser degree of binding domain from C. thermocellum, has been used for application in
substitution during biomass saccharification. enhancing rheology and texture of the wheat dough (Zhou et al., 2019).

8.2. Food industry 8.3. Beverage industry

For bread-making, flour of the grains (such as wheat and rye having Carbohydrate polysaccharides such as pectin and arabinan are
arabinoxylan content of 1.5–3% and 7–8%, respectively) are used present in abundant amounts in fruits, and during storage, protein,
(Shewry et al., 2010), which generally have low water solubility polyphenols, and polysaccharides get precipitated, which declines the
(Thakur et al., 2019). Water uptake of dough is increased by arabinose quality of fruit juices. ARAs, in combination with pectinolytic enzymes,

V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

are used to clarify juices in the fruit industry. Arabinose side chains 8.6. Animal feed industry
present in hemicellulose are removed by the addition of ARA, which
helps in arabinan hydrolysis, whereas the pectic substances are digested The digestibility of animal feed can be increased by using endo-xy-
by the addition of pectinases (Churms et al., 1983; De Vries et al., lanases and ARA synergistically (Graham and Inborr, 1991). Arabinosyl
1982). The solubility of juices is enhanced by the treatment of juice side residues present in hemicellulose affect the digestibility of feed-
with enzymes which reduces the haze formation. ARA and xylanases stuffs as these side residues restrict the actions of different enzymes
have been used together for improving the clarity as well as reducing (Greve et al., 1984; Numan and Bhosle, 2006). ARA cleaves arabinosyl
sugar content and yield of juices of apple, orange, grape, peach, etc. side residues and promote the action of other hydrolyzing enzymes
(İlgü et al., 2018). (Cozannet et al., 2017). A trifunctional enzyme showing endo-xylanase,
The aroma in wine is a result of volatile compounds of the ARA, and acetyl xylan esterase activity was isolated from Acidothermus
grapes. The aromatic properties of non-volatile compounds are lost be- cellulolyticus 11B. This enzyme released the highest amount of arabinose
cause of their attachment with carbohydrates as glycoconjugates. from the wheat straw as compared to arabinose released from beech-
Glycoconjugates are found in the di-glycoside form to which monomeric wood, birchwood, and oat spelt xylan. This enzyme can be beneficial
pentose and hexose sugar residues are attached (Thakur et al., 2019). for industrial applications as it possesses three different activities,
Terpene is commonly found attached to α-L-arabinofuranose and is an which can reduce the use of multiple enzymes (Shahid et al., 2018).
important aromatic molecule. Volatile terpenes and L-arabinose are
produced after the hydrolysis of monoterpenes by ARAs (Belda et al.,
2017; Mateo and Di Stefano, 1997). Recent studies indicate that re- 9. Future prospects
combinant ARAs can prove fruitful in enhancing the yield of common
fruit juices (İlgü et al., 2018). The application of recombinant enzyme, in In order to address the impending energy challenge, there has been
combination with xylanase, can further improve the juice yield. keen interest in developing low-cost fuels like bioethanol and other
feedstock chemicals. Carbohydrate-active enzymes or CAZymes, in-
cluding cellulases, hemicellulases, and other auxiliary enzymes, make
8.4. Pharmaceutical industry up one-third of the total cost to produce cellulosic biofuels.
Lignocellulolytic cocktails are effective in achieving high theoretical
Hemicellulolytic enzymes can produce arabinoxylan oligomers of glucose yield, but despite their efficiency, the yield of xylose in the total
different sizes varying in the arabinose side-chain substitutions. Short- saccharified biomass is generally low, which indicates the lack of these
chain arabinoxylan oligosaccharides, which are in the partially hydro- enzymes in completely degrading hemicelluloses. Therefore, accessory
lyzed form, are produced from the breakdown of xylan and can promote enzymes like ARAs can prove crucial in biomass hydrolyzing enzyme
the growth of probiotic bacteria (Falck et al., 2018). Arabinoxylan-de- cocktails to increase the efficiency of conversion of xylan to xylose. The
rived xylooligosaccharides have been proved valuable in supporting ARA helps in degrading lignocellulosic biomass completely into
human health, due to their ability to control cholesterol levels and re- monomeric sugar or its basic reducing units by acting in tune with
ducing obesity and type II diabetes (Amrein et al., 2003; Lu et al., many other carbohydrate-active enzymes. Other than lignocellulose
2000). Arabinose, which has an antiglycemic effect, can be produced deconstruction, ARA has wide applications in the food industry, animal
with the help of ARAs (Canakci et al., 2008). Excess sucrose utilization feed, therapeutic, and pharmaceutical industries. Further research
can be prevented by L-arabinose in animals as it inhibits sucrase se- should focus on exploring the application potential of these enzymes in
lectively in the intestine and decreasing glycemic response in a non- the health sector, where xylooligosaccharide can be synthesized as
competitive manner when sucrose is ingested. Moreover, it is not ab- prebiotics. Moreover, bioprospecting of more effective and efficient
sorbed in the body but has a sweet taste (Ichinose et al., 2008). Xylitol ARA for advanced cellulosic biofuel production need to be explored for
is derived from L-arabinose released by the action of ARA (Sakakibara effective conversion of biomass to simple sugars, by preparing biomass-
et al., 2009). These sugar alcohols have a low glycemic index, are non- degrading enzyme cocktails enriched with ARA. Thermostable ARAs are
cariogenic, enhance calcium and B-vitamin uptake, and improve dental needed for many applications as high temperatures result in increased
health and, therefore, can be used as low-calorie sweeteners with ad- reaction velocities, reduced risk of contamination, and high substrate
ditional benefits (Grembecka, 2015). solubility. Therefore, thermostable ARAs from extremophiles have
Additionally, ARAs can be helpful in mycobacterial disease control. considerable industrial interests. Whole-genome sequencing, tran-
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae, which are the scriptomic and proteomic studies have the potential to help identify
causative agent of tuberculosis and leprosy, respectively, contain four novel hydrolytic/accessory genes or isozymes and mechanisms of in-
macromolecules lipoarabinomannan (Shewry et al., 2010), mycolic ducing expression of genes of the potential accessory enzymes.
acids (MA), arabinogalactan (AG), and peptidoglycan (PG) which Research efforts in this direction will further improve the enzyme
constitute their cell envelope. Mycobacterial cell wall arabinans and cocktail efficiencies, thereby improving the economics of the produc-
galactans consist of D-arabinofuranose and D-galactofuranose, and the tion of cellulosic ethanol.
development of a new anti-mycobacterium drug can be focused on the
degradation of these sugars (Asmarani et al., 2016; Shewry et al.,
2010). Similarly, α-L-arabinofuranosidase is very important in cancer 10. Conclusion
chemotherapy (Chinnathambi and Lachke, 1995).
ARAs act on glycosidic bonds that link alcohol and anomeric carbon
in arabinose residues during hemicellulose degradation. The synergistic
8.5. Paper and pulp industry action of ARAs and cellulases is required for the complete deconstruc-
tion of lignocellulose. Supplementation of ARAs with other hydrolases
Arabinose side group removal by the action of ARAs increases pulp is known to increase saccharification efficiency, which can be instru-
delignification as these side chains restrict the activities of enzymes mental in reducing the bioethanol production cost. Despite many in-
used for bleaching (Bezalel et al., 1993; Numan and Bhosle, 2006). dustrial applications, ARAs have not gained the attention of industry
Purified ARA from Bacillus stearothermophilus increases the delignifica- due to lack of availability of hyper producing strains. There is a need to
tion of softwood kraft pulp when used in combination with xylanase explore the diverse niches and metagenomes for isolation of ARA pro-
(Bezalel et al., 1993), resulting in up to 19.2% lignin removal. ducing microorganisms or genes for cloning with characteristics sui-
table for different industries.

V. Poria, et al. Bioresource Technology 304 (2020) 123019

Credit authorship contribution statement Carbohydr. Res. 113 (2), 339–344.

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