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Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 on 3 January 2020. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at Agence Bibliographique de l
Investigation and management of hypocalcaemia
Ruchi Nadar,1 Nick Shaw1,2

Department of Endocrinology Abstract along with calcium. This can bind with calcium,
and Diabetes, Birmingham Hypocalcaemia is a common clinical scenario in children again preventing correction of hypocalcaemia. This
Women’s and Children’s NHS
Foundation Trust, Birmingham, with a range of aetiological causes. It will often present is counteracted by PTH action on renal tubules to
UK with common symptoms but may occasionally be produce phosphaturia. The other indirect mech-
Institute of Metabolism and identified in an asymptomatic child. An understanding anism is to stimulate the renal 1-­alpha hydroxy-
Systems Research, University of of the physiological regulation of plasma calcium is lase enzyme to synthesise 1,25(OH)2D3 leading
Birmingham, Birmingham, UK to increased intestinal absorption of calcium.
important in understanding the potential cause of
hypocalcaemia and its appropriate management. The Additionally 1,25(OH)2D3 also acts on the distal
Correspondence to
Professor Nick Shaw, age of presentation will influence the likely differential convoluted tubule (DCT) to enhance calcium reab-
Department of Endocrinology diagnosis. We have presented a stepwise approach to sorption.2 Thus by these important physiological
and Diabetes, Birmingham the investigation of hypocalcaemia dependent on the actions, plasma calcium returns to normal.
Women’s and Children’s NHS circulating serum parathyroid hormone level at the time Magnesium metabolism is linked with calcium
Foundation Trust, Birmingham metabolism, at the level of the CaSR. Severe hypo-
of presentation. The acute and long-­term management of
B4 6NH, UK;
​nick.​shaw@n​ hs.​net the underlying condition is also reviewed. magnesaemia impairs PTH secretion in response
to hypocalcaemia by raising the threshold for PTH

Enseignement Superieur (ABES). Protected by copyright.

Received 10 October 2019 secretion. Genetic forms of hypomagnesaemia are
Revised 4 December 2019 associated with mutations in genes encoding TRPM6
Accepted 5 December 2019 Introduction and EGF which are involved in active reabsorption
Hypocalcaemia is a commonly encountered clinical of magnesium in the DCTs.3 4 Hypomagnesaemia
scenario in children. In this review, we highlight the may be seen with the use of certain drugs (diuretics,
evaluation of a child with hypocalcaemia based on gentamicin or cisplatin) in diabetic ketoacidosis,
the clinical setting, age of presentation and focused post-­renal transplant and urinary tract obstruction.
investigations, such as parathyroid hormone (PTH) When low plasma magnesium is associated with
assay and bone profile (serum magnesium, phos- hypocalcaemia, correction of hypomagnesaemia is
phate and alkaline phosphatase levels). essential to normalise plasma calcium.

Physiology Disorders causing hypocalcaemia

An understanding of physiological mechanisms of A classification of disorders based on the status of
calcium homeostasis and the interplay between PTH function (table 1) is useful for the clinician.
regulatory hormones and target organs is central
to the interpretation of investigations. There are Approach to a child with hypocalcaemia
three key components in the regulation of plasma A logical stepwise approach will lead to the right
calcium, disturbances in which may lead to hypo- diagnosis in most cases. Important points to
calcaemia. These are the calcium-­sensing receptor consider are the following: the clinical setting
CaSR (an extracellular G protein coupled receptor), (critical illness, renal failure, sick neonate), age at
PTH and the active metabolite of vitamin D: 1,25 presentation, pertinent points in the history and
dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3). In addition physical examination along with specific investiga-
to hormonal mechanisms, adequate dietary intake tions (figure 2).
and gastrointestinal absorption of calcium are both Hypocalcaemia is common in acute critical
imperative in maintaining calcium homeostasis. illness. Its aetiology is multifactorial and includes
A fall in plasma calcium leads to a cascade of abnormal PTH secretion, hypomagnesaemia,
events terminating in the action of PTH on target hypoalbuminaemia, sepsis, transfusions, acid–base
organs leading to the restoration of plasma calcium imbalance and medications and dietary calcium
to normal (figure 1). intake.5 Both acute and chronic renal failure can
The initial response occurs at the level of the manifest with hypocalcaemia so renal function must
CaSR present in the renal tubules and the chief cells be assessed as a baseline in every child.
of the parathyroid glands. In the kidney, CaSR is Occasionally, hypocalcaemia is incidentally
located in the basolateral membrane of the cortical discovered in children who are completely asymp-
© Author(s) (or their and medullary thick ascending nephron.1 Here in tomatic. Others present with subacute onset of
employer(s)) 2020. No
commercial re-­use. See rights response to low ambient calcium levels it stimu- symptoms such as muscle cramps, tingling numb-
and permissions. Published lates increased tubular calcium reabsorption. At the ness and carpopedal spasms. Acute symptomatic
by BMJ. same time, the chief cells of the parathyroid gland hypocalcaemia presents with seizures which are
respond by rapid synthesis and release of PTH. Its multifocal in neonates or generalised tonic clonic
To cite: Nadar R, Shaw N.
Arch Dis Child Epub ahead of action on osteoclasts in bone to increase resorp- in older children. Neonates and infants may also
print: [please include Day tion and the renal tubule to increase tubular reab- present with stridor, apnoea or respiratory distress.
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ sorption of calcium is mediated by PTH receptors. Congestive cardiac failure due to hypocalcaemic
archdischild-2019-317482 When PTH acts on bone, phosphate is also released cardiomyopathy may also be a presenting feature.
Nadar R, Shaw N. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482    1

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 on 3 January 2020. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at Agence Bibliographique de l
(group B; table 1). Short stocky habitus, obesity, brachydac-
tyly or ectopic calcifications are characteristic of the Albright
hereditary osteodystrophy (AHO) phenotype seen in pseudohy-
poparathyroidism (PHP) type IA. Chovstek’s sign (twitching of
ipsilateral facial muscles by tapping of the facial nerve in the
parotid region) and Trousseau’ sign (induction of carpal spasm
by maintaining the pressure in a sphygmomanometer cuff to
above systolic pressure for more than 3 min) are useful signs but
are not specific.6

Approach to investigations
Once hypocalcaemia is detected, first-­line investigations should
be collected before any oral or intravenous correction. This
includes blood samples for intact PTH, bone profile (corrected
calcium, magnesium, phosphate and alkaline phosphatase
(ALK)), renal function and 25-­ hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)
D) must be collected before any intravenous or oral correction
(table 3). Sample should be collected in plain tubes as serum
Figure 1 Physiological response to hypocalcaemia. 25(OH)D, calcium is generally measured, and it is important to rule out
25-­hydroxyvitamin D; 1,25(OH)2D3, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3; PTH, EDTA contamination of the blood sample.
parathyroid hormone. Based on serum PTH, the approach to diagnosis can be divided

Enseignement Superieur (ABES). Protected by copyright.

into three groups (figures 2 and 3): (1) low, (2) normal, or (3)
The age at presentation provides clues to the possible aetiol- high PTH. It is important to bear in mind that an elevated PTH
ogies (table 2). Vitamin D deficiency continues to be a common in the presence of hypocalcaemia is the appropriate physiolog-
cause of symptomatic hypocalcaemia, especially during periods ical response to low plasma calcium (figure 1).
of rapid growth of infancy and adolescence. In hypoparathyroidism, PTH levels are low or ‘inappropri-
Features like frontal bossing, wide open anterior fontanelle, ately normal’ for the low plasma calcium. As PTH is also essential
costochondral beading and knee deformities suggest rickets for renal phosphate excretion, plasma phosphate levels are high

Table 1 Examples of disorders which present with hypocalcaemia

Group PTH levels Mechanism/genetic basis
A. Reduced PTH secretion/action
Familial isolated hypoparathyroidism Low Reduced PTH synthesis/secretion
►► GCM-2 mutations
►► PTH gene mutations
►► Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism
Normal/low Impaired CaSR function: ADH due to
►► CaSR gene-­activating mutations: type 1 ADH
►► GNA11 mutations: type 2 ADH
Hypoparathyroidism with syndromic association Low Reduced PTH synthesis
►► HDR due to GATA3 mutations
►► DiGeorge syndrome (22q deletion)
►► Sanjad Sakati syndrome due to TBCE gene mutation
►► Kearns-­Sayre syndrome (mitochondrial disorder)
►► Kenney-­Caffey syndrome (TBCE and FAM111A mutations)
Acquired hypoparathyroidism Low Reduced PTH synthesis
►► Post-­thyroidectomy
►► Transfusional haemosiderosis
Transient hypoparathyroidism Low Transient reduction in PTH synthesis
►► Sick/high-­risk neonates
►► Maternal hyperparathyroidism
►► Post-t­ hyroidectomy
►► Hypomagnesaemia
PHP High Resistance to the action of PTH
►► PHP1A and PHP1B due to GNAS mutation
B. Intact PTH secretion/action
Disorders with impaired calcium absorption: High CaSR function and PTH secretion are normal in this group. Hypocalcaemia is a result of one or
►► Vitamin D deficiency more of these mechanisms:
►► Dietary calcium deficiency ►► Low dietary calcium intake
►► Vitamin D dependent rickets ►► Malabsorption of dietary calcium
►► Chronic renal disease ►► Low levels or lack of action of 1,25(OH)2D3
►► Chronic liver disease Rickets is a common feature in this group
►► Malabsorption (congenital infantile lymphangiectasia)
►► Osteopetrosis
ADH, autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia; APECED, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy with candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy; CaSR, calcium sensing receptor; FAM111A, family with sequence
similarity 111 member A; GATA3, GATA-­binding protein 3; GCM-2, glial cell missing 2 gene; GNA11, G protein subunit alpha 11; GNAS, guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha subunit;
HDR, hypoparathyroidism, deafness and renal dysplasia; 1,25(OH)2D3, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3; PHP1A, pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1A; PHP1B, pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1B; PTH,
parathyroid hormone; TBCE, tubulin-­specific chaperone E.

2 Nadar R, Shaw N. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482


Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 on 3 January 2020. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at Agence Bibliographique de l
Enseignement Superieur (ABES). Protected by copyright.
Figure 2 Hypocalcaemia with normal or inappropriately low parathyroid hormone (PTH). AIRE, autoimmune regulator gene; APECED,
autoimmunepolyendocrinopathy with candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy; Ca/Cr, calcium/creatinine; CaSR, calcium sensing receptor; GATA-3,
GATA-­binding protein 3; GCM-2, glial cell missing 2 gene.

in this situation. In vitamin D deficiency with hypocalcaemia, showed adjusted plasma calcium 1.49 mmol/L (2.2–2.7), PTH
the serum phosphate levels are low due to renal phosphate loss 2 ng/L (11–35 ng/L), phosphate 3.5 mmol/L (1.3–2.6) and ALK
mediated by elevated PTH and reduced phosphate absorption. 230 IU/L (50–230).
Another characteristic of this group is elevated ALK levels. In
PTH resistance syndromes (PHP), renal phosphate excretion is
impaired, explaining the combination of low calcium, high phos- Neonatal hypocalcaemia
phate and high PTH levels in this group. Early (within 72 hours of birth) neonatal hypocalcaemia is
The parent’s bone profile should be checked when hypo-
a common occurrence in high-­risk situations such as infants
calcaemia presents in neonates and infants, as it may provide
of diabetic mothers, prematurity and birth asphyxia.7 This
important diagnostic information.
is transient and the pathological basis is immaturity of the
parathyroid gland. It is managed with calcium supplements
Clinical scenario I: a neonate with hypocalcaemic
seizures given on a short-­term basis. On the other hand, late neonatal
History and investigations hypocalcaemia (occurring after 72 hours) is caused by a high
A male neonate aged 10 days on formula milk feeds presented phosphate diet (such as cow’s milk), congenital hypoparathy-
with hypocalcaemic seizures. He was born by full-­term vaginal roidism, maternal hyperparathyroidism and vitamin D defi-
delivery and had an uneventful perinatal period. Investigations ciency (table 2).

Table 2 Examples of causes of hypocalcaemia depending on age of presentation

Neonatal period Infancy Childhood Adolescence
1. Vitamin D deficiency 1. Delayed presentation of FIH/ADH/ 1. APECED 1. PHP type 1B
2. Congenital hypoparathyroidism (FIH/ADH/ syndromic hypoparathyroidism 2. PHP type 1A 2. Vitamin D deficiency
syndromic hypoparathyroidism) 2. Vitamin D deficiency/related rickets 3. Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism
3. Maternal hyperparathyroidism
4. High-­risk neonates with transient hypocalcaemia
5. Osteopetrosis
ADH, autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia; APECED, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy; FIH, familial isolated hypoparathyroidism; PHP,

Nadar R, Shaw N. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 3


Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 on 3 January 2020. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at Agence Bibliographique de l
Table 3 Investigations in a case of hypocalcaemia
First-­line investigations at initial presentation in all
cases Further tests Radiology
1. Bone profile: plasma calcium, magnesium, phosphate, 1. Screening of siblings and parents with bone profile, 1. X-­ray wrist and knee for rickets
alkaline phosphatase, albumin PTH, 25(OH) vitamin D and urine calcium/creatinine 2. Renal ultrasound to identify nephrocalcinosis
2. Serum creatinine, electrolytes ratio (indicated in APECED, vitamin D deficiency, ADH) 3. Chest X-­ray in infants for cardiomegaly
3. Serum intact PTH 2. Genetic studies
4. Urine calcium/creatinine ratio
5. Plasma 25(OH) vitamin D
6. Stored serum for 1,25(OH)2D3
ADH, autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia; APECED, autoimmune polyendocrinopathy candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy; 25(OH)D, 25-­hydroxyvitamin D; 1,25(OH)2D3, 1,25
dihydroxyvitamin D3; PTH, parathyroid hormone.

Congenital hypoparathyroidism deafness and renal anomalies (HDR) syndrome due to an auto-
Congenital hypoparathyroidism is caused by a group of geneti- somal dominantly inherited GATA3 mutation on chromosome
cally mediated defects in PTH synthesis, which lead to perma- 10.13 Sanjad-­
Sakati syndrome also known as the hypopara-
nent hypocalcaemia. It typically presents as acute symptomatic thyroidism, retardation and dysmorphism syndrome due to a
hypocalcaemia in the neonatal period but may be delayed in mutation in the tubulin-­specific chaperone E (TBCE) gene on
onset up to later infancy. It may be an isolated entity or occur in chromosome 1 is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner
association with other developmental defects. Familial isolated and is common in the Middle East.14
hypoparathyroidism involves several genes that can be inherited

Enseignement Superieur (ABES). Protected by copyright.

as autosomal dominant, recessive or X-­linked recessive.8–10 The
most common cause is due to mutations in the glial cell missing 2
Osteopetrosis can sometimes present in neonates with hypocal-
gene (GCM2) which codes for a transcription factor responsible
caemia and elevated PTH levels.15
for parathyroid gland development—this can be dominantly or
recessively inherited.11
The most well-­known syndrome associated with congenital Diagnosis in case 1
hypoparathyroidism is DiGeorge syndrome in which hypoplasia Suppressed PTH and elevated plasma phosphate suggested hypo-
of the parathyroid glands occurs during development.12 Here, parathyroidism. His father had a normal bone profile, whereas
hypocalcaemia is often identified in infancy when the child pres- mum had high PTH 240 ng/L (12–65), high plasma calcium
ents with the associated cardiac defects. This may require treat- (3.04 mmol/L) and low phosphate (0.57 mmol/L, normal range
ment with calcium supplements and/or a vitamin D analogue 0.8–1.5) suggesting primary hyperparathyroidism. He had tran-
but will often resolve in early childhood to recur during puberty sient neonatal hypoparathyroidism due to maternal hyperpara-
or adulthood. Another condition is the hypoparathyroidism, thyroidism. This occurs due to increased transplacental calcium

Figure 3 Hypocalcaemia with a high PTH. 25(OH)D, 25-­hydroxyvitamin D; alk phos, alkaline phosphatase; GNAS, guanine nucleotide binding protein
alpha subunit; PTH, parathyroid hormone.
4 Nadar R, Shaw N. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 on 3 January 2020. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at Agence Bibliographique de l
transfer, suppressing fetal parathyroid glands. Treatment with
oral calcium supplements and 1-­alpha hydroxyvitamin D3 (alfa-
calcidol) is required in the initial weeks but often will resolve
after 3 to 6 months as the parathyroid glands recover and resume
normal secretion of PTH.16

Clinical scenario II: an infant with a

hypocalcaemic seizure and congestive cardiac
An Asian female infant of 5 months who was exclusively breast
fed presented with hypocalcaemic seizures, failure to thrive
and congestive cardiac failure. Her investigations revealed low
adjusted plasma calcium 1.96 (2–2.7 mmol/L) and phosphate
0.69 (1.3–2.4) mmoL/L with elevated ALK 1391 (105–420 IU/L)
and PTH 51.1 (<5 pmol/L) levels suggesting rickets. Two-­
Figure 4 Relationship between ionised calcium and serum
dimensional echocardiography showed dilated cardiomyopathy
parathyroidhormone (PTH) with shift in relationship seen in autosomal
due to chronic hypocalcaemia. Her 25(OH) vitamin D levels was
dominant hypocalcaemia.34 Also note the effect of inactivating calcium
12.5 nmol/L (>50 nmol/L).
sensing receptor (CaSR) mutations causing the pathophysiologically
The differential diagnosis at this age is vitamin D deficiency,
opposite condition, familial hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia.
congenital hypoparathyroidism and autosomal dominant hypo-
calcaemia (ADH).

Enseignement Superieur (ABES). Protected by copyright.

and nephrocalcinosis. An alternative treatment option is the use
Disorders of vitamin D presenting as hypocalcaemia of synthetic PTH by subcutaneous injection or infusion with a
Although vitamin D deficiency will most often present with pump.
rickets in children, it can present with symptomatic hypocal- Normally there is incremental PTH release in response to a
caemia particularly during the rapid growth periods of infancy decrease in plasma calcium levels. However in activating muta-
and puberty.17 This will be usually as hypocalcaemic convulsions tions of the CaSR, the set point for PTH release is altered such
or episodes of tetany. Another important presentation in infancy that the curve shifts to the left, reducing PTH output, resulting
is with cardiomyopathy which can be life threatening.18 A in ambient hypocalcaemia (figure 4).
phenomenon that can be seen in these age groups is the presence
of a raised plasma phosphate despite a high PTH level which Diagnosis in case II
occasionally can cause confusion with PHP. Vitamin D levels This infant had severe vitamin D deficiency resulting in conges-
should always be checked before making a diagnosis of PHP. tive cardiac failure due to hypocalcaemic cardiomyopathy. Mum
This PTH resistance in the renal tubules appears to be due to and sibling also had severe vitamin D deficiency.
associated dietary calcium deficiency which will correct when
adequate calcium intake is supplied.19 Clinical scenario III: a 6-year old with carpopedal
Any of the calcipenic forms of rickets due to defects in vitamin spasms
D metabolism or action may present with hypocalcaemia. A female child aged 6 years presented with carpopedal spasms
Chronic renal or liver failure can also present with hypocal- during an episode of acute gastroenteritis. She reported similar
caemia although rickets is a more common presenting feature. In episodes over the past few weeks. She was previously fit and
the former, it is due to inadequate synthesis of 1,25(OH)2D3 and well. Her plasma calcium level was 1.23 mmol/L (2.2–2.7), phos-
the failure to excrete phosphate while in liver failure is predomi- phate 2.75 mmol/L (0.90–1.80), PTH 5.0 ng/L (11–35), 25(OH)
nantly due to malabsorption of calcium and vitamin D. vitamin D 31 nmol/L (>50 nmol/L) and creatinine 46 μmol/L
(18–51). The presence of low PTH levels during concomitant
Autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia hypocalcaemia suggested hypoparathyroidism. She was started
This condition is suspected when PTH levels are inappropriately on a vitamin D analogue (alfacalcidol) and calcium supplementa-
normal during hypocalcaemia and is due to gain of function tion. The differential diagnosis at this age is acquired hypopara-
mutations of the CaSR. The most common form, ADH type 1 is thyroidism and ADH.
due to a mutation in the CaSR gene, whereas a second form ADH
type 2 is due to a mutation in the GNA11 (G protein subunit Acquired hypoparathyroidism
alpha 11) gene.20 In this condition, there is an altered set point The most important cause of acquired hypoparathyroidism is
in the parathyroid glands and kidneys such that a lower plasma the autoimmune polyendocrinopathy syndrome (autoimmune
calcium is required to trigger PTH release (figure 4). Such indi- polyendocrinopathy with candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy
viduals have plasma calcium below the normal range often 1.8 (APECED)) due to mutations in the autoimmune regulator
to 2.0 mmol/L and increased renal calcium excretion (although gene (AIRE) inherited in an autosomal recessive manner.22 This
urinary calcium excretion may be normal in ADH type 2). In at condition often presents with hypoparathyroidism as the first
least 40% of affected individuals, the PTH is within the normal endocrine manifestation with the subsequent potential devel-
range whereas the rest will have a low PTH. Approximately opment of adrenal insufficiency, hypogonadism, thyroid disease
50% of individuals with ADH are asymptomatic, whereas the and diabetes mellitus over several decades.23 Non-­endocrine
other 50% especially children will be symptomatic during febrile manifestations include malabsorption, chronic active hepatitis
episodes or in the neonatal period.21 Treatment with a vitamin and hyposplenism. It is important to consider this condition in
D analogue and/or calcium supplements should be reserved for any child presenting with hypoparathyoidism in early to mid-­
symptomatic individuals due to the high risk of hypercalciuria childhood (table 2) and once a gene defect is identified to ensure
Nadar R, Shaw N. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 5

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 on 3 January 2020. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at Agence Bibliographique de l
that any siblings are investigated. Any child with this condition (PHP1B). He was treated with long-­term vitamin D analogue
should undergo annual screening for adrenal insufficiency with a and calcium supplements.
Synacthen test and plasma renin. Some children with congenital
hypoparathyroidism may also present at this age with a delayed Treatment of hypocalcaemia
presentation. This is dependent on two factors: (1) whether there are severe
Acquired hypoparathyroidism may also be a consequence of symptoms such as convulsions and the (2) the underlying cause.
surgery to the neck, for example, for thyroid disease or due to Intravenous calcium gluconate is used in acute symptomatic
iron deposition in the parathyroid glands from repeated blood hypocalaemia. Various calcium salts are available for oral treat-
transfusions in children with thalassaemia major or rarely as a ment. It is important to calculate the dose based on the elemental
complication of Wilson’s disease. calcium content and not the calcium salt. (The equivalence of
1 mmol of elemental calcium is 40 mg.)
Diagnosis in case III
An AIRE gene mutation confirmed APECED. Two years later, Urgent correction
she became acutely unwell with dehydration and hypercal- It is given using an intravenous bolus of 10% calcium gluco-
caemia. Her urea 9.2 mmol/L and plasma calcium 2.9 mmol/L nate (1 mL of 10% calcium gluconate contains 0.22 mmol of
(2.2–2.7) were elevated, with normal creatinine and serum elec- elemental calcium) in a dose of 0.5 to 2 mL/kg over 5 to 10 min
trolytes, high plasma renin 35 nmol/L/hour (0.5–2.2) and plasma (with a maximum of 20 mL) followed by a continuous infusion
adrenocorticotrophic hormone 663 nmol/L (9-–52) indicating of 1.0 mmol/kg under cardiac monitoring (maximum 8.8 mmol,
the development of primary adrenal insufficiency. occasionally higher doses may be needed) over 24 hours. A
continuous intravenous infusion (preferably through a central
Clinical scenario IV: a 15-year old with muscle line) must be started after a bolus to prevent recurrent symp-
toms. It is important to try and discontinue an intravenous infu-

Enseignement Superieur (ABES). Protected by copyright.

A boy aged 15 years presented with a 1 year history of muscle sion once the severe symptoms have settled, in favour of oral
cramps and jaw locking. He had an uneventful previous medical calcium supplements due to the risk of extravasation of calcium
history and normal intelligence. His plasma calcium was causing damage to skin and subcutaneous tissues.
1.4 mmol/L, phosphate 3.15 mmol/L (0.90–1.80), creatinine
68 μmol/L (43–75), 25(OH) vitamin D 49 nmol/L (>50 nmol/L), Non-urgent correction
PTH 378 ng/L (11–35) and urine calcium/creatinine ratio It is used in asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic children as
0.06 mmol/mmol (<0.7). oral calcium supplements given in a dose ranging from 0.2 to
At this age, the differential diagnosis would be vitamin D defi- 10 mmol/kg per dose every 6 hours . The dose should be titrated
ciency, hypoparathyroidism or PHP. based on response. When stopping high doses of oral calcium, it
is important to do so gradually with intermittent monitoring of
The term PHP serum calcium levels.
PHP covers a number of related disorders in which resistance to
PTH is the predominant feature. Those who present with hypo- Hypomagnesaemia
calcaemia resemble hypoparathyroidism with an elevated plasma Hypomagnesaemia can be treated with intramuscular or intra-
phosphate but instead of a low PTH have a high PTH. Most of venous infusion of 50% magnesium sulfate 0.1–0.2 mL/kg
the disorders are due to a genetic or epigenetic defect in the (50–100 mg/kg). This should be followed by oral magnesium at
GNAS (guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha subunit) gene the dose of 0.2 to 0.4 mmol/kg/day. Primary hypomagnesaemia
on chromosome 20 and are an example of imprinting, that is, requires long-­term oral magnesium supplementation in a dose of
repression of gene expression from one parental allele.24 25 There 0.7 to 3.5 mmol/kg/day.
are several types with distinctive features. The most well-­known
type is PHP type 1A in which affected individuals have features Long-term management of hypoparathyroidism and PHP
of AHO. Resistance to other hormones may also be found such Though recombinant PTH preparations are available, their
as hypothyroidism and hypogonadism and growth hormone routine use in clinical practice is limited by cost and pharmaco-
deficiency. Although this is a congenital disorder, hypocalcaemia kinetic properties necessitating a subcutaneous route of adminis-
does not usually present until mid-­childhood due to the fact that tration. The cornerstone of treatment remains life-­long treatment
paternal silencing of Gs alpha expression in the proximal renal with vitamin D analogues, such as alfacalcidol or 1,25(OH)2D3
tubule occurs postnatally.26 (calcitriol) in a dose of 25–50 ng/kg/day. These drugs primarily
PHP type 1B does not have AHO features but may also have increase intestinal calcium absorption. Calcium supplements are
additional hormone resistance particularly hypothyroidism. usually required initially but can often be discontinued when the
PTH resistance develops over time and affected individuals plasma calcium is normal if there is an adequate dietary calcium
often do not present with symptomatic hypocalcaemia until intake. The aim should be to maintain the plasma calcium at
their teenage years. It is now recognised that there is consid- the lower end of the normal range (2.0 to 2.2 mmol/L) as renal
erable overlap in the different types of PHP which has led to a calcium reabsorption remains low due to the lack of PTH
revised classification.27 activity with the risk of hypercalciuria. Monitoring should there-
fore include periodic assessment of the urine calcium/creatinine
Diagnosis in case IV ratio and renal ultrasounds to detect nephrocalcinosis. During
This boy has PHP type 1B. The late age of presentation is likely periods of intercurrent illness, these children tend to develop
due to an increased demand for calcium at the time of increased hypocalcaemia and may require increased doses of the vitamin D
linear growth from the pubertal growth spurt. analogue.28 It is important that after recovery from intercurrent
His thyroid function tests were normal. Genetic testing illnesses dose of medication is reduced to original doses or there
confirmed loss of maternal methylation pattern in GNAS would be risk of hypercalcaemia and nephrocalcinosis.
6 Nadar R, Shaw N. Arch Dis Child 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482

Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/archdischild-2019-317482 on 3 January 2020. Downloaded from on January 4, 2020 at Agence Bibliographique de l
Recombinant full-­length human PTH (1–84) has a short half 9 Parkinson DB, Thakker RV. A donor splice site mutation in the parathyroid hormone
life of 2.5 to 3 hours and it has to be administered as twice daily gene is associated with autosomal recessive hypoparathyroidism. Nat Genet
injections.29 It has not been used in children. Clinical trials in 10 Bowl MR, Nesbit MA, Harding B, et al. An interstitial deletion-­insertion involving
adults have shown good efficacy, however long term safety needs chromosomes 2p25.3 and Xq27.1, near SOX3, causes X-­linked recessive
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