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Hello how are you? I hope you are having a wonderful time.

You are such a beautiful

lady,your profile caught my attention. I would like to know more about you if you
do not mind

Thank you for your kind reply! My name is Gregory! What is your name!

Wow, i most confess to you that you have a nice and lovely name!

I am from the United States of America, I live in Atlanta, Georgia! I was born in
China but I have been living all my life here in the United States! but I have
made plans to return back to China as soon as I finish my mission here in Yemen!
where are you from and where do you live now!

Oh, it's very beautiful over there! I came to China a few months ago for a
conference meeting but I only spend two weeks there in Beijing! I really love the
way the Chinese people treat me! I must say i love the Chinese culture!

I was born in china but I have been living all my life here in the United States!
but I have made plans to return back to China as soon as I finish my mission here
in Yemen! the world is wonderfully made, I will like to know about the weather
condition over there in China!

I hope you are having a wonderful time. You are such a beautiful lady,your profile
caught my attention. I would like to know more about you if you do not mind

Have you been to the USA Or Yemen Before!

I have traveled to over 17 countries in the world which are Canada, Brazil, China,
Isreal, Western African, Germany, Malta, United Kingdom, Afghanistan, Hon, Kong,
Philippines, Guyana, Belize, Pakistan, Poland, Greece, Denmark.
What is your occupation!

I am a professional soldier currently deployed to Yemen to resolve the conflict and

defeat Houthi rebels! I am a Lieutenant of the Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada!

it is really dangerous and mysterious but I am a General and I have worked with the
UN for years, I am selected for this job because of my experience in the Military
Filed, I am very careful with my job and I produce excellent result.

Are you happily married or a single mom! do you have kids!

I was once married but I lost my wife and son a few years ago to a car accident and
ever since the death of my late wife, I have been a single dad with a lovely
daughter named clara.

It hurt me alot when i lost my wife and but life goes on God knows the best and i
thank God that have a Daughter but its so hard to be alone without a partner.

Do you have kids?

clara is 12 years old of age, she is smart and She lives in the Military Academy
back in the US. ever since I had the letter of deployment I have no choice than to
make her go there because I have no one to leave her with.

Honestly, I do not feel like to love again, because of the thought of my late wife
is still on my mind, but now I realize I have to move on with my life and give my
daughter a good and complete parental care, I alone can't do that, without a woman
to be my wife and her mother

If you don't mind me asking do you have any siblings

I don�t grow to know my late parents, I grew up from an orphanage home there in
china and I am the only child of my late parents, Growing up as a kid was not
really easy for me.

I want you to know that a friend is never a coincidence in your life, they are
meant to enter your life to bring you joy and laughter so, I will always treasure
the friendship between us and hope it can be more in future that will bring joy and
laughter into each other lives cause I do think of you often as if we have known
each other in the previous life.

I know it's wrong to ask a lady of her age but if you don't mind me asking how old
are you!

I completed 63 years a few months ago I was born 1956, I believe age is number a
heart is always young if an attitude is right.

I have been working here in Yemen now for more than 17 months and I will be done
with my duty here in two months time, this is my last mission for the UN before my

I want you to be honest with me have you ever been into online relationship

I have never been into an online relationship before.ever since i lost my late wife
you are the only woman i hyave talking to...

I hope to retire soon because life hasn't been fair for us over here because we are
not allowed to use mobiles phones here because the Houthi rebels insurgents can
manipulate it to detonate bombs so for security reasons we don't use phones! we
only use the computer desktop to keep comminution here!

We don't have no specific time we eat, sometime we eat early and other time we eat
We are not allowed to send pictures here in the camp due to security reason,and we
are not expected to disclose our identity to anyone But i can send you some of my
pictures that I have here on my desktop computer only if you can promise me to keep
it safe.

Yes I�m doing this at free will and in my closet, I�m not supposed to be here often
due to the security policies over here....

It's nice to meet a beautiful woman like you so far you have been nice to me
despite we just met, I will appreciate us being good friends in sincerity, honesty,
and trust why don't we get to know more about ourselves to see where it leads us

I will like to keep constant communication with you here online but due to the
nature of my job and security reasons I use WeChat I will like us to share WeChat
ID so that we can talk more and get to know each other more better on the WeChat.

I'm a responsible man and very straight forward somebody and how about you?

Its good to know that you enjoyed your day...It�s my pleasure to have you as a
friend, you look very Beautiful on your profile picture.

I have been single for a few years now and it feels like two decades, Loneliness is
a killer to the soul.

Can we chat right now or you're busy? Please let me know when you're free or less
busy so we can get acquainted.

Thank you so much for your time and I will like to spend more time with you, can
you tell me when you always come online so that I can spare my free time to talk
with you.
I think you are a nice woman and I would like to know what are your Hobbies,
Interest, Religious believe and Plan for the future!

My hobbies are cooking, camping, hunting, fishing, swimming, reading, travel and
tourism, I like to relax in the beachside with my lover as we enjoy the cool
natural wind from the sea, I have a very strong belief in God all the things he has
created Inspires me and I would also like to travel hand in hand with my partner

I'm supportive and caring and have a loyal and tolerant character's very humble,
honest, understanding and truthful. I'm a very passionate, physical person that
would want the same in a mate, deeply romantic, optimistic, hopeful!

What type of music do you listen too!

I listen to all types of music, I like romantic song and old school stuff, I'm a
big Patti Labelle fan, and in my free time I enjoy going out to watch Cinema side
by side with my Lover while we eat popcorn together.

Do you Smoke or Drink! and Where is your favourite place to go!

My favourite place to go is the beach, I only drink red wine but not all time and I
dont smoke.

What is your favourite colour! and Do you have any pets!

My favourite colour is blue, pink and red! I dont have pets but I really love them!
I drive a 2018 Mercedes-Benz g550 and the colour is black and a Maserati

Do you pay rent or live in your own apartment!

I have a very beautiful Duplex in the US with a swimming pool and a small football
field! I love white and red roses I have a rose garden in the USA It's a beautiful

How much do you weigh and how tall are you!

I am 185cm tall and I weigh 84kg.

What is your favourite -movie!

My favourite movies are Rush hour by James Carter and Lee, and HITCH by Will

if I may ask what are the things you hate in life!

For me, I hate lies, gossips, stealing, cheating, envy, blackmail, backstabbing,
dishonesty and betrayal.

Do you like to cook? Can you cook?

Yes, I can cook, I am a good cook and I cook whatever I wanna eat.

Do you have any tattoos on your body?

No, I dont have a tattoo

I will like to know when is your birthday because I do like to surprise and show
some love to people on their birthday!

My birthday is May 13

What are your favourite types of food!

I like most foods, I cook anything I want to eat! my weakness is potatoes with

What is your idea of a dream!

My idea of a dream, finding that true love, living together happily forever.

Do you attend church!

I don't attend church regularly, I feel that religion is too hypocritical!

Do you believe in love at first sight!

Yes, of course, I have a very strong belief in love at first sight.

I really want you to know that ever since I set my eyes on your beautiful photo I
have not been my self and I have been thinking about you all night and day and I
cannot really hold this all to my self any more because I am a man of my self and
likes the hit the nail on heard i have fall real deep in love with you and i cannot
keep it all to my self anymore because I am in love with you and nothing can change
that sweet please i dont really know how you will feel after reading this message
but i am just trying to tell you how and what i feel inside of me now!

Distance is not a barrier when the love is true, we may not be together all the
time, but know that I am always with you, I may be so busy but you are always in my
heart always. we will be together soon and stay together forever.

I want you to understand that i'm not after facial beauty but i'm after the beauty
of the heart, i'm after true love and happy home.

I would have even love to video chat with you and also love to hear your voice but
unfortunately, we are not allowed to make video or voice calls here in the camp it
is prohibited to make use of camera here anyone caught doing that will be in big

If you were given three chances to make a choice in life what would you choose!

My three choices in life would be me my soulmate and our kids living together
happily forever.
What are your goals in life!

My goal is to find true love and build a family that will be together forever. I
don't want heartbreak I don have any now. You are my only friend I wish to build us

What would be your idea of a perfect date!

Someone I truly care about and feels the same about me, don't have to do anything
special just being together in a warm sandy beach along the clear ocean, full moon,
clear water.

Would you want to get married again if you find the man that love and care for you
and your kids!

I will love to get married again if I found the right woman, and everything was
good yes.

I would love to know what you want in a relationship, and what kind of man do you
need in your life now!

I want a woman that will love and accept my daughter as her own daughter too, a
woman that will make me happy and I will always make her happy too, a woman that I
will spend the rest of my life with, and I promise to give her the best in life

What do you seek in a relationship!

I seek trust, honesty, understanding, sincerity, love and sharing the good times
and bad times together with no fear of what the world might put upon us

What are the basic qualities you seek for in a Man!

The Basic Qualities I seek for in a woman are Communication trust, honesty,
understanding, sincerity, love.

What would your ideal mate be like in terms of education, body type, and overall

My ideal mate, education as long as we can communicate, no requirements on body

type, personality-wise, someone honest, truthful, with integrity, with a sense of
humour, someone devoted to the relationship, someone to be my equal, someone who
can be passionate, someone who only wants to love me.

Would you ever apologize to your husband whenever you at fault or you prefer him to

When I'm wrong I will be the first to admit it, I'm not perfect, I do make mistakes

If you and I were a couple and we have a disagreement, how would you handle it?
unresolved and act like nothing happened!

Well as a couple we fight I expect to work the problems out, usually by talking,
from my past I found if you let things go unresolved they never go away so i will
talk to you and will understand you and make sure we understand each other.
Would you have a problem relocating if a relationship became more!

For me that won't be a problem at all, relocating with my idea match would be the
happiest day of my life.

What things do you feel passionate about!

What do I feel passionate about, my kid, my job, my life but now you will be the
one i will love and my daughter

Are you an affectionate person! Do you like to kiss!

I'm very affectionate and i like kissing,no matter where i am even if in public but
with the right person.

I hope you don't mind if I ask you when was the last time you had sex!

last time I had sex was with my late wife and its has not been really easy for me
all this years, Sex is an important part of a relationship and it's natural.

What's the difference between love, romance and sex!

Love is feeling deep into your soul, willing to give your all, romance is the act
of being in love, the attitudes, the things you do or say, sex is physical
gratification, sex can be different than making love, you can have sex but not be
in love,But i believe all of them go together when you are inlove.
Do you believe it is proper for people to express their feelings in public!

To a certain degree, not to explict.

If you had three wishes, what would they be!

Three wishes, good health for all myself and my kid, Being able to help all those I
love financially and finding my soul mate.

What do you do when you feel sad or depressed!

When I feel sad or depressed I watch movies or try to play with my kid and talk to
my friends on the phone.

What three words best describe you!

Organized, Happy, Reliable.

What is your favourite romantic gesture!

Having my partner give me a message or me giving the massage!

What is your idea of the perfect romantic gift!

Perfect Romantic vacation, being with true love, on a private beach watching the
sun see or rise as we chat.

Would you ever spend fund on assisting your partner or your love ones when in needs
or in trouble!

For me, I will do anything for my soulmate and my love ones because money can't buy
true love.

When I'm in a committed relationship I feel we share everything, what I have they
have, I'm not selfish and expect the same.

If you find your soulmate, how will you treat him!

If I find my soulmate, I will treat her with the utmost respect, loyalty, adore
her, treat her like a queen.

When you meet a man, what are the first things you look at in him!

For me, I will look how tall is her fingernails and also the way She talks

Would you consider yourself romantic!

I consider myself very romantic.

What do you do in your free time!

I want you to know I spend some time with friends, But I would like that to change
when we meet so that I can spend my free time with you.

What is your favourite holiday!

My favourite holiday Is Valentine's Day.Xmas and Thanksgiving

Do you consider yourself very sexual!

I consider my self to be sexual.

Would you hit your man for any reasons!

I want you to know I won't do that, I will rather discuss it over than fighting.
If I may ask what is love to you!

Love to me is everything, everything that has made up this world is love.

I am really sorry to say this Can you love me!

I can love you cause I want you to know we Meeting each other was fate, becoming
your friend was a choice but falling in love with you was beyond my control.


Honey, I hope you are fine, I have really missed you so much and I thought so much
about you all day. Darling, I want you to know that I have good news for you.

Darling, I'll have a meeting with the Yemen Government and the UN later the day my
love that's unusual sweetheart it just came to me tonight honey I'm a little scared
because the last one was not so good my love, I hope the Talk about my retirement,
my darling, I'm tired of fighting war I want to live a happy life with you there in
china Honey, I need your prayers.

My Queen, I just pray that I'll retire tomorrow, I'm really tired here and I have
to come home and rest.

Hello, honey, I just got back from the meeting now and I want you to know that the
meeting was very successful! I am so happy that I have been pleased! I want you to
know that the United State Army Retirement Service and the United Nation has
accepted my retirement and I will be leaving here as soon as possible to come over
to China to settle down with you.honey, but there is a problem that will delay my
coming, I am presently assigned on a black mission and need to urgently organize
rescue unit. The mission is a dangerous mission and I must be among the rescue team
that will be going for the black mission.

My love, I was told that the mission will be in less than 2 weeks. I am presently
making preparation for the mission.
I promise that I will do my best to keep safe in the mission and come back safely
to meet with you, My love, I do really need you now to pray for me for my safety.
this is very much important now as I need your encouragement and support.

Honey, I want you to know that Immediately after the meeting, The United State Army
Retirement Service and the United Nation pay me some money in cash as compensation
for my service in the military and the money is with me here in the military base.
This is the major problem I have now.honey the money is not safe with me here in
the military base as I will be going for the black mission and I can not leave the
money in the base while on the black mission. I want to send the money to you as a
package so that you will keep it safe until I return from the black mission.

I asked on how to send the package from here and i was told that I can use the
service of the Aeroparcel Delivery to send the package to you. So, my love, you
need to send to me your address so that I can go and register the money as a
package to you. Note that nobody will know about the money in the package and you
have to keep safe.

Honey, I believe and trust so much in you, I know that you will never be
disappointed me and I trust you with all my life and heart! please as soon as you
get the package make sure you keep it safe for me until I come over! you know we
have plan a lot together and as soon as I come to China! we are going to archive
all our plans together and remember that i promise to buy a house and a car for you
when i will be there with you honey you are the best and trusted woman in my life !

Honey, these are the information below that you need to send to me so that I can go
to the delivery company to register the package to you.
phone number:
Wechat number:

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