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What can you do with a bone fragment?

Pat Shipman*
Department of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802

T aphonomy can be defined as the study

of the laws of destruction and burial
that intervene between living communi-
ties and fossilized ones (1), but it is more
an attitude than a proper discipline. Over
the last 30 years, taphonomy has emerged
as a concentration and set of techniques at
the interface of archaeology, paleontol-
ogy, biological anthropology, and ecology.
The fundamental taphonomic question is:
what agent or agencies collected and mod-
ified a bone assemblage? The task is to
deduce how particular bones came to be
fossilized in a particular geological setting
together and in the state of completeness
or preservation in which they were found.
One of the main aims of taphonomic
studies has been to establish whether Fig. 1. A macro photo of the bone tools. [Reproduced with permission from the supplemental material
of ref. 9 (Copyright 2001, National Academy of Sciences).]
hominids (human ancestors and their
close kin) were instrumental in creating

and modifying the assemblage in question Backwell and d’Errico have focused on Backwell undertook a much broader ta-
or whether its features can better be ex- characterizing use wear—the modification phonomic study of all 23,000 specimens
plained by the action of natural agencies: of a broken or intact bone surface by the from Swartkrans, which resulted in the
carnivores, wind, water, trampling animals,
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process of use—as the best means of iden- identification of 16 additional long bone
sedimentary abrasion, and the like (2–4).
tifying expediency tools. Although this is fragments with apparent use wear, bring-
Taphonomy is especially pertinent in
not a new approach, Backwell and ing the sample of purported bone tools to
the evaluation of putative early bone tools
d’Errico have made substantial progress 85. As an aid to interpreting the various
that have been minimally modified and
in the analysis of possible bone tools at the taphonomic agents that had affected dif-
then often only by use as opposed to
early hominid sites of Swartkrans and ferent parts of the entire sample, she also
modification for use (5, 6). Unambiguous
Sterkfontein in South Africa, surpassing studied 35 reference collections of fossil
examples of bone expediency tools are
rare and precious. In contrast, from about previous work, including studies done of and modern bones of known history.
2.6 million years onward, hominids appar- the same specimens by C. K. Brain and These reference samples included a total
ently littered the landscape with readily myself (3, 10–12). Some 10 years ago, of more than 13,000 bones modified by 10
recognizable flaked stone tools and the Brain and I examined high-fidelity repli- nonhuman agencies (hyena, dog, porcu-
debris resulting from their manufacture cas of the apparent working ends of 69 pine, leopard, cheetah, river gravel, spring
and use (e.g., refs. 7 and 8). Even the possible bone tools from hominid-bearing water, flood plain activities, wind, and
crudest tools are far easier to identify than layers at Swartkrans and Sterkfontein, trampling) and bones used experimentally
bone tools of comparable sophistication, dated to between 1.8 million and 1.1 mil- in digging bulbs and tubers, piercing and
partly because stone and bone have very lion years ago, using the scanning electron scraping animal hides, and breaking into
different material properties. As a raw microscope. We found and photographed termite mounds to induce swarming of the
material, stone has the infinite advantage clear use wear on these pieces that was inhabitants.
of being enduring and inedible. Only the closely confined to the tips and that dif- Working with d’Errico, she then com-
very largest bones from the biggest ani- fered from the rounding and smoothing pared the microscopic effects of these
mals (the shafts of the major limb bones of produced by a variety of natural agencies, known taphonomic agents to the at-
elephants, giraffe, hippos, and the like) suggesting that these objects were indeed tributes of the 85 putative bone tools from
are amenable to flaking and even these bone expediency tools. Based on very Swartkrans and Sterkfontein. In addition
may be subject to natural forces of de- limited experiments using similar pieces of to describing the wear or damage on the
struction. Thus, the report by Backwell modern bone, we suggested that the wear rounded tips, they measured the basic
and d’Errico (9) in this issue of PNAS, on these fossil bone tools best matched dimensions of the fragments or bones and
outlining new techniques for recognizing that on bone splinters or horncores that documented the orientation and place-
bone expediency tools and their conclu- had been used in digging tubers in the ment of scratches or striations on the
sion that termite extraction was one of the rocky soils surrounding the South African
uses of such tools in the period between 1 cave sites. In our view, these objects were
million and 2 million years ago, is doubly a bony equivalent of a digging stick, a very See companion article on page 1358.
noteworthy. useful object in a region short on trees. *E-mail:

PNAS 兩 February 13, 2001 兩 vol. 98 兩 no. 4 兩 1335–1337

specimens, using IMAGE ANALYSIS soft- They also were able to show that bones pellingly, this finding explains some pecu-
ware. As had Brain and I, Backwell and or bone fragments were not chosen ran- liar results obtained by recent isotopic
d’Errico found differential wear on the domly. Long, straight bone splinters or analyses (17, 18) of bones of the two
purported tools that was concentrated horncores 13–19 cm in total length were hominids present at these sites, Australo-
close to the single, rounded tip (Fig. 1). favored. And although many of the bone pithecus robustus and Homo. It is widely
They also observed that striations or termiting tools were broken after fossil- accepted that these two contemporaneous
scratches ranging in width from 5 to 40 ization, metric analysis of the complete hominids differed in their diets. The con-
microns covered the polished surface, but ones shows that they are longer, wider, sensus is that Homo probably ate more
diminished in frequency until they were and thicker (in terms of cortical bone) meat (whether obtained by hunting or
entirely absent from areas of the bones than the unutilized sample of comparable scavenging) than A. robustus, which seems
fragments from Swartkrans (Fig. 3). This adapted for eating large quantities of low-
more than 50 mm from the tip. No non-
finding suggests that the hominids wit- quality vegetarian food with its large, flat
human taphonomic agency in their refer- teeth and massive chewing muscles. How-
ence samples produced modifications tingly or unwittingly selected bones of a
particular size, shape, and durability for ever, the isotopic analysis of the robust
matching these features. australopithecine bones from Swartkrans
Somewhat surprisingly, Backwell and use in termiting. Not surprisingly, compa-
rable selectivity has been observed in ter- showed a surprisingly high proportion of
d’Errico showed that there was a statisti- C4 dietary carbon, indicating a substantial
miting tools used by chimpanzees.
cally meaningful difference between the intake of protein remarkable for a vege-
In the many thousands of pages (e.g.,
orientation of the scratches produced by tarian species. Among the species of
refs. 13–15) that have been expended on
digging for tubers and those created dur- known diet that were analyzed as controls
the components of early hominid diet(s),
ing opening up of termite mounds (Fig. 2). in this study was the termite-eating aard-
insectivory has rarely received much at-
The orientation of the scratches as well as tention. Thus, finding evidence that early vark, which had an isotopic signal very
the nonmetric aspects of use wear on the similar to that for A. robustus.
hominids at Swartkrans and Sterkfontein
fossil specimens very closely resembles the On the basis of the isotopic work alone,
apparently regularly used bone tools to
pattern seen on termiting tools. Thus, few were willing to speculate that A. ro-
collect termites is a remarkable discovery.
Backwell and d’Errico are able to con- bustus was a specialist in termite eating.
That termites were available is proven by
clude with considerable confidence that With the additional evidence from the
the fauna preserved at Swartkrans in the ingenious work of Backwell and d’Errico,
early South African hominids used same layers, which includes at least three
pointed bones, horncores, and bone frag- it seems irresistible to conclude that ro-
different mammalian species that are ter- bust australopithecines may have relied on
ments to catch and presumably eat ter- mite-eating specialists: aardwolf, aardvark termites seasonally or even year-round,
mites, a rich source of protein and fat. or antbear, and pangolin (16). Most com- in addition to vegetable foods. As-yet-
undescribed but similarly worn bone frag-
ments from the South African site at
Drimolen (19) hint that termite extraction
might have been a more widespread and
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important dietary behavior for early

It is important to note that exactly which
hominid made and used the bone tools for
termiting in these South African sites can-
not be definitively established. Two spe-
cies of hominid are present at Swartkrans,
Sterkfontein, and Drimolen and there is
no solid ground for selecting one over the
other. Too, the simple co-occurrence of a
species with tools cannot convincingly
identify the toolmaker. For example, I
conducted a study of the co-occurrence of
stone tools and cutmarked bones with
various species in the assemblages from
Olduvai Beds I and II and found strong
support for the absurd conclusion that a
medium-sized antelope was the tool-
maker (20).
If we accept that these are bone ter-
miting tools from Swartkrans and Sterk-
fontein (and possibly Drimolen), the ob-
vious question is whether comparable
behaviors existed at Olduvai and other
East African sites sampling the same
time period. If not, termiting may have
been a local phenomenon among South
African hominids that did not spread to
Fig. 2. (Upper) A Swartkrans bone tool and a termiting tool. (Lower) The tuber-digging tools. The use their relatives farther north. Although
wear on the Swartkrans fossil more closely resembles that on the experimental termiting tool than the use extensive research on the Olduvai bone
wear on these tuber-digging tools. [Reproduced with permission from the supplemental material of ref. assemblages by M. D. Leakey (21) and
9 (Copyright 2001, National Academy of Sciences).] many later workers (e.g., refs. 6, 11, 20,

1336 兩 Shipman

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Fig. 3. A composite of the three graphs from Backwell and d’Errico (9) showing length, width, and thickness differences between the bone tools and the other
fossil fragments. [Reproduced with permission from the supplemental material of ref. 9 (Copyright 2001, National Academy of Sciences).]

22, and 23) has never turned up possible strongly encourage an examination of gent criteria for recognizing such tools, it
bone tools that resemble the South Af- those materials by Backwell and is time to see what might have been
rican termiting tools, I, for one, would d’Errico. With their new and more strin- overlooked in the past.

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Shipman PNAS 兩 February 13, 2001 兩 vol. 98 兩 no. 4 兩 1337

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