Unit 2 Live Class Notes (1)

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Unit II Live Class Notes


September 12, 2023 @8PM w/ Mr. Juan Martin
Alex Board

● Cognates are words that are alike in both English and Spanish.
○ For example, the word “personal” is spelled the same in English and Spanish,
but pronounced differently.

Personal Relationships Vocabulary

● Ellos son Manuel y Sara. Son una pareja feliz y fiel, si son celosos. Sara y Miguel son
fieles, están comprometidos. No les gusta coquetear o ligar con otras personas.
○ Pareja - Couple
○ Fiel / Fieles - Loyal
○ Celoso(s) - Jealous
○ Comprometidos - (To) promise each other
○ Coquetear / Ligar - (To) flirt
■ Coquetar is playful flirting, while ligar is more serious flirting.
● A Lucia le gusta coquetear. Está en una relación con su novio, pero no está
enamorada. Ella va a romper su relación con su novio. No tiene esperanzas en esta
○ Relación - Relationship
○ Novio - Boyfriend
■ Mi pareja is a gender neutral term for partner that is more commonly
used in twenty-first century Latin America.
○ Enamorada - (To) be in love
○ Romper - (To) break
■ In context, romper means to break someone’s heart.
● La boda - Wedding
Reciprocal Reflexive Verbs
● Unit II Reflexive Verbs:
○ Enamorar(se) - (To) fall in love
○ Llevar(se) bien o mal - (To) get along well/poorly
○ Casar(se) - (To) get married
○ Separar(se) - (To) separate, divorce.
○ Amar(se) - (To) love each other/someone
○ Odiar(se) - (To) hate each other/someone
● When there’s two or more people in a situation, reflexive verbs can be reciprocal,
meaning they work in both directions.
○ Mi novia y yo nos enamoramos.
■ We fell in love with each other.
○ Nosotros nos casamos.
■ We got married to each other.
○ Ellos se separan.
■ They are divorced from each other.
○ Nos odiamos.
■ We hate each other.
● Reciprocal VS. non-reciprocal reflexive verbs (with vocabulary):
○ Besar(se) - (To) kiss
■ Yo la besé.
● NON-RECIPROCAL: I kissed her.
■ Nosotros nos besamos.
● RECIPROCAL: We kissed each other.
○ Abrazar(se) - (To) embrace, hug
■ Ella me abraza.
● NON-RECIPROCAL: She hugged me.
■ Nosotros nos abrazábamos.
● RECIPROCAL: We hugged each other.
○ Querer(se) - (To) love
■ Yo me quiero mucho.
● NON-RECIPROCAL: I loved myself a lot.
○ Llevar(se) bien o mal - (To) get along
■ Ahora nosotros nos llevamos mal.
● RECIPROCAL: We aren’t getting along with each other well now.
○ Odiar(se) - (To) hate
■ Yo me odio.
● NON-RECIPROCAL: I hate myself.
Past Participles
● Past participles describe current status or an action that is presently occurring.
● In past participle form, -ar verbs end in -ado/-ada, and -er and -ir verbs end in
○ Lavar > lavado
○ Cerrar > cerrado
■ Mi corazón está cerrado. - My heart is closed.
● Regular participles
○ Divorciar(se) > divorciado/a
○ Casar(se) > casado/a
○ Separar(se) > separado/a
○ Cansar [to tire] > Estoy cansado.
○ Aburrir [to bore people] > Estoy aburrido.
● Irregular participles
○ Romper > roto / rota
○ Resolver > resueltos
○ Escribir > escrito
○ Ver > visto
○ Volver > vuelto
○ Morir > muerto
○ Abrir > abierto
○ Poner > puesto
○ Hacer > hecho (en Honduras)

Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns

● Possessive adjectives vs. pronouns
○ “Mi amiga” is the possessive adjective for my…
■ While “la amiga mía” is a possessive pronoun.
○ “Tu familia” is a possessive adjective for your(s)...
■ While “la familia tuya” is a possessive pronoun.
○ “Su familia” or “la familia de Álvaro” are possessive adjectives for his, hers, or
yours in the ustedes form…
■ While “la familia suya” is a possessive pronoun.
● Tuya and suya are NOT gender specific.
● Examples of possessive pronouns.
○ “Who’s is it?” “Es mía”
○ La tuya es fantástica. (The family of yours)
○ La suya es la silla pequeña.
Direct & Indirect Objects
● The direct object is the person or thing that receives the action of a verb. It is the
“who” or “what.”
● The indirect object is the person (only ever people) who is the “secondary”
recipient of the verb. It answers the question “to whom” or “for whom.”
○ The verb is done FOR someone.
○ Yo compro libros a mi hija.
■ “Libros” is the direct object. The books were bought.
■ “Hija” is the indirect object. The books were bought for the daughter.
● Direct and indirect object pronouns are always placed BEFORE THE VERB.
○ Yo le compro libros.
○ Yo los compro.
● Direct Object Pronouns: Me; Te; Lo (Masc.) / La (Fem.); Nos; Los (Masc.) / Las (Fem.)
○ Yo lo ayudo. > I help him.
○ Yo la conozco. > I know her.
● Indirect Object Pronouns: Me; Te; Le; Nos; Les
○ Le and les are gender neutral.
● When using pronouns, you replace the noun. NO NOUN MEANS PRONOUN.
● Examples:
○ Dar el dinero (direct) a alguien (indirect).
■ Yo le doy el dinero mañana.
○ Comprar una camisa (direct) para papá (indirect).
■ Yo la compro para papá.
○ Ella me ama. > She loves me.
○ Él la ama. > He loves her.
○ Ella le echo la culpa. > She blamed someone.

1. I attended the live.
2. Mr. Juan Martin was the teacher.
3. No, all of my questions were answered.

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