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3rd Quarter exam

FILIPINO (day1 april8)

Isulat ang tamang katinig ng bawat larawan.
Basahin ang sumusunod

ba be bi bo bu
be bo ba bu bi

da de di do du
do di da de du

ga ge gi go gu
ge gi go gu ga

ha he hi ho hu
hu hi ha ho he

ka ke ki ko ku
ke ku ki ka ko

la le li lo lu
li la le lu lo

ma me mi mo mu
me ma mu mi mo
isulat ang sumusunod na letra 2x at sabihin ang tunog nito.
1. Bb

2. Dd
3. Gg
4. Hh
5. Kk
6. Ll
7. Mm

Isulat ang iyong buong pangalan

(Day2 April 10 wed.)

health and safety at school

Write the correct spelling of number 8-20
8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19



Tell the name of your School
Write your full name
Answer the following . color the correct answer.
1. This is where the principal works
a. Principal office b. Canteen
2. it is where we hold classes and learn.
a. bathroom b. Classroom
3. it is where we study and read many kinds of books.
a. activity room b. Library
4. It is where we do many indoor activities.
a. activity room b. Gameroom is where we do our personal hygiene.
a. comfort room b. Class room
6. this is where we go for treatment when we are sic.
a. playground b. Clinic
7. this is where we buy food.
a. classroom b. Canteen
8. this is where we play and exercise.
a. clinic b. Playground


The _________________supervises the teacher and take charge of the
whole school

a. doctor b. Principal

the________________keeps the records of the school.

a. principal b. Registar

the__________takes charge of the childrens behavior in school

a. guidance councelor b. Registar

the ___________help the children to read and write.

a. doctor b. Teacher

the _____________chrarge of the children health

a. doctor b. Teacher

the __________checks the children teeth regularly.

a. doctor b. School dentist

the______gives first aid to the sick children.

a. Dentist b. School nurse

the _______help the teachher with his/her work

a. teacher aid b. Server

the______serve food in the canteen.

a. Teachers aid b. Food Server

the______help other children to learn in many ways

a. classmates b. Doctor

the_______help make the school better place for learning.

a. parents/Guardian b. Farmer

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