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1 A pole cast a shadow of 15 meters long when the angle of elevation of the
sun is 61°. If the pole has leaned 15° from the vertical directly toward
the sun, what is the length of the pole?
A. 52.43 C. 53.25
B. 54.23 D. 53.24

2 A nominal interest of 3% compounded continuously is given on the account.

What is accumulated amount of P10,000 after 10 years.
A. P13,620.10 C. P13,650.20
B. P13,500.10 D. P13,498.60

3 How permutation can be made out of the letters in the world island taking
four letters at a time?
A. 360 C. 120
B. 720 D. 24

4 Molly earned a score of 940 on a national achievement test. The mean test
score was 850 with a standard deviation of 100. What proportion of
students had a higher score than Molly?
A. 0.1 C. 0.5
B. 0.18 D. 0.82

5 Simplify i^1997+i^1999, where I is an imaginary number.

A. 1+i C. 1-i
B. i D. 0

6 How many permutations can made out of the letters of the word ENGINEERING?
A. 39916800 C. 55440
B. 277200 D. 3326400

7 Find the differential equations of the family of lines passing through the
A. y dx – x dy = 0 C. x dx + y dy = 0
B. x dy – y dx = 0 D. y dx + x dy = 0

8 What is the radius of the sphere with center at origin and which passes
through the point (8, 1, 6)?
A. 10 C. √101
B. 9 D. 10.5

9 A besiege fortress is held by 5700 men who have provision for 66 days. If
the garrison loses 20 men each day, for how many days can the provision
hold out?
A. 60 C. 76
B. 72 D. 82

10 A sample consists of four observations: {1, 3, 5, 7}. What is the standard

A. 2.24 C. 5
B. 2.58 D. 6.67

11 In a benefit show, a number of wealthy men agreed that the first one to
arrive would pay 10 centavos to enter and each later arrival would pay
twice as much as the preceding man. The total amount collected from all of
them was P104857.50. How may wealthy men had paid?
A. 18 C. 20
B. 19 D. 21

12 Solve the differential equation: x(y – 1) dx + (x + 1) dy = 0. If y = 2

when x = 1.
A. 1.8 C. 1.55
B. 1.48 D. 1.63

13 Find the principal 5th root of [50(cos 150° + jsin 150°)].

A. 1.9 + j1.1 C. 2.87 + j2.1
B. 3.26 – j2.1 D. 2.25 – j1.2

14 The sum of the progression 5, 8, 11, 14 …. is 1025. How many terms are
A. 22 C. 24
B. 23 D. 25

15 There are three short questions in mathematics test. For each question,
one (1) mark will be awarded for a correct answer and no mark for a wrong
answer. If the probability that Mary correctly answers a question in a
test is 2/3, determine the probability that Mary gets two marks.
A. 4/27 C. 4/9
B. 8/27 D. 2/9

16 A water tank is in the form of a spherical segment whose base radii are 4m
and 3m and whose altitude is 6m. The capacity of the tank in gallon is:
A. 91011 C. 95011
B. 92011 D. 348.72

17 If x varies directly as y and inversely as z, and x=14 when y=7 and z=2,
find x, when z=4 and y=16.
A. 14 C. 16
B. 4 D. 8

18 An airplane flew from Manila (14° 36’N, 121° 05’E) at a course of S 30° E
maintaining a certain altitude and following a great circle path. If its
groundspeed is 350 knots, after how many hours will it cross the equator?
A. 2.87 C. 3.17
B. 2.27 D. 3.97

19 An iron bar 20 m long is bent to form a closed plane area. What is the
largest area possible?
A. 25.68 C. 28.56
B. 25.68 D. 31.83

20 Find the equation of the bisector of the obtuse angle between the lines 2x
+ y = 4 and 4x - 2y = 7
A. 4y = 1 C. 2y = 3
B. 8x = 15 D. 8x + 4y = 6

21 Find the curved surface (area) of the solid generated by revolving the
part of the curve y = x^2 from (0, 0) to (√6,6) about the y-axis.
A. 62pi C. 62pi/5
B. 62pi/3 D. 5/(62pi)

22 A certain travel agency offered a tour that will cost each person P
1500.00 if not more than 150 persons will join, however the cost per
person will be reduced by P 5.00 per person in excess of 150. How many

persons will make the profit a maximum?
A. 75 C. 225
B. 150 D. 250

23 The sides of a triangular lot are 130 m, 180 m, and 190 m. the lot is to
be divided by a line bisecting the longest side and drawn from the
opposite vertex. The length of this dividing line is:
A. 100 C. 125
B. 130 D. 115

24 An observer found the angle of elevation of the top of the tree to be 27°.
After moving 10m closer (on the same vertical and horizontal plane as the
tree), the angle of elevation becomes 54°. Find the height of the tree.
A. 8.65 C. 7.02
B. 7.53 D. 8.09

25 A man fires a target 420 m away hears the bullet strikes to 2 second after
he pulled the trigger. An observer 525 m away from the target and 455 m
from the man heard the bullet strike the target one second after he heard
the report of the rifle. Find the velocity of the bullet.
A. 525 m/s C. 350 m/s
B. 360 m/s D. 336 m/s

26 Find the equation of k for which the equation x^2 + y^2 + 4x -2y -k = 0
represents a point circle.
A. 5 C. 6
B. -5 D. -6

27 A 40-gram alloy containing 35% gold is to be melted with a 20-gram alloy

containing 50% gold. How much percentage of gold is the resulting alloy?
A. 0.4 C. 0.45
B. 0.3 D. 0.35

28 A uniform chain the weighs 0.50 kg per meter has a leaky 15-liter bucket
attached to it. If the bucket is full of liquid when 30 meters of chain is
out and half-full when no chain is out, how much work is done in winding
the chain? Assume that the liquid leaks out at a uniform rate and weighs 1
kg per liter.
A. 356.2 kg-m C. 562.5 kg-m
B. 458.2 kg-m D. 689.3 kg-m

29 A sequence of numbers where every term is obtained by adding all the

preceding terms such as 1, 5, 14, 30… Is called:
A. Triangular number C. Tetrahedral number
B. Pyramidal number D. Euler’s number

30 Find the area under the curve y = x^3 + 3x^2 and the x-axis between x = 1
and x = 3.
A. 28 C. 36
B. 46 D. 54

31 Suppose X and Y are independent random variables. The variance of X is

equal to 16; and the variance of Y is equal to 9. Let Z = X - Y. What is
the standard deviation of Z?
A. 2.65 C. 7
B. 5 D. 25

32 A rectangular box having a square base and open at the top is to have a
capacity of 16823 cc. Find the height of the box to use the least amount
of material.

A. 16.14 C. 18.41
B. 32.28 D. 28.74

33 Evaluate the limit ( x – 4 ) / (x^2 - x - 12) as x approaches 4.

A. 0 C. 1/7
B. undefined D. inifinity

34 According to Newton’s law of cooling, the rate at which a substance cools

in air is directly proportional to the difference between the temperatures
of the substance and that of air. If the temperature of the air is 30° and
the substance cools from 100° to 70° in 15 minutes, how long will it take
to cool 100° to 50°?
A. 33. 59 min C. 35.39 min
B. 43.60 min D. 45.30 min

35 Find the general solution of y’ = y sec x

A. y = C (sec x + tan x) C. y = C (sec x tan x)
B. y = C (sec x – tan x) D. y = C (sec^2 x + tan x)

36 A conical tank that is 5 meters high has a radius of 2 meters, and is

filled with a liquid that weighs 800 kg per cubic meter. How much work is
done in discharging all the liquid at a point 3 meters above the top of
the tank?
A. 21256pi C. 21,896 pi
B. 23,457 pi D. 22,667 pi

37 Which of the following equations is an exact DE?

A. (x^2 + 1) dx – xy dy = 0 C. 2xy dx + (2 + x^2) dy = 0
B. x dy + (3x – 2y) dx = 0 D. (x^2)y dy – y dx = 0

38 If A = -2 – 3i, and B = 3 + 4i, what is A / B?

A. (18 – i) / 25 C. (-18 + i) / 25
B. (-18 – i) / 25 D. (18 + i) / 25

39 A truck travels from point M northward for 30 min. then eastward for one
hour, then shifted N 30° W. if the constant speed is 40 Kph, how far
directly from M, in km. will be it after 2 hours?
A. 43.5 C. 47.9
B. 45.2 D. 41.6

40 Two triangles have equal bases. The altitude of one triangle is 3 units
more than its base and the altitude of the other is 3 units less than its
base. Find the altitudes, if the areas of the triangle differ by 21 square
A. 5,11 C. 6,12
B. 4,10 D. 3,9

41 A frustum of a pyramid has an upper base 100 m by 10 m and a lower base of

80 m by 8 m. if the altitude of the frustum is 5 m, find its volume.
A. 4567.67 C. 4066.67
B. 3873.33 D. 2345.98

42 Given an ellipse (x^2 )/ 36 + (y^2) / 32 = 1. Determine the distance

between foci.
A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 8

43 The point of intersection of the planes x + 5y – 2z = 9, 3x – 2y + z = 3,

and x + y + z = 2 is:
A. (2, 1, -1) C. (-1, 1, -1)
B. (2, 0, -1) D. (-1, 2, 1)

44 Find the area of the circle whose center is at (2,-5) and tangent to the
line 4x + 3y – 8 = 0.
A. 6pi C. 3pi
B. 9pi D. 12pi

45 If dy = x2 dx; what is the equation of y in terms of x if the curve passes

through (1, 1).
A. x^2 – 3y + 3 = 0 C. x^3 + 3y^2 + 2 = 0
B. x^3 – 3y + 2 = 0 D. 2y + x^3 + 2 = 0

46 A jogger starts a course at a steady rate of 8kph. Five minutes later, a

second jogger the same course at 10 kph. How long will it take for the
second jogger to catch the first?
A. 20 min C. 30 min
B. 25 min D. 35 min

47 Find the length of the arc of x^2 + y^2 = 64 from x = -1 to x = -3, in the
second quadrant.
A. 2.24 C. 2.75
B. 2.61 D. 2.07

48 The altitude of a cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a

right circular cone of radius r and height h is:
A. h/3 C. 3h/2
B. 2h/3 D. h/4

49 Find the derivatives with respect to x of the function √(2-3x^2)

A. (-2x^2) / √(2-3x^2) C. (-2x^2) / √(2+3x^2)
B. (-3x) / √(2-3x^2) D. (-3x) / √(2+3x^2)

50 A circle whose area is 452 cm square is cut into two segment by a chord
whose distance from the center of the circle is 6 cm. Find the area of the
larger segment in cm square.
A. 372.5 C. 368.4
B. 363.6 D. 377.6

51 Find the value of (1 + i)^5, where i is an imaginary number.

A. 1 – i C. 1 + i
B. -4(1 + i) D. 4(1 + i)

52 What is the radius of curvature at point (1, 2) of the curve 4x – y^2 = 0?

A. 6.21 C. 5.66
B. 5.21 D. 6.66

53 A thermometer reading 18 C is brought into a room where the temperature is

70 C; 1 minute later the thermometer reading is 31 C. Determine the
thermometer reading 5 minutes after it is brought into the room.
A. 62.33 C. 58.99
B. 56.55 D. 57.66

54 Points A and B 1000m apart are plotted on a straight highway running East
and West. From A, the bearing of a tower C is 32 degrees N of W and from B
the bearing of C is 26 degrees N of E. Approximate the shortest distance
of tower C to the highway.
A. 264 C. 284
B. 274 D. 294
55 In a proportion of four quantities, the first and the fourth terms are
referred to:
A. means C. extremes
B. denominators D. numerators

56 Simplify: i^30-2i^25+3i^17.
A. I+1 C. -1+i
B. -1-2i D. -1+5I

57 In complex algebra, we use a diagram to represent a complex plane commonly

A. De Moivre’s Diagram C. Argand Diagram
B. Funicular Diagram D. Venn Diagram

58 How far from the y-axis is the centroid of the area bounded by the curve y
= x^3, the line x = 2, and the y-axis.
A. 1.2 C. 1.6
B. 1.4 D. 1.8

59 If a=b and b=c, then a=c. This property of real numbers is known as:
A. Reflexive Property C. Transitive Property
B. Symmetric Property D. Addition Property

60 The base edge of a regular pentagonal prism is 6 cm and its bases are 12
cm apart. Find its volume in cu. cm.
A. 743.22 C. 567.45
B. 786.89 D. 842.12

61 Find the volume generated by rotating the region bounded by y = x, x = 1,

and y^2 = 4x, about the x-axis.
A. pi C. 3pi
B. 2pi D. 9pi

62 What is the simplified expression (4.33 + j2.5) square?`

A. 12.5 + j21.65 C. 15 + j20
B. 20 + j20 D. 21.65 + j12.5

63 What is the quotient when 4+8i is divided by i3?

A. 8+4i C. 8-4i
B. -8+4i D. -8-4i

64 Divide 120 into two parts so that product of one and the square of the
other is maximum. Find the numbers.
A. 60,60 C. 70,50
B. 100,20 D. 80,40

65 What is the differentia equation of the family of parabolas having their

vertices at the origin and their foci on the x-axis.
A. 2x dy – y dx = 0 C. 2y dx – x dy = 0
B. x dy + y dx = 0 D. dy / dx – x = 0

66 An object falls from rest in a medium offering a resistance. The velocity

of the object before the object reaches the ground is given by the
differential equation dV / dt + V / 10 = 32, ft/sec. What is the velocity
of the object one second after if falls?
A. 40.54 ft/sec C. 30.45 ft/sec
B. 38.65 ft/sec D. 34.12 ft/sec

67 The 1st, 4th, 8th terms of an A.P. are themselves geometric progression
(G.P.). What is the common ratio of the G.P.?
A. 4/3 C. 2
B. 5/3 D. 7/3

68 The cost C of a product is a function of the quantity x of the product is

given by the relation: C(x) = x^2 – 4000x + 50. Find the quantity for
which the cost is a minimum.
A. 3000 C. 1000
B. 2000 D. 1500

69 It is now between 3 and 4 o’clock and in twenty minutes the minute hand
will be as much as the hour-hand as it is now behind it. What is the time
A. 3:06.06 C. 3:09.36
B. 3:07.36 D. 3:08.36

70 Find the equation of the curve at every point of which the tangent line
has a slope of 2x.
A. x = -y^2 + C C. y = x^2 + C
B. y = -x^2 + C D. x = y^2 + C

71 Two cities A and B are 8 km and 12 km, respectively, north of a river

which runs due east. City B being 15 km east of A. a pumping station is to
be constructed (along the river) to supply water for the two cities. Where
should the station be located so that the amount of pipe is a minimum?
A. 3 km east of A C. 9 km east of A
B. 4 km east of A D. 6 km east of A

72 A statement the truth of which is admitted without proof is called:

A. An axiom C. A theorem
B. A postulate D. A corollary

73 The logarithm of negative number is:

A. irrational number C. imaginary number
B. real number D. complex number

74 Find the area bounded by the y-axis and x = 4 - y^(2/3)

A. 25.6 C. 12.8
B. 28.1 D. 56.2

75 Find the area bounded by y = (11-x)^(1/2), the lines 3x = 2 and x = 10,

and the X-axis.
A. 19.456 C. 22.567
B. 20.567 D. 21.478

76 An array of m n quantities which represent a single number system composed

of elements in rows and columns is know as:
A. Transpose of a matrix C. Co-factor of a matrix
B. Determinant D. Matrix

77 Evaluate the integral of x(x-5)^12 dx with limits from 5 to 6.

A. 81/182 C. 83/182
B. 82/182 D. 84/182

78 Two engineering students are solving a problem leading to a quadratic

equation. One student made a mistake in the coefficient of the first-
degree term, got roots of 2 and -3. The other student made a mistake in
the coefficient of the constant term got roots of -1 and 4. What is the
correct equation?
A. x^2 – 6x – 3 = 0 C. x^2 + 3x + 6 = 0
B. x^2 + 6x + 3 = 0 D. x^2 – 3x – 6 = 0

79 What is the solution of the first order differential equation y(k + 1) =

y(k) + 5.
y(k) = C – k, where C is
A. y(k) = 4 – 5/k C. constant
The solution is non-
existence for real values of
B. y(k) = 20 + 5k D. y.

80 The space diagonal of a cube is 4√3 m. Find its volume

A. 16 C. 64
B. 48 D. 86

81 The fourth term of a geometric progression is 189 and the sixth term is
1701, the 8th term is:
A. 5103 C. 45927
B. 1240029 D. 15309

82 A tank contains 400 liters of brine holding 100 kg of salt in solution.

Water containing 125 g of salt per liter flows into the tank at the rate
of 12 liters per minute, and the mixture, kept uniform by stirring, flows
out at the same rate. Find the amount of salt at the end of 90 minutes.
A. 53.36 C. 0
B. 53.63 D. 65.33

83 A chi-square test involves a set of counts called “expected counts.” What

are the expected
Hypothetical counts that
would occur of the
alternative hypothesis were The actual counts that did
A. true. C. occur in the observed data
The long-run counts that
Hypothetical counts that would be expected if the
would occur if the null observed counts are
B. hypothesis were true. D. representative.

84 From the top of tower A, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower B
is 46°. From the foot of tower B the angle of elevation of the top of
tower A is 28°. Both towers are on a level ground. If the height of tower
B is 120m, how high is tower A in m?
A. 38.6 C. 44.1
B. 42.3 D. 40.7

85 Dennis Rodman sinks 50% of all his attempts. What is the probability that
he will make exactly 3 of his next 10 attempts?
A. 1/256 C. 30/128
B. 3/8 D. 15/128

86 If the nominal interest rate is 3%, how much is P5,000 worth in 10 years
in a continuous compounded account?
A. P5,750 C. P7,500
B. P6,750 D. P6,350

87 A clock has a dial face 12 inches in radius. The minute hand is 9 inches
long while the hour hand is 6 inches long. The plane of rotation of the
minute hand is 2 inches above the plane of rotation of the hour hand. Find
the distance between the tips of the hands at 5:40 AM.
A. 9.17 C. 10.65
B. 8.23 D. 11.25

88 There are 6 geometric means between 4 and 8748. Find the sum of all terms.
A. 13120 C. 10250
B. 15480 D. 9840

89 In a class of 40 students, 27 students like Calculus and 25 like Geometry.

How many students liked both Calculus and Geometry?
A. 10 C. 11
B. 14 D. 12

90 Evaluate the integral of xdx / (x+1)^8 if it has an upper limit of 1 and a

lower limit of 0.
A. 0.022 C. 0.056
B. 0.043 D. 0.031

91 Find the length of the vector (2, 4, 4).

A. 8.75 C. 7.00
B. 6.00 D. 5.18

92 The shortest distance from the point (5, 10) to the curve x^2 = 12y is:
A. 4.331 C. 5.127
B. 3.474 D. 6.445

93 A bag contains 3 white and 5 red balls. If two balls are drawn at random,
find the probability that both are white.
A. 3/28 C. 2/7
B. 3/8 D. 5/15

94 A list of 5 pulse rates is: 70, 64, 80, 74, 92. What is the median for
this list?
A. 74 C. 77
B. 76 D. 80

95 An open top rectangular tank with square bases is to have a volume of 10

cubic meters. The material for its bottom cost P 150.00 per square meter,
and that for the sides is P 60.00 per square meter. The most economical
height is:
A. 2 C. 3
B. 2.5 D. 3.5

96 Given is the area in the first quadrant bounded by x^2 = 8y, the line x =
4 and the x-axis. What is the volume generated by revolving this area
about the y-axis?
A. 50.26 C. 53.26
B. 52.26 D. 51.26

97 In any square matrix, when the elements of any two rows are the same the
determinant is:
A. Zero C. Negative integer
B. Positive integer D. Unity

98 A father is three times as old as his son. Four years ago, he was four
times as old as his son was at that time. How old is his son?
A. 36 C. 32
B. 24 D. 12

99 An alloy of silver and gold weighs 15 oz. in air and 14 oz. in water.
Assuming that silver losses 1/10 of its weight in water and gold losses
1/18 of its weight, how many oz. at each metal are in the alloy?
Silver = 4.5 oz.; Gold =
A. 10.5 oz C. Silver = 5 oz.; Gold = 10 oz
Silver = 3.75 oz.; Gold = Silver = 7.8 oz.; Gold = 4.2
B. 11.25 oz D. oz.

100 A piece of wire is shaped to enclose a square whose area is 169 cm2. It is
then reshaped to enclose a rectangle whose length is 15 cm. The area of
the rectangle is:
A. 165 C. 170
B. 175 D. 156

10 | P a g e

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