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J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140 e-mail:


Original Article

Historical relationships of the Mesoamerican highlands, with emphasis on

tropical montane cloud forests: a temporal cladistic biogeographical


CASTRO-TORREBLANCA Marisol1,2; e-mail:

ESPINOSA David2; e-mail:

BUENO-HERNÁNDEZ Alfredo2; e-mail:

LUNA-VEGA Isolda3*; e-mail:

*Corresponding author

1 Biological Sciences Graduate Program, Coordination of Graduate Studies, National Autonomous University of Mexico,
University City, Coyoacán 04510 Mexico City, Mexico
2 Comparative Biology and Biodiversity Research Unit, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza, National
Autonomous University of Mexico, Av. Batalla del 5 de mayo s/n, Col. Ejército de Oriente 09230 Mexico City, Mexico
3 Laboratory of Biogeography and Systematics, Department of Evolutionary Biology, Faculty of Sciences, National
Autonomous University of Mexico, University City, Coyoacán 04510 Mexico City, Mexico

Citation: Castro-Torreblanca M, Espinosa D, Bueno-Hernández A, Luna-Vega I (2023) Historical relationships of the

Mesoamerican highlands, with emphasis on tropical montane cloud forests: a temporal cladistic biogeographical analysis.
Journal of Mountain Science 20(1).

© Science Press, Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2023

Abstract: The historical relationships of nine areas paleoclimatological events on the distribution of the
of endemism of the tropical montane cloud forests TMCFs over time. Therefore, the TMCFs current
(TMCFs) were analysed based on a temporal cladistic distribution might have been driven by geological
biogeographical approach. Three cladistic events during the Miocene-Pliocene, whereas climatic
biogeographical analyses were conducted based on 29 fluctuations have the highest impact during the
cladograms of terrestrial taxa by partitioning them Pleistocene.
into three time-slices, namely, Miocene, Pliocene, and
Pleistocene. The results showed different area Keywords: Dispersal; Evolutionary biogeography;
relationships over time. For the Miocene and Pliocene Paralogy free subtree analysis; Vicariance
time slices, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec acted as a
geographic barrier that fragmented the TMCFs into
two portions: west of the Isthmus and east of the 1 Introduction
Isthmus. In the case of the Pleistocene, the TMCFs
were broken into two portions, one related to the
Cladistic biogeography is an approach to
Neotropical region and the other to the Nearctic
historical biogeography that analyses the distribution
region. Furthermore, the analyses allowed us to detect
the influences of different geological and of biodiversity through patterns of relationships
between areas of endemism, based on the
Received: 24-Oct-2021 phylogenetic relationships of the taxa that inhabit
Revised: 12-Oct-2022 them (Contreras-Medina et al. 2007; Crisci and
Accepted: 13-Dec-2022

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

Morrone 1992; Espinosa and Llorente 1993). This The Mesoamerican mountain ranges include the
approach combines the biogeographical ideas Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental,
formulated by Croizat (1958, 1964) and Hennig's both of which extend from north to south in the
phylogenetic systematics (1966). The fundamentals of western and eastern side of Mexico, respectively; the
cladistic biogeography indicate that the congruence Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, which runs from east to
between taxonomic cladograms transformed into west through central Mexico; the Sierra Madre del Sur
areagrams can help elucidate the fragmentation along the south-western coast of Mexico; the
sequence of the studied areas and propose hypotheses highlands complex in central Oaxaca, Mexico; the
of relationships between the areas of endemism mountains in Chiapas, Mexico and north-western
(Contreras-Medina 2006; Morrone 1997). Central America and the Talamanca Cordillera
Cladistic biogeographic hypotheses can show including the Talamanca highlands and the volcanic
relationships between areas that could seem different ranges of the northwest and central Costa Rica
or even contradictory because the biogeographic areas (Marshall 2007) (Fig. 1).
and the biotas harbored have complex and reticulated Tropical montane cloud forests (TMCFs) within
histories. These hypotheses can be associated with a the Mesoamerican highlands are recognized
given time interval and do not represent atemporal worldwide because of their extraordinary biodiversity,
general hypotheses (Nihei 2008). Donoghue and which is severely threatened (Aldrich et al. 2000;
Moore (2003) suggested that in the absence of CONABIO 2010; Rojas-Soto et al. 2012). The
temporal information, the search for area Mesoamerican TMCFs exhibit a significant
relationships may be susceptible to pseudo- geographical disjunction, separating forest patches
congruence or pseudo-incongruence (Cecca et al. and the mountain range systems. The fragmented
2011). Pseudo-congruence occurs when the area pattern of these TMCFs represents an ideal system
cladograms of different taxa show the same area model for studying evolutionary biogeography (Luna-
relationships, even though the taxa diversified at Vega et al. 1999; Sullivan et al. 2000).
different times. Pseudo-incongruence occurs when The historical relationships of the Mesoamerican
different area cladograms conflict with each other, but highlands are still under investigation (Flores-Villela
the age of the taxa analyzed indicates that they and Goyenechea 2001). Therefore, there are no
diversified in response to the same events. Distinct explicit hypotheses regarding the biogeographical
lineages and clades may have different temporal relationships of the TMCFs endemic areas. Previous
histories associated with particular historical events. studies have shown a close relationship between
The relative importance of each of such events can vascular plants (Luna-Vega et al. 2001) and birdlife
only be segregated if we can estimate the time of (Sánchez-González et al. 2008) of the Sierra Madre
diversification of the analyzed lineages and separate del Sur and the Sierra Madre Oriental and those of the
them according to time-slicing (Cecca et al. 2011; TMCFs of Central America. However, these
Upchurch et al. 2002). In cladistic biogeography, hypotheses about the relationships among the TMCFs
time-slicing is defined as the partitioning analysis of are based on a distributional pattern among taxa.
taxa under a temporal sequence, where each Therefore, corroboration through a cladistic
stratigraphical interval is known as a time-slice (Cecca biogeography analysis is required, which involves
et al. 2011). Time-slicing has been applied in recent comparing area cladograms derived from taxonomic
cladistic biogeographic studies to analyze endemic cladograms (Morrone 2004) of endemic or
areas of North American deserts (Gámez et al. 2017) characteristic taxa to the TMCFs to propose historical
and to discern the biotic affinities of the Mexican relationships hypotheses among areas of endemism
Transition Zone (Corral-Rosas and Morrone 2017). for TMCFs.
The Mesoamerican highlands include several Integrating molecular phylogenetic data into a
distinct mountain ranges in Mexico and Central cladistic biogeographic framework for different time-
America. The Mesoamerican mountain ranges is a slices may be helpful to empirically assess the area's
region that is currently recognized as a biodiversity relationship over time (Gámez et al. 2017). Likewise,
hotspot at a global scale (Myers, Mittermeier et al. analyzing the cenocrons separately by time-slices may
2000) characterized by its high levels of have consequences in determining the
diversification and endemism (Flores-Villela 1993). biogeographical affinities of the areas (Corral-Rosas

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

Fig. 1 Endemic areas analyzed are the main Mesoamerican mountain ranges where tropical montane cloud forests

and Morrone 2017). Therefore, our purpose was to the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas and the Talamanca
formulate cladistic biogeographic hypotheses among Cordillera (Fig. 1), previously recognized by Flores-
areas of the Mesoamerican highlands with an Villela and Goyenechea (2001), which contain taxa
emphasis on TMCFs areas of endemism based on the with a distribution shared with the Chiapas Highlands
phylogenetic hypotheses of sympatric taxa over three in Mexico and Guatemala. Based on a previous
time-slices (Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene), and regionalization proposed by Luna-Vega et al. (2004)
to contrast the obtained results with the hypotheses of of the Sierra Madre Oriental, as well as recent studies
areas' relationships generated in previous studies. where different taxonomic groups with distribution in
This study could contribute to the knowledge about the TMCFs show different levels of divergence in their
the evolution of Mesoamerican TMCFs, one of the lineages (Grünwald et al. 2015; Mota-Vargas et al.
world's most diversified biotic hotspots. 2017; Parra-Olea et al. 2005; Vallejo and González-
Cózatl 2012). Because of this, we decided to divide
this mountain range into two areas for analysis: the
2 Materials and Methods northern Sierra Madre Oriental and the southern
Sierra Madre Oriental. The areas considered as units
2.1 Study areas in the present study (Fig. 1) are the following:
- Northern Sierra Madre Oriental (nSME): north-
We analyzed nine areas previously recognized by eastern Mexico, the TMCFs are located in the southwest
Arriaga et al. (1997), Espinosa et al. (2000), and and north-central Tamaulipas and northeast of Nuevo
Morrone (2019) as endemism areas. The analyzed León (Gual-Díaz and González-Medrano 2014).
areas are the main Mesoamerican mountain ranges - Southern Sierra Madre Oriental (sSME): east-
where TMCFs occur from moderate to high elevations central Mexico, the TMCFs are located in a narrow
in each mountain range (Halffter 2017; Luna-Vega et strip from Xilitla in the SE of San Luis Potosí to the
al. 1999, 2001; Sánchez-González et al. 2008). In Santo Domingo River Canyon in the north of Oaxaca
addition, we included two more areas of endemism: (Gual-Díaz and González-Medrano 2014).

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

- Sierra Madre Occidental (SMOcc): western Mexico, of the Mexican state of Veracruz, it includes the Sierra
the TMCFs in this area have a fragmented distribution de Santa Marta and Los Tuxtlas. This area was
composed of small fragments, mainly in Sinaloa. considered a biogeographic province by Escalante et
- Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TVB): central al. (1993), a biogeographic sub-province by Espinosa
Mexico, extending between Jalisco and Veracruz, et al. (2008), and a biotic district by Morrone (2014).
virtually cutting Mexico into northern and southern - Chiapas Highlands (CHI): mountainous areas
halves (Marshall and Liebherr 2000). in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El
- Oaxacan Highlands (OH): north-eastern part Salvador, and Nicaragua, ranging from 500 to 2000
of the Mexican state of Oaxaca, including the m. The TMCFs in this area are found in patches in the
mountain ranges: Sierra de Juárez, Nudo de mountainous massifs of Chiapas, continuing into the
Zempoaltépetl, and Sierra Mazateca. Some authors Nicaraguan Depression (Kappelle and Brown 2001;
have recognized that this area may be a part of the Marshall 2007; Rovito and Parra-Olea 2016).
Sierra Madre del Sur (Cervantes-Zamora 1990) or the - Talamanca Cordillera (TAL): extends from
southernmost portion of the Sierra Madre Oriental northern Costa Rica through western Panama (Savage
(Morrone 2017). 1966). The TMCFs occur between elevations of 500 to
- Sierra Madre del Sur (SMS): south-central 3500 m. They are in the Guanacaste cordillera, Tilarán,
Mexico includes the mountains of Guerrero and Central Volcanic, and Talamanca (Kappelle 2001).
Oaxaca, limited by the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt in
the north and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and the 2.2 Analyzed taxa
Sierra de Juárez in the east. The TMCFs have a
fragmented distribution in the Mexican states of We analyzed the geographic distribution and
Michoacán, Guerrero and Oaxaca (Gual-Díaz and phylogenetic relationships of 29 terrestrial taxa,
González-Medrano 2014). including genera and species of mammals, birds,
- Sierra de Los Tuxtlas (TUX): in the southeast reptiles, amphibians, and plants (Table 1). They were

Table 1 Taxa analysed and classified according to the time slices to which they belong, with references.
Time-slice Group Taxon References
Chiropterotriton García-Castillo et al. 2017
Miocene Amphibians Sarcohyla Caviedes-Solis et al. 2018
(23-5.3 Myr) Thorius Rovito et al. 2013
Birds Lampornis García-Moreno et al. 2006
Plants Quercus (section Quercus) Hipp et al. 2018
Aquiloeurycea Sandoval-Comte et al. 2017
Amphibians Ishtmura Sandoval-Comte et al. 2017
Pliocene Ishtmura belli Bryson et al. 2018
(5.3-2.5 Myr) Reptiles Crotalus intermedius Bryson et al. 2011
Birds Dendrortyx Tsai et al. 2019
Cryptotis Guevara and Cervantes 2014
Habromys León-Paniagua et al. 2007
Plants Moussonia deppeana Ornelas and González 2014
Atropoides Castoe et al. 2009
Xenosaurus Nieto-Montes de Oca et al. 2017
Aphelocoma unicolor Venkatraman et al. 2019
Arremon brunneinucha Moreno-Contreras et al. 2020
Aulacorhynchus Bonaccorso et al. 2011
Chlorospingus ophthalmicus Bonaccorso et al. 2008
Cyanolyca Bonaccorso 2009
Dendrortyx macroura Tsai et al. 2019
(2.5-0.1 Myr)
Lepidocolaptes affinis Arbeláez-Cortés et al. 2010
Myioborus miniatus Pérez-Emán et al. 2010
Glaucomys volans Kerhoulas and Arbogast 2010
Hadleyomys Almendra et al. 2018
Megadontomys Vallejo and González-Cózatl 2012
Microtus Crawford et al. 2011
Peromyscus aztecus Sullivan et al. 2000
Reithrodontomys sumichrasti Hardy et al. 2013

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

chosen because phylogenetic hypotheses were time-slice, Miocene + Pliocene time slice, and
available for them. Their species are primarily Miocene + Pliocene + Pleistocene time slice (Table 1).
exclusive, endemic to, or characteristic of the TMCFs To obtain the general area cladograms, we
and their distributional ranges correspond to the analyzed the matrices using NONA (Goloboff 1999)
analyzed areas. We selected those taxa that inhabit at through WINCLADA (Nixon 2002) by applying multiple
least three of the areas of endemism described above. tree bisections and reconnections (TBR). In addition,
Although other potential taxa with published we included a hypothetical area coded with all 0s to
phylogenetic analyses could be considered, some of root the cladograms.
them and their species do not chiefly inhabit humid
montane forests, so their inclusion may obscure the
real biogeographical patterns. Some taxa analyzed 3 Results
here have been considered in previous cladistic
biogeographical studies because their endemism areas We obtained three most parsimonious general
cover the distributional pattern of montane cloud area cladograms (GAC) by analyzing the three matrices
forests (Corral-Rosas and Morrone 2017; León- corresponding to three time-slices (Fig. 3); for the
Paniagua and Morrone 2009). Therefore, some Miocene with ten steps, a consistency index of 0.80
historical relationships between the areas could be and a retention index of 0.84; for the Pliocene time-
concordant with these studies. Then, we assigned slice with 57 steps, a consistency index of 0.57 and a
each taxon to a given time slice using its estimated retention index of 0.53; finally, for the Pleistocene
minimum age of divergence. Finally, we used the time-slice with 162 steps, a consistency index of 0.53
phylogenetic data of the basal node of each cladogram and a retention index of 0.59.
to define the minimum age of each taxon. We The general area cladograms obtained for the
considered this age as relative, as a reference for Miocene time-slice (23-5.3 Myr) showed the following
allocation to specific time slices, which are: Miocene sequence: Sierra de los Tuxtlas (TUX), Sierra Madre
(23-5.3 Myr), Pliocene (5.3-2.5 Myr), and Pleistocene Occidental (SMOcc), northern Sierra Madre Oriental
(2.5-0.1 Myr). (nSME), Chiapas highlands (CHI)-Talamanca
Cordillera (TAL), Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TVB),
2.3 Cladistic biogeographical analysis southern Sierra Madre Oriental (sSME), Sierra Madre
del Sur (SMS)-Oaxacan highlands (OH) (Fig. 3a).
Parsimony analysis of paralogy-free subtrees was The general area cladogram for the Pliocene time-
applied (Contreras-Medina et al. 2007; Morrone slice (5.3-2.5 Myr) (Fig. 3b) presented a dichotomy
2009; Nelson and Ladiges 1996) to obtain general between an east clade and a west clade separated by
area cladograms representing hypotheses of the the Tehuantepec Isthmus. The west clade showed the
biogeographical history of the analyzed taxa and the following sequence: Sierra de los Tuxtlas (TUX),
areas where their distributional areas. It comprises
the following four basic steps: (1) for each taxon–area
cladogram, we eliminated the duplicated areas or
node-redundant and obtained the subtrees; (2)
components are identified on each subtree; (3) a data
matrix is built, scoring '1' for presence and '0' for the
absence of components in the analyzed areas; and (4)
parsimony analysis of the data matrix is undertaken
to identify the general area cladogram (Fig. 2).
Of the initial 29 taxon-area cladograms, we
identified 32 paralogy-free subtrees and 86 Fig. 2 Paralogy-free subtree analysis. (a) Taxonomic
informative components were extracted from them cladogram; (b) Taxon-area cladograms with paralogous
(Appendix 1). According to the minimum age of each nodes; (c) Identify the paralogy-free subtrees; (d)
Represent the nodes of all the paralogy-free subtrees in a
taxon, we constructed three data matrices, each one component or three-item matrix; (e) the general area
corresponding to successive time-slices: Miocene cladograms.

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

Some area relationships

shown matched in all the
general area cladograms for
each time slice. For example,
the close relationship
between the southern Sierra
Madre Oriental (sSME),
Sierra Madre del Sur (SMS),
and the Oaxacan highlands
(OH) is maintained
throughout the general area
cladograms of the three-
time slices. In addition, the
Talamanca Cordillera (TAL)
and Chiapas Highlands (CHI)
are shown as sister areas in
the Miocene and Pliocene
time-slices (Fig. 3).
Geological events of the
main geological features of
Mesoamerica that might be
correlated to the general
area cladograms obtained
for the different time slices
(Fig. 3) are as follows:

3.1 Early-Late-Miocene
time slice (23-5.3 Myr)

Fig. 3 General area cladograms obtained, and corresponding maps. (a) Miocene Important geological
time-slice, (b) Pliocene time-slice, and (c) Pleistocene time-slice. Areas: Northern events occurred over this
Sierra Madre Oriental (nSME); Southern Sierra Madre Oriental (sSME); Sierra Madre
Occidental (SMOcc); Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TVB); Oaxacan Highlands (OH); period with consequences
Sierra Madre del Sur (SMS); Chiapas Highlands (CHI). for the lowland biota of
central Mexico: (1) Late
Chiapas highlands (CHI)-Talamancan Cordillera (TAL). uplift of the Sierra Madre Occidental at the western
The east clade showed the following sequence: part of central Mexico (~22-20 Myr) developing an
northern Sierra Madre Oriental (nSME), Trans- extensive rain shadow and promoting the formation
Mexican Volcanic Belt (TVB), southern Sierra Madre of thorn scrub lowlands on the side of the mountain
Oriental (sSME), Sierra Madre del Sur (SMS)-Oaxacan opposite to the wind (Chihuahuan Desert). (2)
highlands (OH). Formation episodes of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic
The general area cladogram for the Pleistocene Belt during the Early to Mid-Miocene (19-8 Ma). This
time-slice (2.5-0.01 Myr) (Fig. 3c) showed two clades: included the formation fo low elevation volcanoes,
in one clade, the Sierra Madre Occidental (sMOcc) and beginning in the east and proceeding westward over
the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt (TVB) are shown as the east part. The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt
sister areas. The other clade showed the following developed during 19 Ma, along four episodes of
sequence: northern Sierra Madre Oriental (nSME), volcanism that affected the area asynchronously;
Talamanca Cordillera (TAL), Sierra de los Tuxtlas orogenia: Miocene-Pliocene (east) and Pleistocene-
(TUX), Chiapas highlands (CHI), southern Sierra Quaternary (west). (3) The main tectonic events that
Madre Oriental (sSME), and Sierra Madre del Sur formed the Sierra de Los Tuxtlas occurred during the
(SMS)-Oaxacan highlands (OH). late Miocene (Ferrari et al. 2012; Gámez et al. 2017;

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

Mastretta-Yanes et al. 2015). (4) The region between the definitive land connection between Middle and
CHI and SMS suffered a partial down-dropping South America. Climatic cycles began in the late
during the late Miocene to early Pliocene, leading to Pliocene and extended through the Pleistocene.
the destruction of what is thought to have been a
highland corridor spanning the current Ishtmus of
Tehuantepec (Barrier et al. 1998). (5) Existence of a 4 Discussion
marine gap between the Chortis and Lower Central
American highlands during the Miocene and the The implementation of cladistic biogeography
majority of the Pliocene. The Nicaragua Depression analyses by time slices in an additive synchronous
separates two highland masses, The Chortis block manner allowed us to infer the area relationships
highlands (Honduras and Nicaragua) to the north and among TMCFs and determine their biogeographic
the Lower Central American highlands of Costa Rica affinities. Some of these relationships were identified
and Panama (Marshall 2007; Rogers et al. 2002). in previous studies with different taxa and
Alternatively, Kirby and MacFadden (2005) have biogeographic methods. For example, Luna-Vega et al.
suggested that a narrow landmass connected modern- (1999) proposed a preliminary hypothesis for area
day Honduras and Costa Rica during this time. relationships when analyzing 24 localities of the
Mexican TMCFs that correspond to five Mexican
3.2 Pliocene time slice (5.3-2.5 Myr) floristic provinces sensu Rzedowski (1978). They
found that the areas located in the Sierra Madre
During the Late Pliocene, the Trans-Mexican Oriental, the Sierra Madre del Sur, and the Trans-
Volcanic Belt underwent magmatic episodes at Mexican Volcanic Belt have a close relationship.
different points along the current eastern and western These relationships are similar to our results for the
portions, continuing the formation of the mountain Miocene time slice.
range (Ferrari et al. 2012). The Isthmus of Our CGA results for the Mioceno and Pliocene
Tehuantepec is a narrow (ca. 200 km) lowland strip of time-slices showed that the Isthmus of Tehuantepec
land between the sierras of Oaxaca and Central acted as a geographic barrier that fragmented the
America, extending along a fault zone and formed as TMCFs into two portions: west of the Isthmus and
the result of subsidence associated with tectonic east of the Isthmus. We suggest that this disjunction
extension in the late Miocene to Pliocene (Barrier et al. gradually occurred during the Pliocene (5.3-2.5 Myr)
1998). Final formation of the Chiapas highlands because the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt formed at
associated with tectonic activity at the triple plate different ages. As a result, the TMCFs located at the
junction at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Geological west of the Isthmus had a greater biogeographic
reconstructions pointed to a Pliocene (3-4 Myr) affinity to the Nearctic region. Our statement is
closure of the Isthmus of Panama (Coates and supported by the fact that northern biotic elements of
Obando 1996). However, recent geological and more recent penetration in the MTZ could not
geochemical evidence suggests a much earlier near- penetrate southwards as they found lowlands because
closure of the Isthmus of Panama in the Miocene the Isthmus of Tehuantepec was already established
around 15 Mys and even the tectonic collision (Halffter 2017). The Isthmus of Tehuantepec has been
between the Panama arc and South America began considered in several biogeographic studies as a
23-25 Myr (Farris et al. 2011). physiographic and ecological barrier that split the
biota between the Chiapas Highlands and the rest of
3.3 Pleistocene time slice (2.4-0.01 Myr) Mexico (Arellano et al. 2005; Barrier et al. 1998;
Carleton et al. 2002; León-Paniagua et al. 2007;
The main magmatic episodes of the Trans- Sullivan et al. 2000).
Mexican Volcanic Belt were the closing of the Molecular analyses have shown a congruence
mountain range over central Mexico (Ferrari el at. between the values of genetic divergence among the
2011), forming the current geographical arrangement mountain faunas (e.g., Campylopterus, Cryptotis,
of Mexico. The latest eruptions of the San Martín Glaucomys, Papogeomys, Habromys, Peromyscus
Pajapan and Santa Marta volcanoes occurred between aztecus, Reithrodontomys, among others) at both
2.4-1.0 million years ago. The last tectonic event was sides of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (Arellano et al.

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

2005; Edwards and Bradley 2002; León-Paniagua et 2019a). According to the simulations of the last glacial
al. 2007; Esteva et al. 2010; Ornelas et al. 2013; maximum (LGM) and the paleo-data available for
Rovito et al. 2015; Sullivan et al. 1997, 2000). Thus, Mesoamerica during the Quaternary Period's
our results suggest that the Isthmus of Tehuantepec glaciations (Caballero et al. 2010; Graham 1999; Still
does not always act as a biogeographic barrier et al. 1999), climate changes promoted expansion
(Pleistocene). cycles of the Neotropical biotas to which species that
The Pleistocene GAC that resulted from our has previously adapted to the TMCFs responded by
analysis, which shows a clade composed of forest from expanding their distribution to the lowlands during
eastern and southern Mexico to Central America (Fig. the glacial periods. During subsequent interglacial
3C), closely agrees with the area relationships periods, the distribution of TMCFs contracted,
obtained by Sánchez-González et al. (2008) from the promoting isolation, the divergence of lineages, and
distribution patterns of Neotropical humid montane biotic differentiation between TMCFs areas (Ornelas et
forests' avifauna. They obtained a Mesoamerican al. 2013).
clade consisting of the endemic avifauna of the humid The fossil record shows that cold-temperate
montane forests of the Sierra Madre del Sur, northern affinity taxa extended to lower elevations during the
and southern Sierra Madre Oriental, and Oaxacan Last Glacial Maximum (20 kya) and then contracted
and Chiapas Highlands. This clade includes the to higher elevations as conditions began to warm
Isthmus of Tehuantepec, widely recognized as a during the Holocene (Lozano-García et al. 2005;
crucial vicariant event that modeled the Ortega-Rosas et al. 2008). Changes in precipitation
Mesoamerican biota's diversity (Morrone and also occurred, a factor that was particularly important
Márquez 2001; Prance 1982). for cloud forest species (Ramírez-Barahona and
Likewise, the dichotomy shown in the Pleistocene Eguiarte 2013). An example of this is the current
GAC suggests that these forests are well-differentiated distribution patterns of various plant taxa such as
into two regions: the TMCFs that belong to the Sierra Fagus, Liquidambar, and Acer, as well as animal taxa
Madre Occidental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic such as the rodents Microtus, Peromyscus, and
Belt with an affinity to the Nearctic region and the Heteromys (Ceballos et al. 2010) distributed in the
TMCFs that correspond to the rest of Mesoamerica mountainous areas of the eastern United States, the
with an affinity to the Neotropical region. This Sierra Madre Oriental, and the Chiapas Highlands,
relationship pattern is consistent with previous continuing through to Guatemala.
cladistic biogeography studies of the ZTM (Corral- Glacial periods generally expanded the
Rosas and Morrone 2017; Marshall and Liebherr distribution ranges of TMCFs species, while warmer
2000; Miguez-Gutiérrez et al. 2013), where a strong interglacial periods resulted in population
relationship between the Sierra Madre Occidental and fragmentation, differentiation, and possible
the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt is evident. Likewise, speciation within mountain ranges. The combination
once the geographical connection between of events and the interactive processes of dispersal
Mesoamerica and South America had been and displacement, niche evolution, persistence, and
established, around 2.6 Myr, the Great American extinction promoted the geographical isolation of
Biotic Interchange triggered (Webb 2006), and the populations (Nevado et al. 2018; Rahbek et al. 2019b)
elements of the Neotropical fauna in their movement and, therefore, the spatial patterns of biodiversity.
northwards encountered geographical barriers such Our study provides empirical evidence on the
as the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and continued biogeographical relationships of Mesoamerican
northwards along the coastal plains (Halffter 2017). TMCFs over time. The current distribution pattern of
Considering all the biogeographical relationships these forests can be explained by geological events
in our study, we suggest that the current distribution that modified the landscape and, consequently, the
of TMCFs was the product of vicariant and dispersal climatic conditions of the areas during the Miocene-
events associated with geological events. Geology Pliocene (Ferrari et al. 2012). Likewise, the direct
transformed physiography and therefore became a interactions between the global climate cycles and the
climate modifier. Later, climate cycles during the complex topography of mountainous areas that
Quaternary Period promoted recent evolutionary caused variations in scenopoetic conditions eventually
processes (Cevallos-Ferriz et al. 2012; Rahbek et al. promoted the expansion-contraction of TMCFs areas

J. Mt. Sci. (2023) 20(1): 129-140

during the Pleistocene-Holocene (Graham 1999; biogeographic unit with a close relationship to the
Ornelas et al. 2013; Rahbek et al. 2019b). Neotropical region. The TMCFs of the Trans-Mexican
There are different views on whether TMCFs are Volcanic Belt and the Sierra Madre Occidental are
considered to be a natural biogeographic unit. The part of another unit. Therefore, the TMCFs of
distributional congruence of different plant genera America could be delimited by three biogeographic
(Luna-Vega et al. 2001) and birds (Sánchez-González units: North American (Nearctic clade),
et al. 2008) that are characteristic of these forests Mesoamerican (clade obtained in this analysis) and
suggests that they could adequately constitute a South American (Neotropical clade sensu stricto). For
biogeographic unit since the widespread distribution this reason, future studies of cladistic analyses of the
of habitat-dependent taxa is evidence of common TMCFs must try to incorporate other areas from the
history (Chapman 1926). A recent study led by United States to Argentina to corroborate the results
Rahbek et al. (2019b) assumes that, as an island, each that we have obtained in this study and to bring light
mountainous region can be viewed as a biogeographic to the biogeographical relationships with the rest of
unit in itself, with in situ extinction and speciation the TMCFs areas.
processes playing a pivotal role in building the
regional species assemblage. Likewise, the
phylogenetic information obtained from various taxa Acknowledgements
shows a geographical structure of the Mesoamerican
and South American clades. M. Castro-Torreblanca thanks the Programa de
Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas of the Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). This study is
5 Conclusions part of the first author´s doctoral research and was
supported by the CONACyT 478077. To Othón
To conclude, the incorporation of the temporal Alcántara and Hernán Alvarado for their support in
dimension in this study allowed, in practice, a the selection of taxonomic information. We are
comprehensive and congruent analysis of space, time, grateful to Carlos Solis for the English critical revision
and form. This temporal dimension makes it possible of the manuscript and Iván Briseño for the
to address the dynamics of the biogeographical elaboration of the map. This study was partially
relationships between the areas of endemism over financed by DGAPA-PAPIIT 220621.
time and formulate robust biogeographical
hypotheses. The results of our analysis show that the Electronic supplementary material:
TMCFs of the eastern and south-eastern sides of Supplementary material (Appendix 1) is available in
Mexico, and the Sierra Madre del Sur to the the online version of this article at
Talamanca Cordillera, are characterized by the same


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