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3 Years LL.B. (Hons.

) Semester-I, Examination, 2022

Subject: Family Law- I
Paper: LCC 3.1.4

Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 80

The figures in the margin indicate the full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Answer all the five questions (2X5=10)
1. a. Explain the term ‘Hindu by Religion’.
b. What do you mean by uterine-blood?
c. Do you think that a person can become a Hindu by Declaration?
d. A divorced woman adopts a son and a daughter – State the validity of such an adoption.
e. Is registration necessary for a valid adoption?

Answer any three questions (10X3=30)
2. Discuss the significance of ‘Legislation’ and ‘Judicial Precedent’ as sources of Hindu Law.
3. Explain ‘cruelty ‘and ‘conversion to other religion’ as grounds of divorce under the Hindu
Marriage Act, 1955.
4. Discuss the provision of maintenance under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
5. Explain the status and position of an adopted child in respect of inheritance and maintenance.
Answer any two questions (20X2=40)
6. State and elaborate the different kinds of guardians as mentioned under the Hindu Minority
and Guardianship Act, 1956.
7. Explain in detail the provisions relating to a valid marriage under the Special Marriage Act,
8. State the grounds of Divorce, along with the special additional grounds available to the wife
only under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
9. Elaborately discuss the powers of the Marriage Officer under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.

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