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NT-120B Standalone Access Control User Menu

1. Default Program code : [1234]

2. Change Program code : Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red +
+ [3] + [New 4 digits program code ] + [#] . Light change to green.

3. Exit Program Mode at any time , Press or Hold [#]. The light change to Green.

4. Normal Open Mode (This is default mode):

You can use Card or Public Password or Private Password to Open the door.

5. Secure Mode to Open :

You should use Password + Card or Card + Password to open.
Change to secure mode:
Press Secure Code ( 3838) Light change to Red + Press [#]
Change back to Normal Mode to open:
Press Secure Code ( 3838) Light change to Green + Press [#]
How to Change Secure Code ?
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light change
to Green + Press [4] + [New 4 digits secure code ] + [#] . Light change to green.

6. Default Public Password : [2580]

You have to change this default public password first. Otherwise After you
programmed Personal password, This default public password will be disabled
How to Change Public Password ?
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light change
to Green + Press [1] + [New 4 digits secure code ] + [#] . Light change to green.
(Public Password means Everybody can use this public password to open the door
under Card or Public or Private Password normal mode . There is Only One
Public Password .)

7. How to program Personal Password or Card key:

1). Individual Password and Card Key:
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light
change to Green + Press [7] + [3 digits card index 001-500] + [4 digits
Personal Password ] Or [Presenting card in front of card reader] + [#]
Light change to green.
2). Multiple Personal Password or Card key:
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light
change to Green + Press [7] + [3 digits card index 001-500] + [4 digits
Personal Password ] Or [Presenting card in front of card reader] One by One +
[#]Light change to green.
The Card index# will be added automatically . The Ranges of Card index is
from 001-500.
For example:
After you put card index 010 for Personal Password or first card key, Next
Personal Password or card key index will be 011 , 012 …
Please make a record of card index . like John = 001 , Sam = 002…
In case someone lost their card or quit. You can use this index to delete it.

8. How to delete Personal Password or card key?

1). Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light
change to Green + Press [8] + [3 digits index 001-500] + [Program code] + [#]
Light change to green.

9. Under Secure Mode open status, You should use Personal Password or Card key
+ Card key or Personal Password to open the door. So you must have secondary
Password or card key.
a. How to program Secondary Personal Password or Card key ?
*First You must have Personal Password or Card key and Index # already !
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light
change to Green + Press [7] + [3 digits index # Same as you already have] +
[4 digits Personal Password ] Or [Presenting card in front of card reader] +
Hold [#]Light change to green.

10. Change Door Open Relay Time ( Default Relay time 5 seconds) :
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light change
to Green + Press [6] + 4 digits number. The first digit is to tell NT120 that it is
fail safe or fail secure lock. 0 is fail safe lock, 1 is fail secure lock. Second digit is
Anti-break time 1-9 minutes, Third and Forth digits is Relay time (01-99

11. IF you have more than 2 NT-120 Standalone access control system and want to
use one card to open them, You can have same card to be programmed by other
NT- 120 Standalone access control system.

12. Return to Factory Default Settings.

You must be very careful before using this function ! If you reset to factory
default settings. You will lose all memory on it.
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [Program code] Light change
to Green + Press [0] + [Program code] + [#] Light change to green.

13. Re-track The lost Program code

If you lost your program code, You can do followings to have a new one.
Power Off first ----- Hold exit button ----- Power On ------ Release Exit button
Within 15 seconds You have to finish below steps:
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [1234 program code] Light
change to Green + Press [3] + [New 4 digits Program code (Can not be 1234)] +
[#] Light change to green.

14. Re-track The lost Secure code

If you lost your Secure code and can not go back to normal mode, You can do
followings to have a new one.
Power Off first ----- Hold exit button ----- Power On ------ Release Exit button
Within 15 seconds You have to finish below steps:
Press 3838 + [#] to go back normal mode.
Press [#] (Hold 2 seconds) , Light change to Red + [1234 program code] Light
change to Green + Press [0] + [1234 program code] + [4] + [New 4 digits Secure
code (Can not be 3838)] + [#] Light change to green.

If you have questions, Please feel free to contact our technical support
at 626-280-7788 or Send email to :

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