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SimSci SCP

Known Issues

November 6, 2014
DYNSIM, Foxboro, FoxView, Invensys, and SimSci are trademarks of Invensys plc, its subsidiaries, and

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Copyright 2012-2014 Invensys Systems, Inc.

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read and understand the following information concerning copyrighted software.

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rights to the software described in this documentation. If any portion of those license provisions
is violated, Invensys Systems, Inc. will no longer provide you with support services and assumes
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Table of Contents
Summary of Known Issues in SCP Software ............................................................................................. 2
Installation and Environment Issues ....................................................................................................... 2
Unsupported Features ............................................................................................................................. 4
DYNSIM 5.2 with SCP Known Issues ................................................................................................... 5
SCP Application Issues .......................................................................................................................... 9
SCP Configuration Issue ...................................................................................................................... 10

SCP Installation Guide -1-

SCP Known Issues

Summary of Known Issues in SCP Software

This document contains a list of known issues for SCP software. For
additional known issues related to DYNSIM® 5.x software or the Dynamic
Simulation Suite Infrastructure, refer to the DYNSIM 5.x Known Issues

Installation and Environment Issues

Feature Known Issue

Installation SCP installation fails if any of the following files exists on an AW

1. Delete each of these files.
2. Reboot the machine before attempting installation again.

HIFS#359 Unable to log on to DYNSIM 5.1 with I/A turned off in Windows
7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
1. Disable I/A, and then edit the hosts file (located in
\Windows\System32\drivers\etc) to comment the following
entry in the file as shown:
# AW7020 loghost localhost
2. Save the hosts file.
3. Restart DYNSIM.

Environment The Windows Firewall must be disabled.


SCP Known Issues

HIFS#363 DYNSIM 5.1 installation fails on Windows Server 2008 R2 when

using an I/A customized image.
Install Java version 7 (jdk-7u5-windows-i586.exe) before
installing DYNSIM 5.1.

SCP Known Issues

Unsupported Features

Identify When the SCP application is running on more than one computer,
Duplicate SCP the Launcher does not recognize that the CPs may be “Active” on
launching another computer. The Launcher currently tracks only SCPs
running on the same computer as the Launcher.

System Manager The System Manager is not fully supported by SCP. ECB devices
with SCP are shown in cyan although they are healthy and online. This
applies to all IO/DCI Intelligent devices.

Message Message Manager is not implemented in SCP.


Fault Tolerant SCP does not support Fault Tolerant FCP270/ ZCP270.

PLB Monitor PLB Monitor is not supported with SCP.

with SCP270

SCP Known Issues

DYNSIM 5.2 with SCP Known Issues

SCPEngine Launching more than 20 SCPs may result in timeout messages as shown
Timeout Error below.

1. Open Task Manager, and find the SCPapp instance with the same PID
number. While looking at your list of SCPs in SCPLauncher, end the
2. Relaunch the SCP that changes from Active to Available after ending
the process.

Cross Reference SCPEngine is unable to identify Cross Reference SIMAPI points on LX even
Issue if the controls are healthy.
Reload the simulation.

SCP Known Issues

Shutdown of one When a running SCPapp is shut down, the following message appears in
SCP disconnects DYNSIM stating that the SCP is offline. All the SCPapp instances connected
the Engine from to the SCPEngine are also disconnected. This functionality is by design.
all other SCPs

Reload the DYNSIM simulation to reconnect the SCPapp instances to

IC Restore issues If multiple CP280 SCP applications are loaded with full controller memory
with large of 16MB each, then the IC Restore of any saved snapshots will take up to 90
control set seconds to restore completely.

SCP Known Issues

Backtrack Save Running the simulation at faster than real time speeds with a small Backtrack
Performance Rate may cause a SEVERE ERROR from the SCP Engine and shutdown of
Limitation the simulation. The following messages appear in the DYNSIM Monitor:
Engine to go
SCP <SCP NAME> appears to be offline
Due to <NUMBER OF FAILED SCPS> SCPs appearing offline. The
engine is shutting down!
The save time for one CP270 SCP to complete a backtrack is about 15
seconds real time. The save time for one CP280 SCP to complete a
backtrack is about 60 seconds real time. This can be configured in
DYNSIM’s Backtrack and IC Configuration.
For example, if the simulation is running at faster than real time (500% real
time) then the backtrack rate must to be set to a minimum of 90 seconds for
CP270s and about 360 seconds for CP280s. In a simulation with 5 CP270s,
the minimum backtrack rate is 90 seconds with a maximum speed of 500%.
In a simulation with 5 CP270s and 5 CP280s, the minimum backtrack rate is
360 seconds with a maximum speed of 500%.
Shut down and increase the backtrack rate in DYNSIM’s Backtrack and IC
Configuration option, or run the simulation at a slower simulation speed.

SCPapp and You may be unable to modify I/A-configurable parameters in FoxView,

FoxViewTM receiving the message Setting process variable disabled.
Perform a checkpoint of each CP instance.

PAKIN/PAKINR DYNSIM PACKINT utility produces output values in SIGNED LONG while
Cross SCP PAKIN block expects the input using UNSIGNED LONG.
Cross Reference the PAKIN/PAKINR with two entries and concatenate with
an equation in DYNSIM.

SCP Known Issues

SCPEngine A warning may appear in the DYNSIM message manager or SCPEngine

Warning console window stating “SCP <SCP NAME> did not acknowledge last
snapshot completed”.

This is a warning message from the SCPEngine that it timed out waiting for a
response for the named SCP. This warning may indicate that the simulation
speed is be too fast or that other activities on the computer preempted the
Reload the Snapshot (IC or Backtrack) that was saved prior to the warning
messages and rerun the simulation.

SCP Known Issues

SCP Application Issues

FoxSelect Upon a FoxSelect “Refresh All,” the GUI displays fewer

compounds than are actually loaded, and the message
Checkpoint in progress appears.
Wait for some time (depending on the SaveAll size) and perform
a “Refresh All” again to see the contents of the SCP.
1) STA block station idle time for executing the idle loop
STA block issue
shows incorrect information (always shows as 0.0).
2) There is a sudden bump in Station time on freeze and start
even after loading the simulation with SimSync
added.(i.e., the station time always matches system time,
not simulation time)
Reusing an existing checkpoint file from a physical CP with SCP
Checkpoint file
from the real CP does not function. Redeploy the CP and create a new checkpoint
does not function file for SCP
with SCP
When a different user logs in to the SCP machine, the SCP
Single User
System configuration.xml file created by a different user will not
function. Each user must create a user-specific configuration file.
The SCP software is now located in the following directory:
SCP Path
\Program Files (x86)\SimSci\SCP
Please modify any custom scripts to reflect the new application
The SCP data path has changed between SCP270 1.0 and SCP
SCP Data Path
2.0. The new path is now:
\Users\<USER NAME>\Documents\SIMSCI\SCP\
Please modify any custom scripts to reflect the new data path.

SCP Known Issues

SCP Configuration Issue

SimSyncEngine The default SimSyncEngine configuration may be too

recommended conservative for various systems. The following table shows
configuration recommended values for common systems.
System Time Time Slices
(per sec)
AW with FoxView 1 sec 1
AW with InTouch 1 Sec 10
SCP 1 Sec 2 to 10
(for alarm time stamps) (based on fastest BPC)

BPC = 0.5 = 1/0.5
= 2 slices per sec
FAIM 1 Sec 1
WW Historian 1 sec 10

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