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1:Knowledge can be applied to different areas like mathematical
formula and have been applied to some great intellectual advances in
sciences and the arts:
1. Intuitive
2. Revealed
3. Rational
4. Authoritative

2. Essentialists stress on ------

1. Mental discipline
2. Innovation
3. Change
4. Reduced knowledge

3. Frobel Kindergarten was student of

1. John Dewey
2. Maria Montessori
3. John Pestalozzi
4. Hilda Taba

4. Religious education is strongly advocated by....

1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. pragmatism
4. Existentialism

5. Its focus is on everlasting realization

1. Perennialism
2. Progressivism
3. Essentialism
4. Pragmatism

6. In naturalism teacher should work as a:


7. The aim of idealism education is:

1. exploration
2. objectivity
3. freedom of choice
4. Development of personality

8. In which source of knowledge major focus is on Evidence in search of

a conclusion?
1. Rational
2. Intuitive
3. Revealed
4. Authoritative

9. Lecture Method is a choice of

1. Idealist teacher
2. Realist teacher
3. Both 1 & 2
4. None of 1 & 2

10. Montessori believed that an adult environment is not a suitable

environment for children, such environment is called
1. Prepared environment
2. Ideal environment
3. Facilitative environment
4. Balanced environment

11. The traditional Greek moral theory held that there are -------
1. Single virtue
2. Dual virtue
3. Triplet virtue
4. Foursome virtue
12. Abu Haamid AL-Ghazali was expert in fiqah and written a book
1. IhyaUlum al-Din
2. KahfulMajoob
3. Nadvat-ul-ulaama
4. Baab-ul-Ilm

13. What cannot be thought real is according to


14. Deductive and inductive determination of truth lay under-----

1. Aristotle Arguments
2. Plato's Socratic dialogues
3. Socratic Question Answer Method (dialectical method)
4. Socratic dialectical method

15. Frobel Kindergarten belonged to

1. America
2. Italy
3. England
4. Germany
16. For a better life, student should be trained in:

17. Plato, Kant, Hagel and Heris are chief exponents of

1. Materialism
2. Realism
3. Idealism
4. both 1 & 2

18. Who emphasized that children drill method and teaching aids must
be used to children learn?
1. Ibn-e-Khaldun
2. Ibn-e-Miskaway
3. Al Farabi
4. Al Ghazali
19. Which branch of philosophy examines issues pertaining to the nature
of "reality" ?
1. Axiology
2. Ontology
3. Metaphysics
4. Epistemology

20. A good tutor, or indeed a good parent teach children value of

1. Truth
2. Education
3. Games
4. Nature

21. Al farabi was the first founder of..............which depends on

demonstration and universal reason
1. Epistemology
2. Metaphysics
3. Axiology
4. Logic

22. -----------is called spiritual father of Pakistan

1. Allama Iqbal
2. Roomi
3. Quaid e azam
4. Liaqat Ali khan

23. Which method is used by the Realist in order to understand the

1. Abstraction
2. Problem solving
3. Golden means
4. Dialectics

24. The entire world is fundamentally of the nature of spirit or mind

which accounts for its being called -------
1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. pragmatism
4. Existentialism

25. Pragmatism is a term derived from


26. Plato's philosophy believes bodily development is only source of ----

1. Emotional development
2. Mental development
3. Intellectual development
4. Physical development
27. Which of the following is not criticized by realism in education?
1. Organizing schools in a way that is conducive to practical training
in citizenship
2. Teachers denying the value of school co-curricular activities
3. Pupils cramming for knowledge from books for reproducing in
4. Teaching which drifts away from life of the child

28. Which of the following is the source of knowledge?

1. intuition
2. senses
3. logic
4. Reason

29. --------------- stress that education should focus on the whole child,
rather than on the content or the teacher.
1. Progressivism
2. Essentialism
3. Idealism
4. Perennialism

30. Who said that teacher should consider the differences in ability and
character among students?
1. Ibn-e-Miskaway
2. Al Farabi
3. Ibn-e-Khaldun
4. Al Ghazali

31. Father of positivism was


32. Frobel created the word kindergarten (infant garden) in

1. 1840
2. 1837
3. 1838
4. 1810

33. According to idealism the aim of education is to develop

1. Soul
2. Body
3. Mind and Soul
4. Soul and Body

34. Naturalism accepts the principle of


35. Teacher in the Kindergarten acts as a

1. Gardener
2. Guide
3. Friend
4. Coach

36. To bring peace in society one should work on


37. Pragmatists say that thought is a tool for

38. Froebel's philosophy is of absolute
1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Existentialism
4. Pragmatism

39. Locke's hierarchy of values in the education

1. Wisdom And Breeding
2. reading and breeding
3. study and wisdom
4. acting and watching

40. He was the wisest man of Athens also caused the arousal of so many
enemies around him.
1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Aristotle
4. Protagoras

41. Obtaining knowledge that cannot be acquired either by inference or

observation, by reason or experience?
1. Intuitive
2. Rational
3. Authoritative
4. Revealed

42. --------- emphasized at if children repeat the same mistake for the
second time parents should talk to them directly.
1. Al Ghazali
2. Ibn-e-Miskaway
3. Al Farabi
4. Allama Iqbal

43. What is the goal of education according to Idealism? Created By

1. Realization of moral values
2. Satisfaction of human wants
3. Perfect adaptation to the environment
4. Cultivation of dynamic, adaptable mind which will be resourceful and
enterprising in all situations

44. Which philosophy believes that the nature of reality is subjective and
lies within the individual?
1. Pragmatism
2. Existentialism
3. Deconstructionism
4. Essentialism
45. Teaching students how to perceive and understand reality through
logical processes is called realism.
1. Newtonian
2. Scientific
3. Educational
4. Inquiry

46. Questions like "What is knowledge?" and "What is truth?" are

mainstays in the branch of philosophy known as ------
1. Metaphysics
2. Epistemology
3. Axiology
4. Cosmology

47. Knowledge derived from the written works, documentation and

reports of others is called:
1. Rational
2. Intuitive
3. Revealed
4. Authoritative

48. According to Allama Iqbal education system of country should be

reflected its.......
1. Culture
2. Religion
3. Philosophy
4. Citizen Ship

49. Maria Montessori belonged to

1. America
2. Italy
3. England
4. Germany

50. The philosophy concerned with free will of man is:


51. Plato helped to lay down philosophical foundations, rhetoric, and

logical wisdom of -----
1. Aristotle
2. Alexander
3. Socrates
4. Protagoras
52. Idealism rests on ideas of
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Dewey
4. Rousseau

53. Religious education is strongly advocated by....

1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Pragmatism
4. Existentialism

54. Which philosophy's curriculum aims to create new 'spaces' for

meaning and understanding through phenomenological or post structural
1. Pragmatism
2. Existentialism
3. Deconstructionism
4. Essentialism

55. Main aim of education is total development of human


56. Aesthetic Presentation of the Universe is described by Herbart, as

1. inner satisfaction
2. Inner pace
3. Inner beauty
4. Inner Freedom

57. The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal
discipline was
1. Aristotle
2. Edward Thorndike
3. Plato
4. Socrates

58. Socrates believed that all virtues were progeny of knowledge with
his principle of .
1. Virtue is one
2. Virtue can be taught
3. Virtue is bliss
4. Knowledge is virtue

59. According to ------------ instruction must be started with calculation

1. Allama Iqbal
2. Ibn-e-Miskaway
3. Ibne Khaldun
4. Al Farabi

60. For the all-round growth child, child should be left on its own:

61. Human feelings play greater role in which source of knowledge?

1. Revealed
2. Intuitive
3. Rational
4. Authoritative

62. Knowledge can be arrived at through the use of reason or deductive

reasoning is called ?
1. Rational
2. Intuitive
3. Revealed
4. Authoritative

63. The ultimate reality is the world of physical objects is strong belief
1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Pragmatism
4. Existentialism

64. The paramount interest of Socrates is that knowledge is virtue and

should be conducted through
1. Good and right
2. Good and bad
3. Right and wrong
4. Right and left

65. -------- Stress to incorporate technical education in the curriculum for

the economic uplift of under developing countries
1. Allama Iqbal
2. Ibn-e-Miskaway
3. Al Ghazali
4. Al Farabi

66. According to Montessori before reading a child must start

a) Listening
b) Speaking
c) Writing
d) Playing

67. Play is a mirror of life leads towards

a) Self discipline
b) Self confidence
c) Self construction
d) Self control

68. Knowledge can be arrived at through the use of reason or deductive

reasoning is called?
a. Rational
b. Intuitive
c. Revealed
d. Authoritative

69. Curriculum can be more effective if cultural aspect is included:


70. In Frobel s' theory presentation of symbols are called

a. Toys
b. Gifts
c. Compliments
d. Stars
71. Which of the following characterizes an Idealist education. Select
a. Emphasizes the development of intellectuality or spirituality
b. Stresses the importance of exploration and experimentation
c. Encourages students to make their own choices and decisions
d. Values application of concepts to authentic Teal-lite' situations

72. In the light of relevant past events, contemporary events and their
understanding should find a place in the teaching of history. Who
maintained this principle?
a. Realists
b. Idealists
c. Historians
d. both B & C

73. ------------ advised parents to send their children to schools so that

they can learn that is citation of Quran and understanding Hadith.
a. Al Ghazali
b. Ibn-e-Miskaway
c. Al Farabi
d. Allama Iqbal

74. Which is the most authentic source of knowledge according to

a. Rational
b. Authoritative
c. Intuitive
d. Revealed

75. The Dalton School, founded by Helen Parkhurst in New York City in
a. 1919
b. 1918
c. 1917
d. 1920

76. Who said knowledge is virtue?

a) Plato
b) Socrates
c) Aristotle
d) Kant

77. The aim of education is human perfection stated by

1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Aristotle
4. Pythagora
78. On what depends the values of an educational experience in the eyes
of the idealist?
1. The extent to which it satisfies pupil desires
2. The manner in which it affects future experience
3. Whether or not it preserves accepted institutions
4. Whether or not the pupil has been properly motivated

79. --------- emphasized that it is also aim of education to produce good

leaders among children
a. Al Farabi
b. Ibn-e-Miskaway
c. Al Ghazali
d. Allama Iqbal

80. In whose methodology of teaching "Experimentation" is the key-

note of?
a. Perennialism
b. Pragmatism
c. Existentialism
d. Essentialism

81. Which philosophy emphasize on the study of great books?

a. Perennialism
b. Pragmatism
c. Existentialism
d. Essentialism

82. Who claimed that all our knowledge of truth depends upon our
intuitive knowledge?
a. John Dewey
b. Roseau
c. Plato
d. Bertrand Russel

83. In Kindergarten system when a child carries out his own impulses
and motives its described as
a. Self learning
b. Self facilitation
c. Self activity
d. Self discipline

84. Metaphysics deals with the nature of

a. Truth
b. Values
c. Reality
d. Knowledge

85. The Realist aim of education is:

a. self-realization
b. moral development
c. understanding
d. development of personality

86. The process which unites the new idea with the already existing
ideas is known as
a. Combination
b. Association
c. Captivation
d. Absorption

87. The concept of perennialism in education means school curricula

should focus on what is ------------ ?
a. Important
b. Everlasting
c. In demand
d. In need

88. There are 3 important parts of the Dalton Plan system

a. Teacher, School, and Homework
b. School, Playground, and House
c. House, Laboratory, and Teacher
d. House, Assignment, and Laboratory
89. Who developed the philosophy of realism?
a. Aristotle
b. Dewey
c. Thorndike
d. Maria Montessori

90. For students' success, every helpful technique to follow:


91. Allama Iqbal has formulated ........... Principles of psychology to be

kept in view which supporting education
a. Eleven
b. Nine
c. Six
d. Five

92. Which of the knowledge is an attempt to discover a basis for our

knowledge in sense experience?
a. Rational
b. Intuitive
c. Revealed
d. Empirical

93. Herbart divided the curriculum into two categories

a. Scientific and systematic
b. Historical and Scientific
c. Systematic and Historical
d. Historical and organized

94. The ultimate reality is the world of physical objects is strong belief
a. Idealism
b. Realism
c. Pragmatism
d. Existentialism

95. Which philosophy of education basically focused on useful culture

and skills?
a. Progressivism
b. Deconstructionism
c. Essentialism
d. Perennialism
96. Which branch of philosophy examines issues pertaining to the nature
of "reality" ?
a. Axiology
b. Ontology
c. Metaphysics
d. Epistemology

97. Education was with the training its leisure, not for a livelihood for ---

a) Western people
b) Athens
c) Roman empire
d) Greeks

98. The practical side of philosophy is called:

a) Wisdom
b) Truth
c) Theory
d) Education

99. ------------------ believe that reality is constantly changing and that we

learn best through applying our experiences and thoughts to problems.
a) Deconstructionism
b) Realism
c) Pragmatism
d) Essentialism

100. Who believe the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today as
when they were written?
a) Perennialists
b) Progressivists
c) Essentialists
d) Existentialists

101. During the age from six to twelve a child uses

a) Reasoning mind
b) Humanistic mind
c) Specialist mind
d) Absorbent mind

102. Idealism is a school of

a) Reality
b) Realism
c) Education
d) Philosophy

103. Dr. Maria Montessori introduced the

a) Periods of Development
b) Planes of Development
c) Stages of Development
d) Phases of Development

104. Knowledge that God has disclosed to man is called:

a) Authoritative
b) Revealed
c) Intuitive
d) Rational

105. Dewey believed that the educational process has two aspects
a) Action and reaction
b) Experience and social
c) psychological and social
d) psychological and experimental

106. Naturalists believe that knowledge is acquired by

107. Naturalists consider it as effective method of teaching:

108. Locke believed in a -----------approach to education

a) top-down
b) everyone on top
c) Top vs down
d) Down to top

109. The discovery of objective and valid definitions of concepts

belongs to
a) Dialectical method
b) Inductive method
c) Deductive method
d) Question ANSWER method

110. Herbart assigned a subsidiary position to

a) scientific subjects
b) Arts subjects
c) Historic subjects
d) Physical education

111. said that education is the only way through which

nations can be successful.
a) Allama Iqbal
b) Ibn-e-Miskaway
c) Ibn e khaldoon
d) Allama Iqbal

112. Which educational philosophy believes that the purpose of

education is to prepare children to live in society but that since society is
in a constant state of change?
a) Perennialism
b) Progressivism
c) Essentialism
d) Pragmatism

113. Which philosophy rejects classroom practices that involve children

passively learning information?
a) Progressivism
b) Essentialism
c) Perennialism
d) Pragmatism
114. Project method of teaching is an outstanding contribution of --------
a) Perennialism
b) Progressivism
c) Essentialism
d) Pragmatism

115. Which among the following human activity would a Realist

consider the most
a) Engaging in deep introspection
b) Discussing issues
c) Observing the environment
d) Exploring one’s

116. In all walks of life reforms are necessary is focused in --------------:

a) Progressivism
b) Reconstructionism
c) Essentialism
d) Perennialism

117. The aim of education according to the existentialist ……

a) Objective knowledge
b) Adaptation to practical life
c) Humanitarian and humanist self- realization
d) A good understanding to the world

118. On what is based the need for teaching philosophy of education?

a) All pupils are not alike
b) Different ways of Teaching Learning
c) Different systems of education found in different countries
d) Different philosophies expressed different points of view on every
aspect of education

119. Major educational aim of pragmatism related to a child; is creating

a) mastery in all subjects
b) mastery in art
c) Social efficacy
d) Efficacy in education

120. In Frobel s’ theory most of the gifts for nursery level children
should made with
a) Steel
b) Plastic
c) Low & no cost materials
d) Wood

121. Which two of the four philosophies are most teacher centered?
a) Essentialism And Perennialism
b) Essentialist And Existentialism
c) Pragmatism And Deconstructionism
d) Progressivism And Essentialism

122. ------------- described two methods: the method of argument and the
method of discourse; both of these ‘can be used orally or in writing.
a) Al-Farabi
b) Allama Iqbal
c) Ibn e khaldoon
d) Ibn-e-Miskaway

123. The period between 17 and 19 century of philosophers is known as

a) Reconstruction
b) Renaissance
c) Redetection
d) Reformation

124. He favoured four things to teach children: reading, gymnastic

exercise, and music.
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Socrates
d) Protagoras

125. Philosophy is achieving a wisdom that would influence the --------

1. Values of life
2. Way of life
3. Conduct of life
4. Spirit of life

126. Which of the following is not criticised by realism in education?

a) Teaching which drifts away from life of the child
b) Teachers denying the value of school co-curricular activities
c) Pupils cramming for knowledge from books for reproducing in
d) Organizing schools in a way that is conducive to practical
training in citizenship

127. According to Montessori, '’the most important period of life is

a) University time
b) Adolescence period
c) Age from 6 to 10 years
d) From birth to age six

128. In which source of knowledge human feelings plays greater role?

Naturalists consider it as effective method of teaching:

129. Which philosophy stresses the importance of addressing the needs

and experiences of the whole child, not just a child's intellect?
a) Essentialism
b) Progressivism
c) Perennialism
d) Pragmatism

130. The 20th century main philosophy is


131. Existential curriculum content is focused on--------------- --.

a) individuals and relationships
b) individuals and ideas
c) innovation and change
d) mental discipline
132. Maria Montessori respects the child like a worthy individual and
declares him as an
a) Absorbent mind
b) Innocent mind
c) Intellectual mind
d) Independent mind

133. Allama Iqbal is of the view that there are… .......... qualities which
should be cultivated by education
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six

134. The vocabulary knowledge of a 4 to 5

a) 100 words
b) 1500 words
c) 500 words
d) 50 words

135. Which factor is helpful in identifying slow learner?

a) Test score
b) Behaviour observation
c) Medical Reports
d) All of the Above

136. Adult egocentrism is a term used for

a) Self-emotions
b) Self esteem
c) Self-actualization
d) Inability to understand or consider the perspectives of others.

137. The environmental conditions that influence development are

a) Nature
b) Nurture
c) Ethological
d) Ecological

138. When placed in front of a mirror with a red dot on their nose, what
will all normally developing children at 24 months of age do?
a) Touch the mirror.
b) Close their eyes.
c) Touch their noses
d) Begin to cry.
139. ------------------------ is the study of the thought processes or
activities of human mind which lead to the acquisition of new
knowledge and skills.
a) Intelligence
b) Cognition
c) cognitive development
d) cognitive approach

140. Early appearances of disgust later reflect:

a) Learned taste and smell aversion
b) Physical discontentment
c) Displeasure with a vocal stimulus
d) Strong hand-mouth coordination

141. Punishment is effective only when it weakens:

a) Undesirable response
b) Desirable response
c) Positive response
d) Negative response

142. Means of learning is:

a) To pass the examination
b) To write essay
c) To modify your behavior
d) To memorize the lesson

143. Athar takes much time to learn any subject than Ahmad; it proves
the ------principle of development.
a) Predictability
b) interrelation
c) Uniformity in development pattern
d) Lake of uniformity in development rate


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