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Classifying Work and Energy

Work can either be done on a system (positive work) or by a system (negative
work). Determining the work done requires defining the system and comparing
the direction of the net external force and the displacement of the system. When
positive work is done on a system, the system’s kinetic energy changes.

Work Work-Energy Theorem

W = Fdcosθ Wtotal = ∆KE = KEf – KEi

W = work Wtotal = total work done on a system
F = force ∆KE = change in kinetic energy of a system
d = displacement KEi = initial kinetic energy
θ = angle between force and displacement KEf = final kinetic energy

θ Only the component of
∆d force acting in the direction
FPS cosθ of motion (FPS cos θ)
contributes to useful work.

∆d The basket system applies
pressure (or force per area)
when it does work on the
person’s hands.


When work is done on a system, energy external to the system must be supplied,
and the transfer of energy can happen at different rates. Power is the rate at which
work is done or energy is transmitted over time.

P = ___ W  ​​
​​  ∆t

P = power W = work ∆t = change in time

Apply Mathematical Concepts Suppose the person carrying the

box lets it go and it falls to the ground. Is work being done on the
box when it falls? Explain.

What are three ways to increase the power of a broom stroke?

82 Investigation 7 Energy
Mathematical Practices:
Model with Mathematics
An energy bar chart is a useful tool for visualizing the effect of work on a real-
world system. The energy bar chart below shows the effect of braking force
on a moving car. The force direction and displacement direction are opposite
because friction ( fk) from the road slows the car down as the brakes slow the
forward rotation of the car’s tires.

Initial External Final

+ =
energy work energy
Work is the same
+ magnitude as KEi
but negative due
to opposing motion
KE is
vf = 0; therefore,
of direction, so KEf = 0 (no bar)
KEi is positive.

Once an energy bar chart is complete, you can translate it into a mathematical
equation using the work-energy theorem.
​​ 12 ​​mvi2 + fk dcosθ = __
KEi + W = KEf → __ ​​  12 ​​mvf2

Notice that the bar chart can help you assign correct mathematical signs to
quantities as you enter them into the equation. For example, because the work
done by the brakes is in the opposite direction of the car’s motion, you can
establish the sign convention shown. If you assign a positive value to d, the
displacement of the car as it slows down, it determines that the value of fk will
be negative.
Energy bar charts can represent more complex systems, such as when more
than one external force is acting on an object or when work on an object
converts an object’s potential energy to kinetic energy.
To construct an energy bar chart:
1. Define the system and identify the forms of energy present in the initial and
final states.
2. Analyze the forces that act on the system to identify what external work is
done and in what direction.
3. Draw a bar for each form of energy present in the initial and final states, and
for work done on the system. The length of each bar should be equivalent to
the amount of energy present.
4. Use the energy bar chart to write a mathematical equation.

Classifying Work and Energy 83

3-Dimensional Review
1. DCI Definitions of Energy In your own words, give new examples of positive
work, negative work, and no work being done.

2. SEP Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

a. According to the work equation, what are three ways you can increase the
amount of work done on a system?

b. According to the Work-Energy Theorem, increasing the final kinetic energy will
only increase the work done in what conditions?

c. According to the power equation, if the amount of work stays the same, will
increasing the amount of time increase or decrease power? Explain your answer.

3. CCC Systems and System Models Which scenario will have the greatest amount
of total work done by the system?

a. a roller coaster going from 20 m/s to 35 m/s

b. a roller coaster going from 35 m/s to 20 m/s

c. a roller coaster going from 40 m/s to 50 m/s

d. a roller coaster going from 50 m/s to 40 m/s

84 Investigation 7 Energy
Skills Practice
4. A 1.04-kg binder is initially at rest on a wood desk. The binder is then pushed with a
constant force of 4.2 N. Friction with a magnitude of 1.8 N is exerted on the moving
binder by the surface of the desk. Draw an energy bar chart of the situation. Then
determine the final velocity of the binder after it has been pushed 0.70 meters across
the table.

5. A 0.05-kg foosball is initially at rest on a table. The foosball is then pushed with a
constant force of 8.3 N. Friction with a magnitude of 0.5 N is exerted on the moving
ball by the surface of the table. Draw an energy bar chart of the situation. Then
determine the final velocity of the ball after it has been pushed 0.20 meters across
the table.

6. A 2.08-kg dinner platter is initially at rest on a dining table. The platter is then
pushed in the positive direction with a constant force of 2.6 N. Friction with a
magnitude of 1.04 N is exerted on the moving platter by the surface of the table.
Determine the final velocity of the platter after it has been pushed 0.30 meters
across the table.

a. –3.3 m/s

b. –0.7 m/s

c. 0.7 m/s

d. 3.3 m/s

Classifying Work and Energy 85

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