8464_WEEK 8 & 9

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WEEK 8 & 9


It is the angular distance of a point on the earth’s surface measured in degrees from the center of
earth latitude 00 called the equator, divide the earth into two equal halves. The western and eastern
hemisphere. The western and eastern hemisphere. All other latitudes are parallel to the equator and to
each other, hence the latitude are also parallels of the equator and to each other, hence the latitudes
are also called parallels of latitude
1. The Equator (0 )
2. Tropic of Cancer (Lat 23 ½0 N)
3. Tropic of Capricorn (lat 23 ½0 S)
4. Arctic circle (66 ½0 S)
5. Antarctic circle (66 ½0 S)
6. North Pole (900N)
7. South Pole (900S)


1. The lines of latitude in conduction with that of longitude are used to determine the exact
location of places on the atlas map. Example Nigeria is located between latitude 40N and 140N of
the equator and between longitude 30E and 150E of the Greenwich meridian
2. Lines of latitudes are also used to calculate the distances between two phases on the earth
Calculation of Distance using Line of Latitude Procedures
a. Locate the two processes involved
b. Find the latitude difference between two places involved the formula used.
i. North- North = Subtract
ii. South – South= subtract
iii. North – south=Add
iv. Equator – North/South = Add or Subtract
v. Multiply the Latitude difference by 111
The formula is 10 = 111km
One degree (10) of latitude is approximately 111km on land. 111km is derived by dividing the length of
equational circumference (40,085km) by 3600
40,085/360 = 111km
Given the member of degrees of latitude between two places, it is easy to calculate the distance
between them
Example 1.
Calculate the distance between the equator (Lat00) and Egypt (300N)
a. Locate the two places involved
Latitude of equator = 00
Latitude of Egypt = 300N
b. The difference in latitude: 00 + 300 = 30
(Using procedure (b) iv)
c. Since 10 = 111km
Therefore, 300 = 111 x 30
= 3,330km
The distance between the equator and Egypt is 3,330km
Calculate the distance between South Africa (300S) and Spain (400N)
Locate the place involved
a. Latitude of South Africa = 300S
Latitude of Spain = 400N
b. Latitude difference = 300S + 400N = 700 (using procedure (b) iii)
c. Since 10 = 111km
Therefore, 700 = 111 x 70 = 7,770km
Calculate the distance between Lagos (40N) and Cairo (300N)
a. Locate the two places involved
Latitude of Lagos = 40N
Latitude of Cairo = 300N
b. Latitude difference= 300N – 40N = 260 (using procedure (b) i)
c. Since 10 = 111km
Therefore 260 = 111km x 260 = 2886km
Example 4
If the distance between Lagos (40N) and Bamako is 1,665, what latitude is Bamako, assuming that Lagos
and Bamako are in the same hemisphere?
a. Locate the places involved
Latitude of Lagos = 40N
Latitude of Bamako = ?
b. Difference in distance = 1,665km
c. Difference in degree
=1,665/111 = 150
Since both towns are in the North (same temperature) add 40 to 150 = 190
Therefore, Bamako is Latitude 140N

Longitude is an imaginary line drawn on the Globe (Earth) running from North to South at right angle to
the parallels. In other words, Longitude is an angular distance measured in degrees East and West of the
Greenwich Meridian. All the lines of Longitude which run from North to South are called lines of
The Longitude passing through London (Britain) and Accra (Ghana) is called the great prime or
Greenwich Meridian and it is put at longitude 00.
All other longitudes are called meridians and are numbered in degrees East and West of Longitude
Important lines of Longitude are Longitude 00 (prime Meridian), Longitude 1800E, longitude 180W,
longitude 1000E etc.

Uses of Lines of Longitude

The lines of longitude in conjunction with of the latitude are used to determine the exact location of
places on the atlas map e.g. Nigeria is located between longitude 30E and 150E of the Greenwich
The lines of longitude are also used to calculate local time between two places on the earth.
i. Both are imaginary lines drawn on the globe.
ii. Both are measured in degrees
iii. Both are used for location of places on the map
iv. Both contain great circles
They run from West to East They run from North to South
Lines are not parallel to each other but converge
Lines are parallel to each other
at the poles
Lines get shorter Lines are same length
Has many great circles at any opposite pairs of
The equator is the only great circle
line makes a great circle.
Lines are called parallels Lines are called Meridians
Lines are used for measuring distance Lines are not used for measuring distances
Lines are not used for calculating local time Lines are used for calculating local times
Has equator as its reference point Has Greenwich Meridian reference as its point
Latitude measures up to 1800 Longitude measures up to 3600
(i.e 900N – 00 – 900S) (i.e 1800W – 00 – 1800E)
Lines decreases in length All lines are equal length
Lines of longitude increase increase in value
Lines of latitude increase in value from the
eastwards of the towards the poles Greenwich
The distance between two adjacent lines of The distance between two adjacent lines of
latitude is constant at 111km longitude gets smaller it gets to zero at the poles.

Great Circles and Small Circles

Great Circles
1. A great circle is any line that divides the earth into two equal halves or hemispheres
2. The center of the great circle is also the center of the earth
3. The shortest distance between any two points on the earth surface lies along the circumference
of the great circle which passes these points
4. Equator (Lat 00) is the only line of latitude that is a great circle while two opposite lines of
longitude make a great circle e.g.
i. Greenwich Meridian (Longitude 00)
ii. Meridian 1800W
iii. Long 1800E
iv. Long 900E and 900W
v. Long 300E and 1500E
vi. Long 1000W and 800E this result is an infinite number of great circles.
The great circle route is often used by circuit on a long distance journey e.g. polar air route between
London and Los Angeles over Greenland.
Small Circles
1. A small circle is any line that does not divide the earth into two equal halves or hemispheres
2. The center of the small circles is not the center of the earth
3. All lines of latitude except the equator (00) and small circle, e.g. Tropic of cancer (23 ½0N), Tropic
of Capricorn (23 ½0S), Arctic circle (66 ½0N), Arctic circle (66 ½0S), North and South poles
4. Small circle route is only used by aircraft on a short journey, e.g. the air route between
Argentina and South Africa.
The lines of longitude are used in Geography to calculate local time of places. It is mathematical
in nature and it enables people to know the reference to a particular time.
Procedures for calculating local time
Locate the places involved in the question
Find the longitude difference
Convert the longitude difference to time
Adjust the time according to the direction of movement (West or East)
Example 1: what will be the local time in Nigeria (longitude 150E) when it is 5:00pm in Ethiopia
(Longitude 450E)
1. Formula for Procedure A: Locate the places involved in the question.
Nigeria(150E) - ? Ethiopia (450E) – 5:00pm
Note: there are two lines. Nigeria has to come first before Ethiopia because the longitude
increases from 00 to 1800E Eastward. So, 150E come first before 450E
2. Formula For procedure B: to find the longitude difference is:
i. East – east = Subtract
ii. West – west = Subtract
iii. East – West = Add
iv. Greenwich Meridian (00) – West or East = Add or Subtract
From the question, both countries, longitude are in the East (i.e. 150E and 450E) so we have to
Therefore, the longitude difference using procedure B(i) is 450E – 150E = 300
3. Formula for Procedure C: to connect the longitude difference to time
3600 = 24 hours
150 = 1 hour
10 = 4 minutes
From the question, the longitude difference is 300, therefore 300 should be connected to time
since 150 = 1 hour
Therefore, 300/150 = 2 hours
300 x 4 min/ 60 = 120/60 = 2 hours
The 300 gives us 2 hours
4. Formula for Procedure D:
To adjust the time line 2 hours to direction of movement (West or East)
- East = Gain = Add
- West = Lose = Subtract
Note: if the arrow is pointing to the question mark (i.e East), you ain time and add the time to the
one given in the question, but if the arrow is pointing to the question mark (i.e. West) one losses
time and therefore Subtract.
From Example 1, the arrow is pointing to the question mark (i.e West), therefore we have to
5:00 pm – 2 hours = 3: 00 pm
Therefore, the local time in Nigeria is 3: 00 pm
Example 2: what will be the time in Brazil (500W) when it is noon in London (00)
1. Procedure A
Brazil (500W) ------- ? London (00) --------- 12: 00 noon
Note: 500W comes first before 00 because the longitude increases Westward from 00 to 1800W
2. Procedure B
longitude difference
500W + 00 = 500 – 00 = 500
(Using procedure 2 (iv))
3. Procedure C
Convert 500 to time
150 = 1 hr
10 = 4 min
50/15 = 3 hrs OR 500 x 4 min/60 = 200/60 = 5 x 4 min = 20 minute
= 3 hrs 20 mins
Note: After dividing the longitude difference 150, any reminder must be multiplied by minute i.e.
50 x 4 mins = 20 minutes. Therefore 500 = 3 hrs 20 mins
4. Procedure D
Since the arrow is pointing to the question mark (i.e. West), we Subtract 3 hrs 20 mins from
12:00 noon
12:00 noon – 3hrs 20 mins = 8:40 am. Therefore, the local time in Brazil is 8:40 am.
Example 3:
A football match between Senegal (180W), Japan (1400E) was played in Senegal on Saturday, the 22nd of
September 1995 at 6.00 pm.
Calculate the: Time & Days to listen to commentary of the match by the Japanese.
1. Procedure A
Senegal (180W) ------------- 6pm Japan (1400E) -------------?
22//9/95 ---------->
2. Procedure B
Since the countries are in the East and West, we add the longitudes (using procedure 2(iii)).
180W + 1400W = 1580
3. Procedure C
Convert 1580 to time
Since 150 = 1 hr and 10 = 4 mins
158/15 = 10 hrs
Therefore, 8 x 4 mins = 32 mins
Total time = 10 hrs 32 mins
4. Procedure D
Since the arrow is pointing to the question mark (i.e. East), we add time.
1.00 pm + 10 hrs 32 mins = 4:32 am
Since the time is now am the following morning, the day, date and time will be Sunday, 23/9/95
at 4:32 am
Therefore, the Japanese tuned their radio to listen to the commentary the following day.
Calculation of Longitude
This is just like the calculation of local time except that the whole procedure revised.
1. Procedure A: Locate the places involved
2. Procedure B: Find the difference
3. Procedure C: convert the time difference to longitude
4. Procedure D: adjust the longitude to the direction of movement (West or East)

Example 1:
What is the longitude of a town X whose time is 12:00 noon when Greenwich mean time is 6:00pm
1. Procedure A
Town X? ------------- 12:00 noon Longitude (00) ------------- 6:00 pm
Note: Town X has to come first because you get 12:00 noon before 6:00 pm
2. Procedure B
Find the time difference
12:00 noon – 6:00 pm = 6 hrs
3. Procedure C
Convert 6 hrs to longitude
Since 150 = 1 hours
Therefore, 6 hrs = 6 x 150 = 900
4. Procedure D
Since the arrow is pointing to the question mark (i.e. west), therefore the 900 is to the west
which is 900W. The longitude of town X = 900W
Example 2: Find the longitude of a Town Y whose time is 8:00 am when the time of another town X
(longitude 300E) is 2:00 pm the same day.
1. Procedure A
Town Y? ------------- 8:00 am Town X (longitude 300E) ------------- 2:00 pm
Note: Time of own Y has to come first before Town X because 8:00 am comes first before 2:00 pm the
same day.
2. Procedure B
Find the time difference between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. 2:00 pm – 8:00 am = 6 hrs
3. Procedure C
Convert 6 hrs to longitude
Since 150 = 1 hr
Therefore, 6 hrs = 6 x 150 = 900
4. Procedure D
Since the arrow is pointing to the question mark (i.e. West), we subtract 900 from 300W.
300E – 900 = 600W
Note: when 300 is removed from 900, you are left with 600, which should be in the West = 600W.
Therefore, the Longitude of Town Y = 600W.

INTERNATIONAL DATA LINE: international dateline where the date changes by exactly are day (24 hours)
when it is crosses. There is a difference of one whole day (24 hours) on both sides of longitude 1800. So,
the 1800 meridian represents theoretically, a date line.
Any traveler going East gains one full day on crossing the longitude 1800 and a traveler going
West losses a full day on crossing longitude 1800. The international dateline is not straight for it avoids
cutting across islands to prevent confusion in days and dates in the tiny islands.
GREENWICH MEAN TIME (GMT): this is time at the Greenwich meridian (longitude 00). It is also called
the WORLD TIME. All countries in world take or adjust their time from the GMT cities on longitude 00
which, therefore, observe GMT are London (Britain) and Accra (China).
For Example, if the GMT in London or Accra is 4:00 pm, Nigeria local time will be 5:00 pm. In
other words, Nigeria is one hour ahead of their GMT.
STANDARD TIME: Standard time is the time generally adopted by country. It is usually taken from the
central meridian of that country the need for standard time is to eliminated differences in local time
between one town and others within the same country. Otherwise, it will result in changing time from
one town to another. For example, Nigeria has accepted to use meridian 150E which is one hours ahead
of GMT. With this all towns in Nigeria observe the same time i.e. one hours ahead of GMT.
WORLD TIME ZONES: this is the division of the world into twenty four (24)) time zones, each of which
differs from the next zone by 150 in longitude or 1 hours in time. The local time of the central meridian
for each zone is applied to that zone which is called time zone. All places located on the same time zone
have the same time. For every 150 movement across the longitude West of the GMT (Greenwich Mean
Time) an hour is lost, while to the East, an hour is gained.
Some countries adhere to this division but others cannot, due to their irregular size and location
e.g. North America is very large. It has five standard time zone while former U.S.S.R has eleven standard
time zones.
LOCAL TIME: local time is the situation in which time varies for every degree of longitude. This means
that as soon as longitude changes, time changes as well. Local time varies from one longitude to another
at the rate of 4 mins per degree of longitude.
Standard time varies from one time zone to
Local time varies from one longitude to another
another on hourly basis of 150 of longitude to 1
at the rate of 4 minutes per degree of longitude.
Local time varies from one place within a time It maintains the central time for time zone in
zone which they are
Local time varies irregularly from longitude to
Standard time falls with 24 time zones
longitude within each time zone
Local time does not associate with Greenwich Standard time is associate with Greenwich Mean
Mean Time Time

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