SAP_EHS Regulatory Content

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SAP EHS Regulatory

Content Update Guide

SAP EHS Regulatory Content Update Guide
Version 1602 (2015-2A)

Publication date February 2016

Copyright © 2016 SAP SE, Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16, 69190 Walldorf, Germany
The content of this document is the intellectual property of SAP SE. Any forwarding to third parties or publication even of parts
thereof requires express and written approval by SAP SE.
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Objective ................................................................................................................ 1
1.2. How to use this guidance document ..................................................................... 1
1.2.1. Structure of this manual .............................................................................. 1
1.3. Security/Authorization ............................................................................................. 2
1.4. Support options ...................................................................................................... 2
1.4.1. Customer Helpdesk ..................................................................................... 2
2. Update ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.1. Update Prerequisites .............................................................................................. 3
2.2. Update overall procedure ....................................................................................... 4
3. Property Tree .................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Property Tree Update ............................................................................................ 6
3.1.1. Update Procedure ....................................................................................... 6
3.1.2. Contents of the Latest SAP ERC Property Tree Package ........................... 7 File overview property tree package 2015-2 Product Safety ............ 7 File overview corrections to former property tree packages ............. 9
4. SAP EHS Regulatory Content - multilanguage phrase library for hazard communica-
tion ....................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1. Check Update ...................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1. Checking Procedure .................................................................................. 10
4.1.2. Settings to implement the Multilanguage Phrase Library (Standard) ......... 10 File Overview .................................................................................. 10
4.1.3. Settings to implement the Multilanguage Phrase Library (APA) ................ 11 File Overview .................................................................................. 11
4.1.4. General Settings ........................................................................................ 12 Language keys ............................................................................... 12
5. SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data ............................... 13
5.1. Check Update ...................................................................................................... 13
5.1.1. Check List Update Product Safety ............................................................ 13
5.1.2. Settings to update the Substance Lists and Reference Data (Product
Safety) ................................................................................................................. 14 File Overview .................................................................................. 14 Other Settings ................................................................................. 15
5.1.3. Check List Update Dangerous Goods for SAP EHS ................................. 15
5.1.4. Settings to update the regulatory data (Dangerous Goods for SAP
EHS) .................................................................................................................... 17 File Overview .................................................................................. 17 Other Settings ................................................................................. 17
5.1.5. Check List Update Dangerous Goods for SAP Transportation Manage-
ment ..................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.6. Settings to update the regulatory data (Dangerous Goods for SAP
Transportation Management) ............................................................................... 17 File Overview .................................................................................. 18
6. SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules for substance and mixture classification
.............................................................................................................................................. 19
6.1. Check Update ...................................................................................................... 19
6.1.1. Check List ................................................................................................. 19
6.1.2. Settings to update the licenced rule set package(s) .................................. 20 File Overview .................................................................................. 20 File Overview .................................................................................. 21 File Overview .................................................................................. 22 File Overview .................................................................................. 37

iii © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content Update Guide File Overview .................................................................................. 42 File Overview .................................................................................. 43 File Overview .................................................................................. 51 File Overview .................................................................................. 61 File Overview .................................................................................. 62 File Overview ................................................................................ 63 Settings in Admin Tool .................................................................. 63 Settings in Admin Tool - Sub Rules .............................................. 87 User Exit Settings ......................................................................... 89 Other Settings ............................................................................... 91
7. MSDS Templates ............................................................................................................ 92
7.1. Check Update ...................................................................................................... 92
7.1.1. Checking Procedure .................................................................................. 92
7.1.2. Settings to update the MSDS Templates for APJ ...................................... 92 File Overview .................................................................................. 92 Other Settings ................................................................................. 94
7.1.3. Settings to update the MSDS Template for EMEA .................................... 94 File Overview .................................................................................. 95 Other Settings ............................................................................... 100
7.1.4. Settings to update the MSDS Templates for the Americas ...................... 101 File Overview ................................................................................ 101 Other Settings ............................................................................... 103
A. How To ... ..................................................................................................................... 104
A.1. How to upload property tree transports files ...................................................... 104
A.2. How to upload files ............................................................................................ 105
A.3. How to import transport requests ...................................................................... 105
A.4. How to allocate phrase sets .............................................................................. 107
A.5. How to create WWI report symbols ................................................................... 109
A.6. How to set up the Table-based Value Assignment ............................................ 110
A.7. How to check and extend copy/inheritance templates ....................................... 116
A.8. How to import phrases ...................................................................................... 116
A.9. How to merge phrases ...................................................................................... 118
A.10. How to import phrase set assignments ........................................................... 120
A.11. How to combine/retire phrases ........................................................................ 122
A.11.1. Combining Duplicate Phrases ............................................................... 122
A.11.2. Retired Phrases .................................................................................... 123
A.12. How to install EHS OCC ................................................................................. 124
A.12.1. Initial Installation/Upgrading of older OCC versions .............................. 124
A.13. How to extend entry in secondary data determination ..................................... 124
A.14. How to manage user exits ............................................................................... 130
A.15. How to add user defined text types ................................................................. 131
A.16. How to add data origins .................................................................................. 131
A.17. How to add regulatory lists .............................................................................. 132
A.18. How to add literature sources ......................................................................... 132
A.19. How to add identifier types .............................................................................. 133
A.20. How to add dangerous goods master data ..................................................... 135
A.20.1. Dangerous Goods Classes and Classification Codes ........................... 135
A.20.2. Risk Potentials ...................................................................................... 135
A.20.3. Hazard Identification Numbers .............................................................. 136
A.20.4. Danger Labels ....................................................................................... 136
A.20.5. Packing Instruction Numbers ................................................................ 136

iv © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content Update Guide

A.20.6. Categories of Instructions for Enclosure and Instructions for Enclosure

............................................................................................................................ 136
A.20.7. Packing Codes ...................................................................................... 136
A.21. How to add validity areas ................................................................................ 137
A.22. How to setup/update XML substance database for substance lists and refer-
ence data ................................................................................................................... 138
A.23. How to setup/update mapping database for SAP EHS Regulatory Content -
substance lists and reference data ........................................................................... 140
A.24. How to configure EHS OCC ............................................................................ 142
A.25. How to adjust the Fact Mapping ...................................................................... 145
A.25.1. Adjusting Fact Mapping to Load a CAS Number .................................. 146
A.26. How to adjust the Record Mapping ................................................................. 146
A.27. How to adjust the Phrase Mapping ................................................................. 146
A.28. SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data (Product
Safety) Update Data Load ........................................................................................ 147
A.28.1. Review Regulatory Changes ................................................................ 147
A.28.2. Update Cached Data ............................................................................ 148
A.28.3. Review New Filter Settings ................................................................... 148
A.28.4. Hit List of List Substances .................................................................... 148
A.28.5. Simulate Data Load .............................................................................. 150
A.28.6. Analyze Changed Data ......................................................................... 151
A.28.7. Load Changes to SAP EH&S ............................................................... 152
A.28.7.1. Manual update load ................................................................... 153
A.28.7.2. Mass Load / Autoload ................................................................ 153
A.29. SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data (Danger-
ous Goods) Update Data Load ................................................................................. 154
A.29.1. Review Regulatory Changes ................................................................ 154
A.29.2. Update Cached Data ............................................................................ 154
A.29.3. Review New Filter Settings ................................................................... 154
A.29.4. Analyze Changed Data ......................................................................... 154
A.29.5. Load Changes to SAP EH&S ............................................................... 155
A.29.5.1. Manual update load ................................................................... 155
A.29.5.2. Mass Load / Autoload ................................................................ 155
A.30. How to add user-defined DG texts .................................................................. 156
A.31. How to add a value assignment rating ............................................................ 156
A.32. SAP Setup for SAP EHS Regulatory Content Expert Rule Sets ...................... 157
A.32.1. Overview ............................................................................................... 157
A.32.2. Installation on the Test or QA Expert Server ......................................... 161
A.32.3. Installation on the Productive Expert Server ......................................... 162
A.33. How to load rule sets onto the Expert server .................................................. 162
A.34. How to register rule sets ................................................................................. 163
A.35. How to adjust external table values ................................................................ 165
A.36. How to adjust the Group Mapping ................................................................... 166
A.37. How to use the History.mdb ............................................................................ 166
A.38. How to setup identification listings .................................................................. 167
A.39. How to import report templates ....................................................................... 168
A.40. How to create generation variant .................................................................... 168

v © SAP SE
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Objective
This SAP EHS Regulatory Content Update Guide comprises all relevant steps and guidelines
for update of the SAP EHS Regulatory Content content products (phrases, regulatory data,
Expert rules, MSDS-templates) in SAP EHS. Appropriate related How Tos are included to
facilitate the update procedure. Information for all relevant update steps is provided.

This manual does not replace release notes or functional descriptions for the individual content
products. Release notes are provided for each new version of the individual product to give
an overview over new and changed features. Functional descriptions are provided for each
individual product as detailed documentation on all functions and settings.

This manual describes all available SAP EHS Regulatory Content products. These products
need to be licensed. The manual may describe products that are not licensed by your company
and thus not delivered to your company. If you would like to check your SAP EHS Regulatory
Content license status, please contact SAP.

1.2. How to use this guidance document

This guide is intended as a quick update for the experienced SAP EHS user to implement
a SAP EHS Regulatory Content update. It is not intended to replace the SAP Administration

If you are not familiar with SAP EHS Regulatory Content we recommend to use the SAP Ad-
ministration manual as a step by step documentation of how to implement SAP EHS Regula-
tory Content.

User of the printed version should refer to the table of contents to find the information they
need. The links which are embedded in the PDF file could be used if this document is viewed
on the computer.

The following chapter Structure of this manual gives an overview over the structure of this

1.2.1. Structure of this manual

The general structure of this document is as follows:

• Introduction: This part gives an introduction to this manual. It provides information how to
use it, conventions used in it and the available support options as well as a short overview
about the SAP EHS Regulatory Content product scope and the appropriate license status.
• Update: This chapter provides information about the general prerequisites in order to update
SAP EHS Regulatory Content as well as an update overall procedure.
• Property tree: This part provides a check list of all activities which are necessary to update
the property tree. It also provides information about all relevant files and settings.
• Multilanguage phrase library for hazard communication: This part contains all relevant infor-
mation concerning phrases. It is structured according to the different phrase packages.
• Substance lists and reference data: In this part, guidance is given throughout the process
of updating regulatory data. This part of the documentation provides a collection of all infor-
mation related to current version of regulatory data.

1 © SAP SE

• Expert rules for substance and mixture classification: This section covers all information
necessary for Expert rules. This section contains the release related information for the
Expert rules. The settings are structured according to the rule set packages they belong to
as well as a consolidated overview listing of all licensed packages.
• Material safety data sheet (MSDS) templates: The aim of this part is to provide information
which is relevant to update MSDS Report Templates.
• How To ...: The aim of this section is to provide fast and easy to use advice on how to perform
all necessary actions throughout the process of updating SAP EHS Regulatory Content.

1.3. Security/Authorization
Starting with the download of the SAP EHS Regulatory Content package, the customer is solely
responsible for the integrity of the content, e.g. to protect the content against manipulation.

We strongly recommend to store the SAP EHS Regulatory Content in a restricted environment,
accessible only by authorized persons involved in content implementation or updates. For
further details regarding user authorization in your file system please see the user manual of
your operating system.

In SAP EHS access rights to SAP EHS Regulatory Content can be administrated via autho-
rization profiles. For further details we refer to “User and Role Administration of AS ABAP” and
“Roles for Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S)” in the SAP Library (

1.4. Support options

There are various ways of getting support.

• Technical problems dealing with the EHS system should be reported via OSS.
• Problems dealing with the SAP EHS Regulatory Content products (Property Tree, Multilan-
guage Phrase Libraries, Substance Lists and Reference Data, Expert Rules for Substance
and Mixture Classification, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Templates) should be report-
ed via the customer helpdesk. Customers will get fast and well-founded response to their

1.4.1. Customer Helpdesk

Our customer helpdesk allows you to ask your questions and re-
port your problems 24 hours a day. This offers you an easy possibility to contact SAP if any
problems occur with SAP products. Your issues are forwarded automatically to the appropri-
ate contact person. Automatic feedback e-mails inform you about the status of your issues or
alternatively you can actively follow the status yourself.

You can report different types of issues, such as bugs, questions or requests for new features
or improvements and address them to the CSM-CLEO Data, Rules and Services project.

The customer helpdesk also provides the opportunity to bring in suggestions and requests for
further development of SAP EHS Regulatory Content.

For questions about online access or available services please address to:

2 © SAP SE
Chapter 2. Update
This chapter describes the prerequisites which are necessary to update your SAP EHS Reg-
ulatory Content.

2.1. Update Prerequisites

This chapter describes the overall prerequisites in order to update SAP EHS Regulatory Con-
tent. There might be additional prerequisites which are related to separate parts of the SAP
EHS Regulatory Content. These prerequisites are defined within the respective part of the

EHS - Release

EHS Expert/OCC
• Current version of EHS Open Content Connector (OCC) and EHS Expert (see SAP note

Recommendation: >= SP32

• Please check if SAP note 1409995 is implemented to improve handling of identifiers in dif-
ferent languages

• Current version of WWI

We recommend that you always apply the most recent patch for WWI, regardless of the
Support Package and EH&S version you are using.
• The ERC SDS templates contain only functionmodules in the SAP namespace (C14N), while
the function modules in the /TDAG/-namespace and the formerly used the Z-namespace
( ZISI...) are not used any more. The functionmodules in the /TDAG/-namespace have been
transfered to the SAP namespace, as described in SAP Note 1576098 - EH&S standard
WWI processing methods. The SDS report templates are using includes and Conditional
Output as described in SAP Note 820516.


SAP authorisation

Front-end computer for data load

SAP Notes
SAP Note Remark
568302 See for information how to download the latest version of OCC and addi-
tional system requirements.
1061242 EH&S: Availability and performance of WWI and Expert servers

3 © SAP SE

1409995 EHS OCC: Using the ISO language code for Unicode data
1408534 Import of phrases terminates with a runtime error
1418024 Incomplete long text when you merge phrases
1299868 EH&S Expert/EH&S OCC Unicode support
1407091 Check function for EC numbers
1424476 Phrase import does not update all phrase items
1371276 Identifier/user-defined text languages are not loaded
1434736 Update task: Most important notes
1454105 Uploading/downloading a file does not work
1466900 By mistake phrases were labeled as changed
1105036 Output of Tunnelcode on Reports
1146663 Placeholder-Functionality for Phrases
1279191 Missing DG Symbol for Marine Pollutant
1265493 Evaluation and Output of Environmentally Hazardous
1576098 EH&S standard WWI processing methods
1689850 Output of tunnel code for reports
820516 EH&S WWI: Include Template; Conditional Output
1381072 Phrase warning: Missing code/graphic as of ERP 6.0 EhP 3
1367148 needed if "no calculation" functionality of rule sets is used
1381072 Phrase warning: Missing code/graphic
1658925 EH&S WWI: Report bodies contain errors
1540754 Instance control for extended safety data sheets
1392418 Phrase collector: Output of collected phrases
1697543 EH&S WWI: Corrections in WWI SP28
2004802 Comp rule: Composition tree: Average value of ingredients

This list is not exhaustive but contains some general notes as well as important notes of the
last few months. Please check if the appropriate note is available for your EHS release.

2.2. Update overall procedure

This document provides information and instructions for the SAP EHS Regulatory Content
update procedure.

The graph shows the sequence of the update.

Detailed information which steps are necessary to update your SAP EHS Regulatory Content
are collected in the content related check lists:

• Check list: Property tree

4 © SAP SE

• Check list: Multilanguage Phrase Library

• Check list: Substance Lists and Reference Data (PS)
• Check list: Substance Lists and Reference Data (DG)
• Check list: Expert rules
• Check list: Material safety data sheet (MSDS) templates

Before starting the update procedure please review the enclosed documentation.

It might be necessary to upgrade your installation of OCC/Expert or to update your
EHS or to implement SAP notes.

Collect all transports contained in the update. If you upload all transports at once you
can skip the appropriate upload activities mentioned in the check lists.

5 © SAP SE
Chapter 3. Property Tree
3.1. Property Tree Update
The following steps describe how to Implement the newest property tree package and check
the implemented objects.

3.1.1. Update Procedure

Please use the following check list as guidance through the property tree update procedure.
Please find the information about delivered files and transports included in the latest property
tree package below in the next section.

In order to make use of the latest Expert Rules, Substance Lists and Regulatory Data (de-
livered with update 2015-2) the contents of the latest property tree package 2015-2 Product
Safety and of the other existing property tree packages have to have been implemented before
implementing the update 2015-2. Property tree packages contain everything needed to set up
and use the new and enhanced characteristics and classes/properties added to SAP EH&S
in an existing ERP 6.0, ERP 6.0 EHP2, EHP3, EHP4, EHP5, EHP6, EHP7, or EHP8 system.
Please note that these changes will be officially delivered with the SAP release ERP 6.0 EHP8
down to EHP0 with specific support packages. More details about the delivery of property tree
enhancements can be found in SAP Note 1761696.

Please read the ReadMe document included in each property tree package carefully BEFORE
starting the implementation of any property tree package!

Status Where to do What to do

O Review documentation
Technical Part
O SAP system (Transaction Upload files
O SAP Transport Manage- Import transports
ment System (Transaction
O SAP EH&S (Transaction Create phrase sets
O SAP EH&S (Transaction Match up master data
CGCZ with option "Match
up ValAss type and char.")
O SAP EH&S (Transaction Assign phrase sets to characteristics
O SAP EH&S (Transaction Activate phrase set assignment to characteristic
CGCZ with option "Acti-
vate Phrasing of Charac-

6 © SAP SE
Property Tree

O SAP EH&S (Transaction Create WWI symbols

CGCZ with option "Gener-
ate symbols")
O SAP EH&S Customiz- Update table based value assignment
ing (Transaction SPRO,
navigation: Environment,
Health & Safety -> Ba-
sic Data and Tools ->
Specification Management
-> Specification Database
Structure -> Settings for
Value Assignment -> Set
Up Table-Based Value As-
O SAP EH&S Specification Test properties and characteristics in the property tree
Data Base (Transaction STANDARD in the EH&S specification data base.
O SAP EH&S (Transaction Check, if new properties need to be included in inheri-
CG02 Specification -> In- tance templates
heritance -> Edit Tem-

Detailed information on how to execute the single steps are provided in How-To-documents:

• Section A.1, “How to upload property tree transports files”

• Section A.3, “How to import transport requests”
• Section A.4, “How to allocate phrase sets”
• Section A.5, “How to create WWI report symbols”
• Section A.6, “How to set up the Table-based Value Assignment”

Additional manual steps which are specific only for the latest property tree package 2015-1
Product Safety are described in the accompanying ReadMe document.

3.1.2. Contents of the Latest SAP ERC Property Tree Pack-

The contents of the property tree package 2015-2 Product Safety and corrections to former
property tree packages are described in the following sections. They are delivered on SAP
Market Place in the Folder "Update". File overview property tree package 2015-2 Product Safety

The following files are included in the delivery:

General Information

File name Description

ReadMe_2015-2_PS_V1-0.pdf Summary of installation steps (text docu-
ReadMe_ERC_Property_Tree_Update.pdf Information about property tree update (text

7 © SAP SE
Property Tree

File name Description

Changes_EHS_Property_Tree_Package_ Summary of new and enhanced properties
2015-2_PS_V1-0.pdf and characteristics included in this package
(text document)
Help_Texts_EN_EHS_Property_Tree_Package_ Summary of help texts in English (text docu-
2015-2_PS_V1-0.pdf ment)
Help_Texts_DE_EHS_Property_Tree_Package_ Summary of help texts in German (text docu-
2015-2_PS_V1-0.pdf ment)


Please note that for each transport two files are delivered: Files with names starting with a "K"
are the co-files, files with names starting with a "R" are the data files.

Order of Transport File names Description

import name
1 EBJK274240 K274240.EBJ, Enhancements of REACH eSDS Annex
R274240.EBJ properties for ESComXML Format V2.0
(SAP_EHS_1027_*): New and enhanced
characteristics, classes, value assignment
types, and assignments to the property trees
CS_CON with German descriptions.
2 NE5K901534 K901534.NE5, Enhancements of REACH eSDS Annex
R901534.NE5 properties for ESComXML Format V2.0
(SAP_EHS_1027_*): English descriptions for
characteristics, classes, and value assign-
ment types.
3 NE5K901532 K901532.NE5, New user-defined text type SCT_WEB "Scal-
R901532.NE5 ing Tool Web Link for Exposure Scen." with
German and English description
4 EBJK270735 K270735.EBJ, Other enhancements besides REACH
R270735.EBJ eSDS Annex properties: New prop-
erty SAP_EHS_1011_013 "Specific Re-
porting Limit", enhanced proper-
ties SAP_EHS_1017_017 "Transport Be-
tween Environm. Compartments" and
SAP_EHS_1023_053 "TSCA Lists (US)".
Characteristics, classes, value assignment
types, and assignments to the property tree
STANDARD with German descriptions and
German help texts.
5 NE5K901536 K901536.NE5, Other enhancements besides REACH
R901536.NE5 eSDS Annex properties: New prop-
erty SAP_EHS_1011_013 "Specific Re-
porting Limit", enhanced proper-
ties SAP_EHS_1017_017 "Transport Be-
tween Environm. Compartments" and

8 © SAP SE
Property Tree

SAP_EHS_1023_053 "TSCA Lists (US)". En-

glish descriptions for characteristics, class-
es and value assignment types and En-
glish help texts. Corrected English description
for SAP_EHS_1014_041 "Minimum Explosi-
ble Concentration". File overview corrections to former property tree packages

No separate transports or documentation with corrections to former property tree packages are
delivered. The correction of the English property description SAP_EHS_1014_041 "Minimum
Explosible Concentration" is included in package 2015-2, transport NE5K901536.

9 © SAP SE
Chapter 4. SAP EHS Regulatory
Content - multilanguage phrase
library for hazard communication
4.1. Check Update
The following steps describe how to check the update of SAP EHS Regulatory Content - mul-
tilanguage phrase library for hazard communication.

4.1.1. Checking Procedure

Please use the following check list as guidance through the phrase library update procedure.

Status Where to do What to do

O Review documentation
Technical Part
O Customizing (spro) Specify Language Selection: => Add Macedonian Lan-
O SAP EHS (cg3z) Upload phrases
Upload phrase set assignments
O SAP EHS (cg31) Import phrases
O SAP EHS (cg31) Import phrase corrections
O SAP EHS (cg12) Merge phrases
O SAP EHS (cg31) Import phrase set assignments

Detailed information on how to execute the single steps will be provided in this How-To-doc-

• Section A.2, “How to upload files”

• Section A.8, “How to import phrases”
• Section A.9, “How to merge phrases”
• Section A.10, “How to import phrase set assignments”
• Section A.11, “How to combine/retire phrases”

4.1.2. Settings to implement the Multilanguage Phrase Li-

brary (Standard) File Overview
The following files are included in the delivery (additional files for special language codes in-
stead of Z8 and Z9 not included but available on request). We recommend to use the Uni-
code files when possible to avoid character conversion errors with the non-Unicode files. Non-

10 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - multilan-
guage phrase library for hazard communication

Unicode files will no longer be included. If you cannot use the Unicode files provided, please
contact our helpdesk.


File name Description

CED_Changes_2015-2.xlsx Excel file with complete scope of EN phrases in previ-
ous and current version for a quick information what has
changed in the latest release; table 2 contains obsolete
pset assignments that should be deleted
CED_ReleaseNote_2015-2.pdf Release Note for current version
Phrase_Services_Proposals.xls Proposal template for customer suggestions
1_ced_2015-2_standard _ Phrase import file including all phrases in all standard
complete.dat languages except US English (Z8) and Brazilian Por-
tuguese (Z9) for Unicode systems
1_ced_2015-2_standard _ Phrase import file including revised and new phrases in
update.dat all standard languages
2_ced_2015-2_usenglish_Z8 _ Phrase import file including all phrases in US English
complete.dat via Z8 customer correspondence language
2_ced_2015-2_usenglish_Z8 _ Phrase import file including revised and new phrases in
update.dat US English (Z8)
3_ced_2015-2_brazilian_Z9 _ Phrase import file including all phrases in Brazilian Por-
complete.dat tuguese via Z9 customer correspondence language
3_ced_2015-2_brazilian_Z9 _ Phrase import file including revised and new phrases in
update.dat Brazilian Portuguese (Z9)
4_ced_2015-2_arabic_hebrew _ Phrase import file including all phrases Unicode Phrase
complete.dat import file Arabic and Hebrew
4_ced_2015-2_arabic_hebrew _ Phrase import file including revised and new phrases in
update.dat Arabic and Hebrew
ced_2015-2_pset_complete.dat Complete phrase set assignments based on the latest
property tree; this file includes all assignments from pre-
vious releases and the new release
ced_2015-2_pset_new.dat New phrase set assignments based on the latest prop-
erty tree

4.1.3. Settings to implement the Multilanguage Phrase Li-

brary (APA) File Overview
The following files are included in the delivery. We recommend to use the Unicode files when
possible to avoid character conversion errors with the non-Unicode files. Non-Unicode files
will no longer be included. If you cannot use the Unicode files provided, please contact our

11 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - multilan-
guage phrase library for hazard communication

Asia Pacific

File name Description

CED_Changes_2015-2.xlsx Excel file with complete scope of EN phrases in previ-
ous and current version for a quick information what has
changed in the latest release; table 2 contains obsolete
pset assignments that should be deleted
CED_ReleaseNote_2015-2.pdf Release Note for current version
Phrase_Services_Proposals.xls Proposal template for customer suggestions
1_ced_2015-2_apj_complete.dat Phrase import file including all phrases in all APJ lan-
guages for fast processing in Unicode systems
1_ced_2015-2_apj_update.dat Phrase import file including revised and new phrases in
all APJ languages
ced_2015-2_pset_complete.dat Complete phrase set assignments based on the latest
property tree; this file includes all assignments from pre-
vious releases and the new release
ced_2015-2_pset_new.dat New phrase set assignments based on the latest prop-
erty tree

4.1.4. General Settings Language keys
No new language has been added with this update.

12 © SAP SE
Chapter 5. SAP EHS Regulatory
Content - substance lists and
reference data
5.1. Check Update
The following steps describe how to check the update of substance and reference data and is
divided into subsections for Product Safety and Dangerous Goods.

5.1.1. Check List Update Product Safety

Please use the following check list as guidance through the update procedure of substance
lists and reference data.

Status Where to do What to do

O Documentation Review documentation
Technical Part
O Frontend Upgrade installation of Open Content Connector
O SAP EHS (cg3z) Upload phrases
O SAP EHS (cg3z) Upload phrases
O SAP EHS (cg31) Import substance lists and reference data phrase library
O SAP EHS (cg12) Merge phrases to active catalogue
O SAP EHS (cg31) Import phrase sets
O XML File storage (local, Update database XML files using the database setup
network drive) file
O td_cleo.mdb Update mapping database
Identify and consider customer made changes for the
updated mapping database
Regulatory Part / Data Load
O Documentation Review regulatory changes
O SAP EHS / OCC Update cached data
O SAP EHS / OCC Review new filter settings
O SAP EHS (cg12) Generate hit list of changed list substances
O SAP EHS (cg12) Generate hit list of list substances with new group as-
O SAP EHS / OCC Simulate data load
O MS Excel Analyze new & changed data
O SAP EHS / OCC Load changes to SAP EHS

Detailed information on how to execute the single steps will be provided by following the links
in the check list above or in the How-To-documents listed below:

13 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - sub-
stance lists and reference data

• Section A.12, “How to install EHS OCC”

• Section A.2, “How to upload files”
• Section A.13, “How to extend entry in secondary data determination”
• Section A.8, “How to import phrases”
• Section A.9, “How to merge phrases”
• Section A.10, “How to import phrase set assignments”
• Section A.22, “How to setup/update XML substance database for substance lists and refer-
ence data”
• Section A.23, “How to setup/update mapping database for SAP EHS Regulatory Content -
substance lists and reference data”
• Section A.25, “How to adjust the Fact Mapping”
• Section A.26, “How to adjust the Record Mapping”
• Section A.27, “How to adjust the Phrase Mapping”
• Section A.28, “SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data (Product
Safety) Update Data Load”

5.1.2. Settings to update the Substance Lists and Reference

Data (Product Safety) File Overview
The Substance Lists and Reference Data installation package for Product Safety includes the
following files:


File name Description

ERC_1602_changed_phrases.xlsx Overview of new and revised phrases
Availability of the content reports depends on the li-
censed ERC package:
ERC_ContentReport _ Content Report Inventories Data
ERC_ContentReport_Americas.pdf Content Report American Data
ERC_ContentReport_APJ.pdf Content Report Asia-Pacific Data
ERC_ContentReport_EMEA.pdf Content Report Europe, Middle-East & Africa Data
ERC_ContentReport_SDS- Content Report SDS Authoring Package
ERC_ContentReport_ Content Report Marketability Package
ERC_PS_Data_ReleaseNote _ Latest Substance Lists and Reference Data Release
1602.pdf Note for Product Safety
ERC_PS_Training_EN.pdf SAP EHS Regulatory Content Training Workshop Pre-
TLV_Stmt_of_Position.pdf ACGIH® Statement of Position Regarding the TLVs®
and BEIs®
JSOH_Characteristics_of_OELs _ Japan Society of Occupational Health - Additional infor-
and_Instructions_for_Users.pdf mation regarding OEL values

14 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - sub-
stance lists and reference data

readme.txt Info file on how to obtain OCC
Note: If you have already implemented the customizing
transports from ERC 2015-2, the following transports
are not needed as they do not include any additional
customizing_overview.txt Overview of customizing transports
K901440.NE5 Customizing transport with additional regulatory lists,
sources and identifier types (Unicode)
R901440.NE5 Customizing transport with additional regulatory lists,
sources and identifier types (Unicode)
K901444.NE5 Customizing transport with additional validity areas
R901444.NE5 Customizing transport with additional validity areas
1_erc_1602_unicode.dat Unicode phrase import file (all languages except US En-
glish and Brazilian Portuguese)
2_erc_1602_usenglish _ Unicode Phrase import file US English (Z8)
3_erc_1602_brazilian _ Unicode Phrase import file Brazilian Portuguese (Z9)
4_erc_1602_pset_unicode.dat Unicode phrase set assignment import file
ERC_PS_<Region>_1602.exe Substance Lists and Reference Data - Product Safety -
Database setup/update program
td_cleo.mdb Substance Lists and Reference Data - Product Safety -
Mapping Database
ERC_new_group_assignments _ Update file to create hit list substances with new group
1602.txt assignments
ERC_simulation.xlt Template for simulation (MS Excel 97- 2003)
ERC_simulation.xltm Template for simulation (MS Excel 2007)
ERC_update_1602.txt Update file to create hit list of changed list substances Other Settings

No actions required for update from version 2015-2 to 1602

5.1.3. Check List Update Dangerous Goods for SAP EHS

15 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - sub-
stance lists and reference data

Please use the following check list as guidance through the update procedure of substance
lists and reference data for dangerous goods.

Dangerous Goods
All steps to import and merge phrases and phrase sets are just necessary if you use packaging

Status Where to do What to do

O Documentation Review documentation
Technical Part
O Frontend Upgrade installation of Open Content Connector
O SAP EHS (cg3z) Upload phrases and customizing transports
O SAP EHS (stms) Import customizing transports
O SAP EHS (cg31) Import substance lists and reference data phrase library
for dangerous goods
O SAP EHS (cg12) Merge phrases to active catalogue
O SAP EHS (cg31) Import phrase sets
O XML File storage (local, Update database XML files using the database setup
network drive) file
O td_cleo.mdb Update mapping database
Identify and consider customer made changes for the
updated mapping database
Regulatory Part / Data Load
O Documentation Review release notes
O SAP EHS / OCC Update cached data
O MS Access Analyze new & changed data
O SAP EHS / OCC Load changes to SAP EHS

Detailed information on how to execute the single steps will be provided by following the links
in the check list above or in the How-To-documents listed below:

• Section A.12, “How to install EHS OCC”

• Section A.2, “How to upload files”
• Section A.3, “How to import transport requests”
• Section A.8, “How to import phrases”
• Section A.9, “How to merge phrases”
• Section A.10, “How to import phrase set assignments”
• Section A.3, “How to import transport requests”
• Section A.22, “How to setup/update XML substance database for substance lists and refer-
ence data”
• Section A.23, “How to setup/update mapping database for SAP EHS Regulatory Content -
substance lists and reference data”
• Section A.25, “How to adjust the Fact Mapping”

16 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - sub-
stance lists and reference data

• Section A.26, “How to adjust the Record Mapping”

• Section A.27, “How to adjust the Phrase Mapping”
• Section A.29, “SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data (Danger-
ous Goods) Update Data Load”

5.1.4. Settings to update the regulatory data (Dangerous

Goods for SAP EHS) File Overview
Updating your DG data please use the following files:

Files File Description

ERC_DG_Data_ReleaseNote_1602.pdf Latest Substance Lists and Reference Data Release
Note for Dangerous Goods
ERC_DG_regulations_status.xlsx SAP EHS Regulatory Content status of regulatory lists
ERC_DG_Changes_1602.mdb Database with list of all changes and tool to analyze im-
pact on used UN No
ERC_DG_Data_Training.pdf Training overview on how to use DG data and OCC.
1-Customizing - Update
R901593.NE5 and K901593.NE5 IATA additional variants of PI 970
erc_dg_1602.dat phrase import file
erc_dg_pset_1602.dat phrase set assignment import file
ERC_DG_1602.exe Substance Lists and Reference Data - Dangerous
Goods - archive
TD_CLEO_DG.mdb Dangerous Goods - Mapping Database, standard, with
packing data, without split by mode of transport for NA
TD_CLEO_DG_with_split.mdb Dangerous Goods - Mapping Database, with packing
data, with split by mode of transport for NA regulations
TD_CLEO_DG_without_pack.mdb Dangerous Goods - Mapping Database, without pack-
ing data, without split by mode of transport for NA reg-
TD_CLEO_DG_with_split_without_ Dangerous Goods - Mapping Database, without pack-
pack.mdb ing data, with split by mode of transport for NA regula-
tions Other Settings

The following customizing settings have to be enhanced/changed for this update:

17 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - sub-
stance lists and reference data


5.1.5. Check List Update Dangerous Goods for SAP Trans-

portation Management
This chapter describes the Dangerous Goods solution for SAP Transportation Man-
agement. Users of SAP EHS Dangerous Goods can skip this chapter.

In the downloaded Package you can find a compressed ZIP file containing
the content for usage in SAP Transport Management. This file can be uploaded in the Content
Import tool of SAP Transportation Management without any processing steps from your side,
e.g. unpacking in your local file system.

5.1.6. Settings to update the regulatory data (Dangerous

Goods for SAP Transportation Management) File Overview
Updating your DG data please use the following files:

Files File Description

1-Customizing - Update
R901593.NE5 and K901593.NE5 Customizing transport to update entries in your system
2-Database Archive with data files to be used by loading tool

18 © SAP SE
Chapter 6. SAP EHS Regulatory
Content - expert rules for substance
and mixture classification
6.1. Check Update
The following steps describe how to check the update of Expert Rules.

6.1.1. Check List

Please use the following check list as guidance through the Expert Rules update procedure.

Status Where to do What to do

O Review documentation
Technical Part
O Customizing (Transaction Create data origin
Create user exit(s)
Create regulatory list
O Mapping.mdbs If you have adapted the mapping databases of the pre-
vious version to your needs , identify changes in the
new mapping.mdbs and consider these for the update
of your mapping databases (see HISTORY.mdbs)
O Externvalues.mdbs If you have adapted the external values databas-
es of the previous version to your needs , identify
changes in the new externvalues.mdbs and consider
these for the update of your mapping databases (see
O Expert Server or SAP EHS Use SAP Setup on the Ex-
(Transaction cgsadm) pert Server (SetupERC_<package>.exe (e.g.
SetupERC_GLOBAL.exe)) for installing the rule
set on the Expert Server. For more details see
OR alternatively the following three steps can be
...1) Upload rule set files
...2) Create new admin instance(s)
...3) Update existing admin instance(s)
Regulatory Part / Data Load

Detailed information on how to execute the single steps will be provided in these How-To-

19 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

• Section A.16, “How to add data origins”

• Section A.13, “How to extend entry in secondary data determination”
• Section A.37, “How to use the History.mdb”
• Section A.35, “How to adjust external table values”
• Section A.25, “How to adjust the Fact Mapping”
• Section A.26, “How to adjust the Record Mapping”
• Section A.36, “How to adjust the Group Mapping”
• Section A.27, “How to adjust the Phrase Mapping”
• Section A.32, “SAP Setup for SAP EHS Regulatory Content Expert Rule Sets”
• Section A.33, “How to load rule sets onto the Expert server”
• Section A.34, “How to register rule sets”

6.1.2. Settings to update the licenced rule set package(s) File Overview
The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

comp_V1-33.ruc Rule File
comp_V1-33.mdb Mapping Database
ReleaseNote_comp_V1-33.pdf Release Note
Comp_V1-33.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GWP_V1-01.ruc Rule File
GWP_V1-01.mdb Mapping Database
GWP_externvalues.mdb External Database
GWP__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_GWP_V1-01.pdf Release Note
GWP_V1-01.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

HazardDecomp_V1-22.ruc Rule File
HazardDecomp_V1-22.mdb Mapping Database
HazardDecomp_externvalues.mdb External Database

20 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardDecomp__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_HazardDecomp_V1-22.pdf Release Note
HazardDecomp_V1-22.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

HealthHaz_V1-31.ruc Rule File
HealthHaz_V1-31.mdb Mapping Database
HealthHaz_externvalues.mdb External Database
HealthHaz__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_HealthHaz_V1-31.pdf Release Note
HealthHaz_V1-31.pdf Functional Description

M Factor

File name Description

M_Fact_V2-12.ruc Rule File
M_Fact_V2-12.mdb Mapping Database
M_Fact__History.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_M_Factor_V2-12.pdf Release Note
M_Factor_V2-12.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

RespiratoryProtection_V1-3.ruc Rule File
RespiratoryProtection_V1-3.mdb Mapping Database
RespiratoryProtection_externvalues.mdb External Database
RespiratoryProtection__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
RespiratoryProtection_V1-3.pdf Functional Description File Overview

The following files are included in the delivery:

21 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification


File name Description

GHS_V5-0.ruc Rule File
GHS_V5-0.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_sub_pb2015_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_GHS_V5-0.pdf Release Note
GHS_V5-0.pdf Functional Description

Hazcomp GHS

File name Description

Hazcomp_GHS_V2-4.ruc Rule File
Hazcomp_GHS_V2-4.mdb Mapping Database
Hazcomp_GHS_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
Hazcomp_GHS__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_Hazcomp_GHS_V2-4.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_GHS_V2-4.pdf Functional Description File Overview

22 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

DP_AU_V2-42.ruc Rule File
DP_AU_V2-42.mdb Mapping Database
DP_AU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
DP_AU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
DP_AU_V2-42.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_AU_V1-5.ruc Rule File
GHS_AU_V1-5.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_AU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_AU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_AU_V1-5.pdf Functional Description

23 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

HazardComp AU

File name Description

HazardComp_AU_V3-4.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_AU_V3-4.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_AU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_AU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_AU_V3-4.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp CN

File name Description

HazardComp_CN_V3-3.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_CN_V3-3.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_CN_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_CN__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_CN_V3-3.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_CN_V2-6.ruc Rule File
GHS_CN_V2-6.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_CN_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

24 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_CN__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_CN_V2-6.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo CN

File name Description

RegInfo_CN_V1-5.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_CN_V1-5.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_CN_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RegInfo_CN__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_1605.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_CN_V1-5.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo HK

File name Description

RegInfo_HK_V1-22.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_HK_V1-22.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_HK_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RegInfo_HK__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_HK_V1-22.pdf Functional Description

Classification IN

File name Description

25 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Classification_IN_V1-22.ruc Rule File

Classification_IN_V1-22.mdb Mapping Database
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
Classification_IN__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
Classification_IN_V1-22.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_ID_V1-2.ruc Rule File
GHS_ID_V1-2.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_ID_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_ID__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_ID_V1-2.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp ID

File name Description

HazardComp_ID_V1-1.ruc Rule File

26 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

HazardComp_ID_V1-1.mdb Mapping Database

HazardComp_ID_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_ID__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_ID_V1-1.pdf Functional Description

Fire Service JP

File name Description

Fire_Service_JP_V3-6.ruc Rule File
Fire_Service_JP_V3-6.mdb Mapping Database
Fire_Service_JP_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
Fire_Service_JP__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
Fire_Service_JP_V3-6.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp JP

File name Description

HazardComp_JP_V3-7.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_JP_V3-7.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_JP_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_JP__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_JP_V3-7.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_JP_V2-6.ruc Rule File

27 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GHS_JP_V2-6.mdb Mapping Database

GHS_JP_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_JP__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_JP_V2-6.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

HPGSL_JP_V1-22.ruc Rule File
HPGSL_JP_V1-22.mdb Mapping Database
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HPGSL_JP__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HPGSL_JP_V1-22.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo JP

File name Description

RegInfo_JP_V1-42.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_JP_V1-42.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_JP_externvalues.mdb External Database

28 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RegInfo_JP__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_JP_V1-42.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_KR_V3-3.ruc Rule File
GHS_KR_V3-3.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_KR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_KR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_KR_V3-3.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

DSSMA_KR_V2-32.ruc Rule File
DSSMA_KR_V2-32.mdb Mapping Database

29 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

DSSMA_KR_externvalues.mdb External Database

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
DSSMA_KR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
DSSMA_KR_V2-32.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp KR

File name Description

HazardComp_KR_V3-4.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_KR_V3-4.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_KR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_KR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_KR_V3-4.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_MY_V1-2.ruc Rule File
GHS_MY_V1-2.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_MY_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

30 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_MY__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_MY_V1-2.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp MY

File name Description

HazardComp_MY_V2-1.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_MY_V2-1.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_MY_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_MY__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_MY_V2-1.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo MY

File name Description

RegInfo_MY_V1-32.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_MY_V1-32.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_MY__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_MY_V1-32.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_NZ_V1-96.ruc Rule File
GHS_NZ_V1-96.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_NZ_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets

31 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database

GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2007_V2-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_NZ__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_NZ_V1-96.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp NZ

File name Description

HazardComp_NZ_V2-0.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_NZ_V2-0.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_NZ_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_NZ__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_NZ_V2-0.pdf Functional Description

HSNO Group Standards

File name Description

HSNO_V1-22.ruc Rule File
HSNO_V1-22.mdb Mapping Database
HSNO_externvalues.mdb External Database
HSNO__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note

32 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

HSNO_V1-22.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_SG_V2-2.ruc Rule File
GHS_SG_V2-2.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_SG_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_SG__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_SG_V2-2.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp SG

File name Description

HazardComp_SG_V1-8.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_SG_V1-8.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_SG_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_SG__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_SG_V1-8.pdf Functional Description

33 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

RegInfo SG

File name Description

RegInfo_SG_V1-01.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_SG_V1-01.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_SG_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RegInfo_SG__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_SG_V1-01.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp TW

File name Description

HazardComp_TW_V3-3.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_TW_V3-3.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_TW_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_TW__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_TW_V3-3.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_TW_V3-1.ruc Rule File
GHS_TW_V3-1.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_TW_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2007_V2-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

34 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_TW__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_TW_V3-1.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo TW

File name Description

RegInfo_TW_V1-01.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_TW_V1-01.mdb Mapping Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RegInfo_TW__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_TW_V1-01.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_TH_V1-6.ruc Rule File
GHS_TH_V1-6.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_TH_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

35 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_TH__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_TH_V1-6.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp TH

File name Description

HazardComp_TH_V1-5.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_TH_V1-5.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_TH_externvalues.mdb External Database
HazardComp_TH__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_TH_V1-5.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo TH

File name Description

RegInfo_TH_V1-22.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_TH_V1-22.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_TH_externvalues.mdb External Database
RegInfo_TH__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_TH_V1-22.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_VN_V1-6.ruc Rule File
GHS_VN_V1-6.mdb Mapping Database

36 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GHS_VN_externvalues.mdb External Database

GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_VN__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_VN_V1-6.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp VN

File name Description

HazardComp_VN_V1-5.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_VN_V1-5.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_VN_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_VN__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_APA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_VN_V1-5.pdf Functional Description File Overview

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

37 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

DAPEC_V3-45.ruc Rule File

DAPEC_V3-45.mdb Mapping Database
DAPEC_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
comp_LEC50_V1-01.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
DAPEC__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
DAPEC_V3-45.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_EU_V3-4.ruc Rule File
GHS_EU_V3-4.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_EU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_EU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_EU_V3-4.pdf Functional Description

38 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification


File name Description

GHS_RU_V2-2.ruc Rule File
GHS_RU_V2-2.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_RU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_RU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_RU_V2-2.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_TR_V1-2.ruc Rule File
GHS_TR_V1-2.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_TR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

39 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GHS_TR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the

changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_TR_V1-2.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

EU_TO_GHS_V1-64.ruc Rule File
EU_TO_GHS_Annex_VII_externvalues.mdb External Database according to Annex VII of
the consolidated GHS EU proposal
EU_TO_GHS_V1-64.mdb Mapping Database with refer-
ence to the external database
(Annex VII of the consolidated GHS EU pro-
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which has to be installed once as
a separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which has to be installed once as
a separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
EU_TO_GHS__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EU_to_GHS_V1-64.pdf Release Note
EU_to_GHS_V1-64.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp EU

File name Description

HazardComp_EU_V3-8.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_EU_V3-8.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_EU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_EU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_EU_V3-8.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

REACH_Annex_XVII_V1-01.ruc Rule File

40 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

REACH_Annex_XVII_V1-01.mdb Mapping Database

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
REACH_Annex_XVII__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
REACH_Annex_XVII_V1-01.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp EMEA

File name Description

HazardComp_EMEA_V3-7.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_EMEA_V3-7.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_EMEA_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
comp_LEC50_V1-01.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_EMEA__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_EMEA_V3-7.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp RU

File name Description

HazardComp_RU_V1-5.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_RU_V1-5.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_RU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_RU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_RU_V1-5.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp TR

File name Description

41 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

HazardComp_TR_V1-2.ruc Rule File

HazardComp_TR_V1-2.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_TR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_TR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_TR_V1-2.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

CL_for_notification_V3-4.ruc Rule File
CL_for_notification_V3-4.mdb Mapping Database - this file has to be in the
same folder as GHS_EU_externvalues.mdb
GHS_EU_externvalues.mdb External Database - the rule set uses
the same external tables as the rule
set GHS EU. If GHS EU is already in-
stalled and changes had be done in
the external tables, this delivered file
GHS_EU_externvalues.mdb should not be
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
CL_for_notification__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_EMEA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
CL_for_notification_V3-4.pdf Functional Description File Overview

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

DPDplus_lead_V1-2.ruc Rule File
DPDplus_lead_V1-2.mdb Mapping Database
DPDplus_lead_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory

42 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
DPDplus_lead__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_DPDplus_lead_V1-2.pdf Release Note
DPDplus_lead_V1-2.pdf Functional Description

File name Description

LCID_V1-1.ruc Rule File
LCID_V1-1.mdb Mapping Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GHS_EU_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
ReleaseNote_LCID_V1-1.pdf Release Note
LCID_V1-1.pdf Functional Description File Overview

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

CMR_EU_V1-11.ruc Rule File
CMR_EU_V1-11.mdb Mapping Database
CMR_EU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

43 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

CMR_EU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the

changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
CMR_EU_V1-11.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

Detergents_V1-11.ruc Rule File
Detergents_V1-11.mdb Mapping Database
Detergents_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
Detergents__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
Detergents_V1-11.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

ICPE_V2-01.ruc Rule File
ICPE_V2-01.mdb Mapping Database
ICPE_externvalues.mdb External Database
ICPE__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
ICPE_V2-01.pdf Functional Description

Maladies Professionelles

File name Description

MaladiesProfessionnelles_V1-5.ruc Rule File
MaladiesProfessionnelles_V1-5.mdb Mapping Database
MaladiesProfessionnelles_ External Database
MaladiesProfessionnelles__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
MaladiesProfessionnelles_V1-5.pdf Functional Description

44 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

MAL Code

File name Description

MAL_Code_V1-4.ruc Rule File
MAL_Code_V1-4.mdb Mapping Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
MAL_Code__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
MAL-Code_V1-4.pdf Functional Description

Medical Surveillance

File name Description

Medsurv_V1-12.ruc Rule File
Medsurv_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
Medsurv__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
Medsurv_V1-12.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo AL

File name Description

RegInfo_AL_V1-01.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_AL_V1-01.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_AL__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_AL_V1-01.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo CZ

File name Description

RegInfo_CZ_V1-12.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_CZ_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_CZ__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note

45 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

RegInfo_CZ_V1-12.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo HU

File name Description

RegInfo_HU_V1-12.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_HU_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_HU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_HU_V1-12.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo IT

File name Description

RegInfo_IT_V1-12.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_IT_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_IT__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_IT_V1-12.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo PL

File name Description

RegInfo_PL_V1-12.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_PL_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_PL__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_PL_V1-12.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo RO

File name Description

RegInfo_RO_V1-02.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_RO_V1-02.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_RO__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_RO_V1-02.pdf Functional Description

46 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

RegInfo RS

File name Description

RegInfo_RS_V1-21.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_RS_V1-21.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_RS__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_RS_V1-21.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo SI

File name Description

RegInfo_SI_V1-12.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_SI_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_SI__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_SI_V1-12.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo TR

File name Description

RegInfo_TR_V1-12.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_TR_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_TR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_TR_V1-12.pdf Functional Description

Seveso II

File name Description

Seveso-II_V1-56.ruc Rule File
Seveso-II_V1-56.mdb Mapping Database
Seveso-II_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
Seveso-II__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database

47 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note

Seveso-II_V1-56.pdf Functional Description

Seveso III

File name Description

Seveso-III_V1-13.ruc Rule File
Seveso-III_V1-13.mdb Mapping Database
Seveso-III_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
Seveso-III__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
Seveso-III_V1-13.pdf Functional Description

TA Luft

File name Description

TAluft_V4-3.ruc Rule File
TAluft_V4-3.mdb Mapping Database
TAluft_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
TAluft__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
TALuft_V4-3.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

TRGS510_V1-7.ruc Rule File
TRGS510_V1-7.mdb Mapping Database
TRGS510_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

48 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

TRGS510__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the

changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
TRGS510_V1-7.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

TRGS_900_V1-42.ruc Rule File
TRGS_900_V1-42.mdb Mapping Database
TRGS_900_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
TRGS_900__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
TRGS_900_V1-42.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

VbF_AT_V1-4.ruc Rule File
VbF_AT_V1-4.mdb Mapping Database
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
VbF_AT__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
VbF_AT_V1-4.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

VOC_CH_V1-42.ruc Rule File
VOC_CH_V1-42.mdb Mapping Database
VOC_CH_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
VOC_CH__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
VOC_CH_V1-42.pdf Functional Description

49 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification


File name Description

VOC_EU_V1-43.ruc Rule File
VOC_EU_V1-43.mdb Mapping Database
VOC_EU_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
VOC_EU__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
VOC_EU_V1-43.pdf Functional Description

VOC PaintCoat

File name Description

VOC_PaintCoat_V1-51.ruc Rule File
VOC_PaintCoat_V1-51.mdb Mapping Database
VOC_PaintCoat_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
VOC_PaintCoat__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
VOC_PaintCoat_V1-51.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

WGK_V2-0.ruc Rule File
WGK_V2-0.mdb Mapping Database
WGK_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

50 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

WGK__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the

changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_2015-2.pdf Release Note
WGK_V2-0.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

YoMo_V1-2.ruc Rule File
YoMo_V1-2.mdb Mapping Database
YoMo_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
YoMo__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_National_EU_1605.pdf Release Note
YoMo_V1-2.pdf Functional Description File Overview

The following files are included in the delivery:

Accident Hazards

File name Description

AccidentHaz_V1-04.ruc Rule File
AccidentHaz_V1-04.mdb Mapping Database
AccidentHaz_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
AccidentHaz__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
AccidentHaz_V1-04.pdf Functional Description

Clean Air Act

File name Description

CAA_V1-5.ruc Rule File
CAA_V1-5.mdb Mapping Database
CAA_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

51 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

CAA__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the

changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
CAA_V1-5.pdf Functional Description

Clean Water Act

File name Description

CWA_V1-2.ruc Rule File
CWA_V1-2.mdb Mapping Database
CWA_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
CWA__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
CWA_V1-2.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

EU_to_OSHA_V1-12.ruc Rule File
EU_to_OSHA_V1-12.mdb Mapping Database
EU_to_OSHA_externvalues.mdb External Database
EU_to_OSHA__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
EU_to_OSHA_V1-12.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_US_V1-6.ruc Rule File
GHS_US_V1-6.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_US_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

52 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_US__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_US_V1-6.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp US

File name Description

HazardComp_US_V3-6.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_US_V3-6.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_US_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_US__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_US_V3-6.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

HMIS_V3-0.ruc Rule File
HMIS_V3-0.mdb Mapping Database
HMIS_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HMIS__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note

53 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

HMIS_V3-0.pdf Functional Description

Maine Chemicals High Concern

File name Description

MCHC_V1-05.ruc Rule File
MCHC_V1-05.mdb Mapping Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
MCHC__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
MCHC_V1-05.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

NFPA_V2-2.ruc Rule File
NFPA_V2-2.mdb Mapping Database
NFPA_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
NFPA__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
NFPA_V2-2.pdf Functional Description

OSHA/SARA Hazard Determination

File name Description

OSHA_Hazard_Determination_V3-12.ruc Rule File
OSHA_Hazard_Determination_V3-12.mdb Mapping Database
OSHA_Hazard_Determination_ External Database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory

54 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
OSHA_Hazard_Determination__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
OSHA_Hazard_Determination_V3-12.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo NA

File name Description

RegInfo_NA_V1-0.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_NA_V1-0.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_NA_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_NA_V1-0.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

SaraComp_V2-25.ruc Rule File
SaraComp_V2-25.mdb Mapping Database
SaraComp_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
SaraComp__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
SaraComp_V2-25.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

SaraClass_V1-05.ruc Rule File
SaraClass_V1-05.mdb Mapping Database
SaraClass_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

55 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

SaraClass__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the

changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
SaraClass_V1-05.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

SpillReport_V2-2.ruc Rule File
SpillReport_V2-2.mdb Mapping Database
SpillReport_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
SpillReport__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
SpillReport_V2-2.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

CAPBT_V1-09.ruc Rule File
CAPBT_V1-09.mdb Mapping Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
CAPBT__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
CAPBT_V1-09.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

WHMISCLASS_V2-93.ruc Rule File
WHMISCLASS_V2-93.mdb Mapping Database
WHMISCLASS_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

56 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
WHMISCLASS__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
WHMISClassification_V2-93.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_CA_V1-1.ruc Rule File
GHS_CA_V1-1.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_CA_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_CA__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_CA_V1-1.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp CA

File name Description

HazardComp_CA_V3-1.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_CA_V3-1.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_CA_externvalues.mdb External Database
HazardComp_SCL_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_CA__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database

57 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note

HazardComp_CA_V3-1.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_MX_V1-6.ruc Rule File
GHS_MX_V1-6.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_MX_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_MX__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_MX_V1-6.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp MX

File name Description

HazardComp_MX_V2-5.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_MX_V2-5.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_MX_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_MX__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_MX_V2-5.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo MX

File name Description

58 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

RegInfo_MX_V1-01.ruc Rule File

RegInfo_MX_V1-01.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_MX_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RegInfo_MX__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_MX_V1-01.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_AR_V1-1.ruc Rule File
GHS_AR_V1-1.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_AR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_AR_V1-1.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp AR

File name Description

HazardComp_AR_V1-1.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_AR_V1-1.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_AR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_AR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database

59 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note

HazardComp_AR_V1-1.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

GHS_BR_V2-6.ruc Rule File
GHS_BR_V2-6.mdb Mapping Database
GHS_BR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GHS__global_externvalues.mdb External Database used by all GHS rule sets
GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_label_V1-7.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GHS_BR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
GHS_BR_V2-6.pdf Functional Description

HazardComp BR

File name Description

HazardComp_BR_V1-8.ruc Rule File
HazardComp_BR_V1-8.mdb Mapping Database
HazardComp_BR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
HazardComp_BR__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
HazardComp_BR_V1-8.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo BR

File name Description

60 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

RegInfo_BR_V1-0.ruc Rule File

RegInfo_BR_V1-0.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_BR_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_BR_V1-0.pdf Functional Description

RegInfo CO

File name Description

RegInfo_CO_V1-01.ruc Rule File
RegInfo_CO_V1-01.mdb Mapping Database
RegInfo_CO_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RegInfo_CO__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NA_2015-2.pdf Release Note
RegInfo_CO_V1-01.pdf Functional Description File Overview

Please note: for NotStat, there are two different variants delivered, ProdComp and StandComp.
Depending on the variant chosen for the installation, the respective files need to be selected.

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

NotStat_frame_master_V4-1.ruc Rule File
NotStat_frame_master_ProdComp_V4-1.mdb Mapping Database (ProdComp variant)
NotStat_frame_master_StandComp_V4-1.mdb Mapping Database (StandComp variant)
NotStat_externvalues.mdb External Database
NotStat_V4-1.ruc sub rule (core logic)
NotStat_sub_TSCA12b_V4-1.ruc sub rule (TSCA 12b)
NotStat_sub_expl_V4-1.ruc sub rule (Explanation Component)
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC

61 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

NotStat_frame_master__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the

changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_NotStat_V4-1.pdf Release Note
Notstat_V4-1.pdf Functional Description


File name Description

RestrictionStatus_V2-5.ruc Rule File
RestrictionStatus_V2-5.mdb Mapping Database
RestrictionStatus_externvalues.mdb External Database
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
RestrictionStatus__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_RestrictionStatus_V2-5.pdf Release Note
RestrictionStatus_V2-5.pdf Functional Description File Overview

Please note: there are two different variants of the DangGoods rule set available: global and
local. Depending on your license you may receive different files for the main rule DangGoods,
which are both indicated below separated by slashes. In such cases the delivered files have
to be chosen respectively.

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

DangGoods_master_global_V4-7.ruc Rule File (global)
DangGoods_master_V4-7.ruc Rule File (local version)
DangGoods_master_global_V4-7.mdb Mapping Database
DangGoods_externvalues.mdb External Database
DangGoods_V4-7.ruc sub rule set (central part for classification pro-
cess for solids/liquids)
GHS_sub_pb2015_V1-0.ruc sub rule set (GHS classification via compo-
nent data)
DangGoods_gas_V4-7.ruc sub rule set (classification for gaseous mix-
tures and hazard inducer determination)
DangGoods_report_quant_V4-7.ruc sub rule set (determination of reportable quan-
tities) (only global version!)
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb the external database
GS_ident_externvalues.mdb must be located
in the same directory

62 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a

separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_ident_V1-0.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert-Server-PC
DangGoods_master__HISTORY.mdb database for the documentation of the
changes in the mapping database and the ex-
ternal database
ReleaseNote_DangGoods_V4-7.pdf Release Note
DangGoods_V4-7.pdf Functional Description File Overview

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

setup.exe Installation procedure for front-end program
MSDSMAKER.CAB Archive with files for extraction by the installer
setup.lst Installation configuration file
MSDSRule_V4-1.ruc Rule File
MSDSRule_V4-1.mdb Mapping Database (depending on variant
used / subfolders in delivery)
MSDSMaker.mdb External Database (depending on variant
used / subfolders in delivery)
MSDSRule_sub_V4-1.ruc sub rule set
GS_base_V1-11.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert Server PC
GS_physchem_V1-22.ruc sub rule set which must be installed once as a
separate instance on the Expert Server PC
ReleaseNote_MSDSMaker_V4-1.pdf Release Note
MSDSMaker_V4-1.pdf Functional Description Settings in Admin Tool


The settings on the Expert Server can now be done by using SAP Setup for ERC
Rule Sets. For more details see Readme_SAPSetup_RuleSets.

Alternatively it is possible to maintain the settings manually via the Expert Admin Tool or within
the transaction CGSADM. The settings for unchanged instances are documented in the SAP
EHS Regulatory Content Administration Manual which is also included in the delivery.

63 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

The changed settings for the rule sets are:

DP AU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database DP_AU_V2-42.mdb
Rule File DP_AU_V2-42.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS AU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_AU_V1-5.mdb
Rule File GHS_AU_V1-5.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp AU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_AU_V3-4.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_AU_V3-4.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS CN [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_CN_V2-6.mdb
Rule File GHS_CN_V2-6.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp CN [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

64 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database HazardComp_CN_V3-3.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_CN_V3-3.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo CN [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_CN_V1-5.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_CN_V1-5.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo HK [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_HK_V1-22.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_HK_V1-22.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Classification IN [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database Classification_IN_V1-22.mdb
Rule File Classification_IN_V1-22.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS ID [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_ID_V1-2.mdb
Rule File GHS_ID_V1-2.ruc

65 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp ID update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_ID_V1-1.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_ID_V1-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Fire Service JP [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database Fire_Service_JP_V3-6.mdb
Rule File Fire_Service_JP_V3-6.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp JP [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_JP_V3-7.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_JP_V3-7.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS JP [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_JP_V2-6.mdb
Rule File GHS_JP_V2-6.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

66 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

HPGSL JP [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HPGSL_JP_V1-22.mdb
Rule File HPGSL_JP_V1-22.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo JP [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_JP_V1-42.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_JP_V1-42.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS KR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_KR_V3-3.mdb
Rule File GHS_KR_V3-3.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

DSSMA KR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database DSSMA_KR_V2-32.mdb
Rule File DSSMA_KR_V2-32.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp KR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

67 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database HazardComp_KR_V3-4.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_KR_V3-4.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS MY [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_MY_V1-2.mdb
Rule File GHS_MY_V1-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp MY [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_MY_V2-1.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_MY_V2-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo MY [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_MY_V1-32.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_MY_V1-32.ruc

GHS NZ [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_NZ_V1-96.mdb
Rule File GHS_NZ_V1-96.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

68 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

HazardComp NZ [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_NZ_V2-0.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_NZ_V2-0.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HSNO Group Standards [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HSNO_V1-22.mdb
Rule File HSNO_V1-22.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS SG [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_SG_V2-2.mdb
Rule File GHS_SG_V2-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp SG [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_SG_V1-8.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_SG_V1-8.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo SG [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


69 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database RegInfo_SG_V1-01.mdb

Rule File RegInfo_SG_V1-01.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Classification TW [renamed to RegInfo TW]

HazardComp TW [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_TW_V3-3.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_TW_V3-3.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS TW [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_TW_V3-1.mdb
Rule File GHS_TW_V3-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo TW [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_TW_V1-01.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_TW_V1-01.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS TH [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_TH_V1-6.mdb
Rule File GHS_TH_V1-6.ruc

70 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp TH [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_TH_V1-5.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_TH_V1-5.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo TH [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_TH_V1-22.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_TH_V1-22.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS VN [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_VN_V1-6.mdb
Rule File GHS_VN_V1-6.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp VN [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_VN_V1-5.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_VN_V1-5.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

71 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

CMR EU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database CMR_EU_V1-11.mdb
Rule File CMR_EU_V1-11.ruc

Detergents [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database Detergents_V1-11.mdb
Rule File Detergents_V1-11.ruc

ICPE [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database ICPE_V2-01.mdb
Rule File ICPE_V2-01.ruc

MAL Code [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database MAL_Code_V1-4.mdb
Rule File MAL_Code_V1-4.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Maladies Professionnelles [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database MaladiesProfessionnelles_V1-5.mdb
Rule File MaladiesProfessionnelles_V1-5.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Medical Surveillance [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

72 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database Medsurv_V1-12.mdb
Rule File Medsurv_V1-12.ruc

RegInfo AL [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_AL_V1-01.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_AL_V1-01.ruc

RegInfo CZ [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_CZ_V1-12.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_CZ_V1-12.ruc

RegInfo HU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_HU_V1-12.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_HU_V1-12.ruc

RegInfo IT [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_IT_V1-12.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_IT_V1-12.ruc

RegInfo PL [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_PL_V1-12.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_PL_V1-12.ruc

RegInfo RO [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_RO_V1-02.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_RO_V1-02.ruc

73 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

RegInfo RS [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_RS_V1-21.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_RS_V1-21.ruc

RegInfo SI [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_SI_V1-12.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_SI_V1-12.ruc

RegInfo TR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_TR_V1-12.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_TR_V1-12.ruc

Seveso II [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database Seveso-II_V1-56.mdb
Rule File Seveso-II_V1-56.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Seveso III [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database Seveso-III_V1-13.mdb
Rule File Seveso-III_V1-13.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

TA Luft [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


74 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database TAluft_V4-3.mdb

Rule File TAluft_V4-3.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

TRGS510 [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name ZEXP_TR510
Mapping Database TRGS510_V1-7.mdb
Rule File TRGS510_V1-7.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

TRGS900 [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name ZEXP_TR90
Mapping Database TRGS_900_V1-42.mdb
Rule File TRGS_900_V1-42.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

VbF AT [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database VbF_AT_V1-4.mdb
Rule File VbF_AT_V1-4.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

VOC CH [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database VOC_CH_V1-42.mdb
Rule File VOC_CH_V1-42.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings

75 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Value 322

VOC EU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database VOC_EU_V1-43.mdb
Rule File VOC_EU_V1-43.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

VOC PaintCoat [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database VOC_PaintCoat_V1-51.mdb
Rule File VOC_PaintCoat_V1-51.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

WGK [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database WGK_V2-0.mdb
Rule File WGK_V2-0.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Youth & Mothers [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database YoMo_V1-2.mdb
Rule File YoMo_V1-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

76 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database GHS_V5-0.mdb
Rule File GHS_V5-0.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Hazcomp GHS [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database Hazcomp_GHS_V2-4.mdb
Rule File Hazcomp_GHS_V2-4.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

Accident Hazards [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database AccidentHaz_V1-04.mdb
Rule File AccidentHaz_V1-04.ruc

Clean Air Act [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database CAA_V1-5.mdb
Rule File CAA_V1-5.ruc

Clean Water Act [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database CWA_V1-2.mdb
Rule File CWA_V1-2.ruc

GHS US [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_US_V1-6.mdb
Rule File GHS_US_V1-6.ruc

77 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp US [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_US_V3-6.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_US_V3-6.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HMIS [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HMIS_V3-0.mdb
Rule File HMIS_V3-0.ruc

Maine Chemicals High Concern [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database MCHC_V1-05.mdb
Rule File MCHC_V1-05.ruc

NFPA [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database NFPA_V2-2.mdb
Rule File NFPA_V2-2.ruc

OSHA/SARA Hazard Determination [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database OSHA_Hazard_Determination_V3-12.mdb
Rule File OSHA_Hazard_Determination_V3-12.ruc

RegInfo NA [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


78 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database RegInfo_NA_V1-0.mdb

Rule File RegInfo_NA_V1-0.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

SaraComp [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database SaraComp_V2-25.mdb
Rule File SaraComp_V2-25.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

SaraClass [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database SaraClass_V1-05.mdb
Rule File SaraClass_V1-05.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

SpillReport [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database SpillReport_V2-2.mdb
Rule File SpillReport_V2-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

US State RTK [renamed to RegInfo NA]

CA PBT [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database CAPBT_V1-09.mdb
Rule File CAPBT_V1-09.ruc

79 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

WHMISClassification [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database WHMISCLASS_V2-93.mdb
Rule File WHMISCLASS_V2-93.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS CA [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_CA_V1-1.mdb
Rule File GHS_CA_V1-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp CA [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_CA_V3-1.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_CA_V3-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS MX [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_MX_V1-6.mdb
Rule File GHS_MX_V1-6.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp MX [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


80 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database HazardComp_MX_V2-5.mdb

Rule File HazardComp_MX_V2-5.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo MX [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_MX_V1-01.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_MX_V1-01.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS AR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_AR_V1-1.mdb
Rule File GHS_AR_V1-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp AR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_AR_V1-1.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_AR_V1-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS BR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_BR_V2-6.mdb
Rule File GHS_BR_V2-6.ruc
Additional Settings

81 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp BR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_BR_V1-8.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_BR_V1-8.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo BR [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_BR_V1-0.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_BR_V1-0.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

RegInfo CO [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RegInfo_CO_V1-01.mdb
Rule File RegInfo_CO_V1-01.ruc

HazardComp LA [delete instance]

comp [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database comp_V1-33.mdb
Rule File comp_V1-33.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 355

HDCOMP [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

82 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database HazardDecomp_V1-22.mdb
Rule File HazardDecomp_V1-22.ruc

HHAZ [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HealthHaz_V1-31.mdb
Rule File HealthHaz_V1-31.ruc

M Fact [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database M_Fact_V2-12.mdb
Rule File M_Fact_V2-12.ruc

Global Warming Potential [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GWP_V1-01.mdb
Rule File GWP_V1-01.ruc

RespirationProtection [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RespiratoryProtection_V1-3.mdb
Rule File RespiratoryProtection_V1-3.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

DAPEC [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database DAPEC_V3-45.mdb
Rule File DAPEC_V3-45.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

83 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

GHS EU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_EU_V3-4.mdb
Rule File GHS_EU_V3-4.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS RU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_RU_V2-2.mdb
Rule File GHS_RU_V2-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

GHS TR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database GHS_TR_V1-2.mdb
Rule File GHS_TR_V1-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

EU to GHS [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database EU_TO_GHS_V1-64.mdb
Rule File EU_to_GHS_V1-64.ruc

HazardComp EMEA [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_EMEA_V3-7.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_EMEA_V3-7.ruc
Additional Settings

84 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp EU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_EU_V3-8.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_EU_V3-8.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

REACH Annex XVII [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name ZEXP_RA17
Mapping Database REACH_Annex_XVII_V1-01.mdb
Rule File REACH_Annex_XVII_V1-01.ruc

HazardComp RU [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_RU_V1-5.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_RU_V1-5.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

HazardComp TR [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database HazardComp_TR_V1-2.mdb
Rule File HazardComp_TR_V1-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

CLNOT [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


85 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Mapping Database CL_for_notification_V3-4.mdb

Rule File CL_for_notification_V3-4.ruc
Technical prerequisites Expert SP23 or higher; OSS note 1450276
has to be installed

DangGoods [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database DangGoods_master_global_V4-7.mdb
Rule File DangGoods_master_global_V4-7.ruc Dang-
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

MSDSMaker [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database MSDSRule_V4-1.mdb (depending on variant
used / subfolders in delivery)
Rule File MSDSRule_V4-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

NotStat [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database (ProdComp variant) NotStat_frame_master_ProdComp_V4-1.mdb
(ProdComp variant)
Mapping Database (StandComp variant) NotStat_frame_master_StandComp_V4-1.mdb
(StandComp variant)
Rule File NotStat_frame_master_V4-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322,330,332,355

RestrictionStatus [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database RestrictionStatus_V2-5.mdb

86 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Rule File RestrictionStatus_V2-5.ruc

DPD_plus_lead [update instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database DPDplus_lead_V1-2.mdb
Rule File DPDplus_lead_V1-2.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322

LCID [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Mapping Database LCID_V1-1.mdb
Rule File LCID_V1-1.ruc
Additional Settings
Name IgnoreWarnings
Value 322 Settings in Admin Tool - Sub Rules


The settings for the sub rule set are automatically installed when using SAP Setup
for ERC Rule sets.

In case SAPSetup is not used the below listed settings have to be maintained via the Expert Ad-
min Tool or within the transaction CGSADM for the current release.The settings for unchanged
instances are documented in the SAP EHS Regulatory Content Administration Manual which
is also included in the delivery.

The settings for the sub rule sets are:

GHS_SUB_PB2007_2_3 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name GHS_SUB_PB2007_2_3
Rule File GHS_sub_pb2007_V2-3.ruc

GHS_SUB_PB2009_2_2 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name GHS_SUB_PB2009_2_2

87 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Rule File GHS_sub_pb2009_V2-2.ruc

GHS_SUB_PB2011_1_6 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name GHS_SUB_PB2011_1_6
Rule File GHS_sub_pb2011_V1-6.ruc

GHS_SUB_PB2015_1_0 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name GHS_SUB_PB2015_1_0
Rule File GHS_sub_pb2015_V1-0.ruc

GHS_PURE_1_3 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name GHS_PURE_1_3
Rule File GHS_pure_V1-3.ruc

GHS_EXPL_2_1 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name GHS_EXPL_2_1
Rule File GHS_expl_V2-1.ruc

GHS_LABEL_1_7 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name GHS_LABEL_1_7
Rule File GHS_label_V1-7.ruc

DG_SUB_4_7 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name DG_SUB_4_7
Rule File DangGoods_V4-7.ruc

DG_SUB_GAS_4_7 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Name DG_SUB_GAS_4_7
Rule File DangGoods_gas_V4-7.ruc

DG_RQ_4_7 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

88 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification

Name DG_RQ_4_7
Rule File DangGoods_report_quant_V4-7.ruc

MSDSRULE_SUB_4_0 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Rule File MSDSRule_sub_V4-0.ruc

NOTSTAT_SUB_4_1 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Rule File NotStat_V4-1.ruc

NOTSTAT_SUB_TSCA12B_4_1 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Rule File NotStat_sub_TSCA12b_V4-1.ruc

NOTSTAT_SUB_EXPL_4_1 [create new instance]

Environment parameter Value of the parameter

Rule File NotStat_sub_expl_V4-1.ruc User Exit Settings

The following user exit settings have to be enhanced/changed for this update:

The settings for unchanged instances are documented in the SAP EHS Regulatory Content
Administration Manual which is also included in the delivery.

The settings for the rule sets are:

RegInfo BR [create new user exit]

User exit name ZEXP_RI_BR

User exit description EHS-Expert: Regulatory Information Brazil

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


89 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification


RegInfo NA [create new user exit]

User exit name ZEXP_RI_NA

User exit description EHS-Expert: Regulatory Information NA

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


LCID [create new user exit]

User exit name ZEXP_LCID

User exit description EHS-Expert: LCID

Environment parameter Value of the parameter


90 © SAP SE
SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules
for substance and mixture classification


The following customizing settings have to be enhanced/changed for this update:

Data Origin [create new]

Value of the parameter affected rule sets


Value of the parameter affected rule sets


91 © SAP SE
Chapter 7. MSDS Templates
7.1. Check Update
The following steps describe how to check the update of Material safety data sheet (MSDS)

7.1.1. Checking Procedure

Please use the following check list as guidance through the Material safety data sheet (MSDS)
templates update procedure.

Sta- Where to do What to do

O Review documentation
Technical Part
O SAP EHS (cg3z) Upload files
O SAP EHS (stms) Import transports
O Customizing (spro) Setup identification listings
O SAP EHS (cg34) Import templates
O SAP EHS (cg2b) Create generation variants
O Templates Identify changes in templates and consider these for the up-
dated templates

Detailed information on how to execute the single steps will be provided in this How-To-doc-

• Section A.2, “How to upload files”

• Section A.3, “How to import transport requests”
• Section A.38, “How to setup identification listings”
• Section A.40, “How to create generation variant”
• Section A.39, “How to import report templates”

7.1.2. Settings to update the MSDS Templates for APJ File Overview
The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

customizing transport
K901526.NE5 SDS customizing transport NE5K901526 for the ERC
SDS template update 2015-2
R901526.NE5 SDS customizing transport NE5K901526 for the ERC
SDS template update 2015-2

92 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_APJ_Specification.pdf Specification - Document (formerly DataMapping)
SDS_2015_2_APJ_Specification_ Specification - Document showing differences to previ-
changes_marked.pdf ous version
SDS_2015_2_GHS_Specification.pdf Specification - Document for GHS (purple book)
SDS_2015_2_GHS_Specification_ Specification - Document for GHS showing differences
changes_marked.pdf to previous version
Overview_SDS_Templates_used_ Overview over templates and used includes
ReleaseNote_SDS_Templates_2015_ ReleaseNote for the ERC SDS template 2015-2
RGV_2015_2_Configuration.pdf Overview on the generation variants and how to main-
tain them
SDS_Template_Changes_ERC_2015_ Overview on the SDS template changes, updates and
2.xlsx corrections in ERC update 2015-2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_03.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_04.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_04.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_05.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_05.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_06.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_06.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_07.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_07.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_08.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09_KR.dat Template Import-file for SDS Korea, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09_KR.doc Template document-file for SDS Korea, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_10.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_10.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 11

93 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11_KR.dat Template Import-file for SDS Korea, Section 11

SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11_KR.doc Template document-file for SDS Korea, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12_KR.dat Template Import-file for SDS Korea, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12_KR.doc Template document-file for SDS Korea, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_13.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_13.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_14.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_14.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_JP.dat Template Import-file for SDS JP (Japan), Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_JP.doc Template document-file for SDS JP (Japan), Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_KR.dat Template Import-file for SDS KR (Korea), Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_KR.doc Template document-file for SDS KR (Korea), Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_GHS_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_GHS_02.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_GHS_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_GHS_03.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_GHS_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_GHS_08.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_GHS_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_GHS_11.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_GHS_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_GHS_12.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_GHS_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS
SDS_2015_2_GHS_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS
SDS_2015_2_APJ_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ
SDS_2015_2_APJ_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS APJ
SDS_2015_2_APJ_MAIN_MY.dat Template Import-file for SDS MY (Malaysia)
SDS_2015_2_APJ_MAIN_MY.doc Template document-file for SDS MY (Malaysia) Other Settings

There are no further manual settings to be maintained manually with this update.

7.1.3. Settings to update the MSDS Template for EMEA

94 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates File Overview

The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description
customizing transport
K901526.NE5 SDS customizing transport NE5K901526 for the ERC
SDS template update 2015-2
R901526.NE5 SDS customizing transport NE5K901526 for the ERC
SDS template update 2015-2
SDS_2015_2_EU_Specification.pdf Specification - Document for EU
SDS_2015_2_EU_Specification_ Specification - Document for EU showing differences to
changes_marked.pdf previous version
SDS_2015_2_CIS_Specification.pdf Specification - Document for CIS
SDS_2015_2_CIS_Specification_ Specification - Document for CIS showing differences
changes_marked.pdf to previous version
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_ Specification - Document for EMEA
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_Specification_ Specification - Document for EMEA showing differences
changes_marked.pdf to previous version
SDS_2015_2_GHS_Specification.pdf Specification - Document for GHS (purple book)
SDS_2015_2_GHS_Specification_ Specification - Document for GHS showing differences
changes_marked.pdf to previous version
SDS_2015_2_RTL_GHS_based_ Specification - Document for RTL SDS template based
Specification.pdf on GHS
SDS_2015_2_RTL_EU_EXT_based_ Specification - Document for RTL SDS template based
Specification.pdf on EU_EXT
SDS_2015_2_RTL_EMEA_based_ Specification - Document for RTL SDS template based
Specification.pdf on EMEA
SDS_2015_2_RTL_GHS_based_ Specification - Document for RTL SDS template based
Specification_changes_marked.pdf on GHS showing differences to previous version
SDS_2015_2_RTL_EU_EXT_based_ Specification - Document for RTL SDS template based
Specification_changes_marked.pdf on EU_EXT showing differences to previous version
SDS_2015_2_RTL_EMEA_based_ Specification - Document for RTL SDS template based
Specification_changes_marked.pdf on EMEA showing differences to previous version
Overview_SDS_Templates_used_ Overview on templates and used includes
ReleaseNote_SDS_Templates_2015_ ReleaseNote for the ERC SDS template 2015-2
RGV_2015_2_Configuration.pdf Overview on the generationvariants and how to main-
tain them
SDS_Template_Changes_ERC_2015_ Overview on the SDS template changes, updates and
2.xlsx corrections in ERC update 2015-2

95 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 1
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02.dat Basic SDS template document-file, section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02_EMEA.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02_EMEA.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS APJ, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_03.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 3
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_04.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 4
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_04.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 4
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_05.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 5
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_05.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 5
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_06.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 6
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_06.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 6
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_07.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 7
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_07.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 7
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_08.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 8
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_08.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 8
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_10.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 10
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_10.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 10
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_13.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 13
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_13.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 13
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_14.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 14
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_14.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 14
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16.dat Basic SDS template Import-file, section 16
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16.doc Basic SDS template document-file, section 16
SDS_2015_2_CIS_01.dat Template Import-file for SDS CIS, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_CIS_01.doc Template document-file for SDS CIS Section 1
SDS_2015_2_CIS_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS CIS, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_CIS_02.doc Template document-file for SDS CIS Section 2

96 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_CIS_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS CIS, Section 3

SDS_2015_2_CIS_03.doc Template document-file for SDS CIS Section 3
SDS_2015_2_CIS_12.doc Template document-file for SDS CIS, additional part of
section 12
SDS_2015_2_CIS_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS CIS, additional part of sec-
tion 12
SDS_2015_2_CIS_16.dat Template Import-file for SDS CIS, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_CIS_16.doc Template document-file for SDS CIS Section 16
SDS_2015_2_CIS_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS CIS
SDS_2015_2_CIS_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS CIS
SDS_2015_2_EU_01.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_EU_01.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_EU_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EU_02.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EU_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EU_03.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EU_04.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_EU_04.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_EU_05.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_EU_05.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_EU_06.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_EU_06.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_EU_07.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_EU_07.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_EU_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EU_08.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EU_09.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_EU_09.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_EU_10.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_EU_10.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_EU_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_EU_11.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_EU_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_EU_12.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_EU_13.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_EU_13.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_EU_14.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_EU_14.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_EU_15.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 15

97 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_EU_15.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 15

SDS_2015_2_EU_16.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_EU_16.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_EU_ANNEX.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, ANNEX
SDS_2015_2_EU_ANNEX.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, ANNEX
SDS_2015_2_EU_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU
SDS_2015_2_EU_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS EU
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_02_TR.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 2 for TR
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_02_TR.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 2 for
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_02.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_03.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_08.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_16.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_16.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_01.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_01.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_02.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_03.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_04.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_04.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_05.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_05.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_06.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_06.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_07.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_07.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_08.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_09.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 9

98 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_09.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 9

SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_10.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_10.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_11.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_12.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_13.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_13.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_14.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_14.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_15.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_EU_RTL_15.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_16.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_EU_EXT_RTL_16.doc Template document-file for SDS EU, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_EUEXT_RTL_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT
SDS_2015_2_EUEXT_RTL_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS EU_EXT
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS EU_EXT
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_02.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_03.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_08.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_11.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_EMEA_RTL_12.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_GHS_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_GHS_02.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_GHS_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_GHS_03.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_GHS_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_GHS_08.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_GHS_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_GHS_11.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_GHS_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_GHS_12.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 12

99 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_GHS_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS

SDS_2015_2_GHS_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS
SDS_2015_2_RTL_01.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_RTL_01.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_RTL_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_RTL_02.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_RTL_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_RTL_03.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_RTL_04.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_RTL_04.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_RTL_05.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_RTL_05.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_RTL_06.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_RTL_06.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_RTL_07.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_RTL_07.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_RTL_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_RTL_08.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_RTL_09.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_RTL_09.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_RTL_10.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_RTL_10.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_RTL_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_RTL_11.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_RTL_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_RTL_12.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_RTL_13.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_RTL_13.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_RTL_14.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_RTL_14.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_RTL_15.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_RTL_16.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_RTL_16.dat Template Import-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_RTL_15.doc Template document-file for SDS EMEA RTL, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_RTL_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS RTL
SDS_2015_2_RTL_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS RTL Other Settings

100 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

For correct printing of the ADR tunnel restriction code in section 14 it is necessary to imple-
ment following SAP notes: 1105036 (Mapping the tunnel regulation from the ADR 2007) and
1316952 (Displaying the transport type (description) in EHS reports)

7.1.4. Settings to update the MSDS Templates for the Ameri-

cas File Overview
The following files are included in the delivery:


File name Description

customizing transport
K901526.NE5 customizing transport NE5K901526 for the ERC SDS
template update 2015-2
R901526.NE5 customizing transport NE5K901526 for the ERC SDS
template update 2015-2
SDS_2015_2_NA_Specification.pdf Specification - Document for NA (formerly DataMap-
SDS_2015_2_NA_Specification_ Specification - Document for NA showing differences to
changes_marked.pdf previous version
SDS_2015_2_NA_GHS_ Specification - Document for NA GHS SDS (formerly
Specification.pdf DataMapping)
SDS_2015_2_NA_GHS_Specification_ Specification - Document for NA GHS SDS showing dif-
changes_marked.pdf ferences to previous version
SDS_2015_2_LA_Specification.pdf Specification - Document for LA (formerly DataMap-
SDS_2015_2_LA_Specification_ Specification - Document for LA showing differences to
changes_marked.pdf previous version
SDS_2015_2_GHS_Specification.pdf Specification - Document for GHS (purple book)
SDS_2015_2_GHS_Specification_ Specification - Document for GHS showing differences
changes_marked.pdf to previous version
Overview_SDS_Templates_used_ Overview on templates and used includes
ReleaseNote_SDS_Templates_2015_ ReleaseNote for the ERC SDS template 2015-2
RGV_2015_2_Configuration.pdf Overview on the generationvariants and how to main-
tain them
SDS_Template_Changes_ERC_2015_ Overview on the SDS template changes, updates and
2.xlsx corrections in ERC update 2015-2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 1

101 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01_NA.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 1

SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01_NA.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 1
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02_NA.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02_NA.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_03.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_04.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_04.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 4
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_05.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_05.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 5
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_06.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_06.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 6
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_07.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_07.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 7
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_08.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_09.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 9
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_10.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_10.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 10
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_12.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_13.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_13.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 13
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_14.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_14.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 14
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_NA.dat Template Import-file for SDS NA, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_NA.doc Template document-file for SDS NA, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16_NA.dat Template Import-file for SDS NA, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16_NA.doc Template document-file for SDS NA, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01_NAGHS.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 1

102 © SAP SE
MSDS Templates

SDS_2015_2_BASIC_01_NAGHS.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 1

SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02_NAGHS.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_02_NAGHS.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11_NAGHS.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_11_NAGHS.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_NAGHS.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_15_NAGHS.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 15
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16_NAGHS.dat Template Import-file for SDS Americas, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_BASIC_16_NAGHS.doc Template document-file for SDS Americas, Section 16
SDS_2015_2_GHS_02.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_GHS_02.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 2
SDS_2015_2_GHS_03.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_GHS_03.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 3
SDS_2015_2_GHS_08.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_GHS_08.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 8
SDS_2015_2_GHS_11.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_GHS_11.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 11
SDS_2015_2_GHS_12.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_GHS_12.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS, Section 12
SDS_2015_2_GHS_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS GHS
SDS_2015_2_GHS_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS GHS
SDS_2015_2_NA_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS NA
SDS_2015_2_NA_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS NA
SDS_2015_2_LA_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS LA
SDS_2015_2_LA_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS LA
SDS_2015_2_NA_GHS_MAIN.dat Template Import-file for SDS NA GHS
SDS_2015_2_NA_GHS_MAIN.doc Template document-file for SDS NA GHS Other Settings

There are no further manual settings to be maintained manually with this update.

103 © SAP SE
Appendix A. How To ...
A.1. How to upload property tree transports files
The upload process consists of three steps:

1. Find out the directory name and path of the import queue for the SAP Transport Manage-
ment System.
2. Load the transport files into the import directory using the transaction CG3Z.
3. Attach the transport request to the import queue

In the following, the three steps are described:

1. Find out the directory name and path of the import queue for the SAP Transport Manage-
ment System.

1.1. You may ask your SAP system manager or proceed as follows:
1.2. Run transaction AL11.
1.3. The first part of the directory path is listed after the entry DIR_TRANS, for example
1.4. Within this directory two sub-directories exist:
• The sub-directory "cofiles" where the co-files are stored.
• The sub-directory "data" where the data files are stored.
2. Load the transport files into the import directory using the transaction CG3Z.

2.1. Start transaction CG3Z.

2.2. Enter in the field "Source file on front end" the transport file name including the com-
plete path on your computer or file server, for example "d:\transfer\K102047.SH2" for
a co-file or "d:\transfer\R102047.SH2" for a data file.
2.3. Enter in the field "Target file on application server" the same file name and the complete
path on the SAP Application Server which you found out in Step 1, for example "F:\usr
\sap\trans\cofiles\K102047.SH2" for a co-file or "F:\usr\sap\trans\data\R102047.SH2"
for a data file. Make sure to enter "BIN" in the field "Transfer format for data".
2.4. Start the upload process with the push button "Upload". When the upload process has
been successful a message appears.
3. Attach the transport request to the import queue

3.1. Navigate to the SAP Transport Management System (transaction STMS).

3.2. Choose push button "Import Overview (F5)".
3.3. Navigate to the transport domain of your SAP system: Position the cursor on the trans-
port domain and choose the push button "Display Import Queue" or choose "Double
3.4. Choose in the menu "Extras" -> "Other requests" -> "Add".
3.5. Enter in the field "Transp. Request" the name of the transport request, e.g.
"SH2K102047". The field "Import Queue" is already filled with the selected import
3.6. Start the process with the push button "Continue". The transport request is added to
the bottom of the import queue with the highest number.

Please note that the listed "Owner" is the SAP user who created the transport request not
104 © SAP SE
the login-user who started the upload process!
How To ...

A.2. How to upload files

Upload all phrase import files and the phrase set assignment file from your local drive to the
application server.

Ask your administrator for the upload path on your application server. You may check for the
path also via transaction AL11.

For example :

\\<server>\ \\Globaltrans\trans or F:\usr\sap\trans\upload

Use transaction CG3Z for uploading and choose BIN(ary) transfer format as shown in the
screen shot below.

Size of path and filename is limited. It may be necessary to either shorten the import file names
or choose a short directory path to upload the files.

Please check that you upload the correct files for the operating system of your application
server. You may also have to consider if Unicode or Non Unicode system. For non-unicode
files, the update delivery includes import files formatted for MS Windows and UNIX. You can
get info about the OS in R/3 at -> System -> Status. Under the "Host data" header you can
see the operating system used by the R/3 server.

The upload of import files onto the application server and the import into EHS are completely
independent from any language specific settings on the front-end PC, i.e. phrases can be
uploaded and imported with every regional default setting.

A.3. How to import transport requests

The import process consists of several steps which are identical for customizing and work-
bench transport requests:

1. Check user in import client.

2. Navigate to the SAP Transport Management System.
3. Select the transport domain for your SAP system.
4. Search and select the transport request which shall be imported.
5. Start the import for the client where the property tree objects shall be used.

105 © SAP SE
How To ...

Please note that property tree transport requests are client dependent and shall be available
after the import only in the selected client.
6. Check the import by displaying the transport log.

In the following, the steps listed above are described in more detail:

1. Check user in import client.

1.a. Make sure, that no other user besides the SAP administrator (who is doing the import)
is working in the EH&S specification data base or in the EH&S customizing on the SAP
client where the import of property tree transports takes place. Otherwise, property
tree objects might be logged and might not be updated during the import.
2. Navigate to the SAP Transport Management System.
2.a. Start transaction STMS.
2.b. Choose pushbutton "Import Overview (F5)" or press F5.
2.c. The import overview open with a list of transport requests which are available for im-
3. Select the transport domain for your SAP system.
3.a. Position the cursor on the transport domain.
3.b. Choose the push button "Display Import Queue" or "Double click" on the transport
domain name.
4. Search and select the transport request which shall be imported.

The files which need to be imported depend on the property tree package and are listed
in the Appendix.

4.a. In order to find a transport request more easily in the import queue, a filter can be set.
Choose a column, "Request" for example, by clicking on the column title.

Then choose the pushbutton "Filters (Ctrl + F10)" or press "Ctrl + F10".

Enter the filter criterion in the following window, "SH2*" or "EEI*" for example.

Select the filter criterion with the pushbutton "Copy (Enter)".

4.b. Position the cursor on the transport request and select it with the pushbutton "Se-
lect/Deselect Request (F9)" or press F9. The selected transport request will be high-
5. Start the import for the client where the property tree objects shall be used.

Please note that property tree transport requests are client dependent and shall be available
after the import only in the selected client.
5.a. Start the import with the pushbutton "Import Request (Ctrl+F11) or press Ctrl+F11.
5.b. Fill in the "Target Client" in the next window.
5.c. On the tab page "Date", set the start date to "Immediate".
5.d. On the tab page "Options", select the option "Leave Transport Request in Queue for
Later Import" .
5.e. On the tab page "Options", select the option "Ignore Invalid Component Version" when
transports which were generated on an ERP 6.0 system are imported in a system with
a lower release (ERP 5.0 = ERP 2004 for example).
5.f. Choose the pushbutton "Continue" to start the import. The status of the transport re-
quest will change first to "Import running" and then to "Request is ready for import

Use "Legend: Import Queue" to obtain more details about the status symbols.

106 © SAP SE
How To ...

6. Check the import by displaying the transport log.

6.a. After the import is completed, open the transport log for the imported transport request
using the push button "Logs (Ctrl+F4)" or press Ctrl+F4.
6.b. The transport log will be displayed. You may open additional sections by pressing the
"+" pushbutton.
6.c. In general, the status of the import will be "(0) Successfully Completed".
6.d. The status may be "(4) Ended with warning" when transports which were generated
on an ERP 6.0 system are imported in a system with a lower release (ERP 5.0 = ERP
2004 for example). Such warnings because of "different nametabs" can be ignored.
The property tree objects are imported correctly despite the warning.

A.4. How to allocate phrase sets

There are two ways to generate phrase sets:

1. Manual generation and allocation of phrase sets

2. During an initial setup: Run customizing activity "Generate Standard Phrase Sets"

In the following, both ways are described:

1. Manual generation and allocation of phrase sets

1.a.Ensure that no one is working with the affected property tree or is using the affected
properties and characteristics in the EH&S specification workbench.
1.b.Run transaction CGCZ "Match Up Master Data" with flag "Match Up ValAss Type and
Char." only. This function determines all characteristics to which phrases can be assigned
- that are all characteristics of type CHAR 30. These characteristics are transferred to the
table “Phrase set - Attribute assignment” (transaction CGAB).

1.c.Choose transaction CG1B "Edit phrase sets" and create manually phrase sets for all
characteristics which are described in the file "Changes....pdf" as "new, CHAR 30, mul-
tiple phrases" or “new, CHAR 30, single phrase”. Enter the characteristic key as the new
phrase set key. Add appropriate phrases to the new phrase sets.

Exceptions are characteristics which keys end with "_GLP", "_PREC", or "_TEST_SUB".
For these characteristics, phrase sets already exist (SAP_EHS_XXXX_XXX_PREC,
ly be assigned.

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Customers of the SAP ERC phrase library receive the allocation of phrases to new phrase
sets with the corresponding phrase library update.
1.d.Choose transaction CGAB "Edit phrase set-attribute assignment". Assign all new phrase
sets to the appropriate characteristics.
1.e.Run transaction CGCZ "Match up master data" with flag "Activate Phras-
ing of Characteristics" only. This function assigns the function module
C14K_PHRASECHARACT_CHECK to all phrase-related characteristics. This enables
the system to call an assigned phrase set in the specification data base.

2. During an initial setup: Run customizing activity "Generate Standard Phrase Sets"
2.a.Ensure that no one is working with the affected property tree or is using the affected
properties and characteristics in the EH&S specification workbench.
2.b.If an EH&S system is set up initially the customizing activity "Generate Standard Phrase
Sets" is used in general to create and allocate phrase sets to all characteristics of type
CHAR 30.
2.c.Navigate to the activity "Generate Standard Phrase Sets" in the SAP customizing (IMDG)
(path within EH&S 3.2 and higher releases: Environment, Health & Safety -> Basic Data
and Tools -> Specification Management -> Specification Data Base Structure -> Settings
for Value Assignment -> Generate Standard Phrase Sets). A complete overview about
this activity is given in the corresponding IMDG activity documentation.
2.d.Start the activity.
2.e.Phrase sets are generated and allocated to all characteristics of type CHAR 30. Phrases
are not allocated to the new phrase sets. Assignments of phrase sets to characteristics
that already exist are not overwritten by the system.
2.f.Some characteristics defined as CHAR 30 are not meant to be assigned to phrase sets,
for example "Value in Non-Standard Unit". These characteristics shall be used to store a
numerical value and a unit but were unfortunately defined as a free text fields of CHAR
30. In this case, the assigned phrase set has to be deleted in the table "Edit phrase
set-attribute assignment" (transaction CGAB) after the standard phrase sets have been

If the explanation component shall be used and the phrase sets were generated
by the automatic customizing functionality "Create Standard Phrase Sets", it is nec-
essary to remove the phrase set assignment manually at least from the characteris-
tic SAP_EHS_0101_002_RULESET. Otherwise the explanation cannot be stored in the
specification database for later use.

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2.g.Run transaction CGCZ "Match up master data" with flag "Activate Phras-
ing of Characteristics" only. This function assigns the function module
C14K_PHRASECHARACT_CHECK to all characteristics where phrase sets have been
assigned (see transaction CGAB). This enables the system to call an assigned phrase
set in the specification data base. If the phrase set was deleted in the table "Edit phrase
set-attribute assignment" (transaction CGAB) before carrying out this transaction, then
the function module C14K_PHRASECHARACT_CHECK is deleted in the corresponding
CHAR 30-characteristic and this characteristic can be filled as a free text field.

A.5. How to create WWI report symbols

Run transaction CGCZ "Match up master data" with flag "Generate Symbols" only. This will
generate the necessary new WWI symbols for the new characteristics.

Additional information:

In a standard R/3 System automatically created symbols using the transaction CGCZ are gen-
erated with descriptions which are copies of the characteristics descriptions in the logon lan-

109 © SAP SE
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guage. The flag "Regenerate Symbol Descriptions" within transaction CGCZ can be used to
generate the symbol descriptions in another language different from the logon language. En-
glish or German are possible symbol descriptions languages when property tree packages are
installed where the characteristics descriptions are delivered in English and German.

If the transaction CGCZ is run with the flag "Match Up Symbols-Phrase-Enabled Characteris-
tics" the symbol definitions for the characteristic symbols that have been changed from phrase-
related to non-phrase-related (or vice versa) will be updated..

A.6. How to set up the Table-based Value Assign-

There are two ways to set up the Table-based Value Assignment:

1. Set up Table-based Value Assignment for new properties

2. Set up Table-based Value Assignment for existing properties with new characteristics

In the following, both ways are described:

1. Set up Table-based Value Assignment for new properties

1.1. Navigate to the activity "Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment" in the SAP customiz-
ing (IMG) (path: Environment, Health & Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> Specification
Management -> Specification Data Base Structure -> Settings for Value Assignment
-> Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment). A complete overview about this activity is
given in the corresponding IMG activity documentation.
1.2. Start the activity. The following screen appears:

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1.3. Choose the entry "Create Entries for the Value Assignments". The window "Filling
Customizing Table for Table-based Value Assignment" appears:

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1.4. Enter a property key of a new property or a series of property keys in the field "Value
assgmt type" and start the process (pushbutton "Execute"). A general example for a
property key is SAP_EHS_1023_043 (for property "GHS Classification (List Data").

Select the property keys of the new properties within a specific property tree package
from the file "Changes_.....pdf". The file name for a specific property tree package can
be found in the Appendix.

Please avoid to execute this process with the same property key multiple times be-
cause this would create multiple entries in the customizing table!
1.5. Return to the previous window (push button "Back"):

112 © SAP SE
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1.6. Choose the entry "Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment". The complete customizing
table opens. Check all entries for the configured property/properties:
1.7. Return to the previous window (push button "Back"):
1.8. Repeat the steps 1.2 to 1.7 to create the necessary entries for all new properties.
2. Set up Table-based Value Assignment for existing properties with new characteristics

You have to change the configuration of existing properties where new characteristics were
added and which were already configured for the Table-Based Value Assignment. The rec-
ommended procedure is to delete all entries for existing properties with new characteristics
in the customizing table and to create the entries for these properties anew (see the follow-
ing steps 2.1 to 2.14).

If the configuration of the Table-Based Value Assignment for properties with new character-
istics was already changed, then these changes should be documented before deleting the
entries. In this case, an alternative could be not to delete all entries for a changed property
but to update the Table-Based Value Assignment for the existing property only (follow steps
1.1 to 1.8). Then, the new characteristics would be appended to the already existing entries
for this property. The correct order of the characteristics would have to be set up manually.

Please note, that the Table-based Value Assignment customizing table can only be changed
in SAP systems where the direct customizing is enabled. If the direct customizing is disabled
(for example in a production system), then the Table-based Value Assignment should be set
up in a system where the direct customizing is enabled (for example a development system).
The correct entries can be then transported to the system with the disabled customizing
(customizing transport request).

2.1. Navigate to the activity "Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment" in the SAP customiz-
ing (IMG) (path: Environment, Health & Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> Specification
Management -> Specification Data Base Structure -> Settings for Value Assignment
-> Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment). A complete overview about this activity is
given in the corresponding IMG activity documentation.
2.2. Start the activity. The following screen appears:

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2.3. Choose the entry "Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment". The complete customizing
table opens.
2.4. Choose the push button "Position", enter a property key of an existing property with
new characteristics and navigate to this property. Select the property key from the file
"Changes_.....pdf". The specific file name for a certain property tree package can be
found in the Appendix.
2.5. Select all entries for this property.
2.6. Delete the selected entries (push button "Delete").
2.7. Return to the previous window:
2.8. Choose the entry "Create Entries for the Value Assignments". The window "Filling
Customizing Table for Table-based Value Assignment" appears:

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2.9. Enter the property key of the property, which entries you deleted in the previous step,
in the field "Value assgmt type":
2.10. Start the process (pushbutton "Execute").
2.11. Return to the previous window:
2.12. Choose the entry "Set Up Table-Based Value Assignment" again. The customizing
table opens. Check all entries for the configured property:
2.13. Return to the previous window (push button "Back"):
2.14. Repeat the steps 2.2 to 2.13 to create the necessary entries for all existing properties
with new characteristics.

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A.7. How to check and extend copy/inheritance

The following steps are necessary to check and extend copy/inheritance templates:

1. Check copy/inheritance templates and assign one of the new properties to an existing tem-
plate, if necessary.
2. It is recommended to proceed as follows:
2.a. Navigate to the substance workbench or run transaction CG02.
2.b. Select "Find Substance" (double-click) on the initial screen. It is not necessary to start
a search and create a hit list.
2.c. Make sure that you are working in the "Edit" mode and not the "Display" mode. You
may change from "Display" to "Edit" mode using the pushbutton "Display <-> Edit (Ctrl
2.d. Navigate in the menu to "Specification" -> "Inheritance" -> "Edit Templates".
2.e. A selection screen opens where you select the template you want to edit. Choose the
pushbutton "Inheritance Templates Detail View". A detail window opens.
2.f. Choose the option "Value assignment type selection" where you can add new proper-
ties to the copy/inheritance template.
2.g. Select a new property. Choose the pushbutton "Transfer (Enter)".
2.h. A new window opens. Choose one of the pushbuttons "Replace" or "Supplement".
2.i. Choose the pushbutton "Transfer (F8)" on the next screen.
2.j. Complete this process by choosing the pushbutton "Save (Ctrl+S)" on the following
selection screen.
2.k. Choose the pushbutton "Transfer (Enter)" to return to the hit list.

A.8. How to import phrases

Choose Data Transfer - > Phrases (Transaction CG31) ; please see screen shot below.

• "File with path" - Enter the path and file name (same as target file section upload files )
• For all files choose UTF-8 as character standard.
• You can leave all other options blank
• Optional: You can limit the import to certain languages if you want (Button "Language se-
lection" )
• Check the file (F5)
• Carefully check the displayed information before importing the phrases. Make sure you im-
port to the passive CED or TDCLE library, the versions are correct and no errors are dis-
• If necessary approve the message "Date of phr. lib. to be imported is identical to date of
current library", this is just for your information.
• However if the file you want to import is older than the library in your system, you can not
import it. Please make sure you have chosen the correct import file. In section upload files
you can also find information on how to change the header data of your import files.
• Choose "Transfer/start time" (F6)
• Choose "Immediate" or specify a time 116 © SAP SE
• Save
How To ...

Phrase import files for CED and TDCLE libraries include all phrases of the library,
not only those that are new or updated. Please be aware that all manual changes
made in your CED or TDCLE phrases will be overwritten.

Please do not set the flag for full import as this will delete your
passive library!

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A.9. How to merge phrases

To merge phrases from a passive catalogue into the active, use transaction cg12 and start with :

1. Select the phrases to be merged.

If you are updating your phrase library, we recommend to restrict the phrase selection to
only new and revised phrases. Please use the Phrase created/changed... functionality with
the settings shown in the screenshot:

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2. Go to the menu bar ->extras->merge

and select merge.

3. Pressing the "Adopt phrase ID" Button you will take the same phrase IDs into the active
catalogue as you have in the passive one.

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It is not recommended to press the "Determine target phrase" - button as this may
select phrases as target phrases that are not appropriate or may not have e.g. all
language translations.

The merging process normally does not perform well when processing several thou-
sand phrases at one time. Therefore, we strongly recommend that only a part of the
phrase library is merged at one time (e.g. filtered by phrase groups or phrase keys).

A.10. How to import phrase set assignments

Prior to importing phrase set assignments, the phrases have to be merged into the active
library. After uploading the phrase set assignment file, the assignments should to be imported
into SAP EHS.

• Choose Data Transfer - > Phrases (Transaction CG31)

• "File with path" - Enter the path and file name (same as target file section upload files )

• Check the "Phrase Set Assignmt" option as shown in the screenshot below

• Check the file (F5)

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Sometimes none or only a few assignments are imported. If you encounter this error, the first
step would be to run this import several times until no more phrases are assigned to phrase
sets. If this does not help an easy work-around is to change the name of the phrase library in
the import file to the name of your active library. Upload and import this modified file. In section
upload files you can also find information on how to change the header data of your import files.

As the phrase set assignment files are based on the latest SAP EHS standard property tree
there will be warnings in the logfile of the import if your system is not updated with the latest
standard property tree. These warnings can usually be ignored. Customers with valid mainte-

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nance contracts for SAP EHS Regulatory Content - expert rules for substance and mixture
classification or - substance lists and reference data receive the latest tree as part of their reg-
ular maintenance. Should you need any additional info on this topic please feel free to contact

A.11. How to combine/retire phrases

A.11.1. Combining Duplicate Phrases
Previous versions of retired phrases lists will be delivered on demand. With those the following
should be done.

All phrases in column A will no longer be maintained and should be combined with the phrases
listed in column D .

Combining a phrase adds all phrase set assignments from the no longer used phrase (replaced
phrase) to the phrase that's still in use (combined phrase). Additionally all substance value
assignments will be checked and the no longer used phrase key will be replaced by the com-
bined phrase key.

Please see also the SAP EHS documentation for further information on combining phrases.
(example on next page)

• Create a hit list of two or more phrases you want to combine

• Check that both phrase texts are identical
• Do a check if these phrases are used: -> Extras -> Where-used list
• Choose -> Extras -> Combine
• Mark the phrase that you want to keep
• Choose Execute or Execute in background

Important Notes:

• When combining phrases, the phrase positions will not be changed, e.g. missing translations
in one phrase will not be filled with the existing translation of the other phrase nor will changes
to the phrase text or code be made.
• If a phrase is used directly on a report template, the symbol for this phrase has to be replaced
manually with the phrase key of the combined phrase. Use the "where-used list" functionality
to check if a phrase is used on a report template.
• If a phrase is used, execute the combine as a background job as it might take some time to
update all value assignments with the new phrase key.
• Please note that combining phrases may have an influence on e.g. Expert rule sets or data
loads. It may become necessary to change mapping tables accordingly.
• For combining phrases when using ALE distribution please take notice of SAP NOTE 727174


Phrase to be replaced by another phrase

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Example of hit list of duplicate phrases

The marked phrase N15.00208960 will still be in use after combining, N02.00900510 will be
combined (replaced) and is no longer available after combining.

A.11.2. Retired Phrases

Due to regulatory changes or the addition/revision of phrases some of the older phrases of the
CED phrase library may become obsolete. We publish a list of so called "retired phrases" as
a spreadsheet (e.g. CED_2009_1_RetiredPhrases.xls) which is included in the delivery. For
past updates these files can be delivered on demand.

Please review the retired phrases list and inform us if there are phrases that you still need.

After that, please delete any phrases that you no longer need from your active phrase library:

• Create a hit list of these phrases

• Do a check if these phrases are used: -> Extras -> Where-used list

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• If not used, choose -> Edit -> Delete

Phrases deleted from the SAP system are stored in the backup phrase library unless an active
phrase that originated in a passive phrase library is deleted.

A.12. How to install EHS OCC

On each front-end computer that is used for loads of SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance
lists and reference data, SAP EHS Open Content Connector (OCC) needs to be installed.
OCC in the latest version is part of the SAP EHS Expert installation package. If your current
OCC version is lower than Service Pack 20, we highly recommend that you upgrade all OCC
installations to this version. See the SAP EHS Regulatory Content Release Notes document
for new features of this OCC version.

For installation local administrator rights might be required. Registry settings will be
added under the following paths:

SAP EHS OCC Service Pack 20 and below:


SAP EHS OCC Service Pack 21 and higher:

• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EHS-AddOns\Systems
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EHS-AddOns\Instances
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\EHS-AddOns\Open Content Connector

A.12.1. Initial Installation/Upgrading of older OCC versions

1. Make sure that your front-end computer fulfills the system requirements listed in chapter
2. Download the latest SAP EHS Expert and OCC setup files. See chapter Where to get EHS
OCC for details.
3. Run Expert/OCC Setup
4. Choose Option "Open Content Connector". If Expert rule sets are used on this computer,
additional setup options may be required.
5. ODBC-(Database) drivers to access mapping databases are installed automatically, if they
do not already exist.

A.13. How to extend entry in secondary data de-

In the example at the bottom you can see the typically used entries for secondary data deter-
mination with Expert rule sets and OCC data loads. The required entries for the specific rule
sets are explicitly given in the functional description of the rule set and in the appendix for SAP
EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data.

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1. In Customizing for Basic Data and Tools, call the IMG activity Manage User Exits.
2. Create a new user exit with user exit category SUB_SEDACA using
C1E5_SUB_EXPERT_EVALUATE as Function Module (copy the entry of a DEMO-rule set
as template for your new user exit).

3. Choose Parameters and Values.

The following environment parameters must be set up for the reference modules


Specifies the backup mode for secondary data determination by the EHS Expert.

If you enter the value I, the SAP system creates the new data records that were determined
by the EHS Expert without changing other data records.

If you enter the value D, the SAP system deletes all the existing data records and creates
the newly determined data. If the EXPERT_RES_BY_SRSID_OWNID_FLG parameter is
set, then only those data records are deleted that were determined during previous runs of
the EHS Expert. Using the data origin (parameter EXPERT_WRITE_SOURCE_ID) and the
data provider (parameter EXPERT_WRITE_OWNER) the SAP system recognizes which
data was determined previously by the EHS Expert.

You can determine the address number of the data provider in Customizing for Basic
Data and Tools in the IMG activity Specify Authorization Groups. To do this, call the
input help for the Data prov. field in the IMG activity. You will find the value you require
in the Addr. no. field. The address number is not displayed in address management
in the Product Safety component.

If you enter the value C the SAP system resets the active indicator for the newest of the
data records and deletes all other existing ones. The number of data records to be de-
activated can be derived from the parameter EXPERT_NUM_OF_DEACT_VALUATION.
The data records that were newly determined by the EHS Expert are also created. If the
EXPERT_RES_BY_SRSID_OWNID_FLG parameter is set, then only those data records
are deleted that were determined during previous runs of the EHS Expert. This helps

125 © SAP SE
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you prevent data records being deleted inadvertently. The SAP system uses the da-
ta origin (parameter EXPERT_WRITE_SOURCE_ID) and the data provider (parameter
EXPERT_WRITE_OWNER) to recognize which data was determined previously by the EHS

Corresponds with the name of the RFC destination that is entered under Tools -> Adminis-
tration -> Administration -> Network -> RFC Destinations (transaction SM59) (for example

Determine the rating and validity area for which the data is transferred from the SAP system
to the EHS Expert.

Determine the rating and validity area with which the data determined is stored in the SAP
system. In the EHS Expert set of rules you can also specifically define a different rating and
validity area that are used when storing data in the system.

These parameters can be used in addition to the two previous parameter pairs. You can
specify any number of usages in the format VACLID/RVLID/EXCLFLG (rating/validity/ex-
clude indicator). The parameter numbering has to start with 1 and has to be consecutive.



In this example, the system reads all data records that are valid in the EU but not in Germany.



In this example, the system writes all data records that are valid both for the EU and for
the USA.

Data origin that must be created in the IMG activity Specify Data Origin.

If no data origin is created, the system issues an error.


Name of the rule set

The following environment parameters can be set up for the reference module
C1E5_SUB_EXPERT_EVALUATE (not all possible parameters are described here):


If you set this indicator to X, the system calls the update function specified in the parameter
EXPERT_COMMIT_FUNCTION after the calculation is finished on the Expert server.

If you do not set this indicator, the EHS Expert server directly calls the update function. In
a productive system, we recommend that you set the indicator so that the Expert server is

126 © SAP SE
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available again more quickly for other parallel calls. During development and testing it may
be useful to not set the indicator, so that error messages from the update function are logged
in the log files and so you have the option of displaying the runtime of the update function
on the console or in the event display.

Determines the number of data records that are not deleted for save mode C, but are set
to inactive.

If you enter the value S (default), the SAP system displays the Determine Secondary Da-
ta dialog box in display mode when starting secondary data determination using the EHS

If you enter the value E you can revise the environment parameters in the Determine Sec-
ondary Data dialog box when starting secondary data determination using the EHS Expert.
The environment parameters you specified in Customizing are displayed as default values.

If you enter the value H the SAP system does not display the Determine Secondary Data
dialog box when starting secondary data determination using the EHS Expert.

Set this indicator if in backup modes C or D only data is to be deleted by the EHS Expert
that was determined during previous runs of the EHS Expert.

If you do not set this indicator, data that has also been entered manually or imported
can be deleted in backup mode C or D by the EHS Expert during secondary data

Data provider that you must have created in the SAP component Product Safety under Tools
-> Addresses -> Edit Data Providers. The data provider must always be entered with 10

If you do not specify a data provider, the SAP system uses the authorization group for the
specification to determine the respective data provider (see IMG activity Specify Authoriza-
tion Groups). If the SAP system does not find any data providers there, it creates the data
without a data provider.

You can choose between two operating modes.

ONLINE (default): The EHS Expert run starts immediately after you choose Execute.

BACKGROUND: The EHS Expert runs as a background job. The indicator for the parameter
EXPERT_ASK_FOR_STARTTIME must be set for the start time prompt.

If you set this indicator, you will be prompted in a dialog box when the EHS Expert is to start
as a background job.
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You can pass any number of parameters to the set of rules. This means you can make sets
of rules configurable. In the set of rules you must create a fact for this purpose that is mapped
to the external ID P:I_TAB_PARAM in fact mapping.

With this parameter, the Expert will write the current date with each run of
the given Expert rule: Enter the value X here, and set the further parame-
EXPERT_EXPLANATION_DATE_PROP as described below. Please note that this option
requires the implementation of OSS note no. 1450276!

You set up the explanation component (optional) of the EHS Expert using the following pa-


If you set this parameter to X and allow the set of rules to run in the foreground, the system
displays the explanation immediately after the set of rules run. For sets of rules that run in
the background, the system does not display the explanation automatically.

Set this parameter to X if you want to save the explanation for the set of rules run in the
specification. If you set the parameter to X, you must also edit the following parameters:

In this parameter you specify the value assignment type in which the explanation is to be
saved as a user-defined text. The standard version of the demo sets of rules contains the
entry SAP_EHS_0101_002. This value assignment type is not in a property tree because
the explanation is not displayed as a user-defined text but in the menu.

In this parameter you specify the characteristic in which the name of the set of rules is
saved to allow its assignment when displayed at a later stage. The characteristic must be in
the same value assignment type as the user-defined text for the explanation. The standard
version of the demo sets of rules contains the entry SAP_EHS_0101_002_RULESET.

If you run a master data match up, the system automatically appends a phrase set
and a check module to the characteristic. You must remove this check module again.

In this parameter you specify the characteristic in which the current date is written with each
rule run. The characteristic must be in the same value assignment type as specified in the
parameter EXPERT_EXPLANATION_ESTCAT. The standard version of the demo sets of
rules contains the entry SAP_EHS_0101_002_RUN_DATE. The last run date is only written
when triggered separately with the parameter EXPERT_WRITE_RUN_DATE. Please note
that this option requires the implementation of OSS note no. 1450276!

In this parameter you specify the user-defined text type with which the explanation is to be
saved in the specification. The standard version of the demo sets of rules contains the entry

128 © SAP SE
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In this parameter you specify the path and name of the index / header file of your SAP EHS
Regulatory Content database.

In this parameter you can specify a user name to access your SAP EHS Regulatory Content
database if it is stored in a password protected storage location or web server.

In this parameter you can specify a password to access your SAP EHS Regulatory Content
database if it is stored in a password protected storage location or web server.

This parameter is the specification key from SAP EHS, it should not be changed.

In this parameter you specify the identifier that OCC should use when looking for substance
data. This is usually either the CAS or the UN number.

In this parameter you specify the identifier that OCC should use for display. Choose an
identifier that is available for all substances like synonym name.

In this parameter you can specify a second identifier that OCC should use when look-
ing for substance data. This is identifier is only used when the identifier specified in
EXPERT_TAB_FIELD_2 does not give a search result. The main purpose is for loading data
that is not assigned to CAS numbers.

In this parameter you can specify a third identifier that OCC should use when look-
ing for substance data. This is identifier is only used when the identifiers specified in
EXPERT_TAB_FIELD_2 and EXPERT_TAB_FIELD_4 do not give a search result. The main
purpose is for loading data that is not assigned to CAS numbers, e.g. by using PMN numbers.

Typical Example Expert Rule set:

Environment parameter Sample value


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Typical Example OCC data load:

Environment parameter Sample Value

EXPERT_ADD_PARAM_1 headerurl=<path to ERC PS DB>\PS_DB
EXPERT_ADD_PARAM_2 usernameurl=x
EXPERT_ADD_PARAM_3 passwordurl=x
EXPERT_TAB_FIELD_2 <identifier>[NUM,CAS]
EXPERT_TAB_FIELD_3 <identifier>[NAM,SYN]
EXPERT_TAB_FIELD_5 <identifier>[NUM,PMN]

A.14. How to manage user exits

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In this IMG activity, you can define function modules for the user exits of the SAP component
Environment, Health and Safety for the following areas: Type SUB_SEDACA Secondary Data

Standard environment parameters with default values are delivered with some reference func-
tion modules.

If you want to define your own function modules, display the documentation for the
corresponding reference function module (SE37). Write the new function module anal-
ogous to the reference function module and its interface.

1. Call the IMG activity.
2. Check if the default settings are correct.
3. You can assign a specification category to a user exit so that this user exit is displayed
depending on the specification category (for example, for user exits on secondary data

The assignment is relevant only for user exits that relate to specifications.

A.15. How to add user defined text types

To add new data origins use transaction "spro" for the IMG customizing. Navigate to Environ-
ment, Health & Safety ->Basic Data and Tools -> Specification Management -> Additional In-
formation for Value Assignment -> Specify User-Defined Text Types.

• Press F5 or "New Entries"

• Enter the user defined text types (limited to 10 characters)
• Give a note / description
• Assign a specification category
• Save your settings

A.16. How to add data origins

To add new data origins use transaction "spro" for the IMG customizing. Navigate to Environ-
ment, Health & Safety ->Basic Data and Tools -> Tools -> Import ans Export -> Basic Settings
for Import and Export -> Specify Data Origins.

• Press F5 or "New Entries"

• Enter the Data Origin (limited to 10 characters)
• Optionally you may assign an Exchange Profile
• Give a note / description
• Save your settings

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A.17. How to add regulatory lists

Start transaction "spro" and navigate to: Environment, Health and Safety -> Basic Data and
Tools -> Specification Management -> Specification Master -> Specify Regulatory Lists

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

• Enter the short form of the regulatory list (limited to 10 characters)
• Give a description and other additional information
• switch to the navigation side bar on the left side and double click "Specification Category"
• Enter new Entries e.g "SUBSTANCE" for which the List will be valid.
• Save your settings

A.18. How to add literature sources

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Enter the sources and assign a specification category to each source. You can assign the
source key as required.

You can create new sources at any time, even in a productive system, from the EHS menu by
choosing Basic Data and Tools -> Tools -> Current Settings -> Specify Sources.

Or : Start IMG customizing with transaction "spro".

Navigate to Environment Health and Safety -> Basic Data and Tools ->Specification Manage-
ment -> Additional Information for Value Assignment -> Specify Sources.

• Press F5 or "New Entries"

• Enter the new source ID (limited to 10 characters) and additional information
• Switch to the left navigation sidebar and double click on the "Specification Category" entry.
• Pressing F5 or "New Entries" you can enter the Specification category like "SUBSTANCE".

A.19. How to add identifier types

Start transaction "spro" navigate to Environment, Health and Safety -> Basic Data and Tools
-> Specification Management -> Specification Master -> Check Identification Types.

• Enter the Identification category (NAM, NUM FRM....) as work area.

• With F5 or "New Entries" you can enter a new identification type and additional settings.
• You may only enter values within the "Z"- namespace. Others are possible but are not rec-
ommended - if really necessary - ignore warnings and safe.
• Go to the navigation sidebar and double click on the "Specification Category" entry and enter
a new entry e.g. "SUBSTANCE"
• save your Setting.

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A.20. How to add dangerous goods master data

SAP EHS offers wide customizing options regarding dangerous goods master data. Mainte-
nance of these customizing settings is done in transaction SPRO at Environment, Health and
Safety - Dangerous Goods Management - Basic Data and Master Data. Here there are three
further sub-nodes, Common Settings, Basic Data, and Master Data, each consisting of multi-
ple customizing items. In the following those customizing activities that may be relevant are
described in detail.

A.20.1. Dangerous Goods Classes and Classification Codes

Start transaction SPRO and navigate to Environment, Health and Safety - Dangerous Goods
Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Common Settings - Specify Dangerous Goods
Classes and Classification Codes:

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

• Enter the DG regulation the class and letter are relevant for
• Enter the DG class and give a description
• Switch to the navigation side bar on the left side and double click "Classification Code"
• Enter the classification code together with a description
• Save your settings

A.20.2. Risk Potentials

Start transaction SPRO and navigate to Environment, Health and Safety - Dangerous Goods
Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Basic Data - Specify Risk Potential:

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

• Enter the DG regulation and class the risk potential is relevant for
• Enter the risk potential (and classification code if applicable)
• Enter a description for the new risk potential
• Save your settings

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A.20.3. Hazard Identification Numbers

Start transaction SPRO and navigate to Environment, Health and Safety - Dangerous Goods
Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Common Settings - Specify Hazard Identification

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

• Enter the DG regulation the new hazard identification number shall be relevant for
• Enter the new hazard identification number together with a description
• Save your settings

A.20.4. Danger Labels

Start transaction SPRO and navigate to Environment, Health and Safety - Dangerous Goods
Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Common Settings - Specify Danger Labels:

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

• Enter the DG regulation (and class if applicable) the new danger label shall be relevant for
• Enter the danger label together with a description
• Save your settings

A.20.5. Packing Instruction Numbers

Start transaction SPRO and navigate to Environment, Health and Safety - Dangerous Goods
Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Common Settings - Specify Packing Instruction
Numbers: (these entries are just used in RiscClssification for creation of transport documents)

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

• Enter the DG regulation the packing instruction number shall be relevant for
• Enter the packing instruction number and a description
• Save your settings

A.20.6. Categories of Instructions for Enclosure and In-

structions for Enclosure
Start transaction SPRO and navigate to Environment, Health and Safety - Dangerous Goods
Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Common Settings - Specify Categories for En-
closure: (these entries of packing instructions are used in PackingRequirements)

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

• Choose Categorie or enter a new one if necessary
• Switch to the navigation side bar on the left side and double click "Specify Instructions for
• Enter Instruction for Enclosure and regulation the new instruction shall be relevant for
• Save your settings

A.20.7. Packing Codes

Start transaction SPRO and navigate to Environment, Health and Safety - Dangerous Goods
Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Common Settings - Specify Packing Codes:
(these entries of packing codes are used in PackingRequirements, do not use Packing Codes

• Press F5 or " New Entries"

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• Enter Packing code with description and regulation the new code shall be relevant for
• Save your settings

A.21. How to add validity areas

The validity area determines in which jurisdictions values assigned to specifications apply. You
specify validity areas depending on the validity area categories. You can use the validity area
categories to define plants, business areas or regions, for example, as validity areas. You can
assign individual jurisdictions or organizational units at a lower level to each validity area, for

You can assign countries and regions from the country table as validity areas for validity areas
of the category REGION. You can assign other organizational units for validity areas of another

The definition of validity areas is closely linked to the requirements for reports. The validity
areas for this IMG activity are also used in the R/3 component Dangerous Goods Management.

• Be aware, that the validity area "REG_WORLD" is "empty" and
has the default behaviour to recognize all countries.
• Once you have used a validity area in a productive system, it can
no longer be deleted.
• Newly created validity areas are not evaluated correctly by the
Expert before restarting the Expert Server.
• Please see also SAP Note 603152 - Country Codes for Serbia
and Montenegro

• Go to the IMG customizing ("spro"):

• Navigate to Environment, Health and Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> Additional Informa-
tion for Value Assignment -> Usage ->Specify Validity Areas.

• Press F5 or "New Entry" and enter the Validity area category (e.g. REGION) and the new
area as well as the description. Mark the entry and switch to the navigation sidebar

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• Double clicking the "Assign Validity Area/Country" entry the list of countries belonging to
this area opens (- empty). There you can assign all countries that shall belong to this new
validity area.

A.22. How to setup/update XML substance

database for substance lists and reference data
No database server is needed, any file server with a fast connection and sufficient
storage space is suitable.

Your data implementation or update package contains a setup file e.g. ERC_PS_Region_
2015-2.exe which includes all required database XML files. Please execute this file and choose
the correct path to your SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data
(Product Safety or Dangerous Goods) database installation. The path must match the entry of
the secondary data determination User Exit for data load, see chapter How to configure the
User Exit.

Please carefully check the installation path if you are updating an existing database to
avoid mixing up e.g. productive and test databases.

In your XML substance database folder, a text file called version.txt is stored which
will have information about the currently installed database. Please check the version

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file before updating the database to avoid overwriting your database with the same or
older files.

Each installation of the substance lists and reference data XML substance database takes
approximately 1,5 GB for Product Safety and 1,1 GB for Dangerous Goods database.

After installation of the XML files, the structure of the database should look like:

Product Safety:
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-PS\ main folder with index file and version info
(header.xml and version.txt)
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-PS subfolder with all CAS numbers starting with 1
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-PS subfolders for other CAS numbers starting
\... with 2 to 9
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-PS subfolder with all substance groups
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-PS subfolder with all non-substances data, e.g.
\N mixtures and data with no CAS number

Dangerous Goods and Dangerous Goods with Packaging

<path to XML substance database>\ERC-DG\ main folder with index file and version info
(head.xml and version.txt)
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-DG subfolder with all data for DG regulation
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-DG subfolders for other DG regulations
<path to XML substance database>\ERC-DG subfolder with all available UN numbers

Alternatively extract the files and burn a DVD if no network folder should be used (performance
loss!). The network path for database must be accessible for all users (read access). For
security reasons, access should be limited to persons allowed to load SAP EHS Regulatory
Content - substance lists and reference data. Please note the path to the database in the
installation protocol.

It is possible to have separate databases for Test, Development and Productive systems. This
allows testing of data updates without impact on the productive data load. If you want to do this,
copy the whole database including all subfolders to a different storage location. In addition,
changes to the mapping database and user exit are required to support multiple databases
(see also chapters How to configure the User Exit, How to configure EHS OCC and How to
setup Mapping Database).

Please make sure that you have a fast network connection between your OCC front-
end computer, SAP application server and the storage location of the XML substance
database. WAN connections are usually unsuitable for OCC as large amounts of data

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have to be transferred. See also SAP note 1235663 for further hints to improve the
OCC performance.

A.23. How to setup/update mapping database for

SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists
and reference data
The mapping database file is included in folder 5-Mapping-Database of your SAP EHS Reg-
ulatory Content -substance lists and reference data package. The mapping file is named
td_cleo.mdb for product safety and td_cleo_dg.mdb for dangerous goods.

Initial setup of mapping database

This mapping database can either be installed locally for each user or used as a central net-
work-database for all users.

Advantages of a local database:

• Fast access during data load

• Cache during the first data load is created much faster
• No access conflicts if several person are loading data at the same time

Disadvantages of a local database:

• During updates, each database needs to be changed/replaced.

• Users can have different mapping for phrases, properties and other values, potentially cre-
ating inconsistencies in SAP EHS.

Advantages of a central database:

• Only one database needs to be maintained/updated

• All users have the same mapping settings

Disadvantages of a central database:

• If network access is slow or bandwidth is limited, response time during data load might be
longer. Especially creating the cache will be much slower.
• In rare cases conflicts in opening the database if several persons are loading substance lists
and reference data at the same time

Please make sure that you have a fast network connection between your OCC front-
end computer and the storage location of the mapping database. WAN connections
are usually unsuitable for OCC as large amounts of data have to be transferred. As the
mapping database is used to store cached data for improved performance, this file can
get quite big (over 100 MB). See also SAP note 1235663 for further hints to improve
the OCC performance.

If you are copying the mapping database from a CD/DVD to your local drive/network,
please remove the write protection of the file td_cleo.mdb after copying to your local

If the active phrase library is different than CUST, changes to the mapping database are re-

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1. Open td_cleo.mdb / td_cleo_dg.mdb in MS Access

2. Open table ExpPhraseMap
3. Choose column External_id and replace CUST:

Search for: CUST-

Replace with:????- (name of active phrase library)

Search in: External_id

Compare: Beginning of field

Replace all

If several installations were done for the database (test/dev/prod), we recommend a
separate mapping database for each of the installations.

The OCC mapping database follows the same structure as SAP EHS Expert mapping databas-
es. There are separate mapping tables for properties, phrases and other values:

Updating the mapping database

We recommend replacing the mapping database with the new version included in your update
package as additional phrases and regulatory lists are added in the phrase mapping table.
If you have already made your own changes to the mapping database, e.g. renamed identi-
fiers or phrase mapping changes, please contact us and we will support you in updating your
database. If your active phrase library is different than CUST, changes to the mapping database
as specified above are required.

You can find the path of your mapping database in the ExpertAdmin tool installed on your front
end computer. On the instances tab there should be entries for e.g. CLEO_PS or CLEO_DG
which specify the path to the current mapping database. Please see Section A.24, “How to
configure EHS OCC” for details.

Repeat the above steps for all installations of the SAP EHS Regulatory content - substance
lists and reference data mapping database if you are using more than one mapping database
or if each user has a local copy of the mapping database.

We recommend to create a backup copy of your existing mapping database before
overwriting it with the new version of the mapping database.

Tables of the mapping database

• ExpRecordMap: Property Mapping
• ExpFactMap: Characteristics, Identifiers, Free Text, ... and display order
• ExpPhraseMap: Phrases and other values
• ExpGroupMap: Not used for OCC
• ExpSubstanceMap: Individual filter settings for each substance based on the last load for
this substance
• History: Version information and change log

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• CacheHeaderInfo: Cached information about the index file. Only available after the first data
• CacheHeaderAvailableSubstances: Cached data about all available substances in the
database. Only available after the first data load.
• CacheHeaderGroup: Cached data about all group assignments in the database. Only avail-
able after the first data load.

In all tables, Internal_id means the key/value in the database and External_id the correspond-
ing key/value in SAP EHS.

A.24. How to configure EHS OCC

The following settings in OCC must be created to support the data load of SAP EHS Regulatory
Content - substance lists and reference data.

Please note that everything described in this chapter is only valid for SAP EHS Open
Content Connector (OCC) Service Pack 21 (November 2009) or higher. Please update
OCC to this version or contact us for the settings in older OCC versions.

If multiple installations of the database exist for test, development and productive sys-
tems, the below steps must be repeated for all of them. Assign the name of the in-
stances as specified in the user exit parameter EXPERT_RULE_SET and assign the
appropriate mapping database.

Product Safety
A new instance entry has to be configured for Product Safety data:

• Execute OCC: ->Start -> Programs -> EHS -> Open Content Connector
• Choose: Options -> Instance Configuration ...
• Choose Add
• Name: CLEO_PS
• System: EHSOCC
• Mapping: Path to your mapping database TD_CLEO.mdb which was part of the installation
in step "How to setup Mapping Database"

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Dangerous Goods / Packaging Data

A new system entry has to be configured for Dangerous Goods/Packaging Data:

• Execute OCC: ->Start -> Programs -> EHS -> Open Content Connector
• Choose: Options -> Preferences ...
• Switch to the Systems tab
• Choose Add
• Options: All settings should have been automatically copied when the EHSOCCDG key was
created. No changes necessary.
• Choose Apply

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A new instance entry has to be configured for Dangerous Goods/Packaging Data:

• Execute OCC: ->Start -> Programs -> EHS -> Open Content Connector
• Choose: Options -> Instance Configuration ...
• Choose Add
• Name: CLEO_DG
• System: EHSOCCDG
• Mapping: Path to your mapping database TD_CLEO_DG.mdb which was part of the instal-
lation in step "How to setup Mapping Database"

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A.25. How to adjust the Fact Mapping

The fact mapping table contains the settings for mapping facts in the set of rules or OCC data
to characteristics or other elements in the EHS data model.

Table Fields in the Fact Mapping Table (ExpFactMap)

Table Field Meaning

Internal_Id Name of the fact in the set of rules / OCC XML file
Record Optional assignment of the fact to a record in the set of rules / OCC XML file
Group Optional assignment of the fact to a composition in the set of rules
External_Id Name of the assigned data element in EHS
Descriptions Description text for the fact
Options Options that govern access to the data in EHS more closely
IsPhrase Identifies whether the fact contains values that are to be subject to value
conversion via phrase mapping tables. This will mostly be used for facts
that represent characteristics with phrases assigned in order to convert
an easily recognizable phrase identification used in the set of rules / OCC
XML file to the phrase key in EHS and vice versa.

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The first three fields together form a unique identifier for the fact in the set of rules.

A.25.1. Adjusting Fact Mapping to Load a CAS Number

Example how you can add a CAS number as identifier if you load your substance with a PMN

Table Field Value

DispOrder 96
Internal_Id NUM_CAS
Language EN
Description CAS Number
IsPhrase yes

A.26. How to adjust the Record Mapping

The record mapping table contains the settings for mapping records in the set of rules or OCC
to value assignment types in EHS.

Table Fields in the Record Mapping Table (ExpRecordMap)

Table Field Meaning

Internal_Id Name of the record in the set of rules / OCC XML file
Group Optional assignment of the record to a composition in the set of rules
External_Id Name of the assigned value assignment type in EHS
Descriptions Description text for the record
Options Options that govern access to the data in EHS more closely

The first two fields together identify the record uniquely in the set of rules.

A.27. How to adjust the Phrase Mapping

The phrase mapping table contains the regulations for mapping phrase codes used in the set
of rules or OCC XML files to phrase keys in EHS.

Phrase mapping allows an assignment to be made between an internal and an external
value for any fact value. The phrase does not have to be an EHS phrase. The corre-
sponding conversion takes place if the IsPhrase indicator is set in fact mapping.

Expert generates a warning message if the rule set or OCC reads phrases which are
not contained in the Mapping table.

Table Fields in the Phrase Mapping Table (ExpPhraseMap)

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Table Field Meaning

Internal_Id Phrase code in the set of rules. The rule editor uses a special syntax for
phrase codes to distinguish them from normal texts. For this purpose the
phrase codes are enclosed in square brackets and number signs, for ex-
ample [#R20#] .
External_Id Phrase key in EHS
Phrasetext Phrase text
Options Options that govern access to the data in EHS more closely

In some cases it might be necessary to enhance/adapt the phrase mapping manually.

Customer specific phrases

The phrase mapping table has to be enhanced if a customer uses additional customer specific

To suppress the warning message these phrases have to be added manually to the phrase
mapping table.

We recommend to insert these phrases using the following pattern:

Internal_Id: <Catalog name>-<Phrase key> , e.g. CUST-N09.00101280

External_Id: <Catalog name>-<Phrase key> , e.g. CUST-N09.00101280

To consider these enhancements for updates of the standard mapping you should label
these manual settings in the database e.g. in the Version column.

Customer specific phrase catalogue

The first part of the phrase key (column: External_Id) always signifies the active phrase cata-
logue in EHS.

The default phrase mapping is based on the CED Phrase Catalogue.

The default value for the active phrase catalogue is CUST.

If the active phrase catalogue in the EHS system is named differently then the mapping has
to be changed (using the replace function in MS Access).

A.28. SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance

lists and reference data (Product Safety) Update
Data Load
A.28.1. Review Regulatory Changes
SAP EHS Regulatory Content Release Notes include a brief overview of the new, deleted
and modified regulations in this version. Details about each regulatory list, e.g. list purpose or
mapping to SAP EHS can be found in the content reports which are part of this update.

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All documents are available in folder 0-Documentation. This information should be reviewed
prior to continuing the update process.

A.28.2. Update Cached Data

Start OCC for SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data (Product
Safety) for any list substance after you have updated your database. The first load after the
update will analyze the database for new and changed substance and will store this information
locally in your mapping database (cache).

This process may take from less than a minute to several minutes, depending on your network
speed to the database and your front-end computer (memory). Minimum requirements are 512
MB memory, we recommend 1 GB for the initial load.

Only the first load will take this long, after the cache has been rebuild, load times should be
down to only a few seconds again.

We recommend that the first load is done by somebody with a fast connection to the database,
e.g. someone working at the same site as the database installation.

A.28.3. Review New Filter Settings

For the new lists added with this release, please check the filter settings and change the stan-
dard filter settings if required. The default is that new lists will be added to your standard filter
settings as to be loaded.

After reviewing the filter settings, you can define these as the new standard by clicking the
"Default" button.

A.28.4. Hit List of List Substances

SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data comes with a functionality
to search for list substances with new or changed data available. We recommend using this
functionality to create a selection of your list substances that should be checked for new data.

With the SAP EHS Regulatory Content 2009-1 update we have provided enhanced
functionality for the list substance search which performs much faster than older version
of the program. Please check the technical details of this update and make sure that
the new version of the program is installed to avoid long run times or time-out issues.

1. Choose Extended Search: „List Substance with new content ...“

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2. Specify the path to the file cleo_update_2010-1.txt which can be found in folder 6-Update-

3. Combine with any other search option, e.g. SUBID or identifiers and execute the search.
4. A hit list of all list substances will be created that potentially have new or updated regulatory
data available.

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5. We recommend saving the created hit list so you have it available in the future without re-
running the query.

Starting with update 2010-1, we also provide a file cleo_new_group_assignments.txt.
This file can be used in the same way as described above, however it generates a list
of substances with new group assignments compared to the last release.

For performance reasons, we are only checking the changes on a per substance level
not on single data sets. As a result you may have substances on your hit list for which
you do not get any new or changed data when you try to load them. This is the case if

• You have not licensed all regional packages for SAP EHS Regulatory Content - sub-
stance lists and reference data and the changes are in an area you have not licensed.
• You have switched off certain lists/regions in your filter settings; changed data there-
fore will not be displayed.
• You have decided not to load certain data and/or groups in the past for this substance,
if the change is in one of these data sets, it will not be displayed.

A.28.5. Simulate Data Load

Based on the generated hit list we recommend to simulate the data load first, before you start
loading updates. The simulated update will be exported to a spreadsheet which you can then
use to analyze the changed data for potential impact.

1. Create a hit list of substances either manually or as described in the last chapter of this
2. Select (all) substances
3. Start the secondary data determination and choose CLEO Product Safety (or a comparable
entry available in your system)

->Utilities -> Secondary Data -> Determination -> CLEO Product Safety
4. Select a substance and press "Set Filters"

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5. Set data options "Load Changes Only" and optionally "Use Substance Groups"

6. Select "Apply to All Substances"

7. Back on the OCC substance list, choose the spreadsheet symbol to simulate the update
data load
8. A suitable program assigned to handle CSV data will be opened, usually this is Microsoft
Excel. Save the spreadsheet that was created with the new and revised list substance data
for further use.

A.28.6. Analyze Changed Data

SAP offers a template for Microsoft Excel which allows a first analysis of the new and changed
list substance data. If the template is not installed on your computer, please follow the steps
described in the SAP EHS Regulatory Content Administration manual or contact us for further

1. Open Excel and create a new spreadsheet using the installed cleo_simulation.xlt as a tem-

-> File -> New -> New from template -> General Templates -> cleo_simulation.xlt
2. When prompted, enable macros
3. Open the spreadsheet with the new and revised list substance data you created during the
data load simulation if it is no longer open
4. Click the button Import OCC Data. The tool will check for any open OCC simulation file
and ask for your confirmation to import the data. If no spreadsheet with OCC data is found,
please either copy the data manually or open the correct file (starting with occSimu_*.csv)
5. Click the button Start Analysis to analyze the imported OCC data.
6. Save the new spreadsheet

The Simulation spreadsheet offers some functionality for a first analysis of new and changed

• Two lines per dataset, the first one (white background) is the new SAP EHS Regulatory
Content data. The second line (grey background) is existing data in SAP EH&S

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• Pairs of related data are assigned a unique record number in column A, e.g. 1_CLEO and
• In column "Mode" each record is marked as either new, changed or inactivated
• Filter options for all fields, e.g. by property or regulatory list
• New records are highlighted bold red (complete line)
• In changed records, only important changes are highlighted bold red
• Inactivated records are highlighted in italics (complete line)
• In the top right corner a summary is given (number of substances and records)

Explanation of some fields:

• Column A: Unique record number for pairs of related data, e.g. 1_CLEO and 1_EHS
• Column B: Substance ID of SAP EH&S (SubID)
• Column C: Group ID of SAP CLEO => Data is from a generic group, not for the substance
• Column E: Mode - "New" , "Change" or "Inactivated"
• Column F: Property - this is the property or identifier with the new/changed data
• Column H: CAS number or identifier type
• Column I: Name of the substance

Example A.1. Examples

Example 1: Select all substances that have a changed EU Classification

• Switch filter of column Mode to "change"

• Switch filter of column Property to "CLASSIFICATION"

Example 2: Select all records that have a new entry for notification status

• Switch filter of column Mode to "new"

• Switch filter of column Property to "NOTIFICATIONSTATUS"

Example 3: Select all substances with a new synonym name identifier:

• Switch filter of column Mode to "new"

• Switch filter of column Property to "__IDENTIFIERS__"
• Switch filter of column CAS/ID Type to "SYN"

Example 4: Select all records with new or changed data for New Zealand:

• Switch filter of column Lit. Source to "Custom..."

• Define criteria "contains" and "NZ_"

A.28.7. Load Changes to SAP EH&S

There are two different options to load new and changed data into your existing list substances
in SAP EH&S.

If only a few substances need to be updated or if you want to exclude some data from being
updated, the manual process is the best choice.

If the data analysis in the previous chapters has not shown any critical changes and a lot of
substances have new data available, the autoload functionality should be used.

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A.28.7.1. Manual update load

A manual update load is almost identical to an initial data load, except for two differences:
The option " Load Changes Only " is set and you can compare the new data with the already
existing data in SAP EH&S directly in OCC.

1. Create a hit list of substances either manually or as described in Section A.28.4, “Hit List
of List Substances”
2. Select (all) substances
3. Start the secondary data determination and choose CLEO Product Safety (or a comparable
entry available in your system)

->Utilities -> Secondary Data -> Determination -> CLEO Product Safety
4. If you have selected more than one substance, select a substance from the following screen
and press "Set Filters"
5. Set data options "Load Changes Only" and optionally "Use Substance Groups"
6. Select "Apply to All Substances"
7. Back on the OCC substance list, select the " Ok / Show Regulatory Data" button
8. Compare new and changed data to existing data in SAP EH&S
9. Make your choices on load/no load/etc.
10.Save data to EH&S

A.28.7.2. Mass Load / Autoload

The autoload functionality is different from a standard load as no user interactivity is possible
after a choice of options and filters/regulatory lists was made. All changed and new data will
be automatically loaded into the existing list substances in SAP EH&S.

1. Create a hit list of substances either manually or as described in Section A.28.4, “Hit List
of List Substances”
2. Select (all) substances
3. Start the secondary data determination and choose CLEO Product Safety (or a comparable
entry available in your system)

->Utilities -> Secondary Data -> Determination -> CLEO Product Safety
4. Select a substance from the following screen and press "Set Filters"
5. Set data options "Load Changes Only" and optionally "Use Substance Groups"
6. Select "Apply to All Substances"
7. Select the "Autoload" button

If a new group was assigned to a substance, the group information will not be loaded
using the autoload functionality combined with the "load changes only" option. This
is the intended behaviour to avoid unintentional group assignments which were not
reviewed by your regulatory experts.

If new or changed data becomes available within an existing group, your choices in the
past decide if the data will be loaded:

• If a group was loaded in the past, all new and changed data will be loaded as well.
• If a group was set to "no load" in the past, new and changed data will be ignored
and not loaded.

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A.29. SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance

lists and reference data (Dangerous Goods) Up-
date Data Load
A.29.1. Review Regulatory Changes
The Release Notes for SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data for
Dangerous Goods include a brief overview of the new and modified regulations in this version.

All documents are available in folder 0-Documentation. This information should be reviewed
prior to continuing the update process.

A.29.2. Update Cached Data

Start OCC for SAP EHS Regulatory Content - substance lists and reference data (Dangerous
Goods) for any UN listed substance after you have updated your database. The first load
after the update will analyze the database for new and changed substance and will store this
information locally in your mapping database (cache).

This process may take from less than a minute to several minutes, depending on your network
speed to the database and your front-end computer (memory). Minimum requirements are 512
MB memory, we recommend 1 GB for the initial load.

Only the first load will take this long, after the cache has been rebuild, load times should be
down to only a few seconds again.

We recommend that the first load is done by somebody with a fast connection to the database,
e.g. someone working at the same site as the database installation.

A.29.3. Review New Filter Settings

We added the DG regulations ADN and deleted ADNR with this release please review your
filter settings for OCC.

A.29.4. Analyze Changed Data

We provide an Microsoft Access database with a summary of all changes made in the last
update. The database cleo_dg_changes_2011-2.mdb can be found in folder 0-Documentation.

Check for changed UN numbers

• Table Changes gives a summary of all updated UN numbers and a comparison of all changes
• Table Customer UN Numbers allows you to maintain a list of UN numbers you are using
• Query Impact Analysis gives you an overview which of the UN numbers currently in use are
affected by the changes if the table Customer UN Numbers is maintained

Check for deleted variants

A number of classification versions are omitted in the updated regulations and now we deleted
all the variants in our database. In all the cases you are using these deleted variants it is
necessary to replace the listed substance now.

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You can search Table Changes or the result of the impact analysis for all deleted variants.

A.29.5. Load Changes to SAP EH&S

There are two different options to load new and changed data into your existing list substances
in SAP EH&S.

If only a few substances need to be updated or if you want to exclude some data from being
updated, the manual process is the best choice.

If the data analysis in the previous chapters has not shown any critical changes and a lot of
substances have new data available, the autoload functionality should be used.

With this release we added the new regulation ADN and removed ADNR. So please revise all
your specifications affected. Load a new ADN instance and delete the ADNR instance.

We harmonized the unique IDs of RID and ADN instances with ADR in this release. It might
happen that OCC during load do not recognize the present RID instance and a new one is
loaded additionally. In this cases you should delete the old RID instance, so that the specifica-
tion do not show two instances of the same regulation.

A.29.5.1. Manual update load

A manual update load is almost identical to an initial data load, except for two differences:
The option " Load Changes Only " is set and you can compare the new data with the already
existing data in SAP EH&S directly in OCC.

1. Create a hit list of substances

2. Select (all) substances
3. Start the secondary data determination and choose CLEO Dangerous Goods (or a compa-
rable entry available in your system)

->Utilities -> Secondary Data -> Determination -> CLEO Dangerous Goods
4. If you have selected more than one substance, select a substance from the following screen
and press "Set Filters"
5. Set data options "Load Changes Only" and "Use Substance Groups"
6. Select "Apply to All Substances"
7. Back on the OCC substance list, select the " Ok / Show Regulatory Data" button
8. Compare new and changed data to existing data in SAP EH&S
9. Make your choices on load/no load/etc.
10.Save data to EH&S

A.29.5.2. Mass Load / Autoload

The autoload functionality is different from a standard load as no user interactivity is possible
after a choice of options and filters/regulatory lists was made. All changed and new data will
be automatically loaded into the existing list substances in SAP EH&S.

1. Create a hit list of substances

2. Select (all) substances
3. Start the secondary data determination and choose CLEO Dangerous Goods (or a compa-
rable entry available in your system)

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->Utilities -> Secondary Data -> Determination -> CLEO Dangerous Goods
4. Select a substance from the following screen and press "Set Filters"
5. Set data options "Load Changes Only" and "Use Substance Groups"
6. Select "Apply to All Substances"
7. Select the "Autoload" button

If a new variant or regulation was assigned to a UN number, the new data will not be
loaded using the autoload functionality combined with the "load changes only" option.
This is the intended behaviour to avoid unintentional group assignments which were
not reviewed by your regulatory expert.

If new or changed data becomes available within an existing group/DG variant, your
choices in the past decide if the data will be loaded::

• If a group/variant was loaded in the past, all new and changed data will be loaded
as well.
• If a group/variant was set to "no load" in the past, new and changed data will be
ignored and not loaded.

A.30. How to add user-defined DG texts

User-defined dangerous goods texts are regulation-dependant and may be assigned to spe-
cific dangerous goods user-defined text profiles. The dangerous goods user-defined free texts
themselves are phrases, whereas those phrases written by the standard expert rule Dang-
Goods are CED standard phrases delivered with the CED phrase library. If further dangerous
goods user-defined texts are required, additional phrases need to be created.

To specify dangerous goods user-defined text profiles, use transaction SPRO, choose SAP
Reference IMG and navigate through the activities tree to Environment, Health and Safety -
Dangerous Goods Management - Basic Data and Master Data - Common Settings - Specify
Profiles for User-Defined Dangerous Goods Texts:

• Press F5 or select "New Entries"

• Enter the respective DG regulation, a unique number for the profile and a description for
the profile
• Specify the value assignment type the profile shall be used with (standard is
SAP_EHS_1022_042 provided with the EHS standard property tree)
• (optional) Select the function module used for output conditions
(DG50_PRICOND_USRDEFTXT is delivered with the standard)
• Save your settings

A.31. How to add a value assignment rating

By assigning a rating to a value assignment, you specify who can access the data or on which
documents the data can be printed. Once a rating has been used in a productive system you
cannot delete it.

To add value assignment rating, go into the customizing using transaction SPRO and navigate
to Environment, Health and Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> Additional Information for Value
Assignment -> Usage ->Specify Ratings.

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Then press F5 or "New Entry" and enter the new ratings as well as the description and save
your entries.

A.32. SAP Setup for SAP EHS Regulatory Content

Expert Rule Sets
SAP Front End installation (SAP Setup)

A.32.1. Overview
The SAP EHS Regulatory Content Expert Rule Sets can now be installed with the help of SAP
Setup on the Expert-Server.


SAP ERC Rule Sets can be installed and updated on the Expert Server either
with the help of SAP Setup or manually. However for an individual rule set It is not
recommended to use both methods. Therefore if SAP Setup has been used for a
particular rule set, future updates should also be performed using SAP Setup.
For initial installations of SAP ERC Rule Sets the SAP Setup can be used as
detailed below.
However for an update of rule sets using SAP Setup the following additional steps
are required:
1) Backup of existing rule sets - make a copy of the <EXPERT>\Rules directory
2) Start the setup for rule sets and install new versions (existing rule instances
will be overwritten)
3) Make customer specific changes in the mapping databases and external value

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The Setup offers two possibilities

• Installation: Copy rule set files into the specified Rules Directory on the Expert Server PC
and create registry settings for all needed instances.
• Registration: Create registry settings for all needed instances. The rule set files need to be
transferred manually.

Our recommended procedure is the following:

1. Use SAP Setup to install all needed Expert Rule Sets on a test or QA Expert Server
2. Perform all tests and make necessary adjustments to the mapping mdbs or external tables
on the test or QA Expert server
3. Use SAP Setup’s registration option to create all registry settings needed on any Production
Expert Servers.
4. Transfer Rule Set files from the test or QA Expert Server to the Production Expert Server(s)

This procedure will ensure necessary registry entries are created for all rules, while also en-
suring consistency between QA and Production environments. Detailed steps for this proce-
dure follow below.

A yellow dot indicates a change in the selection list. A green plus sign next to a rule set package
or rule set name indicates that this rule set will be installed.

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If you deselect an installed SAP front end component in this list, a red minus sign indicates
that this rule set package or rule set will be deinstalled.

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You can select all rule files in one click by choosing "Select all".

When updating from one SAP ERC release to the next SAP ERC release (e.g. from 2014-2
to 2015-1) it is important to choose "Select all" that all rule set are updated and new rule sets
are installed on the Expert Server PC.

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A.32.2. Installation on the Test or QA Expert Server


• Access to the Test or QA Expert Server PC

• The user logged on to the PC must have local administrator privileges.


• Create a backup of the .mdb files before installation, as the files get overwritten during the
installation process.
• Start SetupERC_<package>.exe (e.g. SetupERC_GLOBAL.exe)
• The installation starts and a progress screen is displayed.
• Choose next
• The list of EHS Regulatory Content rule sets is displayed.
• Choose the rule sets from "Installation"
• Select the rule sets that you want to install or deselect the ones you want to remove.

A yellow dot indicates a change in the selection list. A green plus sign next to a rule set
package or rule set name indicates that this rule set will be installed.

If you deselect an installed SAP front end component in this list, a red minus sign indicates
that this rule set package or rule set will be deinstalled.

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• Choose next

The installation starts and a progress screen is displayed.

Once the installation is complete, a confirmation screen is displayed. The rule sets are now
successfully installed.
• Verify the mapping databases and the settings in the external tables and adapt them if nec-

A.32.3. Installation on the Productive Expert Server


• Access to the Productive Expert Server PC

• The user logged on to the PC must have local administrator privileges.


• Create a backup of the .mdb files before installation (just as a precaution, the files are not
overwritten during the registration process)
• Start SetupERC_<package>.exe (e.g. SetupERC_GLOBAL.exe)
• The installation starts and a progress screen is displayed.
• Choose next

The list of EHS Regulatory Content rule sets is displayed.

• Choose the rule sets from "Registration"
• Select the rule sets that you want to register or deselect the ones you want to remove.

A yellow dot indicates a change in the selection list. A green plus sign next to a rule set
package or rule set name indicates that this rule set will be registered.

If you deselect an installed SAP front end component in this list, a red minus sign indicates
that this rule set package or rule set will be deinstalled.
• Choose next

The installation starts and a progress screen is displayed.

Once the registration is complete, a confirmation screen is displayed. The rule sets are now
successfully registered.
• Copy the rule set files form the Test or QA Expert Server to the Productive Expert Server.

A.33. How to load rule sets onto the Expert server

Each rule set consists at least of two files

• the rule set itself = file with the extension .ruc

• the mapping database = file with the extension .mdb

Some rule sets are delivered with an additional files containing the external tables (file with the
extension .mdb) or additional rules in files with extension .ruc

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All the files need to be copied on the Expert Server PC.

You can copy the files by using EHS Service Administration or by connecting to the Expert
Server PC directly.

EHS Service Administration

In transaction cgsadm choose the Expert Server PC and transfer the files as described in the
following steps

1. Choose in the menu Utilities --> Transfer File to Server

2. Choose all files to be transferred
3. Choose the path on the Expert Server PC


The path can only be chosen by a click on the icon

Then choose the icon next to view the directory structure

You will get the following screen and you can choose the path Rules for the files to be
4. Press save and the files will be copied to the Expert Server PC

Direct copy
Connect to the Expert Server PC and copy all files in the RULES subdirectory of the Expert

A.34. How to register rule sets

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All Expert rule sets have to be registered on the Expert Server PC. You can do this in the SAP
system using EHS Service Administration or directly on the Expert Server PC with the help of
the Expert Admin Tool. Some rule sets uses additional settings, e.g. IgnoreWarnings. These
additional settings could not be set using EHS Service Administration.

using EHS Service Administration

In transaction cgsadm go to the Expert Server PC and select the Expert Server. The Expert
Server has to be started and can then be edited

1. Go in Edit mode (Menu Service Change <-> Display or correspondent icon

2. Choose the tab page Application Parameters
3. Click on icon new page (Append row)
4. Insert the name of the rule set (as given in descriptions of the rule set) and Set of Rules
File and the Mapping File.

For example for the rule set GHS:

Set of Rules Name = ZEXP_GHS, Set of Rules File = C:\Programme\EHSExpert\Rules

\GHS_V1-6.ruc, Mapping File = C:\Programme\EHSExpert\Rules\GHS_V1-6.mdb
5. Save your entries (Menu Service --> Save)

using Expert Admin Tool

Logon the Expert Server PC and Start the program Expert Admin (via Start --> Programs -->
EHS or by calling the program ExpertAdmin.exe in the bin directory of the Expert installation.

1. Add a new instance by pressing

2. Choose the name of the rule set

For example for the rule set GHS:

Name = ZEXP_GHS, Rule File = GHS_V1-6.ruc, Mapping Database = GHS_V1-6.mdb

3. Save you settings by Apply

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A.35. How to adjust external table values

In addition to the files for the rule sets (ruc files and the mapping data base) some rule sets
provide a separate MS-Access data base

The purpose of it is to allow the user to modify the preconfigured data according to the needs
of the customers.

These external parameters are interpreted by the rule set as IN facts.

It is recommended to install this data base in the same directory on the Expert server as the
rule files.

If this external data base is installed somewhere else, the linkage between the rule set and the
external data base must be maintained by defining the file path in the mapping tables.

The below mentioned mapping information refers to the

OSHA_Hazard_Determination_externvalues.mdb but the approach to adjust the mapping is
the same for all rule sets.

Example: Record-Mapping –Installation of the external data base in the same directory as the
rule set.

Internal_id External_id
ext_target_organ T:Target_Organ/OSHA_Hazard_Determination_externvalues.mdb

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Example: Record-Mapping – Full declaration of the path for the external data

Internal_id External_id
ext_target_organ T:Target_Organ/C:\Program Files\EHS\Expert\Rules

Example: Fact-Mapping –Installation of the external data base in the same directory as the
rule set.

Internal_id External_id
i_switch_harmful T:harmful_check;Switches/

Example: Fact-Mapping –Full declaration of the path for the external data

Internal_id External_id
i_switch_harmful T:harmful_check;Switches/C:\Program Files\EHS\Expert\Rules

A documentation of the adjustable parameters could be obtained from the respective functional
descriptions of the rule sets.

A.36. How to adjust the Group Mapping

The composition mapping table contains the regulations for mapping compositions in the set
of rules to value assignment types of the category composition in EHS.

Table Fields in the Composition Mapping Table (ExpGroupMap)

Table Field Meaning

Internal_Id Name of the composition in the set of rules. This field uniquely identifies
the composition in the set of rules.
External_Id Name of the assigned value assignment type of the category composition
in EHS
Descriptions Description text for the composition
Options Options that govern access to the data in EHS more closely

A.37. How to use the History.mdb

The History database gives the user information and overview on changes applied to the map-
ping database of a rule set. All changes that have been applied to the mapping of a rule set
since the last release are documented in the History database. This includes the four standard

• CHANGES_in_mapping_table_____ExpFactMap
• CHANGES_in_mapping_table_____ExpPhraseMap
• CHANGES_in_mapping_table_____ExpRecordMap
• CHANGES_in_mapping_table_____ExpGroupMap

Changes which have been made concerning the externvalues database are also documented
here, e.g.

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• Changes_in_external_table____GHS_table
• Table_Changes_in_external_table_not_P_Statements

There are three different cases of mapping changes: new entries, changed entries, and deleted

Every changed, new, or deleted entry is added to the HISTORY.mdb as a new line.

If there is a change, it is additionally checked if the given entry already exists in the
HISTORY.mdb (i.e. if it has already been changed in a former version); if this is the case, the
matching entry is updated and the old version information is preserved as described below.

The additional columns Version and Remark are maintained as follows:

• the version number without a preceding "V", e.g. "1.5"
• if a line is updated, the old Version entry is replaced by the new one

Remark: dependant on the type of change:

• new entry: "Vn-m: New"
• change: "Vn-m Changed (further description of change)"
• change after preliminary change: Vn-m: "Changed (...); V(n-i)-(m-j): New/Changed (...)/
• deleted entry: "Vn-m: Deleted"

With the help of the History database the key-user can easily adopt the Mapping to a newly
delivered version, if the company has fitted the mapping to their needs by adding , deleting or
changing phrases from the standard mapping database delivered by SAP.

A.38. How to setup identification listings

Setting up identification listings is an IMG activity.

Please choose transaction SPRO , then choose SAP Reference-IMG (F5).

Go to: Environment, Health and Safety - Basic Data and Tools - Specification Management -
Specification Master - Check Identification Listings

Add the required Identification Listings via "New Entry" including a header, add the required
identifiers to the definition and save.

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A.39. How to import report templates

First upload the dat-files (for example SDS_2015_2_EU_MAIN.dat) and doc-files (for example
SDS_2015_2_EU_MAIN.doc) on the application server using transfer format BIN (=>transac-
tion CG3Z).

If a UNIX system is used, choose the corresponding import settings to import a windows file.

Then import the dat-file using transaction CG34 "Import Report Templates" or go to Logistics -
> Environment, Health and Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> Tools -> Data Transfer -> Import
Report Template

The following settings need to be used:

• File with path: <path on application server and file with ending .dat>

(Note that each dat-file contains the information to automatically pull the corresponding doc-
file. The doc-file itself should NOT be specified for the import.)
• Character standard: UFT-8

Choose function "Check file". The SAP System checks if the data can be transferred correctly
from the transfer file and matches up the symbols.

Check Symbol Matchup to make sure all symbols are available on system in the correct way.
All entries in the system column must have symbol names. If they do not, check if symbol
generation was carried out on your system.

"Transfer/Start Time" will transfer (import) your file.

WWI will automatically open the new template document. Check the template by clicking on
the check-button and save it. If you encounter error messages at this stage, you can directly
take the relevant actions(i.e. set up missing ID-listings, etc.), or you may save the template
anyway and resolve the messages later.

A.40. How to create generation variant

Using transaction CG2B you can maintain generation variants for every template.

Or you go to Logistics -> Environment, Health and Safety -> Basic Data and Tools -> Report
Definition -> Edit Generation Variants

In the generation variant the main validity area is defined under "Validity Area"; the area from
which the template will draw its data.

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The option "Usage check" is utilized to control the way in which the usages are compared.
There are four options to select: 0, 1, 2 and 3.

If you do not specify a value, the SAP System uses the value 0 as default.

Value 0: The usage is appropriate if - with the same rating used - the generation variant validity
area that is expanded to its countries and regions is the same as or is a subset of the expanded
validity area of the usage with which it is to be compared.

Example: Generation variant: DE Value assignment usage: REG_EU If a safety data sheet is
created for Germany, value assignment instances are also taken into account that are valid
for the validity area REG_EU.

Please see the SAP Help function for all the details on the option.

Under "Rating/Validity", additional validity/language combinations can be maintained:

These validity areas or languages must be addressed directly by the WWI coding in the
template (G-Repeating-Group) to be effective. By the use of these Rating/Validity options, it
is for example possible to give out special phrases in English on a template in Chinese or

A complete overview on the parameters of all generation variants can be found in the document
RGV_20XX_X_Configuration.pdf (where 20XX_X stands for the current release).

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