Ngu Phap Tieng Anh Lop 5 - Tap 2

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Prana NGUYEN TH! THU HUE Primary Grammar _ TENG Ca EOC MOCO CA PERU SUC MTR LIOR Tl & GRAMMAR FOCUS “> Past simple (Regular verb): Thi qua khtr don cla d6ng tir thong 1. Céng thire: Dang qué khw don cua dong tir thuong hau hét dugc tao bang cach thém “ed” vao sau déng tir nguyén thé ma khéng phy thuéc vao ngéi hay sé lugng cht ngir. (+) Khang dinh > any | watched TV last night. ig + (om (T6i qua toi xem ti vi.) (-) Phd dinh S+did+not+Vigveane She didn’t go to the zoo yesterday. | didn’t (Hém qua cé dy khéng dén vuren thi.) (?) Nghi van Did he go to the zoo last week? Did +S + Viseuyentne)? (Tuan truéc anh dy c6 dén sé thd khéng?) 2. Cach ding: Thi qué khur don thurang ding dé dién ta nhitng viéc da xay ra trong qua kht?. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 5 3 és. Primary Grammar They lived in London last year. (Nam ngodi ho s6ng & London.) 3. Cach bién déi déng tir thu’dng sang dang qua kh: * Voi hau hét déng tir: ta thém “ed” vao sau dong tir nguyén thé. © Voi cdc déng tir két thtic bang “e”: ta chi thém “d” vao sau d6ng tiv. © Voi cdc déng tiv két thc bang “phu 4m + y”: déi “y” thanh “ed” vao sau dong tl. i” roi them * Voi déng tlr co mot Am tiét tan cling bang mét phy 4m, trudc do la mot nguyén am (u, e, 0, a, i): ta gap déi phu 4m cuéi réi thém “-ed” _ Past Simple: Regular Verb — gap déi phy am+ed +-ed play > played walk — walked +-d - like — liked ‘move->moved phy 4m+y—> +ied cry > cried study — studied nguyén am+ phy am stop — stopped | hug > hugged PREY rnin |. Write the Past Simple form of the following verbs. 1. watch 2. clean 3. stop 4. arrive 5. return 6. cook 7. walk 8. visit 9. work 10. call 3K 6 | nhasachminhthangvn 11. like 12. iron 13. play 14. study 15. love 16. open 17. start 18. jump 19. climb 20. wash Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 Gl Il. Read and write. 1. He dances at the party. 2. They walk to school. 3. | carry my books, 4. She moves her desk. 5. He tries the beef. 6. It lives in the cave. 7. You wash your car. 8. They listen to music. ist — He at the party last night. — They to school yesterday. >! my books this afternoon. — She her desk last month. — He the beef last week. sit in the cave last year. — You your car yesterday. — They to music last night. Ill. Write the negative and question sentences. 1. My father watched TV last night. 2 My father didn't watch TV last night. Did your father watch TV last night? g I 2. They lived in Hanoi in 2018. w a ase Bae (3. Peter stopped his car to take a photograph.) 4, My daughter finished her homework last night. ¢ . It rained heavily two days ago. . He waited for you two hours ago. 44 4404 minhthangbooks - Chuyén sach tiéng Anh | 7 3 Primary Grammar 7. \ visited my parents last month. ee . Her son played football last Sunday. 0 !v. Complete the sentences with “am, is, are, was, were”. 1.1 a student now. 2. The homework very difficult yesterday. 3. The children in the park five minutes ago. 4, Nha Trang a beautiful place. 5.1 late for school yesterday. 6. Where she yesterday? - She at home. 7.We tired today. We at the party last night. 8. She unhappy because she doesn’t have any friends in the city. 9 you at home yesterday morning? 10. They at the museum last Sunday. V. Write sentences as in the example. A. | A « clean the floor | water the flowers | watch TV | listen to the radio Mike % % Simon lv v Mr.and Mrs. Hill ve VG Helen % v You w v BE 8 | nhasachminhthangvn Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 gill 1. Mike cleaned the floor and watered the flowers yesterday. He didn't watch TV or listen to the radio. 2. Simon 3. Mrand Mrs. Hill 4. Helen Bill VI. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple. 1. My family and | (visit) my grandparents. 2. My mother (help) my grandmother in the garden. 3. She (clean) the windows outside. 4, My brother and! (watch) cartoons on TV with my grandfather. 5.We (play) outside in the garden. 6. She (climb) the tree to our tree-house. 7. Our mother (call) us because it was time to go home. 8. They (arrive) home at 8 o'clock yesterday. 9. His father (open) his front door. 10. Tuan and Minh (listen) to music last weekend. VII. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple. Yesterday my brother and I (1) (help) our mother in the house. First we (2) (clean) our rooms and then we. (3) (wash) our clothes. After that we (4) (cook) some spaghetti. The spaghetti (5) (not/ be) very nice, but our mother (6) (be) happy to eat it. Then I (7) (have) a bath and my brother and I (8) (watch) TV. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 9 $i PAST SIMPLE Y. (IRREGULAR VERB) &} GRAMMAR FOCUS “+ Past simple (Irregular verb): Thi qué khur don cua dOng tir bat quy tac Thi qua kh don: dung dé ndi vé nhitng viéc da xay ra trong qua khw. b . Cong thirc: * Dang qua khur don cia dong tir thang hau hét duc tao bang cach thém ed vao sau déng tiv nguyén thé ma khéng phy thudc vao ngéi hay sé lugng chu ngtr. . © Tuy nhién voi cdc dong tir bat quy tac thi khéng cé mét quy tac nhat dinh nao dé bién déi ching thanh dang qua khtr. (Xem bang d6ng tir bat quy tac thong dung trang 98) (+) Khang dinh She taught English last year. $+ Viewinentans (C6 dy day tiéng Anh ném ngodi.) (-) Pha dinh S+did+not $V eaten She didn’t go to school yesterday. didn’t (H6m qua cé dy khéng dén truéng.) (?) Nghi van Bere : Did you meet her last night? +S + ? 7 a (nguyén thé) T6i qua ban cé gdp cé dy khong? BE 10 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu déLop5-Tap2 gill 2. Cac trang tir thurong ding trong thi qua kh don yesterday: hom qua * last night: téi qua * ago: cach day (three hours ago: | * last week: tuan truéc cach day 3 gid) last month: thang trudc * last year: nam ngoai 3. Mét sé déng tir bat quy tac khong thém “ed” Dong tiv nguyén thé bat quy tac | Dng tir qua kh Nghia do did lam go i went di see : saw ‘nhin drink - drank udng | drive drove lai xe break broke vo : read read doc make made | lam eat ate an meet : met | gap buy bought mua take took lay find found tim know knew biét write wrote viét minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 11 3 fag, Primary Grammar RES PRACTICE 1. Fill in the blanks. 1. is /are was/were (11. put 2. break “22. run 3. buy a ae | 13. read 4. come 14, see i S.cut al 15. sit | 6. drink aca 16. swim 7. eat | 17. write 8. go a 18. bring 9. have 19 do ms neaE| 10. make 20. meet | Il. Fill in the blanks with verbs from the box in the Past Simple. break swim have make sit write buy spend drink lose wear wash ms 1. She a cake an hour ago. | 2. Jane a hat last week. 2 WA 3. The boy aletter 4.They_____—__s some plates a yesterday. minute ago. 3E 12 | ohasachminhthangvn 7. She in the swimming | 8. He on the old chair pool last week. a minute ago. 9. She the clothes | 10.He anew car last yesterday. month. Ill, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. She always (go) to church on Sunday. el (buy) a new bicycle last week. 3. My family (not go) to the theatre yesterday. 4. Tom (live) in London three years ago. 5. My mother (make) some coffee now. 6. Sam (go) to the circus tomorrow. Zell (talk) on the telephone at the moment. 8. Sally always (tidy) her room at the weekend. 9.1 (have) dinner in a restaurant last Friday. 10. We (go) to the market yesterday morning. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 13 3@ fis, Primary Grammar 11. They (drink) coffee last night. aph (write) Peter a letter yesterday? IV. Complete the sentences with the following words or phrases. onSundays atthe moment intheevening last week usually last night tomorrow two months ago yesterday every morning 1.1 walk to school. 2. We are going to visit them 3. Tom went to bed at 11 o'clock 4. She watches TV 5. You didn’t come to school 6. We drink milk for breakfast 7. Father doesn’t work 8. She wrote a letter to John 9. Don’t go outside! It’s raining 10. He phoned me V. Put the sentences into negative and interrogative sentences. T didn't go to the market with my mother yesterday morning. Did you go to the market with your mother yesterday morning? 2. They bought some fruit and vegetables. 3. They watched a film on TV last night. 4. We had a wonderful time. 3K 14 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2
  • GRAMMAR FOCUS ** ADJECTIVES: tinh tir 1. Tinh tir la nhing tir ding dé miéu ta tinh chat cua con ngwéi, sy vat, su’ viéc,... tall (cao) j short (ngdn) go big (to) + 2. Vi tri cua tinh tir * Dting sau d6ng tir to be: “am, is, are, was, were”: Lan is beautiful. (Lan xinh dep) © Ding truéc danh tir, bé nghia cho danh tir: He is an intelligent boy. (Céu Gy la mét cau bé théng minh.) * Durng sau déng tir lién két: smell (ngu7i), look (nhin), seem (dung nhu), feel (cdm thay), sound (nghe nhu) ... They look tired. (Ho tréng mét mdi.) 3. Trat ty’ cla tinh tir C6 thé cé nhiéu tinh tir cling bé nghia cho mét danh tir The ty cla cdc tinh ti’ nhu’ sau: ‘opinion size age shape color origin material purpos 2 “quan kich tuéi hinh maus&c nguén chat ligu muc dich Kenai iece ee sal i te Se a BE 18 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 cg il © three long red plastic cooking spoons = ba cai thia néu an bang nhya dai mau do © an old green and white T-shirt = mdt cai do cdc tay cli mau xanh la cay va trang opinion | size | age | shape | color | origin | material | purpose quan — kich | tudi| hinh | mau | nguén | chat ligu | myc dich diém | thuéc dang goc | long red plastic | cooking old green, | | | white =) _ PRACTICE |. Circle and write the correct adjective for these pictures. tall small | afraid strong weak strong weak slow‘ fast: strong } minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 19 3 Hig, Primary Grammar 13. heavy new m. expensive old 15. old new } tall ll. Underline and write the adjective and noun. 6. She has a large house. 7. That is a fat donkey. 10. They are poor men. | 1. My friends live in small villages. | 2. Does she like cold weather? | 3. Tom and Mary had a big dinner last night. \4. They bought an expensive car yesterday. 5. We want to drink some hot coffee. 8. The pretty girl sang an English song. 9. Mary is a beautiful teacher. ADJECTIVE NOUN |. Write the opposite adjectives. soft early heavy quiet small thick pretty cheap old noisy 1. ugly 2. large 3. noisy 4. wet 5. clean 6. expensive 7. thin 8. new 9. hard 10. quiet 11. late 12. light 9K 20 | nhasachminhthangvn Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5-T4p2 IV. Write the words in the correct order to make the right sentences. (1.a/she/ has got/ house/ big/. 2. watch/ a/is/ that/ new/? 3. doesn’t/ phone/ a nice/ have/ he/. 4. wearing/ they/ are/ shirts/ blue/. 5. like/ |/ shoes/ new/. (6. cat/ beautiful/ a/there/ is/.) 7. you/ got/ have/ black/ a/ bag/? 8. white/ pink/ and/ is/ her bag/. 9. runner/a/ Henry/ is/ fast/. 10. butterflies/ likes/ Mary/ yellow/. 12. house/ this/ is/ expensive/. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 21 3 lig, Primary Grammar V. Choose and write the correct adjectives. cold rich special small dry expensive noisy _ popular dark delicious _ favourite new 1. My grandpa is very . He has a lot of money. 2. They have a very class. There are only five students. 3. It’s outside. Wear your gloves! 4, Tomorrow is a day. It’s my birthday. 5. Jack is at school. Everyone likes him. 6.I needa towel. This one is wet. 7. My dad has an bike. It’s light and fast. 8. It’s in the city. There are so many cars. 9. This sofa is . We bought it yesterday. 10. These apples are . They taste great. 11. English is my subject. | like it very much. 12. It’s here. | can’t see anything. VI. Choose and write the correct adjectives. Then underline the linking verbs. 1. The dinner smells y tired good sad 2. The sofa feels : easy comfortable busy 3. The new books sound . tired nervous _ interesting 4. The bike looks f expensive angry hungry 5. Korean food tastes » messy bitter spicy 6. The stadium looks = asad) big delicious 7. Pyew! Something smells . sweet good terrible 8. The new audio system sounds__. sad wonderful careful 9. What's wrong? You look . happy — sad lazy 10. It’s my favourite cake. Ittastes__. good slow happy BE 22 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 pil VII. Choose and write the opposite adjectives. angry funny heavy hot ugly quiet old short slow small L 1. A player: a tall player 2. Coffee: cold coffee 3. Amovie: a boring movie 4. Acat: a happy cat 5. Ahorse: a fast horse 6. A box: a light box 7. Aman: a young man 8. Aroom: a big room 9. Agirl: a beautiful girl whorl brivis 10. A monkey: a noisy monkey Vill. Translate into English. No. Vietnamese English Lid Bay la mOt cau bé thong minh. | This is an intelligent boy. oi May vitinh cla cé ‘dy trong atten. : 3. Téi tim thay mét cai déng hd coi & trong __ngan kéo. 4. | Chi gai tdi mat giay & cong vién. 5. Ykién cla ban nghe tuyét vai. 6. BO tdi mua cho tdi mét chiéc vay méi mau do. | 7. 61a mét ngudi phy nt hanh phic. 8. Con méo trang ctia téi rat dé thuong. 9. Chung ta sé mua m6t ngdi nha Ién mau xanh durong vao nam téi. 10. | Anh 4 ay la mét ngudi dan 6ng tot bung. | minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 23 3 & GRAMMAR FOCUS *% WH- QUESTIONS (Cau hdi cé tir dé hai) Cac cau hdi véi tir dé hdi cho phép ngudi ndi tim thém théng tin vé chi d® ma minh quan tam. Céc tir dé hdi theo thong tin muén tim co thé duoc liét ké nhu sau: What? Hoi vé vat, y kién, hanh déng When? ——_—_| Hi théng tin v8 thd gian (khi nao) | What? "| Hi v8 thai gian (may gio) : Where? _HOi théng tin vé noi chén, dia diém | Who? Hoi théng tin vé ngudi Why? Héi ly do How? ‘Hoi cach thitc, phurong tién Which? Hdi théng tin vé lua chon Whose?. Hoi théng tin vé so hitu Whom? Hoi vé ngudi How much? _| Hdi va gid c8, sé long (N khong dém dug) How many? Hoi vé sO lugng (N dém duc) How long? Hoi vé khoang thoi gian How often? Hoi vé mtc d6 thuong xuyén, How far? ~ | Héi v8 khoang cdch Who is that man? - He is my father. How many pens do you have? - | have three pens. BE 24 | nhasachminhthangvn Ngurphép tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop §-Tap2 6 ill 2S ee Be RACTICE |. Fill in “who, whose, what, which, where, when, how long, how often, what time, why, how much” or “how many”. 20. is this coat? - Mine. is Robert? - Julie’s brother. does the party start? - At 8.30. does this cost? - £50. is your book? - The red one. was he late? - Because he overslept. did he give you? - A birthday card. does he visit his parents? - Every Monday. eggs do you need? - Ten. is your house? - Next to the bank. do you do? - I’m a student. is she going? - She is going to the park. are you talking to? - I’m talking to my friend, Quan. does he have Maths? - He has Maths at 8 o'clock. do they have English? - They have it on Monday and Friday. is he doing now? - He is reading a book. classes do you have today? - We have four classes. do you go to school? - | go to school by bus. do you go to work? - | go to work five days a week. do you watch football on TV? - Twice a week. Il. Choose the best answer. (isthe date today?) A. When B. What C. How D. Where minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 25 3G _ Primary Grammar 2. is your aunt’s dress? A. Where B. How C. When D. Which Ey is the weather like today? - It’s cool. A. What B. Why C. How D. When 4. are you doing? - I’m cooking. A. How B. When C. What D. Where 5._____will we park the car? - We can park the car in front of the yard. A. Who B. When C. How D. Where 6. is she speaking to? - She is speaking to Miss Lan. ) A.Who B. What C. How D. Why Zs will you come back? - |’ll come back in ten minutes. A. What B. When C. How D. Why 8. are you doing? - I’m listening to music. A.Who B. What C. When D. Why 9. | don’t understand you are saying. A. what B. how C. when D. which 10. There are two books. do you like more? A. What B. How Cc. Why D. Which Ill. Make questions for these underlined parts. three hours aay.) (4. My mother watches 2. We always go to church on Sundays. 3, My uncle often goes fishing on weekends. 4, My new television is ten million dong. BE 26 | nhasachminhthangva Naw phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 5. Tom puts the remote control on the bookshelf. (6. They goto the English ub twice a week’) 7. She missed a week's lessons because of illness. 8. That newsreader usually gets to work by bus. 9. She usually does the housework in the evening. 10. My father is an engineer. IV. Complete the dialogue. Ben: (1) How was your holiday? Tim: It was really great! Ben: (2) Tim: To Cairo, in Egypt. Ben: (3) Tim: I went for a week. Ben: (4) Tim: With my brother, Simon. Ben: (5) Tim: We flew from London direct to Cairo. Ben: (6) Tim: In a big hotel, right next to the Nile. Ben: (7) minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 27 3 , Primary Grammar Tim: We saw the Pyramids of course. Ben: (8) Tim: We went ona boat trip along the Nile, too. That was fantastic! Ben: (9) Tim: We arrived home last night. But I wish we had stayed longer. V. Translate into English. “1. Khi nao ban di thim éng ba cia ban? 2. Anh trai ban tén la gi? 3. C6 bao nhiéu ngudi trong phong nay? 4. Tai sao ban lai chay téi qua? 5. Ban dinh di dau tdi nay? “6. Aicé thé tra Idi cau hh i 7. Ban dy dinh & day bao nhiéu ngay? 8, Tai sao ban lai doc cuén sach kia tuan trusc? 9. Khi nao ban dinh dén thanh phé cla chting toi? 10. Peter da gap ai hém qua? BK 28 | esa onAaieeeeG ORO nO on se enc Ok sone Ca aCn aC aCe CEC aL I. Circle the correct answer. |Z. Have you got many/ much suitcases?) 2. Don’t worry. We've got much off lots of time. 3. Do we need many/ much food? 4. There are a lot of / much newspapers over there. 5. She has got some/ any bottles of water. 7. | haven't got a lot of/ lots orange juice. 8. We need to get much of/ lots of ice cream for the party. 9. Is there any/ some information about our flight? 10. | have got some/ any cheese here. Are you hungry? minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 29 3 lie. Primary Grammar Il. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. can in by hungry at colour hot hospital sometimes | small . What is your hair? - It is black. . My brother is class 4A1. . When it’s cold, | often stay home and watch TV. . We usually go to school bike. wi 2 3. 4. 5. My father is a doctor. He works in a 6. My house isn’t big. It is 7. {t's in summer. 8. How often does she go to the zoo? - She goes to the zoo. 9. You park here. 10. She is . She'd like some noodles. Ill. Complete the sentences and questions. Use the past simple of “be” or “have.” 1. Phil’s very happy because the exam very difficult. 2. | was very hungry. | breakfast. &E Louise cakes at the café? 4. The audience agreat time. 5.He ten yesterday. 6. you at Emily’s birthday party? 7. My grandparents rich. They lived in a very small house. 8.1 a baby when we moved to London. 9. the film good? Did you like it? 10. The homework hard. But we all got good marks. 3K 30 | Ngurphap ting Anh theo chi dé Lop 5-Tap2 ..§ 68 IV. Arrange the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. (itis (wooden/ round) table. Tt is a round wooden table. 2. That girl has (blue/ nice/ big) eyes. 3. He gave me (black/ leather) gloves. 4, My teacher has a (round/ pink/ small) face. 5. It’s a (small/ metal/ black) box. (6 She is wearing a (green/ new/ beautiful) dress. 7. What a (sunny/ lovely) day! 8. My uncle lives in a (red/ lovely/ small) house. V. Make questions for these sentences. (4. They live in F Where 2: 2. Those girls sell newspaper there. What ? 3. They get home at 6 o'clock every night. Wiha tithe co cece eee ck 4, She speaks French very well. What ? minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 31 3 _, Primary Grammar 5. Those books cost one dollar. How much (6. They travel by car.» How 7. She learns English because she wants a better job. Why 8. They meet at school every morning. Where ? 9. She teaches us grammar. What ? 10. He gets up at seven every morning. What time |. Choose the best answer. 1. She at home yesterday morning. A. didn’t stay B. did stayed C. stays 2.He the bus quickly when the lights were red. A. stoped B. stopped C. stopping (3. simon the windows now) A. is going to clean B. cleaned C. is cleaning 4. Last Easter they to their village. A. went. B. go C. are going 5. He is a teacher of English. He us English last year. A. taught B, teached C. teaches BE 32 | nhasachminhthangvn Ngir phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 lll 6. We the suicases. They were very heavy. A. carries B. carry C. didn’t carry 7. They the car tomorrow. A. wash B. washed c are going to wash (8.They___ the room last year.) decorating B. decorated C. decorate 9. He a lot money on shopping some days ago. A. spend B. spent C. is spending 10. he pass the examination? - No, he A. Did/ didn’t B. Did/ doesn’t C. Is/ didn’t I. Fillin “a, an”. 1. He is not honest boy at all. 2. He studies at university. 3.1 want to eat egg, some bread and butter for breakfast. 4, Take umbrella. It’s raining! 5. [need to buy English dictionary. 6. Can | have piece of pizza, please? 7. America is large country. 8. We live in very big house. 9. He has old car. 10. Her father is doctor. Ill. Find the mistakes and correct them. 2. How much trees are there in the picture? minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 33. 3G Primary Grammar 3. We didn’t went to school yesterday, 4, Was they come late last night? 5. We never go to school in Sunday. 6. They are going to come to us party tonight.) 7. My friend isn’t call me tonight because she’s busy. 8. When is the news on TV today? - At 7.45 9. Let’s go out when we have few free time! 10. Nam is watching The Voice because he is loving this show. IV. Put the verbs in brackets into present simple or past simple. 1. My friend (talk) a lot every day. 2. The man (drive) to the supermarket last weekend. 3. My sister (leave) for England every year in June. 4, Daisy (wear) a very beautiful dress last night. 5. She (go) to Australia in 1990 and she liked it very much. 6. | often see her mother but she never (speak) to me. 7. The policeman (talk) to the burglar yesterday. 8. Mrs. Helen (teach) us English last year. 9. | don’t like that man because he often (laugh) at me. BK 34 | Noir phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5-Tap2 gall 10. (you/ have) a test last week? 11. The teacher usually (give) the students a lot of homework on the weekend. 12. Mozart (have) a meal yesterday afternoon. 13. Jamie passed the exam because he (study) very hard. 14. The police (stop) me on my way home last night. 15. The film wasn’t very good. | (not enjoy) it very much. 16. They (see) a good film last night. 17.He (buy) a lot of English books yesterday. 18. They (be) students last year. 19. She (send) a letter to her husband last week. 20. She (write) to her friends last week. V. Put the words or phrases in the correct order to make sentences. (4. brown/ has/ eyes/ she/ big/.) 2. gray/ a/ Mr. Peter/ beard/ long/has/. 3. many/ are/ flowers/ garden/ in/ red/ her/ there/ small/. 4. car/ is/ black/ it/ big/ a/. 5. draw/ a/ thin/ firstly,/ line/ long/. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 35 3@ Primary Grammar 7. talking/ man/ is/ a/ she/ handsome/ to/ tall/. 8, sister/ short/ does/ hair/ Lan’s/ wavy/ have/? 9, married/ fat/ she/ short/ a/ man/. 10. teacher/ dark/ has/ our/ hair/ straight/ long/. 3K 36 | nhasachminhthang vn & GRAMMAR FOCUS “% Past continuous: Thi qua khtr tiép dién 1. Cong thirc (+) Khang dinh S + was/ were + V-ing She was cooking at six o’clock yesterday. (-) Pha dinh S+was/ were + not +V-ing They were not sleeping at 10 yesterday. (?) Nghi van Was/ Were +S +V-ing? Was she drawing a picture at 8 a.m yesterday? 2. Cach ding xay ra tai mét thoi diém trong qua khw. © Dién ta mét hanh dng dang || was watching TV at 8 o'clock last night. © Dién ta nhting hanh dng xay |John was listening to music while his ra dng thdi trong qua khtr. | mother was cooking in the kitchen. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 37 3@ , Primary Grammar Dau hiéu nhan biét: Trong cau thu’dng cé cdc trang tiv thdi gian cling thoi diém xac dinh trong qué khw: © At + gid’ + thoi gian trong qua khw. (at 5 o'clock yesterday...) * At this time + thdi gian trong qua khw, (at this time last year...) * In +n&m (in 2004, in 1992) © Inthe past In 1998, he was staying with his parents. (Vao nam 1998, anh dy dang 6 voi bé me.) |. Write the following sentences in the positive, negative and question form. Use Past Continuous. 2.We (study) English in the class at three o'clock. @.He (plant) trees in the garden at 4 p.m yesterday. 4. Ann. (paint) a picture at 8 a.m yesterday. 3K 38 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 gil 5. Peter (ride) his bike to school when | saw him. sath ate whet 7. Jim (walk) around the house at this time yesterday. 8.1 (listen) to music at this time yesterday. 9. Nam and Peter (sleep) at 8 a.m yesterday. 10. They (swim) at 5 p.m yesterday. Il. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous. 1. She (do) her homework at this time yesterday. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 39 3 fis, Primary Grammar 2. They (not visit) the zoo at ten o'clock yesterday. 3. Peter and! (learn) English at this time last night. 4. Mary (water) the flowers at 3 p.m yesterday. 5. At 7 a.m yesterday he (watch) TV. 6. What were you doing when | phoned you? -I (have) a bath. 7. The children (climb) a tree at 8 p.m last night. 8. My mother (not cook) in the kitchen at 5 p.m. 9. We (have) dinner at 6 p.m. 10. She (listen) to music at 10 o'clock last night. 11. He (sleep) and the fire stared. 12. Helen (work) his way through college at that time. 13. My sister (not read) a book when the man came in. 14. What you (do) at 8 p.m yesterday? 15. At this time last year, they (not build) this house. 16.1 (drive) my car very fast when | got home. 17. My brother (play) football yesterday afternoon. 18. Her teacher (teach) the lesson yesterday morning. 19. They (not visit) the zoo at ten o'clock yesterday. 20. My neighbours (watch) TV at that time yesterday. Ill. Write sentences using Past Continuous. 2. Ann/ do/ homework/ at that time/ yesterday. 3. My father/ wash/ car/ from five to six. DE 40 | Ngirphap tiéng Anh theo chi dé Lop 5-Tap2 gill 4. This time last year/ we/ live/ France. 5. 1/ cook/ dinner/ at five o’clock yesterday. 7. At this time last year/ we/ learn/ English in London. 8. They/ play/ football/ at 3:00 p.m yesterday. 9. The kids/ draw/ pictures/ at this time/ yesterday. 10. We/ have/ dinner/ in a restaurant at this time last night. IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous or Past Simple. 2: (cook) dinner when he came. 2. What (you/do) yesterday? 3. The homework (not be) very difficult yesterday. 4. They (visit) the zoo at ten o'clock yesterday. 5. She (not come) last night. 6. At this time last year we (not play) tennis in the school yard. 7. The children (play) in the park five minutes ago. 8.1 (meet) her at the movie theater last night. 9.We (walk) to the station at this time yesterday. 10. It (rain) at S p.m yesterday. 11. Last year, my family (not go) to Da Nang. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 41 3 Le Primary Grammar 12. At this time last year we (learn) English in London. 13. They (visit) the zoo last week. 14, Peter and! (do) homework at this time last night. 15.1 (go) to the movies and met my friends. V. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 2. We walked to school at that time yesterday. 3. Dad often sleep at 10 o'clock. 4. Mr. Smith drive to work every day. 5. It rained when | went out. 7. They are clean the floor at the moment. 8. | was painting a picture yesterday. 9. Were he playing football when | came? 10. Does Tom has many friends? 9G 42 | > GRAMMAR FOCUS — + Comparative Adjective: So sénh hon cua tinh tir So sanh hon ding dé so sanh gira ngudi (hoac vat) nay voi ngu’di (hoac vat) khac. Short adjective (tinh tir ngan) la tinh tir chi cd mét am tiét hodc tinh tl’ co hai 4m tiét nhung 4m cudi cua tinh tir dé la “-y, -le, -ow, -er, -et” big (to), short (ngan), happy (hanh phuc), narrow (hep), quiet (yén tinh) Long adjective (tinh tir dai) la tinh tir co tir hai 4m tiét tré lén (trir cdc tinh tir cé tan cling bang -er, -ow, -y, -le): precious (quy bdu), difficult (khé khan), beautiful (xinh dep), important (quan trong). 1, Cau tric cua cau so sanh hon: S+to be + adj+er+than +Noun/ Pronoun My brother is taller than you. (Anh trai ti cao hon ban.) This house is bigger than that house. (Ngéi nha nay to hon nhé kia.) S+to be + more + adj + than +Noun/ Pronoun Tom is more intelligent than Susan. (Tom théng minh hon Susan.) Laura is more beautiful than her older sister. (Laura xinh hon chj gdi cua cé dy.) Short Adjective Tinh tir ngan Long Adjective Tinh tir dai minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 43 3@ lig. Primary Grammar 2. Quy tac thém ER vao sau tinh tir ngan trong so s4nh hon: 1. Tinh tir cd mot 4m tiét > chi thém er old older cheap | cheaper 2. Tinh tir m6t dm tiét big bigger (phy 4m — nguyén 4m - phy 4m) hot hotter — gap doi phy 4m cudi+er thin thinner 3. Tinh tir cé hai 4m tiét nhung két thic bang happy | happier “y” > ier noisy | noisier Slr |. Write the comparative forms, 1. new 11. polite | 2. long 12, comfortable 3. nice a3. interesting 4. big : 14. beautiful 5. fat 15, dangerous 6. boring 16. difficult 7. modern 47. easy 8. friendly 7 18. young 9. small 19. heavy 10.warm 20. slow Il. Write the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. My house is (big) than yours. 2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one. 3. This blanket is (warm) than that one. BE 44 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 cg fl 4. The dog is (angry) 5. She is (polite) 6. Some cars are (expensive) 7. Tim is (intelligent) 8. The movie is (interesting) 9, Cars are (fast) 10. Elephants are (heavy) 11. February is (cold) 12. Chinese is (difficult) 13. A butterfly is (pretty) 14. A parrot is (noisy) 15. A worm is (slim) 16. The lion is (dangerous) 17. The horse is (fast) 18. The cat is (clean) 19. The mouse is (small) 20. A fish is (wet) 21. My Latin class is (boring) 22. Russia is (large) 23. London is (busy) 24. His house is (comfortable) 25. Julie is (quiet) than its master. than me. than others. than Pat. than the book. than bicycles. than ants. than June. than English. than a beetle. than a canary. than a snake. than the jackal. than the cow. than the dog. than the horse. than a spider. than my English class. than the UK. than Glasgow. than a hotel. than her sister. Ill. Write sentences using the comparatives form of adjectives. My house is smaller than her house. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 45 3 Primary Grammar 2. Mary/ tall/ Peter/. 3. This book/ thick/ that book/. 4. The ruler/ short/ the table/. 5. This car/ expensive/ that car/. 7. Miss Trang/ young/ her sister/. 8. These buildings/ high/ those buildings/. 9. The exercise/ easy/ that one/. 10. The boys/ strong/ the girls/. IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. This mountain is than that mountain. A.higherthan B.morehigher — C. higher D. high 2. Traveling by train is than traveling by air. A.expensive —_B. cheap C. cheaper D. more cheaper 3. This man is than that man. A. stronger B. more stronger C.more strong _ D. strong 3K 46 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 Gl A. intelligent B. more intelligent C. more intelligenter D. than intelligent 5. Itis than it was yesterday. A.cold B. colder C. more cold D. more colder 6. Anew house is than an old one. A. more expensive B. expensive C. expensiver D. expensive than 7. Motorbikes are bicycles. A. faster B. more fast C. faster than D. fast 8. David is than John. A. clever B.more clever C.morecleverer D. clerver than __ than her house. A. convenient B. more convenient C. convenient than D. convenienter 10. Skirts are than dresses. A. cheap B. more cheaper C. cheaper D. cheaper than V. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. € Do you often visits your grandparents > 2. How many room are there in your house? 3. Canada is biger than the United States in area. 4. These new chairs are more comfortabler than the old chairs. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 47 3@ Primary Grammar 5. We see dinosaurs at the museum last week. (6. The white bag is more cheaper than the green bag.) 7. Going by taxi is expensiver than going by bus. 8. The kitchen is small than the living room. 9. She usually goes swimming in Sunday mornings. 10. Bob don’t like listening to rock music. BE 48 | &} GRAMMAR FOCUS “ Superlative adjectives: So sanh nhat cua tinh tir So sanh nhat ding dé so sanh gitra ngudi (hoac vat) nay voi tat ca ngudi (hoac vat) trong nhém. 1. Cau tric cla cau so sanh nhat: Short adj Tinh tir ngan S$ +to be + the + adj + est + Noun/ Pronoun Tom is the tallest pupil in our class. (Tom la hoc sinh cao nhat lop téi.) It is the coldest day in the month. (Bay la ngay lanh nhat trong thang.) Long adj Tinh tt dai $+to be + the most + adj +Noun/ Pronoun Mary is the most intelligent student in my class. (Mary Id hoc sinh théng minh nhat lop téi.) 2. Quy tc thém EST vao sau tinh tir ngan trong so sanh nhat: 1. Tinh tr c6 mét 4m tiét — chi thém est old oldest cheap | cheapest 2. Tinh tir mot am tiét big biggest (phy 4m — nguyén 4m — phy 4m) hot hottest — gp doi phy 4m cudi + est thin thinnest 3. Tinh tir co hai am tiét nhurng két thc happy | happiest bang “y” — iest noisy | noisiest busy busiest minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 49 3 Nag. Primary Grammar 4. Tinh tl hai 4m tiét nhurng tan cling bang clever |cleverest er, -le, -ow, -et xem nhu la mét tinh tur ngan. |simple | simplest Narrow | narrowest quiet | quietest =) PRACTICE # |. Write the superlative form of each adjective. 1. big 13. fast 2. small 14. long 3. short 15. slow 4. angry 16. noisy 5. smart 17. famous 6. thick 18. large 7. dangerous 19. honest 8. healthy 20. dirty 9. strong 21. early 10. heavy 22. young 11. beautiful 23. warm 12. interesting 24. handsome Il. Fillin the gaps with the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets. 1. You are the person | know. (kind) 2.1am the person in the class. (short) 3. My brother is the boy in his class. (smart) 4. Who has the job in our company? (hard) 5. Who is the person in your familly? (tall) 3E 50 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 Gil 6.Canyouname the___ building in the world. (high) 7. December is the month of the year in my country. (cold) 8. What's the animal in the world? (dangerous) 9. Tom is the boy that | know. (happy) 10. Where are the beaches in your country? (nice) 11. She bought the cake in the shop. (big) 12. Who is the singer in your country? (famous) 13. Tom’s room is the of all. (clean) 14. Spring is the season of the year. (pleasant) 15. Ann is the student in our group. (hard-working) 16. Egypt is one of the. countries in the world. (old) 17. Canada is the second country in the world. (large) 18. That was the mistake. (stupid) Ill. Complete sentences using the superlative or comparative forms of adjectives in brackets. 1. My dad is dad in the world. (funny) 2. Sharks are than lions. (dangerous) 3. Our town is than hers. (attractive) 4. Mice are animals in the world. (cute) 5. Whales are animals in the world. (heavy) 6. My sister is person | know. (tidy) 7. Your house is than mine. (beautiful) 8. Spain is one of countries in Europe. (sunny) 9. What’s animal in your country? (dangerous) 10. Mother is always than father. (busy) 11. My grandmother is person in my familly. (old) minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 51. 3 Primary Grammar 12. My bedroomis__ room in my house. (comfortable) 13.Tom’sroomis_ SS _—sthan yours. (dark) 14. Exercise 2 is than exercise 3. (difficult) 15. He is than his sister. (clever) IV. Use these words to write complete sentences using comparative or superlative form. (1, Arose/ beautiful/ a weed.) A rose is more beautiful than a weed. 2. This bag/ cheap/ of three bags/. 3. A dog/ intelligent/ a chicken/. 4. Spring/ nice season/ year/. 5. Susan/ young person/ her family/. (©. Ba/ friendly/ Nam/.) 7. The museum/ big/ the art gallery/. 8. Sahara/ large desert/ world/. 9. It/ short/ day/ the year/. 10. Fansipan/ high/ mountain in Vietnam/. 9G 52 | Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 . gil V. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 1. I’m the younger person in my family. 2. My brother is busyer than | am. 3. London is smallest than Mexico City. 4. |s your kitchen biger than mine? 5. Which season is hottest in your country? 6. Air transport is the fast means of transport. 7. Sport is interesting than politics. 8. Russia is the larger country in the world. 9. 1am the happy man in the world. IIT 10. Dolphins are more intelligenter than sharks. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 53 3@ QP cvnmanrocus “ MUST (phai) Must durgc ding dé dién ta sy cn thiét, su bat budc hoac bén phan, trach nhiém phai lam gi & hién tai va tuong lai. | must get up early to go to school every morning. (Téi phdi day som dé di hoc vao budi sang.) Form (Cau tric) (+) Khang dinh E zy (nguyen thé) Ex: You must do the homework. (Ban phi lam bai tap.) John must sweep the room. (ohn phai quét don can phong nay.) (-) Pha dinh Ex: We mustn’t turn right. (Chung ta khéng dug ré phdi.) You mustn’t sleep in class. (Ban khéng dugc ngu trong Iép hoc.) BE 54 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu déLop5-Tap2 _.g ll 1. You raise your hand to ae 2. You Ee oles arrive late to - school. speak. 3. You listen to the 4. You finish your homework teacher. on time. 5. You eatin the classroom. 6. You use your mobile in class. 7.You bring your books 8. You == playinclass. to school. 9. You ~ 10. You pay attention to 4 talk on the phone the teacher. when you are driving. 11. You sleep all day. 12. You 4 eat lots of sweets. 13. You 14. You make noise at night. shout in the classroom. minhthangbooks - Chuyén séch tiéng Anh | 55 3 Primary Grammar Il. Choose the correct answer. 1.1 must / mustn’t lose weight. I’m too fat. 2.1 must / mustn’t be late for school. 3. We must/ mustn’t obey the rules to live in peace. 4. We must / mustn’t be careful while we are walking on the street. 5. | must/ mustn’t come home before ten o’clock. 6. You must/ mustn’t drop litter on the floor. 7. You must/ mustn’t chew gum in class. 8. You must/ mustn’t speak loudly in a library. 9. You must/ mustn’t wear warm clothes in winter. 10. You must/ mustn’t watch television too much. 11. You must/ mustn’t wear a helmet when you ride a bike. 12. You must/ mustn’t cheat in the exams. 13. You must/ mustn’t brush your teeth after every meal. 14. You must/ mustn’t visit your dentist every six months. Ill. Reorder the words to make sentences. (Lwash/y ore/hands/ must/ your/ lun 2. classrooms/ we/ sweets/ eat/ mustn’t/ in the/. 3. in/ this /children/ play/ mustn’t/ place/ dangerous/. 4. put/ must/ you/ rubbish/ the/ into/ bin/. 5. in/ this/ you/ make/ mustn’t/ noise/ area. 36 56 | Ngir phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 gil 7. watch/ you/ mustn't / at night/ TV/ late/. 8. wear/ they/ new/ their/ school/ a/ must/ uniform/ in/. 9. homework/ the students/ forget/ their/ mustn’t/. 10. They/ washing up/ do/ must/ the/,/ don’t/ have/ they/ a dishwasher/. IV. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 2. The red car is more cheap than the black one. 3. My hair is very dirty. | mustn’t wash it now. 4. My brother and | visit our grandmother next weekend, 5. How much students are there in your school? 7. He bringed me a lot of things last week. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 57 §@ lig, Primary Grammar 8. He spends a lot of money on shopping some days ago. 9. He played football at five o’clock yesterday. 10. She teached me English two months ago. V. Complete the following sentences with suitable question words in the box. What What time Where When How Who How many How often 1. hours does your mother watch TV a day? - My mother watches TV two hours a day. 2. do you do? - I’m a student. 2: are you talking to? - I’m talking to my friend, Nam. 4. does Peter have Maths? - He has Maths at 8.30. 5. do they have English? - They have it on Sunday and Friday. 6. is he doing? - He is cleaning the floor. ds does she go to school? - She goes to school on foot. 8. is she going? - She is going to the library. 9. do you go to school? - | go to school five days a week. 10. is answering the phone? - Mr. Black is. 3E 58 | a REVISION V: UNIT 17 — 20 | A. play B. plays C. playing 2. do you do judo? - Twice a week. A. When B. Where C. How often & draw on the walls and tables, please. A.Do B. Don’t C. Should 4. He so much last night. A. drink B. drinks C. drank 5. Last summer, | fishing with my uncle in the afternoon. A.go B. goes C. went A. didn’t come B.doesn’tcome C. didn’t came 7. What tomorrow morning? A.willyoudo — B. you will do C. do you do 8.1 fifteen years old next week. B. will C. will be 9.1 to Sam Son Beach for our last summer vacation. A.go B. went C. are going 10. Liz buy a lot of souvenirs for her friends? A. Did B. Do C. Were minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 59 3G fig, Primary Grammar 12. Molly won't do the shopping Saturday. B. at C.on 13. We don’t need to buy food. A. lot of B. much C.alot 14. They a new suitcase. A. buys B. bought C. to buy 15. Judy dinner at five o'clock last night. A. made B. make C. was making . Circle the correct answer. 1. Have you got many/ much suitcases? 2. Don’t worry. We've got much of/ lots of time. 3. Do we need lot of/ much food? 4. There are a lot of/ much newspapers over there. 5. There aren't a lot of/ much sandwiches. 6. How many/ How much bread have you got? 7. | haven't got a lot of/ lots orange juice. 8. We didn’t buy any/ some bananas yesterday. 9. | can’t see some/ any shop assistants. 10. Mum needs some/ any shampoo. Ill. Make questions for the underlined words/ phrases. When did they see her? 2. My father was in Hanoi last month. (3. He travelled to Ba Vi by bus. » 3G 60 | nhasachminhthangvn Ngit phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 gl 4. She went to the doctor because she was sick. 5. Nam left home at 7 o'clock yesterday. 7. | went to Nha Trang last summer vacation. 8. They returned to America two weeks ago. IV. Complete the sentences, using the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Winter is season in the year. (cold) 2. My friend is person | know. (interesting) 3. The house is in the village. (beautiful) 4, Sandy is than Ann. (thin) 5. My friend is than me. (tall) 6. The whale is animal in the world. (big) 7. Amelia is student in the school. (intelligent) 8. My bag is than yours. (heavy) 9. My dad is dad in the world. (funny) 10. My bedrooom is room in my house. (comfortable) 11. What’s animal in your country? (dangerous) 12. Mice are animals in the world. (cute) 13. My grandmother is person in my family. (old) 14, Spain is country in Europe. (sunny) 15. Whales are animals in the world. (heavy) minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 61 9& V. Write sentences, using the Past Simple tense. 2. They/ live here/ one year ago/. 3. Mary/ be late for school/ yesterday morning/. 4. She/ buy a lot of souvenirs/ last summer vacation/. 5. My mother/ give me a yellow cap/. (6. They/ arrive at the airport/ at eight o'clock.) 7. 1/ speak/ to her about my vacation/. 8. I/ see you at the party/ last night/. 9. Mrs. Hoa/ teach/ me English three years ago/. 10. The children/ be/ very happy in their trip to Da Nang/. |. Complete the sentences with “in, on” or “at”. 1. Christmas is the 25" of December. 2. It’s cold winter. 3E 62 | nhasachminhthangvn Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu! dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 gl 3.lalwayshaveanap___—_—the afternoon. 4. My birthdayis =“ May. 5.Sheleftlate == iniightt. 6:Sue's partys ms a 62 Se Qoclock 2e8 Friday. 7. We watch cartoons on TV the evening. 8. It’s hot summer. 9. He woke up late the morning. 10. She moved house 2019. 11. We usually don’t go out Mondays. 12. It’s windy Autumn. 13. Her daughter was born August 2°. 14. They got married July. 15. the weekend, Peter is very busy. . Complete the sentence with MUST or MUSTN'T. @ It’s late. You make so much noise. @ You be home on time. ® You play with fire. @ You do your homework. © My hair is very dirty. | wash it now. @ My parents aren’t at home. | cook lunch. @ The river is too deep, you swim here! @ You smoke in this room. el take the umbrella. It is raining. @ You hurry. We have plenty of time. Ill, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. He often (bring) me flowers. 2. (you/ meet) Paul yesterday? minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 63 3Q hag, Primary Grammar 3. Father (work) in the garden now. 4, What (you/ do) at the moment? 5. Mr. Jones (paint) his house last month. 6. She (go) to school on foot every day. Z(t (be) hot yesterday. 8. The baby (not /sleep) now. 9. He never (drive) fast. 10. She (leave) Paris in 1987. 11. What (you/ do) last weekend? 12. Charlie (start) school three years ago. 13. He (be/ always) angry with me. 14. This car (make) a strange noise now. 15. They (play) baseball last Sunday. IV. Find the mistake and correct it. 2. She’s got two puppys. (3. She writes a letter last Monday. 4. There isn’t some fruit in the fridge. 5. She have got a big nose. 3G 64 | nhasachminhthangvn Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 pl 7. Moira didn’t came to school yesterday. 8. John is the taller in his class. 9. Paula always sing in the bathroom. 10. She has a bath at the moment. 12. We've got very few cheese. 13. She got the most high mark in the class. 14. The ice were dangerous. We walked carefully. 15. They come on holiday with us last year. V. Complete the sentences using “What, When” or “Where”. 1, did your brother do for his birthday? - He had a party. did you go to France? - Last week. did Amy do on Thursday? - She went swimming. did your parents go on holiday? - They went to Japan. did they go to the cinema? - In my town. did you move your house? - On Friday. did you eat for dinner last night? - Pizza. ern anawn did you go on holiday? - England. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 65 3 lig, Primary Grammar 9. did you do your homework? - After school. 10. did Kevin learn at school yesterday? - Maths. VI. Write sentences from the notes. Use the superlative form of adjectives. Tuan/ tall/ pupil/ class. Tuan is the tallest pupil in the class 2. Sahara/ large desert/ world. 3. spring/ nice/ season/ year/. 4. whales/ big animals/ world/. 5. summer/ hot season/ year/. 6, Peter/ young person/ his family/. 7. Royal Hotel/ cheap hotel/ our town/. 8. Unit 1/ easy unit/ this book/. 9. 1/ happy/ man / world/. 10. Nga/ clever/ student/ class/. e fairy lights, / beautiful/.» 12. The balloons/ expensive/. 3K 66 | PRESENT PERFECT — AFFIRMATIVE AND NEGATIVE QP serve rocus “+ Present perfect (thi hién tai hoan thanh) (+) Khang dinh | have bought a new bike. T6i moi mua mét cdi xe dap mdi.) 1/ We/ You/ They + have + V ( E PP | They have painted the wall. (Ho vira son bic tuéng.) She has written a letter. (C6 dy vira viét mét bitc thu, She/ He/ It + has +V. (a er sue VE it 4 oe John has done his homework. (John via lam bai tap cua anh dy.) (+) Phd dinh They haven't cleaned the floor. (Ho chua lau nha.) 1/ We/ You/ They + have not + V. °P | haven’t sent you a message. (T6i chua nhan tin cho ban.) She hasn't finished her homework. (C6 dy chura lam xong bai tap.) She/ He/It+has not +V,, ee He hasn’t bought a new laptop. (Anh @y chu'a mua may tinh mdi.) minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 67 3 have not = haven’t has not = hasn’t Cach ding: * Thi hién tai hoan thanh duc ding dé dién ta mét hanh dong xay ra trong qua khtt, kéo dai dén hién tai va co thé tiép tuc & tong lai. | have learned English for 3 years. (Téi dé hoc tiéng Anh dugc ba nam.) © Dung dé dién ta hanh dong da xay ra nhurng két qua con @ hién tai. John has cleaned the floor. (John dG lau san nha.) [=p ey PRACTICE iio I. Write the past and past panidple form of the given verbs. Infinitive 2. g0 3. live 4. write 9; spend 10. leave 11. meet BE 68 | Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 a 12. give 14, have 15. drive ‘16. eat 17. know 18. take 19. teach 20. wear | 21. pay 22. come [23, speak 24. bring 25. steal Il. Fillin “have” or “has” to complete sentences. 1. During the five years, John had fifteen different jobs. 2. He worked in banking sector. 3. Teddy been a teacher since 2015. 4.1 been on holiday for six days. 5. land Kate started our own company this year. 6. your mother learned how to drive? 7. They never been to Madrid. 8. you ever met anyone famous? 9.We been married for two years. 10. Jude not seen my new dress. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 69 3G fig, Primary Grammar lll. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect. 1. She has lived (live) in England all her life. (+) 2. They (play) any computer games. (-) 3. She (win) a huge sum of money on the lottery. (-) 4. David (finish) typing his report. (+) 5. Look! Somebody (steal) the statue in the park. (+) 6, She (try) bungee jumping twice already. (-) 7. Oh no, my son (break) the wine jug! (+) 8.We (know) each other for a long time. (-) 9. They (build) a brand new supermarket downtown. (+) 10.1 (lose) my keys. (-) 11. Miss Jane (forget) my homework! (+) 12. He (work) in banking sector. (+) IV. Put the verbs into Past Simple or Present Perfect. 1. Last month they (go) to London. 2. I’m sorry, John isn’t here now. He (go) to the shop. 3.We (finish) this room last week. 4.1 (finish) my exams finally. I’m so happy. 5.1 (know) Julie for three years. We still meet once a month. 6. They (see) a good film last night. 7. He (buy) a lot of English books yesterday. 8. She (meet) this man several times. 9.1 (read) this book three times. 10. Mr. Green (play) chess since eight o'clock. 11. I’m hungry. | (not have) my lunch yet. 12. She isn’t ready. She (not pack) her cases yet. 3E 70 | nhasachminhthangvn NgU phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 V. Write sentences below in the Present Perfect tense. T have seen a penguin. 2. They ate breakfast. 3. He wasn’t a teacher. 4. We didn’t clean our room. 5. Tom finished his homework. ey met the president 7. The old man didn’t watch TV. 8. Florita made her bed. 9. We lost our keys. 10. | didn’t play hockey. VI. Put the words in the right order. (@ibought/ 1/ have/ new/ a/car/> 2. He/ sent/ has/ to Amy/ an email/. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 71 3 lig. Primary Grammar 3. some/ she/ taken/ has/ photos/. 4. Rome/ to/ My father/ driven/ has/. 5. he/ home/ gone/ already/ has/. 7. has/ the train/ left/ the station/. 8. Sean/ broken/ hasn’t/ the world record. 9. He/ passed/ has/ all/ his/ university exams/. 10. |/ homework/ my/ finished/ have/. 3E 72 | PRESENT PERFECT — en a & GRAMMAR FOCUS “+ Present perfect — interrogative (thi hién tai hoan thanh — Thé nghi van) (?) Nghi van Have you written your letter yet? ? Have +, we, you, they +V,,? (Ban da viét thu xong cha?) Yes, S + have. No, $+ haven't. Have they bought a new car yet? (Ho mua mét chiéc 6 t6 mdi chia?) Has she finished her homework? Has +He, She, It+V, 2 = Be See Nin (Co Gy da lam xong bai tap chura?) Yes, S + has. H d his 2 No, $+hasn’t. jas he cleaned his room (Anh dy dé lau phong cha?) C&c trang tir throng duge ding voi thi hién tai hoan thanh. © just, recently, lately: gan day, vira mdi © before: truéc day © already: da, rdi © ever: da tung © never: khong bao gid, chu’a bao gid > already ding trong cau khang dinh, thang dung ngay sau have/ has, thinh thoang dttng cudi cau. We have already read our books. (We have read our books already.) minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 73 9@ fig, Primary Grammar > yet (“chua”) ding trong cau phd dinh va nghi van, thuong ding & cudi cau. Lan hasn’t cook dinner yet. (Lan con chua ndu com téi.) Has Lan cook dinner yet? (Lan néu com téi chua?) > Cau hdi Wh- ding trong thi hién tai hoan thanh What have/has + S + p.p? What have you done? ‘ (Ban da lam xong nhéng gi?) Who has finished reading the book? (Ai d@ doc xong quyén sdch réi?) _ PRACTICE |. Choose the correct option. 1. | have/ has already finished my homework. 2. My son have / has just started the university. 3. The Black family have/ has gone to the seaside. 4. Dad haven’t/ hasn’t watered the plants. 5. Have/ Has Sam ever been to the USA? 6. Our English teacher have/ has bought a new house. 7. Frank and Jim have/ has never ridden a horse. 8. Have/ Has you taken the dog for a walk? 9. The weather have/ has been terrible since yesterday. 10. My little sister have / has just stopped crying. Il. Write the short answer. 1. Has the baby slept? -Yes, -No, 3G 74 | nhasachminhthang vn Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chil dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 Gill 2. Have Jim and you called your father? —- Yes, - No, 3. Has he had dinner yet? - Yes, - No, 4. Have they called me? - Yes, -No, - Yes, - No, 6. Have you read Romeo and Juliet? - Yes, - No, 7. Has she left school? - Yes, -No, 8. Have you seen my new car? - Yes, -No, Ill. Change positive sentences into negative and interrogative sentences. ofsjHeks pedinncandoestasn () (?) three years. re fe e(+) (-) We haven’t been here for two weeks. (>) i nr Ow) ()_ (?) Have they missed the train? minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 75 3@ fig. Primary Grammar @ (+) | have had breakfast this morning. 0) (?) @ (+) (-) She hasn’t passed the exam. (?) 8 (+) () (?) Have you met his mother? @ (+) We have eaten too much chocolate. (+) (?) 8 (+) (-) | haven’t played tennis for two years. (?) 9 (+) () (?) Has she read that book? @ (+) She has been late for one hour. () (?) IV. Fill in the blanks with Present Perfect Tense. 1. Samuel (find) a good job in town for one year. 2. Richard (not/ finish) his project yet. 3. The baby (not/ fall) asleep yet. What’s the matter? 4. youever (play) Angry Birds? - Yes, 3K 76 | ahasachminhthangva Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 LL Sul already (complete) my English homework. 6. he (finish) making the pizza yet? - No, he 7, My brother and | never (ride) on the streets. 8. Many athletes never (win) a medal. 9. He (not speak) to his bank manager since June. 10. he (clean) the car yet? at (not eat) Chinese food before. 12. They (leave) the building. 13. He (be) to France twice. 14.We (not sell) many ice creams this week. Silt (rain) for six hours. V. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. 2d my parents.) 2. | had a computer since my nineteenth birthday. 3. She is the most young in her class. 4. How is the weather like in Hanoi tomorrow? 5. What are you and your friend going to the cinema? (@Whenis the news on TV today?) 7. How many coffee does your dad drink? (8. My mum is having coffee after lunch every day. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sach tiéng Anh | 77 3 lig, Primary Grammar 9. A honest person always tells the truth. 10. There aren’t a lot of students in my class. VI. Write sentences with the cue words using the present perfect tense. T have known him for three months. 2. Her family/ be here/ 2015/. Bui / have/ write/ two hours/.” 4. We/ not see/ each other/ five years/. 5. My sister/ have/ buy/ a red bike/ three months/. 7. Hoa/ have/ eat/ too much/ sugar/. CSE TLEERCED 9. She/ have not/ ride/ a horse/ before/. 10. We/ have/ read/ this/ novel/ three times/. HK 78 | y ONS pK, _EVER AND NEVER > GRAMMAR FOCUS - “> Present perfect with EVER and NEVER (Thi hién tai hoan thanh voi EVER va NEVER) Ever (da tirng) : Never (chura bao gid) © Chting ta ding EVER voi thi hién tai * Chung ta dling NEVER voi thi hoan thanh dé hdi vé kinh nghiém |_-hién tai hoan thanh dé ndi vé cua ai do. hanh d6ng chua ting lam tir Ex: Have you ever ridden a horse? truéc toi gid. (Ban da bao gid cu’éi ngya cha?) | Ex: | have never been to Rome. (T6éi chua bao gid’ dén Rome.) 1. Have you won a lottery? 2. He has seen the Eiffel Tower. & 3. Have you lost the house key? 2 4. Has Tim seen a witch? & minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 79 3 fic, Primary Grammar 5. They have swum in a swimming pool. Zz 6. Have you built a dog house? Lt 7. She has climbed a mountain. Alig: 8. Have you broken a leg? 7 9. have seen a London bus. ee MM, 10. Have you seen an accident? ee) 11. They have missed the school bus. 7 ye 12. Have you flown a kite? z 13. My grandmother has been to a restaurant. 14. Have you fished? iz Il. Write the words in the correct order to make questions. (@ lived ever/ you vlogs 3 Fave/ 8/2) 2. your/ a volcano/ have/ seen/ ever/ grandparents/? 3. has / Jim/ met/ a diver/ ever/? 4. ocean/ sailed/ across/ you/ an/ ever/ have/? 3E 80 | Ngurphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop5-Tap2 gill 6. you/ been/ have/ to/ ever/ Australia/? 7. it/ ever/ snowed/ has/ July/ in/? 8. had/ have/ English/ ever/ an/ you/ penfriend/? Ill. Look at the table. Write questions and short answers. Use EVER. (* for “No” and V for “Yes”.) Find any |Beinabig|Meeta | Rescue |Gotoa Climb a money |storm famous anyone |rainforest | mountain explorer You |@~x x ex Ov six ov Jim |v @x x Ov Ov Ov 1. Have you ever found any money? - No, | haven’t. ORS OV AU PS 308, NS IV. Complete the sentences. Use NEVER and the verbs in brackets. 1. Jack (meet) an Australian. 2.We (see) that film. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 81 3 Hig. Primary Grammar 3. The explorer (be) in a dangerous situation. 4.1 (go) to America. 5. My parents (sail) on an ocean. 6. Toby (get) lost. 7. Lara and Holly (use) a camcorder. 8. You (find) a dinosaur. 9. We (lose) our homework. 10. Grandma and Grandpa (send) an email. V. Write short answers. @ Have Jake and Bella ever seen a tiger? No, they haven’t. @ Have you ever visited America? M1 © Have you ever had ice cream at 7 a.m? @ Has Mary ever gone to school by taxi? & @ Have you ever travelled abroad? @ Has your brother ever been in a cave? 7 @ Have Mum and Dad ever seen a lifeboat? © Have you ever spent a week in a tent? VI. Complete the text. Use the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets. Hi Billy, It was great to hear about your trip to Australia. I (1) (never go) to that part of the world, but I (2) (visit) Canada, I've gota friend there, but his parents (3)____(never travel) abroad. They (4) (never see) America, and they (5) (never catch) a plane. My friend (6) (travel) by plane ten times! (7) (you ever want) to live ina different country? I have! T'll call you soon for a chat. Bye for now, Andy. HE 82 | \ & GRAMMAR FOCUS "4 Ee Vee “ Present perfect with FOR and SINCE (Thi hién tai hoan thanh ding voi FOR va SINCE) FOR + khoang thoi gian SINCE + méc thdi gian © Ching ta ding FOR dé ndi vé hanh d6ng kéo dai trong bao lau. (10 years, a week, three hours, five minutes...) Ex: Tony has been a toy collector © Chung ta dling SINCE dé ndi vé for four years. Ex: They have had a car since 2019. Tony suru tap d6 choi dugc Ho mua chiéc 6 t6 nay tir nam 4 nam roi. 2019. hanh d6ng da xay ra tai m6t thoi diém xdc dinh trong qua kht con kéo dai tdi hién tai. (2018, last year,...) I. Complete the sentences. Use FOR or SINCE. 1. Susan has been in England 2. Peter has been in England 3. Jane has known Mary 4, Mary has known Jane December 25. two years. 2004. three years. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tigng Anh | 83 BQ fis. Primary Grammar 5. | have studied English the summer. 6. They have studied English ten months. 7. We have lived in Nha Trang 2015. 8. She has lived in Nha Trang 20 years. 9. Lan has been ill a week, 10. He has been ill Saturday. 11.1 haven’t washed my car along time. 12. | haven’t washed my car June. . Fill in SINCE or FOR and the right form of the Present Perfect. 1.Joe (be) at this school five years. 2. Where’s Alison? - | (not see) her this morning. 3. Mr. Wayne (know) his wife they were both small children. 4. Ben (not see) his uncle several years. 5.1 (not be) very well Monday. 6. My brother (have) his new bike two weeks. 7. They (live) here they first came to Britain. 8. The poor animal is very hungry. It (not have) anything to eat two days. 9. My sister (know) her boyfriend six years. 10. My mother (not speak) to my sister three days. 11. My friend Tommy lives in the south. | (not talk) to him a long time. 12.1 (have) this teddy bear | was a little child. BE 4 | Ngtrphap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 gl 13. Sam (study) at this college 2020. 14. Mr. John (work) for this company 2018. 15. They (not eat) anything two days. Ill. Look at the pictures. Write sentences with the present perfect. They have been friends for three years. 2. Tom/ be on holiday in Australia/ since/. 3. My father/ have a black car/ for/. 4. My brother/ collect/ toys/ for/. 5. They/ live in their house/ 2015/. IV. Write sentences. Use the Present Perfect. I've been at this school for two years. 2. She/ study/ English/ since/ she was six. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 85 9 i &. Primary Grammar 3. They/ know/ their best friend/ for/ five years/. 4. Nam/ live/ in his house/ for/ eight years/. (5 Susan ave) her fav 6. He/ play/ volleyball/ since/ last summer/. 7. My uncle/ be/ ill since Tuesday/. 8. Susan/ not visit/ her grandmother/ for/ two weeks/. V. Five and correct the mistake in each sentence. (1. My mother hasn’t seen the dentist si 2. | haven’t play baseball for many years. 3. John have been single for a long time. 4. Tom has break the world record. 5. We have losed our homework. 3K 86 | nhasachminhthang vn Ngtr phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop §- Tap 2 . 7. Clare has wrote computer programs. 8. Molly has tidyed her bedroom. 9. You and Tim has win the trophy. 10. William hasn't sent an email to Jamie since two days. minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich tiéng Anh | 87 3 # REVISION VI: UNIT 21 - 24 CO aie eee eC Cai uCIC ICC |. Choose the correct answer. A. snows B. snowed C. is snowing 2. Have we got milk? A.some B. any C. many 3. There isn’t in the kitchen. A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody 4. Do you like spaghetti? - Yes, 4 A.dol B.1do C.I don’t 5. I've got money. | can buy an ice-cream. A. alittle B. afew C. little A.much B. little Cc. many 7. She tennis well. A. play B. doesn’t play C. don’t play 8. Ann coffee now! A. drinks B. drink C. is drinking |, Look at him! He _ A. is swimming B. swam C. swims 10. There’s bread in the cupboard. A. little B. few C. many A. is going B. goes C. went BK 88 | nhasachminhthang vn Ngt phap tiéng Anh theo chu dé Lop 5 - Tap 2 Gl “12. This book tome.) A. belongs B. belong C. is beloning 13. We abroad last summer. A. travel B. travels C. travelled 14. name is Jim Smith. A.He B. His Cc. Him 15. She’s got cheese. A.some Ba Can Il. Circle the correct answer. 1. We have finished/ finished our homework. Can we go outside now? 2. When he was/ has been six, he was/ has been to school in New York. 3. Amy didn’t read/ hasn’t read the third book in the series yet. 4. Have you met/ Did you meet the new science teacher? 5. |went/ have been to London twice in my life. 6. Leo and Fred didn’t know/ haven’t known the answer so they asked their Dad. 7. Were you/ Have you been at home last Friday morning? 8. Have you spoken to Grandpa today? - Yes, I did. /Yes, | have. Ill. Complete the questions and short answers. Use the Present Perfect. a you (eat) the cake? — No, 2h Tony (lose) his basketball? — Yes, he 3. you (have) an email from Mr. David? — Yes, | 4, RobandAmy. (see) the film? No, they. 5. she (build) a sandcastle? — Yes, 6. you (find) your football? — No, uh he (turn off) the DVD player? — Yes, minhthangbooks - Chuyén sich ting Anh | 89 3&
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