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Institución Educativa Parroquial “Inmaculada Concepción”- Cajamarca

Dirigido por las Religiosas Franciscanas de la Inmaculada Concepción

I protect my skin very well.

I. Vocabulary. Healthy habits. Complete the phrases with the correct verbs.
eat eat exercise get go lift protect wash

II. Pair work. Answer the questions in pairs.

A: Which of the healthy habits in part I do you have?

B: I have good breakfast and I go for a walk every weekend.

III. Grammar. How questions.

How often do you go to the gym? How healthy are your eating habits?
Three or four days a week. Somewhat healthy
How long do you spend at the gym? How many meals do you eat a day?
About an hour. Five small meals.
How well do you follow your diet? How much sleep do you get?
Not very well. Quite a bit.
Institución Educativa Parroquial “Inmaculada Concepción”- Cajamarca
Dirigido por las Religiosas Franciscanas de la Inmaculada Concepción

IV. Complete the questions with a How question. Then answer the questions.

1. ___________________ do you protect your skin from the sun?

a. Extremely well. b. Pretty well c. Not very well.
2. ___________________ are your eating habits?
a. Very healthy b. Quite healthy c. Not healthy at all.
3. ___________________ coffee so you drink in a week?
a. A lot. b. Quite a bit. c. Not much
4. ___________________ do you eat red meat?
a. Every day. b. Several times a week. c. Never.
5. ___________________ do you spend on the computer every week?
a. 40 hours. b. 20 hours c. Five hours
6. ___________________ times a day do you wash your hands?
a. About six times. b. About three times. c. Once

My challenge. I can describe healthy habits.

V. Write a short text about you healthy habits.


My healthy habits.

I don’t protect my skin very well. I sometimes wear a hat,

but I rarely use sunscreen. My eating habits are quite
healthy because I try to eat a lot of vegetables, fruit and I
drink six glasses of water a day.

Indicators: I can healthy habits. Yes No

Writing activity

Write a short text about your eating habits. (4pts)

Use vocabulary of the lesson or new words. (4pts)

Correct use of grammar. (4pts)

Add extra information. (4pts)

Present the challenge on time. (4pts)

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