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Feature Article

Intervention strategies for cesarean section–

induced alterations in the microbiota-gut-brain axis

Angela Moya-Pérez, Pauline Luczynski, Ingrid B. Renes, Shugui Wang, Yuliya Borre, C. Anthony Ryan,
Jan Knol, Catherine Stanton, Timothy G. Dinan, and John F. Cryan

Microbial colonization of the gastrointestinal tract is an essential process that

modulates host physiology and immunity. Recently, researchers have begun to
understand how and when these microorganisms colonize the gut and the early-
life factors that impact their natural ecological establishment. The vertical transmis-
sion of maternal microbes to the offspring is a critical factor for host immune and
metabolic development. Increasing evidence also points to a role in the wiring of
the gut-brain axis. This process may be altered by various factors such as mode of
delivery, gestational age at birth, the use of antibiotics in early life, infant feeding,
and hygiene practices. In fact, these early exposures that impact the intestinal
microbiota have been associated with the development of diseases such as obesity,
type 1 diabetes, asthma, allergies, and even neurodevelopmental disorders. The
present review summarizes the impact of cesarean birth on the gut microbiome
and the health status of the developing infant and discusses possible preventative
and restorative strategies to compensate for early-life microbial perturbations.

INTRODUCTION the microbiota-gut-brain axis (for detailed description of

this axis in health and disease across the lifespan, see re-
Humans share a mutualistic relationship with the com- cent reviews5,11–15).
plex community of microbes living in their bodies, collect- The exact mechanisms by which the gut microbiota
ively known as the microbiota. The microbiota is well communicates with the brain are not yet clear; however,
known to play a critical role in the development and later they include immunological, endocrine, metabolic, and
function of the gastrointestinal,1 metabolic,2 and immune neural pathways (for detailed discussion of pathways of
systems.3,4 There is now a growing body of evidence that communications, see recent reviews7,9,16–18). Although
suggests the gut microbiota also influences the brain and immune signaling through the production of cytokines
behavior.5–10 Robust preclinical and clinical findings indi- is an important route of communication between the
cate that a bidirectional route of communication exists be- gut and the brain, it is not involved in all conditions.
tween the brain and the gut microbiota and this is termed For example, subclinical infection by pathogenic
Affiliation: A. Moya-Pérez, P. Luczynski, Y. Borre, C.A. Ryan, C. Stanton, T.G. Dinan, and J.F. Cryan are with the APC Microbiome Institute;
C.A. Ryan is with the Department of Paediatrics and Child Health; T.G. Dinan is with the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioural
Science; and J.F. Cryan is with the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience; University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. I.B. Renes and J. Knol
are with Nutricia Research, Utrecht, the Netherlands. S. Wang is with Nutricia Research, Singapore. J. Knol is with the Laboratory of
Microbiology, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands. C. Stanton is with the Teagasc Moorepark Food Research Centre,
Fermoy, Cork, Ireland.
Correspondence: J.F. Cryan, Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road,
Cork, Ireland. E-mail: Phone: þ353-21-420-5426.
Key words: cesarean section, metabolism, microbiota, immunity, prebiotics, probiotics.
C The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Life Sciences Institute.
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doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuw069
Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240
bacteria fails to induce a change in cytokine release, yet it prematurity rates, and the use of antibiotics in preg-
alters behavior and central nervous system (CNS) neuro- nancy, in addition to changes in infant feeding, living
chemistry.19 However, it is clear that mice raised without conditions, diet, lifestyle, and general hygiene may have
exposure to microorganisms (ie, germ-free mice[GF]) altered the ways in which enteric microbial commun-
have underdeveloped adaptive and innate immune sys- ities are acquired.39,40,180 These microbial alterations
tems.20,21 The biochemical complexity of the gut is even have been suggested to correlate with a variety of im-
greater than that of the brain.16,22 Indeed, many of the mune (eg, asthma) and metabolic (eg, childhood obesity)
hormones produced by the gut microbiota also act as disorders.41,42 However, the causal relationship between
neurotransmitters within the CNS, including catechol- C-sections and such interactions is less studied.
amines, gamma-aminobutyric acid, serotonin, glutamate, One of the first and most important developmental
histamine, acetylcholine, and tryptophan.20,23 These meta- windows is the post birth neonatal period. The exposure
bolic compounds have bioactive properties and can be to bacteria during birth is a critical juncture in the es-
transported throughout the entire body via the circulatory tablishment of a stable core gut microbiota.43,44 The ef-
system.24 Of particular note is tryptophan, an essential fects of the intestinal microbiota on brain physiology
amino acid and a precursor of many biologically active include synaptogenesis, regulation of microglia devel-
agents, including the neurotransmitter serotonin.25 A opment and maturation, and regulation of neurotrans-
growing body of evidence points to dysregulation of the mitters and neurotrophic factors such as brain-derived
often-overlooked kynurenine arm of the tryptophan meta- neurotrophic factor.27,29,30,45–47
bolic pathway in many disorders of both the brain and the Recently, several preclinical studies using GF mice
gastrointestinal tract.25,26 Another important signaling as- have highlighted the ability of early-life microbiota to
pect of microbiota-to-brain signaling is the hypothalamus- influence neurodevelopment, with long-lasting effects
pituitary-adrenal axis, which regulates cortisol secretion. on neural function.27,29,30,45,48 During development, the
Cortisol can affect immune cells both locally in the gut nervous system is assembled and sculpted by a series of
and systemically. Cortisol can also alter gut permeability temporally regulated developmental processes that
and barrier function and change gut microbiota compos- shape the functional neural circuitry, which is critical
ition.7 In addition, microbes can impact the responsivity for normal cognitive, motor, and emotional develop-
of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, as seen in sev- ment. This is a complex process consisting of an orches-
eral studies demonstrating that neuroendocrine signaling trated series of neurodevelopmental events including,
is altered in response to microbial manipulation.27–30 but not limited to, neurogenesis (the birth of new neu-
Given that the human gut is heavily innervated,31,32 rons), axonal and dendritic growth, synaptogenesis, and
it is not surprising that neural pathways represent an- refinement of these synaptic connections, which gener-
other important route connecting the brain and the gut. ate the required numbers of neurons and the appropri-
The involvement of the vagus nerve in bottom-up ate synaptic density to match the requirements of the
microbiota-gut-brain communication appears to be de- neural circuit they become part of, a process known as
pendent on the bacterial strain under investigation: systems matching.49,50 These developmental processes
Some studies have found that the vagus nerve is neces- begin in utero and are later refined and modified dur-
sary for communication to the brain,19,28,33 while others ing early postnatal development. A large body of scien-
have documented vagus-independent effects.34,35 The tific evidence indicates that the first 1000 days – from
enteric nervous system is also responsive to microbial conception until a child’s second birthday – is the most
interventions. Both potential probiotic treatment and critical time for a positive impact on a child’s cognitive
the absence of bacteria can alter the excitability of en- development.43,51 Maternally derived environmental
teric nervous system sensory neurons.36,37 Together, disturbances (eg, infection, stress, drug and alcohol
these findings indicate there are likely numerous sys- exposure, preterm birth) during this time period can
tems simultaneously involved in the bidirectional trans- have profound and enduring structural and func-
fer of information between the brain and the gut. tional consequences for brain development in
affected offspring.52–55
ALTERED MICROBIOTA COMPOSITION IN PERINATAL Despite the overwhelming evidence of the crucial
PERIOD, NEURODEVELOPMENT, AND HEALTH role that the microbiota plays in the postnatal develop-
ment and maturation of the CNS, the pathways as to
A number of diverse factors can contribute to mamma- how disturbances in microbiota development could
lian gut microbiota content and complexity, and the lead to abnormal brain development, cognitive and be-
progression of bacterial colonization is not random.38 havioral deficits, allergy/autoimmunity, and metabolic
Over the last few centuries, especially in the industrial- disorders remain to be elucidated (Figure 1).
ized world, increases in births by cesarean (C)-section, Importantly, a recent study has provided one potential

226 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

Figure 1 Cesarean section can alter colonization of the newborn intestine, which is a critical event influencing many developmental
and physiological processes and, thereby, the functioning of the immune and neuroendocrine systems, with long-lasting effects
on health. It is thought that an unhealthy microbiota can promote the increased translocation of pathogenic bacterial components from the
intestinal mucosa to the systemic circulation, where they activate innate immunity characterized by production of proinflammatory cytokines,
resulting in metabolic inflammation and abnormal gut function. Abbreviation: BBB, blood-brain barrier.

signaling mechanism involving the blood-brain barrier and psychological parameters.61 Studies in GF mice
(BBB) through which the microbiota may modulate have demonstrated that critical time windows exist dur-
brain function during development.56 It is now ing which certain deficits of the microbiota-gut-brain
becoming more apparent that intestinal microbiota- axis are amenable to microbial intervention. For ex-
brain communication is initiated during gestation and ample, the enhanced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
propagated throughout life. The BBB ensures an opti- axis response of GF mice was partly corrected by recon-
mal microenvironment for neuronal growth and de- stitution with specific pathogen-free microbiota at an
velopment.57 An intact and regulated BBB is essential early stage, but not by colonization exerted at a later
for protecting neonates during the critical periods of stage.27 This indicates the existence of a critical window
neurodevelopment.58,59 Increased BBB permeability in early adolescence (in rodents, adolescence is gener-
has been associated with cytokine infiltration and neu- ally thought to be the period between postnatal day 21
roinflammation, resulting in abnormal neuronal devel- and postnatal day 60)61 during which the CNS is
opment and disrupted immune priming, leading to still sensitive to the microbial signals involved in nor-
neurodevelopmental, immune, and autoimmune mal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis development.
disorders.60 Bacterial colonization at the post-weaning stage also
The mammalian lifespan can be arbitrarily divided normalizes alterations in anxiety-like behavior, micro-
into 5 stages – infancy, adolescence, adulthood, middle glial homeostasis, and BBB permeability in GF
age, and old age – based on a variety of physiological mice.30,46,56 Moreover, it has been shown that dietary

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

administration of short-chain fatty acids, microbiota- increase of some neuropsychiatric disorders such as bi-
derived metabolites, or the bacteria that produce them polar disorder, autism spectrum disorders, and atten-
can reverse alterations in microglia homeostasis and the tion deficit hyperactivity disorder.93,94 However, other
BBB permeability observed in GF mice.46,56 However, more definitive studies have not found an association
some microbial-based alterations appear to be perman- between mode of delivery and autism or attention def-
ent. For example, colonization of GF mice at the post- icit/hyperactivity disorder or psychosis.95,96 More re-
weaning stage does not normalize changes in hippo- cently, an increased risk for obsessive compulsive
campal neurogenesis and central levels of serotonin.30,62 disorder was associated with a variety of perinatal risk
Colonization post weaning also only restores certain as- factors including birth by C-section, even after control-
pects of the social deficits in GF mice, ie, social prefer- ling for shared familial confounders and measured
ence is normalized, but social cognition is unaffected.48 covariates (including sex, year of birth, maternal and
These data suggest that the gut microbiota is capable of paternal age at birth, and parity). Nevertheless, further
modulating brain development and behavior, but that studies are needed to determine whether C-section de-
critical time windows exist for intestinal microbes to livery is causally associated with autoimmune, meta-
exert this influence. bolic, and neuropsychiatric diseases.97
Alteration to the composition of the gut microbiota The disruption of the normal maturation of the
often occurs during the postnatal period. The use of microbiota-brain-gut axis by C-section could, therefore,
antibiotics and feeding regime (whether breast fed or alter developmental trajectories and may lead to the
formula fed) can have a tremendous impact on the de- onset of neurodevelopmental and other brain disorders
velopment and complexity of the microbiota,63 as well later in life.5–10,43,98 The exposure to bacteria during
as influencing neural development.64 C-section birth birth is a critical event in the establishment of stable
has recently been suggested as another way in which core gut microbiota, which is altered when infants are
this microbial alteration is occurring. While medically- delivered via C-section. In fact, the microbiome of in-
necessary C-sections occur in 10% to 15% of pregnan- fants born vaginally most closely resembles that of the
cies worldwide,65,66 the number of elective surgeries has mother’s vagina and feces44 and is rich in beneficial
increased over the last few decades. For example, in the bacteria such as Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis
United States approximately 1 in 3 babies was delivered and Bacteroidetes.38,99 In contrast, the microbiome of
via C-section in 2013, while in Northern European infants born via C-section is more similar to the hos-
countries rates of C-section births are lower.67 In other pital environment and to the mother’s skin (eg,
regions, such as parts of Brazil and China, C-section Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, Propionibacterium
rates are skyrocketing for cultural,68 cosmetic, and spp.).44,100
healthcare reasons rather than medical reasons.69
Moreover, it is worth noting that some extreme socioe- STRATEGIES INVOLVED IN POSITIVELY SHAPING THE
conomic disparities exist, which limit the access to C- GUT MICROBIOTA AFTER C-SECTION
section delivery (especially in sub-Saharan Africa).70
However, despite these cultural differences, accumulat- As mentioned above, the microbial composition of in-
ing data suggests that in order to improve maternal and fants delivered by C-section differs from those born va-
perinatal results, C-sections should only be performed ginally.44 The importance of the composition of the
when there is a medical indication.71 gastrointestinal microbiome in health (including brain
Disrupting the mother-to-newborn bacterial trans- health), particularly during early life, indicates that
mission by C-section delivery may increase the risk of microbial-based interventions could represent effective
disease in later life. For example, early-life microbiota strategies for targeting these potential negative health
perturbations, such as low levels of Bifidobacterium, outcomes. Summarized here are the possible strategies
have been reported to precede the development of cer- that may be used to introduce a healthy balance of com-
tain disorders such as allergy and obesity.72–75 Indeed, mensal gut microbiota. Many of these approaches have
C-section delivery has been associated with an increased already been implicated in the improvement of micro-
risk of celiac disease,76 asthma,77,78 type 1 diabetes,79 bial colonization of the gut in early childhood and may,
and obesity.80,81 The available clinical association data thus, be associated with health benefits (Figure 2).
for C-section delivery are summarized in Table 1. It
should be noted that most of the evidence is association Vaginal seeding
based, and clear evidence of causality of microbiome
changes to functional outcomes have not been proven. The inoculation of a neonate with maternal vaginal
Importantly, recent epidemiological findings sug- microbiota immediately following C-section delivery is
gest that C-section delivery is associated with a modest known as vaginal seeding. As previously mentioned, the

228 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

Table 1 Summary of the impact of C-section on newborn health
System Effects Specific changes Specific changes in health Role of microbiota Type of study Reference
Immune Allergy Allergic rhinitis and Inverse association of bacterial Reduced bacterial diversity of Clinical Bisgaard et al.
system peripheral blood diversity in the early intes- the infants’ intestinal flora (2011)82

dysregulation eosinophilia tinal flora 1 and 12 mo after associated with an increased Clinical Watanabe et al.
birth with the risk of allergic risk of allergic sensitization, (2003)72
sensitization (serum-specific allergic rhinitis, and periph-
IgE; peripheral blood eosino- eral blood eosinophilia
phils and allergic rhinitis) Percentages of Bifidobacterium
Atopic dermatitis Low prevalence of Bacteroides significantly lower in patients

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

and Bifidobacterium spp. with severe skin symptoms
associated with atopic Staphylococcus significantly
dermatitis higher in patients with atopic
Asthma Chronic inflammatory Increased risk of asthma and Decline of infections in Clinical Kero et al. (2002)78
“Hygiene disease of the airways atopy in children born by C- Western countries coincides Clinical Roduit et al. (2009)83
hypothesis” section; demonstrated using with the origin of increased Clinical and preclinical von Mutius (2007)84
a combination of 2 methods: incidence of autoimmune evidences
1) evaluation of registers and and allergic diseases
questionnaire (symptoms in Toll-like receptor stimulation
the child and the family) and can recapitulate the protect-
2) clinical examination (deliv- ive effect of infectious agents
ery history and general pedi- on allergy and autoimmunity
atric clinical examination) Rise in reported allergy symp-
Higher risk of asthma in chil- toms is not due to being too
dren born by C-section than clean, but losing touch with
those born by vaginal deliv- “old friends”
ery, particularly the children
of allergic parents
Protection from development
of allergic illnesses may be
conferred by infections and
unhygienic contacts
Autoimmune Type 1 diabetes Risk of diabetes increased by Probiotics that stimulate TLRs Clinical Algert et al. (2009)79
diseases late preterm birth (34–36 also protect from autoim- Clinical Cardwell et al.
wk) and C-section delivery mune diseases (2008)85
Higher risk of diabetes in off- Preclinical (mouse) Aumeunier et al.
spring associated with (2010)86
increased maternal age Clinical Mezoff et al. (2013)87
20% higher risk of childhood- Systematic review and Akobeng et al.
onset type 1 diabetes after meta-analysis of ob- (2006)88
C-section delivery (from a servational studies
meta-analysis of observa- Clinical Marild et al. (2012)76
tional studies)Autoimmunity Microbiota development in Clinical Jakobsson et al.
prevented by parenteral infants is affected by mode (2014)89
of delivery and relates

Table 1 Continued

System Effects Specific changes Specific changes in health Role of microbiota Type of study Reference
administration of multiple differences in colonization
TLR agonists patterns to the maturation
TLR-mediated effects involve of a balanced Th1/Th2
immunoregulatory cytokines immune response
such as IL-10 and transform- Preclinical (mouse) Hansen et al. (2014)
ing growth factor-beta and Clinical Sevelsted et al.
different subsets of regula- (2015)
tory T cells Systematic review and Li et al. (2014)
Increased risk of immuno- meta-analysis
globulin E-mediated food
allergy associated with
C-section delivery
Celiac disease Protection from celiac disease
associated with
Celiac disease later in life posi-
tively associated with elect-
ive, but not emergency,
cesarean delivery
Low levels of Th1 Lower total diversity of the
response and microbiota in C-section com-
effects on the pared with vaginally de-
regulatory livered infants throughout
immune system the first 2 years of life
Inflammatory Lower diversity of the phylum
bowel disease Bacteroidetes in C-section-
born infants during the first
2 years of life
Increased circulating levels of
Th1-associated chemokines
during infancy (CXCL10 and
CXCL11 in blood) associated
with vaginal delivery
Lower proportions of regulatory
T cells, tolerogenic dendritic
cells, and less IL-10 gene ex-
pression in mesenteric lymph

nodes and spleens of C-sec-
tion-born adult mice
Several chronic immune dis-
eases associated with cesar-
ean delivery as an early-life
environmental risk factor

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

Table 1 Continued
System Effects Specific changes Specific changes in health Role of microbiota Type of study Reference
Increased risk of inflammatory
bowel disease with cesarean

Metabolic Obesity Increased risk of childhood Deviations in gut microbiota Clinical (prospective Huh et al. (2012)80
dysregulation obesity in infants delivered by may predispose to energy prebirth cohort study)
C-section, even after adjusting storage and obesity; therefore, Clinical (longitudinal Blustein et al. (2013)81
for maternal body mass index, early microbial differences birth cohort study)
birth weight, and other vari- may predict weight later in life Clinical Kalliomaki et al.

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

ables (prospective prebirth Aberrant compositional devel- (2008)74
cohort study) opment of the gut micro- Clinical Pandey et al. (2012)75
Increased body mass in child- biota precedes becoming
hood and adolescence asso- overweight. The large load of
ciated with cesarean delivery E. coli in C-section-delivered
(longitudinal birth cohort babies in comparison with
study, following subjects up vaginally delivered counter-
to 15 years of age) parts again points toward
Higher numbers of bifidobacteria the aberrant and disturbed
in fecal samples during infancy gut microbial community
in children who remained at a structure in these infants
normal weight than in children
who became overweight
Greater number of
Staphylococcus aureus and
microbiota aberrancy during
infancy in children who be-
came overweight than in
children who were normal
Fecal microbiota of C-section
infants was dominated with
Citrobacter sp., Escherichia
coli, and Clostridium difficile
while the most abundant
bacterial species in vaginally
delivered infants were
Acinetobacter sp.,
Bifidobacterium sp., and
Staphylococcus sp.
Intestinal microbiota of C-sec-
tion-delivered infants also
characterized by an absence
of Bifidobacteria species in
this study75
Abbreviations: C-section, cesarean section; IL, interleukin; TLR, toll-like receptor.

Figure 2 Schematic representation of the main strategic points of intervention to reverse the effects of cesarean section delivery.
This can be done by improving the environment through different hygienic habits and health practices. Alternatively, the intervention could
be focused on the mother herself by using probiotics and/or prebiotics and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy. Finally, the inter-
vention could focus on the newborn with “seeding” approaches: breastfeeding instead of formula feeding or the use of infant formulas en-
riched and improved with probiotics/prebiotics. This figure summarizes the current modulating therapies to improve the composition of the
microbiota and neurodevelopmental health of the infant.

composition of the microbiota in early life is strongly was only conducted for 30 days following birth. The au-
influenced by mode of delivery,44 which could account thors stress, however, that this was a proof-of-principle
for the increased risk of certain diseases associated with experiment and that reproduction in a larger cohort
C-section delivery. Therefore, vaginal seeding is a po- with a longer follow-up period is necessary.
tential way to colonize C-section infants with the mi- Vaginal seeding has continued to garner increasing
crobes they would have received had they been attention in the media, as well as curiosity from expect-
delivered vaginally.101 ant mothers. Noticing this trend, Cunnington et al.102
Recently, Dominguez-Bello et al.101 published re- published an editorial in the British Medical Journal
sults of the first pilot study demonstrating that vaginal focusing on the risks of the approach and cautioning
seeding could successfully colonize C-section infants against its unsupervised usage. The authors argue that
with vaginal bacteria. Two minutes after birth, C-sec- there is not yet conclusive evidence proving that vaginal
tion-delivered infants were swabbed with vaginal fluid seeding is beneficial to the child. In fact, by performing
over their entire bodies. Similar to vaginally delivered this procedure, parents could unknowingly infect their
babies, the gut, oral cavity, and skin of seeded newborns child with pathogens present in vaginal fluid, which the
were enriched with vaginal microbes for the first 30 mothers may carry asymptomatically. The authors are
days of life. Despite these findings, the study has some mostly concerned about accidental infection with group
considerable drawbacks: most notably, only 4 babies B. Streptococcus, which is the most common cause of
were included in the study and the microbiome analysis neonatal sepsis and is carried by 20% to 30% of

232 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

pregnant women.103,104 Finally, the authors caution that of delivery is associated with increased risk of develop-
more studies are needed to demonstrate if the benefits ing some disorders, as outlined in Table 1. Therefore,
are worth the potential risks and if parents do choose to health policies and clinical practice models should pri-
perform vaginal seeding, they are advised to disclose oritize vaginal childbirth and re-evaluate when C-sec-
this information to their healthcare providers. tion is medically necessary.110 One further part of the
In response to Cunnington et al.102 Knight and puzzle is the recent postulation that the process of mi-
Gilbert105 published an editorial in support of vaginal crobial gut colonization may be initiated prenatally by a
seeding. Therein, they present the multitude of health- distinct microbiota in the placenta and amniotic
related dilemmas parents face on a daily basis for which fluid.111 However, the relative contribution of this to
there is no clear, evidence-based right or wrong deci- postnatal colonization in either C-section or vaginally
sion. The authors argue that vaginal seeding does in- born infants is unclear, especially as only the presence
deed modify the infant’s microbiome,101 while also of bacterial DNA, not live microbes, has been shown in
admitting that the procedure may not ultimately im- the placenta.
prove clinical endpoints. As for the risk of infection, the
authors recommend that mothers be screened for group Probiotic supplementation
B. Streptococcus and other pathogens before vaginal
seeding is performed. It is worth noting that all preg- Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when adminis-
nant women in Canada and the United States are tered in adequate amounts, confer health benefits on
offered group B. Streptococcus screening106,107 but this the host.112 Probiotic administration confers a plethora
is not universally offered to pregnant women in the of beneficial effects in a variety of disorders, such as in-
United Kingdom and Ireland.108 In conclusion, the au- flammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome,
thors stress that in both life and science it is necessary obesity, diabetes, and asthma.112 The mechanisms by
to make decisions before all the evidence is available. which probiotics exert these positive effects on the host
Vaginal seeding is a promising, albeit controversial, are the focus of a number of preclinical and clinical in-
approach to the colonization of C-section-delivered vestigative studies. For example, one study demon-
babies with vaginal microbes. However, it is clear that strated that consumption of the commensal bacteria L.
further research is necessary to determine the efficacy rhamnosus GG by the mother affects fecal
and safety of the procedure. Thus, targeted nutritional Bifidobacterium transfer and composition during early
or environmental interventions may represent the best infancy.113 In other words, supplementation with this
strategy to compensate for early-life microbial perturb- bacteria appears to reinforce the development of a more
ations in the meantime, and these are described below. complex and diverse Bifidobacterium microbiota.113 A
separate study determined that treating expectant
Microbial environment mothers with L. rhamnosus GG confers this strain to
the newborn infant, with its presence documented for
Epidemiological evidence indicates that exposure to at least 6 months and, only in certain cases, persisting
“green spaces” rapidly induces positive changes to our for as long as 24 months.114 In addition, infants whose
psychological, physiological, and endocrine systems. mothers received L. rhamnosus GG during late preg-
These effects could be due to the bacteria found in nancy are more often colonized with species belonging
green spaces as numerous studies now report that mi- to the most abundant group of Bifidobacterium micro-
crobial exposure has beneficial outcomes.40,109 The bio- biota present in the intestine of healthy infants and in
diversity of the child’s environment, including family human breast milk, B. longum, than infants whose
members who have contact with the baby and hygienic mothers received placebo.114 However, it is worth not-
practices (eg, cleaning of baby’s soother through suck- ing that a separate clinical study reported that L. rham-
ing or by other methods), can directly impact the diver- nosus GG fails to modulate the microbial diversity of
sity of microbes that are transferred to the infant. early infant gut microbiota despite promoting a benefi-
Indeed, the “old friends” hypothesis posits that a diverse cial Bifidobacterium profile.115 These results suggest
community of symbiotic microorganisms is necessary that administration of potential probiotics to expectant
to maintain optimal health.40,109 Diminished exposure mothers during late pregnancy can have beneficial ef-
to such microbes, which evolved together with the fects on the development of the infant’s intestinal
human organism both within the microbiota and in the microbiota. Thus, probiotic treatment during preg-
environment, during the perinatal period may cause nancy may represent an effective strategy to promote
immunoregulatory and psychosocial deficits.109 Infants a healthy microbial composition in babies born via
delivered by C-section have an altered microbial com- C-section. Moreover, systematic reviews of different
position and reduced bacterial diversity, and this mode studies suggest that the administration of certain

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

probiotics to premature infants reduces the incidence of perturbation may represent a viable strategy to benefit
necrotizing enterocolitis, with resultant significant im- not only the gut microbiota, but also immunity,130–132
provements in survival rates.116,117 To date, prophylac- metabolism, and gastrointestinal function.122,124
tic administration of probiotics to premature infants
(<32 weeks gestation) may be the only clinical circum- Synbiotic supplementation
stances in medicine where probiotic administration has
been shown to save lives. The combination of pre- and probiotics is thought to
have synergistic beneficial effects on the immune and
Prebiotic supplementation metabolic systems. Modification of the gut microbiota
with a combination of specific prebiotics and probiotics
In addition to probiotics, prebiotics have demonstrated (knows as synbiotics) might offer a novel and cost-
promising effects in ameliorating immune and effective strategy to reduce the risk of rhinovirus infec-
microbiota-derived health impairments.118 Prebiotics tions133 and to restore the delayed colonization of
are “non-digestible substances that provide a beneficial Bifidobacterium spp. in C-section-delivered babies.134
physiological effect for the host by selectively stimulat- Indeed, evidence from clinical135 and preclinical136
ing the favorable growth or activity of a limited number studies indicates that some allergies can be prevented
of indigenous bacteria.”111,119–123 It is important to note by using synbiotics. Synbiotics may increase the total
that although all prebiotics are classified as dietary fiber, antioxidant capacity levels in breast milk.137 Moreover,
not all fiber is prebiotic: to be a prebiotic, the ingredient synbiotics may prevent weight loss in lactating mothers
must not be digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and increase the weight gain of infants.138
must be fermented by the gut microbiota, and must
stimulate the growth/activity or beneficial microbes, Human milk feeding
usually lactobaccilli and bifidobacteria.124 When pre-
biotics are fermented by these bacteria, short-chain fatty Natural selection has influenced the coevolution of
acids, lactic acids, and acetic acids are produced, which hosts and microbes. This is clearly evidenced by mam-
can have profound effects on host metabolism.122 malian mother-infant dyads, as the human microbiota
Prebiotics occur naturally in foods such as vegetables, is shaped by mothers and breast milk.139,140 Microbes
wheat, and soybeans and are typically oligosaccharides are present in breast milk and may contribute to the
or more complex saccharides. So far, the most com- composition of the infant microbiota,140,141 although
monly studied compounds include inulin, fructo- this is, at present, an open question. Human breast milk
oligosaccharides, and galacto-oligosaccharides.122,124 consists of over 200 prebiotic oligosaccharide isomers,
Preclinical studies using mice suggest that maternal which influence the colonization and maturation of the
consumption of fructo-oligosaccharide diminishes the infant gut microbiota.139 Oligosaccharides typically pass
severity of atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in the off- undigested from the infant stomach and are the major
spring,125 suggesting that these compounds have a posi- carbon source available to gut bacteria.142 Indeed, vari-
tive effect on the immune system. Another study in ation of the oligosaccharide profile in milk influences
mice suggests that altering the fiber content of the ma- the microbial establishment in the infant gut.63
ternal diet during both pregnancy and lactation en- Importantly, the preponderance of the “breastfed-in-
hances offspring growth through an effect on intestinal fant-type” of bacteria, ie, Bifidobacterium species, B.
and muscle mass rather than fat mass accretion.126 In longum subsp. infantis – a species capable of utilizing
addition, results in piglets demonstrate that supplemen- the major oligosaccharides in human milk143 – is asso-
tation of prebiotics (short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides ciated with better infant health and development.144,145
and polydextrose) modulates microbial colonization Therefore, the combination of probiotic and prebiotic
and alters signaling of short-chain fatty acids.127 components of human milk provides human milk–fed
Clinical studies have also reported that early prebiotic infants with a stable and uniform gut microbiota.146
supplementation (such as with galacto-oligosaccharide It is consequently not surprising that the infant
and polydextrose) during the first 2 months of life may feeding regimen, ie, whether the infant is fed with for-
alleviate symptoms associated with crying and fussing mula or human milk, impacts the developing gut
in preterm infants.128 Moreover, prebiotic supplemen- microbiota. Recent extended analysis of the Human
tation in the early neonatal period increases the preva- Microbiome Project showed that it was possible to de-
lence of Bifidobacterium longum in the infant gut, in tect a microbial signature indicating whether an indi-
addition to promoting strain diversity.129 Although lim- vidual was ever or never breastfed as an infant.147
ited so far, these data suggest that prebiotic supplemen- Evidence suggests that bacteria stimulated by human
tation in infants exposed to early-life microbial milk feeding can activate more immunoprotective genes

234 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

in the host compared with formula feeding,148 and Promoting breastfeeding and the use of human donor
an extensive literature review has linked human breast- milk and breast milk fortifiers
feeding with optimal infant health.149 Rhesus macaque
infants that are breastfed by their mothers have a Promoting exclusive breastfeeding for at least 6 months
distinct microbiota profile and an expansion of Th17- is the best approach to ensure the generation of a
based immune response in comparison with bottle-fed healthy microbiome in the infant. Mothers of preterm
counterparts. In particular, human milk–fed infants de- infants often cannot breastfeed. In these cases, human
velop robust populations of memory T cells as well as T milk from human milk banks may be a possible alterna-
helper 17 cells within the memory pool, whereas bottle- tive to improve neonatal health. However, strategies to
fed infants do not.150 In contrast, formula-fed infants boost donation rates should be identified to maintain
have more diverse gut microbial communities typified donor human milk availability for preterm infant nutri-
by higher populations of Clostridium, Franulicatella, tion.159 Moreover, barriers remain for such availability
Citrobacter, Enterobacter, and Bilophila species compared including in terms of safety (eg, health status of mother,
with human milk–fed infants. Functionally, these milk quality160) and variability in expressed milk com-
formula-fed infants hosted higher proportions of antibiotic position (foremilk vs hind milk can vary in fatty acid
resistance genes, especially from Ç-Proteobacteria.151 This composition),161 and the metabolome of preterm milk
suggests there may be previously unconsidered benefits changes within 5 to 7 weeks postpartum to resemble
from human milk, including that it reduces exposure to that of term milk (eg, glutamate, caprylate, and caprate
populations of microbes that contribute to antibiotic resist- levels are increased in mature-term milk compared with
ance.151 Given the numerous documented health advan- colostrum).162 Logistical barriers such as monetary do-
tages of breastfeeding and human milk, feeding infants nations and shipping the milk over long distances also
human milk when possible represents a potential strategy likely influence the availability of donor milk.163
to counteract early-life microbial perturbations including Moreover, the impact of pasteurization on donor milk
C-section delivery. However, it is important to acknow- quality and the bioactivity of milk proteins/peptides
ledge that since C-section delivery can impede early should be minimized. All of these aspects indicate there
breastfeeding,15 this may not be a viable option in all cases. should be more promotion and financial support of
intrahospital human milk bank units to support the safe
Infant formula feeding with specific fatty acid use of human milk in preterm infants. In the early
supplementation weeks of their lives, premature infants are often fed ma-
ternally expressed breast milk enhanced with bovine-
Human breast milk contains critical polyunsaturated derived fortifiers to improve caloric intake and provide
fatty acids. Thus, another potential intervention strategy minerals, especially calcium and phosphate, to enhance
could be supplementation of infant milk formula with bone health, and to prevent neonatal rickets. Human
long-chain fatty acids such as docosahexaenoic and ei- milk–derived fortifiers are currently being used in some
cosapentaenoic acids and other n-3 polyunsaturated neonatal centers as an alternative to bovine-derived for-
fatty acids, which have been extensively described in tifiers, albeit an expensive one. Whether using human
studies on allergic diseases, asthma, inflammatory bowel fortifiers offers clinically measurable benefits and/or a
disease, and early-life stress.153–155 In fact, in clinical more favorable microbiome composition compared
studies, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid consumption with bovine-derived fortifiers remains to be seen.
during pregnancy and infancy have been shown to pre-
vent and/or improve onset and development of Perspectives for the future
asthma;156 however, more research is warranted to de-
termine the mechanism and the impact of dietary fatty Thirty years ago, when experts from the World Health
acids on the intestinal microbiota composition of the Organization met in Brazil to address the various issues
host. It is possible that dietary supplementation with surrounding childbirth, they agreed that there was “no
n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids may exert in- justification for the rate of C-section exceeding 10-15%
direct benefits in pregnancy through inhibition of pla- in any region of the world.” That percentage was then
cental inflammation.157 More specifically, some studies turned into a kind of universal dogma, valid for any
show the influence of dietary-specific docosahexaenoic hospital, anywhere in the world. However, while the C-
acid and arachidonic acid on infant CNS with implica- section rates have continued to increase, the evidence
tions for neural development.158 It has recently been collected in the past 3 decades has shown that this
shown that a combination of docosahexaenoic acid and standard figure is not well adjusted to the complex and
eicosapentaenoic acid could reverse the impact of early- changing environment of labor. The World Health
life stress on the microbiota.155 Organization itself revised its statement on the ideal

Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

Table 2 Summary of different strategies involved in restoration of the gut microbiota after C-section
Strategy Featured effects References
“Vaginal seeding” Vaginal seeding could successfully colonize C-section Dominguez-Bello et al. (2016),101
infants with vaginal bacteria Knight et al. (2016)105
Microbial environment Green spaces/natural environments rapidly induce Rook (2013)109
positive changes to the psychological, physiological,
and endocrine systems; diminished exposure to
them in the perinatal period may cause immunore-
gulatory and psychosocial deficits
Probiotic supplementation Supplementation with probiotics can confer a plethora Hill et al. (2014),112 Gueimonde
of beneficial effects in variety of disorders, eg, con- et al. (2006)113
sumption of the commensal bacteria L. rhamnosus
GG affects fecal Bifidobacterium transfer and
composition during early infancy
Prebiotic supplementation Supplementation with prebiotics may represent a vi- Rastall et al. (2015),123 Slavin
able strategy to benefit the gut microbiota, immun- (2013),124 Barrett et al. (2015),129
ity, metabolism, and gastrointestinal function of Arslanoglu et al. (2008),130 Gruber
infants exposed to early-life microbial perturbation et al. (2010)131
Synbiotic supplementation Supplementation with a combination of pre- and pro- Passeron et al. (2006),136 Nikniaz
biotics can have synergistic beneficial effects on the et al. (2013),137 Ostadrahimi et al.
immune and metabolic system (2013)138
Human milk feeding Microbial establishment in the infant gut is influenced Diaz Heijtz (2016),64 Hinde et al.
by the microbes present in breast milk (2012)139
Specific infant formula feeding Supplementation of infant milk formula with long- Miles et al. (2014),156 Melody et al.
chain fatty acids may prevent and/or improve devel- (2015),157 Hsieh et al. (2009),158
opment of asthma, inhibit placental inflammation, Pusceddu et al. (2015)155
and have implications for neural development - even
potentially reversing the impact of early-life stress on
the microbiota
Human donor milk banks Can be used as a possible alternative to maternal Stevens et al. (2015),159 MacKenzie
breastfeeding to improve neonatal health by et al. (2013)163
supporting the safe use of human milk in
preterm infants

C-section rate in April 2015, adding that “rates above microbiota composition of the infant gut through sub-
10% are not associated with a reduction in maternal sequent breastfeeding.167 Therefore, the impact of C-
and neonatal mortality.” The following phrase was also section delivery on infant and maternal health as well as
added, which was not in the 1985 document: “Every ef- the microbiome should continue to be investigated.
fort should be made to perform C-sections to all women
who need it rather than trying to achieve a certain Improving infant and maternal health
Like any surgery, C-section is not without risk. C- It should also be noted that maternal transfer of mi-
section surgery increases the risk of bleeding (and sub- crobes may not always be beneficial. Indeed, studies in
sequent anemia), uterine ruptures, and problems with animals and humans show that maternal stress changes
the placenta that can penetrate the wall of the uterus or both the vaginal and offspring microbiota.168,169
complicate future pregnancies.165 Thus, the enduring Similarly, maternal pregestational weight correlates
risks associated with C-section delivery are now also be- with offspring birth weight, and maternal obesity has
ginning to be uncovered, and it is becoming clear that been linked to fetal overgrowth, congenital defects, neu-
they are not limited to the mother. For example, com- ral tube defects, stillbirth, preterm delivery, child mor-
pared with children born vaginally, children entering bidity, respiratory problems such as asthma, and
the world via C-section have an increased risk of neonatal mortality.170–172 The maternal gestational en-
asthma.77,166 The sensitivity of the newborn’s micro- vironment may create long-lasting and/or permanent
biome also should not be underestimated, as it can be modifications in fetal physiology, which can increase
affected by the location of birth, the type of birth, and the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, and cardiovas-
the interventions, particularly maternal and infant anti- cular diseases in adulthood.173 Therefore, C-section
biotic use, that may occur during or soon after birth. with normative microbial interventions is a promising
Most C-sections are accompanied by prophylactic ma- strategy warranting further investigation. Finally, health
ternal antibiotic administration that may affect the promotion strategies to lower the C-section rates and to

236 Nutrition ReviewsV Vol. 75(4):225–240

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Declaration of interest. The authors have conducted re-
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understanding of the relevant communities of bacteria Mead Johnson, and Suntory Wellness. IR, SW, and JK
in the gut of healthy and compromised infants is are employees of Nutricia Research.
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