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A title should be the fewest possible words that accurately describe

the content of the paper. Written in english (Arial 14, bold)

First Author1, Second Author2, Last Author3 (Arial, 11)

The address of each author’s institution. Adjusted if different (Arial, 11, Italic)
The address of each author’s institution. Adjusted if different (Arial, 11, Italic)
The address of each author’s institution. Adjusted if different (Arial, 11, Italic)


Citation : …………………………………
Keywords: Should be no more than 5. All information about the formatting requirements is contained in this
These should be given beneath the
Abstract and in the box provided during document. Please review it carefully. You may use the document as a
the online submission process.
Correspondance : …………………….. template and copy/paste the content of your article here – this is
E-mail : …………………………………..
Online First : …………………………… probably the easiest option. Several styles have been included in this
(Arial, 6)
template to facilitate formatting – you may find it easier to use them
instead of formatting each segment differently. As a primary goal, the
abstract should render the general significance and conceptual advance
of the work clearly accessible to a broad readership. In the abstract,
minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references. The word
length is not more than 250 words, including the background of study,
methods, summary of results or findings, and conclusions, written in
English. (Arial, 10)





Introduction (Arial, 11, bold) cm, left = 2.5 cm, right= 2.5 cm. The
column width on A4 is 7.6 cm. The
Should be no more than 4 distance between the two columns is 0.8
paragraphs. State the rationale for the cm. The indented paragraph size is 0.5
study, identify the problem main cm. Th e recommended font to be used is
problem/the study purpose, establish a Arial (11). Each column is in “justify”
gap in the current knowledge/state the alignment. The tables and figures should
novelties, and articulate a hook that be adjusted to the width of the column. On
convinces readers that this gap is of the last page of your paper, set the width
consequence. Brief description of the and the length to be equal. Use automatic
background that led to the study (current hyphens and spell checkers (if available).
results and conclusions should not be The Introduction should provide a
included). clear background, a clear statement of the
problem, the relevant literature on the
Your final goal is to write an article subject, the proposed approach or
that complies with the standard rules of solution, and the new value of research
Medicinus Journal. The article should be in which it is innovation. The purpose of the
the softcopy format of A4 paper size Introduction is to stimulate the reader’s
format. Margin: Top = 3 cm, bottom = 2.5

1|University of Pelita Harapan


interest and to provide pertinent of previous research survey): “…… (short

background information necessary to summary of background) ....... A few
understand the rest of the paper. You researchers focused on ....... There have
must summarize the problem to be been limited studies concerned on ........
addressed, give background on the Therefore, this research intends
subject, discuss previous research on the to ................. The objectives of this
topic, and explain exactly what the paper research are .........”
will address, why, and how. A good thing Be concise and aware of who will be
to avoid is making your introduction into a reading your manuscript and make sure
minireview. There is a huge amount of the Introduction is directed to that
literature out there, but as a scientist, you audience. Move from general to specific;
should be able to pick out the things that from the problem in the real world to the
are most relevant to your work and explain literature to your research. Lastly, please
why. This shows an editor/reviewer/reader avoid making a subsection in the
that you really understand your area of Introduction.
research and that you can get straight to
the most important issues. 1. Figures and Tables
Keep your Introduction to be very The position of figures and tables is at
concise, well structured, and inclusive of the beginning or end of the column. Avoid
all the information needed to follow the placing in the center of the column. Large
development of your findings. Do not over- figure and tables can be expanded to meet
burden the reader by making the both columns. The title of the figure is
introduction too long. Get to the key parts positioned below the image the “center”
other paper sooner rather than later. alignment; the title of the table is above
Tips: the table in “justify” alignment. Avoid
 Begin the Introduction by providing a placing figures and tables before they are
concise background account of the mentioned in the text. All figures and
problem studied. Tables are referenced in the text (there
 State the objective of the are descriptions in the text of the article).
investigation. Your research objective For example, Table 1 is an example of a
is the most important part of the table format and Figure 1 is an example of
introduction. an image spectrum. Avoid displaying
 Establish the significance of your tables and figures without explanation in
work: Why was there a need to the text.
conduct the study?
 Introduce the reader to the pertinent Table 1. The sample of table format
literature. Do not give a full history of No Description Explanation
the topic. Only quote previous work 1 Description 1 Explanation 1
having a direct bearing on the present 2 Description 2 Explanation 2
problem. (State of the art, relevant 3 Description 3 Explanation 3
research to justify the novelty of the
 State the gap analysis or novelty
statement. Clearly state your
hypothesis, the variables investigated,
and concisely summarize the methods
 Define any abbreviations or
specialized/ regional terms.
Figure 1. The example of an image of the
Example of novelty statement or the gap Mean target to background uptake
analysis statement in the end of ratio in 10- and 30-minutes post
Introduction section (after state of the art injection of radiopharmaceutical

2|University of Pelita Harapan


Material And Methods references, so the explanation can be

accepted scientifically.
Please state the study design and its
methodology. Details relevant to the Result
conduct of the study. Wherever possible
Work should be reported in SI units.
give numbers of subjects studied (not
Undue repetition in text and tables should
percentages alone). Statistical methods
be avoided. Comment on validity and
should be clearly explained at the end of
significance of results is appropriate but
this section and its analyses must be
broader discussion of their implication is
explained on the methods used.
restricted to the next section. Subheadings
In the Method section, you explain that aid clarity of presentation within this
clearly how you conducted your research and the previous section are encouraged.
order to: (1) enable readers to evaluate
The purpose of the Results is to state
the work performed and (2) permit others
your findings and make interpretations
to replicate your research. You must
and/or opinions, explain the implications of
describe exactly what you did: what and
your findings, and make suggestions for
how experiments were run, what, how
future research. The main function is to
much, how often, where, when, and why
answer the questions posed in the
equipment and materials were used. The
introduction, explain how the results
main consideration is to ensure that
support the answers and, how the
enough detail is provided to verify your
answers fit in with existing knowledge on
findings and to enable the replication of
the topic. The Discussion is considered
the research. You should maintain a
the heart of the paper and usually requires
balance between brevity (you cannot
several writing attempts.
describe every technical issue) and
completeness (you need to give adequate Discussion
detail so that readers know what
happened). The nature and findings of the study
are placed in context of other relevant
published data. Caveats to the study
 Define the population and the
should be discussed. Avoid undue
methods of sampling;
extrapolation from the study topic.
 Describe the instrumentation;
 Describe the procedures and if The discussion will always connect to
relevant, the time frame; the introduction by way of the research
 Describe the analysis plan; questions or hypotheses you posed and
 Describe any approaches to ensure the literature you reviewed, but it does not
validity and reliability; simply repeat or rearrange the
 Describe statistical tests and the introduction; the discussion should always
comparisons made; ordinary statistical explain how your study has moved the
methods should be used without reader’s understanding of the research
comment; advanced or unusual problem forward from where you left them
methods may require a literature at the end of the introduction.
citation, and; To make your message clear, the
 Describe the scope and/or limitations discussion should be kept as short as
of the methodology you used. possible while clearly and fully stating,
The description of the course of supporting, explaining, and defending your
research should be supported by answers and discussing other important
and directly relevant issues. Care must be

1|University of Pelita Harapan


taken to provide commentary and not a  Explain why your study is important to
reiteration of the results. Side issues the reader. You should instill in the
should not be included, as these tend to reader a sense of relevance;
obscure the message.  Prove to the reader, and the scientific
community, that your findings are
Tips result and discussion: worthy of note. This means setting
 State the Major Findings of the Study; your paper in the context of previous
 Explain the Meaning of the Findings work. The implications of your findings
and Why the Findings Are Important; should be discussed within a realistic
 Support the answers with the results. framework;
Explain how your results relate to
For most essays, one well-developed
expectations and to the literature,
paragraph is sufficient for a conclusion,
clearly stating why they are although in some cases, a two or three
acceptable and how they are paragraph conclusion may be required.
consistent or fit in with previously Another important things about this section
published knowledge on the topic; is (1) do not rewrite the abstract; (2)
 Relate the Findings to Those of statements with “investigated” or “studied”
Similar Studies; are not conclusions; (3) do not introduce
 Consider Alternative Explanations of new arguments, evidence, new ideas, or
the Findings; information unrelated to the topic; (4) do
 Implications of the study; not include evidence (quotations,
statistics, etc.) that should be in the body
 Acknowledge the Study’s Limitations,
of the paper.
 Make Suggestions for Further
Research. Acknowledgment
The acknowledgment is a form of
It is easy to inflate the interpretation of appreciation for the contribution of an
the results. Be careful that your institution or an individual who is not
interpretation of the results does not go considered as the writer for example an
beyond what is supported by the data. The institution or an individual who provides
data are the data: nothing more, nothing the research funding of this publication.
less. Please avoid and makeover Individuals with direct involvement in the
interpretation of the results, unwarranted study but not included in authorship may
speculation, inflating the importance of the be acknowledged. The source of financial
findings, tangential issues or over- support and industry affiliations of all those
emphasize the impact of your research. involved must be stated.

The conclusion is intended to help the
reader understand why your research
should matter to them after they have
finished reading the paper. A conclusion is
not merely a summary of the main topics
covered or a re-statement of your research
problem, but a synthesis of key points. It is
important that the conclusion does not
leave the questions unanswered.
 State your conclusions clearly and
concisely. Be brief and stick to the

2|University of Pelita Harapan


See References for further style guidance. Consist of references of minimal 10 years
recently and in the form of essay (preferably below 30). Use Vancouver Style for citations.
References must be double spaced (numbered consecutively in the order in which they are
mentioned in the text) in the Vancouver citation style. Only papers published or in press
should be included in the reference list. This journal encourage the use of references
management software such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero. (Arial, 11)

Example :

Books and other monographs


 If there are six or less authors, then the author should write all the names.
 If there are seven or more authors, only first six author should be listed and add “et
 According to Vancouver citation style, there should be a coma and a space between
the author names. A full-stop (.) should follow the last author’s name.

1. Authors

White SC, Pharoah MJ. Systemic disease manifested in the jaws. Oral Radiology Principles
and Interpretation. 5th ed. Mosby Inc; 2004: 450.

2. Editor, as authors

Lewis SM, Koepke JA. Editors. Hematology Laboratory Management and Practice.Oxford:
Butterworth-Heinemann; 1995.

3. Corporate, as author and publisher

British Thoracic Society. Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Thorax 2001; 56: 834-842.

4. Chapter in a Book

Philips Sj, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and Stroke. In: Laragh JH, Benner BM, editors.
Hypertension: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven
Press; 1995. p.465-478.

5. Conference Proceedings

Sijaya S. the Efficiency of Implant Restoration Treatment. Proceeding of the

19th International Symposium of AOIA, 2003 December 12-13; Jakarta; 2003. p. 1-4.

5|University of Pelita Harapan


6. Conference Articles

Bengstsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of Data Protection, Privacy and Security in Medical
Information. In: Lun KC, Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Reinhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92.
Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-
10;Geneva,Switzerland.Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992. p. 465-478.

7. Dissertation

Kaplan SJ. Post-Hospital Home Care: The Elderly/Access and Utilization [dissertation].
St.Louis (MO):WashingtonUniv.; 1995.

8. Newspaper Article

Lee G. Hospitalizations tied to Ozone Pollution: Study Estimates 50,000 Adminissions

Annualy. The Washington Post 1996 Jun 21; SectA:3(col.5).

Journal Articles

1. Standard Articles

Andersson I, Lennernas M, Rossner S. Meal Pattern and Risk Factor Evaluation in One-
Year Completers of a Weight Reduction Program for Obese Men─the Study. J Intern Med
2000; 247: 30-38.

More than six authors

Kratzsch J, Lammert A, Bottner A, Seidel B, Mueller G, Thiery J, et al. Circulating Soluble

Leptin Receptor and Free Leptin Index during Childhood, Puberty, and Adolescence. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab 2002; 87: 4587-4594.

2. Corporate Authors

The Cardiac Society of Australis andNew Zealand. Clinical Exercise Strees Testing. Safety
and Performance Guidelines. Med J Aust 1996; 164: 282-284.

3. Non-English Language Articles

Aulia D, Wirawan R, Suherli A. Pengaruh Lama Penyimpanan Darah dengan Antikoagulan

Tripotassium Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid ( K3EDTA) dalam Tabung Vaquette
terhadap beberapa Parameter Hematologi. Maj Kedok Indones, 2002; 52: 1: 11-19.

4. Volume with supplement

Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk Assessment of Nickel Carcinogenicity and Occupational Lung
Cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 suppl 1: 257-283.

6| U n i v e r s i t y o f P e l i t a H a r a p a n

5. Edition with supplement

Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women’s Psychological Reaction to Breast Cancer.
Semin Oncol 1996; 23(1 suppl 2): 89-97.

6. Volume with part

Ozben T, Nacitarhan S, Tuncer N. Plasma and Urine Sialic Acid in Non-Insulin Dependent
Diabetes Militus. Ann Clin Biochem 1995; 32(Pt3): 303-306.

7. Edition without Volume

Turan I, Wredmark T, Fellander-Tsai L. Arthroscopic Ankle Arthrodesis in Rheumatoid

Arthritis. Clin Orthop 1995; (320): 110-114.

Electronic Materials

Pinteric L, Manery JF, Chaundry IH, Madapallimattam G. The Effect of EDTA, Cations, and
Various Buffers on the Morphology of Erythrocyte Membranes; An Electron Microscopic
Study. Blood 1975; 45: 709-724. Browsed: Accessed: June,
18th 2004.

CDI, Clinical Dermatology Illustrated [monograph on CD-ROM]. Reeves JTR, Mibach H.

CMEA Multimedia Group, producer. 2end ed. Version 2.0.San Diego: CMEA; 1995.

Author’s Statement
The authors declared that all the images and figures in this manuscript is/are author's own
work and/or has obtained necessary permission to re-use the content from the authors and
publisher of respective materials.

(Author Name)


Manuscript submitted should never been published elsewhere. First author should ensure
that all authors have read and agreed upon the submitted manuscript. Manuscript be written
in English Language. The content of the article is author’s responsibility. All manuscript
submitted to Medicinus will be reviewed by the experts in respective fields (peer-review) and
editorial office. Manuscript requiring corrections will be sent back to author for revision. All
research articles should obtain ethical clearance and informed consent if the subjects are

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Manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word format and should be submitted online
at We would not accept offline or email submission.


All manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word 97-2003 (.doc) format and should be
submitted online at We would not accept offline or email
submission. If you have any question(s) please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office.

Decision on the article would take a maximum of 1 (one) month after submission of the

6| U n i v e r s i t y o f P e l i t a H a r a p a n

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