COSIA Challenge GHG - Water and Energy Recovery 16-10-14

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Water and Energy Recovery from Flue Gas


COSIA’s GHG EPA is sponsoring this
The technology will provide valuable high
grade heat to be integrated into the
processing facility and produce clean water Our aspiration is to produce our oil with
as condensate that can be used for steam lower greenhouse gas emissions than
production. other sources of oil.

CREATED: October 8, 2014

All projects are evaluated and
actioned as they are received. COSIA has four Environmental Priority Areas
(EPAs): Water, Land, Tailings, and Greenhouse Gases

For more information on this COSIA Challenge please visit

Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) accelerates the pace of environmental performance improvement in
Canada’s oil sands through collaborative action and innovation. COSIA Members represent more than 90 per cent of oil
sands production. We bring together innovators and leading thinkers from industry, government, academia and the wider
public to identify and advance new transformative technologies. Challenges are one way we articulate an actionable
innovation need, bringing global innovation capacity to bear on global environmental challenges.

COSIA requires sufficient non-confidential, non- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
proprietary information to properly evaluate the COSIA Members are committed to identifying
technology. emerging technologies and funding the development
Some items that will be especially important to of the technologies to the point of commercialization,
present in your submission are: while protecting the Intellectual Property (IP) rights of
the owner of the technology.
• Concept and basic unit operations
Successful proposals can receive funding from
• Technical justification for the approach (e.g.
COSIA members to develop and demonstrate the
laboratory batch or continuous experiments; pilot
technology in an oil sands application. Multiple
or demo plants; process modeling; literature
technologies may be funded, at the discretion of the
• Describe quantities and qualities of utilities and
consumables that are required

• Energy inputs – quantity and type(s) HOW TO SUBMIT TO COSIA

• Capital and operating cost estimates if available
Submit a summary of your solution using COSIA’s
based on described capacity targets
Environmental Technology Assessment Portal (E-
• 3rd party verified comparison of your proposed TAP) Process, available
technology against an MEA baseline. 3rd party at:
verifiers should be reputable, independent submission-form
engineering companies if possible Please note: ETAP is a staged
• Basis of cost estimation, including estimation submission process. The initial
scope, contingency, etc. submission requires only a brief
description and limited technical
• IP status of your proposed technology information. Upon review by COSIA,
• What operating environment restrictions might additional information may be
your technology face: requested. Instructions for
submission are provided on the ETAP site.
– Explosive atmospheres
All information provided is non-confidential.
– Severe weather
COSIA will respond to all submissions.
– Power fluctuations

#0009: Water and Energy Recovery from Flue Gas


The COSIA GHG Environmental Priority Area Steering Committee is seeking leading edge technologies that capture
water vapour and waste heat from flue gas from natural gas combustion.
The successful technology will provide valuable high grade heat to be integrated into the processing facility and
produce clean water as condensate that can be used for steam production. Ideally the technology could be
retrofitted to existing combustion equipment.

Typical flue gas characteristics are:

• 200 ⁰C stack temperature

• 100 GJ/h (LHV)
• 460 MMSCFD flow rate
• 2,200 t CO2/d
• 0.06 t SO2/d
• 0.38 t NOx/d
• 2.1% by weight O2 in flue gas
Combustion air is pre-heated to 55 degC and boiler feed water is pre-heated to 170 degC.

A common bitumen production process involves the injection of steam into the bitumen reservoir. The steam heats
the bitumen ‘in situ’, meaning in place, reducing the viscosity of the bitumen such that it can be pumped to surface
facilities for further processing.
Insitu Oil Sands operations consume large quantities of natural gas to produce steam. A typical 33,000 BPD facility
would operate six steam boilers requiring 1600 GJ/h (LHV) of natural gas. Combustion flue gas contains 7-8% CO2,
and the equivalent of 900 M3/d of liquid water. It is important to note that condensed water from flue gas may be
corrosive to carbon steel.
Material and energy flow diagrams for a standard 33,000 BPD in situ facility are provided below.



Base Case
Mechanical Lift - 2200 kPa Diluent
Warm Lime Softening - OTSG 27,765 BPSD
10,210 BPSD 3,018 m3/d
53.7 API

Oil Treating
Diluent lost to Fuel
42 BPSD 8,783 BPSD
7 m3/d
Well Pad Facilities Water lost to Dilbit
Air Cooler Vapour Recovery 2 m3/d Dilbit
51,941 BPSD
Preflash Fluid Water Knock-Out Treaters CPF Dilbit 8,258 m3/d
PADS Emulsion Vessel 1 Vessel 2 x Mechanical 16.1 API 21.3 API
122,948 BPSD
19,547 m /d Recycled Recovered Diluent Sour CPF Produced Gas
Chemicals Chemicals 0 BPSD 1.85 MMSCFD
0 m3/d 52,283 Sm3/d
Produced Gas 0.21 Sulfur (metric t/d)
Reservoir H2 0.3 Mol% Composition (Dry Basis)
CO2 30.0 Mol% H2 0.2 Mol%
SOR: 3.00 (wet) N2 1.3 Mol% CO2 43.1 Mol%
GOR: 5.00 H2S 0.13 Mol% N2 0.9 Mol%
C1 63.6 Mol% H2S 0.3 Mol%
Bitumen C2 1.63 Mol% De-Oiling C1 48.9 Mol%
33,000 BPSD C3 1.98 Mol% C2 1.4 Mol%
5,247 m3/d C4 0.3 Mol% C3 2.0 Mol%
7.08 API C5+ 0.88 Mol% IGF/ISF/ORF Units Skim Tank C4 0.3 Mol%
5.05 % Sulfur (comp at test separator) De-oiled Water 1 Train Produced Water C5+ 6.7 Mol%
589,560 kg/h 591,682 kg/h
3 3
Produced Water 14,175 m /d 14,234 m /d
589,710 kg/h 1,492 mg/L TDS 1,492 mg/L TDS
14,182 m3/d 188 mg/L Silica 188 mg/L Silica
1,492 mg/L TDS 14 mg/L Hardness 14 mg/L Hardness
188 mg/L Silica 300 mg/L TOC 300 mg/L TOC
14 mg/L Hardness
300 mg/L TOC
Produced Gas Water Treatment
0.93 MMSCFD Chemicals Blowdown to WLS Summary Table
26,233 Sm3/d Lime 363 kg/h 117,811 kg/h MU TDS (ppm) 7,172
MagOx 96 kg/h 2,829 m3/d PW TDS (ppm) 1,492
Electricity (ESP) Soda ash 37 kg/h 28,493 mg/L TDS PW TOC (ppm) 300
2.6 MW PW WLS Afterfilters 158 mg/L Silica LP Flash BD (%) 8%
Tank 1 x WLS Treater WAC Polishers BFW 0 mg/L Hardness BD Recycle (%) 60%
Steam WLS Feed WLS Overflow 3 x WAC Units Tank 2,346 mg/L TOC TDS to Boiler (ppm) 6,059
655,220 kg/h 856,388 kg/h 855,905 kg/h 2 x Polishers Boiler TOC (ppm) 515
15,757 m3/d CWE 20,587 m3/d 3
20,576 m /d MU Flowrate (kg/h) 149,027
6,160 mg/L TDS 6,062 mg/L TDS Backwash Service Water WLS Sludge (kg/d) 23,530
152 mg/L Silica 34 mg/L Silica 4,280 kg/h Disposal Type (L,S) L
10 mg/L Hardness 3 mg/L Hardness 103 m3/d Disposal Rate (kg/h) 63,435
530 mg/L TOC 515 mg/L TOC Disposal Solids (kg/d) 51,662
Water Losses to Reservoir: Clarifier Waste Regeneration
65,522 kg/h 980 kg/h (dry basis) Waste to Disposal Water Balance
1,576 m3/d 259 m3/d Stream Flow Flow TDS Silica Hardness
10 % Losses 22,945 mg/L TOC kg/h m3/d ppm ppm ppm
Steam to reservoir 655,220 15,757 - - -
Losses to reservoir 65,522 1,576 - - -
Produced Water 591,682 14,234 1,492 188 14
Losses to production 85 2 - - -
De-oiled Water 589,560 14,175 1,492 188 14
Steam Generation HP Steam Make-up Water 149,027 3,584 7,172 7 204
100 % Quality Efficiency 91.5 % (LHV) BFW Supernatant
Flue Gas (includes Glycol Heater) 655,220 kg/h Duty (abs) 1,437 GJ/h 851,624 kg/h WLS Feed 856,388 20,587 6,160 152 10
CO2 2,191 metric t/d 15,757 m3/d CWE 1,362 MMBTU/h 20,474 m3/d WLS Overflow 855,905 20,576 6,062 34 3
Make-up Water Ion SO2 0.06 metric t/d 10.0 MPag Duty (fired) 1,570 GJ/h (LHV) 6,059 mg/L TDS Clarifier Waste to Land 980 259
149,027 kg/h Exchange NOx 0.38 metric t/d 1,488 MMBTU/h (LHV) 34 mg/L Silica Blowdown to Disposal 63,435 1,523 28,472 158 0
3,584 m3/d NOx emission: 9.66 g/GJ Utility Steam 0 mg/L Hardness LP Steam to WT 0 0 0 0 0
7,172 mg/L TDS Energy 101 GJ/h (LHV) 35.0 GJ/h Wet Steam OTSG 170 °C 515 mg/L TOC LP Steam to Header 15,133 363,198 0 0 0
7 mg/L Silica Flow Rate 462 MMSCFD 15,133 kg/hr HPS 77 % Quality 6 x OTSG Boilers Service Water 4,280 103 6,059 34 0
204 mg/L Hardness O2 in Fuel Gas 2.1% Wt% 851,624 kg/h Radiation Losses BFW Pump (LP&HP) Power Treated Produced Gas BFW 851,624 20,474 6,059 34 0
6 mg/L TOC 20,474 m /d CWE 32.1 GJ/hr 5.5 MW 1.85 MMSCFD
Method 1 Water Recycle: 86 % 92 kgmol/hr Emissions Summary
LP Steam 679,396 kJ/kgmol (LHV) Source SO2 S CO2 NOx
Flash Air Blower 63 GJ/h metric t/d metric t/d metric t/d metric t/d
3.7 MW OTSG Flue Gas 0.06 0.03 2191 0.38
Recovered Sulfur - 0.00 - -

Natural Gas to CPF 32.8 GJ/hr

Blowdown to Disposal 37.33 MMSCFD Glycol Heater
63,435 kg/h 1,859 kgmol/hr 0.81 MMSCFD
1,523 m3/d 810,745 kJ/kgmol (LHV) 40 Kgmol/hr Natural Gas (Total)
28,472 mg/L TDS 1,508 GJ/h 38.14 MMSCFD
2153 kg/h solids 1,900 kgmol/hr
Glycol Air Cooler Base Case: WLS - OTSG
125 GJ/h Diluent
Total Air Cooler Heat Released to Atmosphere Glycol Return 50 °C 5.8 °C
128.2 GJ/hr 71 °C 40 °C Produced Gas Cooler
(relative to ambient air) 2.4 GJ/h 4.41 GJ/h
1.2 GJ/h 128 °C 55 °C
55 °C

Emulsion / BFW
Exchanger Sales Oil Coolers Heat Exchangers Legend
Preflash Emulsion 137 GJ/h Vapor 43.9 GJ/h Dilbit
PADS Vessel 175 °C 133 °C Oil Treating Recovery 131 °C 50 °C Process to Process
129 °C
129 °C
106 °C H Hot Glycol

144 °C
Produced Water Cooler C Cold Glycol
13.4 GJ/h PW / BFW Exchanger
85 °C 90.3 °C 85 GJ/h Direct Contact/Quench
Skim Tank C 97.2 °C 106 °C

Make-up Water Heater Exchangers Duty
22 GJ/h GJ/h
Make-up Water Emulsion / BFW 136.9
69 °C 40 °C 5 °C Produced Water Glycol Cooler 13.4
18.1 GJ/h PW / BFW Exchanger 84.5
De-Oiling / Water Treatment PW / MU water exchanger Produced Gas Air Cooler (s) 3.5
Air Glycol Heater 2 Diluent Glcyol Heater 4.4
BFW 82 °C 13 GJ/h Sales Oil Coolers 43.9
55 °C Make-up Water Glycol Heater 21.8
PW / MU water exchanger 18.1
Blowdown Glycol Cooler 79.3
Stack Losses BFW Preheaters 86.7
Stack 100.9 GJ/hr OTSG Air Glycol Heaters (two services) 22.7
BD Water to Disposal 80 °C Air Glycol Preheater 195 °C (LHV basis) OTSG Air Preheater (Flue Gas) N/A
Water Heat to Earth 80 °C 9.16 GJ/h Forced Draft Fan Utility Coolers 11.4
20 GJ/hr Blowdown Cooler Air 20 °C Fan 33 °C Glycol Air Cooler 124.7
(based on 5°C Ground Temp) 79.3 GJ/h 5 °C

Electrical Loads Power Equivalent Heat

HP Steam MW GJ/h
310 °C BFW HP BFW Pump 4.8 31.1
170 °C LP BFW Pump 0.8 5.2
Downhole Pumps 2.6 17.0
Radiation Losses Pad Auxiliaries 1.3 8.5
HPS 310 °C 32.1 GJ/hr Forced Draft Fan 3.7 24.0
Utility Steam (relative to ambient) Misc Users 1.9 12.2
15,133 kg/h OTSG VRU Compressors 2.1 13.7
BFW Preheaters WLS/Evaporator 0.5 3.1
186 °C 86.7 GJ/h Glycol System 0.4 2.5
LP Steam Total 17.9 117.3
Flash 220 °C
Direct CO2 Generation 2,191 MT/day 417.6 kg/m3 Bitumen
35.0 GJ/h Indirect CO2 Generation 328 MT/day 62.5 kg/m3 Bitumen
Total CO2 Emissions 2,519 MT/day 480.1 kg/m3 Bitumen
55 °C Assumes electricity grid CO2 emissivity of 763 kg CO2eq / MW-hr
Combustion Air Direct Emissions from Combustion only

Inputs Energy
HP BFW Pump GJ/h
146 °C Natural Gas 1538
Electrical Power 117.3
Produced Gas 51.1 °C
40 °C 63 GJ/h (LHV) Total 1655
30 GJ/hr (LHV)
Glycol Heater Natural Gas Glycol Heater
1.16 GJ/h
5 °C

1.8 GJ/h 11.4 GJ/h Natural Gas

Tracing & Utility Heat Input (LHV)
Building Heat Coolers 1538 GJ/h
COSIA Mining & Extraction: High Grade - Paraffinic Froth Treatment - Energy Flow
Ore Grade 12 wt%
Fine Contents 11.9 wt%
Waste to Ore 4.3 wt%

Processing Plant
78 °C Legend
50 °C Bitumen
Mine Face 5 °C Ore Preparation 50 °C Primary Extraction Water
Truck and Shovel 50 °C 50 °C Stripping Steam Steam
70 GJ/h Fuel gas
Diesel Hydrotransport Pump Solvent
515 GJ/h Tailing

Deaerated Froth Pump Abbreviations

BFW Boiler Feed Water
CW Cooling Water
CWR Cooling Water Return
CWR PSC Tailing Pump FSU Froth Settling Unit
GTG Gas Turbine Generator
CW HHV High Heating Value
225 °C HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator
LPS Low Pressure Steam
MPS Medium Pressure Steam
PSC Primary Separation Cell
Make Up Solvent Solvent Storage FSU 70 - 90 °C PW Process Water
20 °C SRU 215 °C SRU Solvent Recovery Unit
SRU/MPS Exchanger Duty TSRU Tailing Solvent Recovery Unit
Strippingg Steam 199 GJ/h
76 GJ/h Energy Output Summary Input (GJ/h) Output (GJ/h)
99 °C Cogen GTG 1,547 Electricity 457
HRSG 672 BFW Preheating 633
Steam 797
103 °C 38 °C Bitumen
Cogen Losses 333
Cooler Duty 200,000 bbl/d Subtotal - Cogen 2,220 2,220
357 GJ/h Boilers 751 Steam 687
CW CWR Boiler Losses 64
Subtotal - Boilers 751 751
Total 2,971 2,971

TSRU 90 °C Strippingg Steam Flue Gas - Based on Stochiometric Combustion

CW CWR 89 GJ/h Natural Gas HHV 40 MJ/m3
Tailing Pond Excess air @ 13% O2 179 %
Excess O2 13 %
Cogen Flue Gas 2,660 e3m3/h
TSRU Tailing Pump CO2 in Flue Gas from Cogen 4% vol.%
CW (Cold) CWR (Warm) H2O in Flue Gas from Cogen 7% vol.%
30 °C 60 °C Boiler Flue Gas 380 e3m3/h
Reclaimed Water 25 °C CO2 in Flue Gas from Boilers 9% vol.%
H2O in Flue Gas from Boilers 17% vol.%
Flue Gas Temperature - Acid Dew Point Limit 121 °C
Condensate 186 °C Flue Gas - Max. without Economizer 274 °C

Make Up Water Raw Water Pond Recycled Water 49 °C 56 °C 78 °C Hot Water Tank Exchanger & Cooler Duty (GJ/h)
25 °C 25 °C Pond 25 °C 78 °C Process Water / Cooling Water 1,108
PW/CW Exchanger Duty PW/Condensate PW/LPS Process Water / Condensate 301

78 °C
1,108 GJ/h Exchanger Duty 301 GJ/h Exchanger Duty Process Water / LPS 1,051
1,051 GJ/h SRU Feed / MPS 199
57 °C Cooler 357
25 °C Warm Water Tank
50 °C Energy Consumption Summary GJ/h e3m3/d
99 °C GTG 1,547 928
25 °C

HRSG 672 403

Natural Gas
Cogen Losses Building Heating and Flare 604 363
63 °C 333 GJ/h Boilers 751 451
Diesel 515 0.3
51 °C Boiler Losses Energy Intensity (GJ per bbl of bitumen produced) 0.49 GJ/bbl
MPS Output 64 GJ/h Electricity Generated 3,044 MWH/d
Cogen Facility 85% Efficiency 434 GJ/h Electricity Consumed 3,142 MWH/d
Cogen Energy Output Auxillary Boiler 687 GJ/h MPS
Electricity 457 GJ/h Electricity GHG Emissions Summary
127 MW 633 GJ/h BFW Preheating Stationary Combustion & Flaring 4,137 t CO2e/d
797 GJ/h Steam Mobile Equipment 892 t CO2e/d
GTG Duct burner HRSG 797 GJ/h LPS Output Fugitive Mine 0.0001 - 0.0150 kg CO2e/m2/d
1,051 GJ/h Fugitive Pond 0.0007 - 0.0201 kg CO2e/m2/d
GTG Duct Burner HRSG Flue Gas LPS Total Cogen Emissons (Gt) 2,569 t CO2e/d
Natural Gas Required 1,547 GJ/h 672 GJ/h 2,660 e3m3/h Boilers Boilers Flue Gas Deemed emissions from Heat by Cogen (DH) 2,069 t CO2e/d
3,575 GJ/h HHV 38,678 m3/h 16,812 m3/h 4% CO2 vol.% 751 GJ/h 380 e3m3/h Deemed emissions from Electricity by Cogen (DE) 500 t CO2e/d
89,376 m3/h 2 Unit 2 Unit 7% H2O vol.% 18,780 m3/h 9% CO2 vol.% MPS LPS
2,145 e3m3/sd 121 - 274 °C 91.5% Efficiency 17% H2O vol.% 100 % Quality 90 % Quality Project: Static Oil Sands Mine and Extraction Reference Facility
6 unit 121 - 274 °C 225 °C 210 °C Case: Paranffic - High Grade Revision: V 2.3.9
Natural Gas 2,100 kPag 1,050 kPag Owner: COSIA
25 °C 604 GJ/h 102 T/h Stripping Steam 511 T/h Date: 04-Oct-15
Space Heating 53 T/h Processing Heating Energy / Heat Flow
Purge Gas to Flare High Temperature Extraction, High Grade, Summer Condition

This is a generic and hypothetical mine and extraction facility developed by COSIA. While representative, it is not based on any one facility.
Recovery and solvent loss is based on Alberta Energy Regulator requirements.
COSIA Mining & Extraction High Grade - Paraffinic Froth Treatment - Material Flow
Ore Grade 12 wt%
Fine Contents 11.9 wt%
Waste to Ore 4.3 wt%

Ore Preparation: Conditioning, Crushing and Conveying

Mine Face 13,142 T/h Crusher Conveyor Feed Rotary Breaker

Truck and Shovel 5 °C System 50°C Rejects
Bitumen 12 wt% Bitumen 3 wt%
Water 3 wt% Water 6 wt%
Solids 85.3 wt% Solids 91 wt%
26 T/h Hot Process Water 80 °C 5,918 T/h
Gland Cooling Water 244 T/h 441 T/h Breaker Rejects
Warm Dilution Water 45 °C 4,396 T/h 18,888 T/h
SG 1.5-1.6
Primary Extraction 50 °C Vent to atmosphere
6 T/h
Caustic Stripping Steam 30 T/h Deaerator 40-50 °C PSC
NaOH Flotation Froth
Deaerated Froth 77 °C Middlings
2,443 T/h Flotation & Cyclone
Bitumen 60 wt%
Water 28 wt% Middlings Displacement
Cooling Water 5,769 T/h Solids 12 wt%

PSC Tailing
26,634 T/h
Bitumen 0.3 wt%
Secondary Extraction- Froth Treatment Water 60 wt%
Solids 40 wt%
Make Up Solvent 4 T/h Solvent - Bitumen to SRU 3,546 T/h
Bitumen 38 wt%
Gland Cooling Water 61 T/h FSU 70-90 °C Solvent to Bitumen 1.65 wt/wt SRU 215 °C

Bitumen 10.4 wt%

Solvent Make up Water 62 wt% Stripping Steam 33 T/h Legend
20 °C Solids 23 wt% Bitumen
Recovered Solvent Tailing to TSRU 1,217 T/h Steam
2,255 T/h SRU Recovered Water 34 T/h Fuel gas
TSRU 90 °C
Solvent Loss : Bitumen Gland Cooling Water 143 T/h Solvent
0.3 % vol./vol. TSRU Tailing Tailing
1,382 T/h
Stripping Steam 39 T/h Bitumen 7% Abbreviations
Water 70 % BFW Boiler Feed Water
Solids 21 % FSU Froth Settling Unit
Bitumen GTG Gas Turbine Generator
51 T/h HHV Higher Heating Value
2,204 T/h HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator
LPS Low Pressure Steam
200,000 bbl/sd MPS Medium Pressure Steam
Bitumen 99.9 % PSC Primary Separation Cell
16,531 T/h Tailing Asphaltene 12.0 % SG Specific Gravity
Recycled Water Reclaimed Water 14,051 T/h Tailing Pond Solids + Water 0.1 % SRU Solvent Recovery Unit
25 °C 85 % Process Water Recycled Asphaltene Rejection 7.6 % TDS Total Dissolved Solids
TOC Total organic carbon
TSRU Tailing Solvent Recovery Unit
2,480 T/h Losses
33 T/h Bitumen Recovery Summary
Utilities Ore Preparation 99.0%
Raw Water Pond 241 T/h 479 T/h Recovered MPS Primary Extraction 94.6%
Water treatment Condensate GTG 100 % Quality Froth Treatment (without rejected asphaltenes) 98.4%
1,547 GJ/h 225 °C Total Bitumen Recovery 92.2%
38,678 m3/h 2,100 kPag Asphaltenes Rejection 7.6%
2,721 T/h 127 MW 102 T/h Stripping Steam Total Bitumen Recovery (with rejected asphaltenes) 85.1%
2 Unit 53 T/h Processing Heating
Duct Burner MPS LPS Water Summary (T/H)
Make-up Water BFW 672 GJ/h HRSG 2 Unit 90 % Quality Cooling Water 6,217
Process Water
25 °C 241 T/h 16,812 m3/h Cogen Efficiency 85 % 210 °C Heated Water 10,314
6,059 mg/L TDS 2 Unit 1,050 kPag Reclaimed Water 14,051
Make-up Water 34 mg/L Silica GTG Duct Burner HRSG 511 T/h Raw Water 2,480
6,059 mg/L TDS 0 mg/L Hardness BFW 241
7 mg/L Silica 515 mg/L TOC LPS Utility Steam Boiler Blowdown 21
203.9 mg/L Hardness Make-Up Water 2,721
6 mg/L TOC Recovered Condensate 479 T/h Boilers LPS Condensate Return 479
Fresh Water : Bitumen 751 GJ/h
2.03 vol./vol. Natural Gas Required Space Heating 18,780 m3/h Project: A Static Oil Sands Mine and Extraction Reference Facility
3,575 GJ/h HHV Purge Gas to Flare 91.5 % Efficiency Case: Paraffinic - High Grade Revision: V 2.7.7
89,376 m3/h 6 unit Owner: COSIA
Natural Gas 2,145 e3m3/sd 604 GJ/h Auxilary Boiler Date: 04-Oct-15
25 °C Boiler Blowdown Material Flow
21 T/h High Temperature Extraction, High Grade, Summer Condition

This is a generic and hypothetical mine and extraction facility developed by COSIA. While representative, it is not based on any one facility.
Recovery and solvent loss is based on Alberta Energy Regulator requirements.
COSIA Mining & Extraction: High Grade - Naphthenic Froth Treatment - Energy Flow
Ore Grade 12 wt%
Fine Contents 11.7 wt%
Waste to Ore 4.3 wt%

Processing Plant
80 °C
45 °C
Mine Face 1 °C Ore Preparation 45 °C Primary Extraction
Truck and Shovel 50 °C 50 °C Stripping Steam Legend
78 GJ/h Bitumen
Diesel Hydrotransport Pump Water
478 GJ/h Steam
Fuel gas
Deaerated Froth Pump Diluent

PSC Tailing Pump BFW Boiler Feed Water
CW Cooling Water
CWR Cooling Water Return
225 °C GTG Gas Turbine Generatior
HHV High Heating Value
HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator
LPS Low Pressure Steam
Diluent Diluent Storage 48 °C Inclined Plate MPS Medium Pressure Steam
48 °C Separator 84 °C NRU Naphtha Recovery Unit
Diluent Feed / MPS PSC Primary Separation Cell
Exchanger Duty PW Process Water
199 GJ/h Centrifuge 84 °C
Energy Output Summary Input (GJ/h) Output (GJ/h)
Cogen GTG 1,547 Electricity 457
HRSG 672 BFW Preheating 386
Steam 1,044
84 °C Bitumen Cogen Losses 333
Subtotal - Cogen 2,220 2,220
99 °C Boilers 291 Steam 266
200,000 bbl of Bitumen/d Boiler Losses 25
Subtotal - Boilers 291 291
Total 2,511 2,511
NRU Stripping Steam
112 GJ/h Flue Gas
Tailing Pond Natural Gas HHV 40 MJ/m3
Excess air @ 13% O2 in Cogen 179% %
Excess O2 13% %
NRU Tailing Pump Cogen Flue Gas 2,660 e3m3/h
CW (Cold) CWR (Warm) CO2 in Flue Gas from Cogen 4% vol.%
30 °C 60 °C H2O in Flue Gas from Cogen 7% vol.%
Reclaimed Water 10 °C Boiler Flue Gas 147 e3m3/h
CO2 in Flue Gas from Boilers 9% vol.%
H2O in Flue Gas from Boilers 17% vol.%
Condensate 186 °C Flue Gas Temperature - Acid Dew Point Limit 121 °C
Flue Gas - Max. without Economizer 274 °C
Make Up Water Raw Water Pond Recycled Water 10 °C 53 °C 59 °C 80 °C Hot Water Tank
10 °C 10 °C Pond 10 °C 80 °C Exchanger Duty (GJ/h)
PW/CW Exchanger Duty PW/Condensate PW/LPS Process Water / Cooling Water 1,879

80 °C
1,879 GJ/h Exchanger Duty 255 GJ/h Exchanger Duty Process Water / Condensate 255
921 GJ/h Process Water / LPS 921
62 °C Diluent Feed / MPS 199
10 °C Warm Water Tank
45 °C Energy Consumption Summary GJ/h e3m3/d
99 °C GTG 1,547 928
10 °C HRSG 672 403
Natural Gas
Cogen Losses Building Heating and Flare 366 220
68 °C 333 GJ/h Boilers 291 175
Diesel 478 0.3
51 °C Boiler Losses Energy Intensity (GJ / bbl bitumen produced) 0.40 GJ/bbl
MPS Output 25 GJ/h Electricity Generated 3,044 MWH/d
Cogen Facility 85% Efficiency 389 GJ/h Electricity Consumed 3,600 MWH/d
Cogen Energy Output Auxilary Boiler 266 GJ/h MPS
Electricity 457 GJ/h Electricity GHG Emissions Summary
127 MW 386 GJ/h BFW Preheating Stationary Combustion & Flaring 3,329 t CO2e/d
1,044 GJ/h Steam Mobile Equipment 827 t CO2e/d
GTG Duct burner HRSG 1,044 GJ/h LPS Output Fugitive Mine 0.0001 - 0.0150 kg CO2e/m2/d
921 GJ/h Fugitive Pond 0.0119 - 0.8054 kg CO2e/m2/d
GTG Duct Burner HRSG Flue Gas LPS Total Cogen Emissons (Gt) 2,569 t CO2e/d
Natural Gas Required 1,547 GJ/h 672 GJ/h 2,660 e3m3/h Boilers Boilers Flue Gas Deemed emissions from Heat by Cogen (DH) 2,069 t CO2e/d
2,876 GJ/h HHV 38,678 m3/h 16,812 m3/h 4% CO2 vol.% 291 GJ/h 147 e3m3/h Deemed emissions from Electricity by Cogen (DE) 500 t CO2e/d
71,909 m3/h 2 Unit 2 Unit 7% H2O vol.% 7,273 m3/h 9% CO2 vol.% MPS LPS
1,726 e3m3/sd 121 - 274 °C 91.5% Efficiency 17% H2O vol.% 100 % Quality 90 % Quality Project: Static Reference Oil Sands Mine and Extraction Reference Facility
4 unit 121 - 274 °C 225 °C 210 °C Case: Naphthenic - High Grade Revision: V 1.6
Natural Gas 2,100 kPag 1,050 kPag Owner: COSIA
10 °C 366 GJ/h 68 T/h Stripping Steam 448 T/h Date: 04-Oct-15
Space Heating 104 T/h Processing Heating Energy / Heat Flow
Purge Gas to Flare High Temperature Extraction, High Grade, Average Condition

This is a generic and hypothetical mine and extraction facility developed by COSIA. While representative, it is not based on any one facility.
Recovery and solvent loss is based on Alberta Energy Regulator requirements.
COSIA Mining & Extraction: High Grade - Naphthenic Froth Treatment - Material Flow
Ore Grade 12 wt%
Fine Contents 11.7 wt%
Waste to Ore 4.3 wt%

Ore Preparation: Conditioning, Crushing and Conveying

Mine Face 12,187 T/h Crusher Conveyor Feed Rotary Breaker

Truck and Shovel 1 °C System 50°C Rejects
Bitumen 12 wt% Bitumen 4 wt%
Water 3 wt% Water 6 wt%
Solids 85.6 wt% Solids 90.8 wt%
24 T/h Hot Process Water 80 °C 5,045 T/h
Gland Cooling Water 227 T/h 412 T/h Breaker Rejects
Warm Dilution Water 45 °C 3,514 T/h 17,072 T/h

Primary Extraction 50 °C Vent to atmosphere

6 T/h
Caustic Stripping Steam 28 T/h Deaerator 40-50 °C Primary Separation
NaOH Flotation Froth Cell
Deaerated Froth 77 °C Middlings
2,357 T/h Flotation & Cyclone
Bitumen 58 wt%
Water 32 wt% Middlings Displacement
Cooling Water 5,372 T/h Solids 10 wt%

PSC Tailing
23,623 T/h
Bitumen 0.1 wt%
Secondary Extraction- Froth Treatment Water 58 wt%
Solids 42 wt%
Diluent 955 T/h 1,354 T/h
IPS Centrifuge
Warm Water 19 T/h Inclined Plate 1,354 T/h 928 T/h
Separator 84 °C

928 T/h
59 wt% Bitumen 58 wt% Bitumen
1.5 wt% Water 3 wt% Water
Diluent 0 wt% Solids 1 wt% Solids
48 °C 0.7 wt/wt Diluent : Bitumen 0.7 wt/wt Diluent : Bitumen
Diluent:Bitumen 0.7 wt / wt
Diluent Loss:Bitumen 0.4 vol. / vol. Centrifuge 84 °C
1,977 T/h
28 wt% Bitumen Legend
38 wt% Water Bitumen
12 wt% Solids Water
70 T/h NRU Tailing 1049 T/h Fuel Gas
1,019 T/h 2 wt% Bitumen Diluent
Stripping Steam 40 T/h 2 wt% Bitumen 69.8 wt% Water Diluted Tailing
76 wt% Water 21 wt% Solids Bitumen
22 wt% Solids 7 wt% Diluent Abbreviations
0.4 wt% Diluent BFW Boiler Feed Water
1,339 T/h Bitumen GTG Gas Turbine Generatior
200,000 bbl Bitumen HHV High Heating Value
14,178 T/h Tailing 881 T/h Diluent HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator
Recycled Water Reclaimed Water 12,051 T/h Tailing Pond 0.7 wt / wt Diluent :Bitumen LPS Low Pressure Steam
10 °C 85 % Process Water Recycled 1 vol / vol Diluent : Bitumen MPS Medium Pressure Steam
17 wt% Asphaltene in Bitumen NRU Naphtha Recovery Unit
3 wt% Solids + Water PSC Primary Separation Cell
2,127 T/h Losses
31 T/h Bitumen Recovery Summary
Utilities Ore Preparation 98.9%
Raw Water Pond 202 T/h 470 T/h Recovered MPS Primary Extraction 98.0%
Water treatment Condensate GTG 100 % Quality Froth Treatment (without rejected asphaltenes) 98.2%
1,547 GJ/h 2,100 kPag Total Bitumen Recovery 95.2%
38,678 m3/h 225 °C Asphaltenes Rejection 0.0%
2,328 T/h 127 MW 68 T/h Stripping Steam Total Bitumen Recovery (with rejected asphaltenes) 95.2%
BFW 2 Unit 104 T/h Process Heating
202 T/h Duct Burner MPS LPS Utility Steam Water Summary (T/H)
Make-up Water 6,059 mg/L TDS 672 GJ/h HRSG 2 Unit 90 % Quality Cooling Water 5,599
Process Water
10 °C 34 mg/L Silica 16,812 m3/h Efficiency 85 % 1,050 kPag Heated Water 8,579
0 mg/L Hardness 2 Unit 210 °C Reclaimed Water 12,051
Make-up Water 515 mg/L TOC GTG Duct Burner HRSG 448 T/h Raw Water 2,127
6,059 mg/L TDS BFW 202
7 mg/L Silica Boiler Blowdown 20
203.9 mg/L Hardness Make-Up Water 2,328
6 mg/L TOC Recovered Condensate 470 T/h Boilers LPS Condensate Return 470
Fresh Water : Bitumen 291 GJ/h
1.8 vol./vol. Natural Gas Required Space Heating 7,273 m3/h Project: Static Oil Sands Mine and Extraction Reference Facility
2,876 GJ/h Purge Gas to Flare 91.5 % Efficiency Case: Naphthenic - High Grade Revision: V 1.3
71,909 m3/h 366 GJ/h 4 unit Owner: COSIA
Natural Gas 1,726 e3m3/sd Auxilary Boiler Date: 27-Sep-15
Boiler Blowdown Material Flow
20 T/h High Temperature Extraction, High Grade, Average Condition

This is a generic and hypothetical mine and extraction facility developed by COSIA. While representative, it is not based on any one facility.
Recovery and solvent loss is based on Alberta Energy Regulator requirements.

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