3. 上肢骨

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The Bones of Limbs

Bones of upper limb 上肢⻣
■ Should girdle 上肢带⻣
❑ Clavicle 锁⻣
❑ Scapula 肩胛⻣

■ Bones of free upper limb ⾃由上肢⻣

❑ Arm: humerus 肱(gong)⻣
❑ Forearm
■ Radius 桡⻣
■ Ulna 尺⻣
❑ Bones of hand
■ Carpal bones 腕⻣
■ Metacarpal bones 掌⻣
■ Phalanges of fingers 指⻣
Clavicle 锁⻣

■ “S” shaped, medial 2/3 convex

forward and lateral 1/3 convex
■ Sternal end 胸⻣端 medially and
acromial end 肩峰端 laterally
Scapula 肩胛⻣
Three borders
■ Superior: coracoid process 上缘 喙突
scapular notch 肩胛切迹
■ Lateral (axillary) border 腋缘
■ Medial (vertebral) border 脊柱缘
Three angles
■ Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib 上⻆
■ Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib or 7th intercostals space 肩胛下⻆
■ Lateral: glenoid cavity 外侧⻆ 关节盂
supra- and infraglenoid tubercles 盂上、下结节
Two surfaces
■ Anterior surface concave:
subscapular fossa 肩胛下窝
■ Posterior surface:
❑ spine of scapula 肩胛冈
❑ acromion 肩峰
❑ supra- and infraspinous fossae 冈上、下窝
Humerus 肱⻣

Upper end:
■ Head of humerus 肱⻣头
■ Anatomical neck 解剖颈
■ Greater tubercle ⼤结节
■ Lesser tubercle ⼩结节
■ Crest of greater tubercle ⼤结节嵴
■ Crest of lesser tubercle ⼩结节嵴
■ Intertubercular groove 结节间沟
■ Surgical neck 外科颈
■ Deltoid tuberosity (on lateral surface)
■ Groove for radial nerve (on posterior surface)桡
Lower end:
■ Lateral epicondyle 外上髁

■ Medial epicondyle 内上髁

■ Capitulum 肱⻣⼩头
■ Trochlea 肱⻣滑⻋
■ Coranoid fossa 冠突窝 (anteriorly)
■ Radial fossa 桡窝 (anteriorly)
■ Olecranon fossa 鹰嘴窝 (posteriorly)
■ Sulcus for ulnar nerve 尺神经沟
Lateral View
Adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder)
10-year old male who was
throwing a football with his
9 year old boy presents with
severe shoulder pain
Radius 桡⻣
Upper end:
■ head of radius 桡⻣头
■ neck of radius 桡⻣颈
■ radial tuberosity 桡⻣粗隆
■ articular circumference 环状关节⾯
■ interosseous border ⻣间缘
Lower end:
■ styloid process (laterally) 桡⻣茎突
■ ulnar notch (medially) 尺切迹
■ carpal articular surface (inferiorly) 腕关节⾯
Ulnar 尺⻣

Upper end:
■ Olecranon 鹰嘴
■ coronoid process 冠突
■ trochlear notch 滑⻋切迹
■ radial notch 桡切迹
■ ulnar tubersity 尺⻣粗隆
Lower end
■ styloid process 尺⻣茎突
■ head of ulna 尺⻣头
AP View
Lateral View
Anteroposterior radiograph of the
forearm of a girl aged 11
Greenstick fracture
Colles’ fracture

■ Normally, the radial styloid

process projects further
distally than the ulnar styloid
■ Consequently, when fracture
within the distal 2 cm of the
radius (Colles’ fracture)
occurs, this relationship is
reversed because of
shortening of the radius.
Metastatic carcinoma proximal radius
Carpal bones 腕⻣

Proximal row ― (lateral to medial)

■ Scaphoid ⼿⾈⻣
■ Lunate ⽉⻣
■ Triquetral 三⻆⻣
■ Pisiform 豌⾖⻣
Distal row ― (lateral to medial)
■ Trapezium ⼤多⻆⻣
■ Trapezoid ⼩多⻆⻣
■ Capitate 头状⻣
■ Hamate 钩⻣
Carpal bones 腕⻣

⾈、⽉、三⻆、⾖ scaphoid, lunate, triquetral and pisiform
⼤、⼩、头状、钩 trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate
■ Numbered one to five from thumb
to little finger
■ Structure of each
❑ base (proximally) 掌⻣底
❑ Shaft 掌⻣⼲
❑ head (distally) 掌⻣头
■ Consist of 14 ―two for first digit
(thumb) and three for each of other
four digits
■ Structure of each
❑ base (proximally)
❑ Shaft
❑ trochlea of phalanx (distally) 指⻣滑⻋
❑ tuberosity of distal phalanx 远节指⻣粗隆

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