2023 - 2023 Semester One_TRA04611329824405

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Keilor Downs College

2023 - 2023 Semester One

Hoai Bao Nhi TRAN 1G2

Year 11
VSN: 921208227
Hoai Bao Nhi TRAN 1G2
Keilor Downs College - 2023 - 2023 Semester One

Biology 1&2 Mr Trent COCKS

In this unit, students examine the cell as the structural and functional unit of life, from the single-celled to the multicellular organism, including the
requirements for sustaining cellular processes. Students focus on cell growth, replacement and death and the role of stem cells in differentiation,
specialisation and renewal of cells. They explore how systems function through cell specialisation in vascular plants and animals and consider the
role homeostatic mechanisms play in maintaining an animal’s internal environment.

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

Behaves well and respects the learning

of others

Effective and productive use of class


Organised and prepared for class

Actively acts upon feedback to improve

Is up to date with all tasks

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Outcomes

How do cells function? S

How do plant and animal systems function? S

Practical Investigation. S

Learning Tasks
Outcome 1a - Cellular structure and function 78%
Outcome 1b - The cell cycle, growth, death and differentiation. 71%
Outcome 2a - Functioning systems 72%
Outcome 2b - regulation of systems 86%
Outcome 3 - How do scientific investigations develop understanding of how organisms regulate their functions? 80%
Semester exam 69%

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Chemistry 1&2 Ms Sofia IQBAL

The development and use of materials for specific purposes is an important human endeavour. In this unit, students investigate the chemical
structures and properties of a range of materials, including covalent compounds, metals, ionic compounds and polymers. They are introduced to
ways that chemical quantities are measured. They consider how manufacturing innovations lead to more sustainable products being produced for
society through the use of renewable raw materials and a transition from a linear economy towards a circular economy.

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

Behaves well and respects the learning

of others

Effective and productive use of class


Organised and prepared for class

Actively acts upon feedback to improve

Is up to date with all tasks

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Outcomes

How do the chemical structures of materials explain their properties and reactions? S

How are materials quantified and classified? S

How can chemical principles be applied to create a more sustainable future? S

Learning Tasks
Outcome 1a: How do the chemical structures of materials explain their properties and reactions? 87%
Outcome 2a: How are materials quantified and classified? 100%
Outcome 3: How can chemical principles be applied to create a more sustainable future? 100%
Semester exam 79%

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English as an additional Language 1&2 Ms Perri LALOR

The focus of this unit is on the reading of a range of texts, particularly narrative and persuasive texts, in order to comprehend, appreciate and
analyse the ways in which texts are constructed and interpreted. Students will develop competence and confidence in creating written, oral and
multi-modal texts.

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

Behaves well and respects the learning

of others

Effective and productive use of class


Organised and prepared for class

Actively acts upon feedback to improve

Is up to date with all tasks

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Outcomes

Reading and creating texts: On completion of this outcome, the student should be able to produce analytical and creative responses to texts. S

Analysing and presenting argument: On completion of this outcome, the student should be able to analyse how argument and persuasive S
language can be used to position audiences, and create their own texts intended to position audiences.

Learning Tasks
EXAM: Unit 1 EAL (Semester 1) 86%
Unit 1: AOS1 OC1b Analytical Response – Film as Text Gattaca 80%

Learning Tasks SN
Unit 1: AOS1 OC1a Personal Response - Film as Text Gattaca by Andrew Niccol S

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Maths Methods 1&2 Mr Lam PHAN

This semester Mathematical Methods students have developed their skills and demonstrated their understanding of mathematics by completing set
exercises, tests and problem solving activities on the following areas of study; Algebra, Functions and Graphs, Calculus and Probability.

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

Behaves well and respects the learning

of others

Effective and productive use of class


Organised and prepared for class

Actively acts upon feedback to improve

Is up to date with all tasks

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Outcomes

Is able to define, explain and apply mathematical procedures from the areas of study. S

Is able to apply, analyse and discuss mathematical procedures relating to non-familiar situations. S

Is able to use appropriate technology to analyse mathematics in situations requiring problem solving, modelling or investigative techniques. S

Learning Tasks
1. Quadratic Functions Test 83%
2. Functions and Graphs Test 92%
3. Applications Task 87%
4. Probability Test 76%
5. Exam 1 - Technology Free 98%
6. Exam 2 - Technology 82%

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Psychology 1&2 Mrs Sarah OCCHIPINTI

In this unit students examine the complex nature of psychological development, including situations where psychological development may not
occur as expected. Students examine the contribution that classical and contemporary knowledge from Western and non-Western societies,
including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, has made to an understanding of psychological development and to the development of
psychological models and theories used to predict and explain the development of thoughts, emotions and behaviours. They investigate the
structure and functioning of the human brain and the role it plays in mental processes and behaviour and explore brain plasticity and the influence
that brain damage may have on a person’s psychological functioning.

Class Attendance

Class Attendance (%) 100

Work Habits

Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently

Behaves well and respects the learning

of others

Effective and productive use of class


Organised and prepared for class

Actively acts upon feedback to improve

Is up to date with all tasks

Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Outcomes

What influences psychological development? S

How are mental processes and behaviour influenced by the brain? S

How does contemporary psychology conduct and validate psychological research? S

Learning Tasks
Outcome 1: How are people influenced to behave in particular ways? 80%
Outcome 2: What influences a person’s perception of the world? 100%
Outcome 3: Student-directed practical investigation 50%
Semester exam 77%

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