Reviewer-in-MAPEH-8 (3)

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Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.


_____1. Story telling is the oldest continuous tradition in the world. Which of the following includes the use of
puppet material accompaniment of background music to make it interesting to the audience?
A. Kabuki B. Peking Opera C. Senakulo D. Wayang Kulit
_____2. The most popular shamisen music was called naugata. Which best describes naugata?
A. beauty B. faded C. long song D. sorrowful song
_____3. Who sings the mood songs (suluk) at regular intervals during performances?
A. Dalang B. Gamelan C. Laosheng D. All of the above
_____4. Which of the following does NOT describe Ipponchoshi?
A. It is a long song.
B. It is a continuous pattern.
C. It is use in speeches building up to an explosive climax in the Aragoto.
D. It requires an extraordinary breath control that only a few experts succeed in achieving.
_____5. How will you describe Yuequin?
A. Cross flutes B. Kettle drum C. Guitar like D. Violin like
_____6. Which of the following musical instrument/s is/are used to signify the beginning of performance in
Peking opera?
A. Buchin and Huchin B. Talo and Siaglo C. Tanpiku D. Sona
_____7. What technique is best for subtle delivery of poetical text written in Japanese metrical form of
alternating seven and five syllables?
A. Fan-fan B. Gamelan C. Shamisen D. Yakuharai
_____8. In music class, your teacher introduced to you the different musical instruments used in Peking
Opera. Under Chordophones, there are violin-like and guitar-like. Your teacher asked you to enumerate the
guitar-like under chordophones. Which of the following enumerates your possible answer?
A. Huchin and Buchin C. Yuequin, Sansien and Pipa
B. Talo, Siaglo and Tanpiku D. Yuequin, Siaglo and Pipa
_____9. The dalang or the puppeteer manipulates the puppets, sings, and taps out signal to the orchestra. He
is characterized by being flexible. Which of the following statements best support the description stated?
A. The dalang is humorous.
B. The dalang speaks the parts of some characters in the story.
C. The dalang has the main ability to change his voice to give more life to a different character.
D. The dalang speaks the parts of all the characters and can change his voice to give more life to a
different character.
_____10. In theater arts music plays an important role. Most of the time in Asian theater an orchestra
provides the music score for the performances of the actors and actresses. Which of the following statements
details the orchestra of a Chinese opera?
A. The orchestra comprises about 8 musicians with each performance begins with a small and large gong
and cymbals. The conductor is at the center creating the melody with his cymbals.
B. The orchestra comprises of 5 musicians. The performances always begin with a medium sized gong and
cymbals. The conductor at the side of the orchestra creates the timbre with his cymbals.
C. The orchestra comprises 8 musicians. The conductor is at the center of the orchestra creating the tempo
of the musical score using his drum. Each performance starts with the small and large gong and cymbals.
D. The orchestra comprises 5 musicians. No conductor leads the orchestra and so the ensemble plays the
music simultaneously with each start of the performance initiated by small and large gong and cymbals.
_____11. There are different musical instruments used in Peking Opera. The instruments of the orchestra
have a well-defined place. When you watch Peking Opera, what musical instruments are classified as
A. Talo and Siaglo C. Talo, Siaglo, and Tanpiku
B. Talo and Sona D. Yuequin, Sansien, and Pipa
_____12. Your music teacher assigned your group to perform a Kabuki theater. Music is a part of the
performance, and you must improvise instruments that could closely resemble the Nagauta. Which of the
following instruments you are most likely to use?
A. You will use for your music banjos, small bamboo flute and small drum.
B. You will use for your music guitars, metal flutes and big drums.
C. You will use for your music banjos, small bamboo flutes and cymbals.
D. You will use for your music guitars, bamboo flutes and small drums.
_____13. Fan-pan is one of the techniques used in Peking opera. It has special property used to express many
kinds of meanings and situations. Which of the following best supports the description about Fan-pan?
A. It is commonly used for celebrations.
B. It is commonly used for sorrowful songs.
C. It is commonly used for sorrowful songs and only sung by bearded characters.
D. It is commonly used for sorrowful songs and sung by both male and female characters.


_____1. In Kabuki theater, pale green indicates __________________.

A. even temper B. heroism C. nobility D. peacefulness
_____2. Which of the following is the traditional Japanese drama?
A. Kabuki B. Peking Opera C. Wayang Kulit D. All of the above
_____3. Why do Peking Opera and Kabuki use different colors in their performances?
A. Color is the most exciting component of an art
B. Colors allow audience to create his own individuality and flare
C. People love to watch performance with different colors
D. The colors that are used in Peking Opera and Kabuki have different meanings
_____4. What is the meaning of wearing BLACK color on make up in Peking Opera?
A. suspiciousness and craftiness C. courage, bravery and uprightness
B. roughness and fierceness D. fierceness, ambition, and cool- headedness
_____5. There are features in Kabuki stage which is equipped with various mechanical contrivances for
dramatic effect. In the following features of Kabuki stage, which do you think is the platform raises the
performers from below the stage?
A. Hanamichi B. Kogakugo C. Mawaro butal D. Suppon
_____6. The performance element that includes both acrobatics and fighting with all manner of weaponry in
Peking opera is _______________.
A. Combat B. Dance-acting C. Speech D. Song
_____7. It is the shadow puppet play of Indonesia.
A. Kabuki B. Nang C. Peking opera D. Wayang Kulit
_____8. Peking Opera is the most dominant form of Chinese Opera, which combines music, vocal
performance, mime dance and acrobatics. It arose in Beijing in the mid Qing dynasty and became fully
developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. What are the four main skills that a performer needs to
utilize in Peking Opera?
A. Song, Speech, Dance Acting, Combat C. Song, Speech, Staging, Costuming
B. Song, Speech, Dance Acting, Staging D. Song, Staging, Costuming, Mie
____9. The sheng is a role type in Chinese opera for dignified and respectable male characters such as
Confucian scholars, nobles, or heads of households. They may be portrayed by either male actors or
actresses. In short, it is the main male role in Peking opera. If you will act as the main actor in a play, which
among the characters stated below will be your possible character?
A. Jing or chou C. Xiaosheng, Wusheng, or Laosheng
B. Laodan, Wudan, or Daomadan D. Xiaosheng, Wusheng, Laosheng, Jing or Chou
_____10. The teacher assigned every group to research the history of Peking Opera. On the day of
presentation. The teacher reminded the students to properly discuss and highlight the information gathered.
Which among the groups do you think will gain the highest score based on the circumstances?
A. Group 1 stated that Peking Opera is traditional art form of Japan.
B. Group 2 stated that Peking Opera is traditional art form of Japan, which is a combination of acting,
dancing and singing.
C. Group 3 stated that Peking Opera is traditional art form of China. It combines music, vocal
performance, pantomime, dance, and acrobatics.
D. Group 4 stated that Peking Opera started in the late 18th century and became fully developed and
recognized by the mid- 19th century. They added that it is traditional art form of China which
combines music, vocal performance, pantomime, dance, and acrobatics.
_____11. Formerly, based on the history, Japanese interpret the word Kabuki. It is a
traditional Japanese popular drama with singing and dancing performed in a highly stylized manner. It has
been a major theatrical form in Japan for four centuries. Based on the description, which of the following
reflects the meaning of the word KA-BU-KI?
A. Ka means dance, Bu means song, and Ki means art/skill.
B. Ka means song, Bu means dance, and Ki means art/skill.
C. Ka means costume, Bu means color, and Ki means props.
D. Ka means costume, Bu means dance and Ki means art/skill.
_____12. Kumadori is makeup used for theatrical performances. Specifically, Kabuki — a stylized form of
Japanese theater, which is known for its spectacular drama and the intricate makeup worn by the actors.
One of the colors actors’ wears is red, why do you think they use this color? Red means ____________________.
A. passion, heroism, righteousness, and other positive traits.
B. passion, heroism, and righteousness.
C. villainy, jealousy, and other negative traits.
D. villainy and heroism.
_____13. Dan is the general name for female roles in Chinese opera, often referring to leading roles. If you will
act as the main actress in a play, which among the characters stated below will be your possible character?
A. Qingyi
B. Laodan, Wudan, Daomadan, or Huadan
C. Laodan, Wudan, Daomadan, Qingyi, or Huadan
D. Xiaosheng, Wusheng, or Laosheng


_____1. Which of the following is the meaning of Sua-ku-sua dance?

A. Fingernail B. My Pomelo tree C. With the use of sticks D. None of the above.
_____2. A folk dance is a dance developed by people that reflect the life of the people of a certain country or
region. Which dance is known as Daling- Daling or Mengalain in Sabah which means “fingernail”.
A. Binislakan B. Pangalay C. Sakuting D. Sua-ku-sua
_____3. Dancer spring his/her one foot and land on the other foot. This step is called _________.
A. Bend B. Leap C. Padyak D. Saludo
_____4. What do you call a dance term that means to bow?
A. Bend B. Leap C. Saludo D. Stamp
_____5. Which of the following folk dances is categorized as a social dance?
A. Binislakan B. Sua-ku-sua C. Pangalay D. All of the above
_____6. Which of the following costumes should Pangalay dancers use?
A. Barawasi and Sawal C. Joloana costume
B. Camisa de Chino and red pants D. Native Ilocano Kimono style
_____7. Which of the following movements or steps is particular in Sua-ku-sua dance?
A. The figures of this dance may be created.
B. Dancers may form their own combinations.
C. Fans transform into tiny sails, face mirrors, butterflies, shields, and leaves.
D. There are no definite directions, sequence of figures, number and kinds of steps, hand movements,
and positions when performed by the natives.
_____8. How will you perform the waltz step?
A. Step R; Step L close to R in rear; step R C. Step, close, step
B. Pivot and turn heels, pivot and turn toes D. Execute 2 waltz to make a turn.
_____9. The following dance steps are used in Pangalay Dance.
A. Right shoulders towards the audience.
B. Stating with Right foot walk to the center room.
C. Stay in place.
D. Star with the right foot, walks to the center room, both arms down at the side palms down fingers
together, and pointed outward. Face the audience, right shoulders towards the audience, repeat the
step, repeat slides, and turn right to the Saludo.
_____10. Binislakan folk dance came to the Philippines with Chinese Immigrants. The dance is used to
commemorate the Chinese pirate, Limahong. In this folk dance, what is the used of two sticks?
A. To make their dance livelier.
B. To imitate the chopsticks used by the Chinese in eating.
C. To produce rhythms, imitating the chopsticks used by the Chinese in eating
D. To produce rhythms producing the accompaniment for the dance.
_____11. Nina wanted to learn the basic steps of how to dance the different folk dances of the Philippines.
What are the basic steps that she should consider in the arm position?
A. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th position. C. 6th position only
rd th
B. 3 and 4 position. D. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th position
______12. Philippine folk dances speak so much about the heartbeat of our people for they talk about our
customs, ideas, beliefs, superstitions, and events in daily living in a certain community. The historical
background and context of the dance literature Binislakan, Sakuting, Sua-ku-sua and Pangalay have Asian
influence. Which of the following countries influenced Sua-ku-sua dance?
A. China B. China, Malaysia, and Indonesia C. Thailand D. Malaysia and Indonesia
______13. What is the possible injury or emergency that may happen to you during the dance performance?
A. Cramps, sprains, muscle pain C. Sprains
B. Sprains and cramps. D. Brain damage


_____1. Which of the following are gateway drugs?

A. Cigarette and alcohol B. Junk foods C. Tobacco and beer D. All of the above
_____2. Which of the following is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that comes from a plant that underwent
A. Alcohol B. Cigarettes C. Junk foods D. Marijuana
_____3. Which of the following long-term effects of drinking alcohol refers to severe scarring of the liver?
A. Brain damage B. Cirrhosis C. Stroke D. Throat cancer
_____4. Which of the following diseases refers to the inflammation of the airways from the trachea into the
A. Asthma B. Bronchitis C. Emphysema D. Pneumonia
_____5. A type of disease that can be acquired by smoking cigarettes and that makes body cells grow
A. Asthma B. Bronchitis C. Cancer D. Heart disease
_____6. What healthy alternatives can one use to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol?
A. Hang out with smoking groups but do not smoke.
B. Join sports clubs and school organizations.
C. Try one puff to be part of the gang.
D. All of the above.
_____7. What will happen to a person who has consumed an unregulated amount of alcohol?
A. He/she will feel that his/her stomach is full.
B. It can give him/her extra strength and energy.
C. It may result to intoxication and alteration of the nervous system.
D. All of the above.
_____8. What are gateway drugs?
A. Gateway drugs are legal drugs that can be accessed and can be used by everyone at any age through
local stores like cigarettes and consumable alcohol.
B. Gateway drugs are cigarettes and alcohol which can be healthy for our body.
C. Gateway drugs are practically consumable every day to stay fit and in shape.
D. Gateway drugs are eventually a stable food safe to take from time to time.
_____9. How can you prevent yourself from getting a disease caused by too much alcohol intake?
A. Drink everyday C. Drink responsibly.
B. Drink occasionally and moderately. D. Drink moderately, occasionally, and responsibly.
_____10. How will you help a person avoid using gateway drug?
A. Having supportive friends and family, planning a goal setting, motivate one with a good lifestyle.

B. Advise him/ her to undergo proper counseling.

C. Help him/her to divert attention from illegal drugs and keep him/her away from drugs.
D. Go to a social alcohol group.
_____11. There are 3 types of smoke from cigarettes. The mainstream, side stream, and third-hand smoke.
Why do you think side stream smoke is more dangerous than mainstream smoke?
A. It has more harmful toxins that can cause cancer.
B. Side stream smoke is unfiltered and very dangerous, thus harmful toxins and chemicals is directed to
other person’s lungs after inhaling the smoke
C. You breathe in many chemicals as much as the mainstream smoke.
D. None of the above
_____12. Which of the following is the negative impact of alcohol on the family?
A. Less tourism in the country
B. Harmonious relationship of the family members
C. Unemployment of alcoholic parents
D. Misunderstanding among family members
_____13. Which of the following is TRUE about the three types of alcohol?
A. Isopropyl, ethanol, and methanol are poisonous substances that are used in laboratory purposes.
B. Isopropyl and methanol are used in laboratories while ethanol is called as beverage alcohol.
C. Isopropyl is used in laboratories while ethanol and methanol are called as beverage alcohol.
D. Isopropyl, methanol and ethanol are water that can be drink by all individuals.

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