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Things to consider in formulating an action plan

1. A clear vision.

A clear vision of what you want helps you to see opportunities around your community.

2. A set of values

Values are what an organization believes and the behaviors it agrees to embody.

3. The strategic framework

A strategic framework is a structured method used to define how a project or initiative supports the key
objectives of stakeholders.

4. An overall goal

An overall goal is for the benefit of the whole community.


A community action plan is a road map for implementing community change by identifying and
specifying WHAT will be done, WHO will do it and HOW it will be done.

Six Step Community Action Plan

1. Study the community (PESTEL MODEL)

2. Map out the community (Community needs assessment.
3. Engage the stakeholders (Key Informant Interview/ Focus Group Discussion)
4. Plot the community needs (SWOT Analysis)
5. Mobilize the project (Specific Plan of Action)

1. Project Title (Name of Activity)

2. Target Community

3. Nature of Project

4. Objectives

5. Time Frame

6. Persons Involved (Implementers/Partners)

7. Resources

8. Projected Outcome

9. Remarks

1. COMMUNITY PROFILE is the process of developing an understanding of the people and describing the
detailed picture of the target community.

2. COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT is a systematic process for determining and addressing needs or
gaps between current conditions wants.

3. BUILDING PARTNERSHIP- Based on the study of Snow, partnership is related to other terms such as
collaboration, coalition, network, task group, work group, cooperation, and others which are used to
describe a wide variety of relationships

And structures.

4. RESOURCE MOBILIZATION is a process where we identify the resources essential for the development,
implementation, and continuation of works for achieving the organization’s mission.

5. Leadership Development and Participatory Planning is another important part of the community
action. Leaders emanate from selected group, volunteers, or individuals known as the core working

6. Social Action it can be done by one or more persons in such a manner that his/her action is intended
to influence others and perform the action to act or face some social situation.

7. Evaluation- It is conducted in the middle and at the end of the scheduled completion of the
community action plan to evaluate the effectivity and success of the project.

Strategies of Empowerment and Advocacy of a Community Action Initiative

1.Secure Strong Leadership-Engage strong leaders within the community members.

2. Establish Formal Structure- a formal structure must be created for it can effectively lead community
change efforts.

3. Engage the stakeholders engage people, groups or institutions that may be affected by or are
important to the achievement of the stated purpose of a project

4. Conduct a Needs assessments-it’s a way of asking group or community members what they see as the
most important needs of that group or community.

5. Create a Strategic Plan- develop a strategic plan that lays out the goals and objectives.
What are the Core Values?

According to Oxford Dictionary, values are pramciples or Rone belief that person or organzation views as
being of central importance Ke Another definition of core values is that these “are the fundamental
beliefs of a person or unprivation.


According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), it is
defined as “the rights inherent to all human beings. Whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex,
national or ethnic orgia, color, religion, language or any other status.


It is the fair access to opportunities, like education, livelihood and resmaces It involves participation in
cultural and political practices in the community like the social justice.


As defined by United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment “the equal rights,
responsibilities, and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys.


Its objective is to engage the marginalized group in programs and activities that will benefit them. It
must have advocacies to enable the marginalized groups to promote their rights. The more participation
from the community, the higher is the possible success and sustainability of the programs and projects.

Characteristics of Short- and Long-Term Community Action Initiatives


Short-term projects typically require less money to complete than long-term efforts.


The number of resources required for a short-term project typically depends on the type of product or
service being developed.

Short-term projects typically have a limited impact.


Long-term projects tend to be complex. Project plans describe multiple objectives, Business needs and
interdependent requirements.

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