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The study aimed to investigate the impact of parental influence on the career choices of Grade 12
students at Muñoz National High School Main. The research explored various factors shaping parental
decisions, such as socioeconomic status, educational background, and cultural influences, and their
correlation with students’ career choices. A descriptive survey design was employed, with data collected
through a hard copy questionnaire distributed to Grade 12 students. The study analyzed responses using
statistical tools like simple percentage, weighted mean, and Likert scale.

Findings revealed that parental influence. Significantly affects students’ career decision-making process.
Parents, particularly mothers, emerged as primary influencers, often expressing high expectations for
their children’s careers. While others frequently discussed career options with their children and
provided support, there were instances where students felt limited in making their own decisions. The
occupation of parents was found to strongly impact students’ career choices, indicating the influence of
familial expectations and socioeconomic status.

Across different academic strands, variations were observed in the frequency of parental influence, with
STEM students reporting higher levels of parental involvement compared to other strands. However,
parental influence was present across all strands, indicating its pervasive nature regardless of academic


Parental influence plays a crucial role in shaping the career choices of Grade 12 students. While this
influence can provide valuable guidance and support, it is essential for parents to recognize the
importance of nurturing their children’s individual interests and aspirations. By promoting a balanced
approach that combines parental guidance with personal exploration, students can make more informed
and fulfilling career choices.

Parental influence can be both a source of support and a constraint, depending on how it is manifested.
Parents who encourage open communication, respect their children’s interests, and provide guidance
without imposing their own expectations tend to foster better outcomes in terms of student satisfaction
and confidence in career choices.

The findings contribute to the existing body of knowledge on career development and parental
influence, providing insights into the complex interplay of factors shaping students’ career trajectories.
Further research in this area could explore additional variables and contexts to deepen our
understanding of how parental influence impacts career decision-making among senior high school


This research is based on quantitative methods. Identify various forms of parental influence advice,
expectation and financial support on grade 12 students. Also we should conduct our research in whole
school and not just a grade 12 students cause every students can feel the parental influence on career
choices. Assess how parental influence on shaping students career aspirations, decisions and planning.
Understand students perspectives on parental influence and how they plan their own career interests
and parental expectations. Also obtain a consent from all participants, ensuring they understand the
purpose and procedures of the study. Also provide a students various career options independently and
to communicate their aspirations effectively with their parents. Also define a specific and measurable
objectives guide our study. Focus on various dimensions of parental influence, such as academic
performances , emotional well being and career choices. Also understand the experience of the students
regarding parental influence.

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