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This Accounting Services Agreement is entered on /12/2018 into by and between"

1. AFAQ ACCOUNTING, a Firm established and exiting in Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates

refer hereinafter as (the Accountant)


2. M/s a Company established and exiting in Emirate of Dubai United Arab


refer hereinafter as (the Client)

WHEREAS the Client wishes to retain the Accountant for providing an accounting and bookkeeping
services and the accountant has the professional license in United Arab Emirates to provide such
AND WHEREAS the Client agrees to engage and compensate the Accountant as an independent
contractor for these services, and the Accountant agrees to provide such services.

THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions detailed in this Accounting Services
Agreement, the receipt, understanding, and approval of which is duly acknowledged through
signature from both parties below, all parties to this contract agree to the following:

Article (1) Performance

Accountant hereby agrees that he shall follow the highest professional standards in performing all
Services to be provided under this Agreement.

Article (2) Service

The accountant will provide the client with following services
• Journal Entries
• Invoicing and Purchase order issuing.
• VAT Report Generating.
• Full Financial Statement Reporting.
• Payroll recording.
• Receipts recording.
Article (3) Material & Data Access
The Client agrees to provide the Accountant with full access to all financial accounts and records.
Client will be solely responsible to supply the Accountant all information, materials, data, and
documents necessary to perform the Services agreed under this Agreement. Client acknowledges
and agrees that the accuracy of financial information supplied to Accountant is the sole
responsibility of the Client. Accountant shall not be held responsible for the production of inaccurate
financial statements, records and billings, or any other financial reports if the financial data
submitted by the Client is inaccurate.

Article (4) Contract Term

This accounting services agreement is considered effective as of sign it, and shall proceed for one
year and will be renewed by mutually approval until cancelled by either party.

Article (5) External Accountant

The Client agrees to engage the Accountant as an External Accountant. The Accountant shall not be
considered an employee, broker, or tax agent of the client.

Article (6) Fees and Payment

The Client agrees to pay amount of AED monthly to the Accountant for the services provided
and the Accountant shall provide an invoice to the Client for services rendered every 30 calendar
days. Each invoice shall be paid in full by the Client within 15 days of issuance.

Article (7) Confidentiality

The Accountant agrees to consider all Client data and information as sensitive, and confidential in
nature. As such, the Accountant shall not share such information with any party without express
written consent from the Client, unless otherwise required to do so by law.

Article (9) Contract Termination

Either party may cancel this Accounting Services Agreement by providing 30 days’ written notice to
the other party via certified mail. If this contract is cancelled, any services rendered (but not yet
invoiced) will be invoiced per the payment terms of this agreement.

Article (10) Liability

The Client agrees to indemnify and hold the Accountant harmless against any and all claims of loss or
damage, save for cases of the Accountant’s gross negligence or willful misconduct.

Article (10) Terminate

Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (15) days written notice in this regard
to the other party.

Article (10) Jurisdiction

This Accounting Services Agreement shall be governed and interpreted accordance with the laws of
Dubai Courts, United Arab Emirates.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.


Sign and stamp

Second Party:
Sign and stamp

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