Math paper (2)

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Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024


SUBJECT Mathematics – Assessment Task

TOPICS FDP, Ratio & Rates, Indices, Algebra & Linear Relationships
TASK TYPE Reading and Writing (In-class) *Electronic Calculator NOT allowed
Students to show and apply understanding in the following topics:
● Fractions, Decimals & Percentages
OUTCOMES TO ● Mark-ups & DIscounts including GST
● Ratios and Rates
● Exponents & Roots
● Algebra (Substitution, Adding & Subtracting Like Terms, Multiplying &
Dividing Algebraic Terms, Expansion & Factorisation)
● Solving Linear Equations including those with unknowns on both sides
DUE DATE Term 2, Week 6 (Mon, 20 May 2024)


2 hours MARKS OBTAINED / 105 Marks

Task Instruction: Full presentation of working must be shown.

GRADE (%) Description

● Recalls almost all subject specific vocabulary (including synonyms, technical and
conceptual terminology, passive voice in the mathematical context)
A (85-100)
● Describes, presents and evaluates data to a good standard
● Gives very clear explanations and provide opinions
● Recalls most subject specific vocabulary (including synonyms, technical and
conceptual terminology, passive voice in the mathematical context)
B (70-84)
● Describes, presents and evaluates data to a reasonable standard
● Gives clear explanations and provide opinions
● Recalls some subject specific vocabulary (including synonyms, technical and
conceptual terminology, passive voice in the mathematical context)
C (55-69)
● Describes, presents and evaluates data to a basic standard
● Gives some clear explanations and provide opinions
● Recalls little subject specific vocabulary (including synonyms, technical and
conceptual terminology, passive voice in the mathematical context)
D (40-54)
● Describes, presents and evaluates data to a limited standard
● Gives unclear explanations and provide opinions
E (0-39) ● Does not reach any of the descriptors above.
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

1 Write a number (integer, decimal or fraction) in each box to make each statement true.


2 Calculate 3 + (3 − 5) − 2 × 6. Working must be shown in the space below.

………………………………… [2]
3 Order from smallest to largest:

87 21
0. 44 200
0. 432 43. 7% 50


4 Write integers in the boxes below to make each statement true. [2]

Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

5 Using index laws, simplify the following. Show all working.

Present your answer in index form for the pronumerals. [16]

(a) (− 4𝑎2𝑏5) × 3𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
7 9
(b) 36𝑔 ℎ
4 6
÷ 48𝑔 ℎ

5 3 2
(d) 3𝑝𝑞 × (− 4𝑝 𝑞)
(c) − 4𝑎 ( ) + 9𝑎0 − 10

3 6 2 4 4
(e) 20𝑎 𝑏 ÷ 5𝑎 𝑏 (f) 2𝑦( 7)

2 5 3 3
𝑚𝑛 𝑚
(g) − 15𝑎 𝑏 × 3𝑎𝑏 (h) ÷
3 6𝑛
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

6 In a country, people have to pay tax on their salary as shown.

Matthew earns $16,000.

Calculate the amount of tax he pays.

$………………………………… [2]
7 The value of John’s wallet is $900.
This value decreases by 15%. Calculate the new value of John’s wallet, showing
your working clearly.

$………………………………… [2]
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

8 Find the value of these expressions when 𝑎 = − 1 , 𝑏 =− 2 and 𝑐 = 3.

Show full working

(a) 3𝑐 − 8𝑏

………………………………… [1]

(b) 5𝑎𝑏

………………………………… [2]

2 2
9 We know that 9 = 81 and the square of another number is also 81. (𝑥 = 81).
What is the other number?
………………………………… [1]

2 2
10 Write (3 ) in exponent form with a base and a power.

………………………………… [1]

11 Which 2 number cards when multiplied together gives the lowest possible answer?

Write your answer in the blank cards below.

0.1 0.05
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

12 Show full working (write answers as mixed numbers & in simplified form as
necessary). [8]

1 3 1 2
(a) 2 4
+ 1 8
(b) − 4
− (− 3

6 5 5
(c) − 10
× 6
(d) 8
÷ 7
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

13 Two integers multiply together to make -32. (𝑥𝑦 = − 32)

The same two integers add together to make 4. (𝑥 + 𝑦 = 4)
What are the two integers, 𝑥 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑦 ?

………………………………… and ………………………………… [2]

14 Simplify the following expressions. Show working in the spaces provided. [8]

(a) 13𝑥 − 6𝑦 + 4𝑥 + 10𝑦 2 6

(b) 2𝑚 𝑛 + 5𝑚𝑛 − 𝑚 𝑛 − 3𝑛𝑚
2 6

8 2 5𝑚 𝑚
(c) 𝑎
− 𝑎
(d) 6
− 3

15 Vicky can type 1200 words in half an hour.

(a) How many words can she type in an hour?

…………………………words [1]

(b) How many words can she type in 20 minutes?

…………………………words [1]
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

16 Two shops sell packs of pens.

I want to buy 100 pens.

Which shop has cheaper pens?

Show your working. [2]

Tick ✓ the correct answer.

Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024


(a) How does the table tell us that 49 × 343 = 16 807 ? [*Hint: Use an indices rule]


117 649
(b) Using the table, calculate the value of 2401

18 For the following expression, 2𝑝𝑞 + 4
+ 3𝑞 − 12


The number of terms

The coefficient of 𝑝𝑞

The coefficient of 𝑝

The constant term

Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

19 Solve to find 𝑥. Show all your working.

(a) 2𝑥 − 1 = 7 [2]

(b) 4 − 5
=5 [2]

3(2𝑝 + 4)
(c) 14
= 1 [3]

(d) 9−𝑥
=− 2 [3]

3𝑥+5 𝑥−7
(e) 4
− 5
= 1 [4]
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

20 The cost of strawberries is $3 per kilogram.

(a) Underline the correct formula that gives the total cost in dollars (T) for x kilograms
of strawberries. [1]

(b) Use the formula to calculate the cost of strawberries weighing 12 kg.

$………………………………… [1]

21 Raya, Isla and Betty have 27 sweets in total. Raya has 𝑥 sweets. Isla has twice as

many sweets as Raya. Betty has 3 fewer sweets than Isla.

(a) Circle the expression that shows the number of sweets that Betty has. [1]

2𝑥 + 3 2(𝑥 − 3) 3𝑥 − 2 2𝑥 − 3

(b) Calculate the number of sweets that Isla has.


(c) Calculate the ratio of the number of sweets Isla has to the number of sweets Betty
has. Give your answer in the simplest form
Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

……….… : …………[2]

22 A group of friends went out for dinner and at the end of the meal, one person paid the

total of $150.23 as shown in the receipt below. Lisa, who was part of the group, ate the

beef baguette and drank a hot honey lemon. Calculate, to the nearest cent, how much

Lisa needs to pay her friend for her share of the meal. (*Note: She needs to include the

10% service charge and the 9% GST). Working must be clearly shown in the space

given below. [3]

Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

Lisa needs to pay $______________ (to the nearest cent)

23 Expand each of these expressions and simplify wherever possible.

(a) 8(3𝑥 + 2𝑦)


(b) 7𝑝 10𝑝 − 3 )


(c) − (5𝑑 + 4)


(d) 3𝑡 + 5(2𝑝 + 5𝑡) − 𝑝


(e) 2(3𝑦 − 4) − 2(2𝑦 − 1)

Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024

24 Fully factorise the following expressions.

(a) 10𝑎 − 30


3 2
(b) 14𝑦 − 7𝑦


3 3 4 2
(c) 18𝑎 𝑏 − 24𝑎 𝑏


3 2
(d) 𝑥 + 3𝑥 + 5𝑥 + 15

Australian International School Singapore Assessment 2024


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