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ask some basic comprehension questions to

Duration: 40 mins. check understanding if necessary.
Objectives: ★ Can understand the speaker’s 3) (T-S, S-T) Go through SPEAKING FOCUS and check
Ss understand how to say what while offering
point of view on most topics delivered at
initial thoughts, justifying their speculations,
natural speed and in standard language (GSE
rethinking their ideas and hedging (the concept of
65 – B2).
cautious language). Wherever possible, suggest
★ Can speculate about causes, consequences alternative phrases to replace the ones given
or hypothetical situations (GSE 64 – B2). there. Drill the phrases as a whole class and with
Resources: Focus 5 Unit 1 random individuals if necessary.
4) (S-S, T-S, S-T) Refer Ss to Ex 5. Read through the
★ p.11, WB p.11
rubric with the class and check understanding.
Then put Ss into pairs and give them 2-3 mins.
PROCEDURE to do the task. Monitor and support as they do
this. When they are ready, invite pairs to tell
WARM-UP (7-8 mins.)
the class how they think the person in Photo A
1) (S-S, T-S, S-T) Refer Ss to Ex 1 and look at the should be described, giving justifications for their
photos and descriptions. Check understanding of speculations and have a brief class discussion.
all the words/phrases e.g. pensive (thinking deeply
about something, especially because you are sad PRODUCTION (8-10 mins.)
or worried), aloof (not friendly or interested in 1) (S-S, S-T, T-S) Refer Ss to Ex 6. Put Ss into pairs
other people), introspective (tending to think a and tell them that they are going to talk about
lot about your own thoughts, feelings, etc.) and the person in Photo B. Tell Ss that they should
uptight (worried or nervous and not able to relax). use phrases from the SPEAKING FOCUS and
Then put Ss into pairs and give them 1 min. to the questions to help them. Give Ss 1-2 mins. to
decide which person in the photos best fits each make notes and prepare. When they are ready,
description. When they have finished, elicit ideas give them 3 mins. to discuss. As Ss interact with
from the pairs and have a quick class discussion. each other, walk around taking notes on what
Then give Ss 1 extra min. to think of other words you hear. When they have finished, invite pairs
or phrases they would use to describe the people to tell the class what they discussed and have a
in the photos. brief class discussion. Then go over any issues
2) (S-S, S-T) Give Ss 2 mins. to compare their list of that came out while you were monitoring.
words or phrases with a partner. Tell them to
justify their choices if they are different. When WRAP-UP (1-2 mins.)
they have finished, elicit ideas from different Ss 1) (S-T, T-S) Ask Ss what they have done during the
with their justifications. (Ex 2) lesson and what they have learnt.
1) (S-T, T-S) Tell Ss that they are going to listen to 1) Give Ss WB p.11 as HW.
Chris and Jess talking about one of the photos 2) For the next class, copy Julia’s email on SB p.12
and find which photo she is describing and which and create a gap-fill activity to practise formal
phrases she uses from Ex 1. Play the recording style and vocabulary. (Put blanks instead of the
ONCE and then do a class check. (Ex 3) underlined sections and words/phrases in purple)
2) (T-S, S-T) Ss do Ex 4 individually. Give them 3
Make a copy for each student in your class.
mins. to read the SPEAKING FOCUS and complete
the text. When they have finished, play the
recording again so that Ss can listen and check
their answers. Then do a quick class check and

© Pearson Education Limited Focus 5 Second Edition 1

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