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support as they do this. When they are ready,

Duration: 40+40 mins. invite pairs to share what they have discussed
Objectives: ★ Can generally understand with the class.
details of events, feelings and wishes in 2) (T-S, S-T) Ss do Ex 3 individually. Give them 3 mins.
letters, emails and online postings (GSE 51 – to read Julia’s email and answer the questions.
B1+). Then elicit the answers and check.
ADVICE – See Culture Notes on TB p.171 for
★ Can express opinions on topics, using
information about a Member of Parliament (MP).
linguistically complex language (GSE 74 –
3) (S-S, T-S, S-T) Refer Ss to Ex 4. Tell them that
B2+). they are going to change the sections in purple
★ Can write a formal email/letter of invitation in Julia’s email to make it sound more formal.
with appropriate register and conventions Discuss the example with the class. Then put Ss
(GSE 60 – B2). into pairs and give them 3 mins. to change the
other sections. Tell them to write their answers in
★ Can express the same idea with a different
their notebooks. Monitor and support as they do
level of formality appropriate to the audience
this. When they have finished, elicit Ss’ ideas but
(GSE 70 – B2+).
do not confirm at this stage. Tell Ss that they will
Resources: Focus 5 Unit 1 find out the answer when they read the WRITING
★ pp.12-13, WB pp.12-13, Teacher’s Book FOCUS.
p.171 4) (T-S, S-T) Refer Ss to Ex 5. Give them 2 mins. to
Online resources: Teacher’s Resources, read the WRITING FOCUS and compare the rules
in it with their ideas from Ex 4. In feedback, go
Sample answer for Exercise 9
through the WRITING FOCUS with the class and
check Ss understand the rules for how to write in
PROCEDURE a formal style. Either give some more examples
for each rule or ask Ss to come up with some.
WARM-UP (7-8 mins.)
5) (S-S, S-T, T-S) Refer Ss to Ex 6. Tell Ss that they will
1) (T-S, S-T) Books closed. Activate Ss’ interest in
rewrite the sentences in a more formal style using
the topic. Write “Family is not an important thing,
the word in capitals and the WRITING FOCUS to
it’s everything.” on the board. Ask: How far do you
help them. Tell them to write their answers in
agree? Elicit answers from different Ss and have a
their notebooks. Monitor and make sure Ss are
quick class discussion.
using the correct forms as they do this. Then ask
2) (S-S, S-T, T-S) Ask Ss to turn to p.12 and look at Ex
Ss to check their answers in pairs before doing a
1. Put them into pairs and give them 2 mins. to
class check.
look at the photos on the poster and discuss the
6) (S-S, T-S, S-T) Ss do Ex 7 individually. Give them
questions. When they have finished, elicit what
2 mins. to complete the LANGUAGE FOCUS and
the families are doing in each of the photos. Then
then 1 extra min. to check their answers in pairs
invite pairs to share their ideas about the second
before doing a class check. Then ask Ss to make
question and have a quick class discussion.
sentences using as many of the formal vocabulary
Finally, elicit ideas from the whole class in answer
items as they can in 3 mins. Monitor, support
to the third question and write them in a list on
and identify problems as they do this. Then elicit
the board.
sentences from individual Ss and check.
PRACTICE (30-32 mins.)
WRAP-UP (1-2 mins.)
1) (S-S, S-T, T-S) Refer Ss to Ex 2. Give them 1-2
1) (S-T, T-S) Ask Ss what they have done during the
mins. to look at the poster again and read the
lesson and what they have learnt.
information. Then put Ss into pairs and give them
2 mins. to discuss the questions. Monitor and

© Pearson Education Limited Focus 5 Second Edition 1



1) (S-T, T-S) Ask Ss what they have done during the
WRITING TASK (38 mins.) lesson and what they have learnt.
1) (T-S, S-T) Give a copy of the gap-fill activity you
prepared beforehand to each student in the
class. Give them 2 mins. to complete it using the 1) Give Ss WB pp.12-13 as HW.
WRITING FOCUS and LANGUAGE FOCUS to help 2) Ask Ss to study the Word list on pp.147-148 in
them. Monitor and support as they do this. Then the SB.
do a quick class check. (Ex 8) 3) Ask Ss to revise for Focus review 1 (lessons 1.1-
REMEMBER – Copy Julia’s email on SB p.12 and 1.7).
create a gap-fill activity to practise formal style
and vocabulary. (Put blanks instead of the
underlined sections and words/phrases in purple
in the email.) Make a copy for each student in
your class.
2) (S-S) Refer Ss to Ex 9. Read through the writing
task with the class and check understanding.
Then give Ss 30 mins. to write a letter of 220-
260 words inviting someone they feel would be
suitable to the youth centre where they are a
volunteer. Remind them to use the email they
completed in Ex 8, the WRITING FOCUS and the
LANGUAGE FOCUS to help them. As they do this,
walk around monitoring, supporting and taking
notes of any problems.
3) (S-S) When they have finished writing, tell Ss to
self-check their letters.
4) (S-S) Put Ss into pairs and tell them to swap their
letters. Ss should now check if their partner’s letter
includes all the information and if everything is
clear and then they give it back.
5) (S-S) Give Ss another 3 mins. to make changes to
their letters based on the feedback they get from
their partner. Then Ss hand them in for your
evaluation and feedback.
ADVICE – In a follow-up lesson, read the best
letter aloud so that Ss can compare theirs with
it. Alternatively, put Ss into groups of four and
give four letters to each of the groups. Then Ss
read and decide which letter is the best. Ask for a
summary of the best letter from each group with
reasons why they think it is the best. (Ss might be
provided with writing assessment criteria for this

© Pearson Education Limited Focus 5 Second Edition 2

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