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Duration: 40 mins. 2) (S-T, T-S) Refer Ss to Ex 4. Give them 2-3 mins.
Objectives: ★ Can express opinions on to read the GRAMMAR FOCUS and check their
topics, using linguistically complex language. answers in Ex 3. Then go through the GRAMMAR
(GSE 74 – B2+) FOCUS with the class. Discuss when/why to use
inversions and how to form them. Give further
★ Can invert subject and verb after initial
examples/explanations where necessary.
complex adverbials (GSE 74 – B2+).
OPTION – Go through Grammar and Use of
Resources: Focus 5 Unit 9 English 9.3 on pp.142-143 with Ss. Then tell them
★ pp.104, 142-143, Photocopiable Resource to complete Ex 1 on p.143 individually. Do a quick
26 pp.218-219, 255, WB p.104. class check (This could be given as HW).

Online resources: Extra digital activities, PRACTICE (8-10 mins.)

Grammar Checkpoint 1) (S-S, S-T, T-S) Ss do Ex 5 individually. Give them
2 mins. to complete the sentences and then 1
PROCEDURE extra min. to check their answers in pairs. Ss can
refer to the GRAMMAR FOCUS to help them. In
WARM-UP (7-8 mins.) feedback, check the structure for each sentence
1) (T-S, S-T) Books closed. Activate Ss’ interest in the re-eliciting the rules for how to form inversions.
topic. Ask: Have you ever been in a natural disaster? 2) (S-S, S-T, T-S) Ss do Ex 6 individually. Give them 3
What and how was it? Elicit ideas from different Ss. mins. to write the sentences and to check their
2) (S-S, T-S, S-T) Ask Ss to turn to p.104 and look at answers in pairs before doing a class check. Tell
Ex 1. Put them into pairs and give them 2 mins. Ss to write their answers in their notebooks.
to look at the photo and discuss the questions. Monitor and identify problems as they do this. In
Monitor and support as they do this. When they feedback, recheck the form and concept for each
have finished, elicit descriptions of the situation sentence.
in the photo. Then elicit Ss’ ideas as to the short- OPTION – Give Ss time to write sentences similar
and long-term consequences of that situation and to the first ones in the exercise. Then put Ss into
have a brief class discussion. pairs and tell them to swap their sentences and
3) (T-S, S-T) Give Ss 1-2 mins. to read the report rewrite their partner’s sentences so that they
about the short- and long-term effects of flash have a similar meaning. Then elicit sentences
flooding and compare them with their answers from different Ss and check.
in Ex 1. Then ask for a show of hands to find out
whose answers were the same and whose were PRODUCTION (7-8 mins.)
different. Then ask some basic comprehension 1) (S-S, S-T, T-S) Tell Ss that in a few minutes they will
questions to check understanding of the report if discuss extreme weather conditions. Give Ss 1
necessary. (Ex 2) min. to think of some recent examples of extreme
weather which have been in the news. Tell them
PRESENTATION (12-13 mins.)
to make notes of the details and prepare to speak.
1) (S-S, T-S, S-T) Refer Ss to Ex 3. Read through the
Then put Ss into pairs and give them 3 mins.
rubric with the class and check understanding.
to discuss. As Ss interact with each other, walk
Then put Ss into pairs and give them 2 mins. to
around taking notes on what you hear. Encourage
compare sentences and answer the questions.
them to use inversion of the adverbials where
Monitor and support as they do this. When they
necessary. When they have finished, invite pairs
are ready, invite pairs to share their ideas with the
to share what they have discussed with the class.
rest of the class and have a brief class discussion
Then give some feedback based on your notes.
but do not confirm answers at this stage. Tell Ss
(Ex 7)
that they will find out the answer when they read

© Pearson Education Limited Focus 5 Second Edition 1


WRAP-UP (1-2 mins.)

1) (S-T, T-S) Ask Ss what they have done during the
lesson and what they have learnt.

1) Give Ss WB p.104 as HW.
2) Ask Ss to prepare for a 10–20-minute Grammar
Quiz: Assessment Package, Unit 9, Grammar.

1) Refer to TB p.104 for extra activities.

© Pearson Education Limited Focus 5 Second Edition 2

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